T Tlie Charlotte Ofoseirciv i.t RATES Oi ADVERTISING. PUBLISHED DT JONES & McLAUGHLIN. ''i : ti f One 8quare one time $1 00 two days...... Office, Bryce's Building, Trade Street? ' 1 50 2 00 2 50 3 00 3 50 5 00 three days... four days ....... ........ RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. .' ' Onflyear, in advance, $6 00 Siximonths, in advance, .......t.......u 3 00 Three Months, in advance,.........4 l 50 Oncf month, in advance,........... ... 50 TriAVeekly .......,.-...,.....30 Wo jltly 1 2.00 five days .. ............. one week................... two weeks..... three weeks . ... 6 50 " " ' one month...... 8 CO T- Contract Advertisements taken at Vol. VHL' - X CHARLOTTE, N. G., TjLIESDAY. JANUARY 21, 1873 proportionately low rates. Five Squares estimated at a quarter-column, and ten squares as a lfalf-volumn. No. 1,38 hA-J .AA, iAl hs.A.AA .fl fl fl . . .... ... 1 1 1 i rrwv.ttw i f . i . iaix- was r i v avac av aa-n i 1 1 1 i.- v m at. m j Ja. in st. THE SONG OF THE CAMP. A CRIMEA If INCIDENT. fah'c us a song 1" the soldier cried, "in. miter trenches euardin?. When the heated guns of the camps ti nea, ........ ........ lew weary of bombarding. . G 1 j There was a pause, a guardsman said : "tVc storm the forts to-morrow ; Sijng while we may, another day Will bring enough of sorrow," T icv lav aiong tne uattery s siae, 11 ow the smoking cannon ave hearts, troiu Severn and from Clvdc. Ahd from the banks of Shannon. lev sang of love and not of fame : Fbrgot was British glory ; Ekeli heart recalled a different name, Biit all sang "Annie Laurie." Voice after voice caught up the song, Until its tender passion lhse like an anthem, rich and strong- Tlicir battle eve coniessing. Dpar girl, ner name he dared not speak, Yjut, as the song grew louder. Something on the soldiers chec.K Washed off the stains of powder. Bbyond the darkening ocean burned Thn hloodv sunset embers. While theCrimeair valleys learned How English love remembers. Ainil once again a fire of hell gained on the Russian quarters, With scream of shot, and burst of shell, And the bellowing of the mortars. And Irish Nora's eyes are dim lior a singer, dumb and gory : And English Mary mourns for him Who sang of "Annie Laurie." Ah soldiers ! to your honored rest Tour truth and valor bearing ; he loving are the daring. UAYAKD IATlOR Tae Younff Eagles of Journalism. I'lrom the Olynipia (Washington Territory) Tribune", Dec. 28. The fame attending the Stanley li ti 11 1 for Livingstone in Africa's wlds has excited a thirst for new en t4pi ises in the breast of Bennett of the Herahl. In search of "fresh fields juijd pastures new," an accomplished correspondent named Henderson despatched to ascertain for the Aanerican people the real condition ofjail'airs in Cuba, where, for the' past i'ofir years, a rebellion has been in progress, which, according to Spanish authorities, has been entirely sxip prpssed at least monthly from the beginning of the outbreak until now., Henderson is an honest, energetic ankl intrepid correspondent ; but the brin ial tactics of the Spanish volun teers were too much even for him, a njl lie returned unsuccessful. This AVfjs too much for a paper which kijows no such word as fail, and in thp issue of Tuesday, December 1, appeared a rousing editorial on the subject, calling for volunteers to en pijge in the Herald Cuban correspon dence expedition. This article creat ed! quite a sensation among, its read-i'-vf (though the newspapers general lyitook no notice of it), and the Her j? of December 4 devotes a page to ad amusing account of the volun teers applying at that oflice for en listment in the "Herald cuban ex pejdition." An editorial in the same isue treats the subject seriously, H!)d leaves no doubt in the mind 6f aiy one Avho knows the dauntless character of young Bennett that he mjeans business. It his own lan- g;'ge, "Jf Cuba has no knowledge of tlfe mission of a free press it will be a glorious portion to teach her." I We await the further development o the Herald's programme with in terest, and believe that the unlimit ed means, dauntless spirit and bound less ambition of this young eagle of wiuiican journaisism win secure hm success should Spain, with unit el front, oppose his efforts. The nan who achieved what, England dired not undertake is hot to - be"" de terred by a beggarly handful of cruel cowards banded together, as , Cuban vplunteers. . ' ; , r- Peruvian Antiquites. A valuable collection of Peruvian antiquities a ittt;iy utsuii uuueu me eiunu- logical section of the Berlin Museum. If consist ofa number of mummies, articles of pottery, and other re mains. Three of the mummies are completely clothed, and the fabrics Wihich from their- wrappings. wil sfrve to show the state of textile ar at a remote period am one the Pertt vfans, One of the mummies; that of a woman, bears in its arms the f im age of an infant in clay. This collect ton also embraces the various ' Jcts usually found in undent Peru- aau aepu icnres, sucn as tne looa bae. the drlnkinc- cun' and tb anin. die and loomthe last name d objects beine found onlv in vroman'a tnmhii. These mementoes of extinct A.merU mn civilation are verv hiarhlv nrized ih Berlin, as belonging to' a depart ihent of ethnojogy which previously was almost without a representative m tne museum. jio Miscellany, W Feb.'Galaxy. - j Peter the Great lof .Eussia. when i e was visiting England: presented t inreweu girt to iving vviiuam a jplendid ruby, worth5 10,000 which", f n accordance with his . well-known pecentricitv i of ' character.' he tnnV pom his pocketwfapped in a bit of ruuiulon Drown paper. Prospectus for 1873 Sftth Year. j ; y 1 i -:0: THE A LOIN E , An Illustrated, Monthly Journal, universally admitted to be the Handsomest Periodi-.' cal in the World. A Representative and Champion of American Taste. NOT FOR SALE IN. BOOK STORES. THE ALDINE, which is issued with all the regularity, has none of the temporary or timely interest characteristic of ordinary periodicals. It is an elegant miscellany of pure, light, and graceful literature ;: and a collection of pictures, the rarest specimens of artistic skill itC" black arid ""white. Al though - eafih -sacceetlrng uumbei' affords a fresk pleasure to its friends, the real value and beauty of THE ALDINE will be most appreciated after it has been bound up at the close of the year. . , While btherpubfications may claim' supe rior cheapness, as compared with "rivals of a similar class, THE ALDINE is a unique and original conception alone and - unap proached absolutely without competition alone and unapproached absolutely without competition in price or character. The possessor of a complete volume can not duplicate the quantity of fine paper and engravings in any other shape or number of volumes tor ten times its cost : anq then, there are the chroiuos, besides ! ART DEPARTMENT, Notwithstanding the increase in the price of subscription last Fail, when THE ALDINE assumed its proportions and-rep- resentative charjeter, the edition more than doubled during the jast year; proving that the American public appreciate, and will support, a sincere etfort in the cause of Art. The publishers, anxious to iustifv the ready confidence thus demonstrated, have exerted themselves to the utmost tq devel ope and improve the work : and the plans tyr the coming year, as unfolded by the monthly issues, wilt astonish , and delight even. the inost sanguine1 friends of THE ALDINE. The publishers are authorized to an nounce designs from many of the most eminent artists of America. In addition, THE ALDINE will repro duce examines of the best foreicn masters. selected with a View to tlie --highest artistic success, and greatest general interest avoiding such as have become familiar, through photographs, . or. copies ot any kind. Tlie quarterly tinted plates, for 1873, will reprod uce four of John S. Davis' inimita ble child-sketches, appropriate to the four seasons, lhese plates, appearing in the issues for January, April, July and Octo ber, would be alone worth the price of a year s subscription. The ixwular features ot a copiously iUus trated "Christmas" number will be con tinned. ' j To possess such a valuable epitome of the art world, at a cost so trifling, will command the subscriptions of thousands in every section of the country; but, as the usetumess ana attraction oi THE ALDINE can be enhanced, in proiwrtion to the numerical increase of its supporters, the publishers propose to make assurance double sure, by tne ioi lowing unparalleled offer of rREMIUM CHROMOS FOR 173. Every subscriber to THE ALDINE, who njtvs in advance frir the. vear 1873. will re ceive, without additional charge, a pair of 1 A. T T It'll .1.. oeauuiui on enromus, aiter o. j. nui, uie eminent English painter, ; 5ThP ; pictures, entitled "The Village Delle," , and rruross- ins the Moor." are 14x20 inches are prin ted from 25 different plates, requiring 25 iniipressions and tints to perfect eajch pic ture. The same chromos are sold for $30 per pair, in the art Stores- As it is the de termination of Its cqnductprs to keep THE ALDINE out of the reach? of competition in everv denartment. the chrotuos will be found correspondingly ahead of any that can beoffered by other periodicals. Every the sisrrlattire' of he pubhshersr wamntee that rthe chromos delivered shall he eqtiai to the"safnples furnished the agent, or the money will be refunded. The dis tribution" of picture fcf this grade, I free to the subscribers to a five tlollat -periodical, will .mark an epoch hi te history of Art anid," considering "the unpreeen dented cheapness of the jrice for THE ALDINE itself, the marvel ftlls.Kttle short ofa mir acle, even to those best acquainted with the achievements of inventive genius and improved mechanical appliances. fFor,illusfratioiW ofmfe cliromos, see ovl)UiSue rfTHEALMNB) 3 THEIATERARY DEPARTMENT AUTVlIEJlRY STODDARD, assisted by the belst Writers and poets of the day, who wiiHtnve to have the literature of THE ALDINE always in keeping with its artis tic attractions j si ; : ' ' tS'iwr kriritim1. iri advancel with Oil"" Chromos free. t tittc a TTHKT7. will, hereafter, be ob- iw fii-ihrintion.: 5Chere wif nn riJintwi P f.hlb TteS ! icasll fot SUfe scriptions must be eent to the publishers direct, ox handed t& tfie:1oeal agent, with j out reponsibUitytathe publishers, except jfi cases where the certificate is giYen.beanng thxf fac-Hmilc signature of. Jasits Suttos r CO.,. i Hi f..T v t I ,.-ir'lf ' n ' 1 'VAGENTS WANTED. , Any person, wishing to act permanently A i Toreil viuwnt : will ' receive full and prompt information by applying to JAMES SUTTON & CO., mi : 5 Publishero, der5 58 Maiden Lane, New York. KRAUT, KRAUT, do yon love Kraut Elegant white Kraut for all who love "V , J. F. BUTT. dec 6 FIHE SALT. A A Sacks Factory filled SALT on hand XW and for sale by , f STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. nov 27 L. Von Meycrhoff. PROPOSES to form, instruct, and con duct, in Charlotte. N. C. a Musical Sociecy ; and to give musical festivals. The income from which, is to be applied to the purchasing of Maps, Globes and &cientinc Apparatus for the Charlotte In stitute. Also, to furnish for the Institute Orchestral Instruments and Music, such as are: found in Seminaries of the largest Cities South and North. These Instru ments, fcc., will be placed in the hands of the Trustees, for the use of. and to con tinue to be the property of the Charlotte (W. U.) Institute for Young Ladies. Terms ot admission, 56.00 Instructions per month, 2.00 Ladies and centlemen desirine to become members of the Society will please leate their names at the book store of Messrs. Tiddy & Bro. dec 7-m COFFEE, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese and Rice, just received at sept 19 A. R. NISBET & BRO S. BUCK WHEAT FLOUR. BUCK WHEAT. BUCK WHEAT FLOUR. JUST Received, now call and buy and also get some of our elegant Goshen Butter to eat with the cakes when thev are imoking hot, at JOHN F. BUTTS, dec 6 Market. The Change. HAVING notified our friends and cus tomers some time since, that our busi ness would change January 1st, 1873, we are pleased to say that the change has taken place, and it is to be strictly (JAoli or 30 DA YS CREDIT. Those who do not pay promptly need not expect any favors, If you are in arrears don t ask for credit. save us the unpleasant duty ot denying you. To our many friends and patrons we re turn thanks, and ask a continuance of their favors believing that by a strict ap plication of the above rules, we will be able to sell goods cheaper than those who credit. All bills are due and payable on the 1st day of each and every month. GKIEK & ALEXANDER. jan 1, 1873,. ly SIMOHTOM HOUSE. -:0: 5TAT8LLE, H. C. :0: fTlHE Proprietor of the above named x Hotel respectfully invites the people of Charlotte and the public generally to call on him - when they visit Statesville. He will spare neither pains nor money to make the SIMONTON HOUSE a first class HOTEL, and worthy of public patronage. T. A. PKIUiS, nov 25-tf Proprietor. F. SCARE, 9 11 U -I S3 CTQ CD o & OQ j CHARLOTTE, H, C. Prescriptions prepared at all hours of the Day and. night. Choice Green and Black Tea, Selected especially for Family and Inval ids, at eUAKKS June 29 Drug Store. Fit E II SPICES. Just received a- lot of select Spices for Pickles, Preserves, fcc, at F. SCARR'S june20 . Drugstore Tare Salad Oil. Finest article in' Market, at F. SCARR'S juhe 29 Drug Store. FOB SALE. T ; W. WADS WORTH has at his Livery O nd Sale 1 Stable, opposite - the City mock. HORSES and MULES for sale and kept constanly on hand. ;"nov30 " -. For Sale. TTIWO Acres ofland adioihing the City of .X Charlotte, very nneiy suuajwi m Tapidlr improving -neighborhood. i WiU be sold entire, or in lots to suit purchaser at a very reasonable rate.- Apply to .. i . JOHN T. BUTLER, H pet 22 j ; , Opposite Mansion blouse. , Murder, Fire .& Robbery. S I, am losing many, of my custo 'mprs hv creditinsr ' them I would take the libertyof asking all wh o we me to call and settle up by the lstf February 1873 or sooner. 1 J.T.BUTLER. dec '- " - , ' ; Writing Paper; 4 MERCHANTS i Tisiting (Charlotte, will find Writing Paper - a?d Knyelbpee ivry cheap, at ruiuuvi o. New Advertisements. QTH"P TQl' JEST Book sent free. OJT VjrtllO Address Eagle Book Co. 9 Murray St., N. Y. lV.frWrTTV Easily made with our JJIVIMIjI Stencil and kev-check outfit. Circulars Free. Stafford M'fg Co., 66 Fulton Street, N. Y. jan WAAFnn AGENTS $200 per V 1 Alt U month to sell the IM PROVED AMERICAN FAMILY KNIT TING MACHINE. The simplest and best in the world. Address AMERICAN KNIT TING MACHINE Co., 345 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. jan 3-4w CAA Agents wanted ! Just out ! A UJJ splendid new Christ : "CHRIST BLESSING LITTLE CHILDREN." Im mense sales ! 500 agents wanted for out large Map of the "United States" with im mense "World". Map on reverse fcide. Our Maps and Charts go like wild-tire. HAASIS & LUBRECTH. Empire Man and Chart Establishment, 107 Liberty Street, New York. jan 3-4v $90 made Dec. 3d bv one Agent sellinc HORACE GREELEY & FAMILY, A fine engraving, 22x28, inches, sent by mail for $1.00. We also mail Button-Hole aud Sewing Machine Thread Cutters, and Needle Threading Thimble, price 25 cents each. Circulars of various other Novelties mailed frequently to all old and new agents, address AMERICAN NOVELTY Co., jan 3-4w 302 Broadway, N. Y. LOOK! FREE TO ALL ! SKA Per week to agents, Male or Female. 0J To all who will write for an Agen cy we will send a copy of that " Wonder of Wonders, the Illustrated Horn of Plentv. It contains over fifty beautiful illustrations, & will be sent FREE to all who may write. Address I GARSIDE, Paterson, N. J. jan 3-4 w FREE TO Book Agents GIFT a complete outfit ot the PICTORIAL HOME BIBLE it is the only Bible in which a complete History, Encyclopedia, Analvsis of the Scriptures, and Improved Classifiel "Bible Dictionary is given; its unequnled beauty and merits make it the cheapest and fastest selling Bible pub lished. WM, FLINT & CO., jan 3-4w Atlanta, Ga. DON'T Be deceived, but for coughs, colds, sore throat, hoarseness and bronchial dimcul ties, use only WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. Worthless Imitations are on the market, but the only scientific preparation of Car bolic Acid ror Lung disease is when chem cally combined with other well known remedies, as in these tablets, and all par ties are cautioned against using any other. In all cases ot irritation ot tne mucous menbrane these tablets should be freely used, their cleansing and healing proper ties are astonishing. Be warned,nevcr neglect a co!d,it is easily cured in its incipient, when it becomes chronic the cure is exceedingly difficult, use Wells Carbolic Tablets as a specific. Price 25c. Per Box. John O. Kellojrc. 18 ''Piatt St., N. Y., Sole Agent for the United States. Send for Circular, jan 3-4v AiiKivns Aiiin. .Act at once. There is a PILE of monev in it. The people everywhere are Eager to buy tlie AUTHENTIC HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON'S Wondrous Discoveries and Thrilling Ad ventures during 28 vears in Africa, with account of the Stanley Expedition. Over 000 pages, only $1.50, is selling beyond parallel. Only Complete and Reliable work. Send for circulars, and see Proof and great success agents are having. HUBBARD BROS., jan 34w Publishers, Boston, Mass. T0. Acents want absolutely the best sell- U ing books ? Send for circulars' of Vent's Unabridged III us. Family Bible. Over 1J00 pages 10 by 12 in., 200 pages Bible Aids. fce. Arabesque $0.25 Gilt Edge, 1 clasp, $3.25. Full Gilt, 2 clasps, 11.00. "Belden : the White Chief," For Winter Evenings, 36th 1090 ready. The Standard, 46th 1000 ready, Epizootic Treat ments. &c C. F. Vent, New York and Cincinnati, Vent & Goodrich, Chicago, jan 3-4w ft$75TO$250FRM'H HH Everywhere, male and Female, to in trod uce the "Genuine Improved Com- yL mon Sense Family bewing Machine. This machine will stich, hem, fell, 4 tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and em- . in a most superior manner, rnce i- $15. Fully licensed and warranted ""7 for five years. We will pay $1,000 for Tf auy machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam ET than ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch.'! Every second stitch can be cut. and still the cloth cannot 3 be nulled apart without tearing it rh We pay agenrs from $15 to $250 per month and expenses, or a commission ""4 from which twice that amonnt can be made. Address SECOMB&BO., Boston, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa., Khicago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. jan 3-4w Cheap Farms t Free Homes ! ! fin fUa 15n rtf Tin inn P.inifle Railroad 12,000)00 acres of the best Farming & TTii-no-rnT T iTn1a in Annrrira.. 3,000,000 Acres in Nebraska, in the Platte Valley, now ior saie. MILD CLIMATE, FERTILE SOIL, for Grain growing and Stock Raising un : Cheaper in Price, more 5 favorable terms pivpn. and more conyenient to market than can be found elsewhere. FBEE HOMESTEADS FOE ACTUAL SETTLERS. The best location for colonies-Soldiers yititlw1 trt a Wrmptiad f 150 acres. 'Send for tlie new .Descriptivq Pamphlet, with new, maps,-.published in English, German Swedish and Danish, . mailed free . O F. DAVIS. tLand Com'r JJ. P. R. R. d Omaha Neb. jan A GREAT OFFER ! HORACE WATERS. 481 Broadwar. N. Y., wUl dispose of IOO PIANOS, M&LO DEONS, and ORGANS, of six first-doss makers, including Waters', at "very low prices for cash" or part cash, and balance in small monthly t nstal ments-A rw- -oct ave first-class PIANOS, modern improvements, for $275 cash. Now ready a CONCERTO PARLOR ORGAN, the matt beautiful style and perfect tone ever made. Illustrated- Catalogues mail ed. Sheet Music and Music Merdtandist. jan 3-4w is unequal ed by any known' remedy. It will eridicate, extripate arid thoroueldy de stroy all poisonous substantances in the Blood and will effectually dispel all predis position to billious derangement. is there want ot action m your Liver t Spleen? Unless relieved the. blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, produc ing scrofulous or skin diseases, Blotches, r elons, Pustules, Canker, Pimples, c. .Have you a Dyspeptic stomach 7 Un less digestion is promptly aided the system is debilitated with poverty of the Blood. Dropsical tendency, general Weakness and inetria. Have vou weakness of tlie Intestines ? You are in danger of Chronic Diarrhbie or Inflaination of the Bowels. Tr . - tm a V -tr-r' . nave you weasness oi the Li tunne or urinary Organs? You are exposed to suffering in its most aggravated form. Are you dejected, drowsy, dull, sluggish or depressed in spirits, wth headache, coated tongue and bad tasting mouth ? x or a certain remedy for all of these dis eases, weaknesses and troubles ; for clean sing and purifying the vitiated blood and imparting vigor to all the vital forces : for building up and restoring the weakened constitution USE JURUBEBA which is pronounced by the leading medi cal authorities of London and Paais "the most powerful tonic and alterative known to the medical world." This is no new and untried discovery has been long used I i 1 1 I I m . oyineieaairg pnvsicians ot other coun tries with wonderful remedial results. Don't weaken and jjnpair the digestive organs by cathartics and physics they give only temporary reliet Indigestion, flatu lency and dyspepsia with piles and kind red diseases are sure to follow their use. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St.s New York, Sole Agent for the united states. Price One Dollar per Bottle. Send for Circular. jan 3--4w C3-TJ2STS- SINGLE GUNS. At $2 00, $300, $4 50, $5 00, $G CO, $8 00, !?1U 00, $L'J. 00 to ?20 00. Double Guns. At $0 00, $7 50, $10 00, $12 00, $15 00, $20 00, $2500, $3000. $4000, $5000 to $75 00. Breech-Loading Double Guns. At $40 00, $45 00, $50 00, $60 00, ! $75 00, $90 00, $110 00, $120 00 to $300 00. PISTOL8J Smith & Wesson, Colt's, Allen's Witney and other kinds, at manufacturers prices. Ammunition & Implements For Breech-Loading Guns, at a small ad vance on Cost of Importation. METALIC AMMUNITION FOR RIFLES AND PISTOLS AT LOWEST' MAR KET PRICES. A complete assortment of all Sporting Goods ; Prices and Description sent on ap plication. Goods shipped by Express, C. O. D POULTNEY, TRIMBLE & CO. Importers, No. 200 W. Baltimore St., Baltimore. Richard's, Dougal's. Greene's, Scott's, A other celebrated make of guns on hand and imported to order, sept 20 1872-eod ly New Games. "DARLOR Rung Toss. The Tickler fun JL of the funniest. Old curiosity sho Game of Natural History. Gafne of Sel- huettp comicalities.- Game of popular Characters from Dickens. The Flower Game. Blind Alphabet and the monks a new game and old puzzles, . j Magic or Romone of life sport. Ademuss and Dividem wide awake game. The Social Oracle. The came of Arithmetic nn- nroved. Puzzle hian of-' North America. Alphabet and objects Tablets. Holiday . -. t . ' i jt a; Ancnaieuc, a simple auu luscinauijg game. What Is it: or how , to make money Henry's Pennv Puzzle. My Mother's Puz zle. Nurserv Rhymes Puzzle. .Our Pets Puzzle. The Model Ship? Puzzle! - Uncles Raphael's1 Puzzle Chromos. - Alphabet Blocks Toy books and a iaage -ntainber of other pretty and interesting things:-for the children at Christmas. A call is solicited by TIDDY & BRO. dec 18 .. - l. St. MARY'S SCHOOL, RALEIGH, N; C. j ? . Rev. Aldert Smedes, D. D IRector. Rer. Bennett Smedes. A. Mf Aa't. ' THE Sixty-second Term of this School ; will commence on the Twenty-fifth of January 1872, and continue unti,the 17th of June- For a circular apply tdrthe Rec tor.'' " -dcc24-2w " I. ' HAIR Brushes, " Tooth -Brushes, Nail Brushes,' - ' ! ' f v Wm. R. BURWELL & CO, dec 21 . " - ; . i ... Springs' Comer. - KEROSENE LAMPS, . i l . BURWELL & 00. dec 21 . THE CHARLOTTE FAIR J. T. BUTLER'S I ! NEW GOODS. Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Diamonds, Silver . and Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c MUSIC BOXES AND MANY OTHEB ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS AT- J. T. BUTLER'S OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSI'. October 22 A BOOH. FOR THE MILLION t II AprlraUJCeaaMtorUMi fMurUd of lhaM aboal to I mrrr b lk pbriloloricai I jaysterii and rtvalacfoaMt I ithm icxukI Tltem. Ika UlMt diMortriM ia prodaelaf sad prTnUiS( Sayciag, haw to prcaanr tht omplexion, Ac. Thlal m iatcraitlnc work f tw anndrad aad afxty (ei, with anmaron tnfrmvlnf i, sad aoataiaa TalaaWa latomatioB for thoa who ar auurriea,oreaBlcmplatmar. rian. BUU it t a book that oaf k luki kept andor lock Bad key, aad aotlald earalaiilj about tha hoaa. Itosetaiaa tha axperience and adie ofa pftrtMta whaa rapatatloa la world-wide, aad ahoaU b la tha pri vate drawer of erai j male aad feaate throaf bout ibe-ea dra (lobe. It embrace ererythlDC on the eubjeet e f the (en aratire retera that i worth kaowiadvand aiueh that ia ot pabUebed lt any ether work. Beat to aay oae (free of pottage) for Fifty Cent. Addrea Br. BntU' DUpeniarj,Ve. 3.2 K. Eighthctreet BULoaia, He. ITotlca to the Afflicted and Unftrtaa&ta. Before applying to the aotorioui qsiekc who adrertbe la pablio papers, or nainf any quack rcnitdiai aerate Dr. Batta' work no atatter what jour dlaeaee U, or hew deplor able year eoaditiaa- Dr. Butte oeaupteo a doable hoaee of twoatyeres rOBM;l eiadoraed by aoaie of the most eelebrated aaedi. eai professors of thUesaatry aad Europe, aad eaa. bo-eoa. laltad persoaalty or by atall, oa the diseases ms aliened in hie worka. Office aad parlors, Ko. ISM. Ki(hta streesj tetweea Mark t aad Cbosaat, BW Leaie, He, n t 2-d & ly A. E. Nisbet & Brother HAVING completed an improreinent in their Commodious Store Room on Trade Street, o le door west of Smith A Hammond's Lrug Store, Charlotte, N. C, are now receiving: a well sclectsd stock of Groceries, Masical Instruments, Tfys, Ci gars, fcc., which has been bought hj one of the firm, at a time wlicn the market was most favorable. They therefore feel satis fied that they can sell all goods in theii line as low as any firm in Charlotte, for cash or to punctual customers. They invite Merchants to gir them a call, (as they had a special eye to their wholesale trade,) and feel warranted in saying that they can sell ro as to make it a saving to them in their purchases. They return their thanks to their friends and tlie generous public for past favors, and solicit a continuance of the sam. A. R. NISBET fc BRO. FOR, SALE. A Lot of fine HORSES and MULES, in splendid order. At DAVIDSON'S LIVERY STABLES. Horses and Mule. for sale are kept on ban 1 constantly. . nov 16-tf 3? B E S 0 YiTEfl S E3 V'E E. "XT X "3T WE would like to supply tlie citizens in any quantity from a pint to any lar ger quantity, and will send them to your houses and save you the trouble of sending for, them, so that you can haro them lor breakfast, dinner of supper. I will seed them to you every day or as often in the week aa you' may select, bv leaving your orders at J. F. BUTTS, . oct30-con tf Market. BUCKWHEAT CAKES all smoking hot, covered over with yellow, . rich, good Goshen Butter. What is more halaiable for Breakfast ? Well we have just received an elegant Lot of the material to niake them, and we will sell .the receipt for a small nrtce.. Jnst received." Irisbf Potatoes. Gabbace. CSiesnuts, &c.t at - i 1 u JOHN F.BUTT6, . dec 31 Market

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