DAILY OBSERYER. or. r.Wedaesday; January 22, 1873. - Coolies -briril'febojjt six hundred all ead ! JlxefCwbaii -in arket.' ' viMri Mclvktillhbldetli on to his office. ,lle stickth jciose unto it; he turneth It not aloosew . :n XpTay eitoTKxIy ing an out mentis satire Upou meriopiu manners is about to' lb6 6ut on the French stage. George Francis Train is still in thej hisiftual resting place. "The h e:rt-bf-J5oston" was said by thousands of newspaper writers to have been eatf Pfput Jy th great jdjsiiiabx ipeaxto be going for its hide now. As many as three thousand deaths by this 'ter rible disease are reported. H Tremendons floods and freshets are sweeping along the water-courses in Now. York rew Jersey .DcLPenn sylvania.1 Bridges have, Eeehi -washed away,. TelegrapVwire-forii; jplown, "and trains delayed, cm m an f roads. - Terrificvweatheriis prevailing in the Northwest. The severity of the weather exceeds anything this win ter. 'In some. arts of, Wisconsin ' was Ifort4iiTe de Wld4oli(Aib was rXheltbeKmoiiefel , grees below zero. : Coioel .Br rW.'rDoiSy ,T& been elected United State? Senator from Arkansas. ; lIe;sai'.cedsBen E-ice in the Sena.te. This ends ji long and bitter contest, in- whie)- party feel ing ran high. Grand preparations are being made ih VashingtOn for.theinauguration fdn-lhe?4tn of Marlrf: Avast con course of people are expected to present to witness the ceremonies. A hall capable of holding six thou sand people is to be built, to be used as a ball room. The congressional committee on election has made its repprt jn'thei contested election case of Boweft and DeLarge, from South Carolina. They say there was so mvrch fraud on both sides that they are unable to decide which one of the claim ants is' entitled to the seat. The best disposition that -could.. be made of these two worthiest to robe them in convict's garb and set them to i breaking rock. - ' The Legislature has been asked to grant a charter to the Farmers' Loan Bank, an institution which is in ' tended solely for the benefit of far if. -mers, and to remedy the evils arising "from the practice which many far mers are compelled to resort to of obtaining advancements from Com . mission Merchants at heavy rates of .interest. The' banking system pro posed is a good one, and will doubt less .meet with favor in the Legisla ture. The establishment of the Bank is being ably advocated. As an evidence of the trifles to which that august body the House of Representatives can descend sometimes, it is worthy of note that - a billVas introduced1' change'the name of the pleasure Yacht Ellie, of Boston, Massachusetts,- which was Considered as in the committee of the whole. It give! authority :to the owner of the schooner Ellie, a plea sure Yacht of the port of Boston, Massachusetts, to. change the name of the vessel to that of Falcon." It must be gratifying to the. public to know that this importahV Tnll, was "ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed." SOMETHING NEW SUN. UNDER THE . There is a man in Washington city who thinks he has invented a new system of telegraphing, which - t he claims will be much cheaper .';than -the existing system; It 4s a ; . mode of telegraphing without the intervention of wires, and without any material communication be tween the points. Aerial telegraph ' lhgis the term used to distinguish it xrom-rother methods of telegraphic -communication. : ; ..,: xne suojectis up before Consress ...i;the shaPe of a . kill to incorporate the Company, which & to" be known '-':Pr the Loomis - Aerial' Telegraph company, s v fc; - The debates-in -Congress reveal the fact that this-pobr feUo.siilA nthnr great inventors is regarded as a fool , or a lunatic. A; jest is rnade of -his - genius.; his discovery isJJd'iculfea ; ! the gravity' of the Senators isVentlre- ly tipset when the bill is" discussed ., . They laugh' at the bare. idea:' of -its" :,?.being possible to telegraph all rptind th e world r without any wifeV af ?all, .or, cable, or, 'anything of the .kindl -Thus it has "ever been with those great geniuses who have made won derful discoveries in the sCientinc or geographical world. There was -a time when Morse's invention was and it was only be that could con ceive the practicability of putting "a girdle roupbjoutthfiarib, mcwty, fh inutes." J &rft frnejl the LMrodii$ tion of hi X eleciriQleaphj itb. France wap first talked about, it was denounced by some of the benighted priesthood as heralding the reign of Anti-Christ! :But few minds then liius tueu coiild.ffisp the idea of enchaining the .light vient to man s thought," a vehicle of hiskWillAeJncirClinsSthel globe W-lUl ttssltil-Breathftig tirrtfht, and anni hilating the distance "between ColfTi s. li .rr. - - v, j opernicus, tne pnuosopner wno in the dark ages tairghtr mankind that ?thp vtOfQwas roundnoi l wlvM abouttheftun1, riot beJun1 aa-ound it as, was the.prevaient belief at that time ; that there was such a thing as the solar' 'system; antl that1 .the Earth was one amoug the plan ets which have theX.sun for aom-, Itn tr i of nt.r sii fiirnrl t 'fh art VTO ram as a heretic. The ".French chemist, wQL)XM?r4o EiwSIcoriyniyen. tNHii "wnpowd$rft riiixfid;sul ph ur, saltpetre and 'charcoal "and made experimehfs"Avithlithecom - pound, so frightened; his neighbors that he was taken up and burned for a witch. And' Columbus, embarking from the shores of the Old World on his voyage of discb very, was look ed upon as a visionary, whose sch em e Tasidle and' fanciful. And so on through the" whole chapter. Otfcls tbe -fate of geniuses to be looked; upon as fools until they ac complish something. Inventors ap pear mere dreamers, till their inven tions are perfected and presented to a wondering world in all their beau ttfPsiinpTicity br -ingenious complexity.- Then the wonder is that vwybodyvdkln ' W ee sjongi?' before-,. beUiififil 'onryJaas'.t'dCa.c ered. So the mode of aerial telegraph- which this "poor fellow at Washmgton thinks"he.-,basju vented, and which makes him a subject o1 esiand, ridicule in-" iKe Senate,. of HeIhiited States, may yet be per fected and be mad to supersede the present systern.of "electric commu nication. - - - AN EXPLANATION. - The following letter from Col. Jones- should have appeared with GoV. 'Vance's - card, but accidentally was not ready :at the monienUthat card was published. It ia now pub- ished in corroboration of Gov. Vance's denial that he violated any promise in regard to the matter of his resignation when elected Senator in 1870. It puts an end forever to that poor calumny which but few men believed from the beginning: . Charlotte, N: C, Jan. 17, 73. Gov. Vance. Dear Sir: You de sire me to state what pledges I made in vour name to the caucus that nominated vou Tor the Senate in 1870. In replv, I can onlv say that these. .pledges were intended by me to be simply., that you should re sign whenever -the. caucus that nomi nated you expressed an opinion that it was proper lor vou to do so. I did not intend to convey the idea to the caucus that you would resign if your first eflort tor admission was unsuccessful, nor if your second was, nor in fact did I refer to any time, but only assured the caucus that in case you were elected, it would still retain control of the matter by re taining the power of calling for your resignation. This was all you author ized me to sav and all that I intend ed to -say; I have no recollection of any letter from you being referred to in that1 caucus, but do 1 rem em ber that the assurances given by me were' the result of a conversation had with you a few minutes before in the Rotunda of the Capitol. in regara to your resignation, i uo not know 'how long I held it; I think fully two weeks,' probably longer. Your : instructions 'to . me were to present it prornptly when your friends thought it necessary. It was generally known that I held it and. upon what instructions I may add,5 that when asked ' by you what pledges I rnade for you. I answered vou to the same effect that! have I' it" l.ii TT A in this, letter. Very truly yours, ; Jtl. U. JONES. J XlEGISIiATURE OF NORTH CARO- SENATE. r- : Monday. Jan. 20. Th 6 'Sehate 'was called to order at 11 o'clock President Brogden in, the chairr ; ; : o ' - -. ;;- The Journal of Saturday 'was read and approved. . 7-;t :r ' iiy Mr. Jtjllis,, ot . Columbus, a petition of citizens of Bobeson coun ty, asking the General Assembly to pay Jas? McQueen, the'ireward offer ed by the State for killing the outlaw J5oss otrong, tne evidence oi tne kill ing accompanying the petition. Mr. .MeCauley.ii petition of citizens of Union cqunt3Ti praying for. the pas sage ot an act to incorporate Mount rro8pectj Lamp wonnci, ana.ior -au thority to the. coun ty commissioners to make" the 'necessary by-laws to suppress disorders in said v camp ground. ' AU . of which were 1 appropriately reierred. INTRODUCTION -OF BILLS, AC. , j.r, , vy eicn v mtrouucea a diu a bin" to pfQvide.fQr.-the bienniel election". Of the officers of the General Assembly Mr, Troy, a bill to authorize the Western Railroad Company tJ. issue bohdsfiil ... .'. Jd fl M45ratrier a bill 4d attend fhg aicti providing? for a cheap) chattel' 6HgacLpBeferred. 'V- Mr. McCanley, a biy in relation to the fees of Begislers of Deeds and Justices of the Peace. Referred. Mr. Merrinion, a resolution to ad- irmrn, without dav M irla v.!7K f J Februarv at 6 a. mf lies over Wri'der PASSAGE OF RESOLUTIONS. , The resolution hrgfri our Senators and Representatives stit Congress to use theirefforts in passing the Edu-5 cational bill now pending in Congress wasadopted.jftf?'? ffflftf 1 Alsohe iosbtuiion pri!dfri for a pomfiiiUee to cancel and burn vouch- efs'ih the Auditor's Office. I niLLSj fs.q.k ON PASSAGE t On motiori .of -Mr; Cunningham, the rules were suspended and the bill iri relation to tbvtiships1 was put up on its. passage. : : Mr. Ckiriningham explained the ob ject of the bill to be to provide for lappeak from Township Boards of jknviees x.p xoaR.is-oi . t;ouny vjom-t m'lssibhers, theace to Superior Courfti ahd iheme to theSupreme Court. A the-iaw nbw stood Township Boardslbeen told that the projectors had; an had power to lay but riewland close' oldpadythout Welf action beirig reviowediexcept by county boards.- The "biil 'proposed to restore the right of appeal to a judge for rreyiew and from his decision to theSupreme Court. Great hardship was com plained of under the operation-of the law at present. . ; The bill passed its second and, third readings. - v On motion of Mr. Grahdy, therules were suspended and the bill to incor porate the ,lNoi;th Carojijna Construc tion Com pany , was put upon iUj passage. . '. Mr. Grandy urged the passage of the, bill, which he explained to be to. facilitate the construction of the New York, Norfolk & Charleston Railway, a.charter for which had been granted by the present Legislature before the Christmas recess. Mr. Dunham moved the bill be in definitely postponednHe regarded it as strap gfe that if the object' simply wrto-facilitate' th e boitding of th is road, nothing had been said of its necessity at the time the railroad charter was granted. The present bill asked for extraordinary powers for an untrammelled corporation powers to enable them to make from a pin to a railroad. Never" before' had such powers been asked for or grant ed. Mr. Grandy thought Mr. Dunham should have specified his objections, that the ( bill niiht l-e amended if necessary. The committee having the bill in charge had recommended it, with an amendment which the friends of the .measure were w illing to Accepts He called upon Mr. Dun ham to specify his objections. Mr. Dunham was opposed to the bill n toro 'there was not a ieature in it that could meet his approval. He wished to know why the projec tors of the scheme had not incorpo rated the provisions of this bill in, the original charter ? This bill -was on the calendar while the railroad char ter was before the Senate. The bill was too general in its character; the projectors should specifically state what they want. Mr. Murphy could not see the ter rible dangers of the bill. The com pany merely claimed the right to build the road in its own way and the Legislature should not force it into measures. He professed to know the objects of the bill. Old methods. of doing business were pas sing away. These "Construction Companies" were a new appliance used in the Northern States and oven in our neighboring State, Virginia. The objection seemed to be more to the name than otherwise. Mr. Merrimon said these great corporations were not alarming merely to the people of this State but to the Congress of the United' States, who were devising means to check their "growing powTer. He objected to the bill on account of the 'indefi nite powers it sougnt powers, ex tending even to the establishment of banks, &c. Tpe danger was tnat ere J long they "would control the - legisla tion of the State and of the country. Mr. Bespess reminded Mr. Merri- '. . , J A 1? Il mon tnai tne amenument oi june Committee restricted the company to the building of the road. Mr. Merrimon thought the amend ment did no such thing. The1 pro posed charter gave unlimited powers including that of issuing tcertificates ofsindebtedness and to issue judg- ments. lie wouia not give nis sup- ort to the bill till its purposes ' were efinitely defined. , ? . " . . Mr. Flemming said the power .of issuing judgment should be stricken from the bill. The charter, bowevery to build the road had been granted Parties were coming to build the road and it seemed nothing but right that they should be permitted to become, incorporated to protect themselves and their capital.- It was' proposed to establish minor corporations un-f der the grand corporation. " , Mr. Stilley. said the committee ha4 reported ' that the powers, sought could be obtained under the general incorporation act, ' an d therefore the State could not be injured or benefit ted by the motion , to indefinitely postpone. .The bill "could be amend ed to meet the views of. its , oppo- Mr. Dunham did1 not think this com pany could be incorporated un der the. general act, ;if he understood its provisions. He charged bad faith in its projectors in not advising: the Senate of their purposes whilst the railroad charter was under consider ation.3 - . . ,: ; : Mr. Gudger, one of the committee stated that both, bills 5were .. before them at the same tune and that th ey had concluded to consider theraiK road bill first, and that the report on the present-bill hMjbeeh unavoida- jbly delayed Mr. Dunham resn m ed. He ch arg- Senator that when the ; railroad bill was up its friends gaycxrepeated as sfurnces tb3Lt.it was their purpoyv tj ask for Subscriptions from coii far pwefHbecivLVeh subscript . J tt : a i iv iL. . dmn-L XIODS He repeated that in the UTstlgation.i ,-V,,,,.- instance the Senate should have been advised of all the powers sought io . Mr. Murphy fd not so understand rhehnmwp.trkrs-of the bilhrsHe had 1 reneatedl V ttekrtlv thfefrh declare '' that ihy-W4vnt eerv-dUar- that -cow Id be raised in the State Mr, Orandy denied that thefef hacl beep any bad faith oh; the ilafrtr'df the friehds of the bill. Both bills were before the Senate at the same time. before the beuate at Xhe same time. I The. bill, by consent, passed its sec--He repeated that h& present bill waVf on4o riirigntt' the merely in furtherance of the building of the -railroads He rthougltb;ere should be no, bbjectibri jt'd it, as ltrpro posed t6 bring into the State, from five to ten millions of dollars. r- as light it. The bill was a distinct measure it riot having been reported or acted upon in conjunction with the rail road bill or having boen introduced as a-: supplement to that bilL : In pas sing the railroad bill, the Senate !had abundance of means to complete' the work', ;, After the passage Of thatbilly then comes in the present bill to put into the hands of the company; the means of holding the road. He con sidered it very doubtful whether th bill would have passed had this con dition of affairs been understood at the time. He was not informed at the time the privilege of building this road was granted that the com pany had not the means of complet ing it! " As to building the road being the real purpoe of4foe?bill,Mr. Nor wood, had his doubt3. He asked Sen- atorsto read the bill and thyDulT not find a word pointing in tbaxs di rection: and but for the amendment of the committee no connection whatever could be traced between them. The bill before the Senate simpl asked power to do anything, at any time and in any place within the limits of the State. The amend ment of the committee had to define its, object somewhat by providing that the powers sought should be "necessary to the construction of the road." But another section of the bill gave the company authority to make, create and issue bonds, mort gages, judgments, certificates of in debtedness and all other papers for what? asked Mr. Norwood; not as necessary to construct the New York, Norfolk '& Charleston Railroad,"; but ag "necessary to its (the company's) business!" Mr. Norwood stigmatiz ed the bill as a "huge, mis-shapen, blind monster." It almost, said he, enables the company to constitute them elves a court of justice. They claimed the power tb issuejudgments rand'ereri to i&iue certiftcates6f their own indebtedness. He was opposed J to any such bill. He had come to that pass when he had given urJ. all hope of North Carolina having any State pride, and he would not go for her material prosperity, supporting any measure to that end. Mr. Troy called the previous ques tion. The call was sustained, and the movement of the committee was adopted. The question then recurred on the passage of the bill on its second read- i.i i m m . l j i ing ana tne nin ianea 10 pass Dy a vote of 24 to 14, as follows : Those who voted in the affirmative were ; ' Messrs. Cramer, Flemming, Gran dy, Gudger, Harris, Holloman, Hy man, Long, McCotter, Murphy, Res pess, Seymour, Smith and Welch 14. Those who voted in the negative were : Messrs. Allen, Barnhardt, Cowles, Cunningham, Davis, Dunham, Ellis, of Columbus, Horton, Mabson, Mc Cabe; McCauley, Merrimon, Miller, Morehead, of Rockingham, Murray, Nicholson, Norwood, Powell, Scott, Stafford, Troy, Walker, Wearing and Worth 24. , Mr. Miller called up the bill to pro hibit the sale of intoxicating liquors within two miles of the town of Shel by, Cleaveland county. The bill provides that the question be submit ted to the qualified voters of the town for ratification, on the 1st day of March next. An amendment was offered by Mr. Waring to except Cleveland Springs from the operation of the bill. This was accepted by Mr. Mills and the bill passed its several read ings the vote on the third reading being, ave 32, no 6. Mr. Allen moved to reconsider the vote rejecting this - bill with a view to its being re-referred 1 for amendment. Adopted and the' re ference so ordered. . - A message was received from the House transmitting a message from the Governor, accompanied by the report of Alex. Mclver, on the sale of Dufant's Island. Referred to the committee on education. Harris, col., called up the engres sed bill to punish enticers of minors from their parents or guardians, &aj beyond the State, or from one part of the State to another, without ? the consent of said parents, &c. 1 ' Mr. Barnhadt moved to amend by providing," that such minors- should not be harbored or employed. : Mr. Cowlea moved, to amend by providing that the enticing," harbor ing; &c,i 8hpold be 'done , knowingly and wilfully.. . -. : ; 5 , Harris objected to; this latter amendment as destructive of the ob ject of the-bill,. by throwing: the onus of proof upon the parent,' &c. ' '- Mr. Ellis of Columbus, .concurred with Harris, v- v j -p- -j Z Mr, Co wes' amendment was reject ed. L - ' ' '-'' -a , : Mr. Barnhardt withdrew his amend ment. , ' . ( , l5 f - Mr, Gudger moved to amend ; :by giving justices discretionary powe in the amount of fine and term of , im pr jsonment, and 4 making ;s j $50 ,th e . ;-.-i'.r -ii v.-r 'ifssw Silt I 1 ."? t.; !.:, "..r.;".v ' lZt'. 'V.: "f; . Mi " ' maximum of the former and one mj uulh u Ilia latum .. ... . 1 . . M.T. y arm tnougni tne Dm now in I 4 AonditiotdJtelJHed One halff oti the I colofedrf population of ihis pdhnE4id6lihpermitted their cldfeitjol.irfijb they pleased and hire. tr)emXelves out. The bill Mr. Murphy concurrea with Mr. Wosth.;He would fatorji measiir,e to-stop;:-: the stream of emigration from the State, bptjtjiis j&ty would not eneci it; Mrs MoreheadTof-Oprtford.-favo the bill. He did not apprehend the dse&MiM& tbCbyiMelr.nVorth and Muphyf j Only evil doers would oe prosecuiea. j uaiciary committee. On dtipn' oP Mr.. oeyTnoitr th e Senate adjourned till" il o'clock, to- morrow. ::&bu m.. Speaker lK9p4,hsbn . in the chair. , ;. Journal of Saturday readtrand ap feetfoVi'roTesting 'against' - any interference f with the sale of the Western. North' Carolina BilrbadXlefrried 'J : ;; y ; v ? jlr Badger.pved that ' the jennt cornmittee appointed ; to . investigate the sale 01 the Western JN.G. Rail rodJbivjeoueatLtp report 'what pro gress they have madeln the investv- gitlilUll. j . Mr, Bennett from , the -committee stated thaWhei-committer bad! ex arnined.GncT.X. Clingham. N. W. Woodfiri, and a number: of others, and .would submit -a,repost in two Jib lira 16 he Houee. t o Mr. Badger,.a. bill to amend the law in, regardvOrnroceediners . in bas tardy caes,v 'Refe;rTed.vr' " " ' Mr. Biclcey,' a bill to irepeal chap- I Mr. Gidne.vvabill to incorporate Cleveland Lodge No. 21)2, of Free 4isnl-A0CptediaEaVoii3.:i Refetrfed. Mr. Carson a bill to prohibit the sale of liquor on the Sabbath. Re ferred. v . Mr. Dula, a bill to prevent specula tron in cotintry claims. Referred. House bill.tjo allow the Carolina Nar row Guage Railroad Company to consolidate -with the Chester id Lenoir Narrow Guage Railroad Com -pahy of South Carolina, was taken up and passed its third reading.? . ,On niotion of Mr. Johnston, - the Senate bill Relative to education was withdrawn jfiorft the committee on education and placedjon thejcalendar, On moCion of Mr. Reid, the rules were, suspended and. tbe. House bill taauthpjrize "the commissioners of Mecklenburg to appoint - another constable for Charlotte township was JaJeerTvip and pasechits third reading-. . :.: . ' jSPECUL ORDER. 'The resolution to relieve W. W.' Holden of the disabilities imposed by the court of ' Impeachment was read. Mr. Ba'dger addressed the House at some length in support of the re solution., On mbtfcfidfMr.! Joties, of Cald well, the further consideration of the resolution was: postponed andl made the special order for 11 o clock on Tuesday the 28th of January. On motion ' of Mr. Houston . the Hon. J. J. Hickman of Kentucky, was invited to a seat on the floor. Tht; mdssage of His Excellency, the Governor, transmitted on Satur day last' in referenc3 to the sale of Durant's Island was transmitted to the Senate. . Under a suspension of the rules the bill to repeal the usury law in troduced by Mr. Gonaan was- taken up. ! Mr. Bronn, of Mecklenburg, offer ed a substitute for the bill. Mr. Guytier moved to postpone the further consideration of the bill till Saturday next at 11 o'clock a. m. On'motion';of Mr. Jones, of Cald well,.the House adjourned till to morrow at JO o'clock, a. m. New &&Yertisemerits. . Sckool Notice. MISS nJ. MOORE gives notice that her School in District No. 4, Charlotte Township.Ma open for the reception of all white children, as a Free School, as . pre scribed by Jaw. jan z2-taw.:zw j?reight;jpni the Aix-Iine Railroad. ! OFFICE Jl? & R. AIR-LINE JLTSi. CjptteNC., Jan. 22j .873.?.; ON and aer fhia date, freight ? Will be Teceived; pnly on the erenings of Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays, from two to- five o'clock P. M. Xil'S-X-A-C-B&y. SAGE. S. 8. Pe0a3i, Gen'l Superin't. int. T IHLEAlfTJuicy KdrffieTnrA.pples: 5 Call Hi lovers of kealGood Frtiit. Onioiw also, very ftne,1 ordered ! bj'the' solicitation of scores of People H7 'ne "?s..it Irish PotatoesXEarljrRdse, Early'sGoodv rich,'- r Pfcacfi Blov, Harrison &c., for eating 6r plantiifg - ! T 1 ALSO, '?.- , V IjHckwheatjFl6urand;to YerlcHv, Rich Goshen Butter with capital -. Factory Cheese.' i I --JOHN F. BUTTS, jan 2, j , , Market. Free School: TN Compliance with the Free School Law, 1: 1 notify, the public that I am teaching a Free Public. School, for -"colored children in District No. 2, Charlotte Township, jan 22-tt' ; 1 - -C. R. HARRIS. ' -Hfc- o ) ) vivi CODFISH. mWO Drums Geo 's Bank Codfish, at MAOAITLAY & CO. - tlor. OI I," -J -.ffi ... 1 mm WORE! o For January, 1873, Now Out, 11 Quartlr.-?sTh four nunibrr address, bv,$nailj for 25 cents. Tin , : and most instructive Illustrated a i' I '''' CTiptiye floral - Gdo ever "i V, Those of our patrons who . i y Llast year and were.' .credited -wit ' ' : r will receive the four .Oiuirtcli..v "J ' seosiiX-QrdtxJSeeds this v. ',..'..' ,'. - rrpdltwl with n snhs-rt-; . ,! l-i The January jrrtnnber .contain? ,H '- .V's Engravings, Tvro Superb Coloitififl " " . . . . ..... . j i-i 1 1 r 1 y j suitable for framirrs. ajid a! Plates" pf ear 2otjeoC3 Floral n I. p. ' 1 iUIl also li . "Wip- 'Art- ' nnA t;..t: . ' ' . 1 vuilllttlllin nn A sueh matter as was formerly fomu' Annual; Cata!ogne You will miV'w'c-f, you order 'seeds" before seeing r-J lf Brother's Quarterly. We challn.t f k Iarison on-quality of Seeds and nrfJ 'n:; sizes of packets. Our "Calendar L Sheet and Price Lfet for 1873," sent fr'e BR1GGS & BROTHER ' ' Seedsmen and Florins jan 22-4w- Rwhester, X. y Irish Potatoes. TWENTY-FIVE Barrels Good Eat-. Irish Potatoes, just received tit " " STENHOU&E, MACAU LAY t in jan 21, . Just Received "J A A Bushels Mountain Irish rotate IvU Warranted souml and jromi atsiij'. jan 21-tf Hyjiim . ouu tii us, iren and -o(Hi jljl juuu$ scut 10 an parrs 01 iht- ( (- ' ' ; symoxs 5-.V" 3m 21-tf Ifeartlie Chariot llott-l Hommy, HominyT 5 unis. nrace nominy, jusr roeeivc-J ana ior-sale by jan 21 R. M. MILLER & S0 A I D I N E. :0: - WE are the regular Agents for THE A-LIDHsTE, :0 CALL AND SEE SPECIMEN COPIES ALSO THE TREMIUM CIIR0?.:0S. Terms, $5.00 Per Annum. TIDDY & BROTHER, Agmt. jan 21 Home and Democrat copy. s 1 0 0 , 0 oTT THE DIRECTORS OF Till' VUE DE L'EAU COMPANY Ha-ing, for ressons alrrady given tn ;!. public, deemed it judicium in itiMe their GRAND GUT mil In aid of this new and uolihtful SEA-SIDE RESORT. The undersigned take pleasure, in rum. ra cing that the Concert will take plan', without fail, on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY SO, U-Y; In the OPERA IIOCSK. Xoi-;.,:!: When the following magnificent amounting to $100,000- Will be distributed Vy lot to the holdtr tickets : 1 Gift in Greenbacks of, i if 5 Gift in Greenbacks, of $1,000 each, 20 Gifts in Greenback, rof $500 , each, 75 Beautifully located Cottage Lots, "by the- sea" 30 by VM feet, at Vue de L'Eau, valued at $400 each, 200 Other Beautifullv-locatcl Cottage Lot, 25 by 130 feet, at Vue de L'Eau, valued at $200 each, 100 Gift in Greenbacks, of $100 each, 401 Gifts, valued at, 5.1".' K.i.i.".' 4r1.1V. 10,'.)' $l00.ijw . The distribution of GIFTS will take plao? immediately after the Concert, on' e x stage of the Opera House,, and-in lull vk of the audience under the supervision the President and Directors of the ' Vue ae LlEau1 CompaBy;' and the following f tiriguished; gentlemen, who luve kin"1? consented to- be present and pee that te gifts are pxipeily distributed as aJvertl Hon.JoIm R Ludlow,. Mayor of Xrtf Hon. A. S. Watts, Mayor of Portsmouth. Hon. J.B. Whitehead, ex-Mayor w CoL Walter H. Taylor, of Norfolk, , James Holladay, Esq.t of PortsnjeuiJ- ; ' iBhotdd the tickets be not all soM wfj the Concert comes off, the presents will distributed i. proportion to the buiudo encv mfia will liA naid m t-a., our i banking house io the city of "r! , j LUU J" r ,1. oiiTOesentationifeft the ticket honf mUknl A: nriuuv,, U19UIUUI. J- - .i. Kor iunD t. ,-.r tMuiuairsaiiu jor UCJteus, ap'j , ,0 appoint agents lor the sale ox uc. The. undersWed - Directors of tbe a de.L'Eau Company, pledge, themse ' the, public that the above Grand Gilt 10 ruary 20th, lg73,"s announced m a"L card6n the basis of the original aJveru ment as to thedistribdtioa of gifts. Wmi Lamb, S R. J. Neely, V. D; Grorier, ' ' Wro. H. Wltc E. Q;Ghio.v - E. C. Lindley, M. Parks, ? - W. Reed, GeoW. Grice, N. Burrus, AH orders for tickets by mail pj2nlI attended to.' I BTJRRTJS, SON & CO ; Alf oucui tAJLC IJIaCC Ull AIALIX v. 1 rfl Agents for the Sale of Tickets for Ca lotte, TIDDY & BK jan 21-tf Bocik.-