The' Ciiariotte.ObserTer. '..t-i' --v a;. J-: A: , oriqmna.; - PTJBI-ISHKD Y One Square one time..:.:.......$l CO JQJfES;&. McLAUGHLIN.V T two dayii.M 1.50l. " ? three days,........... 2 00 '.' foot days....;. .. 2 50 Office, Bryce's a Building, Trade Street. five diymmH..n..M. 3 00 i one , two m eeks.. m..... 5 00 . three reeks.....M......M. 6 50 ,.on month.H......n. 8 00; BATES OT StJBSCRIPTIOir. One year, Sin advance, . . $C 00 Six months, in adyancei...............:.. 3 00 Three Months, in advance, 1 50 One month, in advance, . ......... 60 The Obsebveb will be delivered in any part of th$ City at Fifteen Cents per week: ' I J&tf Contract Advertiseineiits taken at proportionately low rates; 1 Five Squares estimated at a quarter-col-. VoiVIIL, .CHARLOTTE J N. C.l S ATURDAY,1 JANU AKYC 11 ; Vl873 No. i,53p : umn, and ten squares- as a half-column 1 t ..-w i j- u iu .j . i v l i m ii fi n ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ui -iy ' r i- - r i ..;:..'. 1: .'. i " 4 V I I 1 I I fill II ' I I 1 ilk 1 1 III I II II . II i: III II I I I I y I I I r . 4 - 1 I I IT t , , I I I I 7 I I IV .. II .11111 II ' ; ...rr. ' i.ft'il 1 ' fa .! I i COMEBACK.; BT EBEW. . EEXFORD. Come badk to me, beloved, my heart keeps i calling out,''''" Come back to me, and CakVxne once more iwithin vour arms: , '. For. oh ! I am o lonely,' your own strong j And life idark with shadow!, and full of atrane aiarius. Come back! to me, beloved, . I dream 'of you at nignc, , . L. And think your arms are round ' me, my head upon your breast: . And I forget the shadows and alj, of life's, attngiit,, -, . . And dreaming of you, darling, my , tired heart can rest,. 1 ' And then I waken, 'finding-'twas nothing but a dream, .-.,, v And tears wilt blind niedarliftg; I' cannot see. ' ' " " ' : ' fr. Your pictutre smiling at me,, although. Jthe, inoonoeums gxeam . , - . 1 P4 -1 Arross mv window's lattice and silver all the lea. ' " " D :,. Come back to me my darling, when even ins; lights her lamps Above the! eastern hilltops., and . all the world grows still, ' ? I think of vou, beloved, out in .the dews and damps,..,. And pray Vou may sleep sweetly, and never ureaiu oiui. . ; Rut T am bh. so lohelv ! I have no one to . hold My head, 1 when I ,ani weary, against faithful breast. But sometimes in the twilight my empty larms I fold And dream they clasp , yori,- darling, my tieart replete With rest.' i ' . - Come back to me my loved one ! I . miss svour kiss so much ! yhe mellow music of your voice, the smile of vour dear face : My heart wo'uld throb most gladly, if1 Uvmld feel the touch . Of your dear hand or see you here, in this ii j your vacant place I In vain 4 call you, darling ; yon never can ! come back: I know iiot if you hear me, - , your slumber I is so 6weet, . And I must journey onward along lifers lonely track, And watthe Father's own good time, loved, ere we meet. be- The Memory of lee. Bichmond, January 1, 1873 To the tadies of the South and alt others who wish to do honor to the memory of the late General Robert E. Lee, At a nfieeting of the Virginia Divi sion of tlhe Army of Northern Virgi nia heldjat Richmond October 31, 1872, thje following resolutions, of fered bv Lieuteuant-General j. A. Early, ere unanimously', adopted : ! extract. "Resolved, That the sarcophagus now in bourse of preparation by our Virginia artist, Valentine, to be placed over the tomb. of General r'R: E Lee, :at Lexington, V", com ni'er cTs itself td special lavor tu promising, from the beauty of thej jdesign and t he skill of the sculptor, to be a worthy memorial of our. departed chief. , - . "Resolved, That for thte purpose of assuring and expediting, the comple tion of this noble work of aH,' to be placed as a fitting token : of a whole people's love and homage above the ashes of their departed hero, we re commend to the ladies of the South to hold memorial meetings on the next anniversary of the birth of Generail Lee (Mondays January 20th, 1873. ) and to take such measures as shall to them seem best for" collect ing money on that day to . be, special ly .appropriated to the decoration of his tomb by the erection .of the said sarcophagns.- , "Resolved That Seargeant; George L. Christian, of Richmond, Virginia, he, and he is hereby, appointed v an agent to receive , from all sources such contributions as may be made for thej purpose of carrying, rout the mtentijon ofthefofegoingreaolutions,, and that he advertise " through the public jpress for this purpose. ' ' It is learnestlv hnnp.d and ftrnftcied that the ladies of the South Avill take 8Uch steps at onc as will carry into euecc tne duty assigned to . them in tne toregoing resolutions; and they! ire requested to transmit the pre ceeds resulting from their effprts to WJC ""Mersignea uoncnouuons ,re also earnestly solicited for -the pur pose above mentioriaed -from 'all wno idve and wish to do honor to the memory of our great " chieftain. ah contributions and communica- lions should be addressed toV. , I r George Li Chrtsiut Secretary Virginia Divison Army Northern Virginia, Richmond, Va.' 5 We imake room for a graphic ; ac- v,Vj uy our neignoor or ine-oout f tyme, of. his recent ytrip to Co- uniuia ana unarleston. His pic9f;affiriifthj4State; if it seirves to remind us of our unut- i ' C"JIS anu u is tresses, isnever theless, a picture drawn to the life.:, , "ises nis pen witnv tne same "old, nsparing hand with which he ieldfed his sword in times that4 are Ahej worst of our situation is, that e can see ho prospect of reliefno end to our troubles it is a Pandora bx of deviltries. and : distempers -.oi upuu me country, wimoui j nope left at the bottom.' - - --I 4 v. Rock Hill Lantern. Th Superidr Court of Wake is t irt wsian, Judge Watts presiding. Prospectii8ifor-1873.Sixtlt Year. -:0: T H E AX D I Ii E An Illustrated Monthly Journal, tmtversatty admitted to be 'the- Handsomest .Periodi-r - cai in the eWorld. I A Representative ? and Champion of American Taste. - NOT FOR SALE1N BOOK STORES, THE ALDINEL, which . is issued with all i the regularity, has none of the temporary or timely interest characteristic of ordinary jiewouioais. xi- eiegani miscellany oi j pure, light, ami -graceluL literature i and a collection ol pictures, the rarest specimens oi aixisuc Kttui -m uiacK ana -wmie. Al though each succeeding number affords, fresh pleasure to its. friends, the real value and beauty of. THE ALDINEj will be most appreciated after it has been bound up at the close of the year.1 While other publications may claim supe rior cheapness, as compj re 1 with" rivals of i ii i rrvTrf a t Trvf and original conception alone and linap proached absolutely without competition alone and unapproached absolutely without competition in price or character. Tlie pssessor of a complete volume can not dunlicatet-he quantity of fine paper and engravines in anv other sliape or number of volumes for ten times its cost : and then, there are the chromos, besides ! ; ART DEPARTMENT. Notwithstanding the increase in "the price of subscription last Fall, when THE AL,uir jv assumed its proportions ana rep resentative charcter. Uie edition more Uian doubled during the past year; proving that the American public appreciate, and will support, a sincere effort m the cause of Art. The publishers, anxious to justify the ready confidence thus demonstrated, have exerted themselves to the utmost to devel- V!m!mVmf-WV ., ttiiimintg ynnm .ytiaimi y.tao monthly issues, will astonish and delight even the most sanguine friends ot 'iHlfi AL.ULAK. The publishers are authorized to an nounce designs from many of the most eminent artists of America. In addition, THE ALDINE will repro duce examnlea of the best foreign masters. ?elected with a view to the highest artistic success, and greatest general interest : avoiding such as have become familiar, through photograjms, or copies ot any Kind. - The quarterly tinted plates, for 1873, will reproduce four of John S. Davis' inimita ble cuua-sKetches, appropriate to tne lour seasons. These plates, appearing in tne issues for January,' April, July and Octo- 'ier. would be alone worth the price ot a year's subscription. J The popular features of a copiously Ulus- tiuued. To possess such a valuable epitome of the art world, at a cost so - trifling, will command the subscriptions ol thousands in every section of the country : but, as the usefulness and attraction oi THE ' ALDINE can be enhanced, in proportion to the numerical increase of its supporters, the publishers propose to make "assurance double sure," by the fol lowing unparalleled oner oi , PREMIUM CHROMOS FOR 1873. ; . . ....... - Every1 subscriber to THE ALDINE, who .navs in advance for the year 1873. will re- . in .... ....j.i:..- T ..1 ..S- .f Deauuiui ou enromos, auerj i. j . xxiii,- mc eminent English painter. ' fThe ?' pictures," entitled The Village Belle." and "Cross ing the Moor.' are 14x20 inches are prin ted from 25 difiFerent i plates requiring 25 imnrpssinna and tints to perfect each . pic ture --Tb same chromos are sold for $30 nor ruiir.- in the art Stores As it is the de-1 termination of its condxictors tokeep.THE ALDINE out of the reach of competition in every department,- the chromos will be found correspondingly ahead ' of any that cart be offered by other periodicals. ' Every subscriber will receive a certificate over the siernature of tthe publishers, yuatantee- ing that the chromos delivered shall be equal to the samples furnished the agent. Or thg money will be refunded. -The dis tribution pf pictures ot this grade, xree to the subscribers to a five dollar periodicar, will mark an epoch in the history of Art . anA m nnsidwrinc the ;. unorecendented cheapness of the price for THE ALDINE itself, the marvel falls little short of a mir acle, even . to those oest acquainted wun the achievements of : inventive ' genius and improved mechanical appliances. ( Foi il lustrations of these chromos. " see November issue of THE ALDINE.) ' " THE LITERARY DEPARTMENT will continue under the care of Mr; RICH : ARD HENRY STODDARD, assisted by the best writers and poets of the day, who will strive to have" Che I' literature of THE AT.DINE always in keeping with iits artis tic attractionsv ' f 5 tier annum, in axlvance,..with Oil- " : ' ; Chromos free. ... t f, ..' THE ALDINE ' will,' 'hereafter beJ ob- fjiinnhlo onlv hv subscription. There will Ko nrt rodiirnvl or nlnh rates r cash" for sub- 1 &nrfnfinn mntit. be Rent to the publisher? dim -oi nnnripn in tne 1 local usenis -- nut. mttntunh 'tlitv tin the miblishers. except in AGENTS WANTED. Any person, i a local asc wishing to act permanently as a local agent, wn l receive ,iuu mva prompt information by applying to ' - JAMTmS DUiiW vow.t s . , Publishers,' dec 5 58 Maiden Laue, New York. cases wnere tne ceruncawj wgivcu, uw6 , . x .'.- JOHN T. BUTLJfiK, . the facsimile signature of J ames Sutton & . 22 Opposite Mansion House. ; ; ERAUT, KRAUT, do you love- Kraut, Elegant white Kraut for .all who love it. r , JjF. BTJTT;1 dec 6 - . ; ' FINE SALT. 100 Sacks Factory filled and for- sale bv a4Trri , , SALT on hand ITT XT . : - STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. f nov27 rJ . ' ' X.! Von Heverlioff. ' PROPOSES to form,inst . duct, n, Charlotte, , N. instruct, and , con- , N. C. a . Musical Socier"; 'and to give musical festivals. The income from which, is to be applied to Hhe " purchasing: of -Maps " Globes and Scientific Apparatus for the Charlotte In stitute. Also, to famish i for the Institute, Orchestral Instruments! and: Music. " such as are found in Seminaries of the lanrest Cities South and North These Instru- ments, &c., will be placed in the hands of I the Trustees, for the use of. and to con tinue7 to be the property of the' Charlotte (ix. u. i ' institute -iQT xoung iaaies I arms of admission, $5.00 Instructions per month,' 2.00 Ladies and erentleruen desirinir to become members of the Society will please lea?e their names" at the book store of Messrs Tiddj' & Bro. dec 7-oni riOFFEE, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese and J Rice, iust received at sept 19 A. R. NISBET & BRO'S. BUCK WHEAT FLOW BUCK W HE a T . BUCK WHEAT FLOUR. JUST Received,' now call and huy and ' also get some of our el egant Goshen -Butter to eat with the cakes when thev are smoking hot,-at. . . . : JOHN F. BUTT'S, dec 6 . : , Warket. " The Change. ; TTAVINQ notified our' friends and cus- XI tonierssonie time since, that our busi ness would change January 1st, 1873, we are pleased to say that the change bs taken place, and it is to be strictly CASH or .30 DAYS URKD1T Those.whQdo not pay promptly need not expect any favors, save us the unpleasant auty ot aenying vou. To our many mends ana patrons we re turn thanks.; and ask a continuance of their favors-believing that by a strict ap plication of the above rules, we will be able to sell goods cheaper than those who credit. All bills are due and payable on the 1ft day of each and every month. n 1, 1873, ly Democrat please copy. -rVTELSONS Gelntine. Flavoring Extract mi ''itrc'Mfdf strperior qTtality.- BURWELL & CO, Springs' Corner. oi SIM0NT0N HOUSE. :0:- STATESVILLE, ft. C. fTlHE Proprietor of the above named JL ; Hotel respectfully invites the people of Charlotte and the public generally to call on him when they visit Statesville. He will nare neither pains nor money to make the SIMONTON HOUSE a first class HOTEL, and worthy of public patronage. 1. A. PK1U15, nov 25-tf Proprietor. P9 0 CO CH A Prescriptions prepared at all hours of the Day and night. Choice Green and Black Tea, Selected esfjedallyj for Family and Inval- idsl at ' ? ,'; , . . ' t SCARR'S l . june 29 J' , ,7 ; Drug Store, ;;'(FRESII SPICES, Just received a lot' of select ' Spices for Pickles, Preserv es, &c, at F. SCARR'S itme 29-"''-' ' i ''P r DrueStoi Drug Store. ff , ..; Salad Pure Oil. ; Finest article in Market, ;:. : ; at V:-:-"-:. -''- - F. SCARR'S ' june20:- i I ,': Drug Store; FOR SALE. JT (W. WADSWTORTH.hasat,his i wyery I . nnl Sal Stable, opposite . the City Clonk: HORSES and MULES for sale and kept constanly on hand. ' ' nov go -; y rr-rrrr mWO Acres- Of land adioining the pty of rapidlv improving neighborhood. Will be sold enjure, or m ioia,io huh. imiuiwo, llnrderFire .& Eobbery. ,4 S ii am- losing many of my; custo would xjs. mm mert hv ' crprtitinsr inein ; i take the liberty of asking, all who owe, me to call and settle up by tlie lsfof ebroary 1873 or sooner. j. dec 29 F. SCARE, R , O TXE, :l N, C. , fx ? ,; rs:;:;f:',-f.:. . ' ... i at a very reasuuauic -vvj, -j v -h i i - . n .n - New..? Advertisements.' C!T)ATrnci T, JEST, iBook sent free. A VALVi kJ Address Eacle Book Co. .Murray oc; jn; 4an 4 : ' ' L - ,- i ' '.J MONEY jiasuy mane f witn , our "Stencil and .kev-check ontfit-i' 0Sf - arculats ' Free.' Stafford MTg Col; 66 Fulton Street, N. Y.' J ' jan s-w AV ANTED UP&& ruu V JfiU AMEK ICAN. FAMILY KNITTING-MACHINE. The svnwtegt and best in the iv&rld, ; Address AMERICAN KNIT TING MACHINE Coli; 3451 Washineton Street Boston, Mass. J.-J i v jan 3-4w C ff Agents wanted ! v Just out! A splendid' new Christ "CHRIST O J U BLESSING LITTLE CHILDREN." Im mense sales! 500 agents wanted for our large Map,of the "United States" with im mense World",. Map , on. reverse iids. Our Maps and Charts go like wfld-fire. .v liAASlSX. ljUmtUUTH., JBmnire MaD and tJliart Establishment, 107 Liberty Street, New York; ' " jan 3-4 w $90 made Dec. 3d by one ; Agent selling ; HORACE GREELEY & FAMILY, A fine engraving, 22x28, inches, sent by mail for $1.00. We also mail Button-Hole and Bewing Machine Thread Cutters, and Needle Threading Thimble, price 25 centsf t each Circulars of various other Novelties mailed frequently to all old and new genp, address . - . . : ! F AMERICAN NOVELTY Co., jaTf3-4w n 802 Broadway, N. Y. LOOK! FREE TO ALL ! KC week to agents, Male or Female Uv To all who will write for an Agen cy we will send a copy of that Wonder of Wonders." the Illustrated Horn of Plenty, It contains over fifty beautiful illustrations, & will be sent FREE to all who may write. Address I GARSIDE. Paterson, N.J i jan -4w' ": ";! .' "''' 'N.v V i- FREE TO ; ; Book - Agents GIFT a complete outfit of the ; PIUIORIAL HOME BIBLE it is the only Bible in which a complete History, Encyclopedia, Analysis of the Scriptures, and Improved Classified "Bible Dictionary is given; its uneoualed beauty and ' merits make ' it thB cheapest and fastest selling Bible pub lished. WM. -.FLINT & CO., jan3-4w, ; . Atlanta, Ga. DON'T leceived, but for coughs, colds, sore it, hoarseness and bronchial dithcul- use only WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. - ffiorthless.Imitations are on the market. but the only scientific preparation of Car bolic Acid for Lung disease is when-chem- ;ally combined with other well known remedies, as in these tablets, and all par ties are cautioned against using any other. In all cases of Irritation of the mucous menbrane these tablets should be freely 53 "."v Ice warnetijJiever xiegitxi a t:uiu,ii, is canny cured in its incipient, when it becomes chronic the cure is exceedingly difiicult, use Wells' Carbolic Tablets as a specific. Price 25c. per Box. John Q. Kellogg, 18 Piatt St., N. YM Sole Agent for the United States. Send for Circular. . jan 3-4w : AGENTS WANTED. Act at once. There is a PILE of money in it. The people everywhere are Eager to buy the AUTHENTIC HISTUK J. OF LIVINGSTON'S Wondrous Discoveries and Thrilling Ad ventures during 28 years in Africa, with account of the Stanley Expedition. Over (300 pages, only $1.50, is selling beyond parallel. ; Only Complete and Reliable wort, bend for circulars, ana see itooi and great success agents are having IIUISUAKU BKU8., jan 3-4w; ; xn Publishers,; Boston, Mass. T0 Agents want absolutely the best sell U ine books ? Send , , for ; circulars of Vent's Unabridged Illus. Family Bible. Over li 00'' 'pages NL0 by 12 in., 200 pages Bible Aids. &c. Arabesque $6.25 Gilt Edge. 1 clasp. $35. Full Gilt, 2 clasps, 11.00. '-Belden : the s White Chief," For Winter Evenings,: 3Gth 1090: ready, The Standard, ;46th 1000 ready, Epizootic Treat ments. fcc. . C. F. , vent,.; New .York and Cincinnati, Vent & Goodrich, Chicagol " jan -4w , , '. ' SS7oTOS250FllM'II Everywhere, male and Female,1 to in- r i troduce the ruenuine improved vera- W- 1 O eSnmi-nr "KlnnYiim 1 This machine will , stich. hem, fell, jl. tuck, quilt, ord, bind, braid ano em ' in a most superior manner.-. Price S"'$15. Fullv licensed and. warranted frT- for five yearsWe will pay $1,000 for ; tA--'- mnro-KonnHfiil rrHtrf. ftl.aatif! Beam than ours, y It makes the; ! Elastic T-nrkr r?titcn.n . Everv, second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth 'cannot be- pulled apart" Without ? tearing it.' We pay agenra from $15 to $250. per month and expenses, or a commission from Which twice that amonnf can be made. Address :' W '. : ; ; . SECOMB& BO.,' h-V Boston, MaisTittsburgh Pa. Khicago, .JlI,j orSt4,Ix)uis,.Mo,t;;:(r4wK:' fP-.TV' ;j:'i: fheintfarms 1 IlnniM f I " On the line of the Union Pacific Railroad. 12,000,000 acres of the. best Farming & mineral Lands in America. ' .-. ..." 3.000.000 Acres in' NebrasfcaL1 in the Platte Valley, now for sale. ' 1 5 ! ' t: 'mild tuxATc; rKETiiJesoili, 1 ' - for Grain growing and Stock ' Raising un surpassed bv any m the United States, f 1 ' riieartpr in Price ' more favorable terms fvn, ?atm1 i more convenient to - market than can be found elsewhere. :. . , ; , 'raiac homesteads for actual settlsbs; - The best location ; for colonies-rSoldiers onHflcwl tn a TTrmfsfrWl of 150 aCTeS. & Send for the new Descriptive. Pamphlet, .- n a mfiTva nnhlished. in .- English. German. Swedish and Danish, mailed free everywhere. Address,,. Land Com'r tJ- R'R.' IL! Co., Omaha, Neb janS-lw Be p thrda ties A GREAT 0FJFER ! HORACE WATERS. 481 BroadwavJX. Y4 vill dispose of IOO PIAXOS, 5 MEhO- DEOXS. and VKdAAiS' of six tiret-efcu maters, inchtding Waters', ,at "rent low prices for cash?, .or. part cash, vnd balance in small monthly instalments AetP'J'OCzave first-dass riAAOiSi: modem improvement, fat 9275 cash. Now ready a CONCERTO ARDOR UKirATi the most bcatuitw style ana perfect tone ever made.. .. Illustrated Catalogues mail' ed. Sheet Music and Music Merchandise, '" " jan 3t4w ' ,. w ; ' i 'H, - f 4 r riMnwiitimimmaa Is unequaled by any known remedy i It will endicate, extn pate and thoroughly de stroy all poisonous aubstantances in tlie Blood and willenectually dispel all predis position to billious derangement. - r "Is there want of action in your Liver & Spleen? Unless relieved the blood becomes . , ii v . ...... impure Dy ueieienous secreuons, proauc ing scrofulous or skin diseases,' Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pimples, &4. ! Have you a DyspeptiQ Stomach t Un less digestion is promptly aided ths system is debilitated with poverty of the Blood, Dropsical tendency, general Weakness and inetria.. y;- --t--tj- Have you weakness of the Intestines ? You are in dangej of Chronic Diarrhose or Inflamation of th't BoW.'ls. ; ; i nave yeu weaKiiesa oi the uturine or Urinary Organs.?. You. are exposed to suffering in its most aggravated form i Are you dejected, drowsy, .' dull, sluggish or depressed in spirits, w'th headache. coated tongue and bad tasting mouth'? i For a certain remedy for all of these dis eases, weaknesses and troubles : for elean sing and purifying the vitiated blood: and imparting" vigor to all ? the vital forces : for 1 -M J . J i - ii . v uuiiuiug up una jresronng ine weaxeneo constitution USE f Jn ; , f , which is pronounced by the leading inedi nu AnfhnnfiDQ ftf T r rlrn nit9 Poni 'Ka most powerful tonic and alterative known to the medical world." - This is no new and untried discovery has been long ! used by theleading. : physicians of other -countries with wonderful remedial results.! ' i Don't weaken and imnair the dii?tiv Norgans by cathartics and physics they give only temporary eliet Indigestion, f flatu lency and dyspepsia with piles and kind red diseases are sure to follow their luse.f JOHN Q. KELLOGG j -18 Piatt St.s New York. Sole Agent for the United States. - J !? ! Price One Dollar per - Bottle. Send fr Circular." ' " : ?1att5-4w t SINGLE GUNS, At $2 00, $300, $4 50; $5 00, $6 00,! $8 00, $10 00, $12 00 to $20 00. i Double Guns. 1 At $6 00, $7 50, $10 00, $12-00, $15 00, $20 00, $2500, $3000, $4000, $5000 ; to $75 00. I Breech-Loading DonMe Oips. At $40 00, $45 00, $50 00, $60 00, i $75 00, $90 00, $110 00, $120 00 to $300 00. PISTOLS;!; , Smith & Wesson, Colt's, Allen's Witney and other kinds, at manufacturers i ' prices. . f ' Ammunition & Implemekts For Breech-Loading Guns, ' at a small ad vance on Cost Of Importatidn; ; i METALIC AMMUNITION FOR RIFLES AND PISTOLS AT LOWEST jMAR- mv-J- t:HET:;PRICES.:y' A complete . assortment of ail , Sportine Goods ; Prices and Description sent on ap plicatien. - " ;-;Vi;'': - -"T'Y'.! Goods shipped by u;xpress, u; y. ' ?i 'n POULTNEY, TRIMBLE & CO. Importers, No. 200 W. Baltimore SU Baltimore - ? m,Vv1 I i I ... X i Riciiard'sDougal's; Greene's j Scott's, d other celebrated make of guns on hand and imported to order,.. v . ; p i. sept 20 1872-eod ly . , : 'if v i , i Kew Oames "DARLOR Ring Toss. The Tickler fun JL of the funniest; ' Old furiosity shop Game of Natural History; ai Game of Sel- huett comicalities, r Game r of poduUj Cliaracters from Dickens. The Flower Game. Blind , Alphabet and tbe monkt a new game and old . puzzles. S Magic oi Romone of life sport. lAdemuss and Dividem wide s awake game.' The ' Social Oracle. The game, of Arithmetic im proved. Puzzle rjnapr of North! America Alphabet and; objects Tablets J Holiday Arithmetic, a simple and fascinating game What Is it: ' or now itd make money Henry's Penny Puzzle. - My .Motlier's Puz zle. , .Nursery Rhymes FuzzleJ ' Our Pet Puzzle v The Model Ship puzzles. ? Uncie Raphael's Puzzle ,' Chromos..; h Alphabet Blocks 'Toy bookg arid a laage tiumber of Other pretty and interesting things for the -I 1 . . . . , . . . !l'J.J.l!.i., cniiaren at unnsunas a can w soiiciiea by 4 ; Ymm? TlDDYBRO. iy dec lS a-jWti': v?iit7'A'&jir Jt.. St. mBY!SSCH00II"; RALEIGH, N.c; Rev. Aldeirt Sm6des, TA'D Rector. v': . -o'Rev. Bennett Smedes, lAJMi As't. 1 THE Sixty-second Term of this School -Will commence on the Twehty-fifth of January 1872. and continue until the 17th of June. J For a circular apply to the Rec tor. '..-?'; -i-.--. 1J ;.r tj AIR 'Brushes, Tooth Rrusbes, : Nail 11 Brushes, Whi. r: burWelL1 a oo, - - Springs Corner.' :daj21 terosene lamps; 1 vh! IV ... BURWELL A CO. 4ec21 , . M 1 ''-lh ..! : THE CHARLOTTE FiHR ! -( f J. T. BUTLER'S ! ! NEW GOODS. 3 Watches, Clocks, Jewel- ry, Diamonds, Silver and Hated Ware, Spectacles; && ' MUSIC BOXES AND many OISEE- AUTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MESTTIOl. AT V J. T. BUTLER'S OPPOSITE THE MANSION 1IOUSF, - October 22 a noon FOR THE MllXIOIf j Married F thoa abeat w marry a th phrtkilogieai mjtteriei and itTtlatloeMf tha Hiitl avataa. with tka Guido. lataat umotwim ib proaaeiag ana prTauaf afriprioc - kaw U prcMTT tka ompUxieo, e. TbUi aa lateraatiag work f two kaadrad S tixXy Mcea.viUi aameraaa oirartagt, aa aoataiaa TalaaMa" iafenaatiea fer tkaaa wa era aurrted,er eaMBiplaMaar rian. StiUUlaa beak thateagat U be kepi aader took aa key, aa4 net laid careiesal; a boat the beaae. - It eoBtaiaa the ezperieooe and adrioe t a piraioiaa wheaerepataUemia world-wide, and akeaM beta the ptt Tate drawer of erei y aiale aad female threagbeat (he ea lire globe ItealbraoeaeTerytbiiigeatbeaBbieetef tkegea ratire iretem tbat ia worth knowing, aad aiaokt that ta vat pabUabed ia aa other work. Beat to aay one (rree ef peetage) far Fifty Cent. Aadrew Dr. BaUT Stopeaearrie. laa.Xigbtkrtrea St. Loaia, Me. Kotiea to tLo AfSicted ani UnfbrtTznAte. Stfbre applrlag to the aotorloaa qaaeke who adoertiaa taj pablie papera,er aateg aay qaaek reatediea peraee Dr Batta' work ao matter what jear dieeaee ta, or bow dealer' able year eeaditiea. Dr. Batu aeeaatea a doable boaae af twoaty-oeroa) rooau ; i i i adorood by eomeef the moat eelebrated madr' a I prafeaiara af tkU eoaatry aad Karoae, aad eaa be oon felted peraoaatly or by mall, oa the dieeaee meatieaed t bla work. OOm aad parjoro. Ke. 11 If. Bight I Ktweea Marke t aad Chaaaat, St. Laaia, Ma. n r 2-d & Tf ly A. . Kisbet & Brother HAVING completed an improvement in their . Ommodious Store Room Qtt rrade Street, o ;e door west of Smith A Hammond's Ht ug Store. Charlotte, N. C. are noxr receiving a well selcctod stock of Groceries, Musical instruments, J ys, fJi- jrs. c.i which has neen bought by oner of the firm, at a time Irlion the market was most favorable. ; They therefore fetl sati' fie I that thev. can sell all goods . in theii liii aslow asauy firm in Charlotte, lot ca th or to punctual xinstoiucrs. mi . ? i - r L i a v Al . , Alley inviic aerpuauo uj titciti a call, (as they had a" special eye to theif wholesale trade,) and feel Warranted in sa ving that they can sell to as to make it a taring to them in their purchases. , Thev rstum their thanks to their friends II , d the generous public for past favors, and sjiicit a continuance ot toe same, A. R. KISBET & BRO. ' ' IlAGICi SOMETHING new and woTnIcrfnl In the Magic line. Call and see it, at dec 15. ; TIDDT'S. FOR 8 AXE. 1 Lot of iine HORSES and MULES. A in splendid order. At DAVIDSON1!! UVERY, STABLEST Horses and Mule for sale are kept on hand constantly. 1 y. nor 16-U i-K t; . ui 'U - iZ . PaperBagi. ; filEN TilbtJSAND raper Bags ! Straw A Wrappine Taper and Taper Twine, for ; sale at jan 4 VlrltXne Paper. nif kircmTS ;,Tisiting ; Charlotte, wiU . ill. find Writing Taper and Envelopes' 1 very cneapcas ruiuaui o. jatt 4. i"t mEAS, Spices, RcklpsTOyaters, Jellies, ,. JL Lemon Syrup and Caane4 Fruits, now j receiving a - sept 19 AB-K.-ABEO. 1 ' f

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