t 4 f 1 , "is J I. 'if - $ "t ' ; if 0 its! " In f! 8 M it 'I in 1 r. 'It' 'I! ' i r... I - 1 1 Si.-" '5 " ! ! 'ff-- ! H Mir : ' " Jf m H . if? v iii ;:r:. a 1 1. f !' '' Travolors' Guide. 1 March ,1872L-bn'and after Sund'ay SI instant, ine Paasenarer Train oyer this road will leave and arrive at Charlotte,, aa follows: , ! Leave, going east, at : : .if p. m. Arrive, coming west, at : ?. a, m. Leave, olng. eU at : m Arrive, corning west, at i 8.SI p. m. Wilmington. G. & XL Railrond. Leave, t J .5 K.DM a. m Arrives, t : I u Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio R, Pw " SlTPERISTEKDKNTTa OVPICK V . Charlottk, N. C July 22tul, 18T ON wtd after Tlnm1a the 25lh, the fol lowing Schedule will lw run over UiU Road daily. (Sunday excepted.) -Leave Statesrille, .00 A. . Artiru at Charlotte, 10.83 n," Isave Charlotte, 8.35 P.M. Arrive at Stateaville,- 7.00 " u ' All charges must be pre-paid on Freight offeied for shipment to Section House, Henderson, Alexandriana, Hunter's, Cald well's, Tatora's and Freelands. These being "Flag Stations," tlie Company is not liable for any loss or damage to freight after it is ""unloaded, at either of the above points. No freight will be received by Agents, or ' forwarded unless the name of Consignee, and destination is distinctly marked there on. J. J. GORMLEY, July 33 Superintendent. Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad. Columbia, S. C, Sept. 22, 1872. GEN. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. On and after MONDAY SEPT 22, the following Schedule will be run over this Road : TIME TABLE. GOING SOUTH. . . - l 5 - Train No. . Train No. 2. Leave Charlotte, 7.15 a. m. 8.20 p. m. Leave Columbia; 2.29 p. m. 3.30 a. m. Arrive Augusta, 7.42 p.m. 8.20 a. m. GOING NORT.H. Leave Augusta; 0.35 a. m. 5.50 p. m. Leave Columbia, 11.53 a. m. 11.05 p. ni. Arrive Charlotte, 6.15 p. m. 6.00 a. m. Standard Time ten' minutes slower than Washington City time, and six minutes faster than Columbia' City time. No. 1 Train daily. No. 2 Train daily, Sundays excepted. . Both trains make close connection to all points North, South and West. - Through tickets sold and baggage check ad to all principal: points. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen. Supt. E. R. Doesey, Gen. Fr'ght & Ticket Agt. june 11 - DUY THE CENUINE r 1 I STANDARD SCALES More thwi 250 Different Modifications. AGENTS ALSO FOIt TH BEST ALABM MONET ! " DRAWERS. FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 Broadway, New York. " 1 166 Baltimore St., Baltimore. i 63 Camp St., New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, ' 715 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO., . -' 118 Milk Street, Boston. Time Table Western W. C 15. K. Takes effeet Monday, May 22, 1S71. For Sale by Leading Hardware Dealers, sept 19 4m twice a week J. IT. BRYCE, General Commission Merchant, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Particular attention paid to selling all kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco. Highest Cash price paid for Cotton. All orders from a distance promptly at tended to. J. V. BRYCE, dec 21 '72. FANC PR INTIIG Oats. FIFTEEN Hundred Bushels Mountain Seed Oats, for sale by STENHOUSE, MACATJLAY & CO. r GOLD PENS, ALMOST every variety and style of GOLD PENS, EBONY.RUBBER SIL VER and GOLD HOLDERS, to suit every body, at TIDDY'S. dec 15 J. S. PHILLIPS We are prepared to do all kinds of Book and Job Printing, from the smallest Card to the largest Poster, plain or in colors,' printed on as reasonable terras as the same work can be done at any establishment in the State. WOULD Inform the public that he is now receiving his FALL and WIN TER STOCK of GOODS for MEN'S WEAR, and invites all wishing anything in his line to ' - GIVE HIM A CALL. Arrive. 5.52 A. M. 6.45 " 7.42 " 8.50 " 9.35 10.20 " 11.05 44 11.54 , 12.43 P. M. 1.32 Salisbury. Third Creek, Statesvllle. Catawba Station, Newton,' Hickory Tavern, Icard, " Morganton, Bridgewater, -Marlon,- Old Fort, GOING EAST. - '-i'Leaye Charlotte,, m ' ' $&& W Coincori. - ' sZA SalisbflirvXt&i Arrive. 7.59 a; m: : 8.48 " '. .S7 " 10.22 " 11.07 " 11.52 12,45 p. M, .1.42 " Leave. 5.00 A. M. 5 57 ' 6,50 " 8.02 " 8.55 " 9.40 44 10.25 " 11.10 44 11 59 44 12.48 P. IS. Leave. Of all kinds and at prices which defy com petition . His Stock of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS is large and unsurpassed for beau ty and quality. HATo ana jats oi the latest style lor MEN and BOYS. 7.15 a: m. 8.04 " 8,53 44 9.42 44 in rr IV. 4-1 1 Old Fort, Marion, Bridge water, Mor 'anton, Icard. Hickory Tavern, 11.12 .Newton, ; 11.&7 " Catawba Station, 12.50 p. m. Statesvllle. 1.47 44 TlirdX!reek,. 2.40 44 8.32 Jl4 Salisbury K - Trams J'ais at-Icard at 10.25 A. M. ClCHMaND & DANVTLLE RAIL- 4 vv.; ;tif''::;4 . r--rST"' v ' - ' "5 'O Njp.E N 8 E D' T I M E-T ABLE. ' . 'In 'eflfect'onahd after Sunday, Dec. 22d, "-1872. - ' c - j , GOING NORTH. 'STATIONS. Mail. ? LeaveXGreejisboTjf: Arrive at Goldsboro, 17M K M. I. 45? -8.36 44 4.53 44 8.05 '. 44 II. 02 ?i 44 Express. 1 6.25 A. M. '831 l" 9.03 10.17 p4! 11.00 44 11.10 44 12.20 P M. GOING SQUTH." STATIONS. M ' Leave . Goldsboro', , Hillsboro': Comp. Shops. JSi Arrive Greensboror Leave Greensboro', 1 TT1 trYi TM n t. V! . aiisoury, . . -. - " ...CoHcoi?d . -I Arrive at Charlotte, "a Maji.. S3 4.00 P, M. 7.45 " ' 10.21 W?" 2.234 44 ais 44 '3.04 44 5.02 44 4.57 44 6.10' 44 ' 7.20 " .: Express. 2.15 P. M, 4.00 4.43. 'f"J 7.2Sr4 4 t . Passenger trainv-leaving Raleigb?attT34 P.td., connects aryireensboro' with- No-yi; era oouna aio .i waging -tne- quickest time to all Northern cities. Price of tick-j eis same as via other routes, Mail trains; dally, both waTfcnvpr fnt.iA . length ot road4 .. Express, tiailyf between. vouipany enqps ana-cnanopte LSunaay - All Passenger trains connect at Greens boro' with trains to and Irom feichTnond. ""'Pallman Palace fhirs otv .n "nift-hfcTrnin' , f ueiween uiartotie ana menraonui iwitn . ( outchftngeo - S. E. ALLEN, . v .. ; W.' Hi GHEEN, Gen'l Ticket Agent : v w-iiaster-.Transportatioo. twt y 25 , Special -Notice YatHe-Public :. -tts e f xx. il ' , -" V -r '7 - . . ' . " j ic ..viktwna o viapou4 ana tne :, public in geheral that nohange has takeri i lace at'myesfablishniscn't A tsaaitAin.lkt my old.stand, No.24 Tryon'-Street,? David V selected stock of the finest and latest styles' . f,of fcustommnrift -Hrithinnr fni f art iiVnnHia ! , and Boys 8 wear, also onhand a: fihii.tfh? S.f Gents'- Furnishing vGoods Shirts." of .i.'skvr.nai .ixxie very latest sty les of ,Hats riwrtPows iuia axes, JJDramsoziKC, . L .t a M 1 T ill ,-Afl 1 i 11 1 I r ' - ' .W"d'I.wilVstillfiellt.theia at prices to5 defy rfe compttitionr , Ar V U ir. . tcxpecti t. loaye for New York City n a short time t v. nv my, stock of -Clothins ana nece Gu' I )Tvrnv Taiirkrino. 1Vf.htwl j. -.r ' " ' ,T,i5V Vim an - experienced Cu.ter an xailgK and win be . ; . cflu.v MJ qiruiK-io cut anu maketo,order ? 'X" iat mT own festablishmtinf1 arid under 1 nry - '' "( own surervisioh"and nt,l . TV . t1 . . . . . i. . T 'I w . I ' 4 J. V lJ LAZLLA 1. : ; 5 - . :the8ame OUalitv of eoddft.rn'hrtiTiAfl&sW . if ' --v , w v y-yyf erne juaiu , ;--:'Jte''rn?t,the public in gen eralv&ri tlie liberal v,..Lr jnae heretofore bestowpjl liWuV ..V.T.- i.- ' . o . . VM"" ' u&i rei i rtmny. ,asK,a conunuaiice - : of the "same: -oectfullv. jau ' Et SltRIER. ouie ana.wemocrat copy.v HAVING secured the Services of a No. cutter, I am prepared to give satisfaction to all who favor me whh their patronage. invite an, inspcctiou of my goods and prices. gf!:!;, oct 12 Country Hams. JUST received a fine lot of Country Cured Hams, almost any size you may want, small or large. Call soon or you will miss them. J. F. BUTT'S, oct 17 Market. WE GIVE FAIR NOTICE, SO DON'T COMPLAIN. HEBEATj: ALL BILLS iAIlE f J)UE3V10NJHLYv(XsM - I IF NOT SETTLE!), FURTHER CREDIT WILL POSITIVE! Y BE REFUSED, After January the First, 18T3. dec 31 TIDDY&BRO. lHOICErO'dd French Brandv forMedi- v.cinai-purposes,, at . . .-j. . jt.jsva na a VTELSOKS Geletine, a fresh sirpply, just received, at tjUAKK'S. jan 6 ,v . ... c- A New . assoi tment "OJf Kerosene Larups, xX 'just in, at eCABjW3.-. ,? f (,, r u . .. - ... .-' - - . . ' i, CtAGE.VFineNe'Sr Sage'lasltrederVed Q JZ-dec-IS v-g r. V'.SCARR'S i. i - ' ' " r. - . TURE . POWDERED" BLACK PEPPER CHOICE Salad Oil, Finest article ever oiiereu iumis. juarket,. lor saie ai -dec 18 - .'T ' C SCARR'S , :Buckwlieat ! Buckwheat ! ! y A Fresh Lot, Just-Deceived and , For JX Sale-by V.B'M. PRESSON. . - . SCjEEGGIL. I BG3EEpQIi -BOOKS I t V sr.- f . i 1;- 'jaiv.4. yV . .l' i ,nJff" I i.n-'n ' D P R E S SON. Trade Streetiriiext door to the Post Office . ir' Sign, or. the Elepliant. . .t f . jf f if - '-1 1872. BICHM0ND & DANVTt tt. . CONDENSED TIME-Tabi In fftctm andaftcr Sunday, 0ctobcrl Stations. Mail. 11.10 j 9.40 a. h, I'm. ME ACHAM'S SHOj3 STOBE SIGN OF THE BBASsIbOOT, NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Py HOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS VfVy TRUNKS, LEATHER and SHOE FINDlNpS. r I NOW rnvite the WHOLESALE and RETAIL Trade to my large and varied as sortment of BOOTS fe SHOES, which have been selected with care. v MY Experience in business makes me confident that my prices and the quality of my goods will compare favorably with those of any other house in the City or else wlicrc S. B. MEACHAM. P. S. I AM NOW PREPARED TO OFFER GOODS TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE on LIBERAL TERMS and LOW PRICES, August 21st, 1872 6m S. B. MEACHAM. Lancaster Ledger copy six months.- Merchants, Manufacturers, Profes sional Men, and others in want of Pamphlets, Briefs, Lo- gal Blank forms of every kind, Busi ness Cards, Vis iting Cards, Admission Cards, Invitations, Ball Tickets, Excursion Tickets, Railroad Tickets, Pro grammes, Posters, Handbills, Dodgers, Circulars, Statements, Ac, Had better give us a call, Old and New for 1873. The Editor of OLD and NEW promises his readers to give them in 1873, two vol umes even better than the previous ones. They are to include serials by Mr. Hale, Mrs. Greenough, and other first-class writ ers ; short stories by Mrs. Stowe, Miss Mere dith, Mrs. Whitney, Miss Hale, &c. ; the continuance of Mrs. Martinean's wise and cheerful series of papers on the relations between God and Man ; a series of papers on most interesting public questions, such as Railroads and their power ; Woman Suffrage: Labor and Wages : the Problems fthe New Administration, and the Like. Provision has also been made for articles on interesting points in natural history and philosophy, by such authori ties as Prof. J. P. Lesley, President Thos. Hill, Dr. Gray, Mrs. W. H. Dall, Dr. Kel logg, c., and for the enlargement and improvement of the critical, record,- and art departments. The Magazine will thus more hilly than ever before, afford at once an abundant supply of first-class light reading, and an entertaining record of the most important items of human progress for the time being. as we have a full supply of all kinds of Type,- from 1-16 of an inch to 5 inches. - A'Frcsb ;Lot of? Bitusage, Mince "Meal. Fori?, ButterChickens; Eggs, &c- &c. , !,F.LDUR'a 'specialty, ' .;-!foauce.Soldncomhiissioh. v ' t UapeBags. ; r rpN. THClfrSAND per.Bagsl - fU-raxm Xr-rWraptMnir 1'atKir.iinfT Pamr Tnrina f.r. sale at; - y?.. 't. PUREFOY'S. Kemember that Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Railroad Blanks, Labels, Conductor Checks, or any description of Printing, done at reasonable rates, and in superior style. IST Orders from abroad will al ways receive prompt attention. Magistrate Blanks, Marriage Li censes, Liens, &c. kept for sale. c We pay special attention to COLORED PRIIITIIIG,,. f. r r v jf '.!. . i t i- of every description, such as Tobacco' Labels Bands, Notices, &c. jones & Mclaughlin. VOL. VII. 1873. OLD AND NEW- The People's Magazine. Edited by Edward E. Hale. The enlarged resources placed in the hands of tlie OLD AND NEW, by the pub- he and bv the proprietors enable them to announce a volume of wider interest than they have ever published. Mrs. Greenough's Story, "Pythonia," and Mr. Hale's Story, "Ups and Downs," will be continued and completed in this volume. A Series of Short Stories by Miss Meredith, Mrs. Stowe, Mrs. Witney, Miss Hale, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Loring, and others, has been engaged. Mr. Martineau's. Series will be continued in papers on "The Church and its Exclusive Claims," ilScrip ture, and the Limits of its Authority," "God in Humanity," &c. The series of articles on Political Science by gentlemen of lecognized ability, will comprise papers on "Railroads, Servants or Masters?" "The Ballet in England," "Land." "The Law of Maritime Jurisdic tion," "The Indian Question," "The Suf frage of Women," "Equal Taxation," "Tariffs and Protection," "What the New Administration must do," "Labor and Wages Question." The subjects of critical interest in "Natural History and Philosophy" will be illustrated by different gentlemen eminent in their lines of research. We shall soon have the pleasure of printing papers, among others, by Prof. Lesley, Mr. Dall, Dr. Kellogg, Dr. Gray, and President Hill. 'The Examiner" is not confined to the review of the publi cation of a few houses, but attempts to give some account of the more important issues from the French, German, and English press, as well as our own. "The Record of Progress" describes the substantial advance which the world has made, in whatever direction or in whatever region, with special refer ence to improvements in- domestic life which may be attempted in America. The magazine willoe under the editorial charge of Edward E. Hale, who will have wider assistance than heretofore in the management of its Journal Department. GIVEN AWAY! The beautiful Chrdmolith "Confidence," by Ham matt Billings, is presented to eve ry Renewal and New Subscriber to "OLD AND NEW" for 1873 at $4 ; or for $4.25 the Chromolith will be furnished hand somely mounted, ready for framing. Size 10x14. Subscriptions received by all Book and Newsdealers at Publishers' rates. - ROBERTS BROTHERS, Publishers, No. 143 Washington Street, Boston, jan 8 THE MORNING STAR. : D AILY EDITION : THOUGH only five years old, has tne Largest Daily Circulation of any news-, paper in the State, . and a circulation in Wilmington fifty per cent, larger than that of any other paper. . WEEKLY EDITION : Now combined with the Carolina Farmer making one of the best FAMILY NEWS PAPERS in the South. Circulation very large and rapidly increasing, t . - p ,n SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : Daily Star, 1 year, .. 44 " .,j6 months, " " "3 months, Weekly Star, 1 year, 3 months, $7,00 4 00 2 00 . 2 00 1 K -V , 50 I HAVE IN STORE a nice lot of Bacon, Hams, Shoulders and Sides; Pickled Pork and Beef J Lard full leaf; Mackerel and Herring, Meal, Flour, (new crop.) To bacco, bnun, and almost everything want ed by farmers and families. I insist that persons wishing -to buy would call and ex amine. N. O. Molasses, Cuba Molasses, Salt, Castings, isome extra Delph Ware. Also, Grass, and. Split Bottom Chairs, com mon to extra, j Please call, opposite the Town Clock, june 8 M. W. ALEXANDER. Leave Greensboro' 2.00 a m 44 Danville 4.40 " " Bnrkville 9.44 " Arve at Richmond 12.45 p. m. )f GOING SOUTH. t J. r - . - . Stations. Mail. Leave Richmond 1.50 p. m " Burkville 5.12 44 " Danville 10.00 " Arve at Gr'nsboro 12.25 a. m xcuTuig xwumuona at "j) and at 5.10 a. m., connect at (iLl mnth traiTXjrtn W-fl, rv.i; V'noiw all points South. UlsI.f(J Passengers leaving Richmond , r m., connect at Greensboro' with all tviints East nf CI vvji.-wuni . 5.10 a i.- CHOICE CIIEKSE, TOOK the highest premium at the Fair of the Carolina's, at Charlotte, N. C, October, 25th. 1872, made by P.J. Kimbcr ly. Buncombe, i countv, Is. C.' for sale bv ! A. R.NISBET A BRO. nov 5 "r BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, jnst received. Parties wishing the Bologna or fresh Sausage n quantities to sell again, can get it from us by giving Us a short notice, as we have been made the sole agent for it sale in the Western part of this State, oct 18 JOHN F. BUTT. HEAD - QUARTERS FOR. FRESH FISH, AND NORFOLK OYSTERS, ; AT 1 B - S Jkifi I "I ' S FISH AND OYSTERS RECEIVED every Morning by Express except Sundays and Mondavs. J3 We WILL not sell STALE or SOUR Oysters. ' gST" Oysters must be sold on the Quick Sale and Small Profit principle. novG B.N. SMITH. F resh Mince Meat, and Bologna Sansage, B. N. SMITH. oct 1G B URTON'S TETTER OINTMENT, cures all cutaneous (lipases, prepared by BURWELL & CO, nov 15 Springs' Corner. CARBOLIC Troches, Sciedam Schnapps. BURWELL & CO. nov 15 Country Cured Bacon. JUST Received a fine lot of County Cured Midlings. The very thing you have enquired for so much. Call now and get what vou want. OYSTERS EVERY DAY. Don't forget that we send therii to vou. BOLOGNA SAUSAGE. Recollect we send them to vou. FRESH PORK SAUSAGE. We will send them to youi J. F. BUTT, nov 23 Market. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. THE Co-partnership which I expected to form by January 1st 1873, will not take place until ; the latter part of this month and therefore I will continue the sale of the entire ! r .. ,STOCK OF FANCY DRY iGOODS, MILLINERY. V CLOTHING, AO, At the same reduced prices. :0 I WILL also continue to keep up my - BARGAIN COUNTER. B. Koopmahn, CHARLOTTE, N . C. jan 4 It may be safely asserted that no'newa- Eaper ever established in -North Carolina as made such rapid progress as THE MORNING STAR. r'- r rt: Send for specimen copies. i ' ' .' - . Address , t !'V WM. H. BERNARD, ion O TIT ;i i t r CHANGE. WE. STITT has withdrawn from the firm of Brem, Brown & Co. The busi ness .of the firm must be settled up. - We beg leave to sav to our old natrons: that. we will be compelled to change ours to a nearer casu ousiness. - ... . jan 11-lw , ; BREM, BROWN & CO. New OrleansjSugar and Molasses. 5 Hogsheads Bright New Orleans Sugar. 10 Barrels Choice , s Molasses, Also 2 Hogsheads Demerara Sugar, , store and for sale at prices to suit the times Dy-bllfiJSlUU8E, MACAU LA Y A CO TnsifTHTr train loon'n 1,.i- p. m., connect at Greensboro' wiM, v i5 tm lmnn XfAtT un -North. mond at 12.45 nm 1 4 JNO. R. MACMT'nrirt Gen. Freight & Ticket T Af P tat nATT ASent. Engineer Gen'l Superintends oct 20 CUl Cigars, Smoking & Chewing -. Tobacco. ; !; -.'. ' er A A A A CIGlRS of- i:. OU.UyU brands,Chewing and Smoking Tobacco in nna.nt.itv tiY sf nrim. K.ir P"11 qiaitities. ( ,WThplesale and .CwiyasHaiM & laid. : VJ'IAL attentioniof femflie. are called A?oift&U$!51?r tof' Canvassed HanS WeisbubsJ WerSlrSi'!!n 8ept20 ! A. R. N. & BRO. WILMINGTON, CHATotteTI JctUTHESFORD B. E,. CO. OrricK Chiei' Eng. and Gbk'l. gri,-T Wilmington, N. C, June 26, i CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Until farthter notice the reguliir tr,i will run over this road as lollows 01 REGULAR FREIGHT TRAIN'S. Leave Wilmington, daily, at 6 a. m .M arrive at 5:30 p. ra. '.' c JfASSJSWGEK AND EXPRESS FREIGHT arrive at 3:30 p. m. " T2fkOVA T.1lkQviM 'Intl.. - T r n arrive at 4:15 p. m. '' li Two Special Freight Trains forTn. No trains on Snuday s. ' X t. PRV If Avi. Sra s, OiHce of General Sperlntenlent Wilmington,. N. C, Jiuk- CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. C T nn1 o f rln Ti.n 1 1 1 i ger Trams otrthe W. & W. ItaiJroad S MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily Sundae ftiftit4dl n.f, v..-- . Arrive at Goldsboro' at v'n p ') 44 at Rocky Mount at 211 ' 4 at Weld on at 3' , ieave wemon aully tSundays excepted at Arrive at Rocky Mount at 44 Goldsboro' at 44 Union Depot at EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot, daily, at Arrive at Goldsboro at 44 at Rocky Mount at 44 at Weldon at Leave Weldon, daily, at Arrive at Rocky Mount at 44 at Gold-sboro at 44 at Union Depot at Mail Train makes cIona 11:117 1:10 P. II: 10: Ifi p. M A. ii I'M " (i:.vj 7:1" P. . .V 10 .ft " A. M. coiniectinn at Weldon for all tointK fCm tii vi.. and Acquia Creek routes. 4&- Express Train connects onlv T. .i, Acquia, Creek route. Puliinan's lmae Sleeping Cars on this Train. Freight Trains will leave Wilmington trl-WteeklV at (5:00 a. m Jinrlnniv.. yilm p. m. Express Freight Trains will W daily Sundwys excitedj at 5 p. m. and arrive at 11 a. m .11 11 -fx p iuvim j' '-25 '-Gen'l btii'l RALEIGH AND GASTON R. ft CHANGE OF bCllhDULE. 10 00 9:15 3:05 A.M. 1. M. AM r. m. r. m. A. 1. 1'. M. A. M Superintendent's Office, Raleigh, lsT. c., June 15th, KI. On and after Monday, June 17th, 172, trains on the Raleigh fc Gaston Kailruaii will run daily Sundays excepted as ful Iowa : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Raleigh at Arrive at W cldon Leave Weldon at Arrives at Raleigh ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leaves Raleigh at - - 8 (X) Arrives at weiuon, - Leaves Weldon, ... y 15 Arrives at Raleigh, - h.oo J. lift TnU.II t.rmrt malrac rtlratl fKainnotilA - " ..urn.. v.wiJiiv v . - at Weldon with the Seaboaid and K' noke ltailroad and Bay Line Steamers vi iuuuiure, 10 ana lr jm an points Xar west and Northwest, and with Petersburg tvaiiroaa via J'etersOrtrg, Richmond anJ and Northwest .And at lt:ileigh with the North Carolim Tj . t 1 .1 . ... j .. 1 , i.itjiiuuu L(j M.1111 iifLfii sill rtniniu xr.iu i nn. oiiu in west, ana wnn the Raleigh and Ac gusta Air llne to Haywood and Fayette- vine. Aceommodn.t.1nTi anil TTWicrVit .n4,.i. nect at Weldon with Accommodai ion and Freight trains on Seaboard and Roanoke TJ n i I v.. n .1 1 . . . 1 .. .. . ikomumi uuu rcreisuurg xtaiiroau. And at H.alpinl-1 u. ith a Am i- eA i 1 1 Afl - .-pj. 4. . U1J 1 llOL l"u and Freiglit trains on North Carolina K. IL rereons living along the line of the road visit. PalirrK i ; i... .1.. Accommodation train, remain several t noursand return the same evening. , A. B. ANDREWS, July 25 Gen. Sup t QALEIGH & AUGUSTA AIR XX LINE BAILROAD. Superintendent's Office, Raleigh. N. C, June 15th, b"2. On and after Monday, June 15th, 1H72, trains on the Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad will run daily, Sundays ex cepted as follows : Mall train leaves Raleigh, 3:15 P. M. , Arrive at Sanford, 6:15 " Mail train leaves Sanlord, 6:45 A. M Arrive at italeigh, 9:15 " , Mail train makes close connections at Raleigh with the Raleigh and Gaston rail road, to and from all points North. And at Sanford with the Western Rail road, to and from Fayette ville and poinU on Western Railroad. , . A. B. ANDREWS, ly Superintendent. . ; SCHBDULB . TO TAKE EFFECT Monday, September 30th, 18T2. Atlanta" Bichi Air-line Railway. Out Passenger and Freiglit, Three V, Times a Week, Mondays, Wcdncs ' ; .n days and Fridays. f STATIONS. . . Depabt. ffvo . : ' 7.30 a, m. Garibalda;u t . 8,36 44 Gastonia, i 9 23 ' King Mountain, 10.24 41 Whitaker;s, um Arrive- 8,2Ga.ni. 9.12 " 10.14 11.26 " , In Passenger and Freight, Mondays, v , x ."Wednesdays and Fridays. i Stations. , depart. Black's, ' 200 n m. WhitakerV,J' Kinc'n 'Mniinoi'n 010 u uasioma, , . 4.14 Garibalda.w 5!o0 Cliarlotte. This Train has the absolute right of Track, except by'Special Orders fronit"13 Office. Fare bv this Triin, Five Cents per mile. By all others Ten Cents per mile .. . B. Y. SAGE, Tt28 Engineer and Scporindcnt. AERlVt 9 00 p. m. 3.0Z " 4.04 " 4.50 " 5.5(3 fir .. ; " : s rY ;C SV: w ' I ! s '

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