DAILY . OBSERVER. JOHNSTONE JONES, Editor. SimfaYi'TajuLary 19, 1873. OBSERVATIONS,. Japan is agitatea just now iy ine cliscuWion of ihe question of I-Leli- giotts toleration. JTlie -Credit- Mobiiier-Jnveitigation. clevelopes the fact that many of the leading Congressmen are tainted. The capture and destruction of pirates in Chinese waters is one of tb .amusements of 'the Heathen Chinee. ) i-sfriJi 111? The Italian State is shaking itself loose from the church. The latest step in this direction is the passage of a law forhidding Theological in struction in the Public Schools. 5 Important reforms are going on in Japan. The yellow-legged nation is rapidly becoming enlightened and civilized. The male Japanese have been informed that they will no longer be required to shave their heads, but the top knot must be re tained. The Spanish government denies that its movement -towards the abo lition of slavery is the result of American pressure. The govern ment does it in obedience to its own conscience. The first execution that has taken place in Madrid since the revolution of 1868 occurred on the" 15th inst. The crime of the condemned was a triple assassination. The execution was witnessed by an immense crowd. Ballotting for United States Sena tor in Arkansas continues. And in Louisiana no choice has yet been made by the people's legislature. Warmouth's chances of electiou are lessening, and it is probable he will be defeated. The proposition to refund the cot ton tax is meeting with favor in Congress, though it has some strong opponents. The subject comes up before the Committee of Ways and Means Tuesday. The action of the Committee will be awaited with deep interest by the Southern plan ters and cotton merchants. An American company has bought the Bay of Samanain one of the is lands of West India. The Bay is to . be declared by the company a free port to all the world. The Haytien Minister at Washsngton thinks the American purchasers will find (hey have made a bad speculation itbe ingfitfor nothing but a naval sta tion. The Modoc Indian war continues. The latest news from the seat of war is to the effect that" the Modoc war riors under command of Capt. Jack n-re about to cave in. They were in ' l ViVVC, iCll ClglJl D lttC , tllJU Dili- . rounaea oy tne gallant uregon mili tia, who on last Thursday had "got a battery of howitzers into position and were ready to open the battle on Friday. Ben Wright's cave is in : Grant county, Oregon, two or three ; hundred miles from the Pacific I coast. In relation to the pardoning of s Holden the Raleigh Sentinel says: ; The Legislature is called upon to pardon Holden and relieve him of j. the disabilities imposed by the high- est court known to the State we i mean the high court of impeach ment. We have looked in vain to ; find anywhere in the Constitution where the power is given to the Leg islature to pardon an impeached and ; convicted criminal. The Constitu tion places the pardoning power in ; the Governor. Article III, Section 6 ; says: ! "The Governor shall have power , to grant reprieves, commutations ; ana pardons, after conviction, for ; air oriences, except in cases of im- ; peachment, upon such condition as ; he may think proper." LOUIS NAPOLEON IV." ihis incident occurred at the fu j neralof Napoleon III While the I Prince Imperial was returning from i the Chapel to; the family" Mansion, ! he was saluted with the cry of " Vive i Jj Ampereur r In reply, to the salu i tation he exclaimed, 'The Emperor is cead, vive la France V -J i me salutation of the (enthusiastic henchmen may be prophetic. The saj ciry once sounded- strangely in j tne ears ot the great monarch who nas just ended his career in exile at -Chiselhurst. It was on the occasion of a grand ball given a, quarter of a century ago ; at Lyons, in '? honor o JNapoieon, who was. then, Presi dent off the "French Republic He was plain Mr. President at that time and his deep laid schemes for grasp ring the sceptre, were known jo but few : trusted friends. He withdrew from the brilliant throng in the bal v room at an early hour in the eve ning, and as he quietly took his de parture he passed a soldier on guard .m ine nail. The, sentinel Saluted nim in the usual military style: he did more : in a scarcely audible tone he whispered "Vive UEmpereur!" The citizen-president returned the salute with jngnnjh passed on.-Alh6tt lime afterii i nciden tda&re&i&e ainciviliait made his elbrilliant 'coup fiFetat, seized the crowh and' sceptre, and assumed the royal; purple, which he everrpar.tpd with tfntil France went down' before German bayonets. " I)tuTIap6Ieon waZli dreamer iii hisyqUlh Burlte; had faith in the magic1 poTOir of 'his narhe; he fixed his eye upon the: throne pf France, and through all the dark days of his exile and imprisonment he never lost sight of his object. By force of Undaunted perseverance and" the ex -ertiopofX; hlighty will, combined with perfect faith in himself and a confident hope in the final success of his seemingly wild and visionary schemes he. accomplished his grand purpose and became the most bril liant and powerful among the crown ed heads of J3u rope. The pale,"; sickly boy whose ears were startled at Chjselhurst the oth er cfay by f he 'istf-a&vive Fekpefeur" ha3Kkehis" name without a regal sceptre. But if he has inherited along with it the vaulting ambition, lofty daring, in domitable preseverance and brilliant talents of the Bonapartes, the world may yet see this Woolwich cadet, "who is not over strong," wielding the sceptre of Imperial France, and bearing the royal title of "Napoleon IV." LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CARO LINA. SENATE. Friday, January 17, 1873 The Senate was called to order at 11 o'clock by the Lieutenant Gover nor. Journal of yesterday was read and approved. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS. By Mr. Cunningham, a 'bill to in to amend chapter 185' laws of 1869, regard to townships. Kelerred the Judiciary Committee. By Mr. Allen, a bill to amend an act chartering the Wilmington Life Insurance Company. Referred to Committee on Insurance. By Me. Nicholson, a bill. to amend chapter 71, laws of 1871-72. Referr ed to Judiciary Committee. By Mr. Stilley, a bill to incorporate the North and South Air Line Rail road. Referred to Committee on Corporations. By Mr. Stilley, a bill to provide for a special rate of interest. Referred to Committee on Propositions and Grievances. By Mr. Powell, a bill in relation to fees of Justices of the Teace and Con stables. Introduction of Resolutions. By Mr. WTaring, a resolution in re gard to the Insand Asylum. By Mr. Respes3, a resolution rais- g a Joint Committee to examine and cancel vouchers in the Auditors' office. Bv Mr. Flemming, a resolution of inquiry as to the feasibility of estab- lshing a liureau ot statistics oi Agri culture and Immigration. I Referred to1 Committee on Immigration. Bv Mr. Murrav, a resolution of in struction to Judiciary Committee. Referred. Bv Mr. Merrimon, a resolution in avor of Hon; James L. Henrv. The resolution provides for tne au diting of the accounts of Judge Hen ry at the rates ot $100 per week, lor the l.o'ding of terms of the Courts of Oyer and lerminer in several of the Western counties of the State. Under a suspension of the rules the resolution was taken up. On its passage on the third read ing, Mr. Respess called the yeas and nays, which resulted in 68 yeas and nays. CALENDAR. Under a suspension of the rules, the bill of Mr Allen's to amend the charter of the Wilmington N. C. Life Insurance Company was taken up and passed its several readings. Senate bill in regard to tne tating of depositions before Justices' Courts passed its third reading, House bill JNo. z, to repeal cnapter m m - a . 1 89. laws of 1871 and 72, passed its third reading. Senate bill No. 91. prescribing tne duties of the Supreme Court, passed its second reading. Senate bill No. 182, a bill m rela tion to the duties of the Register of Deeds The bill requires the Register of Deeds to keep an alphabetical record of the eranter aud grantee of all deeds, etc., in his office. . The bill was laid on the table, On motion of Mr. Humphrey, the bill to incorporate the North Caroli na Railway Company was made the special order for 12 ; o clock to-mor row.- .;' ! Mr. Cunningham was requested to state that Mr.i Price. Senator from Rowan, aud Davie, was confined to his room by sickness. Mr. unamDeriain was granted in definite leave of absence' on account of sickness I ; HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES . . At 10 a, m., Mr. Speaker Robinson called the Mouse to order. The Journal of yesterday was read and approved. . - y .Mr. Johnston presented a . memo rial from certain citizens of Bnn- combe county! praying the Legisla ture not to interfere with the sale of the Western N. C. Railroad. Mr. Black well presented a memo rial ot the same character. i By Mr. Badger, a bill to protect the agricultural interests of the State. Referred. U - ,By Mr Brown, of Davidson, a bill concerning the Register , of Deeds in the several counties of thStatef r !By Mr. Turner, a bill to amend chapter 7,iaws oi iu-ijie ferred. By Mr. Brown, of Mecklenburg, a bill to -incorporate the township of Huntersville, Mecklenburg county. PyMr. Bean, of, Randolph, a bill t6'all6W enterers of vacant laiids to obtain grants. PJaced on calendej. 1 By Mr. itnoaes, a diu to amend chapter 139, laws of 1870 and 71. Re ferred. '. By Mr. Badger, a bill to establish a system of procedure in criminal cases. Referred M By Mr. Carson, a bill to amend chapter 50, laws of 1871 and 72. Re ferred. By Mr. Shinn, of Cabarrus, a bill to incorporate Eureka Lodge, A. Y. M., Cabarrus county. . By Mr. Haynes, a bill to prohibit the giving to or selling minors intox icating drinks. Referred. On motion of Mr. Bean, of Ran dolph, the rules were suspended and the bill to allow enterers of vacant lands further time to obain grants was taken up. (Allows two years more.) The bill to amend the act to ex tend the time for the registration of deeds, was taken up. Pending its discussion, the arrival of the SPECIAL ORDER. was announced, to wit : the bill to amend the school law. On motion of Mr. Johnston, the bill was recommitted to the Commit tee on Education, with all of the pending amendments. The consideration of the bill to extend the time of the registration of deeds, fcc, was resumed. After undergoing amendment, the bill passed its several readings. The bill extends for two years, from the 31st of March, 1S73, the time for the registration of all deeds and other instruments required or allowed to be registered, except mort gage deeds, trust deeds and marriage settlements. By Mr. Moring, by consent, a bill to exempt persons from jury service who have attained the age of sixty, Referred. On motion of Mr. Bennett, the rules were suspended and Senate bill to amend the charter of the Wil mington North Carolina Life Insur ance Company was taken up and passed its several readings. The resolution putting out the keeping of the State Library by con tract, was taken up and adopted. The bill to amend sub division 2, section 7, chapter 139, laws of 1870-1, was taken up and, on motion of Mr. Stanford, was laid on the table. By Mr. Morrison, by consent, a bill to amend sections 224 and 228, Code of Civil Procedure. Referred. By Mr. McGehee, by consent, a bill concerning corporations. Referred. By Mr. Dula, by consent, a bill to modify section 1, chapter, 42 Revised Code. Referred. The bill to amend the act concern ing the appointment of Judges to hold special terms was taken up and passed its several readings. The bill to amend seotion 1, chap ter 60, laws of 1870 and 1 was taken up and, on-motion of Mr. Brown, of Davidson, was laid on the table. By Mr. Bean, by consent, a bill to repeal chapter 71, laws of 1871-2. Relerred. A bill to amend the act to lay off the homestead and personal prop erty exemption, was taken up and passed its second reading, and under a suspension of the rules, it came up on its third reading. The bill provides that where the homestead has been once laid off bv creditors it cannot again be so laid off under subsequent levies, except in cases of liaud.J Mr. Moss opposed its passage. He thought it a dishonest bill, and might operate to defraud the creditor of his ust rights. MrStanford thought it was a just measure, as it gave tne untortunate and worthy debtor some protection against a hard, grinding creditor, &c. Mr. Houston moved to postpone until Thursday at 12 m. Mr. Craige, the introducer of the bill, explained the provisions of the bill, and urged its immediate pas sage, &c. Mr. Perry, of Bladen, hoped the bill would pass. Mr. Turner moved to lay the bill on the table. The yeas and navs weie called and the motion was re jected by a vote of yeas 2, nays 95. Mr. Brown, ot Davidson, lavored the passage of the bill. On motton ot Mr. Uraige, the pre vious question was called. Mr. Houston's motion to postpone to Thursday was put to a vote and rejected. Ihe bill then passed its second reading under a suspension of the rules. Mr. Moss thought the bill unconsti tutional, and it - certainly gave dis houest debtors a large scope to shel ter themselves from meeting their just obligations. He wished as much as any man to protect and assist the poor, but in doing so he did not wish to enact a law which would offer a premium for dishonesty. Mr. Badger favored the bill. On motion of Mr. Craige, the pre vious question was called. The question recurred upon an amendment offered by Mr. Joyner. of which notice had been given, Iim- iting the time to two years, and : it was rejected. The yeas and nays Were called and the bill passed its third reading by a vote of yeas 92 nays 14. Adjourned. The Greensboro' Tairiot says ; Mr. Will Benbow is erecting a handle factory, at Oak Ridge, in thin county. The handle business is becoming quite an industry in this State, the factories now numbering aboutcight, we believe, the two in this city being the largest and doing the most ex tensive business. Hapoleon's FcneraL ... London, Jan. 15, 1873. The funeral of Hisrlate Majesty Napoleon Bonaparte ILL; ex-Eniper- or pftFjancetookjIplaHlro1 Chiselr; p-urst, thefresidehcef tbVxiled im perialist. French Familyr the fore noon to-day. ? Cy The hour of ten o'clock in the morning was designated as ihe time for the procession to commence to move towards the church; but)it was thirty minutes past teii ' before the beare-which was to ctjnveythe-TC'-mains to the place of burial drew up in front of the grand entrance which leads to the mansion. On both sides of the hearse were the imperial arms,' surmovnted by the letter N, and ft great crowd of people, which was, steadily increasing momentarily, surr rounded the vehicle. Imineiise throngs had congregated near to the house and along the line of advance just previous to the starting of the procession. A deputation of Paris workmen, who were to walk to the head of the procession, arrived at the same time with the hearse. They wore immor telles in their, coats and carried wreaths of yellow flowers in their bands. The coffin was covered with im mortelles and violets: " - One thousand metropolitan police-, men from London lined the road way leading from the house where the ex-Emperor died to the chapel where the funeral services took place. Flags were displayed at half-mast and emblems of mourning were float ed at every avaliable point along the line of route. The church bells tolled the usual notice of an English funeral. Her Majesty Queen Victoria did not attend the funeral in person, but was represented by the Right Hon orable the Viscount Sydney, Lord Chamberlain of Her Majesty's House hold. . .: Her Majesty the ex-Empress Eu gene was too ill in health to permit her attendance at the funeral of her husband; His Highnejss the Prince imperial, of France was very pale, and exhibit ed traces of the anguish he has un dergone. The funeral procession started for the chapel at eleven o'clock in the forenoon and moved from Chisel hurst according to the following ORDER OF ARRANGEMENTS. First came a man bearing the French tri-color, floaUng from an ashen pole cut at the last moment before the cortege moved. The deputation of working men from Paris, with uncovered heads, beariug their wreaths. The chaplain of the ex-royal fami ly, bearing aloft a golden crucifix, the hearse drawn by eight horses, driven by a postilion. Ihe mourners, who numbered 800 in all, included the Prince Imperial of France, who went uncovered ; Prince Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte, Prince Joachim Murat, Prince Achil le Murat, M. Rouher and many dis tinguished imperialists. English noblemen. Paris priests and others of the clergy and laity. The procession was of great length, and the hejirse was at the chapel be fore the eiwl of the cortege had left the family mansion at Chiselhurst. It is computed that at least thirty thousand people gathered to witness the scene. Ail the carriiiges and the pedestrians were drawn up three abreast across the roadway before starting, and that order was main tained to the chapel. There was no funeral sermon in the church. The Right Reverend the Roman Catholic Bishop of South wark sang a requiem mass over the remains. He was assisted by Father Goddard, the spiritual adviser of the late ex Emperor,'and by all the priests who were chaplains at the Tuileries dur ing the reign of Napoleon. Mr. Lutz, the organist of St. George's Cathedral. London, was present at the chapel, with his choir, and conducted the musical portion of the services. The remains of Napoleon Bona parte III. were deposited in the sac risty, which has been formed into a morturay chapel, until the removal of the body to France for final inter ment. Their Royal Highnesses the Prince Imperial of France and Prince Na poleon Bonaparte returned from the chapel in one carriage. They were cheered by the crowd tnrough which they passed. More than twenty-five thousand persons, including Prince . Christian, the Prince of Wales and Prince Teck, reviewed the body of the late Emp eror while lying in state. Notwithstanding the pressure of the immense, crowd during the fu neral there were but few accidents, and these were of a. slight character. JScalded by the Iw. Lawsoh Forney, colpred, chastised his dnsky wife, Laura, last week, for disobedience, as sNorth Carolina Judge has decided that .a man may do f but the laitgh was, tiirned when he sough tepose inrtne arms of Mor pheus. Laura preparea a pot of wa ter, and when hot enough ta bring, the wool off, she baptized him with the boiling fluid. The Doctors think he won't whip his wife any more un less there is a change for the worse. Laura languisheth,,in jail. Nq.ahe don't she has been bailedJ Ruther ford Vindicator. . .. . - Chief Justice Pearson and the Su preme Court many years ago solemn ly adjudged that a ni an could whip tiis wife if he did so in moderation and with a suitable size switch. Mrs. Laura Forne'- has entered her dissent to Judge Pearson's law in the warmest terms khown'to woman. Wa rn ust send Mrs. Susan Anthony, now is prison for voting, a copy , of the Sentinel, that she may J see how her sex in the South vindicate their rights. Raleigh Sentinel: ' ; Burglars operate in Washington on Sunday. -: : Reminiscence from the Tutleries. -One of the persons who came from, Jjrancato attend tBejliuneral of Na poleon .Jbrought wihbim some soil, ugTjfrom-the gardenof the Tuileries, Which e istrawljyer the coffin af ter jit was depo siten" in. the sacristy of nie cuupei. at . mseiaursu j. x . Herald. ' ; : The- News of Pnchback V Elec tion to the Senate-pCbe largQ dele gation of New Orleans merchants who have remained here, tpiook. af-. ter the interests of jLomsiana before Congress, were amazed to-night when it: was .announced!; that Pincfrback had heen chosetv Senator by the Kel logg Legislature Th e name of E. JE . Norton, fowerlyqf ew Yprk. . was fixed iUp?n at :the : itime Kellogg ac cepted; the. AOQitnaiipn - for Governor, that in the event ot, the latter?s elec tion, all.. his influence should be thrown for Norton.'., It . is asserted that thisr was alsp stipulated by Judge Jjurelr beiore he; signed the-? injunc tions and other orders in the Kellogg Warmouth suit.ansl will,;form ; part of ih e subj ect iriatjterj for. investiga tion by, the Judiciafy: :Committee of the. House ' in examining Durell's conduct. In addition,' to these influ ences money was tb be, liberally used while the antipathy of the negro for ja mulatto was. to inj ure any aspira tions" Pinchback might have. The Kelloggites reckoned without their host; for no sooner had Pinchback control than he botdly declared his intention of succeding Kellogg. The friends of Governor McEnery are highly gratified at lihe turn events have taken, and whten McMillan, the choice for Senator of the Fusion Leg islature arrives here, the contest will begin in earnest. , Mr. Warmouth, it is said, has sundry; dociiments not creditable to the reputation of a grave U. S. Senator, and , while the Senate isJ in the huhior of investigating charges of corruption and bribery the aspirant from New Orleans for a seat may find it still beyond his reach. Washington Correspondent of the New York Herald. Crime in the United States. In an editorial article on the 'fearful prevalence of crime' in our country the London Times admits that to some extent the alienees t occurring among us are committed by foreign ers, against our population, rather than by our own people. It asks, "Why does not that mighty Com monwealth do more to vindicate her law, her morality ; and her good name?" To incite our citizens to this action has ever!been the aim of he Herald, as leader of the indepen dent press; and as our prominent journals, one after another, are fast throwing off the shackles of party, we are confident that the day is not distant when a correct public senti ment will secure prompt punishment for crime, and thus deter criminals from their career of guilt and vindi cate our claim of the superiority of "government by the people for the people." N. Y. Herald. Hew Advertisements. yTFactory Hands Wanted. I AM anxious to employ a number of hands, women and girls especially, to work m a factory three miles from Colum bia. Good waes will he paid to efficient operatives. Persons' wishing to secure good permanent occupation can do so by leaving their names at the Central Hotel or addressing me at Columbia. jan l&-lw i L. D. CHILDS. DANCING ACADEMY. PROFESSOR MILAM. AT Oates' Hall, Tuesday, Thuisday & Saturday afternoons, at four (4) o'clock, for LADIES, MISSES and MAS TERS. . Class for YOUNG GENTLEMEN Mon day, Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 7 o'clock. TERMS per session of v16 lessons, TEN DOLLARS in advance. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, jan 14-tf GARDEN SEEDS. JUST opened. and for ale a complete as sortment of Buist's Celebrated Garden Seeds, consisting of every variety of Vege table seeds grown m the Southern States. jau!8 F. SCARR. FEED V0GEL THE well known butcher. wishes to jjj inform his friends and the public in general that he has open ed a Meat Market in the "basement under Walter Brem & Co's ! Hardware Store, where he will keep constantly on hand, everything in. his line. Give him a call and see for yourselves. Persons wishing to Sell cattle, sheep, hogs, &c.j will find him a ready purchaser. k- jan 18-tf ' Landreth's Warranted OardenTKeed. will, receive in a few days Srlarge !! ana complete assortment ot these re liable and popular Seed,? : "t j ; ; --AL&O-- ' Clover, Orchard : GrassTLhcerne 3awu' Grass. &c. W. R. BtmjVELL TCO. . v jan 17; . i-'-'j- - Dr. Hoopeb'b Femalk -PiMp, a positive cure; for Suppression, or Irregularity, aris ing from any cause whatever. Thev are L perfectly harmless; r -rr s5 n c ' ' . . Pills en hand for use in 'case ef need. : Price, $li)0 per box. f Sent securely seal ed tic any address on receipt of prieel ; ! ' f u Direct all orders, hooper &co;i- P. O. Box 2453. iPhiladelphia, Pa. ? janl&ly - -a ,!. .v ' To i Our Friends and Acquaintances. TfTE the Undersigned beg leave to thank fl. our, friends and acquaintances for their libera! patronage bestowed tipon our Employer Mr. E. Shrier for the past year, and most respectfully ask a continuance of the same as we are stilt at the Temple of tt xa&Luou. Avespecuuiiy, ' ,. J. A. xOUNG. Jr.':' ATHTATE. Ian 9' K. S. BCBWZLL, THOS. GEIER, J. h. CABS0X .4 -J sijf. Burrrell, Grier & Co.. Successors to Carson d Grier.) is, Corner of 4th and Tryon 6ts., ' CHARLOTTE, N. C. jan" 1-Im. BOAEDDTG. MRS. A. Y?i MILLER fa prepared to ac commodate Boarders with meals, or with meals only, as the Boarder mar desire. ' The buildinsr. O corner of Trade and Church streets is new one ; the rooms are cleanly, comfort- auiy, ueany iumisneu, ana well attended The table is as good as the market iii afford. Terms most liberal. tosniteUrt-a are working for moderate salaries. jan I-tf THE BAKE OF MECXLENBTJBG, CHAELOTTE, N. C. Authorized Capital $500,000, Jaa. Tubker Tate, President. Thos. W. Dewey, Cashier, F. H. Dewey, Asst. Cashier. AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF TATE & DEWEY. This Bank Chartered Under Act of the General Assembly and dnlv under Laws of the State of North Carolina with ample means is prepared to transact General Banking Business. and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. The bank will receive Dnnnsits snhiW in Check, and will Allow Interest AwnT!inr to Agreement on all Deposits left on time, or issue eruncates ol deposit bearing in terest at the rate of Eight per cent per Annum on all sums lying undrawn over thirty days. Gold and Silver Coin, Bullion and old Bank Notes Bought and Sold. - THOS. W.DEWEY, jan. 1 1873. Cashier. , JUST RECEIVED. FOUR Fine Pork Hogs, 6 bbls., Large Sweet Potatoes, 2 bbls., Large Onions, 1 Tierce of Sugar Cwed Hams new anil very fine, Heckler's Pork Sausage received daily, Fisher's celebrated Mince Meat, 20 sacks strictly Family Flour, 20 bushels find Mountain Apples, Chesnuts, Irish Potatoes, Dried Fruit of all kiuds, 10 doz. of Domestic Fresh Canned Peaches and Cherries, all of which will be sold at the lowest figures, at B. N. SMITH'S. jan 4 TO THE LACHES. SOME TTDSTV STYLE" 33 A T S 5 J U oT RECEIVED BY EXPRESS T filES MORNING MRS. QUERY'S, nov 30t LARGE LOT SHOULDER SCARFS,NIL SON TIES and Bows all Colors at greatly reduced prices, just received at nov30J MRS. QUERY'S. NEW Lot WATERPROOF CLOTH just received fine qualttv at low prices, at nov30t MRS. QUERY'S. A LL Sizes and Colors of the best brands Kid Gloves, at noyj$0: MRS. QUERY'S. "VfEW LOT CORSETS, HOOPSKIRTS & XV Bustles, just received at nov 30 MRS. QUERY'S. Clover Seed. A Supply of Pennsylvania Red Top jCL Clover Seed, at STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. jan 9 J. M. LEAK & CO. No. 4, Granite Row, Opposite CENTRAL HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, K C. Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail deal ers in Manufactured Tobacco, Smok ing Tobacco, and Cigars of all grades. Dealers in the above goods will I do well to examine our stock oefore pur chasing elsewhere as we can offer greater inducements, jan 14-tf J. T. SUGGS, (Successor to Coit and Suggs',) Trade St., next door below Merchants' & Farmers' National Bank. DEALER m GROCERIES & LIQUORS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. KEEPS constantly on band a large and well selected stock of BACON, LARD, MACKEREL, FLOUR, MOLASSES, SU GAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, CAN DIES, SODA, SOAPS, CANDLES, SE GARS, TOBACCO, Ac., Ac. ALSO, Com. Wheat, Rye, Oats, &c., bought and sold on commission. . jan 14-6m . EXCELSIOR ! ! THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST i r tO PL A K TEES WE , Offer the foftSwing Fertilizers : Patapsco Guano, Chesapeake Guano and Watson & Clarke's Super-Phosphate. We have pleasure in again tendering t0 our Farmers the above first-class Fertili zers. U To those who' have used them so many years we need only say. that they are guar anteed; to be fully np to their previous high standard, ! And to such as haye not yet used them one trial Will convince them that they are superior to all others ; so make sure of supply and I please hand in your orders earlyj as Ithei consumption exceeds the manufacturing power, i , . For sale in rfriy quantity, by STENHOUSE MACAULAY & CO. jan 10 ' , ' : w-, v::;'v. NOTICE. THOSE tiersons to whom we haye ex tended credit during the past year will confer favor upon nsly calling at once and settling their accounts, as this must be our last appeal: . REMEMBER IT ! ;r If V R. M, MILLER & SONS, janll : Mercbai r-t ;m