' ' ' ', - ' ... ' ' ' I ''P ! jbs. P. CA:LDWEIJVXocal Editor. (Wednesday, January 22,4873. y Special. Notices Inserted in the jSai Column will te charged Iff cferrts per Hue Wi;i pieaso send the money ior vue ume-r- tftc paper is wamcu. C'ontractors will not he allowed, ctider their contracts, to advertise any TP all lliCir ICil"""" UUBlUCBSf utiles by paying specially for such ad vertisements, t'i j.. ' t trates' Blanks At the Obsebtek Office you can get -&iagistraj .uianKs, printed in the neatest style, on Jbest Uality nF napCT. ' - - - j l t 'tvi i T . j Marriage Licenses. If you wish Mar rlae Licenses, beautifully, executed, call aj file OBSERVES Office.. ... i pscds Printed oa Bond paper can be kaifat tlieOBSBRVBR Office. TrJr Correspondents' must not' write on jjisidca of their paier. V, ; j . t " New Advertisements. i The following new advertisemeiits ap5 jpear this morning the first time, j' Floral Work. . ! Free School Notices. ; Apples Butt. Freight Notice. I The Rip Van Winkle Club met last luhtat the residence of J. H. Wilson,' ! Fair of the Carolinas. There will be a special meeting of the stockholders of the Fair of the Carolinas at the Court House on Thursday, 23rd inst. The public are invited to attend. . ? The clerk of the weather is on a bender. After a rainy, gloomy morning, thfc sun jcanic out beautiful and bright yesterday afternoon, and the day was as pleasant as jcould be desired. Snow next, in all prob- jability. .. j A Plea. Cannot something be done to improve the condition of Trade street be tween our office and thj corner of College I street ? Now please put a little red clay on it : that would improve it some. In the Ilousoof Representatives on Mon day, the bill of Mr. Iteid, of Mecklenburg, for the appointment of an additional con stable for the township of Cliarlotte, was taken up and passed its several readings. Fire Cxtiiig-uishers. A half dozen new Cardiuer Fire Kxtinguishers have just been received by the Independent Hook and Ladder Company of this city. These jare in tiie sreau oi inobe msi ictuvt-u, j which were iound to be defective. -- Public Ducuuieiit IIon.F. JL Shober, f M."c lias furnished a? with -Report ot I "the noble Department of Agriculture" ifur 1S71. We expect to have a "great'deal !-f innocent enjoyment" in the perusal of j this .-interesting work, and Mr. Shober has I our thanks for affording us the pleasure. i Sir. Arthur X.. Butt. This talented j yoan; artist has recently moved his studio I fnj.ii over the store of Brem, Brown & j C.)., to the second floor of the Merchants and Farmers National Bank building. Mr. Hurt has just completed several large and ii:n.' paintings, which mark him as an artist of unusual taste and skill.' The Fcho. We have heretofore failed to notice the prospectus of this paper, --which is to be started at an early day at Hickory Tavern. The paper will be con ducted by Mr. Nat. Eaymon, and will be devoted to Life Insurance, though the proprietor claims that it will not be the mouth-piece of any particular company. The Echo will be published monthly an3 distributed gratuitously- It will no doubt be an excellent advertising medium. . Mayor's Court. A white man was up. before the Mayor yesterday morning on the charge of being drunk and making disturbance bv entering the houses of If persons and frightening the inmates. Case submitted and disposed of in the usual manner. , ' A man of color who had been indelicate ly charged with picking up. a chicken, the property of another Dersor. also had a hearing. Guilty. Usual fine. : , , . i , License Taxes. The year for which dealers in spiristuous liquors have taken out license, will expire' with the last day of Jan'y. The amount of tax levied last year for selling bv retail, was $125 : for selling by wholesale, $100. The Board of Alder men at their meeting Monday night, rais ed the amount $25 on each, so that per sons' desiring to sell liquor in the corpor ate limits of Charlotte the next license -year will have - to nav - a tar of : $125 for , wholesaling, or $150 for retailing- ' ' COMMXTNICAXED. Answer - to A Merchant " The City hog pen being out of repair, tbe bogs enjoyed for a few days the! - privilege of promenading through the corporation. It is now in order to accommodate such trespassers, and we have fait a pair1 of half grown violators of the ordmance-ona of a loyal color and the other of a sandv com- jjieiion ootn oi.wnicn will De exposed at public auction on : Monday 27th inst, un less the owners release them by paying the fine imposed, by ordinance and the 'cost of feeding. ; -; -' ' , 'fA Merchant's" goods are safe for the future from depredation' by 'this class of street walkers;. but another class known as fcity Police are jreqredby to keep the 8ide-walk.s of the city free from obstruction "by all goods. These-geritle-men may give him a call, as he unwarily advertises that he is a yiolator of ther br- dinance in this particular;1!-" . .: - -.POLICE . :' mil I i T . - I 1 . St'lbe" resilience"7 of th"S Bride's mother, at Piaeville, N. C., on the evening of ; the 16th inst., fey ReyJ Mr! Banks, MrvTiD .-Walsh : of Charlotte, to Miss Bosa; only; tonjtertf IHn. Btt? - , zzr. .. . " vy x' i rr cc prujueo to erect a steam grisVrriill la Statesville: ' V:K i Chicken thieves are annoying the good poeple of Fayetterille. j -rt n f our t young brides recently- met together in a parlor , in Milton-They couldn't look at each' other for laugh- The &ntffteJ;saysr jk Old Harry i crazy man; kicked tip in the capitol building on Saturday and had to " be forcibly removed. WW QThe Raleigh' Sentinel savs that rob oeries are peing ireuenuy crpmniit- ted in A juoit club "bast been established in'WilniifigtpnV the courth puse park having been sicted for the ; amuse ment. A gj'mnasium on the same: grounds is to be. erected. . . Several of oiif . exhagea V have meutipned ,an epideeiwr among the honey bees. The: disease has. reach ed WrrentonV JIrSledge.says that Ms Ie si'Mibtjththgislpd. The Weldoh ' Neivs says: Mr' B. R. Bridget's: the Eailroad King, of North Carolina, has recently " purchased several large,, new'engi.nei for the V & W . K. H., which will be put ou the road soon. . ; Stokes county has lost', one of. her smartest old females. The Panbury Jlep&Her sura: Died--On last Friday, on Big Creek, Miss Ursula-! Riddle, she was between eighty and ninety years old. In native intellect her and her old maiden sister were sur passed by no females in this section of country. The Franklin fhtirier says "there have been twenty-eight coses of small pox, and eleven deaths. ; Dr. Cren-. shrvythrnkas that the . disease is on the decline, and that those now siek will soon be out of danger. Mr Bol ton is said to have it very badly." Says the ABheviHlCtfcn: Bay less' Henderson, the murderer of Capt. N. S. Jarrett, asserts in " a jubilant man nar, that he will riot be present on5 the day appointed for his execution, so we learn of a friend just from the West. He feels sanguine of hw suc cess in escaping the prison cells be fore the beams of. the . rising dawn shall touch the gallows prepared for his execution. - The Weldon Neves says : Mr Ex um Vick, an old gentleman of some seventy years of age or more, died very suddenly at Whitaker's mill, in Nash county, on Thursday last. He drare,up to the mill and frith fitome enon aiigntea irom nis venicje, re- riiarkine:, at the time, that he" was go ing to die and that it was useless for any one to do anything for him, and expired a few minutes thereafter. Heart disease was supposed to be the cause of death. The Enfield Times says : A young lady of this place, while sewing one day last week, accidentally stuck a tine cambric needle in herkneeand broke half of it off in the wound. Smarts ing with pain, she sprang up from her seat, and the action of the musc le sfelit;the h'eedle ftfdt bl sign & The limbs causing much 'Pn. a doctor Was called in, who a&red that the needle be left towxrVr itself out, which it would do in time ; as it might require much cutting and great pain to get at. The Asheville Citizen, savs : Scarce ly a week rolls round that we do not hear of a brutal or - accidental mur der.- Last Monday was the scene of a drunken spree on Bolden s Creek, near' Burnsville, in "which . a : man named,, Washburn. ws, .kUod by Dave Boorrr "Wr did not" learn the cause of the murder... -On the night following-another horrible affray oc curred inYancey "county, between ltios. .brackens and tsam Moore, ivhtfih resulted in the latter getting stabbed iriiihe bcfwels the" wotfnd is supposed to be fatal.,' 4 These" two men were quarreling about a- goose, and the result a above 1 stated. Singular Weather Phenomenon. WiLWAUKEEr Wis., Jan 18, 187 A most remarkable weather phenome non occurred this morning between Milwaukee and Sparta, Wis., 180 miles west. The thermometer ai the latter place was forty-five degrees be low zero, wnile at Milwaukee was eighty; degrees above" The' idiffer- ence was due .to two distinct cur rents of airf that at Milwaukee being from the north-nortbeast. brisk, with a lively storm' ' of snow.' while at Sparta and further west the wind was from the northwest with a clear sky. The change in the tempera ture at Milwaukee occurrea on Thursday evening,, at which-time a dense bank of clouds worked its way f across the, sky, followmg 1 closely , in the wake ox the moon, The merchants of - St:: Louis have formed a St. Xouis Internatinal In dustrial Exposition, with a - view to '. it. t ; :i. ai t u foret the world The capital stock is Tha members of Congress from the cotton States haof aConfererice Sa luraay nignt auu agreeu u . ujn vy refund the cotton tax, which will be paseed irMien oi frrerow fjmruuuueu a i 1 - - - 1 . . . 7 ' i- . t. Thel Tbrkisli government cihas brought suit . against the London Times for libel in; publishing com-, munications, "alleged te have been sighed ,bybQV,TarkjA-Hin4stc in Lfondon containing untruestatem ents inS reference to the finances bfthe. gve'ramenrof Tnrkeyr f CniBLOTTE MARKETS. A 4 r r y '-r - .. . ,. ...... .... i c T REPORTED DAILY " TOR TOE OBSESVES MESSES. STESHOXT8E, MACATrLAY A CO. f " .: -i, ' - . CStABXOTTE1Jan,21. COTTON-r-g ales to-day 66 DaieS at former quotations, say 16 Lto 1,81 cts., extreme latter price for middlingl Market quiet. NEYOEKMABKET.- - Spot Cotton osteady. Low Mid dling 49 ; Middling . 20.' - Other glades' ui&hanged. - , p ' : Provision ITIarket. COEHECTED DAILY BT W. H. H. HOUSTON A i -: ' : . CO. , .-. - fPl?0VISION MARKET Flour $4.25 to $4.50 per sack, on market. .. , New Corn 65 to 70 cents, little offering, good demand. . , Wheat $1.50 little ; , offering good demand. :. ,,- ,. , .. Oats 50 to 55 cents good demand. - Pe s, strictly, clay. 90 $1 other kinds 80 to VO. Good demand. 7 Fresh Butter 20 to 25 cents. Mountain Butter, in Kits, 16 cents no uvtiiauu t Chickens 1G tojjp cents cents, with good demand! to-dav. . ; Bacon, (Baltimore' , bulk sides.) 83 t3 9 QMita,.r , ryxvQ ' . JfOjJN'prth. Caroling tmxKrket. Lard Baltimore ; Fhike , in quantity Hi to 12 cents. . TallcAv Iftto-12 cents. --Beeswax 2S to 81 cents. SweetPotaioei . $1 to $1.25 per bushel WsirotatoesfK)t6 $1 cents "per bushel. , Apples (Good Mountain) 75 tq $1,25 per bushel, as to quality. Uu ', Salt Syracuse in Liverpool sacks, $2J0 to $2.15 per sack' . Factory Yarn$i.55 to $1.60, per .bunch. LIQOURS N C Corn, $L40 to $1.50 good , demand. Apple Brandy, $1.50 to $1.75 cood de mand. Peacb Brandy. j$l -75 to ,$2i)0-rgood de- .mahd. . - : .'l . , Financial Market. UYIKG BATES; OP BASIC BTOtES. C. BT . BANK or MECKLESBCaC, TRTOS STREET, CUABIiOTTB, H. C. "tank Cftip y ear le f Bank of Charlotte, Cojaaiuufeei Clarendon, 0 u ayweTiiie. 'i Lexington. 0 JS. uurouna, . Gsucolina, 8() rah am. 1 0 ttOXOOTO', 2 9 Tho&iMvllle. 2 Wde8boro', 10 i aeey vuie, Wilmington, 15 Commercial Bank of Wilmington I Farmers' Bank of North Carolina, 2 Greensboro,' Mutual Insurance Co.. fold.) Merchants' Bank of Newbern, : , ' Miner's and Planters' Bank, ; :1 Virginia Bank Notes average about lu outh- Carolina ' ) " ; " 4 : 10 Georgia " " " : 20 Bank of the State of North Carolina. 2 These quotations are liable to fluc tuation, and cannot be relied on for any length of time. Remittances for all Bank Notes sent us made either in Currency or Northern Funds, at Starr " - What the Season Suggests. To assume warm clothing at the com mencement of the cold season ,is only an act of common prudence. But something more than this is required to put the body in & state of defense against the searching atmosphere of winter. Damp has a de- ttressins effect on the vital organs Bdth f animal spirits. The amount of-Uifi. powerT, taken out of the strongest o-t us by the chilling vapors which frequently load the air at this period of the year is very consid erable, and to the weak and languid they are extremely detelerious. To protect the system against their effects, it must be In wardly toned, regulated and reintorced, as well as shielded outwardly by apppropriate garments. This essential service is more safely and satisfactorily accomplished by the daily use ot Hostetter s stomach Bit ters than by any other means within the province of medical science. The fact :iere stated is as incontrovertible as a de monstration in mathematics. Nobody dis putes it. It is a matter of common belief and of general record. Here- the oase might be rested ; but the public, naturally enough, wants to know why this lamous vegetable specific is so far ahead of all other medicines of its class. This reasona ble curiosity can be readily gratified. The Bitters comprise five important elements. viz : a stimulant, a conic, an aperient, ana a blood depurent. Each of tbese compo nents, as well as each of the other subor dinate ingredients, is the purest and best of its kind. They are proportioned in ac cordance with a formula that has been in use for twenty years, and operate harmon iously and simultaneously. Hence tUe uniform success of the medicine. , Mothers; be Advise d. Always keep a bottle of Dr. Tutt' Cele brated Expectonint in the house. Z i certain, pleasant cure for, Croups, Coughs, Colds, etc. It is agreeable to the taste and Children take it readily. Go to yourdr.- gist and get it at once, it may lave theluj . r - .jr. oi your Miue une. MOBILE, ALA, May 27, 189.:if Dr. Wm. M. Tutt : - V:; 4 A Dear Sir T should be meased to adver tise your medicines and will cheerfully" give you a gtxa nouee oi .your ji.xpeeH 1 . - "r L. til ant, as l naye personally usectit,wiwi fct satisfaction. Very respectfully, ' i W. D.MANN,; Proprietor of the Mobile Regist,V - : - f The Barbers all Prefer Dr. Tuft's Dye. ; ' . t ' t MiBtTABT FASHIOITS. LESLIES LADIES' .JOTJlQLi at jan 21 Tnnm T ESL1ES Ladies' Magazine, ftt ii jan 21 - . 4 TIDDYJ X t jan 21 . ... TlDDin. HODEVS VJ, jati21; T n Jtt'o UvtA- "it'-" ' TfETROPOLITAN, M,: jan 21. v V.- - at ;,tidp "DEVTJE. DE ; LA MODEai . DIE jyfodenwelt,.at.T . . t:r -jari21 ' - 1 i TTDD-rS. 5ARPER ARPER'S BAZAR,; at HARPER'S MONTHLY, at f A PPLETONTSr Journal, at A ? jan V THMTTS. JT1HE Galaxy; at jan2Xs OtlVER Optic's Boys and Girls, at jan 21 ... v. - A' TPPT . Y. RESIDENCES, ,;h ' and DESIRABLE FAEIXH7G LAUDS, ' IMPBOVED and UNIMPROVED: T) AETTES.lishiBg to invest in such prop X perty it reasonable terms would do well to call at our office in the. Court House. Further assignments and correspondence solicited. GRAHAM & NASH, Attorneys, ' jaU 21-$m Charlotte, N. CI TSgw Inducemeiits. 1 i T. RIM n IN" ORDER ilAKE ROOM -FOR A- y.Spong Stock, weQwhT sell all our iljinl W&iteife3oda,greatly re- duced prices. Your attention is particularly invited to our Stock of Fine Dress Goods, HAWLS, FLANNELS, CASSI MERS, BLANKETS, And all kinds of Woolen Goods, together with a large Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, which we will sell very low. jan 21 McMURRAY & DAVIS. JtistReceived. Choice lot of Smoked Sugar Cured Shoulders, at A jan 21 R. M. MILLER & SONS. OKA -.Sacks, Country Flour, different Grades,' for sale at jan 21 R. M. MILLER & SONS c . PORTBAJnfc "PAIffTINGr ! ! A Hare Chance for Charlotte!!.! PGR -three months I will Paint Portraits for $25, such' as are generally charged $200. Persons wishing Portraits of their departed friends can obtain them if they have a good Photograph of them. I shail be pleased to show you specimens of my work at my Studio above Brem, Brown & Co's Hardware Store. A., L. BUTT, dec ll-3m Charlotte, N. C. E. S. BUEWELL, THOS. GEIEK, J. H. CAB30.N. ffrvTell, Orier & Co:; (Successors to Carson S Grier.) GMers & MI' Corner of 4th and Tryon t3., CHARLOTTE, N. C. jan 1-1 m. FEED V0OEL THE well known butcher, wishes to inform his friends aurvthe public in general that he has open ed a Meat Market in the basement under valter Brem & Co's Hardware Store, wete he will keep constantly on hand, everything in his line. Give him a call and see for yourselvas. Persons wishing to sell cattle, sheep, hogs, &c, will find him already purchaser, tyan 18-tf 4 BOARDING. RS. A. W. MILLER is prepared to ac commodate Boarders with room and $aeals, or with meals only, as the Boarder Inay desire. The building, Gray's, on the fcorner of Trade and Church streets, is a Hgew one ; the rooms are cleanly, comtort- bly, neatly furnished, and well attended. jpj The table is as good as the market will vimorxtt fe '.'Terms most liberal, to suit clerks who ate working for moderate salaries. ir ian 1-tf yj&n- Act to Chang-e the time for hold- ing the Spring1 Term of the Supe- Irior Conrt of Cabarrus County. Sec. 1. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : That after the first day of January, 1873, the. Spring Term of the Superior Court for tbe County of Cabarrus, shall be held on the first Monday of July of each y ear and continue for two weeks unless the business be sooner disposed of. Sbk 2. That all processes, recognizances and other legal proceedings in, civil and criminal actions which have already been issued,' or may- hereafter be issued, ' and returnable to the Spring Term as now es tablished , by law, . the same . shall be heidH? returnable to the Terni of said Court as now fixed by this act : and all persons wrk) have been recognized or bound ' i a . j i. . tr '? ; or ;8ummonea to appear ai ine cspnng Term ofisaid Court for the year, eighteen hundred and seventy-three are hereby re quired to appear at the Term thereof as proscribed by this act, and the Secretary of State, shall within one month from its ratification, cause this act to be published, and furnish the Sheriff and the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cabarrus County with, a "Skc 3. It shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cabarrus county to advertise at two or, more! public places in each township in said county on or be fore the first day oi April 1873, notifying suitors and witnesses of the change of the Spring Term of the fcrapenor Uourt as pre scribed in this act. Sec. 4. This act shall be in force from and after its ratification. In General Assembly read three times and ratified this 18th dav of December, A. D. 1873. J. L. ROBINSON. Speaker of the Senate. J. L. Mobehead, Jb.; -, , ; , .President of the Senate. . ftJ?tlcK feE6RfirlS OFlStATE, , aRLEIGii,lan:i0th, 1873. Inerebyitharih e' foregoing is a true eppyof the originalacfe on file in 'this" umce. uit. n. nuniiiiu, , :,! H irj frt&9AT&TZ State. January 12, 1873roaw 4w AND r 3 ''J ; F. Wk$ :H E L T 0 II HAVING greatly increased hii Stiick of FURNITURE which- consists in part ot CilfV vfrto tf: : Parlor Soits Blaclc alput Painted Chamber Suits, . French, ami. Cottage t' , Bedsteadsr jSpring . JSeds, Bureaus,)- j Teapoys, Fold! ngr Tables. Linlie Work ;! ! Tables, - tension 'and Centre Tables Whatnots safes, Excelsiur and CX)ttonMattreases,kJhair3 and StooW'of varioustyleSindf many other things, npj. necossary to mention. The Undertakers -Department is complete from the cheap PopUuCoair' to the Finest Hexigan.He.anJVt , Walnut Casket Half. Glass. Tot), finished iand med in thfimostapprovstie,wiU kept constantly reaay: jor use, au owhich will be sold xit a most reasonable Dribe. .. Returning many thinks fbriast. iavors I most .respectfully kVtlW citizens of onariotie anu , surruun,oing. ; country, wno have need, for Any thjng'inV joy ine''o. give me a call belore purcliasins elsewhere South Trade Street opposite ihe Market jan 1st i873-ly - '. F. M, SHELT0N NOTICE. A I TTE have this day sold but. entire. etock T T of Groceries, Liquors,. &g,J . to Messrs. v . H H. HOUSTON AQ,. and in retir ing from business respeqtiuljy; ask; a con tinuance of the liberal patronage bestowed upon us to our successors. , s. ,. GREGORV LLlAMSbN, W. J. BLACK & CO; jan i; 1373. ' ' f , &B Having purchased "W J.' Black & Co's and Gregroy & WilUamson's entire stock of Goods, we have opened at Gregory & Williamson's 'old ; stand, next ' dolor to McMurray, Davis ! Co's,. at which place we will constantly keep a cbmplete Stock of : :.v ' '; : J GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &C., And would respectfully ask a call from the' public 1 r W. IL H. HOUSTON & CO P.. J, jORR Vandr Ti p. WALSH, formerly with Gregory & Williamson, and McD. ARLEDGE, .formerly .with W. J. Black & Co., are with us and vf ill be pleas ed to see their friend and customers. ' W. H. H. HOUSTON & CO. jan7 : :. ; : New Advertisements. Agents Wanted, for Gopbiiis Clins'bmmeiiktoj1 ON THE IsIH for the HOME CIR Clifi. 1,200 pages, 250 Engravings. The best enterprise of the year; for agents. Every family will have it. Nothing ttkei now published. For circulars address H. S. GOODSPEED & CO., jan 1-4 w 37 Park Row, N. Y. BOOK AGEMS now at work, or look ing for some new book, should write at once for circulars of thef-best-selling books published. Extraordinary j induce ments offered. Sxqperb premium giiien away. Particulars free. Address -! QUEEN CITY PUBLISHING CO., r jan l-4w Cincinnati, Ohio. 1872. JUBILEE ! t 1873. BETTER THAN PICTUBES IS THE NEW Y0EK 0BSEEVEE, The Great American Family Newspaper. $3 a Year with the ; JUBILEE YEAR BOOK. SIDNEY E. MORSE & CO., 37 Park Row, New York.; SEND FOR A SAMPLE COPY. , jan 1-4 w ,. : TRICKS and TRAPS of AMERICA Would you avoid being "bi;"by Rogues', Swindlers and "Humuugs l!" ReaH the "Star Spangled Banner." A large, Illus trated 40 column 8 oaee rjaoer. Ledoer size. Splendid Stories, Sketches, f aM Poems, Wit, Humor, Puzzles. Recipes &c. 11th year, $1 a year, with elegant Prang Chromo, "Autumn Leaves " tree to All. Only l. Try it once.. Satisfaction I guaranteed. Agents wanted, outfit FKJfiJS, specimens. &c. for 6 cents, address f'BANNER,' Hinsdale, N. II. : jan l-4w f ' j If von -sriflh to be eared DC the. habit, address X- E. IAJU M. D.llt Vernon, Oblo jan 1-4 w ' m r -&ci. nrr.dav ! I Asrents wan 0 1 U 'W&J fedt All classes of working people, oL?eri. per, .young or old, make more motley ork for us m at anyilwflg: 'JOac. -Jfar icuia rs tree, ao- ljfti4Maine. anVcaseo? Blind, Se&SSnek Itching or Ul cerated Piles that D ; 1 BfKGs Pile Rejced fails to cure. It is prepareo- eipesslyH,tD;.iu?e the Piles, and notlnng else. f k',' ' Sold by all Druggists, t PnC jan a w -i - - H0W,.WHSNaANI? WHERE By KaiL2? centsAd Iress, V'ECJ&EOWELL? CO, jan l-4w iTsjrl laark I owjN-Y. JDEECirlDli '' ! FOUR Fine! ?ofclTcgs bj,ls., Large Sweet Petaes721jLlSBjarfe Onion X Tierce, of Sugar, .Cured Hams; new, and very, fine, Hecklers Porfc Sausage redeived daily: Tishert, celebrated Mince. ILeit sacks ! strictry tFamilV 'Flour.' 2Q bushels find -J Mountain 11 'Applesi 'Chesntits; "Irish: Potatoes, Dried Fruit of all kinds; ' 16 dozu of Domestic Fresji, spanned ; Peaches and Cherries, all of wlifcrl wills be ! sold at the lowest! figTire3;atmwDip; SMITHS. mm BBrtaeg 1L Ml i ) i.iiiiii bctionjStore. DISSOLUTION. rpriBfirm of Eceles Gaither, is this A, dy dissolved by mutual consent, H. C, Eccles. retiring. .; ""':.( j !3 r u -. iJStXJLifiS A GAITHER. January 12th, 1873., ? ..T i . , -. - ... . -,: ' . &.:", Lv "... The business will be continued at the old stand by the undersigned.' v J jaall THOMAS H.GAITUEIL Rooms to Eent. ". I-.Iiave several nice Rooms over WHson & Black's Drug Store to Let, on reasona ble Terms. , THOMAS H.GAITHKR, Auctioneer, Commission Mercliant jan 12 1 ' And Real Estate Agent. Horses at Private Sale. :I have four fine Family Horses for sale. Call at the AUCTION STORE. ! T. H. GAITHER. jan 12 .i GANNED PRUIT, JTJST RECEIVED at the Auction Store- 1,500 cans of fresh Peaches, Cherries, Damsons , and Black berries, which will be, sold very cheap by the case. T, H. GAITHER. jan 15 . . Land Sale. BY Virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county, I shall pro ceed to sell at public auction in the (Sty of Charlotte at-the Court House door on the 15th day February, 1873, a certain lot of Llank. situated r in the city of Charlotte on Tryorr street adjoining the lands or A. is. Davidson,!; H.Carson and others, contain ing one acre more or less. The title to said land is unquestionable Terms of sale are J cash and the balance of purchase money to be secured by bond with approved security.. Sale subject to conformation by said Alamance Superior Court. J. E. ECTOR, - Commrs'r.. T. II. GAITHER, jan 16-30t eod Auctioneer. H. M. MILLER & SQXS, .- :Or O B O C3 J3 S -AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS -:0:- HAVING Completed oir ncK throe story building, on tbe coraes of Col lege and Fourth streets, we have just REMOVED into it, and are ready for our Customers. Our House is-divided into five' Depart ments 1st Department Fancy Groceries. Soaps, Candles. Candy, Starch, Soda, ltnisins, Oysters. ?? j . ugar, Coffee, l eaSf. Spices, Iiize Candies, Brandy Peaches, &c., &c Purchased direct from the Manutacturers with the view of supplying the WHOLESALE TKALJiL 2nd Department Heavy Goods-. Molasses, Bacon, Flour, Hard, Mack erel, &c. Our facilities for handling, such goods, are superior to. jthose of any -mercaiitire housV iu e Cifey. Merchants may irest n .qsnred t.liat tliev good of us at , TIIE XOWEST FIGURE. 3rd Department Produced Cotton, Corn, Wheat Oats, Rye Hay, &c. Bought at highest ewth jrrices Hold on Commission. Stored, with. casli advances MOde uou tit ', if same. We invite special at- " Untiion to one amiuiixsion . ., . and storing business TO WHICH WE PA Y CLOSE PER SONAL ATTENTION. 4th Department Phosphates. WE ARE AGENTS FOR ZELL'S and other SUPER PHOSPHATES, tbe most reliable article on the Mar ket. Certificates from reliable farmeis furnished on Appli cation. We are also Agents for GILHAMS CELEBRATED 'TOBACCO FERTILIZER; 5th Department Leaf Tobacco Warehouse. WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE Revenue Law, and are now ready to re ceive Leaf Tobacco, which we will buy or sell on. commission. Our Warehouse fees are less than the same at Richmond or Dan ville, and the best nrices TIN THOSE MARKETS ALWAYS OB TAINED. OUR large and commodious HALL will be finished and opened to the public about the First of March, WE THANK; a generous public for- the liberal patronage which has heretofore been bestowed upon us, and we hope that through strict attention to business,, and selling our goods- at low figures we may merit a continuance of their favoT- " - t R.' M.' MILLER & SONS. x 1UU Boxes. TRENCH and American: Window G!ass R, ifcoo4;oeder.jj .;i b-imnt MACARONI, Corn Starch, Chocolater Horsford's Bread. Preparation, Punot Povder Ginger and Pepper. - 1 WM. JR. BUR WELL & COw lana gprings vorner. HAIR Brushes, 'English and Aroercan-. .K W3I. R. BURWELL.& CO. I:EWore White Lead, - -iU:t J. T' SUGSS." J- Isooessor to Coit and Suggis) Trade Bt4 next door below Merchants' & i ' : Farmers' National Baalr. , ROCE RI E & & kIQ.tJ 0 RS , At . WHOLESALE & RETAIL' KEEPS constantly on hand a large and wt selected stockof BACON', IARD, MACKEREL, FLOUR, MOLASSES, SU GAR, f COFFEE TEAS, SPICES. CAN DIES; SODA 80APSt CANDLES, SE 'GAvRS, TOBAXX,iftc.v&c.V; ALSO, Corn, Wheat,-' Rye, Oats, -&c.; bought and sold on commissions! - I .:!

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