- " ! ' ' W - ' .-w- aT"- . - J- . (The Charlotte Observer; PUBLISHED DT . ' 1 jones & Mclaughlin. . Office, Bryce's-. Building, Trade Streets RATES OP 8UB8CRIFTIOir. One year, in advance,. .. ..$0 00 Six months, in advance........ 3 00 Three Months, in advance 1'50 One month, in advance,....;..... ......... 50 Tri-We'ekly.....;.;.;.....;.. $3.50 WeeEly.. .... 2.00 POETRY, lie found at dawn in woodland's deep Sweet buds still wrapp'd in dewy sleep. ' He cast them on the murnTring tide. And wistful said, "I'll walk beside, , I will not hold them, to my heart, Lest every death should love' impart, But when the heat of life is past, The flowers shall cool my brow at last." The sound of bells, the song of birds, He would not hear, nor children's words, Ho would not see two snffc KI 11 A mroa f . - - w.a. w v J VJ ? That sought his own with sad surprise Hail nng ring saia, "jno, no, not yet !" And turri'd away with faint regret, a And so they pass'd unmark'd away, j The glories of that summer day. With that glad day each sweet sound died, The flowers were lost upon the tide, And when night fell in cold repose The stars behind the blue eyes close. Ah ! foolish heart ! thou wouid'st not stay And seize the brightness of to-day, Naught how remains but longing vain, The past can never come again. Gentlemen's Magazine. Beautiful Present. A correspondent of the Hickory 'Tavern Eagle writing from Lenoi says : Rev. Mr. (Ertel, on Christmas day, placed in the chancel of St. James Church the result of nearly two years labor, and presented it to the Church. The work consists of a painting and its frame. The painting, on a back ground of goldj shows the Saviour of fering bread and wine to a male and a female communicant, and is charac terized by the same depth of relig ious feeling and faithfulness of ren dering that, in his former paintings, have given the distinguished artist so high a rank among the professors (of Christain art. Beautiful as the picture is, however, it is more than Inatched by the exquisitely carved tvnd elaborated frame. This is an architectural design, and reminds one of the portal of some mediaeval cathedral. There arc the arch and pillars of the doorway the buttres ses the sloping roof--thc lofty spires and the cross that crowns the struc tur. Over the picture, forming the arch,. is a strikingly naturnal repre sentation in chestnut Wood, of grapes and heads of wheat. The fruit the foliage and even the tendrils of the former being craved with an exact ness that would be surprising even were the materal better adapted to a work of such infinite delicacyi The slopes of the roof are adorned with crockets, seemingly alike, but in truth each in some slight particu lar varying from the other. On each Bid' of the roof are pinnacles back of them stand two angel with wings folded as if they had just alighted there and crowning , the whole towers a double cross. On every part Of this master-piece-, composed ot over lour hundred E leces ot wood, chestnut, oak. nonlar. lolly, cherry, beech and nine where work could be put it has been lavished. Every part susceptible of ornamentation has been beautified by tho.toueh of craving tools wielded as deftly as the artists brush. Flow ers of many kinds are here, the rose and cactus blush in cherrv and the tulip blooms in yellow poplar, while over various parts of the struc ture the climbing ivy throws its veil. No craving of so lofty design or so Skillful workmanship beautifies the chancel of any Church in America, and tlm costly cathedrals of Europe can boast of few ornaments as splendid as this. No description can do it justice and to see it will well repay a visit to our mountain town. Ax Unknown Grave. Maj. H. M. Miller, Deputy U. S. Marshal, in passing through a portion of Harnett county, near the Johnston line, on Saturday last, came upon the grave of an unknown Confederate soldier, alone in the woods, a short distance Jroni the road. The grave evidently had been taken good Care of bv some kind soul, but all traces of the re mains are passing away. Maj Mil ler is certain of the following inscrip tions : "D. W. M. Co. B., 40th Ala. Kegt. ' Under these words was a piece of poetry, but all Maj. M. could make out of it as was follows: "No matter whence he came." Maj. M. cannol describe the locali ty sufficiently to guide a stranger in those parts but will take pleasure in going to the spot with any person leeling an interest in the recovery of the lost remains. RaL Sentinel. DISSOLUTION. The copartnership heretofore existing be Jw.een McMURRAY, DAVIS & CO., has tins day been dissolved by mutual consent. TUTTTusiness will be continued by Mc MURRAY fc DAVIS on a larger scale than ever. . ' With many thanks to a generous public ior the very liberal patronage extended us ior the past five years, we beg a continu ance of the same. Tnr, 10 0 J. W. McMURRAY, Jan 12, 1873. J. N; DAVIS. ! -xr.J - A CARD. . With many thanks to our friends and natrons generally, for the liberal patronage Z 7We? uPon McMurray, Davis & Co., we peg to state that we have withdrawn, and j 8 80 we respectfully ask that our inends will still bestow upon McMurray JJavis the patronage so liberally extend ed t0 us.v V. H; H HOUSTON, Jan- 12, 1873. WM. CROW- ' M ACARONI. A fresh' supply at ?n SCARR'S. dec 10 V r,UA-BLE City Property for 1 Sale. easy. . Apply to C. Vf. ALEXANDER. 1' 1 .1 v! Co Vol. VHI. Prospectus foi; 1873. Sixth Year. -:0: T HE A L D I N E , An Illustrated Monthly Journal, universally admitted to be the Handsomest Periodi cal in the World. A Representative and Champion of American Taste. NOT FOR SALE IN BOOK STORES. THE ALDINE, which is issued with alH tne regularity, has none of the temporary or timely interest characteristic of ordinary periodicals. It is an elegant miscellany of pure, light, and graceful literature ; and a collection of pictures, the rarest specimens of artistic skill in black and white. Al though each succeeding number affords a fresh pleasure to its friends, the real value and beauty, of THE ALDINE will be most appreciated after it has been bound up at the close of the year. While other publications may claim supe rior cheapness, as compared with rivals of a similar class, THE ALDINE is a unique and original conception alone and unap proached absolutely without competition alone and una pproacbed absolutely without competition in price or character. The possessor of a complete volume can not duplicate the quantity of finepaper and engravings in any other shape or number of volumes for ten times its cost : and then, there are the chromos, besides ! ART DEPARTMENT. Notwithstanding the increase in the price of subscription last Fall, when THE ALDINE assumed its proportions and rep resentative charcter. the edition more than doubled during the past year; proving that the American -public appreciate, and will support, a sincere effort in the cause of Art. The publishers, anxious to justify the ready confidence thus demonstrated, have exerted themselves to the utmost to devel oie and improve the work ; and the plans for the coming year, as unfolded by the monthly issues, will astonish and delight even the most sanguine friends of THE ALDINE. The publishers are authorized to an nounce designs from many of the most eminent artists of America. In addition, THE .ALDINE will repro duce examples of the best foreign masters, selected with a view to the highest artistic success, and greatest general interest ; avoiding such as have become familiar, through photographs, or copies of any kindi The quarterly tinted plates, for 1873, will reproduce four of John S. Davis' inimita ble child-sketches, appropriate to the four seasons. These plates, appearing in the . issues for January, April, July and Octo ber, would be alone worth the price of a year's subscription. The popular features of a copiously illus trated "Christinas" number, will be con tinued. To possess such a valuable epitome of the art world, at a cost s trifling, will command the subscriptions of thousands in every section of the country: but, as the usefulness and attraction of THE ALDINE can be enhanced, m proportion to the numerical increase of its supporters, the publishers propose to make "assurance double sure," by the fol lowing unparalleled offer of PREMIUM CHROMOS FOR 1873. Every subscriber to THE ALDINE, who pays in advance for the. year 1873, will re ceive, without additional charge, a pair of beautiful oil chromos, alter J. J. Hill, the eminent English painter. .The pictures, entitled "The Village Belle,'' and "Cross ing the Moor," are 14x20 inches are prin ted from 25 different plates, requiring 25 impressions and tints to perfect each" pic ture. The same chromos are Sold for $30 per pair, in the art Stores- As it is the de termination of its conductors to keep THE ALDINE out of the reach of competition in every department, the chromos will b found correspondingly ahead of any that can be offered by other periodicals. Every subscriber will receive; a certificate, over the signature of the publishers, yuaiantee in7 that' the chromos delivered shall be equal to the samples furnished the agent, or the money will be 'refunded. The dis tribution of pictures of this grade, free to the subscribers to a'five dollar? periodical, will mark an epoch in the history of Art . and, considering the ; . unpreccn dented cheapness of the price for THE . ALDINK itself, the marvel falls little short of a mir acle, even to those best acquainted with the achievements of - inventive genius and improved mechanical appliances. (For illustrations of these chromos, see November issue of THE ALDINE.) THE LITERARY DEPARTMENT will continue under the care of Mr. RICH ARD HENRY STODDARD, assisted by the best writers and poets of the day, who will strive to have, the literature of THE ALDINE always in keeping with its artis tic attrartions.; -" '".., ?r;--f terms. :: ;.. $5 pet annum, in advance, with , Oil . j . ; ; Chromos free. , : THE AliDXNE? wiiiiiereafter, , be', ob tainable only by subscription. There will be no reduced or cluh rates ; cash' for .sub scriptions must be sent to the publishers direct, or handed to the local agent, with out respowibUttylto the publishers, except 'j in cases where the certificate is given, bearing the facsimile signature of James Sorros & Co. .vs. t'J-i' 't nly tj AGKENTS VyEDv ' Any persohVwishihg to act piaheiitly as a local agent,'' will receive . full ; ana prompt information by applying to, ; ' JAMES SUTTON & CO., Publishers, dec 5 58 Maiden Lane, New York. W 2? J- -."- j - - ' " 1 1 '" ' 1 ' . ----- . - t ' 4v mtm ' CHARLOTTE, N. C. SATURDAY, JANUARY 18. TZRAUT, KRAUT, do you love Kraut xi. Elegant white Kraut for all who love ' J. F. BUTT, dec 6 FINE SALT. 1 A A Sacks Factory filled SALT on hand -lw ana ior sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. nov 27 L. Von Meyerhoff. xjvjtwi, Loiorm, instruct, and con- x duct, m Charlotte, N. C, a Musica: feociejy ; and to give musical festivals ine income from which, is to be applied to the purchasing of Maps, Globes and Scientific Apparatus for the Charlotte In stitute. Also, to furnish for the Institute Orchestral Instruments and Music, such as are found m Seminaries of the largest Cities South and North. These Instru ments, &c., will be placed in the hands of the lrustees, for the use of, and to con tmue to be the property of the Charlotte (N. C.) Institute for Young Ladies. Terms of admission, $5.00 Instructions per month, 2.00 Ladies and gentlemen desiring to become mcnipers oi the Society will please leate their names at the book store of Messrs Tiddy & Bro. dec 7-Gm iiOFFEE, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese and J luce, j nst received at sept 19 A. R. NISBET & BRO'S. BUCK WHEAT FLOUR. BUCK WHEAT. BUCK WHEAT FLOUR I tlal Iteceived, now call and buv and tJ also get some of our ' eletrnnt. ftnslipn Butter to eat with the cakes when th pv arf smoking uot, at t - , i JOHN F. BUTT'S, dec 6 Market. The Change. YW A ITT 1VT'- i r "l m 4 -. u AviiNunotinea our trienols and cus- XX tomers some time since, that our busi xicss woum cnange January 1st, 1673, we 1 J - 1 T . - . . are pleased to sav that the change has taken place, and it is to be strictly CASH or 30 DAYS CREDIT. Those who do not pay promptly need not expect any favors, it you are in arrears don't ask for credit. save us the unpleasant duty of denying you. To our many friends and patrons we re turn thanks, and ask a continuance of their favors believing that by a strict ap plication ot the above rules, we will be able to sell goods cheaper than those who credit. All bills are due and payable on the 1st day of each and every month. CR1EU & ALEXANDER, jan 1, 1873, ly SIMGNTON HOUSE. :0: STATE5YILLE, ft. a -:0:- rTlHE Proprietor of the above named X Hotel respectfully invites the people of unarlotte and the public generally to call on him when theyi visit Statesville. He will spare neither pains nor money to make the SIMONTON HOUSE a first class HOTEL, and worthy of public patronage. T. A. PRICE, nov 25-tf 'Proprietor. F. SCAER, to U a CO o CO B CHARLOTTE, N. C. Prescriptions prepared at all hours of the Day and night. Choice Green and Black Tea, Selected especially ids, at june 29 for Family and Inval- SCARR'S Drug Store FRESn SPICES, Just received a lot of select Spices for Pickles, Preserves, &c, at F. SCARR'S june 29 Drug Store. Pure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, at F. SCARR'S june 29 Drug Store. FOR SALE. JW. WADSWORTH has at his Livery . and Sale Stable, opposite the City Clock, HORSES and MULES for sale and kept constanly on hand, nov 30 For Sale. f II l7fY A nvAO loTtrl orlirwininor f P (7lfv of 1- Charlotte. Very finely situated inT aI ranidlr imnrovine neighborhood. Ayw be sold entire, or in lots to suit purchasers, at a very reasonable rate. Apply to oct22 . " Opposite Mansion. House. llnrder, Fire & Robbery. S I am 'osing many of my custo mers bv r crediting them 1 would take the liberty of aJSng all who owe me to call and settle up by the lst'of February 1873 or sooner: ; ; J. T. BUTLER. dec 29 - -i' ' , V'1" - " - - - Writing Paper. HI MERCHANTS visiting Charlotte, will Jjl find Writing Paper and Envelopes very cheap, at I'UKKKurs. jan 4 . A A I . New Advertisements. QpnRTQ'JEST Boot sent free A- vJ-LXO Address Easrle Book Co. 9 Murray St., N. Y jan d-4y VI I I IX M V -"isny maae with our J-vxi UJ x Stencil and key-check outnt. ysf Circulars Free. Stafford ju rg uo., w Fulton Street, N. Y. jan 3-4w WANTED AUKiJN JH $iwu per month to sell thp rwVJSU AMERICAN FAMILY KNIT- MACHINE. The xhnnlpst. nnd in the world. Address AMERICAN KN1T- liiSu MACHINE Co., 345i Washington owi) Boston, jyiass. jan 3-4w 500 Agents wanted ! Just out ! A splendid new Christ ; "CTTRTST J3LJ3SlJNi LITTLE CHILDREN." Im mense sales ! 500 agents, wanted for our large Map ot the "United States" with im mense "World" Map on reverse side. uur Maps and Charts go like wild-fire waasis & LUURECTH, Empire Map and Chart oiaunsiiment, xuv liberty Street, New York. jan 3-4 w $90 made Dec. 3d bv one Agent selling HORACE GREELEY & FAMILY, A hne engraving, 22x28, inches, sent by mail for $1.00. We also mail Button-Hole and Sewing Machine Thread Cutters, and Needle Threading Thimble, price 25 cpnts eacn. circulars ot various othr Nnvltii iiiuwea ireiuemiy to ail old and new i .i ' . agents, address AMERICAN NOVELTY Co. jan 3-4w 302 Broadway, N. Y LOOK ! FREE TO ALL ! per week to agents, Male or Female. lo all who will write for an Aeon cy we will send a copy ot that ' Wonder of Wonders," the Illustrated Horn of Plenty It contains over fiftv beautiful illustrations & will be sent FREE to all who may write Address I GARSIDE. Paterson. N. J. jan 3-4 vv FREE TO Book Ascents GIFT a complete outht of the PICTORIAL HOME BIBLE it is the only Bible in which a complete History, Encyclopedia. Analysis of the Scriptures, and Improved Classified "Bible Dictionary is given ; its uncqualed jbeauty and merits make it the cheapest and fastest scllinir Bible nnh- lished. WM. FLINT it CO.. jan 3-4w Atlanta, Ga. DON'T T ,J 1 1 i n i o uecciveu, put ior couchS. colds, sore throat, hoarseness and bronchial difficul ties, use only WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. Worthless Imitations are on the market. but the only sc;e ltilic preparation of Car bolic Acid for Lung disease is when chem cally combined with other well known remedies, as in these tablets, and all par- j.. .1 ... A iieo ale cuuuuiieu against using any oiner. In all casf s of irritation of the mucous men bran e these tablets should be freely used, their cleansing and healins: proper ties are astonishing. Be warned.never neglect a cold.it is er.silv cured in its incipient, when it becomes chronic the cure is exccedinslv difficult. use Wells ( arbolie Tablets as a specific. Price 25c. per Box. John Q. Kellogg, 1S Piatt St., N. Y., Sole Agent for the United btates. Send for Circular. jan 3-4w AGENTS WANTED. Act at once. There is a PILE of money in it. The people everywhere are Eager to buy the AUTHENTIC HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON'S Wondrous Discoveries and Thrilling Ad ventures during 28 years in Africa, with account of the Stanley Expedition. Over GOO paires, only $1.50. is sellinsr beyond parallel. Only Complete and Reliable work. Send for circulars, and see Proof and great success agents are having. HUBBARD BROS., jan 3-4w Publishers, Boston, Mass. DO Agents want absolutely the best sell ing books ? Send for circulars ot Vent's Unabridged Illus. Family Bible. Over 1J00 pages 10 by 12 in., 200 pages Bible Aids, &c. Arabesque $0.25 Gilt Edge, 1 clasp, $3.25. Full Gilt, 2 clasps, 11.00. "Belden : the White Chief." For Winter Evenings, 36th 109Q ready. The Standard, 46th 1000 ready, Epizootic Treat ments, &c. C. F. Vent, New lork and Cincinnati, Vent & Goodrich. Chicago. ? r t jan o-4W Q$75TO$250FRM'H i T" 1 I ! 1 A. . Everywhere, male and Female, to in troduce the "Genuine Improved Com mon Sense Family Sewing Machine. This machine will stich, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and em- ln a most superior manner. Price $15. Fully licensed and warranted for five years. We will pay $1,000 for I auy machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic scam than ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch." Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agenrs from $15 to $250 per month and expenses, or a commission from which twice that amonnt can EH 03 be made. Address SECOMB&BO., Boston, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa., Khicago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. jan 3-4w Cheap Farms ! Free Homes ! ! On the line of the Union Pacific Railroad. 12,000,000 acres of the best Farming & mineral Lands in America. s,uuu,uoo Acres m Nebraska, in the Platte Valley, now for sale. MILD CLIMATE, FERTILE BOIL, for Grain growing and Stock Raising un surpassed by any m the United States. Cheaper in Price, more favorable terms given, and more convenient to market than can bo, found elsewhere. t FREE HOMESTEADS FOB ACTUAL SETT LEES. The bestlocation for colonies Soldiers entitled tpaomestead of 150 acres.- Sendfjr the thew Descriptive Parriphlet, with new mapa published in English, German, Swedish; and Danish, mailed free everywhere. Address, O. F. DAVIS, Land Com'r W. P. R. R. Co.. Omaha, Neb. jan d-4v 1873 No. 1,236 A GREAT OFFER ! HORACE WATERS, 481 Broadway, N. 1., will dispose of IOO PIANOS, MELO DEONS, and ORGANS, of six iSrst-Hass makers, including Waters', at "very low prices for cash," or part cash, and balance in small monthly instalments Aew-7-octave first-class i'iAjU2, modern xmprovements, for 9275 cash. Now ready a CONCERTO PARLOR ORGAN, the most beautiful style and perfect ionc ever maae. illustrated, tntatogues mail- eu. aneei music ana JUusic Merchandise. jan 3-4 w is unequaied by ay known remedy. It win eriaicate, extnpate and thoroughly de- strov ail poisonous suhsLintjincM in tii Blood and will eflFectually dispel all predis- iupinuii 10 uiuious derangement. ''Is there want nf ar-finr 111 irmn. T J. I Spleen? Unless relieved the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, produc- ing scrofulous or skin diseases, Blotches. scions, i-ustuics, Lanter, iimpics, Ac. nave vou a DvsneDtic stomach ? TTn- less digestion is promptly aided the svstem is debilitated with povertv of the RlnnH Dropsical tendency, general Weakness and nieina. T r 1 . .nave you weakness of the Thttffnps ? You are in danger of Chronic Diarrhoae or innamation ot the Bowels. T T(l IT -VT-V n n 1 . P ll. I iiurc j uu nuiiiuess oi uie ucurine or urinary urgans ( You -are pinnsml t sunering in its most aggravated form. Are you dejected, drowsy, dull, sluggish or depressed 111 spirits, w'th headache coated tongue and bad tastinsr month ? For a certain remedy for all of these dis eases, weaknesses nnrl trnnhloa iw.n sing and puntying the vitiated blood and imparting vigor to all the vital forces : for Duildmg up and restoring the weakpnoH constitution JLS.E J U R U B E B A which is pronounced bv the leading cai authorities of London and Paais "the 1 , . . . o most powerful tonic and alterative known to the medical world." This is no new ana untried discovery has been lone used by the leadu g physicians of other mnn. mes wun wonacrjta remedial results. Don t weaken and impair the digestive organs by cathartics and physics they give omy temporary renei Indigestion, flatu lency and dyspepsia with piles and kind red diseases are sure-to follow thpir nw. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St.s New lork. Sole As-nnt for the United States. Tice Une Dollar per Bottle. S n 1 for Circular. ian s4w o-uiNrs- SINGLE GUNS. At $2 00, $300, $4 50, $5 00, $6 CO. $8 00. ?1U UU, 51Z UU to if 20 UU. Double Guns. At $G 00, $7 50, $10 00, $12 00, $15 00, $20 00, $2500. $3000. $4000. $5000 to Breech-Loading Double Guns. At $40 00, $45 00, $50 00, $G0 00, $75 00, UU, ifllU UU, 12U uu to 300 00. PISTOLS. Smith & Wesson. Colt's. Allen's Witnev ana otner Kinas, at manutacturers prices. Ammunition & Implements or Breech-Loading Guns, at a small ad vance on Cost of Importation. METALIC AMMUNITION FOR RIFLES AND PISTOLS AT LOWEST MAR KET TRICES. ' i A complete assortment of all BportinE uoocis : I'nces ana Description sent on ar )lication. Goods shipped by Express, C. 0. J? POULTNEY, TRIMBLE & CO. Importers, No. 200 W. Baltimore St. Baltimore. Riciiard's, Dougal's, Greene's. Scott's, A 011 hand other celebrated make of guns and imported to order. sept 20 1872-eod ly New Games. TjARLOR Ring Toss The Tickler fun J. of the funniest. Old curiosity shop Game of Natural History. . Game, of Sel huettf comicalities. Game of I popular unaracters irom Uickens. The f lower Game. Blind Alphabet and the monks a new game ana 01a puzzles. .Magic or Ronione ' of life sport. Ademuss and Divideiu Avide awake game. The' Social uracie. me game 01 Anthmeuc im proved. Puzzle map of North America, Alphabet and objects Tablets, i Holiday Arithmetic, a simple and lascinatlng game. What Is it ; or how to make pioney. Henry s Penny Puzzle. My Mothers Puz zle. Nursery Rhymes Puzzle. Our Pets Puzzle. The Model Ship Puzzle- : i Uncles Raphael's Puzzle Chromos. Alphabet Blocks Toy books and a laage rilnnber of other pretty and interesting things i for the cniioreu at uunsimas. a can is solicited by TIDDY d? BRO. dec 18 f !i St. MARY'S SCHOOL. RALEIGH, N. C. l Rev, Aldert Smedes, D. D.r Rector. Rev. Bennett Smedes, A M. lAs't. mHE Sixty-second TeYm of this 'School JL will commence on the Twenty-fifth of January 1872, arid continue until the 17th of Jurte. For a circular apply to the Rec tor. . .;.?'. dec 24-2w u HAIR Brushes,. BruslS. TPodth Brushes, Nail Wm. R. BUR WELL & CO, dec 21 SpringsVCoxner. KEROSENE LAMPS, 5 ' ! , BURWELLfcCO dec 21 il RATES OP ADVERTISING. Owgquateone time.fc......i...........$i 00 two daysMv.. l so " " three days. 2 00 " four days,.......-. 2 CO " " five days., , 3 00 " one week...,..,.,. 3 50 M m T9 weeks...,,., 5 00 three Weeks.......,.. 6 0 " on month im.,... ... 8 00 fSf Colitract Advertisements taken al proportionately low rates. , Five Squares estimated at a quarter-col umn, and ten squares as a halfcolunim THE CHARLOTTE FA J. T. BUTLER'S!! NEW GOODS. Wftf pJlOC rinL G IatTL " "vUlaj VlUIIliSt ry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c- MUSIC BOXES AND MANY OTHBE AETICIiES TOO' NUMEROUS J. T. BUTLER'S OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSI October 22 A BOOK FOR THE MILLION 2Carriage A pnritUMOBMlortO llarritd cF tbos aboal tor marry on the phrriologlml mntcrlet and rTlmtiotiof laUf t difoTriei in prodnelng and prartnUnc ot&princ. Iiaw ... - .1.- ..nU.l j.- ' ' Thiaii ao inleraating work of two hundred attd lit pagea.with nameroaa enfraringi, and eontaina TalaaUa' information for thoie who are married.or contemplate mar- nag. Btiuittta eooK mat ongnt to be kept andor lock and key, and not laid eareleaily about the boaae. It eontaina the experience and advice of a pbyaiciair whoie reputation ii world-wide, and ihonM ha I tk .ri. Tate drawer of ereiTinale and Iritnl.ihmn.hnni k. (lobe. It embrace! everything on the object o f the gen entire iritem that ia worth knowing, and maoh that U w. pywuHN in but ouer won. Bent to any one (free of postage) for Fifty Cent. AddreatDr. Bntta' DliMuirt.Na. 10V. rh.k ' St.LouU.lio. ' " Notice to the Afflicted and UnfortunAte. Before applrinc to the notorioui auackt who adeartUa 6ublie paperi,or uelng any quack remedial perase Dr. utta' work no matter what your disease la, or how daplor- able your condition. Dr. Butu occupies a double house of twenty-sere rooma ; i i ndoried by some o f the moat celebrated nudi ealprofeaaors of thla country and Europe, andcaa beeon ulted peraonally or by mail, on the diaeaaea mentioned lot his works. Office and parlors. Mo. II M. Klchtkt atraasm Ktweeo Market and Cheiaut, St. Louis, He. n v 2-d & vr ly A. E. Nisbet & Brother HAVING completed an improvement in? their Commodious Store Room or Trade Street, o le door west of Smith A Hammond s Drug Store, Charlotte. N. C. are now receiving a well selected stock of Groceries, Musical Instruments, Toys, Ci gars, &c., which has been bought bv one of the firm, at a time w.ien the market w m ;st favorable. They therefore feel satis tie I that they can sell all goods in theii line as low as anv firm in Charlotte. fof cash or to punctual customers. I hey invite Merchants to rnve them st call, (as they had a special eye to their wholesale trade,) and feel warranted in saying that they can sell to as to make it saving to them in their purchases. lhey return their thanks to their friend and the generous public for past favors', ami s licit a continuance of the same. A. R. NISBET Sc BRO, FOB SAUST- Lot of fine HORSES arid MUXES, . in splendid cfrder. At UAVinSOITft LIVERY 8TAtiLES, Horses and Male for sale are Kept on hand constantly. nov FEESH OYSTERS f D A ,Y Ykf E would like to supply the citizens ill if any Quantity from a tint to attv lar gcr quantity, and will send tliem to your houses and save ofc the ttnnhl nf sending for them, so thai yon can havo them for breakfast, dinner or 8umer. I will send them to you everv dav or s often tit the Week as. you may select, bv learina your orders at , Y, BUTT'S, pct3p-contf : Mafkct, BUCKWHEAT CAKES all smoking hot, . . covered over with yellow, fk-h, rood Goshen Butter What is more!, palatable for Breakfast Well we have i ust received an elegant Lot of the material to make them, and we Will sell tbe receipt for a small price, ALSO, Just received, Irish Potatoes. Cafcbaee, Chesnuts, &c., at JOHK F, BUTT'S. dec 31 Market

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