The Cliarlotte .Observer. CATESf OP ADVEKTISISn. Officfc, Bryce's Building .Trad- Strict One Square one time..L.. -tior vj - J f r 11 I I I I ' f i I I I . I 1 1 It" v H 'ir' 11 I'll Mr . " i I 1 Ik-A I I r Y 17- rr O 0 T Ti Aw - -- s ft, ' twodm r VOL.- V1U; - ; - OHAiiT fTTP xr W . . , . 1 1 One icar, in advance,..,. .$g 00 Six n)jontbs,,iitadvance,.J.....:.;rw;. 3 oo TiirecfJIonths, jn advance, 1 50 One month,', in axlvance,,,..,,,- 50 Thcj OcsESVEft will fce delfveted inWnv part ojf the City, at llfleen CVlts per week. - -t ; A fciitSKSE soxc; 4 lie Baw in sight' at his hoUsk A Woman pickinz mnlbfitri,'!: Ajnd be liked her looks Tight welL" He BtniggletJ Dtit f his chair. And began to beckon and cali f ' rutjshe went on picking mulberries X.T 4 11 ........ - J . J- - x- "If iFaraineshcWlx follotr yotf;"-' ' He would find the harvest in ? ''- 1 Yon think yourself and your snttlbcrries U'oo gooa lor a JuaiKiann v ? ' , ; 'J' '2 . - t : ?. "I jiave yellow gold in my sleeve' lint she answered sltprp and bold J "He off! Let me pick my malberrirtt,' : rt . 1, 1. a ill . , 1 am uuiiguii wiiu no man a gold' She scratched ,l)igt face Withtef liftlfe Til! he turned and fled for Jife j v . Fof the lady picking mulberries ' 1 Was his true and virtuous wife I t , , 7 'j .---x. v- s - . 'x" - - Vi' ii-'lL-J'iiV&Sk- . i i. ? r-v . s ' - .. .I,' , CUARLblTEy.; C.; .THUltSI)AY; JAKUA1.Y; 9. : 187 7 No.' 1,28 ; , rt .i Alesant-WhltA.'k Mnf Ax. -II r l t i !j ? . .. Ji 'bu wuu love dee Gr H : - ' ' '-"' ' . 2 0 . 2 50 me uaj!. . 3 oq one vret k... 3 5 txuro weeKs,.,; 6 50 - ?vx o e momn 8 09 r-. ja .Contract Advertisements taken at pivportiomuelj low rates. , ? Ctt aC fcd te sqttw as a bftJxumC Frbmthe Cleveland (Ohio,) Journal. " In Kale AttireTh$ Uneeji Career of a Female Thief-iMakin Love to ja Cleveland Girl.' - - - J Sin . R Goklsborough, alias Charles 1CI1, alias Frank Belden. has been incarcerated. m the cpunty jaiu The incai-cerated individual -wears bifur cated garments, but in -this 'casa the clotiing is no indication ofdie :sexi She jias for" a. long time worn men's clothing, .and under the dixsguise has perrictrated many thefts -A depre datipn on a railroad - conductor is whalt brings her into particular, no ticcj Mary Goldsborough (her true liiinic), .who is now about 25 j'ears 5 old,! came originally from St. Clair-1 ville, where lier father . died some veaj- a go; n She adopted tli trade of ' a tlijicf, and first came intd"n6tice ill CoUunbus , about nine; years ago, wn(fn she was arrested -X for - till-tap pin and was punished by the means usually restored to m police coui'ts, Her next appearance was in 1870, by jwhich time she had donned the lialjiilimeuts appropriate-to- the mas culane gender, and she enacted lier assumed character so well' that she secured a situation as book keenpr in saioon, .ana continued m the .scri ice of her employei-j and occupi ed M part of his bed for a month be forp, it is alleged, he. learned that sluf was not a man. Even after that she continued in hhi employ, and to slnire his domestic comforts, until she found an opportunity to lay lx..x.l . , . . . I. A t4S. - 1 luuiiift uu uuvui iw oi. ins , money, when, she absented herself in a very precipitate manner. i3he : was ar retted but the evidence was not re-gupsir.-and the grand jury" did not iiiiid a lill against her; f)n the 16th ultimo this extraordi napy female adventurer turned up at Zasicsville, where she t.tookV passage lor Columbus' in the caboose car of v uuuucior. Michael tram. As usual man. ?nd her make-up was well cal culated to deceive. The trail! Arriv ed at Columbus In the night, and she p t er m ission t j. g 1 ecp lii? ihe ca 1 m ise till morning.;, During ' the night she found an opportunity to usu a gooa watch arid chain, valued d, &- 0, belonging to the conductor; who was also sleenimin fl Mie got away with the watch before tntj conductor discovered hk sr&r u v- - 'v':. . - .ox uixio Addrwr:, &X- ' lA n fl( Sacks Factory filled SATr I..- 9 Murray St, ff. Y. " -rt r- 1 li L ' 1TA -yiX Xi 4L Stencil . and twh Nev7.;"Advertisemeatsr- - A GREAT 0EFER ! HORACE WATERS, 4S1 i?rcad MMtmv. iwdudin Waterl?- at ? LAr f a.,1 lor jHrt XcuTi, mtil btxlnnct in small THE 'OUT MUSTARD PLASTER mVN rcu' - Stafford "V m vwstbeartifHl ttyh hndpcrfect ,u m- .V VfPi.v jVI t g Co., 66 Fulton Rrwf'VvVi ..t oa matt:. miurntt -futAtsJ, io-r. 9 4. - -'- . l i r.i . -".--""'x.xjx.ii.c IvHt- I "DREPARED i (AS, . motleru tHiproremehti.' for $275 CHARLOTTE FAIR jan3-4w nov 24 BVRWELL & CO. QENtTlSE Brown Winsor " r-..T. n U gates Glycerine and Honey Soap " V-M " ' , . U L li WELL fe CO. 02 iiL ; . month to sell the I PROVED AMERICAN , PAMTrv irVi Protpeetu for a873.Sixth Year. IA L D I WE hafre ox;nctl to-day some Fine If Brandy and Whiskey," for-Medical ; iJUitWELL&CO, ! purjxises. Ho v 24 ti E T H iAn lllustra admitted . caiintte World. A Representative and Champion, of American Taste. . L. Von HeyerhofF. W-vlLWm x. - V TIA A&AU1JJ 1 JllYI 1 TTvr ZToirfFZr AKKICA3I KNIT JtSS ??HIJ,5 3451 Washington btreet,. Boston; Mass.' jan3-4w - -x-A i i - " 1 -'. ; w'"ea J. Just out ! A 'BLESSIXG LITTLE CHILDREN." !m- im- ide. ed. Sheet Music and. IWAo'm an 3-4tv- r': - . -j- . Vj-x 500 large Map of the "United States" with mense 44 World" rr. n ! iviaps and Cliarts go like wild-tire J. T. -BUTLER'S!! . . NEW GOODS. fbiUiIljDlMiltliSlaNI : J. CI HJf - I vawv ti U1JIIM. I.' IHVP IUIlVir1l . tnotttrrn I .7 v lllll .V-aUf " BriTiir n fAinxn.n L i hp lrifrtnio ti.n. u c .i, r.. a., i . -4 to -the purchasing of Maps, Globes and , raade ec. 3d by one Agent sellinj xXientihe Apparatus for the Charlotte In J iitlisACE GREELEY & FAMILY .axtv., w luuiisu wr me lusmute a line enmvinir stitute. -' NOT FOR SALE H BOOK STORFR Orchestral Instruments and Music, such mail for $L00. .r:y-:z,.:-. ... r, .WUrt wiiL.ut fl are foUU(i m Seminaries of; the Lirsrwrt; and Sewing a tlie or milanes of tho l:irrot I and Kurinc Af-mi,: I 1 r 1 it' VJjx.x1.I .. . 1 1, r... I -xt x. v ments, &c, will be placed in the hands of c regitlarityv lianoneftf ihZl l e' c-,'tnll be pta. timetii interest iMoi f ipe; xrustecs lorUhe use of. and to eon- i periodicals It is an elejraat 'misM iZZZe HW.1? "ie Property of. this Cltariotte pure, iigiitxanoi; graceful literature and a 1 ST01 Lachcs- or artistic skill in black, and whit a fit : -wuetHns,per.nonth, ;-. 2.00 eaeh soccenliii!? nmW nfro P wies ana gentlemen desmntr to become fresh pleasure to it friends, the real value f?ePbers of tlie Society will please leave antt-Deanty .; ot ;'liij; ALDINE will he l j ute oook store or JUessri. new bound llenrv's frenrht 1 . - sue was attired as a most appreciated aftr it itoni. up at. the close nfthn v'nui- . v ' Wli ile other put?Heations hiav claim supe rior cheapness, as compared with rivals of - "v . r""i -jAjxxisu is a unique and original eonccptron-aloiH; and " ioaclictl -absofotely Without competition alone . and nhappTOachi(rfflhsninft.ii j without competition in nrioo it rUa-tart. The possessor of a complete volume c:m- 1101 aupneatetnc quantity of iine paper and engravings in any other shape or number of volumes for ten times its cost : and then, there are the'ehromos, besjdes ! ' ' ART DEPARTMENT. Notwitlistandirig the "increase in the P"c SKcr-ptitui last Fail, when THE ALDIIM assumed its nronortionsi a resentative charctcr. the- Mlitimt dmMfil dunng the past year; proving that the. American public appreciate,' and will support, a sincere, effort in tho cause of Art. 1 he publishers, anxious to justify -the ndy confidence thus demonstrated.. have lucuisn vs wi tue utmost to devel' oieand improve the work and the plans for the comihir vear. us niifnji w 1,.' monthly-issues, will astonish and: delight sanSic friends of THE ALDIXE, . ..; : " "Pblishcrs are authorized to aii nouiice designs from many of the must. eminent artists of America. V : -- : k irradOitiopV THE ALDINE will repro Tiddy & Bro. ace 7-om : each. , v Cireiilars of various other Novelties iuunt-u, nequenuy to all old and agents, adiitess ' " . .. . t AMERICAN NOVELTY Co:,' jan3-4w , 302 Broadway, N. Y. LOOK i EBEE TO AXL 1 - H SHft Per fek. t0 a-?e,nt?..Male or Female, "Tf v To all who will write for an As en- ;tAntflnixK lx 1 Blood and will effectually -dispel all predis position to billious derangement. 'Is there want of action in your Liver & , . x.vxx.v..,, vjuiwr, llUOieS, ve. I -!i i. x i1 Prompwy aided the stem ! uvuiiuait wim poverty, of ! the- Blood Dropsical tendenpy, genendeakness .and Hare you weakness, of the ' r'n'eines ? t "i- . ;5 . vi'fc iJarmp or ' Hfl.Vfl Vnn''P04lrnw U' X.l Tr. . . - - r v 1 . 11 u.&um.xi 1 11 1 ill. 1 riimnx. a. triiiary Organs? You are f.i'f., nan Silver and . Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c. t pugar, oiasses, (Jlieese and 1 --"VT ci, '"troccwmiui illustrations; ' Rice, just received at ' . - H5111 be scntJREEt all who may write! sept iv . A. R. NISBET & BRO'S. vjr wcwuisena a copy of that " 'HWfar of t-.iiflemi. in its mosf fl!TOT!1Mf r' H oncfer" the Illnatrated Horn of Plenty. Are you dejected, diwsvrdnlf Address I GAR"SIDE, Paterson, N. J. n v C K W II E A T BUCK VyNHEAT 5 FLOU. FREE Book Acents TrTFT a", complete outfit of the PICTORIAL HOMli BIBLE it is. the only Bible in Which a rnniTilpf-ii iTi.tAx.. 1 -JUST Received, - now call and buy and Analysis of the Scriptures, 'and Improved - o x-y .ui um cicimii iKKtuent "'we uivuuusry ' is. given- its I. . x -1 . . ' jt ' aepressetl in rivim . 4,.11. . coated tongue and bad tasting mont h ? ora certain remedy, for all of these dis t '."w"5 au i trouoiea : tor c ean smg imd pirrifylnghe Vitiated blobd M lmpartmir visror to nil t u if f . . - building up and restoring fl.te m'laa Butter to eat with the. cakes whri th nmoking hot, at r . JOIINF. BUTT'S, aecG Market' Viassirie-t 'Bible Dictionary is given ; itsi which is prbnbu : x viiu- niuKe ir i ' 'umici3 oi xxjiiaon ana i'aais "Miii , hshed WM. FLINT fc CO., jan 3-4w Atlanta, Ga. Tb.e Change., DON'T Be deceived, but for coughs, colds, sore throat, hoarseness and bronchial difficul ties, use only - WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. HA ING notified our friends -and cus tomers some time since, that our busi ness would ehauge January 1st. 1873, we are pleased to say that the change has taken place, and it is to be strictly CASH or 30 DAYS CREDIT. - Those who do not Worthless Imitations fire fin tliv i-n n.l-v. 6rTit l but thfi.imlir cr.iantif;.i nw.i!.ii-- ' f s-, ' save us the unpleasant duty of denying bolic Acid for ludiseaTisXn cW Juu ; te ; ; :, -. . -1 CallV fonthinorf with f,. . 11 i. It? ay nds and patronwere- remedies, as in these "tamS - and rail 3 ier. mucous slumld be freelv ji i uau neanng propei- most powerful tonic and alterative known to the medical world." Tfe?a j- ' -. " and untried discovery has been long usel by the leading physieians-bf otlmr ff ,x won(lerjni remedial iretnilts. Don t weaken ami .imnsifffu organs by eathartics and phvisics the" give , - " .. 4-tait4uuigestionT flatu-J laicy ami dyspepsia with pes and kind-j xx. uUU1.xw arvsuretoioiiow their use. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, io r-iait br.s .New Y)5Ki. u fx, ttu cu.xx " " "r'"' w I rice One Dollar per-Bottle. : Send for Circu'ar. i . jan 5-x4w mm boxes ?AND MANY" . TOO ITJMEH0TJS : to nsrrrTcxxr. J. T. BUTLERS OPPOSITE THE SlAXSIOJf HOUSE , October 22 ir . ; svwiimimiw?oi I uta are cauaonca against usm anvotl their favors be ievina- thf. W -eft,f t it -. -J3l x- ?, duywi .i:x: I? ,i . " : J . "wjv " i iM tiBcs in uniaiion oi tlie rABLKTS duce exainplesofthelforeien nm selected with a view to the hiirhest artisMn AtV P ev"-! wuo ueu meir cleansing success, nnrl " V:1 . VV". . : ' ' . ues are astomsiiing :.. ''-v o"-3" tiutioi xiiieiusi-: Aliusii i j -it . avtoidinV s,T, k: V . TTIV payauw .on. tae 1st. - . ra . i- O "l"x, xi 'XiUO UI illlV: Kind, , u;rf : 'V-., : . . . . : : x GRIER & ALEXANnrcr? Mn 1, 1873, ly ; Democrat please copy. i-v Fresh and of superior quality. BUKWELL&CO, Springs' Corner. ' dec 21 ah early- train for Cine tin. ti. . 1 ucsday evening she cant e ' back t) oluiibus.uiilt.t otiice at:about ; 2; o'clock; yeisterday iiirning iurchasing a,: ticket for t levelanti. sho w-i fonni.!.n.i t.. - r v., ... nuu ivvvUMCU UY JTJ Kir.n . Hf x 1.x .... x . .... tvik.1112111 iiicjc win;:-ana tab-on i m oay . bho ,w.w .. before - Justice J wtfiii m y yesterday, jui4 was commit ieu to jail to awaiti examihationto. morrow. , . ; ..s-ii r , frill - t f-. .i- r" - me woman telu; a remarkable Mur) aoout herself- Sheecmeac-; Vioinea to mcu's ; clothing, - and juiinu u to be most advantageous in hqr thieving operations.:-She was not always successful in this line df Alness, however ; sometimes -she ill eccssary ta engage in m an iiu labor or clerical service, r; At one tiaie she drove horses ; on ;?ihe Ma hQnmg Canal; and at another time Reined a second; clerkship x)ni; a steamboat, and continuedin that sit liltion for some weeks; but was final ); discharged for drunkenh ess. " Dqr B her recent' visit 46 Cihcirihati'she! jvns engaged as waiter in a -salodn: "t lost her situation-after a -spree, Vm i-ucic out lor Cleveland, , where mrs she has- been, toying, with -f e aflections of an ; innocent dam. H:l n;lIed Kitty O'Neil. On her per- fit) ' Vi',vxl lxx' J? -: ' . -- njwiiu. a leuer -irom tne In ".-"uuu rvitty, enclosing ;a lock of nair and - communicating niost extranrrlinnrv aocior, x V 11 S ' anectipn. The v Goldstar- . - 1 '-' . '-w WV U.1 V a talrpxi Journal: as all '- irond little b o g , toi - paragraphTwill iiUl i "'5 insi linormaiion tnat .The quarterly tinted nlatos. reproduce four of John s Tt.x ble child-sketches appropriate to the four ATELSONS Gelutine ' Flnv asons These plates, .appearing in- the N 3! issuvs jor January April July and Octo ber, would be" alone worth the price of a year's subscription. : -- The popular features of a copiously illus trated "Christmas" " number will h ; To iosses8 such a valuable epitome of the art world, at a cost so trifling, will command the subscriptions of thousands ii- every section of the country ; but as we usetumessyid . attraction - of THE ALDINE can . be nnhnn Be warned.never netrlprtft prlJ if t cured m its incipient, whon if 1w,a,, . A ? ... aw clironic. the eure is exceedingly difficult use Wells' Carbolic Tablets as a specific. ' Efit- h. H- Kellogg, 18 x x.- i .. ooie Arent tor t h i nifw? States. Send for Circular. jan 3-4 w At $2 SINGLE GUNS. $300, 14, 0000, $8 00, ?10 00, 12 00 to $20 00. ' A BOOK FOB THE SUZXI01T :1 Guido. SIESOHTOHIHOOSE. :0:- STATESVILLE, ff. C. miiE in proportion to the numerical I inciase oH'"i, x , its jniinxrtpi .ho 'rriKIialiKr. .rxTx A Hotel j make fassunincedoiihle s.ul;by'foi.-il?tte and tne public generally to call ionjnj5 luijKiraiieiea.onerx)! ' ; . ; ' Proprietor of the above named respectfully invites the people of ; PREMITBl CHR0:MpS FORiS73. SEverxMibscriber to THlSSfflnwhb pays' ui advance for the vear 1873. will ro. wirof He money to beautiful oil ehromes, after J. JHill the ' " eminent? English; mmter. : iThe- fit.iirM I , entitled S"The Village Belled anArrisJ ig tlie Moor," ai 14x20 inches are prin ted from 25 different 'plates. reauirinjt 25 impressions and tints to perfect each pic? im;. r x u saxuer enromos are sola lor $30 per pair, in tne art Stores. As it is the de termination of its conductors to keep THE I A .T.TIT'V"I,. vnF Usr xx .x!xil xuii.xj uu wiii;, ,oi, tVIIiptJIlUOll .in-re.departiiint.-vtheimm will h found correspondingly ahead of anv thjit catt be offered by other feriodicaIs. fjBvery subscriber will receive a eertifiati irivor tlie signature of the publisliers, yvatUeL on him when they rvisit Statesville. will spare neither pains nor incmt make the SIMONTOX HOUSE a first class HOTEL, and worthy of public patronage; rtr x, ' A- PRICE, HOT 25-tf - . ft PrOnrirtnr Ihere is a PILE of money in it. The I?eT(1,e.Yerirwhere are Eager to buy the AUiJtiJiiATiG HISTORY OF lilVINGSTOK'S Wondrous Discoveries and Thrilling Ad- -veubures auTing years iur "Africa, with- account oi tne Stanley ExiwditwnT OvW uuu pages, only 1.50, is selling bevond parallel. Only Complete arid Reliable work, bend for circulars, and -3 . - J " xY.x,wi a uu great success agents are having. , HUBBARD BROS., jarl 3-4w Publishers, Boston, Mass. F. SCABR, t P . : 6 crq OQ - ef-' o 00 T0 Agents want absolutely the best sell mg, oooks i send lor circulars of vens-unaDriagert lllus. Family Bibles Oyer 1100 pages. 10 by 12 in., 200 pages Jiiole Aids. itc. A''-S 9i rfui Edge, l clasp, $8.25. Full Gilt, 2 clasns 11.00. '-Belden : the White Chief," For inter Evenings, . 30th 1090 ready: Tlie Standard 46th 1000 ready, EpizofticTreat nients, &o. C. F. Vent,. New York and Cincinnati, Vent & Goodrich, Clucago; jan 3-4w , - C H A RjLQTf Ef H c; "gh declares that she, secured ltit 15 alicctious in the character, of j ;?: ""S man? ftlld if , Kitty r take aitf8 rtd ftlie gross imposition -ticed fk1 it -ix 1 he i,,.;., i-: i t.' 'i 1 tol ii 1 V "L vixics inai sne fcVO .,1, vv - VXXU,. M,1JU rS she rinro;j -uiii, .$-.3.,.-.-, Q f. '-" TTOri (ii.A.. i . ...r-.x...i..:.vifu S'x.nt niji.tta -;x.s;x,-' tx...x'?f-x W thorn trt". n)res'Mr.xPar,relL itv MWcw-BUl6SJ? Presents "er a resnrtolilo DVlth harrl. ATt"i l,.i ." uuuo uu auun.aair: i ffnokes, chews toWcx); and . before . vwii .uy wiue; poiice- lc or "" UP t0 a counter in a tioon, and tossinir off drml- witK Jtliatfthe'chrbradxrdelivered shall be equal to the samples furnished thn: flipnt or the money will be refunded. .The dis-i tnhution of pictures of this grade,; free to the Stihisr'riripr ts' H fi vn AnWar irminAiAnl wilt anark an epoch in the history Jaf Art . and, considering - the ; unniwpndpniprl cheapness of the price for THE ALDINK itself, the marvel falls little short nf t;- acle, even to those best acquainted with the achicYements of, inventive genius and improved mechanical iaonlxanees.-x-; (For illustrations, of these chromos.: see Xovember issue of THE AIiDINE.) , - v . THE LITEPvARY. DEPximiEXT will continue under Ihe' care tof.f-jRJCH-i assisted by (-M Even'where, male and Female, to ill. frrWllTt fllO nnn'i,f.'. ' J - wvv xx. v, uiiiiuiiiciiu unjveu t im. Hmrriad of tho about to ImUTT Q th DhriloLnrLx.l iwiwxS-E5 rUfe. 8UUH1.. book that o0, W.X" od key, od not laid esreUuly about th heni. " it ODtalni the expertecr urim a . Bt.xi, tobe. It embrace rerything o tha aobWeftha mSJ etfw ejw tfcmt t. worth. inwiai, Jk the to ot pubUned tor M ether work; t JT one (free of poatage) tor Fifty Caott, Double At $G 00, $7 30, $10 00, 12 00, $15 00, ,$20 00, $2500, $,-5000 $4000,: $5000 to $75 00. j ; Breecli-Loadiiig DouWe Guns. At $10 00, $4a00, $50 00, GO Oft '$75 00 Vxv w, lau W H $3UU OU. bmitn W esson, Colt's, Allen's Witnev uiiu oiuer Kmas, at inanufacturers' . prices.- ,,.1. - , Ammunition & Implements For Breeh-T,ofilintr nniio : L'. t 1 5 ! . VaneonCost OfTmrxirtation, . j A. IMDe& & Btothef A D PISTOLS AT. 'LOWEST MAR f eXl their Commodiotis .n. IiET PRICES. A complete assortmenfc dt nit Goods : .Prices 'and Desr .. . "i-xw.. mvm" vii air Notice to Hit Afficted tad. Uufbriunato fervor 'AuMWu,fo;: tt eoeupiee 4oublr Botw ef tMr-eevea iaxtortei by eomeef the meet eelebrSed iledS aaprs oi uu country aad Earope, and em breen 11T or by Mtif.oB thedlaSe. mt$OTxuS ' ace sod parlor. So. 11 K. SiJwhVtefc Mark I and Cheraut, Sb Loi, Itel n f 2-kI t w ly - Br, Btttt remii al profeaaors ef this coan ukoq personally or by I XUILI Goods shipped Eipr.;'t.';' POULTNEY, TRIABLE & CO. o- 200 WBaltimore S. Importers. Baltimore. Ricnard's. DoUgalW4?rMniVB'-'v'.flnAf. i. and imported ta order.' V - : sept 20 1872-eod ly ' T7"" .prescriptions prepared at all hours of ther Day dtiighl :S T?$& e, mmaa;a4 - tfU, Selected esrKXjially . for Family "and InVal- ids;. at ?:-- ; ; Rf?AT?T?' - 3- inp .mi . "rTx rvi .".rai, anu sun tne ci J ;5 : - Dmg Store. -; R be pulled atart without Jtreceivcd J ato ofecipkes tor Pickles, Preserves, at , E. SCARR'S ARD HENRY, STODDARD, the best writers and poets of the day, who will strive to have the .literature of THE ALDINE always in keeping with its artis tic attractions. - r-r'f iMtemH : a $5 per anntmvin advahee, twithOil THE ?AiNl?wli hfierbl: Ob tainable only by subscription. -There will be no reduced or club rates: V cash for -sub scriptions must be ' sent to the publishers directr-or handed to the local agent, with out responsibility Jo tlie publishers, except in cases where the certificate" is given, bearing uni iuouhi . rsi r c.-j-wti.x er rwx -.Y ...-. . . ' " '"..x- xi.. Ara(ietreet, am. door west of Stoat b 46 HammVnd'if Dnig Stored CSi.itiotte, N,- are now. recc-iving a w&ll selected- stock 'of Groceries MiTd Instruments,. Toys, Ci pars, fec., Which lias beew InjErt vy one of the ftrtn, at a time wlueti tJe wrarfeet w most ftyorable. TlicV tlierefore feei satis bed th-at 'they can sell all go,wfs iw flieii line as tow : as any iirn rfi Clarlotfer for cash ir to ponetisil citf-toiwers. :-:J1y:h-vite' Merchants- to' gfW thema calhjsthey had a ispecial eve 'to-thei-i wholesafe;; traded and feel warranted in saying that they ean sell ?o as to make it a saving to them in their purclisises. ' ' They return their thanks to tlieir friends and the generous iirblic for past fovoys, ami sohcit a conrnkiance of the satnev . K A. R. N18BRT AURQ, in a most superior mannpr Pr? Wiaractere . fmm Di(t(;h.'iTK - ' 'r.-.-"MfV ' - - $15. Fully licensed and warranted Game. Blind Alphabet and onderfal in ti for five years. We will 'nay 1 000 fi,r f a new game and - bid ..-'otiJi WnrnV kJ Marie llnev Call nhA no U , auy maclxine that will sew"a stronger, Romone of life ospQii-fUyieMtissii'nd I1 ec.-.lx5; .t - - TIDDYS xxwx xrx4XLXALlI. ur JIllrf tlflxinx Caom 1 xiimutil. VV HIM ILWHITf. IMlllff . I1. - x? r 1 it, . ,v r r .r-a"lir . - . ,xs ouuai xixuii. vurs. , it mates tr- "Rio; I vwcie. l ne Mine nf . An.n,i. Lock Stitch.". Everv I proved. Puzzle canbecut,nd still the cloth cannot j A,P?anbbixXyTabIetsS Antiimetic, asimpleand fascinating gaineJ New; Qamcs PARLORRing Toss-: Tlie Tickler . fun mon Sens Family. Sewing Machine; rthgTuiiniest. 0U1. riosity shop r-K This machine Will ' stiolv Jiwri n Game of Natural Hi!- Tnnm: e 0S tj tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and em k,uettp cbioiCalities ' .Garal..of popular ouuui jiiiinticr. jt'ncc I -""x"i' xivxii . iyiuKeiis.i';, ine Slower FOS BALE. :','. -?Pttre;iScilJid .'' ' -.'?"-.'--- 't s7;-i'-l -'O; . - r ; Fihest articlean,Market . at -. F. SCARR'S June 20 , . - . ". Drug store. . Ve pay aeenrs. froth its t sow i .Vliat Is- it nr Jrnw tfx -. - : .x r xv i,. iv xi i T, ' mx. ..v.. munc XlllHUV. fi . .r". . "'i"-"-i " wjxxiixssioix fs irom WlllCh tWire th.n. snxxnt . , - . ... . "---.-xv IM1IVUUV UU1 ue maae.- Address . r , . " SF.mAt nr t,,011' fssV ttsburgh, Pa., Khicago, vi oi. xjoiua, xUO. jan 3-4w . "';"i--i'":;"f. '- '':'";'' Cheap Fatans.: Free Homes!! 'simpleand fascinating game Or llOW ; fw. f Tli alrW v tn Ann..: I Tr - T, --. . " - x.- -' X. XXXItlJ. llenrv s IVnnvIzxtfekrrtrtAfrtfK.T.., zie. - Nursery 5 Rhvinea Ihiwl. . in na uzie. Aue Hioaet hm PiSy.Ie. -TTn.j-x Raphael's " - Ptizte PtuwVnAos .'riuux Blocks Toy books and A lan'trA nnmlai .r Xt V , r ii xXXXXVI, tj utur preuy ana. interesting things for the Children ftt.ThwBffnoa i tlii i Iix , x..xxi.xxmo --x vaii ia siuirirsn uxT . s, . - . Ti nny t tron dee 18 . x --xt. tnejacwtf signature ot ,Jams StrrroN & ';t-'a ;St.SBlE8GBii2: t'' . .-i Any person, wishing to act permanently as a local agent4wm receive mu?and i prompt infbrinatiOxV by applying to'fe -ry -..W&vS.- JAMES SUTTON .&COr- - ' ' " -. Publishers; -- dec -5 Maiden Iicl Yprk. riSS of th Uni01 Piflc Puiilroad. ,000,000 acres of the best Farming& mineral Lands in America. -'.- - wJ'S00 Ac INebraskairi WM-' - f -ReyldertSmerW T Ti fpl eiai.&rAiMATx:rExmixE son,, 1 i V iRevBennettSmeriesiiA Vixr a.;- MWWJT anyjm tne United BtatesMKi t -awHl mn.:. ""i Vneaperin 1'rice, more favorable terms t t,wV Vx-1 - -V5 " - wyiusot ven-&morenSii man can be found elsewhere. . - , 7 FREE HOaiESTEAlis TOa ACTUAI. SETTtEES. The best location: "for cplohiesSdldiers entitled to a Homestead of 150 acres. 4s r IfSend fbr the newt DescriptivePampietC Wlthrf rletr? Jxiartft;, nnblLshefl t in i KuMkh dec 24-2w II A.IK BrushesL T6bih JLX. TV W.WADSWORTH has at his Livery Germail, Swedish ahd Danish, aedfree . auu oitic outuixj, ojmosne tne liy mYii ' "A(X(xtess. wwA, iiuivoijo uiu xviuiitio ior saie ana dec 21 1 i- ! kept constanly on hand. - HOT 30 Land Com'r U. P. R. R jan 3-4w v. O. F.DAVIS, ' Co., Omaha, Neb. Brttshet X'itl iV in. JL BUR WELL A CO :;'."'i 'rilSpriugsCrneT.'j EROSENE LAMPS. if J A. Jyot of . fine HORSES and M ftLE& splendid order, x At DAVIDSON'S Ll VERY STABLES. Horses aud Mules for sale are kept on bani constantly; ' -. nov l(r-tf .vv r' .; ; :. '.,-'-. -The finroung Light Har K3reen 4tlinxiley, CLARA .uttelfitlful 15 hands high, will be five years, old next springy is ell broke and kind disposition. For particu- J JarS call prt";?-? - ? ;Over Wilson fc Black's Dm? Sto. dec 21 BURWELL&COf, il- TEAS', Spices, tIes,"Oyxrters' 11 Lemon Syrup and Canned Frnit?c now receiving at .. .. ---u" sept 19 A-R. Nx&BRO. 4- , 4 .. x- J-x.4 (x,j t . x-... -''5l3'ir xi-: - - .aaaasBaiBBiaiieami hi il III

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