- The Charlotte ? Obseirer.' JONES A McLAUGHLTST. Office, Biyce's Building, Trade Street j BATES OF 8UB8CEIPTI0Jt. DaJlV, One year in advance, ........ ,..$G 00 Six months, in advance....:....,. - 3 00 Three Months, in advance,;.............'. 1 60 One month, in advance,.... 50 TriAVeekly, one year.... .......... $3.50 Weekly, one year...... .. .. 2.00 P03BT3RY. REPENTANCE. lie kissed me, and I knew 'twas wrong," I For he was neither kith nor kin ; Need one do penance very long For such a tiny little sin ? . ; He pressed my hand ; that wasn't right ; 1 Why will men have such wicked, ways? ii wasn't for a minuter-quite . . j But in it there were days and days. there's mischief in the moon, I know : i ni positive I saw him, wink When I requested him to go : ; I meant it, 'too I almost think. But, after all, I'm not to blame : " j : He took the kiss. I do think p en , Are quite without a sense of shame, 1 wonder when he'll come again ! Harper's Bazar. Nothing new cndeb the SunI ' Humbolt in his "Cosmos," states that the Chinese had magnetic carriages with which to guide tbimslves across the great plains of Taitarv, one thousand ! years be fore our era, on the principle of the coiipass. The prototype of the gtesim-eneine has been traced to the eoliv-vle of Hero of Alexandria. The Boanars used movable types to mark their pottery, and indorse their books. Mr;. Layard found in Nineveh a magnifying lens of rock-crystal, which Sir D. .Brewster considers a t.riie optical lens, and the orisrin of the microscope. The principle of the stereoscope, invented by Prof. Wheatstone, was known to Euclid, described by Galen fifteen years ago, and more fully in 1566 A. 1)., in the works of Baptista Porta. The Thames Tunnel, thought such a novelty, was anticipated by that under the Euph rates at Babylon ; and the ancient Egyptians had a Suez Canal. Such example might be indennietly multi plied, but we turn to photography. Mi Jobard, in bis "Nouvelles In ventions aux Expositions Unver sefles," 1857, says a tniuslation from Herman was discovered in Russia, three hundred years old, wh ch con t;ijns a clear explanation of photography. The old alchemists uijderstood the properties of chloride ofVilver in relation to light, and it photographic action io explained by Fabricuti in "Do Kebus Mctallicis," I liiij. 'flie daguerreotype process mus anticipated by )e la Jloc! in his "(iliphantie," 179t, though it was j only tlie statement of a dreameiv j Popular Silence Monthly. ' : 4i . Came in the Valley of Vicgixia.. The Staunton Vindicator of the 10th inst. says: Last week there wore shipped fom Winchester, Virginia, seventeen thousand rab bits. The wagons arriving there daily are laden down with them. Onie wagon Saturday, had twenty seven hu nil red. Pheasants, partridges and wild turkeys are snipped in portions to Baltimore and Washing ton. The rabbits sell at six dollars per hundred, skin and all- The heavy snow in the valley has greatly increased the trade in all kinds of game.. There were several wagons in Staunton, oa the 9th, filled with deer and winged game from Poca hontas comu v. Venison was quoted at eight centsV' The North Westerx Road. We have intelligence this morning that this road is already finished and the cars running from Oreensboro to Kernevsville in Forsytbe county. The gi ading is all done ai?d the sills lai(l and they are putting the iron down every day. With good weath er the cars will run to Salem in abqntsix weeks. This road when completed will be a powerful feeder not only to this city but to the mer chants of Richmond, (Va.) Jtal. Era. Free School Movement. It is proposed to established free schools in Wilmington. It was stated at a meeting in furtherance of this object, that there are in that ciiy upward of Aouy cnuciren the proposed school would benefit ; and it was intimated it wouia require about !F7.uuu a year to meet the necessary expenses. Wthis amount the Peabody Fund audi the assistarnp.tn lxrpcfiiredfrom the State would probably reach so me b,m.K The subiect is to be further Puued. RaL Sentinel H great Britain and Ireland there about 3Q,(X0 coal-mines yielding tons per annum. The "epins Irom which this coal is rais ed vary widely the deepest working jeing the Dunkinfield and the Bose hndge collieries, near Wigan. uThe epth of the latter is. 2,418 feet, and javerage temperature 95 Jfahx. I Jactory Hands "Wanted. i 1 : I AManxious to employ a number of -- nands, women and girls especially, to ;ork jn a factory three miles from Colum b'a. ! Good wages will be paid to etficient operatives. Persons "wishing' to , secure S'Ooa permanent ' occupation can do so bv ng.their nitmes at the Central Hotel or -u.unessmg me at Columbia. , ' Jaal9-iw L. D. CHILDS. GARDEN SEEDS. lT opened and, for sale a complete as- )ortment of Buist's Celebrated Garden l consisting of every variety of Yege -iv neeos grown in the Southern' States. uu l ' F. SCARR. atidreth's Warranted Garden Seed. yy will receive in a few days a large i;uh UTOmPlete assortment ot these re "ahpe and nnmiiai. , - r and popular Seed. &?V0rcUara Qfass, Lncerne Lawn jan'0 W.R.BURWELL&CO. ;f $t hi ft i ii mrf T-"r.v vrf f.-tl' .ij" . r4: 7i;if i-.;f..,;i .:it. .- - ,. . . ' . 1 .J 1 ' 1 1'.'! ?t Vol. VHIi THE BAHK 0 iCECBXEHBUEG, chaelotte; nj c. 1 r : I f 1 Hi! H"2 'miwAbis'i" n -Jas, .TintnvEa Tatk, president, m ) Thos, W. Diwkt, , Cashier, . . P. H. Dewky, Asst. Cashier. , ,n . AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF hlhisjBank C)Wtered Under Act of !the ll .General Assembly and .duly organized under Laws of the State of North Carolina, with ample means is prepared to transact , General . Hanking Business.' ' andj furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on liberal Terms. .-,.r( ... , ' The bank will receive Deposits subject to Check, and will Allow Interest According to Agreement on all Deposits left on time, or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in terest at the rate of Eight per cent per Anrrnm on all davs. sums undrawn"over Gold and Silver Coin. Bullion 'and old Bank Notes Bought and Sold. : THOS. W.DEWEY, jan. 1 1873. Cashier. TO THE ; LADIES. , : : o : ; -J- JUST RECEIVED BY ' EXPRESS TIIIS MORNING. : -'AT- MRS. QUERY'S. nov30j LARGE LOT SHOULDER SCARFS.NIL SON TIES and Bows all Colore at greatly reduced prices, just received at nov 30J MRS. QUERY'S. 7 TEW Lot WATERPROOF CLOTH just 1 received line quality at lowjrices, at rov dOj MUa. (jUiSKY o. A LL Sizes and Colors of the best brands Kid Gloves, at nov SO MRS. QUERY'S. AT J3W IjOT CORSETS, HOOPSKIRTS & istles, just received at nov MRS. QUERY'S. No. 4, Granite Row, Opposite CENTRAL H 0 1 E L , CHARLOTTE, N. C. ManuCaciurers, .Wholesale and Retail dea1- eis m i.ianutactured Tocaoco, Sinc;:- ing Tobacco, and Cigars of all grades. Dealen in the a'xjve eoods will do well to examine our stock Defore pur- clias ng elsewhere as we can offer greater inducements, jan 11-tf EXCELSIOU ! THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST 1 T O PLANTERS. WE Offer the following Fertilizers : Patapsco Guano, Chesapeake Guano and Watson & Clarke's Super-Phosphate. We have pleasure in again tendering to our Fanners the above first-class Fertili zers To those who have used them so many years we need only say that they are guar anteed to be fully up to their previous high standard. And to sucli as have not yet usea tnem one trial will convince them that they are superior to all others ; so make sure of a supply ana please nana m your oroers early, as the consumption exceeds the manufacturing power. , For sale m any quantity, by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. jan 10 . Clover Seed. A Supply of Pennsylvania Red Top Clover Seed, at ' STENHOUSE, THACAUL AY & CO. jan 9 ' 7 NOTICE. mHOSE nersons to whom we have ex- J. tended credit during the past year will confer a favor upon us by calling at once and settling their accounts, as this must be our last appeal. KEM emukk it 2 jan 11 D A N G I I G A CAD E II Y . PROFESSOR MILAM. , A T Oates' HalL Tuesday, , Thmsday & 1. Saturday afternoons, at four (4) o'clock, -for LADIES, .MISSES and MAS- TERo. '- ' Class for YOUNG GENTLEMEN Mon day,, Wednesday and Thursday ; evenings at it O'CIOCK. . ,, , , TERMS per session of 16 lessons, TKJN DOLLARS in advance, r in-. ' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED; : jan 14-tf ' .-: L $. To Onf Friends and Acquaintances TTTE the Undersigned (beg leave to thank VV our friends nd: acquaintances for their liberal patronage oescowea upon our Kmnlover. Mr. E. Shrier for the past year, and most respectfully ask a continuance of the same as we are stui.at ine xempie oi Fashions BesjpectfuUyiHf : vv; : ; : r:,rfr J. Aj YOUNG, Jr., i , , . v: a.-H,TATE, jan 9 ,T.O THE LftCIES. . Db. Hoopke's Femauc Piixa, a positive cure for Suppression or Irregularity, ans intr fnm nv Viinsft whatever. . They are . risgh Every Lajjduwtd.fyep. a, bo of ttifi- TJhtnn hnmd for us in case of need. . - s t Price $L00 per boxw -Sent securely seal ed to any address on receipt of price, -Direct all orders, J VI, r HOOPER CO.. , O. Box 2453. Philadelphia, janl6-ly r "- " J : mROCHES of Lacto Phosphate, Lime ' . .f ( i. t i i-: : -' - ' ' ' "" ' ' 11 1 - ' - - - - - : - : X and Pepsim. : WM, BURWELL & CO. jan 9 ;:CHARLOTTE, N. C. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 22. I - I , " : 1 ERAUT, KRAUT, 4o you love Kraut JElant white Kraut for all who love H. ' J. F. BUTT, dec 6 FINE SALT. 1 Art Sacks Factory filled SALT on hand 1UU and for sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. " nor 27. ' , L. Von Heyrhoff. PROPOSES to form, instruct, and eon duct, in Charlotte, N. C, a Musical Socieiy ; and to give musical festivals. The income from which, is to be aprJlied to the purchasing of Maps, Globes and Scientific Apparatus for the Charlotte In stitute.1 i Also,' to furnish for the Institute Orchestral ; Instruments and Music,- such as are found in ; Seminaries of the largest Cities . South and North. These Instru ments, &c., will be placed in the hands of the Trustees, for the use of, and to con tinue to be the property of the Charlotte (Ni C.) Institute for Young Ladies. Terms of admission, $5.00 . Instnictions per month, 2.00 Ladies and gentlemen desiring to become members of the Society will please leate their names at the book store of Messrs. Tiddy.& Bro. r , dec 7-Giu BUCK WHEAT FLOUR. B U C It W II EAT. BUCK WHEAT FLOUR. JUST Received, now call and buy and also get some of our elegant Goshen Butter to eat with the cakes when thev are smoking hot, at JOHN F. BUTT'S, dec 6 Market. The Cha-ge. HAVING uoiiild onr friends and cus toii'e. -i buijc ::.:?e &irce, that our busi neos vou'u 'u i e JjTivry 1st, 1873, we are. p'c; 1 to .- "u.t the change has taken pac? ?n:i . in to be strictly CASH or SO DAYS CE .5 1'. Thme whodo not pay prouvi. y- r.eou lie; ex!ect any favors, f you wi i i eneaia c o i t r sic tor credit, save us tine uno'caiaat aui,v ot aenyma: you. To o-.rr mony Lierds nr.u r ,'ons we re turn i:ua:,- vmi vvx. r (o:,il:i:tif.vr,e of their i.-vo! !)c';ev:"': II: i by a b.i'- i 'v- plier.'.-oii o.' tie F."ove i ji'cj, v.e will Ve able to tt;'. aoocs cliea ev ihra tLoce wl-o credit. AH bills a- e clr.e rv.d rxvi ")'e on the l?t day of each rinVevc: ,- i.:o ? CIER C ALEXANiJEll. janl, !G73. ly SIM0HT0N HOUSE. -:0: STATEBVILLE, H Ci J :C rilHE Proprietor of the above named A to.:-l re-'pec v.lly rnviie" the peonle of Chailo.le and tlie )i j rjene.-a!:-,' to call on him wlien vhey v'sii Statesvine. He will spare r.ei he. pains nor money to make the SIMONTON HOUSE a fnt dots HOTEL, and woiuy of public patronage, T. A. PRICE, nov 25-tf Proprietor. F. SCARR, o CD B vD0 O a GO CHARLOTTE. N, C. Prescriptions prepared at all hours of the Day and night. Choice Green and Black Tea, Selected especially for Family and Inval ids, at BC'AKK'S june 29 Drug Store. FRESH SPICES, Just received a lot of select Spices for Pickles, Preserves, &c, at F. SCARR'S june 29 Drugstore. Pure Salad Oil. . Finest article in Market, at . . . F. SCARR'S june 29 Drugstore. Paper Bags. fTlEN THOUSAND Paper Bags ! Straw JL Wrapping Paper and Paper Twine, for sale at , PUREFOY'S. , jan r . Bnckwheat ! 1 Buckwheat ! ! 4 Fresh Lot, Just Received and For m - : Sale by B. M. PRESSON. ' jan 5 CHOICE. Salad Oil. Finest article ever J offered in this Market, for sale at dec 18 ' ' - SCARR'S. , : For Sale. . fllWO Acres of land adioiniiig the City of A. Charlotte, "very i nneiy siraatea m a i. . ' -Li i iir:n rapiaiV; improving: neigouuruuuu. m be sol4 entirev or in lots to suit purchasers. at a very reasonable rate. Appiy to JOHN t. BUTLER, oct 22 " Opposite Mansion House. i i Murder, Fire; & Eobbery A S l am osins many of my custo-i J. mers by" crediting them: I would take the liberty of asking all who owe me to call and settle up;by the lst'of February 1873 qz sooner. ? ? r , i J x U U X kiu&. dec. 29 ' :t1nijt;'"i -t- MV.--.M'i ? BE SH OYSTERS 7? V ZE3 33, IT X) 3T 1Y fE would like to simDly the citizens in II any quantity from a pint to any lart tror mmntitv. and will send them to your Kniisps and save vou ! the trouble of widirtf for them.' so that you. can ' havf thernf for breakfast1 dinner or supper.f I will send them to you every day or as often in the week as you may select, by leaving your orders at j.r.uuiio, oct3Q-ow tf Market, N'EW FURNITURE. GOOD FORIIITURE I ARRIVING DAILY AT : ' DAVIDSON'S FURNITURE ROOMS, Trade St., Opposite Brem, Brown & Co's Dry Goods torb. WHERE WILL BE FOUND EVERYTHING KEranrii ; FIRST CLASS EMBRACING : Chairs, Tables. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Dressing Cases, i Wardrobes. Sideboards. Book Cases, Desks, Hat Racks, Etageres, What Nots, Cradles, Cribs, Safes, Tete-a-Tetes, Solas, Lounges, Mirrors, Glass Plate, Scc., &c. j ALSO A ! i FINE STOCK of Parlor Furniture, Dining varieties 01 style ana hnisn. This House also Keeps a rau stock of Spring Beds and Mattresses, and a Large Assortment of 1 . :i METALLIC And Caskets of all sizes and styles of finish, together with Mahogany, Rosewood, Walnut, Poplar and Pine Coffins, from the plainest and cheapest to the finest Octagon Cases and Caskets, with full glass tops, trimmed fa 1 . the most elaborate style, furnished with heavy Silver Moun- J tings. Special attention given to furnishing Dwellings. Hotels i ' and CoUeges at a small advance on MANUFACTURERS' RATES. CALL, SEE AND PRICE BEFORE BUYING. January 21st, 1873. R0BX F. DAVIDSON. .CBC.3VT7S SHOE STOBB SIGN OF THE BRASS BOOT, j NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, CHARLOTTE, N. C. i i H0LESALE & RETAIL TRIWK? LEATHER anc I NOW Invite the WHOLESALE ant". sortment of BOOTS & SHOES, which have MY Experience m business make", me of my goods will compare favorably wi h where. I P. S. I AM NOW PREPARED TO OFFER on LIBERAL TERMS and LOW PRICES, August 21st, 1872 6m Lancaster Ledger copy six months. J.S. PHILLIPS WOULD Inform the public that he is now receiving his FALL and WIN TER STOCK of GOODS for MEN'S WEAR, and invites all wishing anything in his line to GIVE HIM A CALL. Of all kinds and at prices which defy com petition . His Stock of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS is large and unsurpassed for beau ty and quality. HATS and CAPS of the latest style for MEN and BOYS. ' HAVING secured the Services of a No. 1 cutter, I am prepared to give satisfaction to all who favor me wih their patronage. I invite an inspectiou of my goods and prices, oct 12 Country Hams. JUST received a fine lot of Country Cured Hams, almost any size you may want, small or large. ... Call soon or you will miss them. J. F. BUTT'S, oct 17 Market. Canvassed Hams & Lard. SPECIAL attention of families are called to a Superior Lot of ; Canvassed Hams. Also to Extra Leaf and Pure Leaf Lard, in Welsh Tubs. Wholesale and retail by i sept 20 ' ' A. R. N. & BRO. , j. r, BiircE, General Commission Merchant, - ! CHARLOTTE, N. C. Particular attention paid to selling all kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco. i Highest cash price paid for Cotton. , All orders from a distance promptly at tended to. J.Y.BRYCE, . dec21'72. . .... ., . - -; CHOICE Odd French Brandy for Medi um al purposes, at ' F. SCARR'S. jan3 - , . , . Tf-" Writing Paper. ". . , MERCHANTS visiting Charlotte, will find Writing Paper and Envelopes very cheap, at PUREFOY'8. I 1873 Noi 1,539 CHEAP FURNITURE 11 FTJENITURE x i HOUSE. t : Room Furniture and Chamber Suits, all BURIAL CASES 1872. DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, JIATS-, CAPS SHOE FINDINGS. RETAIL Trade to my large and varied as been selected with care. J ' t confident tliat my prices anq tne quality those of any other house m ttm City or else- S. B. M EACH AM. GOODS TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE J ' . B. MMi'HAa. j i ; NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. THE Co-partnership whieti I expected to form by January 1st I$73, will not take place until the latter! part of this month and therefore I wilb continue the sale of the entire ; j ! ' . STOCK OF FANCY J i DRY GOODS, f MILLINERY, CLOTHING, &C, At fbe same reduced prices, j ( ft i : 1 :0: I WILL also continue to keep up my BARGAIN COUNTER. B. Koopmatin, CHARLOTTE vjiN C . jan A : 3' ;; . New Orleans Sugar and; Molasses. 5 Hogsheads Bright New Orleans Sugar. 10 Barrels Choice " p Molasses, Also 2 Hogsheads Demerara Sugar, 2 - i Molasses in store and for sale at prices to suit the times by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. dec 17 ; i ? j , v Fresh Mince Meat, and Bologna jBausage, BiNi SMITH, oct IS - : ,. URTON'S TETTER GTNENt7 cures all cutaneous diseases, prepared by , BURWELL& CO, nor 15 Sprinkss Comer. CARBOLIC Troches, Sciedam Schnapps. BURWELL&CO. nov 15 . j . Country Cared Dacow. JUST Recwred a fine lot oCdpviAtj Cored Midlinga. Tbe very thing yoo have enquired for so much. Call noWi and get what you want. ! ; ' OYSTERS EVERY DAY Don't forget that we send then to-yon. ' i : " , BOLOGNA SAUSAGE.; iRedollect we send them to von. ' - FRESH , PORK r SAUSAGE. We will send them to yon. : t -( ' 1 nov 23 Market. CHOICE CHEESE, TOOK the highest premium at the Fair of the Carolinas, at Charlotte, N. . CW October, 25th. 1872, made byPJJ. Kimber ly. Buncombe, county, N. C4 for sale by A. R. NISBET & BRO. I nov 5 A New assortment of; Kerosene Lamps, XX just m, at SCARR'S. jan 3 S AGE. Fine New Sage, justreeeived at dec 18 R'S. PURE POWDERED BLACKi PEPPER, Free from Adulteration, at ! - dec 18 ! U&lUit). bUAli RATES OP ADVERTISING. One Scuue one timeMnM, -..$1 00 1 50 M It it M it M H U it tl tl U tt tt three days 2 00 2 60 S 00 S SO 5 CO 6 5J 8 00 four days...... hve days one week- two weeks. tliree weeks... one month. jfST- Contract Adrertisements taken at proportionately low rates. Five Souares estimated at a quarter-column, and ten squares as a half-column. THE CHARLOTTE FAIR I T. BUTLER'S ! ! NEW GOODS. Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c. MUSIC BOXES AND MANY TOO NUMEROUS TO MEISTTIOIT. AT- . J. T. BUTLER'S OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE October 2S , A. E. Nisbet & Brother HAVING completed afr improvement n their Cemmodious Store Room on Trade Street, one door west of Smith Hammond's Drug Store, Charlotte, X.. C.v are now receiving a well selected stock of Groceries, Musical lustrnments,, Toys, Ci gars, fcc., which has been bought by one of the firm,, at a time wlren the market wu most favorable. They therefore feel satis fied that they can sell all goods in theii frne as low as any firm in Che-rlott,. foi cash or to punctual customers. They invite Merchants to give- them a call, (a they had a special eye to- their wholesale trade,) and feel warranted in saying that tltcy ean sell so as to make it saving to them in their purchasesv. They rrturn their thanks to their friends snd the generous public for past favors., and solicit a continuance of the same. A. R. NISBET & BROv SCJBIOO BOOKS I SCHOOL, BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKSI -AT- PTJBBFOT'S- jan 4 PAXLTLY . P 6B0CEBIES. RESSON Trade Street, next door to the Post Office, of the Elephant. JUST RECEIVED". A Fresh Lot of Sausage, MinceigSea, Pork, Butter, Chickens, Eggs, tc tc. pgr FLOUR a specialty. gf Produce sola on conatiission. jan 3-ly BUCKWHEAT CAKES all smoking hot. covered over with yellow, rich, good Goshen Butter. What is ptore palatable for Breakfast ? Well we have just received an elegant Lot of the material to make them, and we will sell the receipt for a small price. Aim Just received, Irih Potatoes, Cabbage, Chesnuts. &c at JOHN F. BUTTS Market. dec 31 BOLOGNA SAUSAGE just received. Parties wishing the Bologna or fresh Sausage in quantities to sell again, can get it from u by giving ws a short notice, as we have been made the sole agent for tU sale fn the Western part of this State. oet 18 JOHN T. BUTT. Cigan, Smoking & Chewiag: - Tobacco ' ' K( AAA CIGAORS of virions and choice OU.V vv; brands, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco in quantity, and of various brands and' different -quantities. . Wholesale and retail fey jA. TL N. & BRO. ; Sept 19 :.. .' ,c--;.l;, -.- :-. Y -.- HAIR Brushes, Tooth Brnsnesr, Kail Bnehes. . v , . - Wm. C BURWELL A CO, dec 21 - Springs' Corner. KEROSENE LAMPS, BURWELL & 00. dec 21 ' NELSONS Gelftinei received, at jan 3 fresh snpplynat

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