P. CALDWELLi Loral Editor. JOS. Sunday, January 19, 1873. - - i i - Advertisement. ,r The following new advertisements ap-1 peer this morning the first time. Factory Hands Wanted. Cburcl pies To-dy. -Baptist Church Services to-day at 11 A. M. and at .7 P. M. Pev J B Boone,' rastor. Mithoipist CiruKCH. Services, at 11 A. M. and at 7 F. M. Rev L 8 Burkbead, Pastor. ..' ,'. ' : Lgtheba Chubch. Consecration 8er v,ce at U A. M. Evening Service at 7 V.M. ' CvtvAKT Mission Chubch, Service at U A. and afc 7 P M BeT- W S- 1Ial torn. TasJor. v 4 . . Pbes3YTEbia Cucech. Services at 11 A. M., and at 7 P. M. Rev. A. W. Miller, D. D., Pastor. EpipcoML Chubch. Services at 11 A. andJP-M. Rev. B.S.Bronson, Rec- tor. ! :; ; . ; - .t .5 - Catholic CnuBcri. Services at 11 A. M. Bev. Father O'Connell, Priest. This being Sunday, it is incumbent on every one to go to church. : : The Mayor disposed of no cases yester day morning, and the Conrt was devoid of interest. : Col. Jcihn Ej Brown introduced a bill in the House on Friday to incorporate the town of Huntersville, in this county. A south-west snow fell in this plrce Fri day nighi and yesterday morning, without covering the ground, however. Found. A small brass key about two inches ia length, was found on West Try on street yesterday morning. The owner can get it by applying at this office. ; : Masque Ball. A correspondent gives in to-day's paper a graphic account of the masque! ball given in this city Friday night. His communication will be read with interest. The Wedding Ring. A correspon dent accounts thusly for the wearing of the wedding ring on the fourth finger of the hand. He says it is put on that finger because, in the original formula of mar riage, it was placed first on the top of the thumb, with the words ' "In the name of the Father;" then on the next finger with, "And of the Son :" then on the middle finger with, "And of the Holy Ghost and finally I on the fourth, with the "Amen." Lump of Gold. Wi were shown yes terday by Col.! C. J. Cowles, the lump of gold recently found in Union county, some twentytfive niiles South of Charlotte, on or near Big Richardson Creek, on the land of Jo. Tomberlin, Esq., and which ia remarkable as a rich and beautiful speci men. Its weight is 174 pennyweights and is valued at one dollar a pennyweight. The specimen i found is estimated as being 900 fine, 1,000 being the standard gold. The lump will be assayed by CoL C. at the U. S. Mint in this city. ON OUR TABXE. The Working Man. The first number of the Working Man, by Tilman R. Gaines, Columbia, S. C, has made its appearance. It is an elegant eight-page journal. The reading is largely original, and devoted to subjects of practical benefit to the people of our State and times. The first arid second pages are filled with interesting editorial matter and items of news ; the tliird page is devoted to science and litera-fj-e; the fourth page to agriculture; the fifth page to the mechanical arts ; the sixth j e to education ; the BeTenth to immi gratica. : and the eighth to the fireside. I've Working 3fan is not sectarian or Political, but designed as a first class fam ily and business journal. Surely the pro gress loving and workine people of 8outh Carolina will' not fail to encouraee and be benefited by such a paper. The price is only $2 a year. In clubs of five, $1.75, hi clubs of ten. SL50. Sneci- 1 9 - men copies sent free. ; ; Address, Working Man, Columbia, S. C -a. iuudel JrARLOB MAGAZINE, This IS a . . essentially true of Demoresft Monthly, which combines literary attractions of a very hiigh order, with the most complete array of Reliable Fashions of any periodi cal in the country. It is a "model," also. of artistic beauty in its illustrations and typography as any one can see by reference o the beautiful February number, which we Dnd on our table.- This popular Maga- x.nie, together with two fceautirui and artis- tic Oil Chromos, representing in value $18, and all for $3, is amore -the marvels of I uici ury enterDrisea. 4 The Best Boys' and Gibls' Magazine. enrnests1 Young America is always spark- lmS with entertaining Stories, Poems, Masicj Puzzles, Games," Travels, and other pleasant features, is profusely illustrated, J wuuui, liui vo amuse, jnsvrucs ana 1 elevate, and assist to make the lives f youthful Americans useful, truthful and i' m - - aaPpy. The February number, just re-. ceived is a real gem. Yearly, $1.0& Ad- uress fi. Jennings Demorest," 838 Broad- way, W. Y. ; -, -'cib, a6 air. u. jviayer s bakery -and confectionery, in this cityi but who' Aaance 1 removed to some point lb 6oro-i Mir J " aA..wi, Allied a niart nna if -"If. MOTS A Wa'a Wa"; nntaMf anA pnetor of a liquor , saloon, and was attacked in his own. house by the hwJhf drew a pUtol and seot flim dead, " ' "'. - fcOilKKICATXD.TTlf Thete was a sound of revelry by night" in the goodlie town: of Charlotte, on the evening of the l$tfrvinst and ) the law abiding citizens who chanced to be put on the streets about o'clock had good reason ito-'apprehend that our quiet town was abotbinvadd by the ubiquitous and mysterious K. IL. or Utat the superstitious times of witch and trariock'bad returned.'. But the simple truth Was that a masquerade was on hand, andjhe young people had no intention of violating the of the law U. BV Government, prohibiting, all disguises to be worn. (There was "a chiel amang 'em tak-J ilTX&Zml we reachbaihe festive halL what a blaze of glory and splendour burst upon our dazzled" vision ; ladies fair and I gallanti knigUta, braye soldiers and jollytars, savage In-, dians and wild Highlandnfangreat goblins and littlia devils J and wJen-7 1 "Music arose with its .voluptuous swell. Soft eyes looked love to eyes which spoke again,' 'v r-.Z. And all went merry as a marriage bell.". We looked upon the gentlemen "with a critics eye," and hope that we will not pass by any of their perfections. George Washington was there, without his little hateheti 1 The father of his coun try is always welcome guest in this town, (as this ; is the birth plaw of American freedom, and we naturally take an interest in those we start on a glorious career.) Napoleon I. Imperator t "The glass of fashion, and the mould , of form, the ob served of all observers." He walked the floor with the stately tread of a conqueror and carried the hearts of the fair sex by storm like his pototype at the Bridge of Areola. ; Buffalo Bill was there in all his glory. handsome and v gay. He contemplated lifting the scalp ol Shack Nasty Jim, Chief of the Modocs, bat was mollified by a Span ish Lady who kindly recognized him and allowed the wild Western man to hand her out in- "the maiy." - The Clown did his part in a most life like manner and was a success; and "many a wicked smile he smole and many a wink he wunked." The Country Beau was out in full splen dor ; Ichabod Crane in all his glory was not arrayed like unto him. The White and Black Domino, repre senting rocial equality, 15th amendment, was a double sided fellow ; fair to look upon on the one sideand dark on the other. The Red and White Domino was sup- posed by some to represents the ;War of the; Roses, although there was" nothing there J but a blossom, (and a rare one it was)' His countenance was a happy combination of a smashed nose and a glass eye. The Polish Officer reminded.ua of scenes we have read of in European Courts. He carried his sword and plumes well. How the "Howling Swell," did his part so well, 'twere hard to telL The Dutch Drover was very fine ; espe cially the whip, and all that he said One little fellow in a tight red suit ; re- Inarkablc for a protuberance in front and a modest habit of standing still. Another little fellow, with horns on his head ; very diabolical. The noble Duke, with velvet and ermine : very handsome. But softly who comes herd ? . By his priestly cowl and monastic habit, methinks it is a monk ! By his devotion solely to the fair sex, true to his calling, we know it is a monk And I last, but not least, here comes the large old woman, the mother of them all! When she entered the hall what a bustle among the crowd S When she danced, ye Gods ! pause and tremble, for "ven ever she gives a shorn p, she makes de vinders sound," and "what a fall was there my countrymen !" The Nova Scotia Giantess would have taken a back seat if she had been present. This was decidedly the best rwjr.nme unions' the centlemen It be impossible to, give a detailed de : 5?. - . 1 .... , scription of all the costumes of the gentle men on this occasion. Suffice it to say that all played their parts well. Just here, however, the critic would venture to ob- serve, in a spirit of friendly remonstrance that some young gentlemen displayed great recklessness and an utter disregard for then- lives in .dancing on such slender supports ARIEL. Foreign Notes. The Theatre in Odessa, Kussia, was burned last Tuesday. The recent plague swept away thousands of cattle in Japan. The new Mexican, dollar has been oflBcially adopted at Canton, China. Bloody. election riots .have taken placet recently in , the , town pi rar- na, sputn America. boiler in a factoTv at Charleroi. near jBrusseltf exploded on Tuesday with ; fatal results. Eleven persons were; instantly killed, and a large uuiuuu nuuuucu.- Tbie steamship Erie, bound from Rio JaneircT for New York, was burn ed all sea on the 2nd inst. s All hands saved. Ship "Chillingham Castle" Twehty-six" peradns were drowned. was sunic ux me aieaiierranean sea. l1!! " T. All. aC-VOXO auu n icsticis 1. waAu. v v a. .-. V.oon n nt fi ed - th at 1 th e v ; can I 11a u w thfiir nrofessiohs three years nn wr. after whlcli they must fol - low sonie moVe useful and" honora- ble employment. I ,r, -,8 ,. road, bad attempted suiciaei on previous evening, ! by W takingf lav nuni . ' Th6' fact -was discovered 1 thought ithattshd twouldi recover. Domestic troublers: are thought Jto have instigated srttemptlfr. JovrnaV i I1.J auutr aou I lime ana XfT Vf- jrv,juauu-wi vw i Virginia UanK jotes average aooui. yrr state iraw;. 1 Hon. T. S. Ashe ia " on a viait to Wilmington. Newbern being had uptakes to cro quet aa the last desperate resort. - The small pox in Franklin, and Nash is on the decline. n A negro 1 by the name of Owen Merer was hungin Koqky Mount on Thursday for child murder. i A fire occurred in Wilmington on Thursday morning which occasion ed a loss of some $5,000. Flags Kere at . half mast in Wil mington in respect to the dead Na- poleon. f TheV Israelites in Wilmington are making good progress towards rais ing funds for th erection of a Jew ish Synagogue in that city. Mr. J. D. Hearne writes the Wades boro :'i Herald that he didn't freeze to death Dec. 22nd, as reported, in that paper. Mr. Hearne ought ti know. The Raleigh' Neics contafns the following : Phillip Hill, dolored, died near Pittsboro, X .0., on the 11th instant, aged 108 years. He was formerly the slave of Dr. Strong, of Sampson county, father of George V; Strong, Esq.," and afterwards the slave of the late Doctor F. J. Hill. He walked to Pittsboro on every elec tion day, and always voted the straight Democratic ticket, casting his last vote for Greeley and Brown. He was in the full enjoyment of his faculties to the day of his death, be ing wonderfully well preserved, and bid fair to live many years longer, but his house catching on lire he made such active efforts to subdue the flames, fec, as to completely overcome him and he died in a mo ment. His house with its contents burned to the ground, COMMERCIAL Cotton Tax. The Committee of Ways and Means will have before them on Tuesday next the proposition to refund the cotton tax. Twelve hundred and eleven bales of cot ton arrived in Portsmouth on Thursday. ui this amount hve hundred and sixty bales were consigned .to Norfolk and Ports mouth -merchants. English Finances. The latest advices to the New York Herald report that the London market is unsettled and lower for consols, but buoy ant and higher for United States securities. Thcv Knv latter fliTvani'pfl i7tlX npr rwnt. The decline in consols is attributed to a feeling 01 depression arising out of num- erous failures in the Manchester trade, and also to failures at Stock Exchange in con nection with the fortnightly settlements of Wednesday. Eries opened at an ad vance of li per cent upon the previous night s closing price, but during the course of the day gradually lost the improvement, closing at 49, equivalent on this side to about bOf . In Pans rentes were active and strong at a further rise to 54.27. The money market was easy, with, dur ing the greater portion of the day, a more plentiful supply at bg7 per cent, tenders accepting the lower rate quite freely even on pledge of the usual collaterals of the Stock Exchange, and many of the borrow ers on governments refusing to pay any more. After the business ot the day was well over and in the interval just before the close of banking hours the demand became more active, and the latest dealings on the side walk were at 7 per cent coin. The currency movement is still in favor of the city, and large consignments of na tional bank notes are coming from the in terior. Commercial paper was quiet and quoted 8(g) 12 per cent discount for prime names. lie' CH All LOTTIE MAHKETS. Cotton Market aiPOBTEP DAILY TOR THE OBSERVES BY MESSES. BTEJfHOUSE, MACAULAY A CO. Charlotte, Jan. 18. COTTON Sales to-day light. - We quote extremes 151 to 181, market dull and lower, NEW YORK. MARKET. Market dull. Low Middling 19i ; Mid dling 20. Futures quiet and nominal Jan. 19 ; FeP. 19 ; March 19 13-16 April 20 3-16. Provision Market. COERECUED DAILY BY W. H. H. HOUSTON CO. PROVISION MARKET- -Flour $4.25 to $4.50 per sack, on market. New Corn 65 to 70 cents, little onenng, good demand. W h eat ? l .50 utue onenng no demand. Oats 50 to 55 cents good demand Peas, strictly clay. 90 $1 other kinds 80 to 90. Good demand. Fresh Butter 20 to 25 cents. Mountain Butter, in Kits, 16 centsno demand. . Chickens 16 to 20 cents. Eggs 15 to 20 cents, with good demand to-day. Bacon (.Baltimore bulK sides.) sf to y cents. No North Carolina on Market. - Lard Baltimore Flake in quantity lHta 12 cents. Tallow 10 to 12 cents. Beeswax 25 to 31 cents Sweet Potatoes, $1 to $1.25 per bushel Good demand. Irish Potatoes SO to $1 cents per bushel Aonies (Good Mountain) 75 to $1.25 per bushel, as to duality. , Salt no Liverpool in marKec oyracuse in Liverpool sacks, $2.10 to $2.15 per sack. Factorv Yarn$15 to $1.60 per bunch. LIQOURS N C Corn, $1.40 to $1.50 good demand , -, Apple JJrandy, $1.50 to $1.75 good? de mand. , Peach Brandy, $1-75 to $2.00 good de mand. Financial Market. I .DTio bates or bak notes, c, bt BAKE OF MECKLEHBCRC, TRTOH STREET, CHARLOTTE, H. C. 8ank Cape Fear 1C Bank of Charlotte, . ; Clarendon, 0 Lexington, 0 . (Graham,) 0 Thomasville, 2 " Wadesboro', 10 Wllmmgton. 15 " commerce, , t " Fayettevllle, 2 N Carolina, 30 " Roxboro. 2 " Washington, 0 YancevvUle. 0 Commercial Bank of Wilmington, c.ni.n' Ran lr rt "Mrrt.h Carolina. Greensboro Mutual Insurance Co., old,J 0 Umhuitg' Ron If nf TiJftWbern. : 5 Uinor'iant) PlnntrR' Bank. . I . ' 10 so R.nir nf the State of North Carolina. z 4W These quotations are liable to fluc tuation, and cannot oe reuea o w , i.n(Tth .it time. . .Remittances for all Ban Notes sent us made either In Currency or Northern runas, at par Medical iHanuers. . From the period when sursreons annlied their salves to weapons instead of wounds to the present wide-awake age, the medi cal profession has often unwittinzlv taken side with Disease in its conflicts with the I human system. Even vet. in snite of the teachings of centuries of exrjerience. some i physicians believe in depleting their pa-j "oiBi jumxujr eenuusiy eiiiausteu oy bjc. ness, with powerful evacuants. emetics salivants, cautharidal plasters, or the lan cet. But, providentially, public intelli-i pence is anead 01 tbese medical fossils, who befn of rijrht, toffhe erai)f the Crusades! That iMiwexful aliav of atnre in- its war- Tare with the causesof sickness. Hostctter's stomacn Uitters, lias opened the eyes of tne masses to the paramount importance of increasing the vital strength of the body when menaced by disease. They under stand that when the atmospheric condi tions areraofverse to liearaias7for exam ple. In" aairfp, chillv 6t severel eold weath er it ss wise to reinffiroeihesystem with a wruj4esome; tonic and stimalant,;: and thus enable nombatridtepfelthe denres- sing mnuence 01 an inclement tempera ture. If the constitutional and animal powers were always thus recruited in the presence of danger, the mortality from con sumption, bronchitis, chronic rheumatism. ifeev, f cflld-SeJnfiicnf figs Than It no is. The dauies wMeti produce croupsi colds. nil(na 4lnk. ..W A . i.t.l alfect a strong and ? active" vital system : And of all vitalizing jpimmtions, Hostet- mst s-utwciMiiuuiruwd uivnogt&enuieDi, It is not claimed that this standard tonic is a specific for lung and throat maladies. as it is for dyspepsia, liver complaint and mternuttents, but it is unhesitatingly as serted that it is the best known safeguard against all the atmospheric elements of disease. "Can't Do Without It." This is what the stage and horse car companies, liverv stable keepers, members of the turf, and all grooms and trainers say of the Mustang Liniment. They "can't do without it.' And why 7 .Because it infallibly reduce the external swellings, &c., which, under van ous names, impair the usefulness and value of the king of quadrupeds, and also because, for sprains, strains, galls and other injuries to which horse-flesh is liable, it is the most trustworthy preparation in the market. Yet these recommendations comprise only a portion 01 its claims to public confidence. During a period of more than sixteen years, it has been re cognized as a specific for many of the most agonizing disorders which afflict the hu- in family such as rheumatism: gout, neuralgia, lumbago, ticdoloreux, sore throat, earache, toothache ; and likewise 2s a peeness a ppncauon ior cuts, Druises, lumsand scalds. Ir you feel dull, despondent, drowsy. debilitated, have frequent headaches, mouth tastes badly, poor appetite, auA tongue coated, you are "suffering from tor pid liver, or "Billiousness." .Nothing will cure vou so speedily and permanently as Dr. if lerce s (jrolden Medical Discovery. A Healthy Digestion, Life is rendered miserable when the di gestive organs are impaired. Food be comes repulsive : the body emaciated : the mind depressed ana melancholy broods oyer you. TUTT'S v jsgeTA BLE L1VEK FILLb is the remedy for these evils : they produce sound digestion : create a good appetite, impart refreshing sleep and cheer fulness of mind. Dr. Tutt's Hair Dye Is Harmless. ASTHMA. Any medicine which will alleviate the Ptiroxims of this dreadful disease will be hailed with joy by thous ands 01 sunerers. rne certmcates wnicn accom.-any Jonas whltcomb's Remedy, are from the most reliahie sources, and at test to its wonderful powerful power, eyen in tne most severe cases, josepu Burnett & Co., roprletors, Boston. FREE ADVERTISING. From family to family, from city to city, from state to state, tne tame 01 ur. w ai Ker s vegetaDie Vinegar Bitters as a specific for all derange- I ments ol tne stomach, bowels and liver, is continually extending. its voluntary missionaries are innumerable, and public - enthusiasm in its favor spreads faster thau a praire nre. DON'T SLIGHT YOUR TEETH. He- member that upon their labor, the health of the stomach depends. Keep them per fect, and in order to so. manipulate tnem with a brush dip -ed in the fragrant Sozo- dont, once or twice a day. WHO WILL SUFFER ? It is now 2 since Dr. Tobias' Venitian Liniment was pnt before the public : warranting it to cure Chronic Rheumatism,-- Headache, Cuts. Burns, Bruises. Uid Sores, fains in the Limbs, Back and Chest, and it ha never failed. Sold by all Druggists. Depot 10 Fark Mace, New York. FOB DYSPEPSIA. Indiaestion.depres- sion of snirits and general debility in their various forms; also, as a ore ventive against Fever and Ague, and oilier intermittent fevers. The Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya, made by Caswell, Hazard & Co., New York, and sold by all Druggists, is the best tonic, and as a tonic for patients re- coving from lever or otner sicKness, it has no equal. THTJRSTON'S IVORY PEARL TOOTH POWDER. The best article known for cleansing and preserving the teeth and gums. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. F. C. Wells & Co.: New York. CHRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE. This magnificent compound is beyond contin- gency.tne saiest and most? Tename uyein existence" ; never failing to impart to the Hair.uniformity of color.nourishment and elasticity. Manufactory, 68 Maiden Lane, New York. CARBOLIC SALVE unequalled as Healing Compound. Physicians recom mend It as. the most wonderful remedy ever known. Price 25 cents per box. John F. Henry, Sole Proprietor. 8 Col lege Place, New York. Rislev Buchu Is a reliable Diuretic and Tonic lor all derangements ot the urinan and genial organs. Thgenuine,as former ly sold by riaviiand, hiarrai s Kiseiy ana their branches, is now nreD;red by H. W. the trade UDmied by his successors. Mor gan and Risley, New York. &va.imia. Is Ooium norified of its sicken- ine and noisononsDroDertles.discovered bi Dr. Bieelow. Profe sor of Botany. Deiroit Medical College. A most perfect anodyne and soothing opiate. Jonn Farr, Chemist, New York. PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. More acci dents occur from using unsafe oils, than from steamboats and railroads conbined. Over 200.000 families continue to - burn Pratt's Astral Oil. and no accidents direct ly or indirectly have occured from burn ing, storing or handling it. uu Jriouse or ChaS. Pratt, Established 1770, New York.' T. D. Clancy A Co.. Charleston,agenttt for S. C. W Have Freanentlv Heard mothers say they would not be without Mrs. Wln- slow's Soothing Syrup, from th birth of the child Tin til It has finished with the teething siege under any consideration whatever. The Secret of Beauty. What Is It ? no longer asked, for the world of fashion and all the. ladles know that It is produced by using 'a delightful and iharmless toilet preparation known as O. W. Laird's "Bloom of Youth." Its beautifying effects are truly wonderful. Depot, 5 Gold St., N. I . A 2 A Hare Chance for Charlotte ! ! ! FOR three months I wfl Paint Portraits for $25," sUclr as are generally charged $200. Persons wishine Portraits of their departed friends cat; obtain them if . they have a good Photograph of them. I shall 1 i 5 a. - oe pieasea w snow yon specimens oi my i - i r,j 3? I Tfc -r wore hl my oiuuio aoove xrem, xtrown Go's Hardware Store. , - A. J. BUTT,' aexyxx-vOT ' " r vnarioxce. v. ITew Artisements, Agents Wanted for Cobbin'a Child's ConinilaJtor ON Til C niRLEi. far the noME CTR. CLB. ;;100 pages. 250 Engravings; The best enterpriser of the rear for aeenta. Every family will havb it. Koikina LiiA tno pubiuhed. For4reulari address ;, f V GOODSFEED & CO jaalHlw.. 37ParkRowN-Y. BOOK AGENTS now at work, or look ing for some new book, should write at once for ;cinarVbC;tlie'est4iellin; oooks puDusneu. jxtraordinary induce ments offered. Superb premiums aircn enmv. Particulars free. Address QUEEN CITY PUBLISHING CO janlr-4w Cincinnati, Ohio. 1872. JUBILEE 1 1 1873. better than; pictures is thb NEW YORK 0BSE&VEB The Great American Family Newspaper. $3 a Year with the JUBILEE YEAR BOOK. SIDNEY E. ) MORSE & CO., 37 Park Row, New York. SEND FOR A SAMPLE COFS. jan 1-4 w ' , TRICKS and TRAPS of AMERICA Would you avoid being "bit" by Rogues. Swindlers and Huniuusrs I Read tha "Star Spangled Banner." A large. Illus trated 40 column & page paper, Ledger size. Splendid Stories, Sketches, Tales, Poems, wit. Humor, ruzles, Recipes. 6c. 11th year, $1 a year, with elegant Prang Chromo, Autumn Leaves,'? 'free to all. Only $1. Try it once. Satisfactton guaranteed. Agents wanted, outfit FREE. Specimens. &c for 6 cents, address "BANNER.'1 Hinsdale, N. H. jan l-4w If yon wish to be cored of the habit. addiMB E. CXAUKF, BE. ., Bit. VtrBOB,OUs. jan 1-4 w A Per day ! Agents w tyCJ ted ! All classes wan- of working people, jof either sex, young or old, make more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. . Ad dress v . Ur. SYIJSSON & CO., jan l-4w Portland, Maine. reward; For any . case of Blind, Bleeding, Itching or Ul cerated Piles that Db Bing's Pile Remedy fails to cure. It is prepared expressly to cure the Piles, and nothing else. bold by all Druggists. Price f 1. jan 1-4 w HOW, WHEN AND WHERE TO ADVERTISE. SEE THE ADVERTISER'S GAZETTE, i By Mail, 25 cents. Address, GEO. P. ROWELL & CO, jan l-4w 41 Park Row, N. Y. -AND UNDERTAKING. r K CO O 00 w f H O F. SBELTOn HAVING greatly increased his Stock of FURNITURE which consists in part ol Parlor Suits, Black, Walnut Painted Chamber Suits, French and Cottage Bedsteads, Spring Beds, Bureaus, Washstands, Teapoys, Folding Tables, Ladies Work Tables, Extension and Centre Tables, Whatnots Safes, Excelsior and Cotton Mattresses, Chairs and Stools of various styles and many other things not necessary to mention. The Undertakers Department is complete from the cheapest ,roplar Comn to the Finest Hexigan Head and Foot Walnut Casket Half Glass Top, finished and trim med in the most approved style, will be kept constantly ready lor use, all of which will be sold at a most reasonable price. Returning many thanks for past favors I most respectfully ask the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country, who have need for anything in my line to cive me a call be tore purchasing elsewhere. south lrade Street opposite the Market House, Charlotte, N. U- jan lstl873-ly " F. M. SHELTON; NOTICE, WE have this day sold our entire stock of Groceries, Liquors, &c., to Messrs. ing from business respectfully ask a con tmuance of the liberal patronage bestowed upon us to our successors. - -GttJSUOlir & WILLIAMSON, - W. J. BLACK & CO. jan 1, 1873. . Having" purchased W. J. Black & Co'jg and Gregroy & Williamson's entire .stock of Goods, we have opened at Gregory K Williamsons old stand, next door to McMurray, Davis A Co's, at which place we will constantly keep a complete Stock of I GROCERIES, LIQUORS, AO, And would respectfully ask a call from the puDuc W. H. H. HOUSTON & UU. P. S. W. J. ORR and T. D..WALSH I formerly with Gregory & Williamson, and McD. ARLEDGE, formerly ; with W. J. I vki m aT' il . H a 1 4iac& ct, jo., are wun us ana wilt oe pieas- 1 i . i i . f ' 1 -i j a eaw see weir menu ana customers. W. H. H. HOUSTON & CO. l jan r $1000 AiwUon Store. Land Sale. BY Virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county. I shall pro ceed to sell at public auction in the City of unariotte at tne uourt House ooor on the 15th day February. 1S73, a certain lot of lank situated in the city of Charlotte on Tryon street adjoining, th lantls of A. B. r:inn v u ...i uailUKNIyl, 11. V4USUII Hi 111 CVUHUU' ing one acre more or lew. The title to said land is unquestionable. Terms of sale are 1 cash and the balance of purchase money to be seen red by bond with approved security. Sa'-e subject to conformation by said Alamance Superior Court. J. E. ECTOR, Commis'r. T. II. GAITHER, jan 16-30t eod Auctioneer. DISSOLUTION. rriHI firm of Eccles & Gaither. is this A day dissolved by mutual consent, H. t . ticcles retiring. ECCLES & GAITHER. January 12th, 1873. The business will be continued at tha old stand by the undersigned, jan 11 THOMAS H. GAITHER. Rooms to Bent I have several nice Ropms over Wilson & Black's Drug Store to Let, on reasona ble Terms. THOMAS II. (JAiTlIER, Auctioneer, Commission Merchant jan 12 And Real Estate Agent. Horses" at Private Sale. i I have four fine Family Horses for sale. Call at the AUCTION STORE. T. n. GAITHER. jan 12 CANNED FRUIT, JUST RECEIVED at the Auction Store 1,500 cans of fresh Peaches, Cherries, Damsons and Black berries, Mthich will be sold very cheap by the case. T. H. GAITHER. jan 15 R. M. MILLER & SONS, :0: G E O C E B 8 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS -.0: HAVING Completed onr new three storv building, on the corner of Col lege and Fourth streets, we have just REMOVED into it, and are ready for our Customers. Our House is divided into five Depart ments 1st Department Fancy Groceries. Soaps, Candles, Candy, Starch, Soda, Raisins, Oyster. Sugar, Coflce, Tens, Spices, Prizp Candies, Brandy Peaches, &c, dec. Purchased direct from the Manufacturers with the view of supplying tha WHOU&5AL.E TRADE. 2nd Department Heavy Goods. Molasses, Bacon, Flour, Lard, Mack- erel, &c. Our facilities for handling such goods, are superior to those of any mercantile house ia the City. Merchants may rest assured that they can always obtain good of us at TOE LOWEST FIGURES. 3rd Department Produce. Cotton, Corn, Wheat Oats, Rye, Hay, Ac. Bought at highest cash prices, Hold on Commission. Stored, with cash advances made upon the. same. We invite special at tention to our commission and storing business, . TO WHICH WE 1'A Y CLOSE PER SONAL ATTENTION. 4th Department Phosphates. WE ARE AGENTS FOR ZELL'8 and other SUPER PHOSPHATES, the most reliable article on the Mar -ket. Certificates from reliable farmers furnished on Appli cation. We are also Agents for GILHAMS CELEBRATED T0BACCO FERTILIZER. 5th Departments-Leaf Tobacco Warehouse. WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH TUB Revenue Law, and are now ready to re ceive Laf Tobacco, which we will buy or sell on commission. Our Warehouse fees are less than the same at Richmond or Dan ville, and the best prices IN THOSE MARKETS ALWAYS OB TAINED. OUR laree and commodious HALL will be finished and opened to the Public about the First of March. WE THANK a generous public for the liberal patronage which has heretofore been bestowed upon us, and we hope that through strict attention to business, and selling our goods at low figures we may ment a continuance of their favor. R. M. MILLER & SONS. January 11, 1873. 100 Boxes, FRENCH and American Window Glass, in good order. i WM. R. BURWELL db CO. jan 9, MACARONI, Corn Starch, Chocolate, Horsford's Bread Preparation, Pur Powder (singer and repper. WALK. J3UKWJSLL & JU, jan 9 Springs Corner. TROCHES of Lacto Phosphate, Lime and Pepsi m. f WM. K. JiUKWELL & CO. jan 9 - HAIR Brushes, English and Amercan. WM. R. BURWELL & CO. jan 9 LEWIS' Pure White Lead, Wit B BURWELL & CO. j9 ' ; , "fcenoTed R. P. WARING, Attorney at Law.l from his old omce on Tryon street, to the in the Court House next door to the uTs Office. . jan 9-6m office Sher- i;.

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