1 . fhe tnarioiie unserver. RATES OP ADVERTISING. . " . ,i PUBLISHED BY' ; m'I jones & Mclaughlin. One Square one thne.....;.;......L0O twodavsA..... 1 50 three dxys...... ....U 2 09 four days...... ................ 2 59 five days..... 2 00 one week... ......... 3 59 two weeks...... ......... 5 00 three weeks.;......'............ 6 50 bffice, Bryce's Building,' t Trade Strect.f RATES OF ST7BSCSIFTI0X. , , i ' . (Sno vcnri in advancer $0 00 Six months, in advance, 3 00 Three Months, in advance................ 1 50 One month, in advance,. 50 i The Observer will - be delivered J in any part of the City at Fifteen Cents per week. ' : one month : 8 09 XSf Contract Advertisements taken at Vol; vni. 1 v; -! ; charlotte; n: c, Wednesday, January 8, 1873 proportionately low rates- ! ; t Five Sotrares estimated at a quarter-cot' umnv ten squares as a half-colunin, , 1 No.; 1T227 (CI,EAXSING FIRES. , BY ADELA11B naOCTOR. i . f i 5 let thy gold be cast in the furnace' ; Thy red gold, precious and bright ; ' v Do'not fear for the hungry fire, With its caverns of burning light, - -And the gold shall return more ' precious, Free from every spot and stain ; " J1or gold must be tried by fire,7 : ' .- :., As a heart must be tried by pain ! ,v y--J,..'- In the cruel fire of sorrow, , V qast thy heart, jlo not faint or wail ; Let thy hand be firm and,stcadyf, -Do not let thy spirit quail But wait till the trial is over, And take thy heart again ; -. ,lf. ,.-; ... For, as gold is tried by fire,. ,;, , ; , . , So a heart must be tried by pain L , I shall know by the gleam and the glitter Of the golden chain you wear, ., . By your heart's calm strength in loving, Of the fire you have had to bear ; . -Beat on, true heart, forever ! Shine bright, strong, golden chain ;.. .. And bless the cleansing fire, ' And the furnance pfliving Pm ! A B eantifol Incident - - - Eev. Dr. Adams, in -hia beautiful book of "Thanksgiving Memories" gives us the following incident : "In the Cathedral of Limerick there Jiangs a chime of bells, which were cast-in Italy by an enthusiast in his trade, who fixed his home near the monastery where they were first liunir, that he might enjoy , their sweet and solemn music. In ? political1 revolution the bells taken away to some distant some were land, ind the maker himself became a re- fngee and exile, brought him, after His wanderings many years, to Ireland. On a calm and, beautiful evening, as the vessel which bore Iiim. floated on the placed bosom of the Shannon, suddenly the evening (chimes pealed lorth from the cath edral towers. liJs experienced ear .i.,i(ht the, .sweet sounds, ,and he S -.v that; his lost treasures were i wi'd. His early home, his old If'.cnds. his beloved and native land. sill the best associations of his life were in those sounds. He laid him self back in the boat, crossed his ja ms upon his breast, and listened to the music. The boat, reached the wharf, but still he lav there, silent n nd m otionless. They spoke to him but be did not answer, lhey went to him' but his snirit had fled. The tide of memories that came"- vibrat ing throueh his heart at that wel known chime had suapped its life striners. It was this incident that suggested to Moore his song of "The Evening Bells." As Moore is not so much l ead as he used to be a quarter of a "i tury r.go, we reprint the lines as thov mav not be familiar to .our younger readers : 'Thnse evening bells '.Those evening bells How many a tale their music tells, Of youth and home, and that sweet time "When last 1 heard their soothing chime. Those joyous hours have passed away, AJr nianv a heart that then was gay, jjhm the tomb now darkly dwells. Arm bears no more these evening bells. 4 And tlius't shall be when I am gone, That tuneful peals shall still ring on, And other hards shall wake these dells. And sing your praise, sweet evening bells. SCHOOL BOOKS I SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL BOOKS -AT- jan 4. FAMILY b . m . p GEOCEKIES. ; RES 8 ON Trade Street, next door to the Post Sign of the Elephant.. Office, JUST RECEIVED, A Fresh Lot of Sausage, Mince Meat, Tork, Butter, Chickens, Eggs, &C:f Ac.' pir- FLOUR i specialty. ; gsr- Produce sold on commission, jan 3-ly '-i :r'A:' 'V' V CHOICE Odd'French Brandy fbV Medi cinal purpose, at Fi SCARR'S. jan 3 ' t - , "VTELSONS Geletine, a fresh supply, just IN received, at - : . SCARR'S. J jan 3 A New assoitaient of Kerosene Lamps, SCARR'S. just in, at jan -3 Eemoval. .'.'.jw TONES & JOHNSTON, Attorneys at Law, O have moved their office to the second floor of the Harty building near the Court jan 3 " : . - . : ' ' WE GIVE FAIR NOTICE, , ': SO DOUT'T COMPLAIN; HEREAFTER ALL BILLS-ARE DUE MONTHLY (1st.) - IF NOT SETTLED, FURTHER CREDIT WILL POSITIVELY BE REFUSED, After January ithe First; 18731 dee 31 TIDDY & BRO. . WANTED. X r, , fTlO rent a good PIANO for a' few : months r-t it. M 5s i 3 Prospectus for 1873. Sixth. Year. t -. T H E IA L D I TIE , A n IUustra ted Monthly t Journal, "universally admitted to be the Handsomest ' Period cai in the World. A ? Representative ' and Champidnof American Tasted' Vii NOT FOR SALE IW BOOK STORES, - THE ALDINE, which is issud with all the regularity, has none of the temporary or timely interest characteristic of ordinary periodicals It is an elegant miscellany of pure, light, and graceful literature : and a collection of pictures, the rarestispecimens or artistic skui in j black and White. At though each succeeding number affords a fresh pleasure to its friends, the ircul value and beautv of THE ALDINE will be most appreciated after it has been bound un at the close ot the year. While other publications may claim supe rior cheapness, as compared with rivals of a similar class, THE ALDUS E is a unique and original conception alone and una re proached absolutely without competition .alone and unapproached-rabsolutciy without competition in price of character. The possessor of a complete Volume Can not duplicate the quantity of fine paper anf : - 1 I engravings in any. oilier iune pr iiumow of volumes for ten times its cost;:-ana then, there are the chromos, besides.! ; ' ART DEPARTMENT: Notwithstanding the increase in the price of subscription last Fail, when THE ALDINE assumed its proportions and rep resentative charctpr, the edition more than doubled during the past year ; proving that the American public appreciate, and will support, a sincere effort in the canse of Art. The publishers, anxious to (justify the ready confidence thus demonstrated, have exerted themselves to the utmost to devel ore and imDrove the work : arid the plans for the corning year, as unfolded by the monthly issues, will astonish and delight even the most sanguine friends of THE ALDINE. - j The. publishers are authorized to an nounce designs from- many of the most eminent artists of America, i In addition, THE ALDINB will repro duce examples of the best foreign masters, selected with a view to the highest artistic success, and greatest general interest avoiding such as have become familiar, through photographs or copies of any kind. : ' 1 -V The quarterly tinted plates, for 1873, will reproduce four of John b. Davis mimita ble child-sketches, appropriate to the four seasons. , These plates, .appearing in the issues for January,-April, July and Octo ber, would be alone worth the- price o a year's subscription. - - f The popular teatures ot a copiously illus trated "Christmas ' number will be con nued. ,-' I To nossess such a valuabM epitome of the art world, at' a cost so trilling, will command the subscriptions of thousands in every section of the country: but, as -the usefulness i and. attraction oi THE ALDINE can be enhanced, in proportion to the numerical increase of its Ruotsorters, the publishers propose to make "assurance double sure." by the ioi lowing unparalleled offer of PREMIUM CHROMQS FOR 1873. Every subscriber to THE ALDINE, who pays' in advance lor tne year ituz, win re- ceive, without... additional charge, a pan? 01 ... 4--.. 1 beautiful oil chromos, alter j: j. tim, tne entitled "The Village Belle," rand "Uross ing the Moor," are 14x20 inches are prin ted from 25 different; plates; requiring 2o impressions and tints to perfect each pic ture. The same chromos are sold for $30 per pair, in the art Stores . As it is the de termination of its conductors to keep THE ATnTNTC out nf the reach of comnetition in every department, the chromos will be found correspondingly ahead of any that can be offered by other periodicals. Every subscriber will receive a certificate, oyer the signature of the nublishers. yuat antee- intt that the chromos delivered shall be enn'al to the samnles furnished the agent," or the money will beh refunded. The dis tribMion of bictures of this grade, free to the subscribers to a five dollar periodical, will mark an enoch in the history ot Art and - mnsidfirinff v the t unnrecen dented cheapness of the price for THE ALDINE i. xi 1 fi11a iKni4 a min. lLHtill, lidtp UlaiYVX. xaiio jiiud ouvih- acle, even to those best acquainted witn the achievements of t inventive enius and improved mechanical appliances. (Wnr illustrations of these chromos, see November issue of THE ALDINE.) . ' THE LITERARY VJ)EPARTMENT will pnntinne under the care of Mr. RICH ARD HENRY STODDARD, assisted by the best writers and poets of ithe day, wbo will strive to' have the literature of THE A TDTNTC alwavs in keening with its artis tic attractions. 4 ' j r . , TERMS. . " . ' r $5 per annum,! in advance,- with Oil , , - 1 Chromos free. '. - - ttttc at.tinr will, hereafter,, be ob tainable only by subscription. There will u aA-,,oA rr rhih rates : cash tor SUD- nt;nnQ miKsf. lw sent to the publishers direct, or handed to the local agent, wtih i7;,iVj77 tn tlut rmblishers, except in cases where the certificate is given, bearing the facsimile signature of James Sutton & Co. , ' i rv'i,;i - ' a . ,:. ;. . AGENTS WANTED. iWtT tr act Dermanently Ann I Atn i ? a(wnt. ? will receive- lull -and ; prompt information by applying to V JAMES SUTTON & CO., ' PiihHshera 1 UAUT,' KRAIJT, do vou love Kraut XV. J Elegant white Kraut for all who love F. BUTT. ;.dec6. ' FINE SALT. . I A A Sacks Factory filled SALT on hand lvu aid for sale bv " STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. nov 27. . ... ., 1 - r i I)KEPAEED "fUSTARD PLASTER, ; Chlorate Potash, Troches, Lacto Phos. Lime and Pepsin." BUBWELL A CO. nov 24 - . t' t GENUINE Brown Winsor Soap. Col gates Glycerine and Ilonev Soap. .. BUR WELL & CO. nov 24 - T17E have , opened to-day some Fine IT Brandy and "Whiskev, for Medical purposes. BURWELL&CO. nov 24 3 I L. Von Mey erhoff. PROPOSES to form, instruct, and con duct, in Charlotte, N. C, a Musical Socieiy ; and to give: musical festivals. The income from . which, isto be applied to the purchasing of Maps, Globes and Scientific Apparatus for the Charlotte In stitute. Also, to furnish for, the. Institute Orchestral Instruments and'-Music, such as are found .in Seminaries of the largest Cities Southland North.- These Instru ments, &c. will be placed in the hands of the Trustees, for the use of. and to con tinue to be the property of the Charlotte (N. C.) Institute for Young Ladies. Terms of "admission, ?5.00 Instructions per month, - 2.00 Ladies and gentlemen desiring to become members of the Society will please leave their names at the book store of Messrs. Tiddy & Bro. .... dec COFFEE, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese and Rice,1 just received at sept 19 A. R. NISBET & BRO'S. BUCK WHEAT FLOUR. B V C K W II EAT. BUCK WHEAT FLOUR. JUST Received, now call artd buy and also get some of our elegant Goshen Butter to eat .with the cakes when they are smoking hot, at dec 6 Market. The Change. TTATINT3 notified ourk friends and cus- Jl tomers some time since, that our busi ness would change January 1st, 1873, we are pleased to say that the change has taken place, and it is to be strictly CASH or 30 DAYS CREDIT, Those who do not pay promptly need not expect any favors, If you are in arrears don t ask for credit, save us the unpleasant duty of denying Jon. . . To our manv mends and patrons we re turn thanks, and ask a continuance of their favors believing that by a strict ap plication of the above rules, we will be able to sell goods cheaper than those who credit. . - All bills are due and payable on the 1st day of each and every month. jan 1, 1873, ly i Democrat please copy. NELSONS Gelutine, Flavoring Extract Fresh and of superior quality. BURWELL&CO, dec 21 , Springs' Comer. SimONTOH HOUSE. STATEBYILLEi H. C. :0: fTTHE Proprietor of ? the above named A Hotel respectfully invites the people of Charlotte and the public generally to call on him when thcy yisit Statesville. He will spare neither pains nor money to make the SIMONTON HOUSE a first class HOTEL, and worthy of public patronage. JL. A. fJttHJili, nov 25-tf Proprietor. F. SCARE, O tr B CHAR N, C. Prescriptions prepared at all hours f of the Day and night. Choice Green and Black Tea, Selected especially 'for Family and Inval ids, at SCARR'S june 20 Drug store. - 7. FBESD SPICES, i Just received a lot of select. Spices for Pickles, Preserves, fcc., at - F. SCARR'S june 29- Drug a tore. Pure Salad Oil. L . - Finest article in Market,' ' . at . F SCARR'S ' june 29 - - ' Drug Store. for sale: ; JW; WADSWORTH has at his Livery . and Sale Stable, opposite the City Clock, HORSES and MULES tor saieana f kept constanly on liand, , i . , , LOTTE, New 'Advertisements. QP fYQ TQ' JEST Book sent free. O i J IX 1 kJ . Address Eagle Book Co. 9 Murray St., N. Y. ' jan3-4w -i " IVTHMTPV Eay rnade with our iJl JCi I Stencil and key-check outfit.' gsr- Circulars Free. Stafford M'f g Co., C6 Fulton Street, N. Y. jan o-sw . : WANTED AUHJiNTS per l month to sell the IM PROVED AMERICAN FAMILY KNIT- i TING MACHINE. The simvlest and best 1 in the vawld.' ' Address AMERICAN KNIT TING MACHINE Co., 3451 Washington otreet, uoston, ; Mass. jan 3-4 w 500 Agents wanted ! Just out ! A splendid new Christ : "CHRIST ! BLESSING LITTLE CHILDREN." Im mense sales ! 600 agents wanted for our large Map of the "United States" With im mense "World" Map on reverse tide. Our Maps and Charts go like wild-fire. HAASIS & LUBRECTH, Empire Map ana unartr Jistabhshment, 107 Liberty otreec, new xors. jan A-4y 50O made Dec 3d by one Agent selling HORACE GREELEY & FAMILY, A fine engraving,. 22x28, inches, sent by mail for f 1.00. We also mail Button-Hole and Sewing Machine Thread Cutters, and Needle Threading Thimble, price 25 cents each. Circulars of various other Novelties mailed, frequently to all old and new agents, address AMERICAN NOVELTY Co., jan 3-4w 302 Broadway, N. Y. LOOK! FREE TO ALL ! A per week to agents, Male or Female. uU To all who will write for an Agen cy we will send a copy of that " Wonder of Wonders, the Illustrated Horn of Plenty It contains over fifty beautiful illustrations, & will be sent FREE to all who may write. Address I. GARSIDE, Paterson, N. J. jan 3-4w FREE TO Book Agents GIFT I a complete outht ot the rioiUKiAii HUME mnijifi it is the only. .Bible in which a complete History, Encyclopedia, Analysis of the Scriptures, and Improved Classified "Bible Dictionary is given ; its unequaled beauty and merits make it the Cheapest and fastest selling Bible pub lished. WM. FLINT & CO. jan 3-4 w Atlanta, Ga. DON'T ce deceived, but tor coughs, colds, sore throat, hoarseness and bronchial difficul ties, use only WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. Worthless Imitations" are on the market, but the only scientific preparation of Car bolic Acid for Lung disease is when chem- cally combined with other well known remedies, as in these tablets, and all par ties are cautioned against using any other. In all cases ot irritation ot the mucous menbrane these tablets should be freely used, their cleansing and healing proper ties are astonishing. Be warned.never neglecta cold.it is easily cured in its incipient, when it becomes chronie the cure is exceedingly difficult, use vv ells Carbolic Tablets as a specihe, Price 25c. per Box. John Q. Kellogg, 18 Piatt St., N. Y., Sole Agent for the United States. Send for Circular. jan 3-4w auunts waaiieu. Act at once. There is a PILE, of money in it. The people every where are Eager to buy the AUTHENTIC HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON'S Wondrous Discoveries and Thrilling Ad ventures during 28 years in Africa, with account of the Stanley Expedition. Over 600 pages, only $1.50, is selling beyond barallel. Only Complete and Reliable work. Send for circulars, and see Proof and great success agents are having. HUBBARD BROS., . jan 3-4w Publishers, Boston, Mass. i 0 Agents want absolutely the best sell-1 me books ? Send tor circulars ot Vent's Unabridged Illus. Family Bible. Over 1100 pages 10 by 12 in., 200 pages Bible Aids, &c. Arabesque $6.25 Gilt Edee. 1 clasp. $8.25. Full Gilt, 2 clasps, 11.00. "Belden : the White Chief," For Winter Evenings, 3Gth 1090 ready. The Standard, 46th 1000 Teadjv Epizootic Treat ments. &c. C. F. Vent, JSew York and Cincinnati, Vent & Goodrich, Chicago. jan 3-4w Everywhere, male and Female, to in i troduce the "Genuine Improved Com- . mon Sense Family Sewing Machine. A This machine will stich, hemr fell, A tuckj quilt, cord, bind, braid and em- in a most superior manner. . ' Price $15. Fully licensed and warranted for five years. We will pay $1,000 for auy machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam "i than ours. It makes ' the "Elastic T Lock; Stitch." Every second stitch J can be cut, and still the cloth cannot. i be pulled apart without tearrng it. 5 We pay agenrs from $15 to $250 per j month and expenses, or a commission 4 from which twice that amonnt "can be made. Address . SECOMB & BO., Boston, Mass. Pittsburgh, ;Pa., Khicago, , III., or St. Louis, Mo. jan 3-4w .. Cheap Farms ! Free Homes ! ! On the line of the Union Pacific Railroad. 12,000,000 acres of the best Farming & mineral Lands m America. 3,000,000 Acres in Nebraska, in the Platte Valley, now for sale. . - - UILP CLIMATE, FERTILE SOIL, . . - for Grain growing and Stock Raising nn- ! surpassed By any in the United States. Cheaocr in Pnce. more favorable terms given, ana more convenient to niarKes i than can be found elsewhere. 1 FREE HOMESTEADS FOB ACTUAL SETTLEES.' The best location for colonies Soldiers I entitled to a Homestead of 150 acres.. Send for the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with new - mans, published in English, German. Swedish and Danish, mailed free everywhere Address, : ' . ;O.F. DAVIS. : Land CorrTr V. P. R R Co., (Jfeaalia, Neb. A GREAT OFFER ! HORACE WATERS. 4L BroadwavJ Y., will dispose of TOO JIAKOS, MELO DEONS, and ORGANS, ' of six frst-dais makers including Waters, at 1 very low prices for cashj' or part cash, and balance in small monthly nxtalmcnts A ew-7 -octave -Jirst-claxs PIANOS,' modern improvements, for $275 eafh . Now ready a CONCERTO PARLOR ORGAN, the most beautiful style and perfect tone ever made. . Illustrated Catalogues mail ed. Sheet Music and Music Ilerduutdise, , . jan 3-4w . ; is unequaled by any known remedy.It will endicate, extripate and thoroughly de stroy all poisonous substantances in the Blood and will effectually dispel all predis position to Lauious derangement. "is there want of action in your Liver Spleen? Unless relieved the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, produc ing scromious or skin diseases, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pimples, kc Have vou a DvsDentic Stomach ? Un less digestion is promptly aided the system is debilitated with poverty of the Blood. Dropsical tendency, general W eakness and metna. Have yon weakness of the ' In!etines ? You are in danger of Chronic Diarrhoaj or Innamation of the Bowels." 7 nave you weakness ot the Utunne or Urinary Organs ? You are exposed to suffering in its most aggravated formi Are you dejected, drowsy, dull, sluggish or depressed in spirits, wth headache. coated tongue and bad tasting mouth ? For a certain' remedy for all of these dis eases, weaknesses and troubles ; " for clean sing and purifying, the vitiated blood and imparting vigor to all the vital forces : for i ;ui -a j. : it : , ' uunumg up anu restoring ipe wea&enea constitution USE ; JURUBEB A which is pronounced by the leading medi- most powerful tonic and alterative known to tne medical world." this is no new and untried discovery has been' long used by the leadings physicians of other coun tries with wonderful remedial results. ? 1 -; Don't weaken and impair the digestive organs by cathartics and physics they give uiuy temporary reuei indigestion, natu- lency and dyspepsia with piles and kind red diseases are sure to follow their use. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St.s New York. Sole Agent for tne united states. Price One Dollar per Bottle. Send for Circular. jan 3-4 w SINGLE GUNS. At $2 00, $300, $4 50, $500, $6 00, $12 00 to $20 00. $8 00, $10 00, Double Guns. At $6 00, $7 50, $10 00, tl2 00, $15 00, $20 00, $2500, $3000, $4000, $5000 to $75 00. : ; Breech-Lading Double Guns. At $40 00, $45 00, $50 00, $00 00,' $75 00, $90 00, $110 00, $120 00 to $300 00. Smith & Wesson, Colt's, Allen's Witney and other Kinds, at manufacturers' prices. ; . Ammunition & Implements For Breech-Loading Guns, at a small ad vance on Cost of lnlportation. MET ALIO AMMUNITION FOR RIFLES AND PISTOLS AT LOWEST MAR KET, PRICES. A complete assortment of all Sporting Goods ; Prices and Description sent on ap plication. : : - : ' ; ; . Uoods shipped by impress, U. U. J. POULTNEY, TRIMBLE & CO. Importers, No. 200 Wt Baltimore St., Baltimore. , Richard's, Dougal's, Greene's, Scott's, s other celebrated make of iguns on hand and imported to order, i sept 20 1872-eod ly n New Games. T) ARLOR Ring Toss. The Tickler fun A of the funmestt ' Old 1 curiosity shop Game, of Natural History. Game of Set- huette comicalities. Game of popular Characters from Dickens. - The Flower Garnet Blind Alphabet and the monks a new same and old puzzles. - JMajric or Komone ot lite snort. 4 1 Annmnss and Dividem wide awake game The Social Oracle. The game 1 of Arithmetic r "im proved'---Puzzle'"- map of North America. Alphabet and objects Tablets. Holiday Arithmetic, a simple and fascinating game. W hat Is it ; or how to i make f money Henry's Penny Puzzle., - My Mother s Puz zle. v Nursery Rhymes Puzzle. , Our, Pets Puzzle. The Model Ship Puzzle. ' Uncles Raphael's Puzzle Chromos. Alphabei Blocks Toy books and a laage number of other pretty and interesting things for the children at Christmas. is A call is solicited by , - . , r TIDDY & BRO. dec 18 - . , . - - -I. St. MART'S SCHOOL. : RALEIGH, n1 C. ' Rev. Aldert Smeds, Dt D.f Rector Rev. Bennett Sinedes,' A. M, As't, fTlHE Sixty-second Term of this Sehoo JL will commence on thesTwenty-fifth of January 1872, and continue mntil the 17th of June. Tor a circular apply to the Rec tor. - . t f . dec24-2w It i H AIR Brushes. Tooth; brushes, Nai Brusle-. ' Wnu U- dec 21, , . BURWltLL & CO, Springs' Corner. TrSaJCSEXE LAMPS,- ;l Iv. , u ; ,utrR5vTXi&co. dec 21 .. . . , .r THE - " - r ' r- ; - .- CHARLOTTE FAIR I T. BUTLERfS ! ! NEW GOODS. :!'. Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, &a , ItIUSIC boxes AND MANY- TOO NUMEROUS -AT J. T. BUTLERS OPPOSITE THE M ASSETS' HOUSE October 22 A DOOR FOR THE MOXIOSf f Karri wl or thoa. mbonl tar ' tarry n th. phjsioiofiBat ByiMrlcs sad rTUUoao( ta. Mzaal irnam. irlth ih. Guide. laUat dia0Triaa ia prodaeiaf and prTaUn( sCipriatv how a preawr. ta. aomptextoa, 4a. Takla am laUraaUog work a r twv bvadr sad" lixff Eicea.wlta aoaieroaa .afrsringa, aad Mataiaa Talaaal. rermatioa for tboae wa. ar. raarriadreostamplauasar' , rian. BtUlltisa book that ought tab, kept aadwloofc aad kty, aad a. t laid earalauly aboat th. aoaa It eontaint th. experieac aad adrio. .fa pasriMaa whoa, rvpatatioa la world-wide, aad thonld ba 1-n- tha prl Tata drawer of erar? mala and female tar.ogh.nt die aatirw f lob. ' It embrace vr7thiag .a th. aobieet . I th. taja eratire triteia tbat U wonh knowlBf, and anwa-taat ia aot pabuahed 1b any other work. Seat to anr ona (free of paatag.) tor Fifty CBta ddraaaDr. BatU' DUpeaaarjNo. xalaal illa Bt. Ijoaia, M. Notice to ilia Afaicted and T7nfbrtnu.tft Safer, applrlag to th. aotorioaa qaaeka wha-adrartia. im Siblie papera ,or Bring aay qnaek remedial paraa. Dr. atu' work a. matter what yourdieeaee ia. r how oaplorr abl.T.ar eoaditioa. vt. natta ooenptea a aoaoie aonae or vweniy. raed by aeme . f the atoet oelebraMd- ea I profeaaora of thla eaaatry aad Karopa, aad eaa be eoa aitad peraonallT ar by aaail, .a th. diaaaaaa maadeaed ta) hla werka. OBoe aad parlor. Ma. II V. light) aw cm Market aa Chena gfc Uaia, atow - , r. n t 2-d fc W iy A. R. Nisbet & Br&tlier HAVING completed an iniprovement is their Ooinmodioua Store Room- or Trade Street, one door west of Smith fe Hammond's Drug Store, Charlotte, I, v., are now receiving a wen seiecreu- siock oi Groceries, Musical Instruments, Toys, Ci gars, &c., which has been bought by oner of the nrm, at a time wnens tne marKet w up most favorable. They tnerefore icel satis fied that they ! can sell all goods in tlieii line as low as any firnt in krrlottev foi cash or to punctual customers. Thev invite Mercnants to give varm a call, (as they had a special eye to their wholesale trade.) ana ieei, warrart-eo iw saying that thejr can sell d as to- make it a saving to inem ni sneir purcrKve. Thev rsturn their thaKs totiieir tnerKW and the generous pnhlicfor past favors, and solicit a continuance of the saTnev 5 A. R, NISBET & BRO. SOMETHING ew and wonderful in the Magic line, i (Jail and see it, at dec 15 TIBDTS. SALE. A Lot of fine HORSES and MULER J. in splendid order. At DAVIDSON S LIVERY STABILES. Horses and Mules for sale are kept on ban J constantly. ' novl6-tf' FOR SALE. The fine-young Light liar ness'; and Family Mare, "CLARA,", owned by Dr, Green & Lindley. CLARA .. will be five years old next springy .is well" broke and kind disposition-. : For ; particu-' ' lars call on , -. - f- , . 'GREEN & UNDLEY, " - v . -Qreit Wihoa A Black'sDrug Store. '. dec n-uz :-f ,,'. . i j TEASn Sptctfs, .Pickles Oj-tera, Jellies Lemcn Syrnp'and Canned Fruits, now rec&iving'at - - sept 19 T ' A: R.JST. & BRO. , must be In good repair.-jAti6-lw . - ' JJR, LINDLEY " dec 5 58 MaidenLaue, Nev York, jan StIW -.: novw . .