! r : " " t I JOS. P. CALDWELL; Local Editor: Friday, January 10. 1873. "JTgpccIal No1lc8 Inserted la. the lcal Column will -te charged 15 jceutf per line--1 r All parties ordering the Observer li..i csnii thi mmiiv tui the time Wlil ! ! ' ..... the iaperis wanted Xfi-vf Contractors will not be allowed. under their Contracts, to advertise any otber than 'their legitimate, business, unless by paying specially for such ad vertisements. ' " it-' 1 i MaHlstrates,Blantsr--iLttheOBsEKVEB Of? liptt t you - can get Magistrates': Blanks printjed in the neatest style, on best Quality Marriage " licenses. If y ou, wish "Mar r;agW Xicu'ses; 4 beautifully , executed, call, ' at thjc Observer Office.; ' r...; .'.; . Deeds Printed on ' Bond, paper can be had at the Obskrveb Office. r Correspondents must not write on boti sides of their paper. I '. j't ..'BfeW' 'Advertisements, tf Th'e following .new advertisements, ap pear jthis morni n- the first time?' Stfay Horse, -i Potatoes, &c. " ill There were no-' police arrests 'yesterday, up to 11 o'clock last night. - , V.Y w; ,t ; 1 r..i Sfenhouse, ..Macaulay fc Uq'ave; on lianlil a fine lot: of fertilizers.- which - they 1 . 4 ' . - Hi. t I advertise in another column, There were six additions to theLodge of Cinpd , Templars .'at their meeting last nidht. -- . ' " the Methodist Conference now in se- sifvp here is attended by about 12 white and an jcqual number of colored ministers. the Greensboro Prrfn'rrf 'saVs that Mr. S. C. jPyohertpon. of Charlotte,5, has opered, a marble yard in that place.' '' ' Tot n sinje offender ..w.i on -hand vr-tr4ln- nmminr to Tcwivo.rrfims'hrnent for hiisTnsat the hand.v of Ilis. JIono'r the Viivor. - . . ' 1 ": 1 Hood Opnnr'iinUv.-Anv on dwrnrs onmnins for an ofTrf" can make himself pornlar in th'is citv bv srptitlv drawing the hirt blood from the mifierable goat which r?A?lv POTftmbnlsfrs the mvii'nhi. o the inhnite distrust of the entire community. .jVter 1 v old Boreas tunied loose all his letkns. Tho day was deoi-lMlv nnmas nnit and th streets at times Mack with hats blwn from the heads of unsnspectine' citireno whoheichcl out "cuss words' with fearful .flnencv at eah new blow-off. rernal. ITon. W. M,-Shipn. of Fal eih, W A. Smith, member of Congress, frim th 4t.h District, atid F. N. J.uekcr, mpmher of the Tegislatnre, from I?owan, v'tp in the oitv vsterday, and registered at th Central Hotel. ' " mM Schools The nieht school in this city, conducted by Rev. B. S. Bronson. is, wp are pleased to learn, flccomplishinff much good, and m an v children, who have not the mean"' to attend a day school, are hesne instructed there in the elementary branches. . .-- ' ,1 z-fy'y k , ' " Pfreef ImprovaineiifThe authorities ard having stones laid acrops Trade street, just above the Merchants' and Farmers' Nnional Bank.' This is a good move. Tn bal weather persons wishing to cross the street from either side are compelled to wapk a long distance out - of their, way to onfe or the other of the street comers. Almost Frozen. Wednesday night or rafher yesterday morning about half past two o'clock, Mr. J. ,W. Mc.Whirter, v"wh sleeps over hi store on Trade afreet; 'heard groans an,d cry for help coming from some one. out in thestreet..,Mr.'McWlnrteratbnce rpjse and hastily drawing on his boots went oit, and found a white man. without shoes oi hat, lying in the . street. In reply to questions j the man answered that he liad bfen drnnk and had fallen; and 'gone ? to. lpep, from wliieh he a'woket to find hiini lf frozen almost to" death and. unable t Wove. Mr. McWhirter returned to his rqom to dress himself, and when he 'got back to where .: he left the 'man, - found that some else who had come along bad taken him in charge,'and 1 carried himoff, promising to care for. him.' -He- will no dubt conclude not to get sq drunk fgairt, uitil the weather gets warmer. ; - 1 - ' J . : -: l a i - '--XS - ' '' ,' . Leaf Tobacco Wa rehouse. Meesrs. M. Miller: &: Sons 'have opened in . this city a Tobacc(3Varehouse for the purchase aod sale; of ieatObaThiriswe, be lipvc the'first ehterprise"of the kind ever inaugurated in Charlotte, and if properly cbnihicted it will grow to be fa' large and l5attvl tradei Some of tbe lands in 'this section will produce a fine quality fof to-' baccoand as it is, of comparatively easy growth, if seems rather remarkable that Uie farmers have not devoted more atten t9n. .to fts cultivation. MessrsMiller & ons have taken a wise step, and one cal culated tblstimulate .the enterprise' of 'our wmers.. Some verhundred pounds of "fooacco ...have already been received at the ew warehouse. -MM ON OUR TABLE. Bhaix4bds' MtsiCAl, World onen its tenth annual- volume with increased at-! tractions;.; -The first of a series of descrip- T ' giving-, m .a plain, readable ftyle, the. details .of ensrravinsr. nrint.ino- stereotyping and all the other processes 'w I :. ... . CI connected with sheet music publishing is given in this number.' ' '- , 1 '. . " , Karl Men "will continue his able letters .'I, H it! . o:TriusicarBubjcW& and also contributes a 'spicy article on tlie forthcoming Cincinnati Jubiiee under-the caption of ' Young Jubilees." The editorial columns are, as usual, fill ed with instructive end able articles. ' ' I "Oar Letter Box,"" the editor's ' special department for the answering of musical" questions, contains some very interestin- facts for the musical. , - - The music in this" number (January) is "Maggie Darlinir." & beautiful rn" nr.fi chorus, by Horace E. JCimball ; "Solomon Grundy's YalseU neat: and effective in strumental piece" for beginners, by Karl Mcrz ; and "Little Beauty Marc V No. 5 of Golden Blossoms, ChaHes Kinkel's new se of teaching pieces., -r" -Subscription pri'ce tt 000 per Shriunv Send 10 cent to S; Brainards Sons Cleve land, 0M for specimen copy and? complete catalogue of sheet music: " " ; ' " Rural Caeoukiait. The January num ber of this.; Magazine . comes to hand as usual. It open's with some, very practical hints front; the editOT, . under the , head," "thoughts and suggestions, for the month." This is. followed by an article from the in defatigable pen, of Col. D. Wyatt Aiken, en titled practical Essay on Plantation Eeconomy," for- which a premium -was awarded at the late. Fair of the South Caro lina: 'State. Agricultural and "Mechanical Association;-' No planter in the South is better iosted on this subject, and this essay will be found worthy of a careful perusal. "HillsideVfon ''Labor Contracts,'.' jdeseryes ta be read; and farmers and planters'might do' well to look 'morevWefullyfnto this department.,.' Frof. E.,AT. Ililgartl, of the U niversity of Mississippi, gives an article on Guano and vother Ammoniacal Man ures on White Lands. In: the Horticul tural Dcpartmentr Mr. 33dmund? H Hart gives a very excellent article on Guavsi and its cultivation.. In' the Mining and Me chanical Department there is a well writ ten" article, from- the pen - of Dr. W. W. Menimingcf, entitled, the "Manufacture of Oomtuercial Fertilizers.", j Prof. C. U, Sliei- ard,.Jr., gives, in applied Chemistry and Mineralogy, some notes on Foreign'1' Phos phatic Deposits.'": The Correspondence is unusually varied and interesting. , . . Published by Walker, Evans & Cogswell, Charleston, S. C. An Opinion About 'llarmoiiy" . Boox,r Watcaga County, ) "i , ",L . '. ; . January 4tn, 1&73. J Editor "Observeb : , I live in the countrj', ami enjoy but few mail facilities, so cannot keep posted in the rapid changes of tl.i- progressive age as yondo who dwell in the iVv'ry center of life and light. Mr. Eiitor, 1 am an old .fogy, I am sorry to say, : so look at things from; a stand point too remote in the inostpurt to ap preciate all I sue and hear in these wonder ful days. Wlmt is the meaning of this powerful yell the papers arc just now lais- ing about harmony: - Who is disturLitig that sweet concord' in .which brethren should delight to dwell." Is it Vance and his friends ? If so lasli him into quiesence right away ! What right has the am l tion of one man to" disturb tilt peace and quiet of a whole State. 'Tis true he was the nominee of . the Conservative Caucus for United States Senator, and the5 ambi tion of one man defeated the wishes of Si:ven-eights of that party now '.verily tuese seven-eights must be quiet or tiu-y might ierchance ' disturbe the' harmony of' this "unholy . combination between Blifill and Black George, the puritan and the ' black-leg" politk-ally sicaking. He that enters not in the door says the good book is a , but the people should not be told how he got in for fear it might dis turb somebody's 'harmony. Ibis is ad fudge ; the only way to make a party powr erful and a practical benefit is to keep the orga nizarion close and compact, and those who for personal objects break over should be held to the full measure of accounta bility. Di.sgrace tlie cowards and shoot the deserters," was the Napoleonic charm of making an army efficient : and victorious. The ; sjime rule figuratively - speaking must hold -in party organization if - it is ever- to - become ' successful." If when it suits an aspirant, he is a good party-man, and when his own individual aims' can be promoted by it, he bolts with impunity not even. Co be told of it for Tear of disturb ing harru6ny: then all co-operation is at an end anymember of the community is free to go. .where he pleases the 'honor that holds man to his fealty is loosened confidence destroyed and all for fear of disturbing harmony or more plainly the conscience of the bolter.- ' Mr.'Eilitor, ! am an old fogy and believe in1 calling ' things by their .right names. Did not SweepsonV influence have some thing to do with disturbing the harmony of ' , the ' Conservative ranks ' recently ' m Raleigh ?: Do you hfit think his heart was rejoiced : when he learned that his old protege and attorney had, been elected! to to the United States Senate? Why should he remain longer under a cloud when his advisor - is so wonderfully elevated and honored ? This ' tiling r will' no t do, conseryative press of the State should de nounce it in every, issue for the next seven years and if they -fail to, do. so they en coiiirage yea, invite bolters; andi indepen dents in every canvas?, Etate and County in all the coming future. 7 ' -my ; They are hot faithful sentinels, if they , fail to do their duty in this instance.; This thing must be shwn up in its true light not by Vance's special friends, (is there one true man" who is -not?) but by the friend3 and supporters of the Conservative party. . It Was the hhw aimed at the integrity of that organization and not the: defeat of Vahce.in which the crime consists. , Kow Mr. Editor I am an old fogy and a country one at that, but I dolthink that this scream for "harmony" which : has been raised in certain quarters; and - echoed : in v certain other places is the result of timidity, it effects more- violently the weakened.: It could never have had birth among the un- sophisticated and hardy mountaineers of Western North Carolina, ' An "Obsebvek" 1 iii th niA TTAfni vt nA hrontiiin- tl I ,ii,.:-.i u' nrTr to the present wide-awake age, the medi patnohc atmosphere of grand old Meek- ral 881 has often unwTttin-ly taken lenburg, it is known that you will speak side with Disease in its conflicts with the ont for the: risht even if dos disturb the i .."harmony" of this LovK-ly Crew ; - ; , , : - WATAUGA. i STATE HES Tli e police of Newbern arc all col ored men with one exception. - i u. The Board of Directors of the Pen- itntiarv met in Kaleigh Wednesdav. - - vji - I vGootLXorthern anDles sell intWil- tnincton for SI ner Deck. . - . --..1 . ' I h J?e;tt'Jliveri3iVfitersT .551.10 nrr gallon n lliuinctQn on Tuesday. ""'"""lyorevereoryquiweain . -9 . - J , er d is wise to reinforce the svstem with a now, comes a piff nine montns oia In lri!L- 'rotTiitv thsit. wnitrHorl 31 o I nonnds ' : - . 1 :Snvs;the Greenshoro '-Patriot jiM. D I Landreth had a dot; which died 'last lnceofonger, themortalitvfromcon wppk'it th'p Prtr'inrlino"rv.flyAf 1R sumption, bronchitis, chronic rheumatism, Hcesc. tiie-extrruiPary-affe-ot lb would be much less than it now is. vears Dogs usually do notlli ye more The canses -which ' prodnce enmps. -tblds. inan iu years. , - . , , fl ; ; I rut: . i ... i . 1 t -i-i i f i J""u P" general Aiwiioijwm he memorialized to amend the char- ier oi itaicign, so as io give cumuia tiv'e suU'rage. Kearly all of the pro pertv lolders in the city are iu favor of it I ' i- i ; - - - ' k . ... . r- i I I he.MOldsboro Messmner ,says that colored'girl, named JSlarv Sellars, a servant in the latmiy oi JLr Holmes, in campsoii-ouiityr was-lmriied to .aeatnf nignc or two Hirer "unrist-1 jiias, by- her dress taking, fire- u '' , . : 'The Raleigh Sentinel says: An ex- tensive wee-raiser imornis us tnat tne 1 mortality amongst bees ahis wii has been. unprec are; all found de hone v. ? lie is denvic disease is the cause." bays the Kaleum Sentinel: A ce'i- tle'man from Harnett county informs ns that there 'have been ,'61 cases, of small nox'in that countr, and that 10 of the lest citizens have died from the disease. - He states, however, that t, has now almost wholtv abated; jTlie-Goldrtboro'Jf(P.wn7T says : An elopement in low lite occurred in this place on lhursday night last. Rednich Richardson- negro4 eloped with Mary Eliza Johnson, also color- ea. ,i nev went. to eoiun; uaronna. Mary Eliza left a voung baby behind her, and Rednich leaves a wife. The, Raleigh -..Era '.of Wednesdav says : .The case of the Western Rail road, Ave understand, will be tried iru Cha,,rKerStoHlav befor6.JdgoCloudi There are two sets of directors con- tending' for. this road. . The Caldwell appointees on the one hand, and, the W arreii-Jarvis ' appointees : on the othen It will decide who is the legal rresident of the road, Dr. W F How- erton or S McD.Tate. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. Raleigh Rends. The City Treasurer of Raleigh, has been authorized to issue $8,000 of City Bonds, three years to run", at 8 per cent, interest, for the purpose of funding the city script now afloat. Iredell County Bonds. Twelve thousand dollars of the bonds of Iredell county were sold in Cbarlotte last ! week by the A., T. & O. Railroad, at a ; g d pri e. Ten thousand was bought by a gentleman of Charlotte eminent . for his wisdom and sound judgement. " " . , Merchants and Farmers' Bank. The Merchants' and Fanners' Bank of j this City has , declared a dividend of 5 i per cent.; N, C. State Xife Insurance Co. : We are ileased to learu, says the Raleigh Sentinel, that more ' than ' one hundred th6usand dollars of theaipital stock ohlje North Carolina State Life Insurance Com- pany, organized yesterday in this cityf was taken before 4i o'clock of tliat day, thus securing the charter, t We are el ad to' See this lively encouragement of home enter- '---ir ta V"-" 't '":-'t i'"' . , j.- " - prises. , , . - iwM-Wxi , , 4. .-.- j. -a. - CIIAKLOTTE JHAKK.ETS. ' Cottoii Market, EEPOETED DAILY FOR THE OBSEBVEE BY -. ,:--5.-.-ii.it.ll- --. ''': -":- -. -a.'-'"-:--' .t .-. - MESSBS. STKNUOVSE, MACATJLAY A CO. ' Charlotte, Jan 9. COTTON-Sales to-day ISO bales, basis of 181 'cents for middling; Inferior and stained not, in , demand. Market btcady. '' mi -4, Pi ovision market, . CORRECTED DAILY : BY : W. H.;H. HOUSTON" BY W. CO. A. wt PROVISION MABKET Flour $4.00 to 23 per sack, on market, u New Corn 65 to 70 cents, little offering, ood demand. f '"" i Wheat $1.50 little offering no demand.. "- -j j- ' Oats 50 cents slight demand now Peas, strictly clay. 90 cents other kinds 70 to 80. Good demand -1- Fresh Butter 20 to 25 cents". Mountain Butter, in: Kits, 1C centsno U A Vft to 90 - ; r HI 1 . A' ir . 1 , . , , , , ; " Eess lo to 20 cents, with good demand to-day. ... - Bacon -(Baltimore - bulk sides.) 8i to Si cents.-. ..-5.. Yt -.-' " No North Carolina on -Market. r.Lard Baltimore Flake in quantity- Hi to 12 cents. - , . I . . . - Tallow 10 to 12 cents: :. Beeswax 25 to 31 cents. " - Sweat Potatoes, $1 to. $1.25 per bushel' Good de mand; ' x K ' " ' f Irish Potatoes 90 to- $1 cents per bushel.'. Apples (Good Mountain). 75 : to $1.25 per. bushel, as to quality. . "...' Salt no Liverpool in market Syracuse in Liverpool sacks, $2.1U to Wf.io per sack. Factory Yarn$15 to $1.60 per bunch. ; plrntP(L - Th Lppr J v"1"?"1 1 quaanipeos, ana aiso U.lUllU1' ':" l"C. ? 1 WnnaA r.ir imraina -' strains' ,A ad in hives filled with uTZL X :kC" rT;r OpiniOlV that epi- it'-ith&.mOstHisthrthV''t-Tiivnsi'fnfinTi' in f If SXedical Blunders. From the period when surceons applied their salves to weapons instead of wounds human system. Even vet, in spite of the teachings of centimes of experience, some physicians believe in depleting their pa- ncnts, aireaaysenousiy exhausted by sick ness, with; powerful evacuants, emetics salivants, cautharidal plasters, or the lan' cet But, providentially, public intelli gence is ahead of these medical fiwsils, who belong, of right, to the era of the Crusades 1 Tliat: iowcrfuI allay', of nature - in' its war; lare witii the causes of sickness, liostctter s roTuaen fitters, nas oinet tne eyes oi the masses to the paramount importance of increasing the vital strength of the body Stomach"" Bitters,- has " opened the eye of when menaced stana tnat when the atmospheric r condi- tions are adverse to health as. for "exam- wucsunie ana.smnniant, ana inns enabte.it to eombat and rcrl i tJiie deores- aiigmnueiire or aa inciemenrteinpera- ture.-: if the constitutional and annual lowers were always thu recruited in the qninsey, : diptheria . and : catarrhi seldom aueci a sirnnir ami active virai s an(1 of aU viifzing preparations Hosted ter's Bitters has proved tjie most Efficient. ana aciivc vuai svsiem : Ujs not claihjedj that this standard tonic isa sjweitic for lung and throat maladies, as it is for dyspepsia, liver complaint and intermittent, but it is unhesitatingly as- seneo. tnat it is tne .nest Known , safeguard against all ' the atmospheric elements of disease ''ia- - . "Can't Do Without It." Thisls what the stage and horse car companies, liverv- siaoie Keepers; memoers oi tne tun, ana au Sioms and trainers say of the Mustang Liniment. .They, "can't do without it.V And why ? Because it infallibly reduces wie eiicraai sweiiing8,.ac., wmcn, unuer tlsvorthy j preparat tlie market. : Yet ..these recommendations comprise only a portion ; of its claims to public cpnhdence-. y During . a pernxi of more than sixteen years, it has been re cognized as a specific for manv of the most agonizing disorders which afflict the hiv- man family such as rheumatism, gout neuralgia, lumbago, ticdoloreux, sore throat, earache, toothache ; and likewise as a peerless application for . cuts, bruises; burns and scakis If Tou feet dull, destxnident, drowsy! debilitated, have frequent headaches, mouth tastes badly, poor appetite, and mm liver, or "Billionsness " Nothi? will tongue-coated,-' you are sintering rroni tor cure ypu so speedily and.: permanently ? as Urriaeroe s uoluen-Medical Discovery. . - A Stitch In Time Saves Nine. If you have a CouKh, datjfoiLneolect 'it : thousands go to an untimely grave by ne glecting what they call "a slight cold.' S?8IS?!3TO all remedies. Dli. TUTT'8 EXPECTOR- 1 1 hese. slight colds, are .very iiasidious ANT will cure it. It can be had of any I imiggiski Tuskkge, Ala.7 April 2S, 1871. Wm. IL Tutt : '- Dr. In gratitute for the benefit received by the use of your lxpectorantv 1 do cheerful ly add my testimony its most wonderful effects in, relieving Asthma or Bronchitis. For several years 1 had suffered dreadfully with severe attacks of Asthma or difficult v of breathing. I'was induced by the high recommendations given to your Jfixpector- ant to try it, and found that it gave almost immediate relief. It is about give months since l began its , use ; . i nave, nsed six bottles,' and have not had an attack since it has been a great blessing to me ; 1 can not afford to be without it, and I heartily recommend it to all persons who are at all troubled with Idling or throat Diseases. V ery respectfully, - - Mrs. a. m. Wellborn. Dr. Tutt's Hair Iye is the best in use. " ASTHMA. Any medicine which will alleviate the Paroxlms of this dreadful disease will be hailed wltb-Joy by thous ands of sutterers. Tne ,certincateR wuicn acom any Jonas Whltcomb's Remedy, are from the most reliable sourcer , and at test to its wonderful powerful power, even in tne most severe cases, josepu Burnett & Co., Proprietors, Boston. ; FREE ADVERTISING. From family to family, from city to city, from Btateto state, the fame of Dr. Wal ker'a Vegetable Vinegar Bitters as a specific for all derange ments of the stomach, bowels and liver, is continually . extending. v,.Ijt voluntary missionaries are Innumerable, and- public enthusiasm in its favor spreads faster than a praire fire. ,, DONT SLIGHT YOHR TEETHi e-' member that upon their labor, the health of tne stomacn oepenus. Keep tnem per' 'SijS&iS! dont, once or twice a day. . WHO WILL SUFFER? It is now 2 pnt before the public: warranting it to I cure Clironltf ajlheamatlsms. Headache, the Limbs. Back and Chest, and it ha never foiled. Sold by all Druggists. Depot lOFarK rinee. isew icorK.- FOR DYSPEPSIA, indieestion.aepres- sion of spirits and general debility in their various forms; also, as a preventive against Fever ana Ague, ana. otner .iniermiti.eni fevers. The Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Cnlisaya, madeAty Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York, and sold; by all proggists, is the best tonic, and as atonic' for patients re coving from fever or oth r sickness, it nas no equal. -j-vUli - " -' THTJRSTON'SrVOBXPEAllL TOOTH POWDER. The best article known, ror NewjYorkk's,?;4! "-a srf;;.v j -.;. ,; 7i CHRISTADORO'S HAIR DTE. This magnificent compound Is beyond eontlnr gencyithrsafest andmost reliable Dye in existence ; never failing to impart to the HAir.uniformiMr of coior.nourisnment ana i elasticity. Manufactory, 68 Maiden Lane. New York. CARBOLIC SALVE unequalled as a Healing , Compound. v Physieians . recom mend it as the most wonderful remedy ever known. Price 25 ' cents per box. John F. Henry,; Solei'Proprletor, 8 Cpl lege Place, New xor. : TftiAlAir 'Rnnhn Is a reliable Diuretic and Tonic for al derang eroents of the xinar mid fffinlal nrsana. The zenuihe.as forme r- uarraidE Kiseiy anu J their branches, is now prepared by H.-W Kislev. the oridinator ana proprietor : ana the trade applied by his successors, la or gan and Risley , New York. Svapnia fs Opium purified of its sicken- 15 and IlsonouspropertieMtecoyebj l Dr: "tilgelow, proiesoroi coiany, xwiroii Mwiirtnl roilsre. A most nerfect anodyne and soothmropiate. John Farr, Chemist, New xork. PRATT'S. ASTRAL ,.OH--More acci- flntj rv.mir from'nsine unsafe oils, than from steamboats and railroads conblned. Over 200.000 families continue, to burn Pratt's Astral Oil. and no accidents direct Iv or indirectly have occured from burn- in sr. storing: or handllmr It. Oil House of Chas. Pratt, Established 1T70, New; York; T. D. Clancy fc Co.; Charieston,agent8 lor Wo Have Freaneiitly Heard mothers sav they would not be without Mrs. Win- slow's Soothine Syrup, from the birth of the child until it nas nnisnea wnn tne teething siege under any . consideration whatever.;, t j c., ' cleansing ana : preserving the teetn - ana On, 1 miTTia - Unlet r all rirnirirliits : Pri(A Hud a0 cents per bottle. , F. C. Wells A Co.; The Secret of Be&nbr. "Wliat Is tt nn loBtrer asked, for the world" of fashion and all the ladles know that it Is produced by using a delightful and harmless: toilet preparation known as G. W. Laird's "Bloom of Youth." , Its beautifying effect are truly wonderful. Depot. & Oold St- - P0RTHAIT PALTTTIIia U ': il iiv'.'ji"-!-i''- ::--:'' .i ,-' :s'H, A Bare Cliascd fcr CLsxIotte ! ! ! FOR three months I will paiftt Portraits for $i such as are generally charged $200. Persons wishing Portraits of their departed friends can obtain them if thev have a gool Photograph of them. I shall be. pleaseii tushow you sieeimen of ...my work at mv btiuuo alxive Ureni, llrown & Hardware iJtore,, -ZK. L. BUTT, dec ll-5m-v , : ' Cliarlotte, N. O. i C S. BUKWELV TttOS. GRIEK, J. Hi CABS05. i HunvelL Grier & Co., (Successors to Carson A Gricr4 :V v Grocers frCoiiissIoi'lereliaiits; Corner of 4t3i and Tryon ti., ' " CnARLQTTE, X. C - J ; jan 1-lm. 1B0AEDIH6: Tl f"RS. A.' W. MILLER is prepared to ac- jjx commodate lioamers with room-. and mcalsr or with meals only, as the Boarder may desire. : The building, Gray'sj1 on the corner of Trade ' and - Church streets,- is a new one ; the rooms are cleanly, comfort ably: neatly furnished, and well attended The table is as good,; as the market will afford. .rt1r;J i u rTerms - most liberal; to- suit clerks ; who are working for moderate salaries.! -' i jan. 1-tf : - , - ' t 1 1 . , ; -J- - THE BANK OF 1IECKLENBTJRG, . ..... jjKi, r I -" -..'. .': .' Authorized ' Capital $QpfpOO, 7 Jas.1Tprxkr Ta Presidents? jf " 1 ' -iV II. Dewey, -Asst.- Cahi't r. 4 - , AX THE BAKKING HOUSE OF7 : TATE &-DEW;EY. fphis Bank Cliartered Under Act of . the A : (Joneral Assembly and duly organized under Laws of the State ofNorth Carolina, with ample means is prepared to 1 transact Cencrul Hankiingr Business. 's and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. - The bank will receive Deposits subject to Check,, and will Allow. Interest According to Agreement on all Deposits left I on time, or issue Certificates' of Deposit "bearing in terest at the rate of r" . Eight per cent per Anmina ,k ; on all sums v lying"' undrawn over- thirty days.- . . "v; n - '"" Gobi and Silver . Coin,. Bullion 5 and old Bank Notes Benight and Sold. - . TUOS. W.DEWEY, jan. 1 1873. . . Cashier. SCHOOt BOOKS I . SCHOOL BOOIfSI ' .""'-V-- ; "' SCHOOL BOOKS AT- jan 4 , , FAMILY- GROCERIES. B . Kl .PR E s s!b n . Trade Street; next door to the Post Office, Sign of the Klepliant.-;: A: Fresh Lot of . Sausage', Mince Meat, ork. Butter, Chickens, -Frgs,- -Acs, &c; :3& FLOUR a specialty. l - -agr Prtxiuce. sold on commission. ; ' : -jan 3-ly. -- ;. -Li::;-,. , WE GIVE FAIR. H0XICE, : : SO DON'T -COMPIAIN.. HEREAFTER ALL , BILLS -ARB t, ; I'DUE . MOKTHLlf :.(lst) '. . ' IF NOT SETTLED, FURTEER. CREDIT i WILL FOSITI VEL Y BE REFUSED,- 1 - After January the First, 18T3. dec 31; TIDDY & BRO. WANTED. TT0 rent a good PIANO for a few months 1 it must be in good repair. - ' - jan 5-lW . UK. L1NDLKY. GnOICE Odd French Brandy for Medi cinal purposes at - SCARR'S. jan 3-- ;:' ' " ' ', ! ; .., .. . "VTELSOyS Geletine, a fresh supply, just IN received, at 1 ; : - ' SCARR'S,. .. jan 3 . . .. . f ; e A New assottment of. Kerosene: Tramps, Jtx just in, at SCARR'S. jan 3 Reinovar. A. V TONES, & JOHNSTON, Attorneysat Law, tJ rhavfi' moved their ofliee to the second floor of the Harty building near the Court House. - - r t jan 3 - . 5 - - i " f 4 THOUR Finer Pork- Hoes. 6 bblsl" Lanre J.. Sweet Potatoes, 2 bbhv, Large Onions, 1 Tierce of Sugar Cured Hams new and very fine, Heckler's pork Sausage received daily, Fisher's celebrated, Ja ince Aleat, 20 sacks strictly Tamily Flonr, '20 bushels find Mountain Apples, Chesnuts, Irish PotatoesDried 'Fruit of all kinds, ;10 dor. of Domestic Fresh - Canned Peaches and Cherries, all of which will be sold: at the lowest 'figures, at . B. N; SMITH'S. s s a . ..... - . -t-. ; - .- - . 'TuniiTg & Repairing Pianos. JOSEPH DENCK -, from -Columbians wnll stay ; a few days in Charlotte, and is prepared to Tune and Repair Pianos. Melodeons andOrgans. All orders left at Tiddy's Book Store will meet with f prompt attention.' " - - . t w ; ' jan lTe"V7 Advertisements. v Ageula Wanted for Cobbla'a , Child's . Commentator ; ON TIIR BIBI.I3, forthe IIOSIE CID- CLF-: 1.200 paces. 250 EnsrravimB. The twst enterprise of the year for r airents. Every family will have it. . Nothing Ukc ' tunc pubtidtM. Tor circulars address ' ' "7. GOODSPEED & CO., . - jan l-4w - 37 Iark Row. N. Y. i. : -: BOOK AGEXTS now at work, or look ing for some new book, tdionld s Write nt once forr circulars of the best-Pclling oooks pnoiisneu. Jixtraonunarv induee- jan l-4w Ciixinnati, Ohio. 1872: ; 1873. i. ' ,,1 BETTER TBA2C PICTVKES IS THE rr;;ilEW: YORK 0BSEHVEE V The Great American , Family Newspaper. f3 a aear with the - JUBILEE YEAR BOOK. SIDNEY : E.J ' MORSE & C0,,1 - 37 Park Row, New York. . ' SEND FOR A SAMPLE COPYl janl-4w" ; " TRICKS and TRAPS of AMERICA y Would yon avoid being "bit" by IJoguesr Swindlers 4 and Humuugs f v Read the "Star Spangled Banner." A large, Illus trated 40 column 8 page par, Ledger size. Splendid Stories,. Sketches, Tales, 'poems, Wit,' Humor. Ptnzles, Recipes, &c 11th year, $1 a year, with elegant Ilrang Clironwi "Autumn Leaves,' free to alL Only $1. Try it once. - Sfttisfactton guaranteed. Agents wantexV owtfit FBKK, Speitimcns, &c., fjr U cents, address- "BANNE1S." Hinsdale, N. H. , - :.-.- -A. jan -4w -- - . - - -(fjvji E.T,AKliKBX. IK, SIUVcraoAObio. jan l-4w ' SPI TA $6 A Per dY f' Agents wan O 1U ted! All classes of working people, of - either sex young or bid, make more money at work for u in their spare moments, or all the time than at anything else, , Particulars fre. Ad dress G. STINSSN & CO., jan 1-tw Portland, Maine. REWARD. For any" case of Blind, Bleeding, Itching or U1-. cerated I'i les that -"' 1) is Bixo's Pits: Remedy fails to- cure. It is prepared expressly to cure the Piles, and nothiRg else. Sold by all Druggists. Price $1." jan l-4w " - HOW, WHEir ANB WHERE TO - ADVEBTTSE- SEE THE ADVERTISER'S GAZETTF, By, Mail, 25 cent. Address, GEO. P. HOWELL & CO. jan 1-4 w ; 41 PartRow, N. yf ; AND ' P. SE E L T OH HAVING greatly Increased 'his Stock of 2 FURNITURE , which? consists in part oi r--rr : Parlor: Snit. Dlark Wnluiit :k jruimcu MMttwr suns, :: French lid Cottage ? , ; . - BMlsteadv Spring -Si'mfX Rels, Breaiii ... -; -1 i Wash&taiio: : Teapoys, - Foloinff i " " Tables. Ladies Worlt ! ; Tables, ' Exteiition and ; Center Tables;, Whatnot safes, Excelsior and Cotton Mattresses, Chairs" . arid Stools of various styles and niany other things not necessary to mention. ; The Undertakers Department is complete from the "Cheapest Poplar Coffin to . tho t Finest' Hexijran Head, and Foot . Walnut Casket Half ; Glass "Topi finished and trim- 7 med injtlie most Approved stylcwii I be kvpt; constantly ready for: use. all f which wilt Returning many thanks for past favors most respectfully:: ask the citizens of Charlotte and sumranding icomitry, who; have need for anything in my line to givd me a call before purchasing elsewhere. . v . South Trade Street opposite the Market: House, Charlotte, N. C. . 4 janlstl873-ly F,M.8IlELTOX. Pure White Lead. LEWIS'- Pure White Lead.' BUB WELL & CO. nor 15 - SAGE. Fine New Sage, just received at v dec 18" . " . T SCARE'S. ETJRE POWDERED BLACK PEPPER,' Free from Adulteration, at ,- dec 18 ... . .-.:, SCARRU' ; 1 CnOICE Salad Oil, Finest article ever offered in this Market, for sale at - dec 18 '. . "-.. SCARR'S: , "1 TACARONA. A. fresh supply at' , Z J)l dec 10 SCARR'S. ; FELLS Superior Mustard. Iure Ground j . Pepper, Pure Ground Cinnamon, Pure Ground . Ginger . - - - - . ( dec 21 . : . BURWELL & CO. ? 1 Q Bushels of Chestnuts for sale by the XO bushel or small measure. ' - at J. F. BUTPSj Market. Oct 13 ments oncn.Hu ocrb preauumf given mcay. Part iculars free. Add rem ; . : , . v QUEEN CITY PUBLISHING CO 11 1MI MflM.1 $100

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