1 "l"r I rTTT'"l t nuTT n'T Hl'lll Ill HHII lannjmnnm i. ...li,iii.iMjiu..w'.-,icit,' V '-.-j-" ' ' ' ' "i RATES OP ADVERT1S1XG. One Snnare one tinie.. .v...$i oo three days ' four days. tut) iiuv,., 5ft v nve rtavs SATES OF SUBSCKXPTI02r. one week 3 50 ie rear, m aavanre, , two. weeks., three weeks , one month. a 00 8 CO Si months, in advance, rcc Montlw, in advance,....'.."." J p months in advance, Contract Advertisements taken at prnjwrHonately low rates. ive Sipiares estimated at a qnarter-I umn, ami ten squares as a halfHInmu. Trf -Weekly. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY. JANUARY 19. 1873 No; l37 ljQ ! ; ....... , ' - c Tk I ""J" ' " ' ' ' i - : ' ' T ; 1 l ' ' ., , r . , , . ,. ,, , . ,r .. . t .- i -..i . . Oiic monuin uiw,.wrt w H.y. --is , . , ,,...... . ... , j - - ;.. ; ... , . - : ( . , ., ; ,- .- , , . . . -TrirrCT Vol, VJUI. . -. : v - 4.W. i , v . : - r i' , If THE COMIC AIi COBRt-ER. L -wagsish colbler, once in Roraej- ;-a Yut forth a tro:iamation ' h'liat he'd be willing to disclose,"" lr ducconsmeration, . ;i , A secret which the cobbling world ' Could ill attora to ipse- -t tw.r ?. The way to make in one short tiay '. A hunurea jtur ot snoes.? a -4 -.y . Krmn even,' quarter tortbeftight There ran a thousand fellows Tanners, cobblers, bootmen, sboemen, ; All jolly leather seilers- - ixA , l 1 redolent of beer and smoke, " ' Anil cobbler's wax and hide; :;u:h fellow pays his thirty penee, . ,nd calls it cheap beside. ' .silence ! the cobbler enters, - r ; And casts around bis eyes; Thou curls bi8 lip thc-rogue,! then frowns, ' iZ And then looks wondrous wise ; 'Mv friend," he says, 'tis simple quite, The plan that I propose . And every one of you, I think, Might learn it if you chose. , "A sod sharp knife is all you need In currying out my ilan; So easy is it none can fail, Let him lc t'hild or man. To make a hundred pair of shoes, Just .20 back to your shops, And take a hundred pair of boots And cut off all the' top !" From therresbytcrian. 'Liked to have been too Late.' A SHOKT AND SIMPLE ANNAL. In Chapel Hill, on Christmas jni-ht', there died one of the oldest (remaining inhabitants of that des ierted vilage. -rnclc Xovember," lor as 'he. was more commonly called Dr. November Caldwell, was the 1 L' IX.. T-1J..1I ox-cavnage tinver 01 ut. i;uuen, first ' President ofr late University. He claimed to be eighty-three years old, but on calculation this appeared to be a somewhat exaggerated esti- mate. llilSSC'll It is probable lie had jiut his eightieth Christmas, ' when lie closed his weaned eves lor fu the last time. Allien the Caldwell and Hooper families had all passed away from Chapel Hill Dr. November was left behind, being hired to the Universi ty as a college-servant, and serving laiilHuIiy in that capacity for many years. Latterly he has occupied a house and a held of his own, with his wife, Mrs. Chaney, who wns for years a trusted servant of the late Judge Kuitin. lie was one of the very few re- maining relies or tnc early days ot Chapel Hill and during his last illness his chief pleasure was in talk ing about the old times and the old I'nu'essors, his loyalty to whom in ;ul the changes that have befallen, w: s always stanch and his affection for their memories sincere. He was one of a set of college servitors, whose names- would doubtless recall main- pleasant,jind some humorr ons associations to "old students" of the University. Have Barham, and JV. November, and Tom Jones, and Dave Moore, ind C. J. Burnette were ali men of strong individual -character and marked with some-of the best traits of gentlemen. Dr. November had a considerable touch of the courtliness of the old rtyimr, in his manners, as indeed he had a ritrlit, having been admitted as a prominent character in the first published novel to which North Carolina can lay any claim as being oinative growth. "LoceCs Folly" was the; title of the late Mrs. Caroline Leei Hentz's lirst work, issued after Trof. Hentz had left Chapel Hill perhaps in '30 or 'ol. Among the characters were several'drawn from Chapel Hill life, including Dr. November and "aunt Venus," both of them connections, so to speak, of Dr.; Caldwell, the then President. They were about the best drawn characters in the book which by no means4 foreshadewed Mrs. Hentz' Jitter success in authorship. Dr: Caldwell drove a pair of bob-tails sorrels in those days, and one of my earliest recollections is of a feat of Dr.' November in turning the car riiigc, (containing three ladies) horses and all completely over a steep bank on the road to Hillsboro'. Jt must have been good driving that could do this while- all, the party escaped unhurt. k - - Uike many another man possessing far' superior.; prvileges y and advan tages, Uncle November lived along life under the sound of the gospel without giving mucli attention to the subject of religions or any evidence of a change of heart. He was satisfied to "do as well as he knew bow?'' and trust somehow .that Gold would not be too hard on him at the last. I have heard men 'of education, profess just about such a creed. ;.-. -.. .-. During the past fall, however, the mqrey which is free, and past search: ing out in - its ncnes, louna tne oia man on his death-bed, and gave him a hope in Christ. His mind seemed to be in a very humble ? and tender state. He made no loud professson, but- expressed a steady and i well sustained confidence iji "the istrength of bis Redeemer to save. Speaking to me of his new-found hope, he aid, MJ liked to have been too late.7' r "Yes," I replied- "you have served the world eighty years, uncle v No vember, and now vou turn round ftnd give God the last few weeks." 1 "I knowit, Iknowit,"he said'I cant's do anything for Godhiy time is gone but I believe he'll take me safe the Lord Jesus is mighty 1 trust my eTf to him. " v ln one of my -last conversations with him; while expressing his hope of heaven unfalteringly, he said with animation,' iind when I get there I shall see all i the old Faculty; 'i mean to look; for themold m as ter and trovV-i SwMw, Mnd -yonr1 father. and' Dr. Mitchell. They ?11 all be there"I..know.t4 M : ; P One' doctnot heed- t'fliv6? to be very . far advanced in life to find the best friends of earl v life in the m a- ijority "dn i the other f side.?' I wish we hi l could have as vivid a sense of the absolute certainty of seeing and recognizing'them as nncle No vember? JWe !!; -e3peciallv. who L believe that kSJcsus died'" and rose again,' why' should ; we hesitate to accept: in its! fullest meaning1 the declaration that "them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him? ' It strikes me as reflecting very little credit on our modern thedlogj that whole volumes should be published for the purpose of pro ving to Christains what ought to be a cardinal point, of belief the re cognition of friends in Heaven. As sure as they are there, so surely sha-U wo know them "when we get there too," C. Governor Caldwell's Responsibility. Governor Caldwell has entered on bis duties with a pledge to the peo ple; of North Carolina to exercise the nigh function, of his oIRce with an eye single to their pfood, and without regard to party distmctions, passions or animosities. e . trust that be will meet his voluntarily assumed obligations, and in the hope that be may, wc beg .him to take notice of the statement that a deputy United States Marshal in Western North Carolina stands charged with brutal violence in the case of Yoder, who, it is alleged, owes his premature death to ill-usage received at the hands of the omcial. His Excellency has seen the state- mcnts of the "Eagle" and News, and if he has a paternal . feeling for his people he will take stes to prevent dure outrages ol a si in ilar sort, and to have the olfender in this case brought to justice. It is time for the dragonades to be brought to an end ; the election is over; the Albany penitentiary is full to repletion; the Ku-Klux exist only in fiction, or history, and the peo pie of North Carolina are entitled to protection and repose. Not only humanity, but sound po licy, suggest this; and the Governor will understand us when we remind j him that great numbers are living in North Carolina. During the month of DecSTnJJer, as we learn from the News, one hun dred and twelve tickets were sold at Joinnanv fchoos to emigrants, en route for Memphis, from which point they scattered in various directions, in their melancholy search for new homes homes where they mav sit down under their own vine and lig tree with no one, not even a United States Marshal, to make them afraid. If Governor Caldwell wishes to keep the gallant sons of the North State at home he must see to it that there are no more Yodcrs done to death by the brutality of Federal officers. Norfolk trgiman. Shkxakdoah Valley. The census reports give some interesting facts in regard to the Vallev. It says the Shenandoah allev of Virginia is one hundred and twentv-five miles long and twenty-five wide, embrac ing the counties of Augusta, Rock ingham, Shenandoah, Page, Warren, Clarke, Frederick, Jefferson, and Berkeley, with a population of about 160,000 to an area of 47,405 square miles, of a cash valuation of $870,000. It produces more from the same amount of agricultural labor, and is freer from sickness of all kinds, than an v portion of the United States There are 1,001 ,961, acres of im proved landsrand 120,S60 unimproved. t t) .H i 0 m , DISSOLUTION. Txt mm rtnershin heretofore existing be tween ?McMU ERA Y, DAVIS & CO, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. TKo hnumow will he-continued by Mc- MURRAY & DAVIS on a larger scale than- With manv thanks to a generous public for the very liberal patronage esieimcu frtr fho nsist v vears. wc - beg a contmu- . J. W. McMURRA Jan 12, 18733& -J. N.DAVIS. A CARD. Wifb manv thanks to our friends .ana patrons generally for the liberal imtronage bestowed upon MgMurray, Davis & Co., we k t ttint. wn bave, withdrawn, and ingoing so we .respectfully askthat pur friends will Ptill bestow upon ;McMurray tSovia (Ko iHifmniicrasA Hberallv extend" ed to us. W. II. H HOUSTON, Jiin. 12, 1873. WM. CROW- " lg , j ERAUT, KRAUT, do you love Kraut Elegant swhitc Kraut for all wholovt it. J.P. BUTT. love BUTT, dee 6 FINE SALT. 1 A A Sacks Factory filled SALT on hand Xv" and for sale by ". J STENIIOUSE, ilACAULAY & CO. nor 27 ' L. Von MeyerhofL PROPOSES to form, instruct, and con duct, in Cliarlotte, X. C, a Musical Sociecy ; and to give musical 'festivals. The income from which, is to be applied to the purchasing of Maps, Globes and Scientific Apparatus for the Charlotte In stitute. Also, to furnish for the Institute Orchestral Instruments and Music,- such as are found in Seminaries of the largest Cities South and North. These Instru nients, &c, will be placed in the hands of the Trustees, for the use of. ' and to con tinue to be the property of the Charlotte (N.-C.)-Institute for Young Ladies. Terms of admission, , $5.00 Instructions per month, 2.00 Ladies and gentlemen desiring to become members of the Society will please leate their names at the book store of Messrs. Tiddy & Bro. dec 7-6m COFFEE, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese and Rice, just received at sept 10 A. It. NISBET & BUO'S. BUCK WHEAT FLOUR. DUCK. WHEAT. BUCK WHEAT FLOUR. J UST Received, now call and buy and also get some of our elegant Goshen Butter to eat with the cakes when thev are smoking hot, at JOIINFj BUTT S, dec G Market. The Change. H tomers some time since, that our busi ness would change January 1st, 1873, we are pleased to sav that the chance has taken place, and it is to be strictly CASH or 30 DAYS CREDIT. Those who do not pay promptly need not expect any favors, f you arc m arrears don t ask for credit, save us the unpleasant duty of denying vou. To our many friends and patrons we re- urn thanks, and ask a continuance o their favors believing that by a strict ap plication of the above rules, we will be able to sell goods cheaper than those who credit. All bills are due and payable on the l?t day of .each and every month. (llllER fe ALEXANDER. jan 1, 1873, ly SIUOHTON HOUSE. :0: STATESVILLE, H. C. :0:-J THE Proprietor of the above named Hotel resjiectful ly invites the people of Charlotte and the public generally to call on him when they visit btatcsville. He will spare neither pains nor money to make the SIMONTON HOUSE a first clasf HOTEL, and worthy of public patronage. T. A. l'llICK, nov 25-tf Proprietor. F. SCARR, o CD B CD a. a era CHARLOTTE, ft. C Prescriptions prepared at all hours of the Day and night. Choice Green and Black Tea, Selected especially for Family and Inval ids, at St'AKirs june29 Drug Store. - FRESH SPICES, Just received a lot of select Spices for Pickles, Preserves, etc., at F. SCARR'S June 29 Drug Store Pure Salad Oil. Finest article, in Market, .at F. SCARR'S June 29 Drug Store. T W. WADSWORT1I has at his Livery J and Sale Stable, opposite the City TJnrV: ITfttiSES and MULES for sale and kept eonstanly on hand, nov 30 For Sale. mWO Acres of land adioining theCity of X"- Charlotte, very finely ituicvi i.l rar,Mir ?mnrfvinfif neisrhborhood. - Vul be sold entire, or in lots to suit muchtt at a very reasonable rate. Apply to : :'un JOHN T. BUTLER, L oct 22 . Opposite Mansion uouse Mnrder, Fire & Bobbery. ART nm lsini? manv of my ensto- A Vnore bv creditinji them I woul take the liberty of asking all wh owe me and settle ud by the lsfof February 187J of sooner. ; J. T. BUTLER ' dec 29 ' '' Writing Paper. Tl MERCHANTS visiting Charlotte, wil 1 1 fitid Writins Paper , and isnveiopes ana jbhki PUItEFOY'S very cheap, at jan 4 FOR SALE. Advertisements. QT3ATrnC1 JEST Book sent free. JO A, Mil' J-kJ Address Eagle Book Co. 9 Murray St., N. Y jan 3-4w IVf f ATI? V" Easily made with our 1UVJJl JJJ 1 Stencil and kev-cbeck outfit. g&r- Circulars Free. Stafford MTg Co., 60 Fulton Street. X. Y. jan o-ixv W A ATrpWTY agents $200 per If Hi lljJL month to sell the IM PROVED AMEUICAN FAMILY KXIT- TLXG MACHINE. The tinwlcst and bet in the world. Address AMERICAN EXIT ING MACHINE Co.. Moh Washington Street; Boston, Mass. ; jan 3-4w kAA Agents wanted ! Just out ! A OVJV splendid new Christ : "CHRIST BLESSING LITTLE CHILDREN." Im mense sales ! 500 asrents wanted for our arge Map of the "United States" with im mense "World Map on reverse f-ide. Our Maps and Charts go like wild-tire. HAASIS & LUBKECTII. Empire Man and Chart Establishment, 107 Liberty Street, New York. jan $90 made Dec. 3d by one A cent selling HORACE GREELEY & FAMILY, A fine engraving, 22x28, inches, sent by nail tor $1.00. e also mad Button-Hole and Sewing Machine Thread Cutters, and Needle Threading Thimble, price 25 cents each. Circulars of various other Novelties niailed frequently to all old and new asrents, address AMERICAN NOVELTY Co.. jan 3-4 w 302 Broadway, N. Y. LOOK! FREE TO ALL ! JA Pcr week to agents, Male or Female. JfJU To all who will wrile for an Aeen- v we will send a copy of that 11 Wonder of Wonders, the Illustrated Horn of Plenty. It contains over lifty beautiful illustrations, v will be sent FREE to all who mav write. Address I GAES1DE, Paterson, N. J. jan 3-4 w FREE . TO Book Ajrents GIFT a complete outlit of the PICTORIAL HOME BIBLE it is the. only Bible in which a complete History, Encyclopedia, Analysis of the Scriptures, and Improved assi he 1 Bible Dictionary is given: its ft 11 equaled beauty and mgrits make it the cheapest and fastest soiling Bible pub lished WM. FLINT & CO.. jan 3-4w Atlanta, ia. -DON'T Be deceived, but for coughs, colds, sore Jiroat, hoarseness and bronchial dihicul- ties, use only WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. Worthless Imitations arc on the market, but the only scie itiiic preparation of Car bolic Acid ibr Lung disease is when chem- 'cally combined with other well known remedies, as in these tahlkts, and all par ties arc cautioned against using anv other. In all cases of irritation of the mucous menbrane these tablkts should be freely used, their cleansing and ltealing propei- ties are astonishing. Be warned, never neglect a cold.it is easily cured in its incipient, when it becomes chronic the cure is exceedingly difficult, use "Wells' Carbolic Tablets as a specific. Price 2")c. per Box. John Q. Kellogg, 18 Piatt St., N. Y., Sole Agent for the United States. Send for Circular. jan 3-4 w AGENTS WANTED. Act at once. There is a PILE of money in it. The people everywhere are Eager to buy the AUTHENTIC HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON'S Wondrous Discoveries and Thrilling Ad ventures during 28 years in Africa, with account of the Stanley Expedition. Ovei i00 pages, only $1.50, is selling beyond parallel. Only Complete and Reliable work. Send for circulars, and sec Proof and great success agents are having. HUBBARD BROS., jan 3-4w Publishers, Boston, Mass. D 0 Agents want absolutely the best sell ing books? Sen! for circulars of Vent's Unabridged Ulus. Family Bible. Over 1100 pages" 10 bv 12 in., 200 pages Bible Aids, "&e. : Arabesque $().25 Gilt Edge, 1 clasp. $8.2.r. Full Gilt, 2 clasps, 11.00. '"Beldcn : the White Chief," For Winter Evenings, 3Gth 105)0 ready. Tin- Standard, 46th 1000 ready, Epizootic Treat ments, itc. C. F. ent, .New ork and Cincinnati, Vent & Goodrich, Chicago, jan 3-4w S75TOS250FRM'H -3H Everywhere, male and Female," to in ZLi trodiice the "Genuine Improved Com- mon Sense Family Sewing Machine. -A This machine will stich, hem, toll, tuck, quilt, cord," bind, braid and cm . t in a most superior manner. Price $15. Fullv licensed ami warranted for live years. We will pay ?l,000 for 1 any machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch." Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agenrs from $15 to $250 per month and expenses, or a commission from which twice that amount can be made. Address SECOMB&BO., Boston, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa., Khicago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. jan 3-4w Cheap Farms I Free. Homes ! ! On the line of the Union Pacific Railroad 12,000,000 acres of the best Farming &. mineral Lands in America. 3.OO0.000 Acres in Nebraska, in the Platte Valley, now for sale. , MILD CLIMATE, FERTILE SOIL, for Grain growing and Stock Raising nn surnassed by any in the United States. ( 'heaner in Price, more" favorable terms given, and more convenient to market than can be round eiscwncre. ' FREE HOMESTEADS FOB ACTUAL SETTLERS. The best location for colonies Soldiers entitled to a Homestead of 150 acres. Send for the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, published in English, German, Swodish and Danish, mailed free everywhere. Address, . O.F.DAVIS, Land Com'r TJ. P. R. R. Co., Omaha, Neb. jan 3-4w A GREAT 0FEER ! HORACE WATERS. 4SI Broatlwav. N. Y., will dmxae of IOO PIANOS. ME JJ)- DEONS. and ORGANS, of iz Jrrt-a makcrr mchtdutg H'ofer'. ot "rrrjf low price for catli" orjMticash, andbalatieem small monthly instalment inr-i-octarc first-class PIANOS; modern itnjurorements, for $275 cash. Now ready a CONCERTO PARLOR ORGAN, the most beautiful style and jttrfeet tone ever made. Ittttstratcd Catalogues mail ed. Xhcct Music and Music, Merchandise. jan 3-4 w is linequaled by any known remedy. It will eridicate, cxtripate and thoroughly de stroy all poisonous, tfuhstantances jn the Wood and will effectually dispel all predis position to billious derangement. ' "Is there want of action in your Liver t Spleen? Unless relieved the blood become impure by deleterious secretions, produc ing scrofulous or skin disease1, Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, l"imples,.tc. Have you a Dyspeptic Stomach ? Un less digestion is prom ptly aided the system is debilitated with poverty of the Blood. Dropsical tendency, general Weakness and inetria. , . ": Have you weakness of the Intestines? You are in danger of Chronic Diarrhoa? 01 Inflamation of the Bowels. Have you weakness of the Utnrinc or Urinary" Organs? You arc -exposed to suffering in its most aggravated form. Arc you dejected,' drowsy, dull, sluggish or depressed in spirits, w'th headache, coated tongue and bad tasting mouth ? For a certain remedy for all of these dis eases, weaknesses and'roubles ; for clean sing and purifying the vitiated blood and imparting vigor to all the vital forces ; for building up and restoring the weakened constitution USE J U R U B E B A which is pronounced bv the leading medi cal authorities of London and Paais "the most powerful tonic and alterative known to the medical world." This is .no new nnd untried discovery has been lone nseH by the leadirg physicians of other coun tries with umiuU'i ful remedial results. Dnn't weaken and impair the digestive organs by cathartics and physics they givi only temporary relief Indigestion, "flatu lency and dyspepsia with piles and kind red diseases are sure to follow their use. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St.s New York, Sole Agent for the united states. Price One Dollar per Bottle. S n 1 for Circular. jan 3-4v G-TTiTS- SINGLE GUNS. At $2 00, $300, $150, $5 00, $0 00, $8 00, $10 0U, $12 00 to $20 00. Double Guns. At $0 00, $7 50, $10 00, $12 00, $15 00, $20 00, $2500, $3000, $4000, $5000 to $75 00. Breech-Loading Double Guns. At $40 00, $45 00, $50 00, $00 00, $75 00, $00 00, $110 00, $120 00 to $300 00. PISTOLS. Smith Si Wesson, Colt's, Allen's Witney and other kinds, at manufacturers' prices. Ammunition & Implements For Breech-Loading Guns, at a small ad vance on Cost of Importation. MET A LIC AMMUNITION FOR RIFLES AND PISTOLS AT LOWEST MAR KET PRICES, A complete assortment 06 all Sporting Goods ; Prices and Description sent, on ap plication. Goods shipped by Expressj C. O. P POULTNEY, TRIABLE tt CO. Importers, No. 200 W. Baltimore St., Baltimore. t Richard's. Dougal's, Greenb's, . Scott's, other celebrated make of guns on hand and imported to order. t sept 20 1872-eod ly I New Games DARLOR Rin? Toss. The Tickler fun L of the funniest. Old curiosity shop Game of Natural. History. Game of Sel- huett comicalities. Game! of popular Characters from Dickens. 1 1 he rlowei Game. Blind Alphabet and tlMJ monk a new iraoie and old puzzles. Maffic or Itomone of life siort. Ademuss and Dividem wide awake came. I The Social Oracle. The game of Arithmetic im proved. Puzzle map of Noarth America. Alphabet and objects Tablets. Holiday Arithmetic, a simple and fascinating game. What Is it : or how to make, money. Henry's Penny Puzzle. My Mother s Puz zle. Nursery Rhymes PuzzFp. Our Pets Puzzle. The Model Ship Puizic Uncles T?;irl!ilV rHiTTln Chromos! Alnbabet Blocks Toy books and a laage number of other pretty and interesting tilings for the cmiureii ai viirisuuas. -"v can is miiiuicu bv TIDIiY&BRO. dec 18 -1 St. MAEY'S SCHOOL. RALEIGH, X. c - a ' ... Rev. Aldert Smedes, D. 0 Rector. Rev. Bennett Smedes, A. M. As't... THE Sixty-second Term ofj this School will commence on the Tfenry-fifth ol January 1872, and continue nhtil the 17th of June. For a circular. appl to the Rec tor. , : ; ft . dec 21-2w i H AIR Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Jiail Brushes. l! Wm. R. BURWELL A CO, dec 21 - Springs' Corner. ? TTEROSENE IAMPS. ir: ro. - - -U BURWELL & CO. dec 21 if. THE CHARLOTTE FAIR AT J. TV BUTLER'S ! ! NEW GOODS. Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c. MUSIC BOXES AND MANY OTHEB ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MIEZETTIOISr. AT- J. T. BUTLER'S OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSF. October Tl A BOOK FOR THE MILLION I JtCLCimCXgG (Married oTiho.. about to to marr; on the pbjraiotafteaj K. n n Q imyiterietandreTelatlooaof ithe sexual ritem, with tb latest ditMrcriea la producing and pravcuiinf Sapriof. bow to preserve the complexion, Me. This i a an interesting work f tw. handred aad stxtjr Ksres, with numerous encraTtngs, and eontaina valaaul. iformatioa for those who are msxried.or cos template mar riage. Still It t s a book that ough t to be kept nader lock nd key, and not laid carelessly about the bouse. It contains the experience and adrice .fa phvstetaai whose reputation is world-wide, and should he in the pri vate drawer of evei j male and female throat bent the esktir. globe. Jt embraces everything on the subject f th gen erative system that is worth knowing, and Mob, that to not published in any other work. Sent t. any one free of postage) for riny Ceati. .address Dr. Butts' Dispensary e. 12 St. Louis, Mo. eighth ttceot Notice to the Afflicted and TTnfbrttmate. Before applying to the notorious auacks who-advertise let Snblic papers, or using any qaaek remadsts perns. P. atts' wark no matter what yoardiseasc isr er ksw dspWr able yonr eoaditieo. - Dr. Butts occupies a double house of twenty-save, rooms ; i a I adorsed by some . f the meat celebrated medi cs I professors of this country and Europe, andean beeeay suited personally or by vail, on the diseases mentioned irt his works. Office and parlors. No. UN. Kigklfc. iireee, ttwaen Marke t and Chesaut, St. Leals, Xa. n y 2 tl & w ly A. R. Nisbet & Brother HA VINO completed an improvement in their Commodious Store Room on Trade Slreet, 6 ic door west of Smith Jt Hammond's Orug Store, Charlotte, N. r are now rcceivins a well selected stork C Groceries, Musical Instruments, Toys, Ci gars, tc, which bns been bought by one of the firm, at a time w!ien the market w m st favorable. They therefore feel sati fiad that they can sell ail jroods in thcii line as low as any linn in Charlotte, for cadi or to punctual customers. They invite Merchant to gWc them a call, (as they bad a special eye to their wholesale trade,) and feel warranted in s .iving that they can sell o as to make it a swing to them in their purchases. They return their thanks to their friends and the generous public f r past favors. aii solicit a continuance of the sam. A. R. NISBET .t BRO. FOB SALE. ALot of fine HORSES and MULES, in splendid order. At DAVIDSON S LIVERY STABLES. Horses and Moles for sale are kept on han l constantly, nov lG-tf PI E S H P3 -v" ZE1 !R OYST ES ST X IT WE would like to supply the citizens in any quantity from a pint to any lar ger quantity, and will send them to your houses and save j'ou the trouble of sending for them, o that you can lwv them for breakfast, dinner or supjier. I will iHnd them to yon every day or as often in the week as vou : may select," bv ' leaving your orders at f , v f J F. BUTT'S, oct30-con tf Market. BUCKWHEAT CAKES all smoking hot, covered over with yellow, rich, good Goshen Butter. What is mom-palatable for Breakfast ? Well we have ust received an elegant Ixt of the material to make them, and we will sell the receipt for a small price. . i . . . - ALSO. - Just rccei ved, ; Irish Potatoes, Cabbage, Chesnuts, at - - JOHN F. BUTTSr dec 31 Market. r i !l 31 )