CAlDtVEIX, Ical Editor: riday, January 17, 1873. Tspeclal Notices inserted la Local Column will toe Charged the 15 Hi- cents per i, All nartiesordering-theObserveK ease send the money for the time Will . , the paper is wanted. """-contractors will not be allowed, under Stheir contracts, to advertise any nther than their legitimate business, ,lHless by paying specially for such ad vert Iscments. - " ' . JHaoiatrates, Blanks--At the Observer n.mSj you can get. Magistrates' : Blanks printed in the neatest style, on best quality of pap v -r" J ' UrHage licenses. If you wish Mar riage Licenses, beautifully executed; call nt the Observer Office. ;'; , ; Deeis Prinfled on Bond paper can be had aMhe Obbebveb OmcK. ; pg- Correspondents must not write on both sides of their paper. New Advertisements The following new. advertisements ap pear this morning the first time, -?i Garden Seed. ' , , , - .-, " ; ' ' Col. W- J- Yates returned from Fayette- ville yesterday. . There seems to be a considerable quan tity of fresh fish in market at present. : We learn that the Air-Line Itailroad bridge across Saluda river has been. com pleted. I : ' ?! i ... - There was no session of the city court yesterday morning and we were very much disgusted thereat. ' The rubbish on Trade street, caused by the recent work on the Central Hotel, was being removed yesterday. Perspnal. Gen. W. C. Means, one ol the largest and most successful farmers in Cabarrfis county was in the city yesterday and registered at the Central Hotel. I The state of the atmosphere yesterday ami thic rain which fell in torrents at intcr- vals, day. ieminded one forcibly of an April Ir. Broaden, in his address to the Senate gravelly informed the Senators that the people of North Carolina were "chiefly en gaged in the cultivation of the soil." A vcjry interesting wool pulling occurred on Tra;le street yesterday, and as if to add insult to injury, the man who got "the worst end of it had scarcely gotten up be fore he; was tackled and carried to the cala boose, f . 4 Legislature. This body . having met ami proceeded to business, we begin again to-day the publication of the daily pro ceedings. Our readers shall be kept well posted )ii everything of interest that trans pires during the session. Slightly Out of it. Some genius with a historical turn of mind, has been writ ing to tpie Richmond Dispatch, giving an account of the living Confederate Generals, tVir whereabouts, vocations, fec. In speak ing of General D. II. Hifl, this correspon, dentsijj's : ; "(general D. H. Hill keeps a school ? at tlic toi-n of Hillsborough, and mean time edits a periodical, xublished once a laoiitl called The Land We Love" , General Hill neither lives in Hills- bor()uj4!i keeps a school,, nor published a. niontlijly periodical ; but lives in Charlotte and edits the Southern Home, one of the best weeklies in the South. v 1"'"' Brilliant Marriage. Yesterday after noon large crowd assembled, in the pries- byterip Church, to witness the marriage of Mr.f John W. Miller, of the grocery, firm of K. Miller & Sons, to Miss Ida, daughter of Iletry B. Williams, Esq., all of this. city. About 5i o'clock, the bridal party entered tJie church and took their positions at the chancel. The attendants were: Mr. John D. Williafms, Jr., and Miss Fannie Jones ; Mr. Clias.Snow and Miss Mamie Wilson ; Mr. Jas. Oates and Miss Lida Walters ; Mr. Wm. Saddler and Miss Bettie Williams ; Mr. V. Forbes and Miss Alice Springs ; Mr. fli Spjrings and Miss Alice Williams." Thefmarriage ceremony was pronounced in a very impressive manner by Rev; Dr.-M A. W. Miller, pastor of the Churchj ? after whiclii the assemblage dispersed. The ae- coraplished young couple left on the evening train for a Northern tour. Tfte Gen'l R, E. lee Monument.- The grand monument to the memory of Geneikl Lee is now rapidly being construc ted under the direction and skill of Prof. v oientine. And in order to complete it at the earliest possible day, the Executive ComnHttee of. the I. MemnnVI A tion, if Lexington, Va., "which is compos ed of juch distinguished men as Gen. Pen- dietoi, Gen. Terry, Hon. Wm. McLaugh- an, Col Preston Johnston," Chas. Dayid son, and others, have authorized the pub ucation arid sale of a perfect steel engray- a potnat of Gert. Lee. . The proceeds of its sale to be applied in furtherance of the ob-" J-i or tins Association, namely : to the erectijon Of a monument to the memory of en. xi. e. Lee, at the Washington and university, Lexington, Va. ; The por trait jwil be ; sold only bv subscription. through regular authorized agents. , Every I .us?riber for the portrait will receive a certitcate signed by , the Secretary and naitman of the Lee Memorial Association. weepmmend this nortriat tothennhlirt. and i6pe some eodd enereetic man will secuie the agency in this . seciion in order JOS. P. louHKTTncm nali7 OhTo7nave been constl tnt$TOdaete and, any s 'eoinjnunieatioris Iad4rcsse4 to them for circulars, terms,- and certificates, will receive prompt attention. '"" In his daily walks to and froni his room 8 on Custom House street com ber sXBourJbon, tx theriTJnited States ipourtiJUdge DurelJ isf folio wed rand uarueu'.oy , iwoiOJeputy;. Marshals. xins conduct on tne part ol a. Feder al Judge is as unnecessary as it is in sulting to a qujet; 'and - law-abiding people. No tma - intends., $ob.arih him. His guilty conscience is; his only accuser: and we are not surpris ed that our violated "liberties, like the;m wriered-Bntjqirer'srghost; priHigjSgJS VdTat2!??r ncy or lt n it nv uip : uiuuuig, nun owiw continue, tQ haunt his, footsteps Jand disturb his slumbers,This. is but an other verification- of Solomon's words : "The wicked flee when -ok man pursneth ; but thbrigfdtedns are aa bold as ion."-Saimnnah Advertise er. . . , . ' . " ' Clty; of Raleigh Bonds, . . The News of yesterday aays the January interest on, the. onet two and three year city bonds will be paid on presentation of coupons, at the- Raleigh- National Bank or State National. . : . - r Comparison of Imports. ' ' I The following shows the imports, ex elusive of specie, at the port of New York for the Week ending January 10, the first in the account for the new year : .1871. l,81I,342 3,829,460 1872. $1,617,906 4,631,205 $6,249,201 is 'Mm' s 1873. ; $1,562,478 3,787,058 "$97348,106 Dry Goods, Gen'l mdse, To'l for week $5,610,792 Georgia Finances. The following statement, made up from the recent report of the State Treasurer of Georgia to the Legislature,, shows the healthy financial condition of that State. "The total receipts of the Treasury for the last year from various sources, including general tax, rental of State Road, sale of bonds, poll tax, school tax, sale of land J-', J J' . . 11 00. Tlie expenditures, including the 1 1 i . . j. , j puoiic aeDi, special api;upriuiions, legisia- ve pay" rolls, civil establisliment, printing fund, etc.aggregates only about $1,300,000, leaving a balance in the. Treasury of over $700,000. ? , 8 X 4 IV all Street and Cougrcss. The proceedings of Congress on Tuesday had more than usual interest for the street, chiefly on account of a proposition from Mr. Boutwell for the enactment of a law that the amount of legal tenders shall not not be less than $356,000,000 or more than $375,000,000. This matter is not within the province of. Congress to act upon. The legal tender decision of the Supreme Court prevents the further issue of legal tenders. If the present limit be $356,000,000 then Congress can authorize no more. Congress can sanction contraction, but not expan sion. Virginia Finances, In his recent message to the Legislature, the Governor says the interest; upon the bonds funded under the act of March 30th, 1871, that is, the Funding act,jnust be paid and no mode pf voiding t cap , be .devised, even if we desired 'it. He shows that the interest due and unpaid oh these bonds off the 1st of January, 1873, and that which will fall due by the 1st of January, 1874, will amount to nearly $2,600,000. which amount, added to the other indebtedness falling due during the current year, makes a total of Over $4,260,000 to be provided for Kir tVio lef nf Tiinii-irv t874.; ' Tin tiewprnnr concludes by saying that his opinion has deliberately formed, and every calcu lation and estimate areruily made, and if his recommendations are adopted every re- i suit stated will be realized. C II All LOT VT -t MARKETS. si Cotton Itlniket. REPORTED DAILY FOB1 THE OBSERVES BY MESSRS. STENhOUSE, MACAtJLAY A CO. us'1 . CHAttLOTTE, Jan. 16. COTTON. Sales to-day about 150 bales at prices ranging from 15 to 18i cents ac cording to quality" .Latter price tor. mia dhng. 5 - Market quiet.' fiovision jnarKei. CORRECTED DAILY BY W. H. H. CO. ' , - HOITSTON 4 PROVISION MARKET Flour $45 to $4.50 per sack, on market New Corn bo to 70 cents, little onenng good demand. W heat r S1.6U little ottering no demand. ' . - Oats 50 to 55 cents good demand.; Peas,5 8trictly- clay. 90 other kinds 80 to 90. Good demand.' ' Fresh Butter 20 to 25 cents. Mountain Butter, in Kits. 16 cents no demand, f-- , :t " Chickens 1& to 20 cents. . . . , . , Eggs 15 to 20 cents, with good demand hday. ; Bacon v. (Baltimore- duik siaes.; o w ot cents; -1-- , . . . No North Carolina on Market. .. . : ;Lard Baltimore Flake in quantity Hi to 12 cents. 1 Tallow 10 to 12 cents. " Beeswax 25 to 31 cents. LI- i tJ -: ; V C Sweet Potatoes, $1 to $1.23 per bushel Good demand. Irish Potatoes 90 to $1 cents perbusbeU Anples (Good Mountain) 75 to $lJper bushel, as to aualitv. ... -'"r.' , - r; " Salt no Liverpool in marKetr-yracuse in Liverpool sacks, ?.luto $z.ioper bws. . Factory Yarn?1.55 to per ouncu. LIQOURS N C Com, $1.40 to $10 good demand Apple Brandy, $1'0 to'$L75g66d ;de- Financial Market, t "T Trr: A BCTTjrO 'RATES - HbTES," CJ., BT BASK OF MECKLKSBtJBC, TBTOS STKKET. CHABrlTTK, H. C. . ' Bank Cape Fear 1C Commerce, ; 2 " Fayettevllle, 2 "N.. Carolina, 30 r- Boxboro'. . - 2 - Washtngtont,; 0 YanceVvlllei , 0 Bank of Charlotte, Clarendon,- . 0 Iiexlngton, 0 " (Graham,) 0 ; TbomasvUle, 2 " WaUesboro', 10 Commercial Bank of Wilmington, k rrtti CSM-rtll-nA..-- Farmers: Bank ol North Carolina, Greensboro' Mutual Insurance Co.. Merchants' Bank of Newbern, 2 (old,) 0 : 5 mmer s anu jrianiers' isariK, 14 Virginia Bank Notes average about ilo 3outh Carolina " ... 20 Georgia s- , - : 20 Bank of the State of North Carolina. 2 Ofc- These Quotations are liable to flnc- tUatiftttTTomi -cannot be relied on for any length of time. , Remittances for all Bank 'Medical Blunders. - Prom thqperiod wherusnrgeons applied their. sal yea to weapons instead of wounds Mop'the presen't wide-awake age, the medi cal prolession bas often un wittingly rtaken side with Disease in its cohflictswith the human system. Even yet, hvspifce of the teachings of centuries of experience, some phj'sicians believe in depleting their pa tients, already seriously exhausted by sick ness, with ; powerful eYaeuants, emetics salivahts, cautharidal plasters, or the lan cet. But, providentially, public intelli gence is ahead of these medical fossils, who belong, of right, to the era of the Crusades! That, powerful allay of . nature in its war fare with the causes of sickness, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, has opened the eyes of the masses to the paramount importance of increasing the vital strength of the body when 11 menaced by disease. They understand-that when the atmospheric' condi tions are adverse to health as, 'for exam ple, in damp, chilly or severely cold weath er it is wise to reinforce the system with a wholesome tonic and stimulant, and thus enable it to combat and repel the depres sing influence of an inclement 'tempera ture. If the constitutional and animal powers were always thus recruited in the presence of danger, the mortality from con sumption, bronchitis, chronic rheumatism, &c, would be much less than it now is. The causes' which produce croups, colds, quinsey, diplberia and catarrh seldom affect a strong and active vital system; and of all vitalizing preparations, lEfostet ter's Bitters has proved the most efficient. It is not elaimed that this standard tonic is a specific for lung and throat, maladies, as it is for dyspepsia, liver complaint and intermittents, but it is unhesitatingly, as serted that it is the best known safeguard against all the atmospheric elements of aisease. "Can't Do Without It." This is what the stage and horse car companies, livery stable keepers, members of the turf, and all grooms and trainers say of the Mustang iniment. They "can't do without it. And why ? Because it infallibly reduces the external swellings, &c, which, undtr van ous names impair thG usefulness and value of the king of (juadrupeds, . and also because, lor sprains, strains, galls and other injuries to which horse-flesh is liable, it is the most trustworthy preparation in the market. Yet these recommendations comprise only a portion of its claims to public confidence. During a period of more than sixteen years, it has been re cognized as a specific for many of the most agonizing disorders which afflict the hu man lamily such as rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, lumbago, ticdoloreux, sore throat, earache, toothache : and likewise as a peerless a pplicatfon for cuts, bruises, burns and scalds. If you feel dull, despondent, drowsy, debilitated, have frequent headaches, mouth tastes badly, poor appetite, and tongue coated, you are suffering from tor pid liver, or Biluousness. nothing will cure vou so speedily anu permanently as Dr. Pierce s Uolden Medical Discovery. ; . A Healthy Digestion, Life is rendered miserable when the di- stive organs are impaired. Food be comes repulsive : the body emaciated ; the mind depressed and melancholy broods oyer vou. TUTT'S x i(iJiTABL,lU LIVKK PILLS is the remedy for these evils : they produce sound digestion : create a good appetite, impart refreshing sleep and cheer fulness oi mind. Dr. Tutt's Hair Dye is Harmless. ASTHMA. Any medicine which will alleviate the Paroxims of this dreadful disease will be hailed with joy by thous ands ofsunerers. The certlncates wnicn accompany Jonas wmtcomb's Jttemeay, are from the most reliable sources, and at test to its wonderful powerful power, even in the most severe cases. Josepu .Burnett & Co., Proprietors; Boston. FREE ADVERTISING. From family to family, from city to city, from state to state, the fame of Dr. Wal ker's Vegetable Vinegar JJitters as a specific for all derange ments of the stomach, bowels and liver, is continually extending. Its voluntary missionaries are innumerable, and public enthusiasm in its favor spreads faster than a praire lire. DON'T SLIGHT YOUR TEETH. Re member that upon their labor, the health of the stomach depends. Keep them per fect, and in order to so, manipulate them with a brush dip ed in the fragrant Sozo dont, once or twice a day. WHO WILL SUFFER ? It is now 2 since Dr. Tobias' Venitian liniment was pot before the public ;' 'warranting it to cure Chronic Rheumatism, Headache, Cuts. Burns. Bruises. Old Sores. Pains In the Limbs. Back and Chest, and it has never failed. Sold by all Druggists. Depot 10 Park F lace, New York. FOR DYSPEPSIA. IndlgestiorAdepres sionof SDirits and general debility in their various forms; also, as a preventive against Fever and A eue. ana otner intermittent fevers. 5 The Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisava. made by Caswell. Hazard uo, New York, and sold by all Druggists, is the hest tonic, and as atonic for patients re- covlnie from fever or other sickness, it has no equal. . . . THURSTON'S IVORY-PEARL TOOTH POWDEK. Thev nest article Known ior cleansing and t preserving the teeth and rams. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 and 60 cents per bottle. F. C. Wells & Co, New York. '. fiTTRTSTADORO'S HAIR, DYE. This magnificent compound is beyond contin th&jBaiest and most reliable Dye in xistence ; never failing to Impart to the- Hair .uniformity of coior.nourisnmeni; ana elasticity. Manufactory 68 Maiden Lane, New York. CARBOLIC SALVE unequalled as a Healing Compound. Physicians recom mend it as the most wonaeriui remeuy ver known. : Price 25 ' cents per box. John F. Henry, Sole. Proprietor. 8 Col lege Place, New York. Sisley Buchu is a reliable Diuretic and Tonic tor u aerangemenis oi wie unuiu oiiH o-pnin.l ATM.nR- The erenume. as former ly sold by Haviland. Harral & Risely and t.Tiel hranhps i now ireriired by H. W; Risley, the orieinator and Proprietor ; and t.hft trade snnDiied by his successors. Mor gan and Risley, New York. - aconnfo. fa Onlniti T)nrified of Its sicken ing and poisonouspropertles.discovered bj Tr s Riroinw. Profesor of Botany. Detroit TitoHnt3 Colipp-e- A rnrst nerfect anodyne and soothing opiate. John Farr, Chemist, NewYork. ... .-. ph. A TTa ASTRAL OHk More acci- UcUbS OCCUr iruiu UBUlg uusora uu, c.: from steamboats, and railroads conbined. . . . . . 1 u n.fl.A All. tTlOTI rvtror yfxi.tMMi rami ilea conunue i uuru Pratt's Astral Oil, and no accidents direct i r have onflured from burn- inr Krrinsr or handling it. Oil House. of Chas. Pratt. Established 1770. New York. T. D. Clancy A Co., Charleston.agents for We Have Frequently Heard mothers say they Would hot be without Mrs. Win slow' Sooihinz Syrup,' frouvUb-e birth of the ch fid until it bas finished with the teething siege under any 'consideration whatever. , The Secret of Beauty, What is it t no longer asked, for the world of fashion and all the ladies know that It is produced by using a delightful and harmless toilet preparation known as G. W. Laird's "Bloom of Youth." Its beautifying effects aretruly wonderful. Depot, 5 Gold St NV Y. ' ; .-.. P0ETRAIT PAINTING ! ! ; A?BareCiasic&for Charlotte ! ! ! FA OR thzeffmoaiis-wHint Portraita for $25, such as are generally charged $200. Persons wishing Portraits of their departed friends can obtain them if thev have a gfxxl Photograph of them. I shall be pleased to show you specimens of my work at mytudio aboYe.BremrBrown & CVs Miwire Storc.; jAiL. JJUTT, dee,ll3' ij JJbarloite, N. C. It I,. e. stEit TnccplsaJ'Ul- cabsos. Burwell, Grier & Co., (Successors to Carson d Grier.) GrjceriiCiliiinli 1 s ' is. i m Comer f 41b. amTryo& Ets., CHARLOTTE, N. C jan 1-lm. BOARDING. "MRS. A. W. FILLER is prepared to ac- fx commodate Boarders with room and meals, or with meals only, as the Boarder may desire. The building, Gray's, on the corner of Trade and Church streets, is a new one ; the rooms are cleanly, comfort ably, neatly furnished, and well attended. The table is as good as the market will afford. Terms most liberal, to suit clerks who are working for moderate salaries. - -jan 1-tf THE BANK OF MECKLENBURG, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Authorized Capital $500,000. Jab. Tumtkr Tate, President. Tuos. W. Dewey, Cashier, P. H. Dewey, Asst. Cashier. AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF TATE & DEWEY. This Bank Chartered Under Act of the General Assembly and duly organized under Laws of the State of North Carolina, with arhple jnearis is prepared to transact General Banking; Business. and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. The bank will receive Deposits subiect to Check, aud will Allow Interest According to Agreement on all Deposits left on time, or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in terest at the rate of Sight per cent pfr Annum e on all sums lying undrawn over thirty days. Gold and Silver Coin, Bullion and old Bank Notes Bought and Sold. THOS. W.DEWEY, jan. 1 1873. Cashier. DANCING ACADEMY. PROFESSOR MILAM. AT Oates' Hall, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday afternoons, at three (3) o'clock, for LADIES, MISSES and MAS TERS, Class for YOUNG GENTLEMEN same evenings at 7 o'clock. TERMS per session of 16 lessons, TEN DOLLARS in advance. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, jan 14-tf JUST RECEIVED. FOUR Fine Pork Hogs, 6 bbls., Large Sweet Potatoes, 2 bbls., Large Onions, 1 Tierce of Sugar Cured Hams new and very fine, Heckler's Pork Sausage received daily, Fisher's celebrated Mince Meat, 20 sack's strictly Family Flour, 20 bushels find Mountain Apples, Chesnuts, Irish Potatoes, Dried Fruit of all kiuds, 10 doz. of Domestic Fresh Canned Peaches and Cherries, all of which will be sold at the lowest figures,, at B. N. SMITH'S. jan 4 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. THE Co-partnership which I expected to form by January 1st 1873, will not take place until the latter part of this month and therefore 1 will continue the sale of the entire STOCK OF FANCY DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, CLOTHING, &C., At the same reduced prices. :0: WILL also continue to keep up my BARGAIN COUNTER. B. Koopmaim, CHARLOTTE, K. C. jan 4 CHANGE. 117 E. STITT has withdrawn from the VV . firm of Brem, Brown & Co. The busi ness of the firm must be settled up. We beg leave to say to our old patrons, that we will be compelled to change ours xo a nearer cash business. jan 11-lw .; BREM, BROWN & CO. DISSOLUTION. fTiHE firnt of Eccles & liaither, is this JL day dissolved by mutual consent, H C. Eccles . retiring. .. s ; ECCLES & GAITHER; January 12th, 1873. The business will be continued at the old stand by the undersigned. jan 11. , THOMAa n. uAiiiiiit. , Rooms to, Rent. 5 ; ? I have several nice Rooms over Wilson ifc Black's Drug Store to Let, on reasona ble Terms. THOMAS H, GAITHER, Auctioneer, Commission Merchant jan 12 And Real Estate Agent: Horses at Private Sale. I have four, .fine.. Family HoVses for-sale.- Call at the 'AUCTION STOK1S. jan 12 NOTICE. r I lHUSJcJ persons to whom we nave ex X tended credit during the past year wil confer a favor upon us .by! calling at once and settling their accounts, as this must be our last appeal. . KJ&M EMB JK IT ! K. M. MILLAR KKU A . & if 9 S Hew: Advertisements. Agents Wanted for Cobbln's CMld's Commentator ON" THE HIBtE, for the IIQ3IE CIR- 1 ooo pases. 250 Enjrravinss. The best;: enterprise .-of the. year for asents. Every familv will , havA it.': Kafhlnnllty. Vmow yublushedL For circulars aVires frf? , f : U, L COODSPEED & CO.. i Mah l-4w , -37 Park-Row, X Y. , T) OOK AGENTS now at work, or look Xying for some new book, should : write :at;fonce $ for circulars oft tlie best-selling Ixioks published. : Extraordinary induce ments offered. Superb premiums given vvfay. Particulars free. Address QUEEN CITY PUBLISHING COn janl-4w EOucihaatC 0bio. 1872. vn.i.EEI! 1873. BETTER THA2J PICTURES IS THB .. NEW Y0EK OBSEEVER The Great American ? Family Newspaper $3 a Year with the JUBILEE YEAR BOOK. SIDNEY .E.i5MOBiEx& CO., n. 37 PjrkwrewYprk.r; , SEND FOR A SAMPLE COPY, jan l-4vv ' ' TRICKS and TRAPS of AMERICA Would you avoid being ' 'bi t' by Rogues, Swindlers and Iluruuugs 1 Head the "Star Spangled Banner." A large, Illus trated 40 column 8 page paper, Ledger size. Splendid Stories, Sketches, Tales, Poems, Wit, Humor, Puzzles, Recipes, &c. 11th year, $1 a year; with elegant Prang Chromo, "Autumn Leaves,!' free ta all. Only $1. Try it onoe;' SatisfaCtton guaranteed. Agents wanted, outfit FREE, Specimens, &c., for 6 cents, address "BANNER, ' ' Hinsdale, N. H. , , jan 1-4 w WMM mm If von wish to be cured of the habit, addraaa 1? jan l-4w : tflr m foC Pi npr rlnv ! Agents wan- Kiv JL j ted X I"! I i VI I i." . . j All classes of working people, of either. sex, young. or old, make more money at work for, us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at any tlnng else. .Particulars tree. Ad dress , , .. GSTINSON & CO., jan 1-4 w - . iortiana, Maine. REWARD. For any jcase ,of Blind, Bleeding; Itching or Ul cerated Piles that - Dk ' King's Pile Remedy fails to cure. It as prepared expressly to cure the Piles, and nothing else. bold by all Druggists. Price $1. jan 1-4 w HOW, WHEN AND WHERE TO . . H ' j,,; SEE THE ..' ' "j ADVERTISER'S GAZETTE, By Mail, 25 cents. Address,- - GEO. P. ROWELL & CO, jan l-4w , 41 Park Row, N. Y. AND w i W H O F. M. SH ELTON HAVING greatly increased his Stock of FURNITURE which consists in part or Parlor Suits. Black, Walnut Painted Chamber Suits, French and Cottage Bedsteads, Spring Beds, Bureaus, Wash stands. . Teapoys, Folding Tables, Ladies Work Tables, Extension and Centre Tables; Whatnots Safes, Excelsior and Cotton Mattresses, Chairs and Stools of various styles and many other things not necessary to mention. The undertakers Department is complete from the cheapest Poplar Coffin to the Finest Hexigan Head and Foot Walnut Casket Half Glass Top, finished and trim med in the most approved style, Will be kept constantly ready for use, all of which will be sold at a most reasonable price. , Returning many thanks For past favors most respectfully ask the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country, who have need for anything in my line to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. South Trade Street opposite the Market House, Charlotte, si. U- jan 1st 1873-ly; ; F. M.SHELTON; . NOTICE., - i WE have this day sold our entire stock of Groceries, Liquors, &c., to Messrs. W. H H. HOUSTON & CO., and in retir ing from business respectfully ask a con tmuance of the liberal patronage bestowed upon us to our successors. UKUXiUKY. & WILLIAMSON, W. J. BLACK & C01 , janOS73r Having purchased W J Black & Co's and Gregroy & Williamson's entire stock of Goods, we have opened at Gregory fe Williamson's old stand, next door to McMurray, Davis i & Co's, at which : place we will constantly keep a complete Stock of - - GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &C., " And would respectfully ask a call from the public. W. H. .H. JHOTJSTON A CO, P. S. W. J. ORR and T. D. WALSH formerly with Gregory & Williamson, and McD. AKLEDGE," tormerly' ; with ,W. J Black & Co., are with us and will be pleas 1 ed iq see tneir in en a ana enstomers. .: i W. H. HOUSTON & CO, jan 7 LLEIt & SONS, :0: C3- DB O juto COMMISSION MERCHANTS H A VINO Completed our new three story building, on the corner i f Col lege and Fourth streets, we haTe just REMOVED into it, and are ready for our Customers. Our House is divided into five Depart ments 1st Department Fancy Groceries. Soaps, Candles, Candy, Starch, Soda, Itaisins, Oystets, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Spices, Prixe it j. Candies -Brandy 'Peaches dec - Purchased direct from the Manufacturers with the view of supplying the . . WHOLESALE TRADE. 2nd Department Heavy Goodi. Molasses, Bacon, Flour, Lard, Mack erei, &c. Our facilities for handling such goods, are superior to those of any mercantile house in the City. Merchants may rest assured that they can always obtain good of us at the: lowest figures. 3rd Department Produce. Cotton, Com, Wheat Oats, Rye, Hay, &c. Bought at highest cash prices. Sold on Commission. Sfored, ; with cash advances made upon the same. We invite special at tention to our commission and storing business, TO WHICH WE FAY CLOSE PER SONAL ATTENTION. 4th Department Phosphatei. WE ARE AGENTS FOR ZELL'S and other SUPER PHOSPHATES, the most reliable 'article on the Mar ket. Certificates from reliable fanners furnished on Appli cation. ' We are also Agents for GILIIAMS CELEBRATED 'TOBACCO FER TILIZER. 5th Department Leaf Tobacco Warehouse. WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE Revenue Law, and are now ready to re ceive Laf Tobacco, which we will buy or sell on commjgsion. Our Warehouse fees are less than the same at Richmond or Dan ville, and the best prices IN THOSE MARKETS ALWAYS OB TAINED. OUR large and commodious HALL will be finished and opened to the public about the First of March. WE THANK a generous public for the liberal patronage which has heretofore been bestowed upon us, and we hope that through strict attention to business, and selling our goods at low figures we may merit a continuance of their favor. R. M. MILLER & SONS. January 11, 1873. EXCELSIOR t THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST f f ! TO PLANTERS WE Offer the following Fertilizers : Patapsco Guano, Chesapeake Guano and Watson & Clarke's Super-Phosphate. We have pleasure in again tendering to our Farmers the alxwe rirst-elass Fertili zers. To those who have used them so many years we need only say that they arc guar anteed to be tully up to their previous high standard. And to such as have not yet used them one trial will convince them that they are superior to all others ; so make sure of a supply and please hand m your orders early, as the consumption exceeds the manufacturing power. For sale m any quantity, by. - STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. jan 10 Clover Seed. A Supply of Pennsylvania Red Top xl Clover Seed, at STENHOUSE,; MACAULAY A CO. jan 9 Removed. R. P. WARING, Attorney at Law, from his old office on Tryon street, to the oftice in the Court House next door to the bher- iffg Office. jan 9-0m FELL'S Superior Mustard, Pure Ground Pepper, Pure Ground Cinnamon, Pure Ground Ginger. dec 21 BURWELL&CO. 100 Boxes, FRENCH and American Window Glass, in good order. . jan 9, - - MACARONI, I Corn Starch, Chocolate, Horsford's Bread Preparation, Pure Powder Ginger and Pepper. r WM. K. BuRVVELL & CO, jan 9 " , s, ; - Springs' Corner. TROCHES of Lacto Phosphate Lime and Pepsimu . " , WM. It. H UJSWiSUL. cc w. jan 9 ' . y ... - , ; -.. - ' HAIR Brushes, English and Amercan. WM. R. BURWELL & CO. , ' jan 9 ' ' ' - LEWIS' Pure Whit Lead, WM. R. BURWELL & CO. jan 9 E.M. To Our Friends and Acquaintances. TX7E the Undersigned beg leave to thank If our friends and acquaintances for their liberal patronage bestowed upon bur Employer, Mr. E. Shrier for the past year, and most respectfully ask a continuance of the same as we are still at the Temple of Fashion. Respectfully, -' " J : i - J. A; YOUNG, Jr., A. H. TATE. jan 9 , V;"..w.,p;,injBi" Mt IX 119 " IVCSli mftvtrl