JDAlIX-jOBSEItKEK JOHNSTONE JONES, Editor. ;J Saturday, -January .11, 1873.HJS e-Americfin-Biiipplyo. cotton at Liverpool Th been .uii usually heavy this season. - Or-Wednesday "Eigh't Thousand five 'hundred ana . twenty one bales of American cotton were landed HtiyrpQoJ.I.,'.!! The Carlists'areltnifwarring upon the Spanish kMonarchyi. The only damage they seem to inflict upon the country is in breaking, -down telegraph1 unesteanng tip, railroads an burntng; go4rnm eht property. Kfhg Amedeus saems unable to rid his domain of theinsurrectionists who are forever "disturbing the pub lic peace,, ? ?n' f 7 h J 7 L I C: k d ...t; Contests for United States Senator ships are progressing in Georgia, Pennsylvania. .-Missouri andr Califor nia. In, 'Georgia - the most promi nent candidates - are Herschcl V. Johnson and Alexander j5tephen. ra'cev;! In bothr Pennsylvania and Ciilifornia mercenary means are bc- ing largely employed, and the man with the most inoney; is- likely to be the successful candidate. It was expected that, the Vilm jng-? tohf rcMiMkte"anI fltulh erfoVd SrIIP road would,have reached Wfadesboro by tSisTJtim e.SBul iiotio, 1 Is not likely to mjikejihat point before April or -May. Hon. II G. On4er donk,.ther Manflgine Receiver, of the Koad, is displaying a greatdeal of energy in the prosecution of the work. The completion of the road will be haUedfwith dejigtif; by the citizeusiof this fiectionLf A in ore dir rect railway route to Wilmington will prove of great benefit to Char lotte. lf- A ' 1 f- f- Daniel R. Goodloe, Esq.7 will shortly begin in Raleigh the publi cation jOf. a weekly paper to be called the Comihbnwealth. It will be inde pendent in politics; in harmony .with the principles which underlie the Liberal movement, and an ex ponent of the political sentiments of those who occupy a middle ground jind hold themselves apart from both Radicals aid Democrats. . Mr. Goodloe is a good writer, experienc ed in the newspaper business,; and qualified to make his journal a suc cess. .Stokes! sqinyictionf ofcoursephatf excited comment hotanlyr, alL .QrerH America but in the old , world,, as weu. It is a great triumph of 'Jus tice np.w-a-days for a rich man : to be condemned. ; Wealth it seems gives a man " carte blanche to ; violate' the law with impunity. 'But the convic tion and condemnation of the mur: derer of Jpisk shows that a changers taking place h this regard The. London JSeiusTMky: j',The de-' i.vj hi ui uiging . XiU,waraDioKea xo final trial for shooting -James -risk, J r.,' areatscaWthiTtthe -" iwi-.iniijistrratibn- df jasiicd. The'v Jaw ahiding peope;()f iewOrkinust teel the greatest : satisfaction at ' the result of thelriaf, which is a distinct triumph of law.". . -X- T ' n' .. Says the Harr shurg (Pa!) Patnot : There is not a Democratic Senator in congress Whose election cart charged to .bribery, while there is a core. of republicans f Who could be unseated for the . use of mercenary means in obtaining their eleetion. ittMiieaiism should blush at the cori- trast;""- -"' a-: y'i i' True.; But Radicalism is nq.t Iike ly to blush at anything; it! is a' bra. Ken-corister.that tiias" lost all sense of shame, i It can only win bycorruptio-Policat; or Kftnev Honest 'h. John ;T Patterson school would hot, with all their bral .cji ciuoiuery, aare solicit the votes of honest men, andTwould wilt in the presence of Virtiera ' A "fr01" '.our exchanges "are v4jl's mony r narmony j ! iiar 2nyl.lJ - Wba&Aa wrong ? The nusn uame has been played too lonsre already. , If the U nvK;nn- rotten ihjthe t)eaipcratic party let it v,i., nlV i iiazaraqwzoTBepartv to discuss thfe Merrimnn-VanrfCSAn. atOrial-Imbrolol andthA t PmK15 Printing, all we?ve zoffd safs th a if"J J m a oaani, ana ft eeda a' lit tle ventilation. tD'onJt be alarhied gentIemeu.--jEizi ... . . As the freiffht. train: nn tKo, V;i mipgton and WeldonKRailroadtwasr passing the vicinity iof - the 19 mile P,osV ?et ween, the Burgaw and Rocky 1 omt Depots, yesterday. Capt. Knight who was in charge; discovered the corpse of wliat he supposed t6 be a" .white nian lyingW-therside' of l&e roadA It is not how known who the P00X."hfortunate jwas; but it is the general impessiontht heiwasHruh over and k Ifed W one 6f tnl trains on Tuesday night? So says the Wil in ington'&ar,1 mvy i ;Z;Mki e-. brilliant Hop took place-at the. RaleTglNrional 'Hotel -Thursday 4 Small pox is reported at or near Friendship, Guilford county. " ' A young man recently died in Hal ifax jail. He was . shot while being" arrested; - '.., . y :.SW i '4 , U . 1 A gentleman from the If orthiIl erect a large manufacturing estab lishment in Raleigh I'W.'H. Jones, Esq., of Raleigh, who was struck paralysis the other, dayyireco.vefing. ! Ed ward Carswell the great humor X, Temperance Lecturer of Canada, will? lecture in-toefgh soon; 'for t.he benefit'dftlie Good Tetrtplartf. " l li ap.lJagUyvW f :.the.upreme Court,is highlyHcompliuiented'for his etliciencv and,courtesy in the dis charge of the duties of liis otfipe; t Tlie1 Raleigh Sentinel gives an inter- cinly Piano . Manufacturer : in this atate. ;t?A-,v.v -V. ' .'. ' A new town is springing up at the. 'V the Newton junction ot the West ern N. C K.;liiirtli Newton. -x-i i miles shot' iialifaoiihly; darngCh ristV maweekj while attenj ptiug to enteT; a h6use.'with intent to steal.- ,- Z' . Tereivaleen soltf inltlie Wades-J boro market-up to January 1st; 1800 bHlea.nltonJgaTeslwtveeicSo bales at'lS' to lSJTcenTS. . " I The Enfield Times says ' a colored boy. i n that n eigh borh ood , w as kill ed recently by .'the accidental : discharge of a gun. , f Tbe. residence of John Tierson, Reedy Fork, Guilford: county t w to tally ""destroyed 'by- fire ort Saturday night last. the family barely escaping with' Iheirlives." as !:' ' "A ' 1 ;3 v r,!:V: : V-; The Lumberton Robeson ian discus ses the question of a railroad froin that place to Fayetteyille and wants a meeting' held to take some steps. in regara-to the matter. ,; t r ; !A kerioug affray occurred .near Scotland Keck recently between a white man and'a negro, in which the negro was striick in the head with an axe, receiving serious injury. Rev. Mr. iWarren. the; newj: Pastor of the Fifth Street'Methodist Church, is expected to arrive here from Bos ton in the course of eight or ten days and assume- the duties of his "charge, says the Wilnfingion SftaM fiS .The Pee Dee River froze over on Thursday of Christmas week half , a foot thick, and on Tuesday Mr. C M Covington was enabled to cross it at Dumas Ferry with . horse and buggv, as . we learn irom tne vaaesuoro Argils. t '' . ' jThe Wilmington Journal says it is rumored that Mabson, colored Sena tor irOm rJew Hanover, will resign his seat in the Legislature, in view of the President s proclamation m re gard to federal officeholders occupy ing positions in state legislatures. The Salem Press says that on the 6th of January, 1766 106 years ago the first tree was relied towards erecting the first dwelling in this place. The building is yet standing. somewhat enlarged, however, and occupied as a potter-shop by Mr. Henry bhanner. John Cousins, colored, was arrest ed a few days ago, and is now lodged in Burke county jail, tinder the charge of murder. The prisoner was form erly from Catawba, and is accused of having murdered a half breed; name unknown," in a bar io Jin in Kansas Cty, Clay county, Missouri about August,' 1869. , ' . I Judge Tourgee on Saturday last re fused to admit to bail Geo. M. Book er, charged with themilrder of Hamp ton Jeffreys, at Madison, some two months ; ago.:' f ine .application - Was niade by Gov. Reid and Gen. . Scales counsel ' for the ' prisoner, on .the ground that the offence was but man Slaughter. ' r--; V : ' i IThe Raleighl tCorOnerative . Land arid-Building Association had their annual meeting Tuesday .night and elected officers as follows : Mr. Jas. H Harrisjf President; SCViCePresidenti Korfleet ," Dunston. Secretary, G W Brodie and Treasurer; J B Neathery. TJiis is the fust colored building as sociation organized in this State, says the'Raleigh ja-a. ; , ; ; sWe regret to learn, from' . th e :"J?a nerl that a little -daughter " of John Phifef ,Esq., was accideiitatly killed jt El Bethel Church in' scleaveland county, last week. The little girl -was only ten years old; andv.during . a re cess, was running arouna ; in e nouse; A vdune! maniwas running faround the house'in , an opposite, direction 'and'rtieeting her at the corherstruck hrti the tr6ast with hisfknee be fore ;he:COuld check his f 8 peed, .-She. fell and died in a few minutes.! M -t We learn from Capt. Harper,; who arrived ; Jromi Smith yil le: yesterday that it has been definitely ascertained that the bdat'recentlyfound fon.the bekcH rieaf TuVs Inlet i Hb'he'Hnr'' whicW;the five;-ni-fated passage 6h the', day they Vwere con signed to a watery graye; i A. gentle- man who was perfectly: familiar with: the boat' Hvhich they used on that oc casion has seen the one referred ' to fori theieach, and is jcertain: itjis the, sajne-one -ou'we learn irom cue W;ilmington oy0?:. .- frhe Board of Directors of the Wes tern NortHCarolina; Railroad Cqmr pany will meet at Salisbury on.the 5th4insi.,Orth affairsBU'XP'ad he: Hckbry ,. Tavern $agle-,BW8i)"U is ibt:yet too late for,, the-. Directors to'do something forthe road reduce expenses cut down the roiling stock,' veri"seirthe iron and . pay oil this Mepv.rRtaer inan see n sacrinceu ana lpseu .fne-.nana'pi-juis-ONn-. ern-Southern Security ,tbmpany;As a business transaction such.fioanciert ing wouia be disgracetul; and why tsit't it a business transaction ? troni VI. Hie Sentence. ofJOaaliassedxpon the Slayer of Fisk How ; it was Received. New York Ormunercial Advertiser, Mon-V- vi day Evening. v !. "i Mrr Sparks7he clerk, having ihti- rqated-o thev prisoner tha(he mu&C now stand up, asked him hi a loud voice : Edward 53. Stokes, what have vou to sav why sentence of death shbuld not be pronounced "upon you for. tho crime Oliwriiciir you staj tand The. prisoner, lookiug-.on vjacaiicy, replied after 'a brief paused in a low and somewhat complaining toneLof voice :,' "I haveonly. :to.say X, am in: nocent'bf the crinie for which'-1 now stand convicted---:? I '-'did nqtinten-' tionally viohite any of the laws of the land L would also like to say that I noticed -in one of to day 'spaper an? interview with one of thejurors, MrV Bowlfes, I-think;, it -isj in .which ihe, stated to the reporter that . it,-' would have le en better that I should not have gone upon the- stand ;i aifd fthe reason was, that I - testified that' the piatoLwith which Mr. Fisk-met Ibis death I had , never "fired , Qff. When the jury lall.knew tli.it I had tired? it at Saratoga with Colonel Fellows.-1 1 have only to say if that interview is true, juat x never nreu inai pisioi on at. Saratoga, :: and that i it never had been discharged by me but twice. I know' that all the testimony t given for the defence was viewed lightlyby the jury!: I'feei; Convinced i of:.it. .. 1 know public claiiior tias ,leeu : raised from the frequent ' murders in- New York City. I know that the evidence of Thorn as Hart, on w hich Hwas con victed, is . false, andi manufactured from first to lost, and I believe the prosecution knew it, for District At torney sGarviir never alluded to-it when addressing the jury ou the last '1 V ------ :--!.j--.v .-, i- PASSIXG SEKTEXCE. Judge Board m an .theu, . fixing his eyes upon the prisoner, thus address ed him i tdward S.Stokes, you have been. , defended by most eni inent cpuhscj ' With . most; extraordinary skill and devotion. You have been supported and feustaihed by the sym pathy of loving relatives and ardent frientlsV All that wealth, ; affection, or industry could do for you has been well and cheerfully done. A jury; carefully selected of intelligent arid uprigh t ?gen tlemen, have listened pa tiently and kindly to your own ac-, count of this most terrible act, as well as to the other evidence that hiis been put in ou your behalf. They have found you guilty of murder . in the first degree, the highest crinie known to our laws, in having caused the death of JameJFisk, Jr., one year ago to-day. The verdict was wrung from their judgment, not prompted by their hearts. I am sure I do each juror but justice in saying that, , and in assuring you that their . concur rence in this verdict was the most painful act of their: lives.. That result is not the fruit of unkiiidness to yon, but of just respect for and obedience to the law. The evidence in the case, even your own testimony, l am con strained to believe, sanctions their conclusion and justifies their verdict;. I am not conscious, so far, as I ani personally concerned, that I have erred in any respect against you dur ing the progress of the trial. I have endeavored, in all cases of doubt, to give you the benefit of such doubt.4 To me remains the painful dufy of fronouncing the judgment of the aw, not alone as a punishment of j'bur crime, but also that by your ex ample others may take warning from your sad, unhappy fate. So. young and attractive in person, with so ma ny fountains of joy yet untasted, still greater is my sorrow, to realize the unmerited anguish you have brought upon your ianiily arid friends. Your disgrace is reflected upon them who are pure, and your dishonor casts an unjust but inevitable stain upon their truth and virtue. It is a frightful le gacy to leave your family- a spectre that death atone can make vanish. ; ; 'Twere idle if it were; possible for me to trace the path from innocence to crim e, to tell the tale of unrestrain ed passions. I can't do hV ' Let the time which the law gives you be de voted tO: reflection upon the past and repentance for your " sins, 1 and" ih preparation for: the .great ; change so terribly. near to you. Do not delude burself .fewith f uncertain hopes' of pardoii or clemency. -i Edward S. Stokes, in obedience to the requirenients of the law, this Court orders and, directs that you be takeiv Jieuce, an .custoayi ot , the sheriff of the city and county -of Ne w York , to th e prison fro ni wh en ce you. camej and that you te there conhned in close cusjtddy by such sheriff un ana inat on mat :aav. oeiween wie 1 .' .1 i 1 '.5 . : i , -r- hours.p U o'clock.in Hhe morningJimt mostly to the 2 United ' States'! anu a o cjock. in the ; aiternoon, you be hanged by the neck? until you are dead ; and may God have mercy ort your soul 1 4, '---'" 'r h' 'The " prisoner was then: handed oyer to thesUeriha JITOTHE COXDKMKE.-XI if ft?S6kes Was ediiveyeUpbacJtc Tombs m a close carriagej . accom t panied by"h'is brother,. Sheriff Bren naiiw and Deputy Sheriff Shields; The greatest excitement prevailed "a't the' jLoinDs, ana wnen me carnage siopf Pdatrjhe,ntr4nco Ommse crowd rushed fonvardt and almost block ed Jt he th brdugh fajre; J he lbh balcbhy :wh.ich extends across, the, buihling opppsiteas crQdedj to its utmost ,exleptand it yas found necessary 111604100 mb ve somes of he people. rj. -i Xi iThe Iprwpher carriage, perfectly iool . and self-possessed, and was taken at once into the receptioh-room,r froxnH whence- he was remoyed,tauer a. fe w r m mutes, Ho ceil No. 4, oh the ground floor,: It vjs Esteem ea the safer to f lodge, him there; iTlie furniture is of the scant iest and. plainest descriptions and he will be allowed none of the comforta-i We appurtenances which adorned his other celL V; He refused to enter! into W,iowiSi0?5h seems probable that he will continue to maintain the same reticence, nw brother-appeared bowed down with grief and sympathy, : He sretired af ter a few moments' conversation with hia unhappy brother. 'Kl ; ; - LATE TELEGRAPHIC HEWS. Congressional. . -1 'iWASHiKCToy, Jan. 8.Twenty thou- sarid dollars has 'been appropriated for 4he -expenses of-thecommiUee on Privileges and Elections, - for the Louisiana and Arkansas -elections: ' Indian; approijriatioiis were resum ed.'1 vi n.!.' ' Jn the House, nothing- whatever affecting the South, '.:yr' . '- Railroad Accident - h;; 1 LoiftsvrLLE, Jan. 9. Th e 5 train' last night was thrown from the track by a broken rail. at. Belmont -station. Sixty passengers were" on board, of whoin twenty were hurt, six serious ly.'VMaty Crowley loses her: left eye; Congressman ,; McHenrVj has;,,. a shoulder dislocated and otherwise bruised ; Mrs. Houston, of Tuscombia, had her collar bone broken and . was internally , injured. ' - ' ' From New York. New York, Jan. 9. The officers and ex-officers of the army and navy gave a brilliant reception to .r Gen. Haiicock last night. ' ' ' ''I , Tli e National Association ; of Iron Manufacturers have adopted resolu tions in favor of free banking. V ' ; The National Nail Manufacturer's Association has met. The report shows 3,000,000 kegs were made uur iiig the last year. Another Saoir Storm. Chicago, Jan.D. A heavy storm of snow 'as fine as sand, accom panied bya gale of wind,- has prevailed here since 3 o'chck tlris afternoon. The thermometer is two degree above zero, out the cokl is tembJe owing to the piercing wind. The storm is accompanied by extraordinary elec trical phenomena which interferes somewhat with the working of the telegraph wires. Heavy Suit Rumored, ; New York, Jan. 9.-The rumor was current, yesterday, that Phelps, Dodge & Co., have been sued by the government to recover $1,800,000 due on fraudulent invoicesand that the firm has offered to compromise for. $)0,(H)0. The firm publish a card stating that thev have been and . . . ... are prepared to settle any just gov ernment claim against them. Erie Afiftirm, -. New York, Jan. 9. Barlow, Presi dent of the Erie Company says, the affairs of the compauy in connection jfith Jay Gould are progressing sat isfactorily. Humanitarian. New York, Jan. 9. A trial of me chanical birds for live birds, in pig eon shooting matches, is to be made to-day under the direction of Presi dent Bergh, of the Humane Society. Death of L.ouis Napoleon. Lonpok, Jan. 9. Louis, Napoleon, late Emperor of the French, died this morning. fsECONP OISPATCH.J London, Jan. 9. ;Napoleon slept soundly last night, better than on the preceding night. This morning his phyisicians had a consultation and deeded to perforni another operation at noon to-dayl ..At the time of the consultation his pulse was strong and regular, eighty-four beats to the minute ; at twentyfiye nfinutes past ten, asign of sinking appeared, the action of the heart suddenly failed, and lie died at forty-five minutes past ten o'clock. . Half a Nillion Emigrants Seek ing Homes in America. The Ger man Emigration Association of this city ' ha ve recei ved fu rth er ad vices from the frome organization,Telatsve to the movement of the German farmers and mechanics to emigrate to this country. The home , organi zation, to enect this purpose, is said now to number eighty-two thousand; and it is proposed to form a Union with t.hr Natinnal A trrirmlt.uriit T.d jborers Union of London. The lat ter association having" a member ship of 200,000, it is contemplated wh en the season ; . opens to send at least .half a million of German and English farmers and mechanics to Various points in the New World, ff..-.' . . .4.1 'jl S iL TT. i lC. x . lJ(xth of these associations, have for their principal object the relief of the present overcrowded labor- market,- and the German organization has a paid up capital of three thou sand pounds to carry out their plans. It is proposed, ainong other vthines, i tooirge legislation by the American uongress tor the better protection of emigrants! " A commission wilt leave Bremen in the, middle ofrjanuary for the jAirpose of -purchasirig. land for large, colonies who- contemplate emigrating in the c springi also, to make , reports u pon the particular section of the United" States, both forclimate and tfeoil; which is 'biest adapted to Uermans.-r- Wash. Star. 1 h 1 The Christian-World, without dis cussing ths orthodoxy J or otherwise of George ;Elliot ."Ikliddle-raarch; endorses ; her ideal. that -r clergymen should not he "specimen -of imbe cile gentility,1 who represent ' Chris tianity as if it were an institution for getting up idiots genteelly, , n Ln-TLEFIELD. The' Washington Star has a report from -Jacksonville, Fla., that I'the great absorber; Milton SublimeXUtlefield; is about to absorb all the railroad interests of JFlbrfcln. 1 J ; ' ........... j rOEEIGIf HOTESr Gen. - has been appointed Governor-General .of Portb Kico. : ATeduction'pf bank Trates of dis count it isappf eliended has been de cided upon in London"' ,.;Vakeford Brothers, silk; dealers in London have failedfcoss half a mil lion. , '"'-. The Czarowitjs of Russia is ill. The rate of i discount for.uthree fha Kills iri the onen market of Lbiidbiiistrrreee ghthsf per cent boH low. the Bank. of England rate. , 1 Tle Temperah'ceiReform i in Eng land continues io keep. the public attention- fn -'a remarkable-? and en coiiVagifig way! A prize of 2p0 guine as.ii offered by. an advertisement "in the .public iournala for the best essay on" nho' following subject ; r. "rhe Tern pemnceReforcoation-its Claito$ upqn the Christian Church. c: MS Hew Advertiseiaeiits. r K. M. MILLER & SONS," 0 C 0 H2IIS SI0I? HZRCHA HT& -tO: HAVING Completed ournew three stery bnildingi on the- cotbot48 of Col lege and Fourth t Streets,- we ; have ' ast REMOVED : into Jit, and. are ready lor our Customers. '! ' ;-" M . J";" . Our House is divided into' five Depart 1st pepaxtoeatPancy' ; Gioceriti. Soa ps. Candles, Cand yV Starch, . Sngnr, Coffee, Tas, ' 5 Spicks Frixe Chatties, ',-...;: s Brnndy Peaches, Ac;, r.; Purchased direct fron the Manufacturer with the vjew! -of" supplying" the " H WUOLESALE THAOt. ? ' 2&d DepartiaentpHeavy Gooda. Molasses, Bacon, Flour Xard, Mek" ret, 4ce Our facilities for handling , such goods, are j superior to those . -of any . ruercantlle house in the City. Metcban ts may . rest assured th&t they : can always obtain gootl iof u at , . -THE 1AWST FIGURES.. 3rd Department Prodnce.. ' I Cotton, Cora, Whea Oate, Rye, Hy; &c. Bought at Myhst eash prices. tiold ' on Cvmmissi&n. Stored, with cash advances i mhde- uppn the same. We itwlte special al teitfwn to our Cfnnmission and storing tyusbiess "V " TO WIUC'U WE i'JtY CLOSE PER- ; SON A L 'A TTEXTJVX 4th Departsiesiti-PioftpI&&tes. WE ARE AGENTS H0R ZELL'S and other SUPE B PHOfSPHAXES, the . most rejiable article on the Mar- N ket. .Certiticat! from reliable farmers furuisJUed on Appli cation. We are also Agents for , GILHAVS CELEBRATED TOBACCO TIL 11ZER. FE 5th D epartment eaf Tobacco Warehouse. - v we have coimpX.i$:d wrru tub Revenu Law, and are how ready to re ceive Laf Tobacco, which we will : buy or sell oo cbniuiiiision. t Our Warehouse fees, are less than the sune at . Richmond ai Dan Tille, and .the Defc pneeu THOSE MARKETS! ALWAYS OB TAINED. IN OUR large and commodious HALL will be finished and opened tcl the public about the First of Marchi i K i . WE THANK girous public for the liberal patronage. whicH has hwetofore been bestowed upon us, and we hope that through t itrict attenUon to business, . amd selling our goods at low !i figures we may merit a continuance of thsir favor. ' : R. M. MIIiLER iu SONS. January 11, 1873. '' THOSE persons to whom , we have- ex tended credit during the past year will confer a favor upon us by , calling at once and settling their accounts, as this must be our last appeaL REMEMBER IT I ,R.;M. MlliLER A SONS. , janll t, K i-4 :i 'yi ALUABLE .City :-. .Property .:. for '.sale. Term'a easy. ' ; Apply. to.. - ; jah ll7lw - C. W; ALEXAKDER.V- THE Wilmington, CbArlotU'and :Ruth-' .erford Railroad Company,:; and all its onlcers, conductors, engineers and servanta are hereby notified that hey must desist from taking or interfering!: with any wood, fence rails or other material, unless paid for, on my plantation in Gaston county, or they will all, each and 'every, of them, be made responsible for such itreepasess. jan ll-3t . A.; Bl DAVIDSON.: : ( :::ViCHiLHG3.;;i ; 'yjy; fXirll E, STITT has' withdrawn from the I if firm of Brem, Brown & Co. The busir ness of the firm must , be settled up. We beg leave to say to our old patrons, that we will be compelled ' to change ours to a nearer cash business.1 ' ( ' - - jan U-lw. - ; BRUM, j BROWN -A CQ.' i - : Medium seized SORREL IIORSEwith J..a saddle but no bridle on was-, taken p on : Wednesday. by J,N. Caldwell, at the jail.;. The, owner ,can get him by ; coming forward, proving property : and 1 paying charges. , . i jan 10-lt ' ' ; -i'1'--:-".',. 'TRISH arid Sweet Potatoes. VAnbther5 fine X lot of Irish and ,, SM-cet Potatoes, just rc ceived. ni ivk r . - B. X, SMITH: EXCELSIOR! ! .THS BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! r T O ' P L-AU T E R s . . i ' '?v rE Offer the following Fertilizers Patapseo Guano, ClHsjapeakc Gnano I Watson & Clarke's. Super-Phospliate. ( yp . nac uciouic xit; ojfrMii ir!iucrin, to our Farmers the": above first-class Fcrtili zcrs. :Ta. those who ha ve used them so mauy years, we h eeel ofi ly say. that thev are guar. anteecLfei .v he .fullyjup Jq thefr previous high standard. I And to such- as have not yet used them one trial wilf convince them that they ar superior to all others-; so make sure of a supply and pleaBe' 4and 5 in your . ortiers early, as "the consumption exceeds the manufacturing power. , , For sale iri any1 quantitv; by J 5TENH0USE, MACAULAY & CO. ' jan 1Qi,vjI ui 1 ; 100 Boxes. "PBENCH and: American' Window Glass A-.' in gobd'order. ' ,. ' :v,nu WM.E, BURWELL & CO. - jan 9," M MACARONI,, Corn Starch, Chocolato, k HorsfordV Bread Preparation, Pure Ppwder Cringer and Pepper, . yrR. BURWELL & CO, jan 9i, " ' Springs' Corner. TROCHES of ; Lact6. Phosphate, lime and Pepsihi. ' WM. R. BURWELL & CO. HAIR Brushes. English and Amen an. " r wirR: BURWELL & CO. 1 jao a, J;,;,u.f. :,.....-. . LEWIS'. Pure White Iad, ..i n YM. E. BURWELL & CO. ; jan 9 VS .!''. rf To Our Friends and Acquaintances. WE thei Undersigned beg leave to thank our friends and acquaintances for their liberal patronage bestowed upon our Employer, Mr. E. Shrier for the past year, and most resjectfuily ask a.continuance of the .same as we,'arc still at the Tempie of Fashion. Respectfully, '' u - J. A. YOUNG, Jr., A. H. TATE, jan 9' - ' ' Special . 2Fotice to the Public. AS a great many changes have taken place this year, - I respectfully beg t inform the citixens of Charlotte and tho public in general that no cban lias taken , place at my. establish rnent. -I am still at my old stand, No.1 24 Try on Street, David Parte buildimt, ' with" a large and well selected stock of thevftnest arid latest style of custom-made clothing for Men, Youifis and Boys wtar, also on hand a tine stcx-lc of Gobis Furnishing Goods, Shirts, of Ballou's make, the bent fitting shirt in tho worlds' The very latest styles of Hats, Scurfs,, Bows and Ties, Umbrellas, fcc, &c, and I will still sell ' them at prices to defy competition.; I expect to leaVe fir New York City in a short time to lay in my stock of Cloth ing and Pittc Goods, for my Tailoring Estab lishment and will also bring with me an experienced Cutter and Tailor, and will be ready by Spring to cut and make to order at my own tistablishment and under my own supervision aiid at lower prices than the same quality of goods can be made up in tWyi ivr iui v' nt.kr itv this sirlf if llalti- Being, tltahkfal to the citizens of CLar lotte -arid ;tli1: public in general for the liberal patronage heretofore bt stowed uiu inc, I mtrcspcctfidiy ask a continuanco of the isame. .Respectfully, jan ESHRlEll. Home and Democrat copy. CloYdr Seed. ASupplv of Pennsylvania Red Top CLoveFSead, at STEN HOUSE, MACAULAY k CO. Jtexaoved. P. WARING: Attorney at Law, from his old attic on Tryon Mr, to the office in the Court House next door to the Sher UFs Office. jau9-Gm BfOTICE. WE have this day sold our ; entire stock of Groceries, liquors, tc.t to Messrn. W. H H. HCJlUSTQN t CO and in , retir- iag.fvoot bvusinrts rpact: oily ask a con tinuance of the liberal patronage bestowed upon lis to Our successor!.4 1 V", f 7 ' ; 1 UUKUOKY WILLIAMSON, ! .-i Wi?J;' BLACK.M& L0. ' i - i jan X:li.4:fiMi'M'-i '2 'Havmer purchased W. -'J. Black & Go's and: -firegroy 'A. Williamson's entiro Stock of Qoods, we bkve opened at Gregory A WiUkuaasea's ld iad, next; door to McMurray, Davis T A Go's, at which placo we .will constantly4; keep a complete Stock GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &C., :And would respectfully ask a call from the public, r . v ' , : v .., r;...;H; H. Houston a co. ..1 ;t a w t txrt vt t r witctt formerly with Gregory & Williamson, and McD"' ARLEDGE, , formerly , with W. J. Bicz Co.. ar with, us and will be pleas ed tQ see their friend' and enstomers. ,iv u W. H. H. HOUSTON & CO. ' oHOXICE TO THE PUBLIC. THE Co-partnership which I expected -to form by January 1st -1873, will not take place -.until i the latter.part. of this month. and therefore! will; continue the sale tf the. entire , . . STOCK' OF. FANGY-, jv .. 1 DRY. GOODS, fjj .- . :f '-n' MILLINERY, ,;:' yitiCLOTHiKo, ac., At thesarne reduced prices. , . riV 1 TOT- I jWILL alsc continue to keep up my -"j 'JJAtfUAlN COUNTER. 1 v B; Koopmann,4 C li X lit O T T E , VN , c . d ii- lTJood I ;T7ood U; ii TAj persons cart be sun blled "with Tire xl. Wood by calling on me, or leaving their orders at 'Messrs. "A."1 "R. 1 Nisbet Bros.,Storn '. j V T H. EDWARDS. 1 inn 7. t . ;l',-:lfi,.:,7aiBeIlt V;'",,r.-:".. Comfortable Cottage with four rooms, Osborne formerly occupied hv A. A, Gas ton. Apply to , , - anllu V.Vli -F.. A. McNLNCH.

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