DUY THE CEHUrriE I;.r J M ' 'I f Si i: ! ' if i:M' ? ! 1. .a mi V: a;-. ir f! II 1 i .1 to. 1 I . Mabch so, lS72.T-On and after Sunayi 31 'Instant, the Passencer Trains oveA jthls Toad will leave and arrive at Charlotte, as follows.: .. . ")r -1 ' t .7.10 p. m. - Arrive cnmina west, at 7.2H a. jn. i 1 5 Leave, going east, at ' 'Arrire, coming'weRt, at 8. SO p. Wilmington Q. ll Byroad- .Leaves, -,, Arrives. .if &0u a. m Atlantis, Tennessee) & Ohi? K3k? ;: SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, V A Ciiab wttk, N. O., 3 uly 22nd, Id?: ' ) , rW.m.lnftprThBrs(lav. theoth. the fbl-T Vj lowing Schedule will bo. pm over this y : . Hiiad "daily. (Sunday, execptpd.) ' - : Leave StatdsiUw TOPtiT : 7.00 A. Arrive at CliarlodeJ ' 105 " ! " ; -11 Arriteat 8tiitcville,! -1- 7.00 AU dmrges must b( pre-paid on Freifit -offeietl 'foT shipment to. .Section House, llenderson, Alexandriana, Ilnnter's.-Cald-weU's, Tatom's and Freelands; These being 5, "Fiag Stations,'Jthe Company i not liable for anv los or damage to freight .after ,t is unloaded, at citiier ol tlxe abve points. V No frsigh t will be received hy Agents, or fonvardeil unlcsw the name of Consignee, , and destination is distinctly marked there on. J. J. 6 CRM LEY,; july 23 Suiwrintendent. Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Hailroad. "Columbia; S. C.,' Seii,r'22, 1372J J " GEN. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE., On - and after MONDAY SEPT 22, the following Schedule. Avil b& run over this Road : . ! TIME TABLED . ' . ; . GOING SOUTH. . ' Train No. 1. Train No. 2 Leave Charlotte, 7.15 a.m. 8.20 p. m: Leave Columbia,- 2.29"p: m. -T - 3..WXIH. Arrive Augusta, 7.42 p. m. ; 8.20 a. m. GoiXG noetii. : Iieave Augusta, 0,, a. m. 5..rt0 p. Leave Columbia, 11.53 a. m. :11.05 p. Arrive Charlotte, 0,15 p.m. 0.00 a.. Sttand;ml Time ten minutes ."lower tha TWaahingtoh City time,., and six nlinntea faster than Columbia City time. No. 1 Train daily. No. 2 Train daily, Sundays excepted. Both trains-make close connection to all points-North,. Southland west.. ; Through tickets sold and baggage check ed to all principal points. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen. Supt. E-'R. Poksey, Gen. Fr'ght & Ticket Agt. junc 11 Time Table Western N. C. U.K. Takes effect Monday, May 22, 1871. ;E GOING f WEST. Arrive. Leave. 5.oo a. sr. 5 57 " 6.50 " 8.02 " 8.55 " M0 " 10.2.") " 11.10 " 11 5i) " 12.48 P. M. Salisbury, Tnird Creek, Ktatesville, Catawba Station, Newton, Hickory Tavern. Icard, Morganton, t : Bridewater, Marion, Old Fort, GOING EAST. 5.52 A. M. 6.45 " 7.42 " 8.50 " m 10.20 " 11.05 " 1 1.54 12.4.5 P. 51. 1.32 " Arrive. Leave. 7.15 a: m. 8.04 " 8.5:1 " 9.42 ' 10.27 " 11.12 " 11.57 " Old Fort, Marion, Brldgv water, Morganton, Icard, Hickory Tavern, Newton, Catawba Station, Htatesville, Third Creek, Salisbury, 7.59 A. K.4S " 'J.87 " 10.22 " 31.07 " J 1.52 " 12.45 P. M, 1.42 " 2.85 3.32 " 12.50 1.47 2.40 P. M. Trains Pass at Icard sX 10.25 A. jy 25 M. T ICHMOND XV ROAD. & DANVTLIiE RAIL IN', C. DIVISION". CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. In effect on and after Sunday, Dec, 22d, 1S72, GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Mail. Express. Leave Charlotte, 7.10 P. M. 6.25 A. M. " Concord, , 8.21 " 7.26 " " Salisbury, 9.50 " 8 34 " " Lexington, 10.51 " 9.03 " High Point, 11.58 A. M. 10.17 Arrive Greensboro 12.50 " 11.00 " Leave Greensboro, 1.45 ' 11.10 T " Com p. Shops, 3.30 " " 12.20 P. Mi " Hillsboro, 4.53 " Raleigh, k.05 Arrive at Goldsboro. 11.02 GOING SOUTh7 .... STATIONS. MAiii. : j Express. Leave Goldsboro', 4.00 P, M. .- . Ralelb, 7.45, : " Hillsboro', 10.21 - " Coinp. Shops, 12.05 " 2.15 P. M. Arrive Greensboro, 1.30 . M. 3.30 ' Leave Greensboro' r 2.15 " . 4.00 " ; 1 ' High Point, 3.04' ' " ,. 4.43 ." . Ljexington, 4.02 " 5..3.1 " ' Salisbury, 4.57 " 6.22 " - " Concord, 6.10 ' 7.28 " Arrive at Charlotte, 7.20 " 8.30 " Passenger train leaving llaleigh at 7:45 p. m., connects at Ureensboro' with No ih ern bound train ; making the quickest . time to all Northern cities. Price of tick ers same as via other routes.. Mail trains daily, both ways, over entire jengm oi roan, express daily between Company Shops and Charlotte Sunday Excepted. J- All Passenger trains connect at Greens-! boro' with trains to and from. Richmond. Pullman Palace. Cars on all night trains ueiweeu mu-ioiie anu uicnmionu, (witn ontchangeo S. E. ALLEN, . -.W.-H. GREEN, . Gen'lTiclket Agent Master Transportation. , . jy25 Special Notice to the iPuWic AS a great many ? changes have taken place this year. I tesnectrnllv hecr to inform the eitizens -of Charlotte and the public m general that no change has taken .r ..place at myestablishment. 1 taui still, at my oia sranaj.iNo. 24 Try on Street, David Parks' ; building with a larsre and rfll Selected stock of hq finest and latest styles r.,Ptostom-hiade cMtWug Jor.Men, Youths .. and Boys swear, apnand a fine stock os uents-., j; axniBmmnda, : Shirts; of Jialiou's make, theTw.piinghirt in the i.ne very Jiaxesc siyies ot Hats, StJarfs. Bows and Ties. Umbrellas. Ac. &6... . xrid.X.will tiU aeU:.tuxuU.)iriccs4Q'-.defy. J expect to leave for New , York City In a siiors rime to lay jn my stock of Clothing arid Piece Goods, for -mv Tailoring JfebiH -Jimentand willls bring-withme an .; experienced Cutter and.Tailor, and will be jeaay py airing to cut and make to ijrder at my own establishment and under my own supervision and at lowrires''than the same quality of goods ;yadel up m una ur any; ouier city,, tins s$uoj5 lialu- .. nnore. -svaf i - Being thankful to-the citizens of Char lotte and thcP public in general for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon n?16' X most respect ful ly. s ask aMcowtiiuaiice ,y,v i ue same. . llespectlully, . j Jn .-1 , ; ; - ; ,: - SHIUER. aiome and Democrat copy. 'A Mi ;STA SCALES Mor6 tlyfix 1250. AGsjiTji Also, tor fferot ' Mtxlificatlons. HE BEST AfcAKM lONET EAWEBS. BAKES & CO., 31 Broadway Se York. Liltimore., W Baltimore St G3 Carol iStU Nw rleans. KS t EWINO, 715 ChostnutJ5t., rinladelpliia. FJtlRNKS,lBROWX: 0O 118 Alilk Street, Boston. Fr Sale bv Leodihg Hardware Dealers. fpt 19 4m twice a week Jfc Y. BBYCEv General Commission Merchant, . TCIIARL0TTE,N. C. Particular attention paid to selling all kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco. Highest cash price paid for Cotton. roAiorders from a .distance promptly at X Y. BliYCE, teniieu 10. dec 21 '72. . Oats. FIFTEEN Hundred Bushels Mountain Seed Oats, for sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. " GOLD PENS, " A INMOST overy varietv and style of GOLD PENS, EBONY. RUBBER SIL VER and GOLD HOLDERS, to suit every body, at .."TIDDY e. dec 15 ..x .7-. r- WOULD: Inform the public that lie is -t f'"novV receivhis hisv FALL and WIN. TER STOCK of GOODS for MEN'S WEAR, and invites all wishing anything in his line to ; GIVE HIM A CALLl Of all kinds and at prices which defy com petition. His Stock of GENTS' FURNISH ING GOODS' is large and unsurpassed for beau tv and qualitv. ' HATS and CAFS of the latest style for MEN and BOYS. HAVING secured the Services of a No. 1 cutter, I am prepared to give satisfaction to all who favor me wiih their patronage. invite an inspection- of my goods and nccs. oct 12 ' Country Hams. TUS1 "UST received a fine lot of Country Cured O Hams, almost anv size vou mav want, ams, almost small or large. Call soon or vou-will miss them. J. F. BUTT'S, oct 17 Market WE GIVE FAIE NOTICE, SODOFT COMPLAIN. HEREAFTER ALL "BILLS ARE DUE MONTHLY (1st.) IF, NOT SETTLED, FURTHER CREDIT WILL rOSlf l VEL Y BE REFUSED, After January the First, 18T3. dec 31 TIDDY & BRO. CHOICE Odd French Brand v for Medi "chiar purposes, at F.SCARR'S. jan-3 NELSONS Geletine, a fresh supply, just received, at SCARR S. jan 3 Jul. j New assortment of Kerosene Lamps, just in, at ; SCARR'S. Jan 3 SAGE. Fine New Sage, just received at dec 18 SCARR'S. PURE POWDERED BLACK PEPPER, Free from Adulteration, at dec 18 - ' - SCARR'S. CHOICE Salad Oil, Finest article ever ; offered in this Market, for Sale at dec is r - SCARR'S. -;. Buckwheat ! : Buckwheat ! ! A Fresh Lot, Sale by Just Received and For f B. M. PRESSON. jan 5 SGjEEOOT BOOKS I SCHOOL BOOKS ! SCSOOL BOOKg I . , - - ' .:,: at ; - jan 4 . FAMILY GROCERIES. m;. f r e s s o n Trade Street,' next door to the Post Office, -I Sign of the Elephant. A Fresh Lot of Sausage,; Jlince Meat, tsJpSX ,F LO UR a specialty. 'E9-i Produce sold on commission, jan 3-ly : t tit fi:Mi?Paper-Bags. - ; .a. i V rapping lHiper and Paper Twine, for Sai.nC .i , -- ' -rUREFOVS. FANCY BOOK i JOB. We are prepared to do all kind of Book and Job Printing, from the smallest Card to the largest Poster, plain or in colors, printed on as reasonable terins as tli same work can be done at any establishment in the State. Merchants, Manufacturers, Profes sional Men, and others in want of Pamphlets, Briefs, Le gal Blank forms of every kind, Busi ness Cards, Vis iting Cards, Admission Cards, Invitations, Ball Tickets, Excursion Tickets, Hailroad Tickets, Pro grammes, Posters, Handbills, Dodgers, Circulars, Statements, Ac, Had better give ns a call, as we have & full supply of all kinds of Type, from 1-16 of an inch to 5 inches. Remember that Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Bailroad Blanks, Labels, Conductors Checks, or any description of Printing, done at reasonable rates, and in superior style. Orders from abroad will al ways receive prompt attention. Magistrate Blanks, Marriage li censes, Liens, fcc., kept for sale. j - - i - " - ST We pay special attention to COLORED PRIIITIflG, of every description, such as . i . f . -4., A''-f.- .'.-.. "'-T - Tobacco Labels, Bands, Notices, &c. JOKES A cLATJGHU. MEAQH A TVr ' S I G N OF TH jE KATXOAL BANK -BUILDLKQ, - CHARLOTTE, WHOLESALE & RETAIL TRUNKS. LEATHER and I NOW Invite the WHOLESALE and ibrtment of BOOTS & SHOES, which ,have, of my goods will compare favorably with P. S. I AM NOW PREPARED TO OFFER GOODS TO THE IVnOLES ALE TRADE on LIBERAL TERMS and LOW PRICES, August 2lst, 1S72 ' urn Lancaster Ledger copy six -months'!, " L Old and New for 1873. The Editor of OLD and NEW promises ! hia readers to give then in 1873, two vol- i umca even bettor than the . previous ones, i TIey, are to include serials iy Mr. . Hale", j Mrs. lireenough, and other first-class writ ers; short stories by Mrs. Stowe, MissMere-litli,- Mrs.- Whitney, Miss Hale, fee. ; the ctniti nuance of Mrs. Marti nean's wise and cheerful .series of 4apers on .the xclutkins between God and Man ; a series of papers on most interesting public questions; such., as Railroads and their power Woman Suffrage; Labor and Wages; the Problems t the New Administration, and the Like. Provision has also been made for articles on interesting points in natural history and plulosophy, by such anthjpti ties as Prof, J. P. Lesley, President -Titos. Hill, Dr. Grrfy, Mrs. W. II. Dall.'Dr. Kd logg, Ac, and for the enlargement and improvement of the critical, record, and art departments. The Magazine will thus more fuHy than ever .before, afford at once- an abundant suppJv ot tirst-class liglit reading, and an entertaining record of the most important items of human progress for the time being. VOL. VII. 1873. OLD AND NEW. The People's Magazine. Edited Inj Edward -E. Hale. The enlarged resources placed in the hands of the OLD AND NEW, by the pub- he and by the proprietors enable them; to announce a volume of wider interest than they have ever published. Mrs. Greenough's Story, "Pythonia," and Mr. Hale's Story, "Ups and Downs," will be continued- and completed in this volume. A Series of Short Stories by Miss Meredith, Mrs. Stowe, Mrs. Witney, Miss Hale, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Loring, and others, has been engaged. Mr. Martineau's Series will be continued in papers on "The Church and its Exclusive Claims," "'Scrip ture, and the Limits of its Authority, "Gxl in Humanity," fec The series of articles on Political Science by gentlemen of leognized ability, will comprise papers on "Kan roads, fcervants or Masters?" "The Raltet in England, "Land." "The Law of Maritime Jurisdic tion," "The Indian Question," "The Suf frage of Women," "Equal Taxation," "Tariffs and Protection," "What the New Administration must do," "Labor and Wages Question." The subjects of critical interest in "Natural History and Philosophy" will be illustrated by different gentlemen eminent in their lines of research. We shall soon have the pleasure of printing papers, among others, by Prof. Lesley, Mr. Dall, Dr. Kellogg, Dr. Gray, and President Hill. "The Examiner" is not confined to the review of the publi cation of a few houses, but attempts to give some account of the more important issues from the French, German, and English press, as well as our own. B "The Record of Progress" describes the substantial advance which the world has made, in whatever direction or in whatever region, with special refer ence to improvements in domestic life which may be attempted in America. The magazine will be under the editorial charge of Edward E. Hale, who will have wider assistance than heretofore in the management of its Journal Dejwirtment. GIVEN AWAY! The beautiful Cliromolith "Confidence," by Ilammatt Billings, is presented to eve rv Renewal and New Subscriber to "OLD AND NEW" for 1873, at $4 ; or for $4.25 the Chroruolith will be furnished hand somely mounted, ready for framing. Size 10x14. Subscriptions received by all Book and Newsdealers at Publishers' rates. ROBERTS BROTHERS, Publishers, No. 143 Washington Street, Boston, jan 8 - ... . -;u.v, , , . THE M0BNING STAR. DAILY EDITION : THOUGH only five years old, has the Largest Daily Circulation of any news paper in the. State, and a circulation in Wilmington - fifty per cent, larger than that of any other paper. 1 V WEEKLY EDITION : Now combined with the Caboijka Farmer making one of the best FAMILY NEWS PAPERS in the South.. CSrculation very large and rapidly increasing. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: Daily Star, 1 year, : ' $7 00 " 1" 6 months, , 4 00 " u 3 months, , ! - 2 00 Weekly Star, 1 year, 2 00 " ' 6.months, l 00 ,f !,-. v: - 3Uionths,:;;l V:' .-80 It may be safely asserted that no news paper ever established in North, Carolina lias made such rapid progresjas THE MORNING STAR.3;4i : . JfSf Send for specimen copies.' '--' 1 ;; 'Address i-.-'.'-:1. .:: ' ianti . 2 W4Imingtion,:JJ. 0.! SHOB STOBB B B A 8 S BOOT; ii . SV; DEALER IN BOOTS SHOES, HATS, CAPS SHOE FINDINGS; d 'T. RETAIL Trade td tnV lr and Varied as- been select ed with care. ' , : : 5 : , those of any other house , in the City or else- . ,s-,W. , .u : S. B . -MEACH AM. I HAVE IN STORE nice lot of Bacon -Hams, Shoulders . find: Sides-,, Pickled Pork and Beef, Lard fuU LIeaf; Mackerel atid Herring, Meal, Flour; jfnew crop, ) To bacco, Snuff; and almost -everything want ed by formers and families. I insist that persons wishing toLuy would, call and, ex amine, N. 0. Molasses,' ".'Cuba.' Molasses. Salt, Castings, sovxrra Del ph; Ware. Also, Grass, and Split Bottom Chairs,' eom iium to :cxtwt y-Pleas alL, opposite the Town Clock, , june 8 M'.W. ALEXANDER. CHOICE C1IEKSE, TOOK the highest premium at the Fair of the Carolinas, at Cliarlotte, N. C, October, 25th. 1872made by P. J. Kfmher 1 v. . BHw-comb, : county, NC, for. sah bv ;a: xjj. nisbet & bro. nov 5 DOLOONA SAUSAGE, jirst received! X Parties wishing the iVlonv-'or-freslH Sausage 1 quantities to sell again!, cans gftt it from us bv eivin? ns a short .notice, as we have been made the sole agent for sale in the AVentern part f)f thi! State: ' oct 18 JOHN F. BUTT. HEAD - QUARTERS , . - . -JOB-..., . t FRESH FISH, AND . - NORFOLK OYSTERS, AT ' B. jNT. SMITHS. FISH AND OYSTERS RECEIVED every Morning by Express except Sundays and Mondays. ; WefWILL mt sell STALE or SOUR Oysters. y2ST Oysters must be sold ou. the Quick Sale and Small Profit principle, nov U B. N. SMITH. I?resh Mince Meat, and Bologna Sausage, 1 . B.N.SMITH. oct 1G BURTON'S TETTER OINTMENT, cures all cutaneous diseases, prepared bv BURWELL&CO, nov 13 Spri ngs' Uorner. CARBOLIC Troches, Sciedani Schnapps. ; BURWELL&CO. nov 15 Country Cured Bacon. TUST Received a fine lot of County Cured M idlings. The very thing you have enquired for so much. Call now and get what you want. . OYSTERS EVERY DAY. Don't forget that we send theni fo you. BOLOGNA SAUSAGE. Recollect we send them to vou. FRESH PORK SAUSAGE. We will send them to you. J. F. BUTT, nov 23 Market. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. THE Co-partnership whieli T expected to form by January' 1st 1873, will not take place until the latter part of this month and therefore I will . continue the sale of the entire STOCK OF -FANCY - - . DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, CLOTHING, AC, At the same reduced prices ' -tO: : I WILL also continue, to keep up my BARGAIN COUNTER . B. Koopmann, K'. C: jan 4 ' -J .CHAKO WT 11 ST ITT jas u?ftlMirawn from the 1 1 .firm of Brem rown tdKJoi:Tfi busi : ness of the firm n be settled tip.1 We beg leave to patrons. . that we will be co: leti: to-xliange ours to a nearer cash y jan ll-l w. t tBREMjs BROWN-& CO. New Orl wtis Sugiir ra&d Holasses. 5 Hogsheads Bright New Orleans Sngar in Barrels Clioice i v Molasses? Also 2 Hogsheads Demerara Sugary u ; i-.f-f 'U f.r't!.!-j?t t Molasses inr store and for sale at priced to suit the times Dy STJIIOLSE. MACAULAY & CO. ! . dec 17 . Cigars, Smoking' & Chewing' l . . . . , Tobacco. r.;; ,t. .. 0 OHO PGAKS of various and choice tr lV vv,Dranda.Cherin!?ftnd Smni-;.. -obapn quantity,. and of various brands and? dtfferent quantities,, Wholesale and retail, by sept 19 ,,: 'CaaTasseiiHaiMIi : SPEaAL'attent ton of familiei 'kre cailf . to a Sunerinr T.nf tf r . tt 1 t ATWLear Lari ; nelen Tubs. Wholesale ancl retail brx XT8I M Ti3. --Statfangr-.l Mail. Leave OrsBorb' 'i'ocr'a m " TJurkville 4 0.44 " Ar've ailtichih'ond ,12.45 p. m. ' ... . GOLG SOUTH. ii.ioa.; .1'.: !).10 Stations:. ; - Mali. Exjircs, LeavtfRlcnmond 1.50 p " BurkYillei--Al2 ' r r'.. Danyjlle ,10.00 ' S.lft i. N.2S Ar ye ai vx.nsooro iz.zo a at ve at ur nsboi x p. i in. O..AJ Trams leaving Richmond at 1 y and at 5.10 a. m., connect at ( ' with tramson North r!iiTrwi;.vn r '" all points South. x-assengers leaving Richmond m., connect at Greensboro' with all points East of Greensloro'. at l..v, train i Passenger train leaving Paloi"n y. in., wiinwi ut vireensDoro with ern bound Mail train, Arriviiv in'i.'n mond at 12.45 p. m. e i" ; . . JNO. R. MACMrnpo Gen. Freight Ticket T. M. R. TALCOTT, linecr & Gcn'l Supcrintcniiau T7ILMINQTON, CHARLOTTE a J: . BUTB3JIPORD R. R. CO. OFriCE Citrisir Elfo. and Gen'l. srp Wilmiotok, N. C, Juno 2 iv-., : " '- "v. : 1 17'.' ( ; - CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Until furtlver notice the reuhir tni will run over this road as lollow : V REGULAR FREIGHT TRAIN'S Leave Wilmington, lailj-, 3t S a. m" ' arrive at 5::o p. m. ' ani! I'AJSSijauiSK Af-KXPRESS FKEIGrt arrive At 3:.-to p.m. -"..and Leave LHesville, daily, at G.-J5 a. m. M arrive al p. , ' m v Two Special Freight Trains f.)r t " " ill, ukij , Ife truiUB on Suudayw. S. FREMONT, si'.p:t, W1LMTNOTON & WELDON RAH Office of General Superintendent, -;. WHjnington,N. C, Juin- , h7 . CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. 'On and after Monday, June lath i.lss. n ger Trains on the W. & W. Railroad runnsv follows: ( - 1 .... ; MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily fSumhiv. ... ceptil I at Arrive .t iroldshnrro1 at UMoa "irt HocJir.ilXouiir'a-t rj u i-. " at weJ eld'on at tieve Weldoiir daily Sundays o:.ii) !:! A 11:07 ' Ll'i P. , ;-. xeetij.j at Arri ve at Rocky Mount .at s ' v - ' ol I b6rV a t . Union lx-.pot at ; KXPRES.S TRAIN Teave Union Deimt, daily, m Arriye at Goldsboro at " at Rocky Mount at ' at WeldOn at l'):!!i Y m a. 'n; -!:'); ' (i:.V " I'.ll. L Leave, Wcklon, daily, at Arrive ar lioclcy Mount at " at Goldsboro at at Union Depot at lli.'iS ' 'i.'K' A. Man Train makes close Weldon for all points North and Acquia Creek sutes. coniieetinn VJii IJity Line AZ.Lxpress Train connects onlv Acttta'-tjreek route. Pullman's 'liLut .Slfepins Cars on this Train. - , Freight Trains will leave Wilmir.-" i-ri-wwKiy ur u.w a. m. ami arriyr ;ii l: p. m.;. express l-'reisjlit Trains will leave oauy lun.uays excepted at o p. m. mill arrive ivc u a. m. J oilN F. 1 ) I V 1 'K, J . .. Gen'l Snp'i. ALEIGH AND GASTON R. "''CIIAXGE OF &(JHE0ULE. -w Superintendent's Oilk-e, Raleili, N. C, June l")tli, is: On and after Monday, June 17ili, 1 trains on the lliileiirh it Gaston Cuilrn.,! will run daily Sundays exceptedj as lul- lows : MAIL TRAIN Loavo Raleigh at - -Arrive at eldon Leave Weldon at, Arrive at Raleigh 10 DO A. M. :;o p. m. A. L 3:i;.-) 1". M. ACGOMMiJDATlON TRAIN. Leaves Raleigh at - - w p. Ji. Arrives at Weidon, - 0 Jo A .M. Leaves Weldon, y jr, p. M. Arrives at Ittvleigli, - n:oo A. M The mail train makes close conueciins t Weldon with the t-w-aboaid and llo-,-noke Railroad and Ray Line Steamers vid Baltimore, lo and trm all poRits Nrii: NV fcKtaud Northwest, anil with l'eter.sljifu iKuiiuuu via j-eieraiourg, iticnmond aim W ashiiiKton, to and from all points Norti. and Northwest. Ami at Raleigh with the North Carolina Railroad to ami from all points South mid oouujwesf.anu wiui the Kaleigh and An gusta Air Line to Haywood and Favciie viile. Accommodation and Freight trains con nect at Weldon with Aecommodai ion and trelgut trains on Seaboard and Roanoke itauroatl and retersburg Railroad. Aud at Raleiaili with Accommol:itinn And, Freight trains on North Carolina K. K. Persons living along the line of the mul can visit Raleigh in the morning hv the Accommoaauon ti-ain, remain several hours and return the same even i nu. : A. B. ANDREWS. , July a . Gen. Sup t RALEIGH & AUGUSTA ALU LLNE B,AIIiROAI. Superintendent's Office, Raleigh. N. C June loth, 172. On and after Mondaj', June l"tli, h trains on "the i Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad. Will run daily, f Sundays ex cepted Msr follows : Mail traitt leaves Raleigh, S: 1 " P. M. Arrive at SanforU, :1") " Mall train leaves Sanlord, (:45A.M. Arrive at Raleigh, 9:15 " Mail train makes close connections at Raleigh with the Raleigh and Gastou rail 19?d.t and from all points Nort h. 1 And at Sanford with tlie Western Rail road, to and from Fayette ville and poi"18 uu western itaiiroad. it. - A. B. ANDREWS, Jy Superintenilcut- 1 "SOHEDULB TO TAKE EFFECT Monday, September 301h, lVl. Atlanta & icK Air-Line Railway. a Out Passenger , .and Freight, Time ii ; TWes a .Week, Mondays, Wedncs "is teiMi .days. , and j Fridays. STATIONS., Cliarlottel 7.V Garibalda;1 Gastonia".'.- " , t,DEP.U5T. 7.30 a, m. 8.36 " 8,30 a. 9.12 " 10. H " 11. ' King's Mountain,' 10.24 )Vtakex'sr , . 11.04 In Fasscaget-and. Freight, Monday: Wednesdays and Fridays. ir v STATIONS ojr DEPAaT. Akkiv m. J ker 9f 1 1; zi j J2.30 King's Mountain, ? 3.12 Gastpnia,-';irr 4A4 Garibalda. ; 5.00 Charlotte,1 - 9 90 p. m- 4.04 " 4..')0 ' 5.')0 iTlris Vrain iins h ahsolutc right. of Track;'except by'Special Orders from " Office'. Fard bv this Train, Five Cents per t-miltJ&lfr all others Ton iWa ner milt'- ni- li. Y.SAGK, t 23 Engineer and Scicruidcut. 'f Si . .1 1 i 1'V

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