t : DAILY OBSERVER. JQIINSTONE JONES, Editor. . it..- 1 '. ' ' r" A Pridayr January 101873. The 'irrepressible, conflict still ra ges in Georgia. w Sixty-three ' ein Ebonies -have been ' burned since Sep- a . 1 . h i ml , . -a. . . ;xenji)er,iBi..v ine major pan oi inese "Vvcnj incendiary fires;.?;" -Ah evenl1!!8?3! a " ''' "TT 1"." . i . v .: . .1 .-. : . sign-posi io snow me way lumgs are drifting in this4; country. James L I). Tratlewell Esq, of CfflumbiaK. C., J haftiformed a law copartnership with Congressman It. B. Elliott, a negro. w1 .v. v. i ); .. l '.. it , ' kind'of- Christmas tport, pe culiarly characteristic - of "Young Am erica?' For the boys of the town to put the town council and the capj tainj of the '.Police, inthecalaboose on vhrisf m as i day.-. Th is ' was done 6n he'Cliristmiis just passed in sev; al places. , 1 Qn ;"yetlhesdary f in the Superior; Codrt of Wake, th e'ease of the State agajnst ' George W. Swepson was caljod. The defendant 'failed to an-: leworyand judgment nisi was-enter ed. . Jtwould be well if justice could; be Tieted out to this arch offender,) but he is so dexterous' and powerful Wl wi h his ill-gotten wealth that he' 1 hardly fail to entirely elude in the end the infliction of. Justice. ft pt" i; , ' " V it it . Oe. Jcbal A. ,Eariav The.,card of Ihis ttistinuished soldier, appear ing in tO;drtys ?.OBKiiYiiR; ;wi1L be read with ; inUrest; " r This willi; put a.n end,-we 'hope, to tho - correspondence 'which has for some time occupied the attention of th ; public. . , j. : ?he. original question, though not en irely settled, is, M''e trust, put" at rest forever. Itended, like many other questions 'innocently opened, in the disputants' departing entirely froin the sulyect of discussion. 1E1TH OF NAfOLEOX III. Ex- X Emperor , Napoleon - died yesterday Utt 10 o'clock; at Chiselhurst, Eng land. The world was prepared . for the shock; a3 he has-been gradually deplining for so.nve- time past. His age was fifty-eight. Thus another of thje great men of the world, onceone ofjits mightiest rulers, has met the cammon doom of us all, and bears teptimony to the truth of the poet's Hes:,, v.r- - "The boast of heraldry, the pomp ofpower. And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er Rave, Await alike the inevit,ahlfi hnnr. fXhfl patmoi glory lead but to the grave TimMoRNnrG STARV-rTheprospec- L . .(. ms ui vuia juuriiai .-.win oe seen, in another column of our paper to-day. hardly Signed to listen to the earn Slarted in the dark days; of North est appeaia of the white men of Lou- varonna journalism;- solely by; . its qwn merits the 'Mar : has fought its orders to back the Pinchback ad isteadily up'until it 4has now at- ministration, and to hold the citi- i,ainea,an immense ( circulation and ilarge.Undlncfejing patronageJ Its ditors:areentIemenxf: ability 'and experience and have-mude the Star ake a leading stand 4 among tbe 'pa- PCi ui V"e otat, x te War one 01 TKV1- - nur mosi 'newsy dailies; and wer'cordralry; wish it coii tiuued prosperity Poor Mrs: Wharton is undergoiiig Another trial for murder. Acquitted jiipon the charge of poisoning Gener al Ketchum,; she' is now arraigned for th eal leged poison ing of Vanness. She owed her acquittal on the ftrst trial principally to the- testimo ny, of Pr.Edward'i Warren formerly of. this- State, but now ai resMent of Baltimore. Dr. Warren when, put upon the stand boldly raised ; the question as . to' whether General Ketchum was poisoned at all, asser- : -r . i f , . - , Z ' . : V"5 lue -man uCBuh oi uisease, ana nuo iium me euecis oi a aeaaiy: po tion; His testimony "sprung a doubt in the minds of the jurors, and so she was found "not guiltv." , ' ; She will doubtless be acquitted on this.second trial. Where the Wicked Rule the PEOPLEtMouRN."rTaxation in South Carolina . is very heavy.. Almost more than the people can bear.' The levy this year for . State and county purposes exclusive of interest on the public aeoJnnxtfuhts to a million ' 1 . A g '' rf' . -'"'.., ana.a naii .ox collars. ."Thii" is about tuto-thirds more ',.than rwas required for the same purposes before recon struction"'' . TJie waste, extravagance-leakage W stealage iiWrf carpet-bag cra- ed"i government is enormous; -And to add jnsult to injury a. special tax is leviedj to supply the -deficiencies tZ v . caused oy emu icuju oi ine putn fund3 by official plunderers, In addition tor the general taxation a special one is provided in some of apvv"" r v me uuuunw rr -"v, widows and children ot persons. kiU ed by Ku-klux. . In York county an extra half mill is added for this purposed- The whole tax for that coun ty this year amounts to $1.53 on the hundred. STJPEItlNTENDEXT OV SCIIOOI.S. Gov. Caldwell tendered Rev. Chas. Phillips of Davidson College, the po sition of s Superintendent of Public Instruction.-This act on the part of hiaExcellency is a gratifying - evi dence of tlfe sincerity of bis recent i naugural - tleclaration th at h e in tends not to act the part of a parti- lr resohuion: to . appoint bniy s an. t Xjei uim iick -ciost? ty nw intelligent well-educated and hon est men" to office, and he w ill do well for North Carolina. God knows our -impoverished State hasjbeeh cursed long enough by ignorant; un educated and dishonest officials I - Dr. Phillips, it is said, has declin ed the appointment, because of "the small salary belonging to the office. This would have been axapital ap pointmentand wouldhave redoundd.J ed, to the benefit' of the' educational interests of the State. ' It ia.to be "hoped that Gov. Cald well will not appoint any but a na- r tive North Carolinian and one wh o is free from partisan', bitterness; and vhof"will go into.the t great work of organizing and conducting the pub lic schools of North Carolina,; with energy with enthusiasm and with "a single eye" to ' the advancement of the great and glorious cause of educating the - poor children of the State.','; ! ,. ' . I Much depends cm tlcSuperintend ent: it is a most important station :. too much importance cannot be at tached to it. Whoever is appointed, let him be one who unites to' a com petency for the place, perfect integ rity of character, freedom from po litical ambition, and a determined purpose to carry out the. work ener getically. Above - all have a man who is respected by the : people. In other words, a good man. " J3ND OF THE MUDDLE. The appeal of the Louisiana Com mittee of citizens has had its "effect. It has aroused the sympathies of the people of the United States caused Grant to assume! an attitude of im partiality between the two contend ing parties ; and influenced Congress to adopt measures for the relief; of the State., A resolution has passed the Sen ate appointing a committee to inves tigate the State of affairs in both Louisiana and Arkansas. Public sentiment has forced Presi dent Grant to ''take water" on this question. He manifestly, set out with the determination to sustain thfi npern nsnmers at nil barards. h isiana . he gave his military positive zens in check. It was an'- arbitrary act! i)f -.despo- tism on the payt of the Executive, designed bv' him no doubt as " feeler."jto'see bow far bayonet law wmitrl hnrnP hv tl,P rPnnlp nf thi United States. ; ' ' " ' J Well, be saw and ! evidently, , was satisfied that it would not do just yet, to make tbe Jmilitary. superior to the.cml power ; He was strongly denbuncejd throughout the : country for his arbitrary action ; and the New York Herald, which generally reflects with' -mirror-like precision the po litical sentiment of ' the country. warned him to turn from his tvran nical and most unjustifiable course. He called a halt, and now attempts to justify bis despotic action by fool ishly alleging tbat be sustained the Pinchback government "only to en ut u " i able the parties to , make up a case for court.", That is, he recognized a band of hegro usurpers, and set aside the regular government of a sover eign State in order to make . up "a case for court!" . The' President is said to be a blockhead.. One is in lined to . think him such after i speeeb'like this. ' , ' ' , ;The Louisiana difficulty, the Pres ident intimates, will soon . be settled by the ; proper; legal tribunal. The President's experiment' in the matter of overturning' sovereign States has failed. And all will be well. A Sensation ' iix JJankruptcy. There has lately been quite a shaking among the dry bones of bankruptcy in conseq'uerice of a recent rule of the United states Supreme court, mak ng it the duty, of registers to apply fVJ 2555 that when an assignee neglectstofile any report or statement required by lvntbin five days after the same .w due, the register shall cite him to show cause before the District court, why he should not be removed from office. Under this rule, the registers tn v- T n iueir lI. uw bolts against all dilatory assignees ana creetiug mucn consternation in - 1 the minds of the delinquents. . A CARD FR03I GENERAL EARLY. XyxcnpcEa, Va., Jan. 6th,-1872. Editor, of the Cliarlotte Observer : I Your paper of the 4th lustant;was sent to me by some one, and' Ifind in it a communication .beaded "Re ply Jto General Early,' s and signed, "Rufns Barringer," in fc reference to which it is proper that I should say very few words. . Having no, personal acquaintance with General Barringer, or knowledge ' of his political statnsrwhen I saw, in' the, Raleigh Sentinel, the letter to which : he - appended : bis signature, with the addition "Brig. Gen; C S. A I supposed he was a Confederate , of ficer who adhered to: the . 'principles and traditions ; connected with '.our late struggle,1 and, was ranxioua -tb m'aintain for his State (the claim , of having done more for the cause than any. "I therefore wrote' my letter to the Sentinel, to. show; that he was mis taken as to some parts, and had mis conceived my position, as 16 others. I concluded that, letter with, a dis claimer of all intention io place ? the troops of my own State above those of North Carolina, and somerem arks applicable to the troops from those States as well as others adding some opinions in regard to. those wffo proved recreant during the war as well as since. ' This part fof the letter seems to have' given mortal - offence to General Barringer who ;quotes ;a portion of my -remarks, and follows them with a violent tirade . against me. . - ' 'er- ,r l V ' 1 5 r l. -l '! : I presume that his especial grievi ance is to be found in the remark. I made, that : "Now, I cannot endure' one who has gone over to the enemy, since the war. Though he be a Vir ginian 1 regard bis crime as unpar donable and worse than if hevhad 'de serted in time of war." :; That remark expresses my deliberate sentiment. It was intended for those to whom it is applicable, everywhere, rand it seems that General Barringef flutters to the ground, a. wounded pigeon.; ? Had ! known .his character and history as they are now exhibited, si would not have thought it necessary o answer his first letter, and I ; now, ertainly, . deem it unnecessary to take any further notice of him or his communication.. Respectfully, .. i J. A. EARLY. From the Rock Hill Lantern. The Xtl-KIux Prisoners. The Prisoners lately sentenced by Judge Bond, at Columbia, arrived at rJcw York in the steamer James Au ger, Saturday, the 28th December. The whole party are represented to nave sunereu irom sea-sicKness, anu saemed much jaded, worn and de pressed. 1 hey were marched through the snow, a foot in depth, to the Grand Central Depot, and shipped by the afternoon tram to Albany. The xrisoners were Rev. John Ezell, of Spartanburg, Al fred Lam aster, John Whitiock, .Marion Fowler; Hosea Matthews, of union, and H. Whitesides, Jeremy Donald, Robert Moore, John Whisonant and Jerome Whisonant, of York. They were in custody of R. M. Wallace, Marshall, and his- deputies, Hubbard'and Coates. Ihe term of imprisonment is five5' years, except Fowler: sentenced to four' and Don ald to ten years. ; The fines are $200 each, except Ezell . whose sentence is $500. ' , Guilty or not guilty, such punish ment as this, for no greater offences, is cruel and unusual.! In m ost countries manslaughter is only punished by fine and imprison ment, either or both, at the discre- tion of the court. . . When to imprisonment is added transportation to: a Toreign State . removal ot the prisoners in the aeptn of winter badlv clad, with' only, a blanket fq their backsfrom "their. South ern h om es to th el rigors of a Northern climate ; the punishment, which ought to be only the sentence of the law, seems an infliction prom pt ed by : some ., touch of ? hate .and passion, rath er than th e just- j udg ment of a r court, tempered witb mercy. ,rj' - You appeal to - me," said Judge Bond, "for mercy; you must look to the President for that." , ' These are startling words to fall from the bench of i a .United ; States Court. 1 - v ' "V - Appeal not to us for mercy,' : we have it not look to the President 1 . Real Estate at Bock Hill. The real estate', and " other ' property: of Messrs. Kerr & Roach', of Rock Hill, was sold by the Assignees in Bank ruptcy on the 3d day of January. -; The dwelling bouse lot,, bought by A. E. Hutchison, at $2,625. , r Office lot brought by, same at $800. r The Duff "store' lot,1 bought by same, at $1,S20. t , One tract of land containing 143 acres bought by.Mrs. Ann White, at $15.25 per acre. ' V. ; One tract of 21 . acres, . bough t by sam e at $32.50 per acre. , - These two tracts are on the Rail road 'one mile below Rock Hill, The first was sold three? years since at Sheriffs sale, and brought $10 per acre. The tract of 21(acres was sold at the same time, but at private sale for $30 per acre. - ' , .This shows a considerable; appre ciation of real estate near the villager No buildings of any value 'on either tract. Hock Hill Lantern. ' - - !- ' y- GENERAL ITEU5. ivMadame Brignoli, nre IcCullocb, is starring it to crowded hsuses at Nice, in Italy. - n. R, Revels, (Colored,) has been appointed Secretary of State of Mis sissippi in the place of James Lynch deceased.,' . - v ' - t Louis Napoleon's son will enter the naval school at Woolwich, Eng land under the name of Louis .Beau harnais. - - ! ItiraaVSatVkwitbva'.cttptal of $50,000, has been organizedat And ersoriT " Joseph N.' Brow n is - Presi dent,, and J. A.; Brock, Cashier. : The New York Tribune joins ' the Times of that city in urcingr: metro-; politan consolidation that is union 1 ' .. i:'"-vr 1 ot urooKiyn anu x ew ? x vrn. as uuc muuicipaiity.' . " " T t -,-. r Christmas was - observed alt over the country 5 -A. sweeping- change has come over the country ' respect ing this "i- holiday -rHsuch anv one as would astonish the bid settlers, could they see it. - It is. a change vastl for the'better. 'V.5'."1.. " ,: .ladame Janauschek, the tragic actress, who has been winning" such Wonderful successes recently in New York and elsewhere; is to appear ; at the 'Richmond Theatre." next week. She is accompanied byv: the fayjjrite tragedian, James il. lay lor. . ; The high value of .leading journals is astonishing. J he INew iotk Jier ald could notr probably, a be f . bought for $2,000,001), if it were for sale at all. 'The New Yorlc "Evening Pok is believed to' be worth .over a , million dollars, and the Journal of : Cpmmeret even m ore than the Post, - and th e Philadelphia Ledger more than eith er. The Chicago and New York TVi 6 unes are valued at $11,000,000 each . 'Thc Memorial Window" was sung bv Kate Jfutnam, at her- benent, ini Savannah; on last Friday night. This is a beautiful poem , written by James Barron Hope, of Virginia, and stib-' sequently feet to-music. - It was pen ned on the occasion m the taking dmvnby Federal authority, a44meni- oriai wiuaow: in one or ine iorioiK burehes"; which had been construct ed by the congregation in memoriam and contained the names of ni any gallant Confederates who had gone forth for the South and fallen upon the bloody fields of ..Virginia.. - ,-1 :1 LATE TELEGRAPHIC NEWS: Heavy Snow, ' ' ', .CHiaiGO, Jan. 7. The heaviest fall of snow for years is reported through out Illinois. 1 " Florida Legislature. Tallahassee, Jan. 7. Gov. Hart has been inaugurated. Conner ; has been elected speaker of the House by the democrats aad a few republi cans. Small Pox in Maine. - " Bangok, Jan. 8. Tlie courts have adjourned on account of the small pox. Fromi New Orleans. New Orleans, Jan. 7. The Pinch back Legislature, is in joint session for the purpose of counting the vote for Governor. The people's Legislature is in ses sion, the House having 53 members and no quorum in the Senate. - Trial of Airs. Wharton. Aknapolis, Jan. 7. The day has been consumed in the argument on a motion to quash the indictment against Mrs. Wharton, which the court denied: New York Liegislature. Albany. Jan. 7. Alonzo B. Cor- nell is Speaker of the House. The messagcof Gov. Dix congrat ulates the State upon the calm which has followed the ' national election, and-, states that t the animosities of the late rebellion'are gradually wear tag1 away? . J V i J yl I- t . i. From Washington. 1 Washington, Jan; 7. The' Secret a ry of War, to-day, sent? a - com m uni- cation to tue liouse in reply to a resolution, stating the cost of a ship canals from r the s Mississippi r river. near its mouth, to deep water in the Gulf of Mexico, would be $7,500,000. . The interest' due from the State of Alabama oh her bonded debt, both foreign and home, was paid in full yesteiday irt London "and-New. York. ; Mr.vMitchell, Jinancial agent.; and Treasurer Bingham,:; have laid their monetary plans before the. financial department of the government. Congressional. Washington, Jan. 1 7. Senate! isiana and Arkansas passed.- It em powers the committee to send for persons and papers and .to deputize persons io late eviueiice. , Indian appropriation was discussed to adjournment. - i f The House has been engaged on appropriations. t j,. ,",.t- ThePresident on Xoulsiana AtTaira. Washington Jan. 8. In a conver sation to-day. the President declared his purpose in the recognition of the Finchback government was oniy ,to onaVilp. thfi nartiea to make ur a case for court. He did not regard it ma terial which party, he recognized. It was necessary. on ly to recognize one or the other. Ihe military was or dered to preserve the peace. Pinch- back's proclamation, . ordering 'the citizens not to assemble, the Presi dent regarded as an outrage on the constitutien and - puts Pinch back's party in the wrong. The President has now no fear of any violation of the peace and says the whole difficul ty will soon be settled by the proper legal tribunal. Bloody New Year Celebrations. - New Yohk, Jan. 7. In a free fright among the quarry men in a drinking; house in Centreville, a hamlet, near Sugerties, New Year's Night, a Mrs. Hill had the top of her head beaten in, Mrs. Stewart has several ribs bro ken and was fatally i jured,; another woman was also brutally beaten, and some twenty men.j.the combatants, were all more or less- injured. The fight was one of unusual savageness. No arrests. - - - , . ; The l.ate Boston I"irc. Boston, Jan. T. Nearly all the ci ties in Massachusetts yesterday inau gurated theirmunicipal governments for 187a. . . Mayor Pierce, of Boston, an his message gives the following statistics J of the great fire : . r " 1 : . f- - j-1 y-vi -r re V a eni till t-vT crr f rf territory - covered about sity-five acres and the short time that tbefire had been burning, the amount there by destroyed was nnparalleled.TThe whole number of buildings destroyed exclusive of those slightly 'damaged, was 776, of which 709 were : of brick and&tone and 67' of wood'. He as serts" tbat the" value of these j build ings amounts to $13,591,000, and it is estimated - that to replace them it would cost at least $18,000,000. .The value of personal property "destroyed was about $60,000,000. -Only fdurteen persons are known-to have lost their lives, and of this number seven were firemen. - - i " The debt-of Boston during the year has increased. $4,350,000. andother cities show a considerable increase of indebtedness. "- A ; .-: f r Taxes axo - Fekces. Now , is the time for cutting and slaying1 timber; mauling rails and paying taxe$. Enormous as.-are the; taxe4 r.they are prttbadly less' Imrdehsoni 6 '' than the. fences with this difference:! the first are- paid upon compulsions and if t they are twice as ' heavy as they ought to be, it is because oie-half has been . annually stolen by the( omciais, . .wniie s the latter may v be regarded, as a self-imposed burden, couu try co u Id get rid of, - if - th e peo ple would agree upon the wisdom of fencing stock in, instead of fenc ing them out of .enclosing jpart of our lands instead of the whola Rock Hill S C.) Lantern. . ' , ' " Not Generally, KNowN.-iMartin Van Buren is the only nian hu held the office of President, Vice- Presi dent, Minister to England, Goyernor of his "own State, and m em ber of both houses of Congress. I gliomas H. Benton is the only man'vfho -has held a seat in the U S. Senate1 for thirty consecutive -years. The only instance of father and son i in the Senate at the same time is i that ; of the Hon. Henry Dodge, Senator from Wisconsin, and Augustus C. Dodge, Senator. from Iowa; General James Shields is the only man .. who ever repressented two States; in the United States Senate. ? At one time he was Senator from Illinois, and subsequently Senator - froml Minne sota. John Qumcy Adams- held a positidh 5 under the - Goverumeut during every Adniinstratif)n from that of Washington to that of roik. during which he, died.- ;Hc had been Minister to England, ; mem ber of both houses of Congress, f?ecretary of State, and President of tlie United States. lie died while a member of the House of Representatives. The Star says the receipts in , the Wilmington City Treasury during the Year closing the 31st December, 1872, amounted to $129,417 82, of which $8-,618 80 was for .real and personal and $12,768; 02 for specifie taxes. t . ' 1 i New Advertisements. : Stray Horse, ! - . - . . A Medium seized SORREI HjDRSE.with xjL a sarldle but no bridle on 1 was taken ui on Wedneslav bv J. N. Caldwell, at tlie jail; The owner can get him by coming torward, proving property and ". jniyiiig charges. ' t . - - t : ...- - jan 10-lt ' - , IRISH and Sweet Potatoes. ;l Another fine lot of Irish and Sweet Potatoes, just re ceived ' . . J , B. Ni SMITH. " ;janl0-2t -i- ,.";- .i- - i -.'-- - jEXCEL!IOU ! I THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST 1 1 ! L.T O PLANT E B S i "TTTE - Offer ' the following Fertilizers : II Patapsco Guano, Chesapeake Guano and Wattson & Clarke's Super I Phosphate. : , We have pleasure in again tendering to our Farmers the above- first-class Fertile zers ' 1 - - ' - ' To those who have used them so many years we need only say that they are guar anteed to be fuily up to their ; previous high standard. .' ,-. '.;-- - , t And to such as have not yet used them one trial will coninue- them that '-they rare superior to all others ; so make sure; of a supply and please hand in! yours orders earlyi as the comsumption exceeds the manufacturing power.' . r - ? f - - For sale in any quantity, by;- - - , ' . STENHOUSE, MACATJLAY & CO. . j jan 10 - " " .j . ; y 100 Boxes.) . ERENCH and American Window Glass, in good order.' " . - i i - j : 71 b ; , - WM. R. BURWELL & CO. jan 9, :1 - - : - ' - MACARONI, Corn Starch, Chocolate, Horsford's Bread Preparation, , Pure Powder Ginger and Pepper; ! ', .' ' WM. R. BUR WELL & CO, jan 9 ' - Springs' Corner, u TROCHES of : Lacto Phosphate, Lime and Pepsim. ' - - i . WM. R. BURWELL & CO. Jm9 ' , i ,. x HAIR Brushes, - English and Amercan. WM. R. BURWELL A CO. jan 9 . - - r . ' ; LEWIS' Ture White Lead, WM. R. BURWELL & CO. To Otit Friends and Acquaintance!. TIT E the Undersigned beg ; leave to thank I f our ; frienls and acquaintances for their liberal patronage bestowed, upon our Employer,; Mr. ILSlirier for the past year and most respectfully ask a continuance of the same as we are-still at : the Temple of Fashion. Kespectfullv, - - J. A. Jr " A. II.' TATE. tjan9 ! - ' V .': Special Eotice to the Public. "A S"a great Vmany changes have taken jl place this year,; I rcspectfany beg to inform the 'citizens of Charlotte and tho public hi general that no change has taken place at my establishment. Lam still at my old stand, No. 24 Tryon ' Street, David Parks' building, with a large and well selected stock of the finest and latest styles of custom-made clothing for Men, Youths and Boys swear, also on hand a fine Btock of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Shirts, of Ballou's make, the best fitting shirt in the world. k- The very latest styles of Hate Scarfs, Bows and Ties; Umbrellas, &c, &c ' and I will still sell 'them at prices to defy competition.- n i " ' I expect to leave for New .York 'City in a short time to lay in my stock of Clothing and Piece Goods, for my Tailoring Estab lishment and will also bring i with me an experienced Cutter and Tailor, and will bo ready by Spring to cut and make to order at my own establishment and under: niv own supervision and at loweri prices than the same quality of goods can be made up in this or any other city, this side of Balti more, t - Being tliankful to, tlic citizens of Cliar lotte t and the public in general for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon me, I most respectfully ask awcontinuance of the same. Respect fnllv, . ian9; 5 . i i .. i ESHRIER. llome and Democrat copy, - ; v".. Clover 5 Seed.; A Supply of." Pennsylvania Red Ton J Clover See at . STENHOUSE, MACAULAY t CO. Eemoved. . P. WARING, Attorney at Law, from his old office on Tryon street, ' to the omVe in the Court liouse next door to the Slier iiFs Office. ' ' -jattJMJm; -"" ' For .Rent. A .Two : Story frame house on Tryon xjl street, near the Methodist Church. : Apply to -janfr-2t - JAMES MARTY. Piano For Sale. A SECOND HAND Piano, in goxl or der. : Call at tlie PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY of ; Jan 8-3t J. H. VAN NESS. : NOTICE. WE have this day old our entire' stock ? of Grmreries, 1 jiquors, &c-, to Messrs. W. II H. HOUSTON & CO.. and in retir ing from .business respectfully ask a- con tinuance 4f the liberal itronage bestowed upon us to our suet essoin. - GREGORY WILLIAMSON, W. J. BLACK t CO. jan 1, 1873. . v Sr Having purchased W. J. Black fc Go's and Gregroy & "Williamson's eutire stock of Goods, wVliave ppenctl at Gregory fc Williamson's old ntand, next d or to McMurray, Davis & Cb's, at which place we will constantly keep a complete Stock of GROCERIES, LIQUORS, AC, - And would respectfully ask a call from the public. I W. II. II. HOUSTON & CO. p. S. W. J. ORR and T, T). WALSH, formerly with Gregory & Williamson, and McD. ARLED(iE, formerly with W. J. Black & Co., are with vis anl will be pleas ed to see their friend and customers. . : WV H, H. HOUSTON & CO. jan 7 " ' NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. THE Co-partnerehip which r 1 expected to fonn by Jannary 1st 1873, will not take place-nntiVtbe latter-part of this month and therefore I will continue tho sale of tho entire , STOCK-OF FANCY : DRY GOODS. ' ' ' MILLINERY, ' , - f ; CUOTIIING, At tho sjame minced prices- t ; . i , i I WILL also continue to keep up my i BARGAIN COUMiSiC B.; Koopmarin, " :C H A R. EOTTE( N . C . 'v; .. . .. -I ..- - - ... ..jan 4 H . Wood! - Wood!! 1 LL persons can be supplied with Firo jci: Wood by calling on me, or leaving their order at Messrs. A. R. Nisbet 4c Bros.; Store II. EDWARDS. - - jan 7-lw -; ., For Ecnf. ; . -( vA Comfortable Cbttage with four rooms, XjL adjoining th property of Col; E A. Osborne formerly occupied by A. A. Gas ton, Apply to - - . jan' 1 , , , , T. A, McNINCH, v A Eare Chance. r A NY person wishing to purchase an ex-xx- tra tine lignt harness MARE with ex cellent .qualiUe ! for a family , "NAG," should apply at once to . .'"' jan S-Iw JDlC LIXDLEY. "' Bxicjiwlicat ! Buckwheat 1 ! A . Fresh Lot, Just Received and For il .Salebyr ....... B. M. PRESSON. . jan .5 -i,.-,1 ; ' FOE EEUT. 'lf ' Offices ami Family rooms, apply to Dr. 'Lindley, over Wilson & Black's Drug Store. . ti jan 5-lw . 'V ' v ' y y ;; f , Paper Bagslj , mEN THOUSAND Paper Bags I : Straw X Wrapping Paper and Paper Twine, for sale at ; jan MERCHANTS1" visitir aiarlotte, wfll find Writing Paper and Envelopes very cheap, at 1 . PUREFOY'S,

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