:r -. -. r-- -.-l' S,':.; ,V0 - lV'-V- . .'"';f .' ":v' -"-"V '.; ? -:s'-'; -''"--" -'--"'--"- -- ' ; V' - "2--. ""--if "- .' ' -r v r':-'"- ' .;'' V ' .'."J. r "J " ..A" i- :'V;' -X " -V--'" . '; r'V ;" :'-:V "V'-"--'- -''c--: i; . ' ." '" ... ' n ; ',"v i . '; . . t, . .. ' ' . , ' -' -. '' - -.' - ' . 4 n- w,.. ii, , , . . . ;:-: ' ' - , - i'..i,T.(r,, , n , T1T1..( it .n,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,., ,',0,,, ,,L' ' ' " 1 s - PtTBI-ISHED DT" J fora ,& Mclaughlin, Offife,:IJryce's Building,' Trade Street. RATES OF ADVERTlSITVr:- un Bqttare one time.. " $1 CO RATES nr rrnnnTuoTAw tWOCUWS..i, 1 50 2 09 2 59 3 00 3 50 5 00 - v WWMAA. AXVXf ,. uirefftoiv iu Buvttuce.,,...-....... . r v four days.... dij. iiiuiiuiin, :m tiuvaijce,. .......... 3 qq Thre Months, ' in advance, ....;.:; 1 50 nve aaysrtv, roneweek U,IUX"L11' iU ""Xf.11 50 "iree weeks,.;. 6 50 j ; - - v- vivjiio per weeK, .CHARLOTTE, N.;. G..FEIR1)AY; JANUARY pmportionatdj lo rto: " rive wiuares afirotrtr? . i . . . 1 'I '1 ;t-,".. ;., . W t V ill ll'llll r I I I I I 11 II I W 11f lit II 1 r I 111 n;nVf!'J '!i;if I i 1 ,1 A .. & . i . I ' I I I I I I I i . ' -I ot . tEMixiNE ;famciiss.';7 HOW 8HK VTAB WOOED ijn f01f i 'i .iT":"1".;? :quaint iT, H r It ?iWew Ine v Wedding which relates the experience of a inaiJSL' an a 3ietiioaist preacherTA portion ofit is forth quoting here ' - " Bi?t when I came to hear him nrearh - U P told the Gbspel story . "T? ! - I S3 "W'jent up one-shout of ''glory'!" s'--Kkgh men were bowed, hard sinners wepL I )wncd Ins powetto hold me J. i- Ilis glowing fervori like a spell i . : ' Afcainst my will controlled me, -' - "For who is he," I said, my own ; V ' " ; ' Admiring thoughts reproving V -flf ''M t "A Methodist itinerent v. . .j "Who keeps forever niovinsr. -f Just two years in 'a plabe.V ' ' J i "That's too hard a Way,? thought I ' - "To run the Christian race."1 ; - I paid the preacher pleased " me ' not I Hid not wish to meet hira ; -Ml "h And when we met I tried to see t uk; How coldly formal I could be," 5 $faitt:- And courteously treat hini - But when a woman tries f-tafaate,- Be sure it's love beginning j x , . The more I frowned, the more I felt Tliat he may heart was winning - 1 J Dull (may the 'Lord forgive) I found . The class, unless he led it, -:t:l And sweeter seemed the blessed word Of Scripture, if he read it"; And from the closing lovefeast, when, As we walked home together,,' " ' ; . f I lie led me do wu a quiet path, ' And calmly asked me whether "My future should be one with his ?" And I must take or lose him ; I felt my hold on earthly joy Was lost should J refuse hm. "But, if I love, there's but one way," I faid, "my love .of proving ; And I am willing for your sake Tt keep forever moving, JCoving, iHovfiig, moving Jiist two years in a place - )y, wiiereso er I go, lC;;. IVfeA-- -W HE1 it. ii. 3rou love "Kraut t "--" ' . j Elegant wh.teKraut.for all who love f : AavkrtiSfiTOi' 1 1 hKA nPFA m AlTtob , de66- -'V j j.-'-i'-.-euAA;. i , vaxXXJL ,vX' XXIiiL 1 YFniE SALT. . H loo ajw, 1Vs1V,ua MACAULAYj& CO, ' on hand nov 27 SPHPTQJEST Book sent MW -LV.;Addr Eagle Book Co jan3-4w - ! ' - , MONEY 'L2r.-s outfit.: iKS . r; i -rn. rlES & ton Street N?X 1 jan3-4wl J ; s our i and ' kev-chfir.fc- Free , Stafford r :r irr -?"f iiwiruct, ana- on - lllll .1. Ill I II Q1lrii r -m Socie;v : and tn lA W, A ATmTnTi ' AnVTst ov, The income from .mv-'K: monrh tnr. to the paiehadB, .ofWrLl 9? bcientafic ADnaratns for thi ..l.' t"" statute lso, to furnish for the Institute ner month tn spTI Ko Tsr (ATP4rC FAMILY .KKIT-, ,,c, wHituwey, nwxrry ax "tery tuw prices or. cmh, t ; jpart uA, and .fl "t iinprwcnienls, for 275 j1??0 a. CONCERTO, PARLOR VRUAN, the most beautiful style and perfect v: wfccpt. juusic ana music Merchandisevl : jan 3-4w , , THE CHARLOTTE FAIR ii- VH. ...IViaTIS- lilnlUl,nH I mnrn i . r . . ' - ( i i iivi, n A 'I Vl rrT. . . . ' i - 111 1 but sec your face V'j Prospectus for 1873 -Sixth Year. THE :0: to I rwvt Jl1 V , w ,U11"SU nie institute 1 Trvn a miTwt jumi Orchestral Instruments and Music, such Sf iS i?HIN 3454 Washington as are found in SminnriM krAtZ. 1 8treett Boston, Mass. n Cities- South and 1 North - tt,. tJLv T7T7r r : : ' - ments, Ac., will hn ni V. r i h A?en . wanted 1 Just out I ' . A -- .u.ircro. 1UI LUR nu nt onH ') lrtitute for Young Ladies. ' 4 ; . lerms of admission, .h y ' $5.00 jan 3-4 w, wan fr? t Tnc OUltJIKllO npn 'hn'M . ill UTr.Tr, i agents wanted for our feB '" States" wiS iZ nH'mU4j i.- ji , s " ' littir nan """"" wtoittcttiasomest IPeriodi- iuouutuuiw -permontli. i ; f , , o nn nn. u , , t- reverse tiae. Ladies and gentleSdesirin- to becmne KBt rfmSl?6 wild"fire. ! embers of. the. Society will nlea.se lm . jituT J rtiU1; vtHy- irp- Empire ; Map - J. T. BUTLERS I! - NEW GOODS. Map is imequaled by any nownlremedy. i it lftr 1 Wilt Mlriinnfn '.l X. 0TR SALElMBpOK S0 THE ALDINTH ?, x..-l. Ai . t o iOOUCll Willi MI I tnc regularity;' has nonn-Af thn S-gft characteristic' ofordmar? collection of nictnr"rt,,a a vuvomi, iu, uiacK ana white A I- , j . - . - . '-""'ft "umwji anoras a fresh pleasure to its friends, the real value ! the r names at the book stor irftT fi DUSUtaent. W Liberty will eridicateemted: Tiddy & Bro: ; - i , rirc, A1Jt' 1 4w stroy all poisonous-nh;r:: dec7-6m ; - ? ..ft ; . : Blood and will PfFf .,oii,;"i,:;",v Vx , . "."CT1-ou y one Agent selling position to biUimlsidnST GREELEY & FAMILY, rnTUy pOFFEE, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese and i w ,; auvc, juat receivea at sept i A, 11. NISBET & BRO'S. dec 6 and beauty . of THE ALDINE will be smokinS hot&t luwt pprwiaju. aiter it lias been bound I at me ciose ot tlie year. . -While other publications TioT cheainess, as compared with rivals of a smuiar ciass, i tits AL.DINE is a unkme H"1 jiiiuA i:oi:epuon aione anu unSp proatheil absolutelv witliontVoim-fitirtn alone and unarmroacheif -rilMuiFnfoW , BUCK WHEAT FLOUR. B V C I W II EAT. BUCK WHEAT FLdUR. .TWr Received, now call and buy and ..,et .sol.e of our, elesant Goshen -with, the cakes when thev ar Arliie engraving 22x28, inches, sent bv ?Pleen? LJnless relieved the blood Ibeoorta ' WqaTiaci l-fv r S't-fi.'in i Watclies, Clocks, Jewef- v ji bureau uutters .and I i -"vr - Mi imsjeaaejtsiotelip Needle Threading Thimble, price 2?cei?te Feons' Pustu1 Canklr, Kmjl1 . . . viiuimn iti vr nno ri-n i I j. - w ? uu 41 ; vm H'ni 1 KrnHinnk j - tt f? uently to all old and new LeilP? 1S. PPWy aided the system agents, address AMERICAN NOVELTY Co wj Jjroaaway, JN. y. jan 5-4w JOHN F. BUTTS, Market. LOOK ! FREE TO ALL ! per week to acents. Malonr va fo all who twiU write for an Agen- ia Kili4l , r-v "i"'rY . uiutaunf wuu poverty, of the Blood. f1 teiiaency' gerieranreakness and vHaye you weakness of the Jlnestines ? You are in dntumT. nffUi r. . ?" 1 Tflm " r;v. S,.uul iiarrhoa? or Vi- i uie jooweis. ' ; ; of tlie Uturine and; Plated. Ware. : Spectacles, &c or w - . -- cy we will send f 7 " V":? ' . -exposed to IToni-r. tn TiT,, " "i tt.. "u" ttrr r a? 'r5 '"H" aggravated forni ART DEPARTMENT.! Notwithstanding the incrca-six in the Vt Twxrrfuust:,,Pno.n 'assail, when THE the American public aniinwLitk fn.wi r,n suP1K,rt, a sincere effort in theciiipe of Art. Ail Southern Comiaerce. ' SavaXnah, Ga., Jan. 31873. Ihe (Jonimittee on Indirpt. Trurl inauguratton, appointed by the ueorgia Agent (Jonventian, of which general John B. Gordon is president. ",cl " caty to-aay ana issued ap address, of which the 'followim; m a one synopsis : The committee invites the cottorf crfowintr States to mt hv . t . 'f vtvivaiiiuiJ in convention at Augusta, Georgia on the 2d of February. It next re fers to the common interest of the West and South, and asks delegations a so from Cincinnati, St. Louis, Liouisvil e, Memphis and other cities tq attend. It theu aiotes the impor tance of great through lines by rail and water with the tar West, espeei- 4i i tne Auaimc ana reat W estern and also thn npppiit ' iled organized and sustained effort ,,r a. D will repro- vY h11&c iviiuxvu aoroaa the advant- ipr.fMi witn rTL". rr! '"aa iiibii u v 1 1 : vv iji i.iiu ill it r no y Awt-n..A success, and greatest general interPt. such as have become jfamiiiar photographs, or copies of any The Change. HAVING notified our friends and cus tomers some time since, that our busi ness would chanffG 'Ti without contitition in priw or Character. fTf pleased to say thai the change; 'has i he possessor of complete volume can- taken place, and it is to he strictly CASH ., uupneate tne quantity of line paper and ur w UA vJKKJJlT. Those who do not not-expect an v favors. there are the chromos, besides ! fonder,"; the Illustrated Horn of pientv Are ySu deje 8 fiiiT It contains over fiftv & will be sent FRTii "t"'"' t; . '" .-tlj Headache. A will be sent FREE to all who may write Address I GABSIDE, Paterson, N.J FREE a comi CI1 srra VI II ss in nnir ...i 1 llflV nmnintlTT r, . A " nUiUJi lyf,tn tim Fl Jy? 8 ,n arrears-lonk fo? credit,' In&tf0 cyclopedia, ALDINE assum'ed its pwrwrtiWwid re Pf f the above niles, we will resentative charcter, the edition W ISk 3,1 cU 800? theaPer than thoae w fc'iHAP08 y; Prqving that ni. .,. save us the unpleasant duty of den vin To our many friends and patrons we re- wiMi.Ks, anq.a.sg a continuance of w.i iuvurs Deiievmg that by a strict ap- j T i ., c wve nues, we will be ho Book A orn fa complete- outfit of the 'pTCTOT?TAr. BIBLE it is the onlv Rihl in Analysis of the 8' "". Classified "Bible DS; n. " its coated toneiieaml IH VUf" J-L For a certain Temed v for all of these dis eases, weaknesses an 'I'troubles? forean smg and purifvins the vitiaf mIIS -parting vigor tS all thi w "Si weakened uu.UxAb,U3 ui lxjnaon and Paais "the .T, ""!,Y"1, w"uc, a"ae known lucuiuii world. 'I'hia All bills are due and nWnHlo j. . . . I " " tuc in a eucu ana every month; . GRIEit & ALEXANDER, jan 1, 1873. lv Democnit please copy. , - i juouiy tile ready conhdence thns rfmftnit.-,i'i. exerted themselves to the ope and improve the work ; and fhe nlans . " ior uie coming year, as unfolded by the N , a eine. Flavoring Extract month ly issues, will astonish and delight Fresh and of superior quality. iJUitWJiL.L.&CO, Springs' Corner. - -j-v, uwuijr miiu merits make it the cheapest and fastest selling Bible pub lished. - - WM. FLINT A fT) - Ja" w Atlanta, da. and. untried discovervhas itv, . ?Iihed,ng physicians 'bfothcoun: u ic wuu wrmarfut remedial results. lon t weaken and impair the digestive organs by cathartics andphysics thlll DON'T even tiie most san-rnhiA frioTiJo!.f fpfn? ALDINE. j The publishers are authorized to an nounce designs from many of the most viniic-ni,uru3is oi America. dec 21 SIMONTON HOUSE. :0:- ; Be deceived, but for coughs, colds, s6re throat, hoarseness and bronchial difficul ties, use only WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. Worthless Imitations are on the market, but the only scientific preparation of Car bolic Acid for Lunsr disensp i ,an wny commnea with other well known remedies, as in tliese tablets, and all par ties are cautioned against using any other In all, cases of irritation of the mucous meiiurajie inese tablets should be freelv lency and dvsnensia with ;is i. . , ceases are sure to tollow their use. JOHN Q. KELLOGG. tb XSw Y-k. Sole! Agent for v v-i.ivvu utaiCT. f 9 rtne DoIIar I Bottle.! Send for jan 3-4w MUSIC BOIES AND MANY TOO NUMBROirs -AT J.T.BUTLER'S OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE, October 22 ' C3-TJJSTS- ages winch Hie OOIlt-h nffo-Q TK unole country is inro0tj -- ...vvivaicu 111 lilt? liicreHscd prosperity of the South as T ea!ig Western farmers Ui work their lands profitably. Mil Jiiis of people in the South and Wpay tnbute to the enriched Just in the hope of hastening profc I;f tv by counselIinK together, in lit tnt,Tnt .of Alerican fellow fehoi). Delegations are ; earnestly in vited from thfi flmitlinm H..,f avoiding through kind. STATESViLLE. ff. v. KMSS -d "-'-s p-S- :0:- . ",Tf ?l "cgii-ut u ;oia,u is easn v cured m its mcinipnf whon i :;. . ' WOVJIHaJ SINGLE GCNS. ABOOltroilTffElIIIxroifj: Guide. iprirmi farrted "TT ' phyaio logical Married or tbaaa a boat m ' The quarterly tinted plates, for IS73, will rcpro luce four of Jnh s n.-; bie child-sketches, apiropriate to the four on mm wlen they, visit Statesville Ti5!J2-,?f . th.e ab.ove named S,.t . ""ii respecuuuy invites the people of pjI J: V, ia"1.c 1S a pecinc. nit ri rrm av.-i . 1. 1: . . "'"i-vi- ami me puunu generally to from the West. Ax ExntiNGTooT Ra.-. Af n, ftavaunah, Fair .Grounds on Wednes day a loot race of 'one 7miU - pure of fifty dollars took place, the 7,;r"r,4l" '"S ; Jwr. Barrett, v tk V ofe?nal who ' hails? from uvine. ine -a; Wlhe outside hfts agirreffate "6 was amount issue tor January, April, July and Oeto- "vi, wuuiu ue ajone worth the j'car's subscription. The popular features of a copiously illus trated : Christmas" ; number, will be con t. nued. To possess such ' a val uable epitome of the art world,-at a cost so trifling, will conunand the subscriptions of thousands m every, section of the country ; ' but ?rfrThe ,llfeuIn6ss and attraction of IHE ALDINE can be enhanced, m proportion to the numerical increase of of "Worrersr tne publishers propose to uaB.u jussuraut-e aouoie sure." hy the fol lowing unparalleled offer of , ' PREMIUM cilllOilOS FOR 1873. - will call He ssiare iieirner nains nnr mnnr rfeJi16 SIMONTON HOUSE a first class price of a ilKJi ana worthy of public patronage. T. A. PRICE, nov 2o-tf ,; Proprietor. rneeoc. per Vox. John O. K:llrrc is i Plnfr. Sf XT V ol. . A H " "&' fTf c j AScnc r tne United States. Send for .Circular. jan 3-4 w At $2 00, $300, $450, $5 00, $600 $10 00, $12 00 to $20X4 Double Guns. ! $8 00, inUllaa.a.f how tonre.rr.th. :ir.r . F".Ulf clftprin,. "f kr. - not laid car.l,Mlr SbiTthi boSiTh,ete ny J?o (he f poataga) tar May CnU. Notice to the Afflicted tad tT&fbrtauttft raoaa; i a I Ddoraed by aome f the aaoat MlebrltA !IuT SIP?80" Alawnntrr and MMdTbat "Mkaji4 Cbasaat, Sk Lamia, Mo. T. ' i: n r 2-d t w ly F. SCAUR, so 09 o 0Q I tb.o.,...4 ;iT,Tl. V.' ? one ywoauu uuimrs, ana there w C H A R L b T TE, K,r C AGENTS WANTED. Act at once. There is a PILE of money in it. : The people everywhere are Eager to buv the AUTHENTIC HISTORY OP J LIVINGSTON'S TTT 1 -r - . . nuiiurous discoveries and ThriHinjr Ad ventures uunnezs years in Afrion untK account of the Stanley Expedition. Over W8' 1-oU' 1S selling bevond parallel. Only Complete and Reliable work, bend for circulars, and see Proof auu great success agents are ha vine. a . HUBBARD BROS Jan 3-4w - Publishers, Boston, Mass. Every subscriber to THE ALDINE. who aa fTnn I nava in c. .1 . lonn.-il.....'- , . . vwi,- . ... , tc ,ur : 1 no i- w . v mi I m. riuCuuyinnch' excitement - . ... pice of position fell to Mr, Barrett beautiful oil chromos, afteTFjHuHhe - reParea a Hours : no trot tU i'noiiU'.ii. j 1 , eminent TCnirllah naint0, ti.. .-..i.' , nf tv. t j . "nOAgents want absolutely the best sell tT irJ5TTWVK?,f v .tor circulars of u t s unaonageel ill as. Family Bible Wiw- a-11 AV "jr.-iz in., aw pages Bible Aids, fec. Arabesque $6.25 Gilt rvP- wasp, i $30. - Fall Gilt. 2 elasns 1100., "Belden;. the White Chief" --For "ugis oom,xu;j ready., The i i iii:ini oirr-i fHKivnnWn i,t. - j m lauouc xreat-' York and Chicago. v aw vwJUUVVi reason assiynAH ft xr x al.-ui.injj, out of the reach of comneririmi - - J mxjuuiivhi, KUO uxiruiuus will DC na correspondingly ahead of any that be otfered bv other ieriodiVa la . M ofWri trv j 1 1 , tcl wio. yrace ne snoscriDer win receive a certificate Over l ",ra"lvea a lot 1 of j double the: stake and run the signature of the publishers, yuatanlee- 9' Preserves, fec, at FoRT MiLL.There "1SIO f is a. scrap ingr that the .chromos delivered shall be equal to tne samnlea furnishprf t.hi oo-of I I orjhe money will be refunded? hiTTiBl of fpontion ot pictures of this grade, ? free to FBESH SPICES, ilflll!?,10 of select Spices for Jb . btJARR S ! Drug Store. june 29 thT 7 connected with the ; name of tn.e,su,scribera to ' a five dollar periodical tha!t it iFMni1 S W?1f considering Often iirinmkii1 Before thewarfwr. , marvel falls little short of a mir the! Catawh? Jr,? Revolution, fele, even, to those best acquainted ith v wtawDa Indiana had . TTrtt 1 the? aehWomonfa r fljTr,,-.,A !-.. "CVVt tM X 171 ll III! i era inence near th isMocality; the ?"d improved mechanical appliarlces. r8 pOStofhf'fi oarnKi;l,-J s I' 1 fFor - llflistratinna rit rriooa lfw.TO . ayju lustrations of thA nh - v.. a fewrni o WJ1 ; otec,e Ureek, a A Mfl'ta0tm old; fort! the Sta?pnefHg then' offices ;iri offiri i of the same name, 'the old vZa" at the mill ..was ; .called .r Mil .." Unon thp rmiu;n " , . uiaia iwiu, nereaiter, he ob the C & C. Railroad t .V ng ' f inable T subscription. -Therty will 'eoiQvedw-lhnn6'031 Was be no ced or club rates ; cash for sul to the SrwA - u u change . of name nptions must be sent to the publishers fr6rrJ tb?S W hmtates ifc ' nanie direct landed to the Jocal agent, with- Miit' 'Lll .wl,uluce ana is Fortl 'ev w w puousneni except s id 4UThOt JJiZZs: Ttrtfh ,TTtn r .. cases where the eertififAte is irivpn-hoanin., .THE LITERARY, DEPARTMENT,!: will continue under the care of Mr T? TPTT. ARD HENRY VSTODDARD, assisted bv urai writers aim poeis oi Uie Clay. Who win stnve to have the. literature of THE ALDINE always in keeping with its artist uc attractions. t at-wj . ' ; " TERMS. r-.-V.;.-i f 5 per annum, in Advance, with Oil v .1 ? ii Chromos free. - THE ALDINE mill, hereafter, be obi -Rock (HiU Tsanf cases wliere the certificate is given, bearing AGENTS WANTED. yaiue nf ' " ""'w inei wa"", wismng co act permanently tt J. V ine 8U recovered bv Rrot as a local aeent. will receive full anfl . tailors, aeciared Hrpf i""" "iwiiuauon oy applying to vors 4ee5 Publishers, 8 Maiden Lane, New York. Pure Salad. Oil. - j . Finest article in' Market, at " I .F. SCARRY ' june29 - N - - Drugstore: FOR SAL. : t gSToTOS250P'RM'lf H-1j HiVerywhere, male and Female, to in- r I troduce the "Genuine Imnroved H-? mon Sense Familv Sewins- Mnoh rH This machine; will . stich; heni.i fell' tcki quilt, .cord, bind, braid and em- I K?. "x luusi, Hupenor manner. Price ' f15- Fully Ucensed and -warranted i v5 for five years. - We will nav 1 noo W -ryy auy ma:hine that will ew a stronger' t rj "lorBiHutuui, or more elastic seam t n onra : 11 makes the f 'Elastic Z Stitch." Every second stitch fV win ue cm, ana sua the cloth cannot I1 1 i be -nulled amrt. witKnnf sa- CD iWe I)ay agenrs from $15 to $250 per anu cipeusses, or a commission Jrom which twii-p. fh-ir. omnnn4- , , ",t. VUU oe maue. Aauress ' 1 Boston ; Masg.t Pittsburgh, Pa.; Khicago, jan 3-4 w r : - - , ;. -: -: At 00, $7 50, $10 00, $12 Oo $15 00 w, T4uw, wuw, iuuu, ouoo ;to $75 00. i j Breecli-Loadiiig Double luns. PISTOLd. SmiW,:A4 Pitney - vuu Muua, at iiianuiacturers prices. " Ammunition. '& hemLis " For Breech-Loading Guns, at a Ismail ad vance On Cost of Importation. , METALIC AMMUNITION FORI RIFLES AND PISTOLS AT LOWEST! MAR-TT KET, PRICES.- it A complete assortment. of' aU 1 8porting (roods - Prima onA Tv. :..ij.:.l , 6 .. suipuon'seur. on ar phcation. 1 : ! 5 v" Goods shipped by Express, C. f). p- ' POULTNEY, TRIMBii & CO. Importers." NbJ'on ;Wi TiQn;l.: Richard's. DousalrRrnA' 1al i. other celebrated make nf K -VkiJ sept 'A) 1872-od ly f t - - - - -. - - t-1 - "j " Km, iffames. ? I- 'Ti " . ,W.WiDSWORTH has at his Livery - .AItr,V' WW ' 1 : ni oui- i. -xi-Ti; 1 7 On thehneof theTTnion Paw'flo PoJIn-i Cloek. HORSES and MTTLES for sal ah O.OOCI acres of the best Farmine fe Kept constancy on hand. 1 1 !s2 vi awXta.m AmencaV " nov an ; . i.lti tif Jr-'-i f mV'Jr Aures ePrasKa. .m.uie ? , TT ; ' : I ""tc vaiiey, uow ior sale.' ' v TWOA-cres of land adioihirig the City of I for Grain growing and Stock Raising mi Cliarlotte. verv finelv situated in & 1 stTfpassed bv anv in the United Stetes i rapidl y improving neighborhood. Will 1 1 '-. Cheaper in Price, more favorable ! terms be sold entire, or in lots to suit nurchasers.' I Pven, and more convenient to tnarket at a very reasonanie rate. ? Apply to oct 22 "JOIIN.T,':BUTLER In- Opposite Mansion House. ; ?- A Murder. .Fire &, Ebboery. than can be found elsewhere.' ' . .. . . : , ; ,t yfiEK BOMESTEADS fob("actual SETTLERS.' " The best location for eolnnfps U?o1ioii i entitled to- a Homestead of 150 acresi ' - 5 Send for the hew Descriptive Pamphlet niut ; ucw niaiH. nnniixnpn in' H nir chr S I am josinff' many of : mv custo mers by creditine theni ; I would German Snr,i;.i M, rs ,J take, the liberty of asking all who owe me J everywhere. Address ' -t' . - -cau anu settle up Dy tne ist ot eDruary i OF. DAvIS ( or sooner, ' J. 'J,v wi'WSK f Land Com'r U. P. R. E. Ov.. o, r, vv. dec2Q . janw - , . - 1 PA?iRfnS T&. TliejTicier fun t- ox uie iunniert. i fun 1 .muu t.-. Game of Na.HiGIS huette comiealitips. 7,tq' I TV! karactere -from Wlr-.i5. Ganifc Blind' ! Al nhabet knd w, new frame, and old ,Tvnrz.a : c: Romone of HlWsrvArrI? liviaemj'Wiaerawak raYo, mi ti Uracie. The came iof ArittmL. ed - Puzzle map of ' North America. Arithtnetic, a simple and fascinatmg game; What Is it : or hnw tri: mitl Uenrv s PennVTirrlA' irw - r..iv . s. ! " iUUlUUJ D X Ll sf t S1' -Rhymes :Puzzle .1 pur Pets SU2?e' eModel Ship Puzzle, i: Uncles Raphael's Puzzle Chromos. Alphabet Blocks Toy books arid a laage number of Vij r - "iieinS.ining? lor the children at Christmas. A ell :jriis:J by dec'l8".,5r,'":'ii ' . A. E. Kisbet & Siothet HAXf0,irP1ed aft improenwfft fw their Commodious Score Room- or ade Street, one door West of Smith; & Hamirfond's Dnvg SUm, tliarlotte; V'e ,V are now-receiving a Well selected, stock of vxiuveriess, auusieai instruments, 1vs Ci' gars, fcc., Wliictt has been bouglit by one of tho firm, a a time when the market war nvtavorable: 31iey tlierefore feel satis he L that they caw sett aft gords in t&ei ' hj as low; as any firm i t7iafltte, fo . cah or to puhctiuri ct&tomm;. ineynmte Merchants to- gite- them a call, (as they had a si)ecja4 eye to their- wholesale trade,) and feel warranted ttt saying that they can sell ro as to mkei ' saving to them in their pureliaiws.. i:, 1 Tliev return their thanks to their friend and the generous public for past, forors. snrj ! solicit a eoHtinuanee of the ame - , f . A. NISBE-T '& BRQ, f.:. SW0ftad tvordcrfuf frt tlW ' ; kJ Magic line. Call and see it. at . . dee 15 TIPPY'S FOB SALE. : A call is-solieitHi i ,T1UDX-6 BRO. St. JIAltl'SSClldOL. ,, EAiEIGH,N.'0. i..!-J L.:;.: ' V,- 5vt Aldeii'Smed'ei, D. Dw Rector. " ' . cnnett Smedes, A.M.As't'- mHE Sixty-second Term of .this, gchooi will commence oti Tcf., Jfi . j auu cominue wntil the I7th X or a cnreuiar apply tosthe Reo- A tot of fine HORSES anxt IWtfS, rrHLS?1 order At DAVlDSO'a v 14 VERt STABLES, Horses and Mak ; for sale are kept on haJ eowstantlv,- of June. dct2f-2w " HAIR Brushes, ?, Tooth iBrusiKS, Nail rBrushes. i. -,,.r,'. i ' .. , dec a ..... - ; ' Springs' CmU . ' F0E8ALH . ; : ;( t : The fine young Liglrf Ilai ness and Farnil v ti re CLARA, owTDfir! v 3 Oreen& Lindlev.' (it. A RA is a beautiful 1ai-t- ir t j a.s will be five years old next sprmg; ' is well ' ' t broke nnA VlnA : ,"cu.) -J Ti- TZEROSENE LAMPS,' J-JL P.TTHWVT T ' A fr dec 21. " - ' .'I , GKEEN & LINDLEY, ' ' ' " Ovef Wilson. & Black'sDrug Stored ' u it TEASy Spices,:. Pickles,- Oysters,- JeluS"; Lemon Syrup and Canned Fruits, now receiving at . - . septia A.R,5?.&BR0,

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