Travelers Guide. North ColinalSAilroad , it Makch 80, 1872. On and after Sunday 31 Instant, the Passenger Trains over tnia road will leave and arrive at Charlotte, as Leavej going east, at : t 7,Wp. m. t Arrive, coming wrest, at : 7.20 a.m. .-Leave, going east, at . : o a. m. : ' Arrive, coming west, at ,? : 80 p. m. - Wilmington C. & B. Bailroad. Leaves, . : ' " . 8.00 m Arrives, : ' i 5.39 p. m Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio R. Er SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICII f " Chablotte, N. C., July 22nd, 1872. J . ON and after Thursday, the 25th, the fol lowing Schedule will be-run over this Road daily. (Sunday excepted.) Leave States ville, 7.00 A. Arrive at Charlotte, 10.35 f; " Leave Charlotte, : 3.8o P, M. Arrive at Statesville, . . 7.00 . " All charges must be pre-paid on Freight offeied for shipment to . Section House, Henderson, Alexandriana, Hunter'sCald well's, Tatom's and Freelands. These being "Flag Stations," the Company is not liable for any loss or damage to freight after it is unloaded, at either of the above points.- ' No freight will be received by Agents, or forwarded unless the name of Consignee, and destination is distinctly marked there in. J. J. GORMLEY, July 23 Superintendent. Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad. Columbia, S. C., Sept. 22, 1872. GEN. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. On and after MONDAY SEPT 22, the following Schedule will be run over this Load : . Til iE TABLE. GOIITG SOUTH. Train No, 1. Leave Charlotte, 7.15 a. m. Leave Columbia, 2.29 p. m. Arrive Augusta, 7.42 p. m. - GOING NORTH. i:o. 2. 8.1 ) t. m. S..3 r,. m. S.0 a. m. Leave Augusta, 6.35 a. m. 5.50 p. m. 11.05 p. m. 6.00 a. m. Leave Columbia, 11.53 a. m Arrive Charlotte, 6.15 p. m Standard Time ten minutes, slower than Washinglbn City time, and six minutes fasterthan Columbia City time. No.' 1 Train daily. No. 2 Train daily, Sundays excepted. Both trains make close connection to all points North, South and West. Through tickets sold and baggage check ed to all principal points. JAMES ANDERSON, Gen. Supt. E. R. Dorset, Gen. Fr'ght & l.jkct Agt. june 11 " Time Table Western IV. C B. B. Takes effect Monday, May 22, 1871. GOING WEST. Arrive. Leave. Salisbury, 5.00 a. m. 5.52 A. M. Third Creek, 5 57 6.45 " 7.42 " 8.50 " 9.35 " 10.20 " 11.05 " 11.54 12.43 P. M. 1.32 Statesville. 6.50 Ci tawba Station, 8.02 Nevton, 8.55 Hickory Tavern, 9.40 Icavd. 10.25 44 Morganton, I11 Bridgewater, 11 59 Marion, 12.48 P. M. Old Fort, GOING EAST. Arrive. Leave. Old Fort. 7.15 a: M. 7.59 A. M 8.48 9.37 " 10.22 " 11.07 " Marion, 8.04 " Bridge water, 8.53 " Morganton, 9.42 " Icar 1, 10.27 " Hickory Tavern, 11.12 " Newton. 11.57 " 11.52 12.45 P. M, Catawba Station, 12.50 p. n. 1.42 " Statesville, 1.47 " 2.35 Third Creek, 2.40 " 3.32 " Salisbury, Trains Pass at Icard at 10.25 A. M. jy 25 tf T)ICEMOND & DANVILLE RAIL- J.V LOAD. St. C. DIVISION. CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. In effect on and after Sunday, Dec. 22d, GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Mail. Express. Leave Charlotte, 7.10 P. M. 6.25 A. M. " Concord, 8.21 " 7.26 44 44 Salisbury, 9.50 44 8.34 44 44 Lexington, 10.51 44 9.03 44 44 High Point, 11.5 A. M. 10.17 44 Arrive Greensboro 12.50 " 11.00 44 Leave Greensboro, 1.45 11.10 44 44 Com p. Shops, 3.36 44 12.20 P. M. 44 Hillsboro, 4.53 44 44 Raleigh. 8.05 44 Arrive at Goldsboro. 11.02 44 GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. Mail. Express. Leave Goldsboro', 4.00 P, M. 4 Raleigh, 7.45 44 Hillsboro', 10.21 44 41 Comp. Shops, 12.05 44 2.15 P. M. Arrive Greensboro, 1J0 . M. 3.30 44 Leave Greensboro', 2.15 44 4.00 44 44 High Point, 3.04 44 4.43 44 44 Lexington,. 4.02 44 5.33 44 " Salisbury, 4.57 44 6.22 44 44 Concord, 6.10 " 7.28 44 Arrive at Charlotte, 7.20 44 8.30 44 Passenger train leaving Raleigh at 7-45 p. m., connects at Greensboro' with No th em bound train moblnir tho nnUW time to all Northern cities. Price of tick ets same as via otner routes. Mail trains daily, both ways, over entire length of road. Express daily between Company Shops and Charlotte Sunday All Passenger trains connect at Green boro' with .trains to ami fmm oinhmA Pill lman F lapp Pptu tvn all nl.k . - , . uigu. uaiup between Charlotte and Richmond, (with- Master Transportation, i Jy 25 Special Notice to the Public. AS a great manv chancres ha JX place this year, I respectfallr iieg to inform the citizens of Charlotte and the puoiicin general tnat no change has taken vuxsjc at, iiijr esmuiisDraent. i am still at my old stand, No. 24 Tryon Street, David x-arKs Duiiomg, , with a Jarge and well &eieciea stocK oi tne hnest and latest styles of custom-made clothing for Men, Youths andBys swear' also on hand a fine stock -of Gents' FnTnishiTur- aui-. , Ballou's make, the .best fitting shirt1 iif, the orld. The very i latest styles of 'Hats, -..o, iwnrsuuu xro, umDreuas,, and I -will still Bell " them ai'priSes Co defy I exnect tn Ipjiva fnr 'Vowf vv rv shorttime to lajr m my stock of Clothing tnd Piece Goods, for my Tailoring Estab- v a.ivA nm M uiiug wuii ' nie an texneriend fhittpr nH Tailor .nri u - , mm nui uc Teady by Spring to cut and ,make to order t my own establishment and under my wn supervision and at lower prices than aiue quaiuy oi gooas can be made up , in this or any other city, this side of Balti more. :,- ' ... i-.T.,; .:,:..-,'.,. J Bein&r thankfnl to ih HHe 1and the IMiblic in general for the , v iwunage neretoiore bestowed upon tne I most respectfully ask a continuance Kespectruiry, - 45n 9 E. SHRIEK. Home and Democrat copy. Prospectus for 1873. Sixth: Year. :0: H Gn Ait D I W E , An Illustrated Monthly Journal, universally admitted to be the Handsomest Periodir cat in th World. - A 4 Representative . - and Champion of American Taste. " fidf FOR SALE IK BOOK STORES. ; THE AtDiNE, wliich is issued with all the relrity," has none of the temporary or ii...siff mtarect characteristic ot ordinary peiiocli'eals. It In an elegant miscellany of nn -e. liht. and graceful literature1: and a voVeeiion cf picnres,"the rarest specimens of artistic i::u in b:ack and white. Al- thoush each succeeding number affords a fresh treasure to iti friends, the real value and beauty of THE ALDllSJi; wiu be most appreciatea alter it has Deen nouna tm at the close of the year. While oterpublicatipns may claim supe rior cheapness,4 as compared with rivals of a similar class,-THE ALD1NE is a unique and original tnception-alone and unap- proacliea-aDsomteiy vmnoui conipeuuon alone v. and nnapproached absolutely without competition in price or character. The possessor of i a complete volume can not duplicate the quantity of hne paper and engravings in any other shape or number of volumes for ten times its cost : and then, there are the chromos, besides ! " ART DEPARTMENT. Notwithstanding the increase in the price of subscription last Fall, when THE ALDINE assumed its proportions and rep resentative charcter, the edition more than doubled during the past year; proving that the American public appreciate, and will support, a sincere effort in the cause of Art. The publishers, anxious to justify the ready confidence thus demonstrated, have exerted themselves to the utmost to aevei ope and improve ihe work ; and the plans for the coming year, as unfolded by the monthly issues, will astonish and delight even the most sanguine friends of THE ALDINE. - . The rrtiblishers Are authorized . to an nounce designs from many of the most eminent artists of America. In addition, THE ALDINE will repro duce examples cf the best foreign masters, selected with a view to the highest artistic success, and greatest general interest : avoiding such as have become familiar, through photographs, or copies 01 any kind. The quarterly tinted plates, for 1873, will reproduce four of John S. Davis' inimita ble child-sketches, appropriate to the four seasons. These plates, appearing in the issues tor January, April, July and Octo ber, would be alone worth the price of a year's subscription. . The popular features of a copiously illus trated "Christmas" number will be con tinued." ! To possess such a valuable epitome of the art world, at a cost so trilling, will command the subscriptions of thousands in every section of the country; but, as the usefulness and attraction of THE ALDINE can be enhanced, in proportion to the numerical increase of its supporters, the publishers propose to make "assurance double sure," by the fol lowing unparalleled offer of PREMIUM CHROMOS FOR 1873. Every subscriber to THE ALDINE, who pays in advance for the year 1873, will re- . ' !ii . . ji'i.! I 1 .. r ceive, witnoui auumonai cuarge, a pair 01 beautiful oil chromos, after J. J. Hill, the eminent English painter. .The pictures, entitled 4The Village Belle,' and "Cross ing the Moor, are 14x20 inches ;are prin ted from 25 different plates, requiring 25 impressions and tints to perfect each pic ture. The same chromos are sold for $30 per pair, in the art Stores- As it is the de termination of its conductors to keep THE ALDINE out of the reach of competition in every department, the chromos will be found correspondingly ahead of any that can be offered by other periodicals. Every subscriber will receive a certificate, over the signature of the publishers, vxtaiantee- ing that the chromos delivered shall be equal to the samples furnished the agent, or the money will be refunded. The dis tribution of pictures of this grade, free to the subscribers to a five dollar periodical, will mark an epoch in the history of Art . and, considering the unprecendented cheapness of the price for THE ALDINK itself, the marvel falls little short of a mir acle, even to those best acquainted with the achievements of inventive genius and improved mechanical appliances. (For illustrations of these chromos, see November issue of THE ALDINE.) THE LITERARY DEPARTMENT will continue under the care of Mr. RICH ARD HENRY STODDARD, assisted by the best writers and poets of the day, who will strive to have the literature of THE ALDINE al ways in keeping with its artis tic attractions. TERMS. $5 per annum, in advance, with Oil ' Chromos free. THE ALDINE will, hereafter, be ob tainable only by subscription. There will be no reduced or club rates ; cash for sub scriptions must be sent to the publishers direct, or handed to the local agent, with out responsibility to the publishers, except in cases where the certificate is given, bearing theac-n7 signature of James Sctton & Co. , , S i , AGENTS WANTED." . "Alylperson wishing to act permanently as. focal genty ? will receive - full and prompt information by applying to , . JAMES SUTTON & CO., ',v,tiV';!" i-"1'- Publishers, dec 5 58 Maiden Lane, New York. J.W. WADSWORTH "has at his Livery and Sale Stable, opposite the City Clock, HORSES ana MULES for sale and kept eonstanly on hand, noV 30 , i FOR SALE. A Lot of fine HORSES arid MULES, JX in splendid order. At DAVIDSON'S U VERY STABLES. Horses and Mules for sale are kept on hand constantly. ( nor i6-tr ; Oati. ' : FIFTEEN Hundred Bushels Mountain Seed Oais, for sale bv STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. FOB SALE. A NC; "We are prepared to do all kinds of Book and Job Printing, from the smallest Card to the largest Poster, plain or in colors, printed on as reasonable terms as the same work can be done at any establishment in the State. - Merchants, Manufacturers, Profes sional Hen, and others in want of Pamphlets, Briefs, Le gal Blank forms of every kind, Busi ness Cards, Vis- iting Cards, Admission Cards, Invitations, Ball tickets, Excursion Tickets, Railroad Tickets, Pro grammes, Posters, Handbills, Dodgers, Circulars, Statements, fec., Had better give ns a call, as we have a full supply of all kinds of Type, from 1-16 of an inch to 5 inches. Remember that ' Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Eailroad Blanks, . ' ' Isabels, Conductor's Checks,. or any description of Printing, done at reasonable rates, and in superior style. 4 S- Orders ; from abroad will always receive prompt attention. Magistrate Blanks, Marriage li censes, Liens, &c., kept for sale. S& We pay special attention to COLORED PRINTING, of every description, such r as Tobacco Labels, Bands, Notices, &c jones & Mclaughlin Proprietors of Cfcariotte Observer. c-Uew AdveTlisemsnts." 1 1 QDnD HQ' JEST Book sent free. iOX.UlilOf Address Eagle Book Co. & Murray St, N. Y. , . jan.5-4w li I" rlVTITV Easily made with our iVlUlN Hi I Stencil , and i key-check outfit. 3- Circulars . Free, Btanoru M'fg Co., 66 Fulton Street, N. Y. ' i WANTED : month to sell'the Im.- PROVED AMERICAN FAMILY KNIT TING MACHINE. The simplest and best in the world. Address AMERICAN KNIT TING MACHINE , Co., 345 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.' " jan 3-4W P A Agents wanted ! Just out ! A OUU splendid -new Christ: "CHRIST BLESSING LITTLE CHILDREN " Im mense sales! 500 agents wanted for pur large Map of the 4LTnited States" with im mense "World" Map on reverse tide. Our Maps and Charts go like wild-fire. HAASIS & LUBRECTH, Empire Map and Chart Establishment, 107 Liberty Street, New York. jan 3-4w $ 90 made Dec. 3d by one Agent selling HORACE GREELEY & FAMILY,- A fine engraving, 22x28, inches, sent by mail for $1.00. We also' mail Button-Hole and Sewing Machine Thread Cutters, and Needle Threading Thimble, price 25 cents each. Circulars of various other Novelties mailed T frequently to all old and new agents, address AMERICAN NOVELTY Co., jan3-4w 302 Broadway, N. Y. LOOK ! FEEE TO ALL ! ' Kfi Wee agents, Male or Female. tyOJ To all who will Write for an Agen cy we will send a copy of that 44 Wonder of Wonders," the Illustrated Horn of Plenty. It contains over fifty beautiful illustrations, & will be sent FREE to all who may write. Address I GARSIDE, Paterson, N. J. jan 3-4w FREE TO Book Agents GIFT a complete outfit of the PICTORIAL HOME BIBLE it is . the only Bible in which a complete History, Encyclopedia, Analysis of the Scriptures, and Improved Classified "Bible Dictionary is given ; its unequaled beauty and merits make it the cheapest and fastest selling Bible pub lished. WM, FLINT & CO., jan 3-4w "Atlanta, Ga. DO Nf ; Be deceived, but for coughs, coles, sore throat, hoarsen ets ai?d broncaial difficul ties, use only WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. Worthless Iiiiivi'ons a: e oa tli market, bat the only av'c ltiiic preixnv oii of Car bolic Ac-rt for Lun disease is v.'I.eii chem cally combined with other v.e'l knov,Tn remedies, as 5u tliese taelka,,- end all par ties are cuutioiiou a-iainst usin:? any other. In alleges oi'irriUUion oi' the mucous menbrane these TABLisrs should be fieely used, their cleaning and healing proper ties are astonishing. Be warned, never neglect a cokl,it is easily cured in it3 incipient, when it becomes chromic the cure is exceedingly difficult, use Well CarlM)Iic Ta blets as a secihc. Price 25c. ier Box. John Q. Kello-, IS Piatt St., N. Y., Sole Agent for the United States. Send xor Circular. jan 3-4w AGENTS WANTED. Act at once. There is a PILE of money in it. The people everywhere are Eaer to buj7 the AUTHENTIC HISTORY OF LIVINGSTON'S Wondrous Discoveries and Tbrilluig Ad ventures during 28 years in Africa, with account of the Stanley Expcxlition. Over 000 pages, only $1.50, is selling beyond parallel. Only Complete and Reliable work. Send for circulars, and see Proof and great success agents are having. HUBBAr.D BROS., jan 3-4w Publishers, Boston, Mass. DO Agents want absolutely the best sell ing books ? Send for circulars of Vent's Unabridged Ulus. Family Bible. Over 1100 pages 10 by 12 in., 2C0 pages Bible Aids, &c. Arabesque $6.25 Gilt Edge, 1 clasp, $8.25. Full Gilt, 2 clasps, 11.00. "Belden : the White Chief," For Winter Evenings, 36th 1090 ready. The Standard, 46th 1000 ready, Epizootic Treat ments, &c C. F. Vent, New York and Cincinnati, Vent & Goodrich, Chicago, jan 3-4 w $75TO$250FRM'H HH Everywhere, male and Female, to in troduce the "Genuine Improved Com- j ' mon Sense Family Sewing Machine. This machine will stich, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and em in a most superior manner. Price $15. Fully licensed and warranted r"j . for five years. We will pay $1,000 for y- auy machine that will sew a stronger, ) , more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch." Every second stitch r J can be cut, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. rh We pay agenrs from $15 to $250 per month and expenses, or a commission from which twice that amonnt can be made. Address SECOMB & BO., Boston,", Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa., Khicago, III., or St. Louis, Mo. jan 3-4 w . ... . . ... .. . .. I Cheap Farms 1 Free Hmes ! On the line of the Union Pacific Railroad 12,OOOKM) acres of the best Farming & mineral Lands in America. I 34)00,000 Acres in Nebraska, in the LPlatte Valley, now-for sale. MILD CLIMATE, FEETILB SOrL, for' Grain erowinsr and Stock: Raisirisf nn- rsurpassed by any m the United States. Cheaper m Price, more favorable terms ven, and more convenient to market than can be found elsewhere. . f-REE HOMESTEADS FOB ACTUAL SETTLSSS. . The best location for colonies Soldiers entitled to a Homestead of 150 acres. . Send for the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, , published in , English, .German, Swedish and Danish,", mailed free everywhere. Address, " , O.F.DAVISi v Land Com'r U. P. R. R. Co., Omaha, freb. jan 3-4w A GREAT OFFER ! HORACE WATERS, 481' Broadway, N. Yl, will dispose of IOO PIANOS; MELO DEQNS, and ORGANS of ' six 'first-class makers, including Waters', at Vvery low prices for cash," or part cash, and balance in small monthly instalments New-T-octave rstclass PIANOS,, modern improvements, for 9275 cash." Now ready a CONCERTO PARLOR ORQAN, the most beautiful style and perfect .tone. ever made.. Illustrated Catalogues mail ed. Sheet Music and Music Merchandise.' jan 3-4w hi oneqnaledjby ajf known- .remedy, it wiii, enuicate, extnpate ana tnorougniy de stroy all prisonous substantances in the Rlopd and will effectually dispel all predis position ; to .billions derangement. '.'Is there want of action in your liver & Spleen ? Unless relieved the. blood becomes impure! Vy deleterious secretions, produc ing fiCrpfuloTSS OT. pknj diseaser,, , Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pimples, &c. Have you ja Dyspeptic Stomach ? . Un less digestion is promptly aided the system is deMlit4rte with. ,poyerty of the Blood, Dropsical teddency, general Weakness and inetria. , 1, , ': Have you Weakness of the Intestines ? You, are in danger of Chronic Diarrhoa or Jjiflamation of. the Bowels, ,. r Have you Weakness of ftjbe TJturine or Urinary Organs ? 1 YouJ are exposed to suffering in its most aggravated form. Are you dejected,? drowsy, dull, sluggish or depressed s in spirits, , wth headace coated-tongue arid bad tastipg mouth ? F6r a certain remedy : for all of these dis eases, weaknesses and troubles ; ' for clean sing and purifying the vitiated blood and imparting vigor to all the vital forces ; for building np' and restoring the weakened constitution USE ; ; J U R II B E B A which is pronounced' by the'leadine medi cal authorities of London and Paais : 4the most powerful toiiic and alterative known to the medical world." This is no new and untried discovery has been long used by the leading physicians of Other coun tries with wonderful remedial results. . Don't weaken and .impair the digestive organs by cathartics and physics they give only' temporary relef Indigestion, flatu leiwy and dyspepsia with piles and' kind red diseases are sure to follow their use. 1 JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St.S New ;York, Sole Agent for the United States, i Price One Dollar per Bottle. Send fer Circular. ; , ' jan 34 w . GKUDSTS- SINGLE GUNS. : i At $2 00, $3 00, $4 50, $5 00, $6 00, $8 00, $10 00, $12 00 to fca 00. Double Guns. At $6 00, $7 50, ' $i0 00, $12 00, $15 00, $20 00, $2500, $3000, $4000, $5000 i to $75 00. '' ? ' ! Breech-Leading- Double Guns. At $40 00, $45 00, $50 00, $G0 00, $75 00, $90 00, $110 00, $120 00 to $300 00. PISTOLS. omith & Wo ;o;i, Co!t's, Allen's Witney and oiier Jiiiuif', c.i manufacturers : price::. Aiiimuni-ion & Implements For Bi"ecch-Lbi;diiig G"n , at a small ad Vitnce o4 Cost oi Iiipoitiuion. MSTAtlC AMM'TJNltlbN FOR RIFLES AND. PISTOLS AT LOWEST MAR I3ET PRICES. A com pie: e .r-.-ortmont of all Sporting Coods ; Prices suid Dcacription sent on av plication. ! Goods shipped by Express, C. 0. P pouuj:;:ey, thimble & co. Importers, Nio. 200 W. Baltimore St., Baltimore. y Richard's, Ddugal's, Greene's, Scott's, fc other celebrated make of guns on hand and imported to oidsr. sept 10 1872-eod lv A EOOK FOR THE MILLION I AprlTtponnMlortoMi Married r (has akoat Guide- marrr n the phriiulorioi I mytteriei and rcvalatioaaof latest dlieoveriti iq predaeiaf aid proaatlog otbprUc bow 10 prarr ta wnnpiexiou, . This 1 1 aa iDteraatinc work o f two handrtd and alxt sages, with nameroa wngraTingi, and eontaina valaaUc information for those who are married.oreontcniplau mar riage. Still It i s a hook that oug h t to be kept ander leek and key, and not laid carelessly about the house. It eontaina the experience and adrice o f a phrsioiaa whose repatation la World-wide, and shonld aeln the ri Tte drawer of oto, j dale and female throaghoat the entire globe. It embraces feTerything on the subject o f the gen ratiTO system that ta worth knowing, and mac that is) net published in any other work. Sent to any one (free of postage) for Tift y Cents. Address DrtButta';Dlspensarj,Jie. 13 . Eighth street St. Loais, Mo. J ' Notice to tho Afficted and Unfcrtnnate. Berore applying to the notorious quacks who advertise la Sublis papers, or asing any quack remedies perase Or. utts' work no mattes What your disease ia, or how dopier, able year condition. ' Dr. Butts eoeupies a doable hoasa of twentyereei rooms ; i i ndorsed try some o f the most celebrated medi cs I professors of this country and Europe, and eaa be eoa suited persoaally or by mail, on the diseases meneSoned ta his works. Office and parlors, Mo. 11 If . Kight stcse between Marks t and Chesaat, St. Loais, Ma. my 2-d fc w jy THE XbBHTNQ STAR. DAILY EDITION : THOUGH onlt five years old, has the Largest Daily Circulation of any news paper in the State, and a circulation in Wilmington fifty per cent, larger than that of any othej' paper. WEEKLY EDITION : Now combined jrith the Caeoliita Farmer making one of tlie best FAMILY NEWS PAPERS in thefSbulh. Circulation very large and rapidly increasing. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : Daily Star, 1 year, $7 00 " 6 months, '; 4 00 " , " Smooths, i 2 00 Weekly Star, 1 year, : 2 00 " IS months, 100 " " 3mortths, 60 It may be safely 'asserted tbat no news- Eaper ever established! in North Carolina as made such ' rapid progress as THE MORNING STARr i JSS Send for Specimen copies. . ; ..... r Address ,;; - A , ' WM; H; BERNARD,, , jan 9 ; ,; ; J ; Wilmington, K; C. , HEAD -IQUARTERS I ! Ci:h'Mi-:i r.t$ i'- . FRESH PISHv i'i-if ii : lit. VX r-l"-- J.i.U Unfit;?:. 'NOREOLllOYSTEI,;;: b. : ary si mt h: a '. ' i , ; f :--L -O ' f-1 t TrrSTr-A-Nn! aysttosi Y' UROysteau fit . i' . .- - Oysters must be sold on the Quick Sale and Small Profit principle. novo .. : : 15. N. SMITTT RECEIVED every MoTriing by Express except Sundays and Mondays: -1 fJr;.W0' WILL rtM sell STALllf 80 EICH1I0ND & DAimLLEVr : . , j. t C , .1 o ' CONDENSED TIME-TABLE, In effect on and after Sunday, October 13th, 1872. 'Stations." Mail. Leave Greensboro' 2.00 a. m " Danville 4.40 " , "? Burkville 9.44 " Arve at Richmond 12.45 p. m. GOING SOUTH. Stations. Mail. Leave Richmond 1.50 p. m " Burkville 5.12 " Danville 10.00 " Ar've at Gr'nsboro 12.25 a. m. Express. 11 .V 1.52 m. C.3C 9.40 Express 5.10 8.28 3.30 Trains leaving Riclimond at 1 50 n and at 5.10 a. m., connect at Green jJN with trains on North Carolina DivisL r all points South. "msion,for Passengers leaving Richmond at l m., connect at Greensboro' with tmin V' all points East of Greensboro'. for Passenger train leaving Ralei-ni at Hj p. m., connect at Greensboro' with nf ern bound Mail train, arriving inP; . mond at 12.45 p. m. " Klth JNO. R. MACMURDo Gen . Freight & Ticket A-t T. M. R. TALCOTT, ent- Engineer & Gen'l Superintendent Oct 20 i WILMINGTON", CHATILOTeT RUTHERFORD B-B. CO. Ot-fice Chief Eng. and Gek'l. Srp'r5 Wii-mington, N. C, June 26, is; CHANGE OF SCHEDULE unw iunner notice the reeular tr,u. Will ran nvw t rii .va c.o lUIIUWfl ; itEGULAIl FREIGHT TRAINS PASSENGER AND EXPRESS FREIGHT TARINS. arrftS!.1011' da"y' &t 7 a' m" JfiZltttgpX: aaily' at 6:15 a- -m- - Lv&bS,1!?1 TrainS fr T0 No traius on Suuda vs. S. L. FREMONT, -JZjf? Sup't. WILMINGTON & WELDON EAtT ROAD COMPANY. Office of General Superintendent, Wilmington. N. C, June 8, 1S72. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after Monday, June 10th, Pa,ssen. ger Trams on. the W. & W. Railroad win run as follows : n MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily Sundays es. ceptedlat loA M Arrive at Goldsboro' at 1211 ' y " at Rocky Mount at 2-11 al Weldon at s-'-jo Leave Weldon daily Sundavs excepted at " 9:?5 A M Arrive at Rocky Mount at 11:07 " Goldsboro' at i-u; p " Union Depot at 5:'ao " ' EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot, daily, at 10:40 r Arrive at Goldsboro at 3-oo m at xwicKy, xuouut at 4-oti " at Weldou at 6 o0 " Leave Weldort, daily, at 7-jo p m Aii ive at uocKy Mount at " " at Goldsboro at 10 "S ' Union Depot at 8:10 A. M. r . il Aram makes close connection at Weldon for all points North viaiiay Line and Acquia Creek routes. 3 Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. Pullman's Talace Sleeping Cars on this Train. Freight Trains will leave Wilmington tri-weekly at (i:00 av rn. and arrive at 140 p. m. Express Freight Trains will lwtve daily Sundays excepted j- at 5 p. m. and arrive at 11 a. m. JOHN F. LW1NK Gen'l Sup t. RALEIGH AND GASTONE. R. CHANGE OF bCHEDULE. Superintendent's Office, Raleigh, N. C, June 15th, 1872. On and after Monday, June 17th, 172, trains on the Raleigh &. Gaston Railroau will run daily Sundays excepted as fol low : MAIL TRAIN. Leave Raleigh at 10.00 A. M. Arrive at Weldon - 3-;jo P. M Leave Weldon at 9-15 a m' Arriveat Raleigh - 3:05 p! m". ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leaves Raleigh at - - 8 00 P M Ar rives at Weldon, - 6-30 A M Leaves Weldon, ... 9 15 p' m' Arrives at Raleigh, - t'.;o0 A. M." xV,? nial1 tra5n 'uakes close connection at Weldon with the Seaboaid and Roa noke Railroad and Bay Line Steamers via Baltimore, to and. irm all points North, )V est and Northwest, and with Petersburg Railroad via Petersburg, Richmond and Washington, to and irom all points North and Northwest. And at Raleigh with the North Carolina Railroad to ami from all points South and Southwest, and with the Raleigh and Au gusta Air Line to Haywood and Fayette viile. j., Accommodation and Freight trains con nect at. Weldon With A nirimm,wl ... 1 reight trains on Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad and Petersburg Railroad And at Raleigh with Accommodation arid Freight trains on North Carolina K. R. Persons living along the line of the road can visit Raleigh in the morning by the Accommodation train, remain several hours and return the same evening. , , . A. B. ANDREWS, JuIy 2o Gen. Sup t O AliEIGH & AUGUSTA AIR XV LINE RAILROAI. Superintendent's Office, Ralefgh. N. C, June loth, 1872. On and after Monday, June loth, 1872, trains on the Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Railroad will run daily. Sundays ex cepted as follows r Mail train leaves Raleigh. 3:15 P. M.l Arrive at Sanford, C:15 " f Mail train leaves Sanlord, 6:45 A. M. .Arflv,e at Raleigb, 9:45 " Mail train makes close connections at Raleigh with the Raleigh and Gaston rail road, to and from all points North. And at Sanford with the Western Rail road, to and from Fayetteville and pointg on Western Railroad. . 0 A. B. ANDREWS, Jy . Superintendent. SCHEDULE TO TAKE EFFECT Monday, September 30th, 1872, Atlanta & Eich. Air-Line Eailway. Ont , Passenger and Freight, Three ; Times a Week, Mondays, Wednes days., and. Fridays, STATIONS. Depart. Abeive. te, , 7.30 a, m, Oanbalda, 8.36 " 8,26 a.m. Ga8tonia,1 i 9.22 ft 9.12 " jKing'a Mountain,; 10.24 u 10.14 " 4Whitaker'sr v 11.04 14 11.26 " In Passenger and Freight, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. .STATIONS. -Black's, ' Whitaker'sr King's Mountain, Gaston ia, 1 1 , Garibalda, Depaex. 2.00 p. m. 2.30 " 3.12 " 4.14 " 5.00 u Abbive. 2.20 p. m. 3.02 " 4.04 " 4.50 " Charlotte, 5.56 This Tmin Tina V.o a)n1iit -rietht. of Track, except by'Special Orders from tliia OflSee', Fare by this Triin, Five Cent per mile. By all others Ten Cents per mile. B. Y. SAGE, sept 28 Engineer and Seperindent.

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