t i it. n nffiiirririirri n.rin irwmw m rrr nr in wiMvimtomnvtt mn,"mmnmKMaKmnmm6 riiimrMmniiiniMmi MMnBiWnmWiwi(ln iTiiwwihiilh i. milnii-TW fml i... n..! mnmmm w MrnM nimni.Mwiliyl.Wijlimji ' Tie Charlotte folsjainVttV cvfi rTtr7 " ' """"""" :Uiih 4 9rtgtbfc& oifr ci ; IIT-I-V U.'!5a A T f If .Z.TT I : V.''"TTWT--fil'i .t'.; t : : H 7T rr : , , - - - I . 1 L .: JONES A ;MoLAU(3HLm. Office, Cryee's iiulding, , TraOe Street. KATES Or STBSCMPTiOir; Jit-Jt!) One year, in advance, ,w ....-.$( fltt Six' mreitiis, in aavance,. 3 00 Three Months, in Hdvaiice,...-."!?! 50 T,he (JBSEETEB WHt - De-ttellTf ruu m air part of the City at Fifteen Cents per week." POETJRYi J "KING IlABY;i: His sceptre is-a rattle', ; ' His throne is motlier's arms He reigns a tiny tyrant, In all his dimpled charms L Yet round his royal presence Our loving hearts entwine ; Dictator of the cradle, . . And king by right diyiae I . .1- Whatever be his mandates, ' . ' No courtiers dare rebel ; ' ' '- : His mother's chief pf ther household Prime minister as well f ' ' In you perambulator, . ? His downy car of state, U I Exacting, rosy monarch, ,w What triumphs on him wait-! , ;t In purple ease and splendor. . . W 1 1 J Long, long ne seeks to reign . : All hints of nose disjointed ' ' He smiles at with disdain I ; Alas ! that royal greatness . . Should ever be disowned ; Here comes a tiny stranger King Baby is dethroned. From The Aldine for November, . - : . VTTT "v''- liimmWm C:. THURSDAY, JANUARY ' - "' ": ,, . . ; :..,' 1 1 t- . t ( i i : ( . , . Aia. -v, f , , , M, iwMniTxx ' ' ; ;v p ! l. traut. .-kr a ttt n 1 ,.- 1C Kortlierii Sunsets, . . , The following beautiful and graph description is from a recent rium- Ler of Blackwood : To all the Northern nations these suusets are the compensation for the long dark nights and misty days. that fill so large a share of time. Though we; could ransack the globe for con trasts, we would probably find that Nature contains not the elements of any more marvelous than those that out of her mere atmospheric appara tus; of sunshine and shade and mist and rain, she can create upon any one of our Western sea lochs. Be hold it, or rather experience it, on a cold wet morning. The sea seems inky black save where its white an gry lips snarl upon the rocks. On thiis headland the clouds move rest lessly, seeking an abiding place ; on that other they have settled down, suv impenetrable gloomy shroud ; and fcosyou stand shivering on the small slippery jetty, waiting for the steam er, with its damp-cargo of uncomfor table, discontented humanity. . But era evening the wind is hushed, the , clonus nave taken wings and flown away over the wide heavens. The sun is just descending behind the headland that was shrouded, and its bnape is revealed m purple enamel set on a bed of gold, that seems to steep every object in its divine splendor. Well, we must not admit the Norse sunset to be essentially more beautifully, but is of far I TT T A XTrrt . 'K wVAWUT' do yov love Kraut XV legant,white Kraut for all who lore RATE OF ADVERTIS1XC5. One Square one time t w m. ma r wo days n l ka mr UBys 2 a . fire days. 3 00 one week... 3 three weeks ' flm mrmii - o m.K. r.JLP01?. Advertisements taken '-at proporbonatelylow rates. UDm, aml tcn squares as halfiolumrtJ tisements. : 'A' GREAT' DFFEK f . FINE SAXT.; JLvl and for sak l.v . Jan3-4w' HOUSE, MAC AULA Y; &C0. ' JEST, Book sent free. Auarcss Eagle Book Co. lir i TrPTlT jnwvivT.A rars YK A IX 1 Ii I I AUJUUO zw Per INE, iJ I'll' Li fiJii ftflmUfrl r 4l. - TT. ." ' ' i ; ' Handsomest Periodi cal n Ae Tlo Mpresentative and Chainjnmiof tfincrlcaii Taste. , IV.; Von MeveriiofF. jpBjSESjxfonn, instruct, and con - . uull in i.iinrintfo tvt ' i The income from' whiehis t"h ,anr 8ti&Tnn3a TING' MACHINIl Orcliestral InstrumenLs . as are found in .fomi rvi: o - . r -""" ' w "i iaic largest Cities South and Knrti. - fi.. T;.f.. xt U? !.h? Pj0Perty of the Charlotte v-v-AAiisiitute ior-Young Ladies. , Terms of admission, . $5 go Instructions per month, . 200 r A-taaies ana erentlemnn rlirin ".'u"u; "i me esocietv wi hImw iii. x M ONTV !lslK made witl our ffrnW. Free- Stafford AV Fulton Street, X. Y. , ;, HORACE W1TERR : n t ., will dispose of lOO PTAKnS xrvm maker wcluduia H o!' . or cot, or part .cash, aitd balance iik, small ,fcrrfy "COXCEQTO,. PARL0H y,, inr most oeaxitijnl ttrjlt "and perfect r - . n THE CHARLO o ttefa: G 9n r) nnd In. iiic --iiurioite in- in rhnii.).). u rj.ji-rr SdfM. .; Street, b4SJ Mai?'' , 500 out ! A rents wanted 1 Jnsf. X -. I : t i ' RT qotxt tT;V-' -a-K-iiSi-, ,Yii,u wulb, -HXlDREN." Ins, ......-c aa,1C3 j agents wanted for our large Map -of. the "United States" with inl mens:. "World" . Man on . H ( 1111 AfrtnM 1 y-lt , ... UUU. ' Tr 7 . K?"" Varis K "Ke wild-fire. J.T. BUTLER'S ! ! KEW GOODS. dec 7-6m rjOFFEE, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese and v j use received at , sept li) . . A. R. NISBET fe BRO'S. BUCK WHEAT FLOUR. BUCK W iJ E A T .' BUCK WHEAT FLOUR. TXiST Received, now call and buy and R,miffgeS" our -elegant Goshen Butter to eat with the cakes when they are oiijwivmg nut, ut NOT FOR SALE IN BOOK STORES. the ALbnftL:ttfii?h Lii. ' the Regularity, lias none Of the temporary or hmely interest chractcristie of ordinary SS? t U IC, 18 aM! elnt miseellany of r Ti ' T sciui literature ; and a n-;octttres,;tlie rarest specimens of artistic skifl. in blacl and wnite. Al though each succeeding number affords a fresh -pleasure its friends,' the real value and beauty of-THE ALDINE will be most appreciated after it has been bound up at the dose: .of the year. ; u While other publications rimy claim supe nor fin fiflnnpstt aa r a ' j ryiiwmtA.i Willi rivais nr i mv a similar class, THE ALDINE is a uniaue J Aae vJiaage. andonginai cohception-aloneand unap- TTAVING notified our friends and cus- proachcd-absomtcly without competition -tl tomers some time since that our bn,i- -alone and unapprOacbvd-absoIuteiy ness would change January 1st S i without competition in price or character, are pleased to say that the chance Hie possessor of. a cotnnlete voIihha r.n. taken rkui ni if u ' "T not duplicatethe.quantity of fine paper and or 30 DAYS CREDIT Those whodonft need not expect any favors, irrcuTo A ' 4- r -i . come HAASIS JfcLBBREOTlT . TJimJ ?a-wLf.if,7'ifi-i'j;A .-j.iJ . leate and Chart Establish; TnV" VC-u. uZ1a7"?"I??1 .imo rpmedy. : It ian O I efi-TT oil . rv.'Wis suoscantaBceH irt . . i k aaw e..:n- .Ac i- -.- . HORACE GREELEY & FAMILY, -"f .'? pf acfiojS Si-liver A fine ensTraviny 9"v98 spleen? Unless relievpd t hp Hvj k vve aisomai Button-Hole U:;;Iir:BPndao. ! mail for $1.00. nH ,r. " ""n-uti-xi v ji m. s Macnine in read Cutters and eedle Threading Thimble, price 2? cSS ri-JiClJCulars o various other Novelties ",0" irequenuy to all old and aycui, aauress new jan 3-4w AMERICAN NOVELTY Co., ou uroaaway, JN . Y. dec 6 JOHN F. BUTT'S, Market. LOOK! FREE TO ALL ! I per week to acents. Malo.or Pr To all who will write for an Aeen s ourwaionsflr 'still-woV.tiu -rfij.-T. i Felons, Pustules, CankeplesT' .Hayeu ; a i Dyspeptic Stonlach ? Un less digestion is nroimrflvni . debilitated with poverty of the Blooa Dropsicali tendency, general Weakness and Have you weakness of the Intestines ? You are in danger of airohicDiarrhoaTor Inflamation of the Bowels, v . "iT nSRLln'?f the. Uturine, or """"' r IOU are evnn1 Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Diamond Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c it' ,, f,llV,, uuPy or rnat " onrfcr o ""eruig Jn us most aggravated form Wonders " the Illustrated Horn of Plenty. Ae you dejected, drowsy, dull i SuWish imsyy or depressed in 'spirits, wt? heaSe AdHrr r pa n, V J1'awnte- ""U a? rasBg lllOUth ? iioiiij. i. aierson. iN. j. A' cunain remedv foT? nil jan 3-ivy ciifeiavinSb in any oincrsnape or number pay promptly iii uniesuacost: and then, you are in there are the chroinos, besides! save us the i TO Bok Afpnta - .-, - o ' HoTSreS-! -f PICTORIAL ilUMll, BIBLE it IS tliA. nnlir TJJM FREE GIFT cases, weaknesses and trouble . fZ J S n nnrl ,'Arf it TiV. . Ti." Liu- i: 0 t-uMijiiig wie vitiated biood and nnpartmg vigor to all the vital forces j ?or "6 ri' TOwnng tne weakened I ...uiiuii U UIJ which: a complete History, Encyclopedia, J II B II ft I? Tl A Analysis.of the Scriptures,, and Imnroved . : W U 11 Vj Br O A ART DEPARTMENT. Notwithstanding the increase in the price of subrfcrintion Jast;Fft!l ALDINE assumed its proportions and rei resentative charcter. the editi -.uuicu ucciatyana merits make it the cheapest and fastest selling Bible pub lished. . WM. FLINT k CO., J At. HrtK'l fJo . 11 . fi iii inrr o t w I f 1,1.-,,... a iar wirior canvasis. The lover of our sunsets can imagine what it is to have the scene for several hours, and to watch its splendors passing over a hundred nulps of fiord, with its many little creaks branching from right "to loft and the infolding of its countless mountain openings. Such gorge oiimiess as some of these sunsets cast around would tire the senses if they were more frequent than they arc '. I 'A .n . .1 - ' "vi uLTume more tnan jo vary them with more liaraionios of sea and skv. ;c:in can be no less gentle and he- cmitent colorless And old . T.I - J 1 ueaaunngtipast year ; proving that the American public appreciate, and will support, a sincere efToTf. ti fhn DON'T mi . , ine, IuD4ishers, anxious to justify the ready confidence tlnts-drftrjnstrated, have exerted themselves to theitmost trdevel opq and improve the, work ; and the plans lor the , coming year, as unfolded by the monthly issues, will astonish and delight UU311 sanguine inenos of 1 HE ALDlNKr'""" -- -- The- ,uuhlhcrx- .arc .authorized to an nounce designs from ;rirany of the most eminent artists of America. In addition, THE ALDINE will repn duce examples of the best foreicn masters selected with a view to the highest artistic success, and greatest general interest ; avoidine such jia lm uirougn photographs,; or copies of any Vr . 7fl uuwsjfla first dan kind. - ' 1 J HU1LL, and worthy of public patronage. FKICE, you. To our many friends and patrons we re turn thanks, and ask a continuance of ineir iavors believing that by a strict ap plication of the above rules, we will be able to sell goods cheaper than those who credit. All bills are duo nnd nnvnliio m i t j - nun, jn iuj xsrii day of each and every month. jan 1, 1873, ly SIMOHTON HOUSE. :0: Worthless Imitations DAtTtrtttttt-r r -- .the only scientific preparation of Car- aTATES ft. C b0nC AcidJor LuS disease is when chem- Vf cally combined with other well known O- remedies, as in these tablkts, and all par ties are caution prl T? i. ?roprietor of the above named Ln all cases of irritation of the mucous utci respectiuuy invites the people of meilDrane tnese tablets should be freelv wwxUblc U11U nie puDiic generally to call "lr cieansing and healing propea on him when they visit Statesville TTp ties are astonishing. T will spare neither nin the loading medi- w cUnIul;ltJes oi .ponaon and Paais "thi Vi "VU1, lo"lc a"i alterative Jcnown to the medical world v T.i, J. ZT" h"1 S.J1 bega; long used : "-.v"v s pnysicians ot other coun tnes with ivonderul remedial results. JJont weaken and imnair fii organs by cathartics and physics they give MUSIC BOXES AND MANY OTIiETie ARTICLES. TOO tfUMEEOUSS AT Be deceived, but for coughs, colds, sore 3? uiroac, Hoarseness and bronchial diffirnl- Ui -r JPt" vllu pucs and kin Hoa n . . .. .uifncui red diseases are sure in fu....u-.s- r- wuuir uicif usr, ties, use only - WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. aBE J. T. BUTLER'S J?HN Q. KELLOGG, fhtV'f-!w lork Sole Agent for " Hullo) uuiits. : Pnce One Dollar per Bottle. Sin! for CircuIar- ; jan 34w otatesville. He nor monev to Be warned.never nes-lecf n rnll if cured in its incipient, when it-' 1,. a. j ----- v vvviiiyo . niij within the rocky prongs of the liord than m the Mediterranean Bav. 'Ml vy HIT lllilll TfcW 1 .1T Cr f i.ivi JJ-J OrtlJg . lliC sun is ir.wn oi : i J .10 waves are dancing fast and brijjr: iiuw 1SK-? ai-ft snowv mountains lie ,nrjle noon's transparent light, j "e (reuth of the moist air is light. ht. M-ear I see tlie I0ep's untrampled shwe, '! irrcon .mil impi.in i 1 see the waves upon the shore ke; light dissolved in star throw n." strewn ; showers TheGen'lR. E. Lke Moxumext. i oe grand monument to the me riorv of Gen '1 Lee is now rapidly be ng constructed under the direction clskill of Prof. Volentine. And in older o complete it at the earliest pobsxble day, the Executive Com "ittee of the Lee Memorial Associa of Lexintrton. V.-i wl,;,k;io composed of such distinguished men WmW1 1A?eTndleton Gen'l Terry, Hon: -i-'-A. l 1 illllV II I I II W 7 Johns Col. Prpsfnn' son, Chas. Davidson, and nthprs , r, jave authorized the publicaton and ?. UI Penect steel eneraved nortraife nov 25-tf CKJ T. A. E. SCARE, The quarterly tinted plntes. for wni reproduce four of John ty. Davis' inimita ble child-sketches, appropriate to the four seasons. These plates. issues for January, April, July and Octo ber, would be alone worth the brice nf ..no.'. I '. 'nl! . .. mi a ouuscijpuyii.. The iopular features of a copiously illus trated "Christmas" number will be con tinued. : To possess such a valuable epitome of the art world, at a cost so tritting, will command the subscriptions of thousands in every section of the country; but, as the usefulness and attraction of THE ALDINE can be enhanced, in proportion to the numerical increase of its supporter?, the publislrers propose to EiSiSV8"- hy the fol- Prcriptions prepared at all hours Proprietor. o o OS chrome the cure is exceedingly difficult, use Wells' Carbolic Tablets as a specific ifx?6' Bx; oh Q- -Kellogg, 18 ..v ot, n. x ., ooie Agent lor the United States. Send for Circular. jan 3-4w once. The CHARLOTTE, FJ, C. PREMIUM CHROMOS FOR 1873. Every subscriber to THE ALDINE, who pays in advance for the. vear 1873. n.-ill re ceive, withbut additional charge, a pair of of the Day and night. Choice Green and Black Tea, ucauuiui on enromos, alter j. j. liilL the uiuy ior family and Inval eminent: English ; painter. .The pictures, ld?' at SCARR'S entitled 'tTlie Villace Belle1 and "CmssJ ! June 29 Drui? Store i- , AGENTS WANTED. Ant t There is a PILE of money in it people everywhere are Eager to buv the AUTHENTIC HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON'S W ondrous Discoveries and Thrilling Ad ventures during 28 years in Africa, with account of the Stanley Exnedi Mori- O vr-r (i00 pages, only $1.50, is selling bevond parallel. Only Complete and Refinhle work. Send for circulars, and see Proof and great success agents are having. HUBBARD BROS., jan 3-4w Publishers, Boston, Mass. : ... ,i DO Agents want absolutely the best sell ing books ? Send for circulars of vent's Unabridged lllus. F Over uop pages 10 by 12 in., 200 pages" SIKGLE GUNS. At $2 00, $300, $4 50, $5 00, .$G CO,' $8 00 v, w, ifii m 4o UO. ; Double Guns. , At $6 00, $7 50, $10 00, .' $12 00, $15 00 $20 00, $25 00, $30 00, . $40 00, $50 00 to $75 00. Breech-Loading Double Guns. At t ' f45 $50 00, $G0 00, $75 00, $90 00, $110 00, $120 00 to $300 00. PISTOLS. Smith t Wesson, Colt's, Allen's Witney and other kinds, at -manufacturers' ; prices. . Ammunition & Implements For Breechr-Loading Guns, af a m'aH ad vance on Cost of Importation .METALic Ammunition for rifles AND PISTOLS AT LOWEST $AR 1 KET PRICES. : Guide. OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSr. October 22 A BOOK FOR THE imLLrOIf t , W Marrid 'oF tbeM .boat tt marry on tk. phydolorUml myfurie mod reralmUooMr kow to pruerr. th mmpUzion, Ac. ' ""'' t.sei,wltli Dumerou .nfraTlngi, and eoBtaiBlJihta faforautloii for Uom who u mkrri.d.er wiUtemar!. T-lt StlUltii book that ought too. kXtook ndkey, and not laid eanl.il7 aboot tht houio. 1 1 ooBtalai th. experieneo and advie o f a phTalola globj. It mbraeea ery thing oa tk. anbjaot o f tb iuiZ WiTinitaikuli worth faowlaa and -?.V 11 ot pablUbed la any othtr work. Kim( I ftfllAltinl flnwWIM. O i . Sent to aaj on ( ABC (t. I, Notice to the Afflicted and Unfbrtnate. rootn; i tlndontd by aoata o f the Boat ealabraud aadlT i;,,,fM,r!,f taeoaawy aad Ioropa!aadVaa1 bJSST "'P""y or by malf. oa thediaiaU. m."oJ41 ctwa Mark t and Chaiaut, St. Loaia, H: i . in y 2-d & w ly A. E. Nisbet & Brother HAVING completed an improvement in: their Commodious firnrn ofGen'l.Lee; sa he object of this Association, n.ame shIp tn t j , . r"8 ui- iHinjinai tne enromos oelivered shall -be v uv; itimiiea in Tlirt.hPrnnno LiiH PTBirinn, nt a -. a,., a :;; ieen?oryofGen'l B, E. Lee, at the Washington and Lee Univer S riJeton Va. The . portrait th -ubBcription, v., '&M csuti" autnorizea . agents. tlTy 8ubscber for the portrait will S6 by the ec ary ad Chairman of the Lee ! !W Association. We com- ZT:Vnt to Public, and secnL ,u gooa eiiei"getic rriah will 3? agencv m this section in Ar1?. th.e; good-work; 177 T ostwiclc fc Co.: Nos. Lhtt7o . nnftti, Ohio, have been constituted wJBpoint GeneraJ Managers of a'esi and-any communications; Sit ed t0 them for circulars iani 8 eas" Apply to" ' ' ' , .CyV ALEXAKDER::: 5 CHANGE. withdrawn from the "ess 6f th. 5Brem' Brown & The busj; he?; lenV ' rm must fbe settled up. We ve win Lto . our .old patrons, that niR the Moor," are 14x20 inehc-are prin- X J crr ji nr . teu lroiu zo ainerent mates, reomnn? -in impressions and tints to.perfect each pic ture, x ne same enromos are sold for $30 per pair, in the art Stores- As it is the de termination of Its conductors to keen THE ALDINE out of the reach competition in every .department ? the chromos will be found cpxresrxoidinelv ahead of. an v that can be offered by'other neriodicals. Everv subscriber will, receive, tt' certificate,' over FRESH SPICES, Just received - a lot of select Spices for 1 lckles, Preserves, ttc, at E. SCARR'S June Drugstore. Bible Aids, &e. 'Arabesque $6.25 Gilt Sfe' rlaf?' $8-25' Pul1 Gilt- 2 clasPs 11.00. ''Belden : the Whito rhf vl Winter Eveninsrs. 3Ctb 10DO rnrU-' ti, Standard, 43th 1000 ready, Epizootic Treat- uitms, kc. u. vent, iew York and Cincinnati, Vent & Goodrich, Chicago, jan 3-4v rrade Street, o le door west of Smith & Hammond's lru? Store. Charlotte. K.c are nftw rfr'oiviiirr a i i - i i A PnmnlMa t -it , 4 .. ?T -'.IJ' , " olOCX I I. ..i., ch"'iu. oi an oportmg vjiownes, musical instruments, Tovs Ci- Goods ; Prices and Description sent on ar ga, which has been bought bV-ore-' plication. . fthefimfatatimew:ientheLrke.w. Goods shipped by Express, C. 0. D . ni ist favorable. They therefore feel sat i- POTJLTNEY' TRIMBLE & CO they can dl a11 in their. t 1 'VA- line as low as any firm in Charlotte for Importers,; No. 200 W. , Baltimore St., cash or to-punctual custom ers Baltimore j . " They invite" Merchants to cive them a "Y, ' i uiccues, 5coci s, i " . niey nau a special ev equal; to the saniples furnished: this aht. or the .m0neyiWiU5.be efulnded.ii The dis- 1 trtbution of pictures of this grade, free to me subscribers to a; nv.edoUar,. periodical, will mark ah epoch in the history of Art . and, considering 1 the tmprecehdented cheapness of the price fd? THE ' ALDINE iteelf, the marvel falla little short of a mir acle, eyeuto those-rbest .acquainted with Aue acnieveniems pi lnyeativefc genius nn inV,i..'Aj . 1 ' 1 tt.l' Pnre Salad Oil. . Finest article in Market, . at F. SCARR'S june 29 . ' Drugstore. FOE SALE. (For .illdstrations.'of -tb'esej' chromos, see November issue !6f THE ALDINEl ) " : r f l75TO$250P'RM'H i- Every wherfe.-male and Female, to in- H troducethe "Genuine Inmroved ftim- mon Sense Family Sewing Machine. Qt the funniest. Old. curios.it teliopl i-H This machine will stich, hem, fell Pamf of Natural History. : Game of Sel- tuck, quilt, cord, bind, hraid and em- Muettpt comcalitios. -Game 'of Ipophlar other celebrited make of guns, ioa hand and imported td order. ' . - sept 20 187S-eod ly ib . : r ,! .. . t' .. . lfew Games. ; :4 r UAKLUR King Toss; -Tlje TieMcK' fun 1 1 . . - w 1111:11 ....v-.-v. la.v.c,; aim icei warrantoa in J utcjr ecu fii as IfV BlAEt It avmg to .thenx.in their purchases. ' jJ return their thanks to their friends ad the generous public for past favors. aul solicit a continuance of the same A. R. NISBET A BRO,. FOB SALj27 . 1 in a most superior manner. PriVp naractera aom.. Dickens. --Thei Flo wet- Main sport; Ademtts; arid $15. Fully licensed and .warranted -ie Blmd Pbet andthe jnonM , .in "ii J"iia. lie Will uav JI.UUU KIT I . o auoiiiv; or. rf auy machine that will sew a stronsrer il?ne : 01 1 Je U..i:r..i 1 .. 0 ' XDINE.)" TH.EJiITEKARYji DEPARTMENT 'i T W;ADSVaRTH has athis livery 11 ilJUU f?fc vt eL'il-ll waiana bale . stable; opposite , the City more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the "Elastic .lock .?titt:h." livery, second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing it We pay agenrs from $15 to $250 per iuoiiu ana expenses, or a commission irpm wmcn twice that anionnt m be made. Address can SECOMB & BQ., ARD HENRY ' STODDARD,', assisted by tne pest writers ana poets 01 tne day,- who will strive to have-the literature of THE ALDINE always in keepfg with its artis tic, attraction?.?; ; ( & If .fi. kept coMstanly Qii hand. novrfu - 1 Boston, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa., Chicago, ., or St. Louis, Mo. jan 3-4w .it:.' 1 Cheap Farms t Free Homes IJ On the Hneof the Union Pacific Railroad. uZu dt TERMS.7. ':SJ' !1. 5 jr;ahrium,s!in ulvance, witbA Oil - v j rapidl Vjj jimproving i .itV) oChJComijs.jfc4es'ii w sill .Hi be spld entire,, or In rflWO Acres of Iahd7adioihlng the dty of ijr&S WSJSSf Iv-, 1 -Charlotte, verylfinelyj sSiated lL NSSa Farnun & -vaj lXUiVlA.Ul t 7.1 neighbprhood. ; Will THE ALDINE will, hereafter, be ob- 'nable onlybyimibsrhoii. -TlTereivill ue uo jreuucpQ orciao raiex; casn ion suo scrintions must be ? sent tc the oublishers direct, 61 handedtb he. ;local agept(f4A-; j at very .1 Oct 22 rT'n i J Nebraska, in yreasbhablete- Apply to , X aue5'. ow 'or sale. . JOHN T. BUTLER, the As I 'Opposite Mansiqn' House. 7, KI1D CUMATE. ' FfcETIXE SOII,. , for rain gtpwingapd ".'Stock liaising run surpassed by any ith4 United. States. Cheaper ih Irlce tnbfev favorable terms glten, and more 'convenient7 to market than can.be found elsewhere; 1 -;orif t ' Mujder, ' Fire & Eobbery.: : )4,fcspoWiy;ta &,'&4Qexcept.Jn'l AS I am ?6sirigJ many of my ensto- cases where the certificate Ismven. bearine I A mers by .crediting ttenC I would the fetWZisinnfifTfc'rtf TAMra SnTrmc Ar. I take th6"libertv of asking- all wh owe1" ine VO.ts.i) wi-suj .9ju .jfi 'iTO-caiiaHaBeiuBiup.Dyaneist orreoruary je best ldcatibn' for colonl i,jt.;7 I ..Af4triTWrr, m ? .J1f A.sr orjwm prj aai 1 J. viiuAiiww entitled to Homestead Vrf 150 acres. ttAhy pecsorciwishinzrtoict tterraaneritlr jrinauou Dy JAMES st: Biblishers,u J :ivery 'cheap, at PUREFOY'S. 1 Writing Paper. prcptfbjatloHW applying RPHAWi Charlotte; will ! TTON & CU.; Vv w JilA,,find' Writing' Paper atid Envelopes EEE HOMESTEADS FOR ACTUAL SETTLERS. ers Serid tot tli& ne DescriotiFfr TmnrilU' with j new taaps; published 1 ia - English German, edjsh and Danisbif .mailed free .eyerywhere! Address .slnj nt- ?r'or - c?-' ....davjs,. Land Com'r U.P RE. 40maha7Keb.: jan3-4w Dividem wide racle. The game of . AritWetic. iin- proveci.. x-uzzie nvap of JTortb' America. Alphabet and .objects .Tablets Holiday Anthmetic, a simple and fascuiaurfir came. What Is It :i Or how ; to mlr tanriatr I Jlenry Pen iky Puzzle.' My Mother' Ptrti w.. nursery: .tuiymes puzzle. Uuf Pets I A ijOX 01 nfte HORSES and MULES1 ruzzie, -xne Moaei :sbip Futzle' Urie 1 ' n piendid order. - At DAVIDSON" 5:: ,WW? .Alphabet. WVERf STABLE. Verses .and Mule 'v"- M""w5 nu a taaoe . number or I lKJi are itept on nana constantly, other pretty 'and interestfrifi' IfcrriW'iuN'nrtr 18-tf t . j . oiiure as xMimas, a- call-Ss. solicited: 4 o J dec 18! : j. TlbDYABRO.. St. MlRt'S RALEIGH, K. OfhnH? x 9;ti Rev. Aldert Smedes;:-f:,,:c& Rev. Bennett Smedes. M-'AVt. FEB SH OTS ;;V E "ST' ' ' ' ' 3D JL. '"ST-'m WE woald. ilke to supply the citlzeiirm I ' ' any qnantity from, a pint to any lr- : . , , Ei nuiiiiiyi-Ki win sena tuem ' to your ' .uses ,ad save..yptt3:tlMtroTiUe hi : f" "Aii13'. tnet ydu' can ; havr .-, u, uiwiuasi,(unner or supper. I will THEixty-second -Tefm1- itfisSchool fdJJ tOyotr. every day or as often in. will commence on the T.wnttriftftK J inf weeic. as.you may, select- bv leavimr Jannaiyl872,lM oonflttne -ilnHrtlie ItS SES. , BUTTS; ' of jnng nv-in- flTTnlr tri'thr'Tyr'f -JHqtf ? i ai - in Market. tor.' . i ; . . dec 242w .Tooth fJBrasbesS BUCKWHEAT CAKES all smoktoghotr covered OTer with viinw s,.i. Z. J .t.. 5? Nail t fcr-Briakfast oWell we have fnstmrXt - S '' l'riT . r J r, I Hii; k aftbant Lbt of the matenalto ijlakfer . K,u:BCfPtti Mtapd will sell theeiT V hI2 l?gCoen .-....h,:,:! KI.- iH'n 'iniJm Cabbage, s : TJAIR: s Brushes; BURWEtt&CO J : A1lw BREM, BROWN CCh 5 ! I deq 5, qp ia.aaaen.ianePiew xorK, f Jan. 4, - JOHN F. BUTTS, Market. dec 31

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