Tlie Charlotte", Observer BATES OP pVERTlStNG. 1 1 One Square one time ; $1 00 JONES & McLATJGHUN. ? 4 4 two days....... ...... 1 50 'three days. 2 00 four days .... 2 50 five days......... ., S 00 owe week 3 50 two weeks... ......... 5 00 one month 8 00 Price's Building, Trade, Street Office,' u t (Li-1 BATES OF SCBSCKIPTIOa. r..;ir One year 111 uwi ............-j w .. - nr,r.A.a in advance..... 'l'-'1'fl Tiiree jiutt - - ' 7 - One month! in advance,................ 50 S3r Contract Ad rertiscments taken at VoL.vni '1' 11 proportionately low rates. TrMVeeKiyi one - .......... CHAKLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY. JANUARY, 53, 1873 Weekly, onie year........ - -W No! 1,40 Five Squares estimated at a onarterol- umn, and ten squares as a half-column. ..f. , -b . j " - ' - I - ' . :;. : , . : : : . , . ,. . . .. . i 1 P03BT3R.T. DISARMED. 0 hove ! so sweet at first ! So bitter in the end I T name tlee fiercest foe, : . , As well as falsest friend. . "What shill I do with these , " Poor withered flowers of May : Th v tenderest promises All worthless in a day ? y, : ; , : , How art thou swift to slay,- : Despite thy clinging clasp, T liv long caressing look, thv suptle, thrilling grasp ! Yv swifter far to slay x Than thou art strong to save ; Thou renderest but a blow . , For all 1 ever gave. - ' ' ; Oli, grasping as the 'grave ! Go. go;! and coxne no more But cans thou set my heart Just where it was , before .?;; , Too sclnjsli in thy need ! , , Go, leave me to my tears, t Tli c onljf gift of thine ' ' " That shall outlast the years. Yet slialU outlast the years , One other, cherished thing, Slight as the vagrant plume Shed from some passing wing : The memory of thy first ' Divine, half-timid kiss. '. Go ! 1 forgive thee all In weeping over this ! L.u'ea G. Redden, in Harper's Magazine for December. Card of Thos. L. Vail. Tii vrijotte. N. C Jan.lotli 1873. tu- nttention was called a few days a wo to tie following which appeared in the Eialeigh Em of the 7tli inst 'A general impression prevails that because the' Democracy have full swiay here, all is right. It is quite otherwise, and people begin to gee it. ; There are some siartmig rumors in regard to the tax returns in this countv, showing that thous ands off dollars of property have not been lisjted as required by law." saKs "J. S. Jr.," Charlotte cor responAent of the Era, I suppose Mr. 8. is writing in the interest of his Diirtv and wishes to create the im- Dio.-ii in thnt there is a collusion of (.'ountjf authorities and some of the i-,x papers. If so, the insinuation is a slajnder. 'hiie it is true that many have failed tlo lit for taxation as required bv hnvi facts prove that a large ma jority of that number do not profess lo belong to the -Democratic party, but supposed to be the partv friendslof "J. 6. Jr." The Board of Commissioners for the Coiiinly have appointed A. H. Miu tinj, 5ind the undersigned (o investigate this matter, and -j'orniation from any source, that may enable them to reach delin liun!s,: will be thankfully received. This Com mi, tee is now in session at the Court House in Charlortte, and 1 give 3.1 r. J. S. Jr. a special invitation to le and appear before said Com mittee p:i Tues.lay, the 2lst day of January, and be shall be heard touching and concerning facts (not s'.artliiijg rumors) "showing thous ands of dollars worth of property have npt been l'sted as required by law." I would not thus publicly notihe! J- S. Jr., if I knew his loca tion; but in a city like ours, with several; thousands who can write J. 8. Jr., it iould require more time than 1 have at command to hunt him up. Hereafter, should he have anything to say on this subject, I hope he will give thje number of his ward, street, At., vvljiich may enable us. to coni municnte with him if neceesary in a more private way. 1 haye been connected with the government of this County since the adoption of the late Constitution, and profess to know sometingof its miancial management, and can say truly, I know of no attempt of its officer to pocket the people s nion ey. And in iustice to J. S. Jr. I will iy that he is the first to mv know ledge, bf any shade of politics, that lias ever intimated anvthihs: of the kind.- S lo such as feel an interest . in the the good and prosperity of theCoun ty, I bpg leave to state that the com? mitteei appointed bv the Board of Commissioners to audit the accounts ot the j Countv officers: have com pleted their labors and find all satis factory. Very Respectfully, Your Obedient Servant, Thomas L Vail, Chairman Board of'Co. Commis sioncrjf, ! Norfolk, Va., jAniJAEY 20.- The steamer Medoraof the Anchor Line, is receiving a cargo of two thousand hales o!f cotton at Reynolds & Bro ker wharf, She is the first steam er of a complement that has bee engaged to load at this port , and proceed direct to Liverpool. Factory Handi Wanted, . ' ; I anxious to employ a number o humjs, women and girls especially," to work iij a factory three miles from Colum Gjood wages will be paid to ' efilcient operatives. Persons wishing to ? secure glood normanent occupation can do so bv ming; their names at the Central Hotel or auuresamg me at Columbia. jan lD-lw L. D.CHILDS: GAUDEJN SEEDS. I Lbi opened and for sale a complete as- l' aorjment onuist's Celebrated Garden f 08. Consisting of every variety ,of Vcge "vine qeeos grown m the Southern States Just Received. A oice lot of, Smoked Sugar Cured Saoulders. at " Jan ?1 R. M. MILLER & SONS. THE BANK OP MECKLEUBTmo. CHAKLOTTE, N O. f A Authorized Capital $500,000. Jab. TimsER Tatk, President. Thos. W. Dkwet; Cashier, F. H. Dewey, Asst. aslder.j ' AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF TA'TE; & DEWEY. This Bank" Chartered- Under Act of the General Assembly and duly organized under Laws of the State pf Kprth Carolina, with ample means is prepared to transact General Banking; Business. and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms. The bank. will, receive Deposits subject to Check, and will Allow Interest According to Agreement on an deposits left; on time, terest at the rate of , ' . . , Uight per cent per Afiwtn on all sums' lying tmdrawn ver thirty (days. Gold and Silver Coin. vBullion and old iiuik Jsotes iiought and Sold. ' THOS.W.DfcWEY, jan. 1 1873, i : Cashier. TO THE UVBIE5. NEW STYLE JUST RE CE IV D EXPRESS THIS MOUIVIIVG AT-v QUERY'S. MRS nov 30t LARGE LOT SHOULDER SCARFS.NI L SON TIES and Bows . all Colors at greatly reduced prices, just received at nov 30j UliS. QUERY'S. "VTEW Lot WATERPROOF CLOTH just J.1 received nne qualltv at low prices, at nov30i MRS. QUERY'S. A LL Sizes and Colors of the best brands 21 Kid Gloves, at nov 30J MRS. QUERY'S. LOT CORSETS, HOOFSKIRTS & Bustles, just received at nov 30t MRS. QUERY'S. J. M. LEAK &! CO. No. 4, Granite Row, Opposite CENTRAL HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail dea?- eis in Manufactured Tobacco, Smok ing Tobacco, and Cigars ot an crudes. Dealers in the above sroods will do well to examine our stock oefore pur chasing elsewhere as we can offer greater inducements, jan 14-tf XCLS10R ! ! THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! T O PLANTERS. YITE Offer the following Fertilizers -ff Patapsco Guano, Chesapeake Guano and Watson & Clarke's Suier-Phosphate. We have pleasure in again tendering to our Fanners the above hrst-class i crtili- zers To those who have used them so many years we need only say that they are guar anteed to lye lully up to their previous hnrh standard. And to such as have not yet used them one trial will 'convince, them that they are superior to all others ; so make sure of a supply and please hand in your orders earl v. as .the consumption exceeds tne manufacturing power. Forsale in anv quantity, bv STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. jan 10 J Clover Seed. A Supply of Pennsylvania Red Top xl "Clover Seed, at STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. jan 9 NOTICE. THOSE persons to whom we have ex tended credit during the past year will confer a favor upon us by calling at once and settling their account, as this must be our last appeal. UbiM e.mbjskti' i li. Al. AllkLiJSK'dSOUlNO. jan 11 DANCING ACADEMY. PROFESSOR MILAM. A T Oates Hall, Tuesday, Thursday & I. Saturday "afternoons, at four (4) o'clock, for LADIES. MISSES and MAS TERS. . ' ' : Class for YOUNG GENTLEMEN Mon- davv.Vednesday 5 and .Thursday evenings nt 7k o'clock. TERMS per session of 16 lessons, iiiiN DOLLARS in advance. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, jan 14-tf , '. . To Our Friends and Acquaintances. W our friends' uaintenc Tor fiVIirlihralitronaire oestowed upon our Emnlover. Mr.! E. Shrier for tlie past year, and most respectfully ask a continuance of the same as we are still at the Temple of Fashion. . Respectfully, J. A. YOUNG, Jr., . ;; A. H. TATE. jan 9 , ." - - -Is mn mttrt I AnxXTC I ? . H Vf - - m, tt ttU-U- wiT' Pima, a nositlve cure ior. oupureiun, -fc ing from any cause,, whatever. They are e 7i txw Vi TVnrxnilamMr oniu jirjs Every Lys6uid leqf a box of the xnux on nana jmt. wc w vj . - Price, $1.00 per box-. .Sdnt securely seal ed to any address on receipt ot price. Direct'all orders, J vVj; if f HOOPER & C0 P. O, Box 2453. ' - Philadelphia, Pa. jan l&-ly . .',rm mROCHES of ,. Lacto , Phosphate,! Lime I and Ppnsnm.' ' - ' ; ! V : ": vm; R. BURWELL & CO . TZKAUT. KRAUT, do von w K.nt j-a. jLiicgaui. wxiiie jraui ior ail wno love it. J. F. BUTT. dec 6 FINE SALT. 1 A A Sacks Factory filled SALT on hand Xvv and for sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. nov 27 L. Von Meyerhoff. T)ROPOSEStoform, instruct, and eon- A duct, in Charlotte. N.. C. a Musical Socieiy ; and to give musical festivals. Tlie income from which, is to be applied to the purchasing of Maps, Globes and Scientific Apparatus for the Charlotte In- sux-ute. - aiso, to iurmsn ior tne institute Orchestral Instruments and Music, such 1 J A. - ; A 1 A f at , -W i m.i l as are found in Seminaries of the largest Clues South and. JNorth. These Instru ments, &c., will be placed in the hands of the Trustees, for the use of. and to con tinue ' to be the property of the Charlotte (N. C.) Institute for Young Ladies. Terms of admission, ; $5.00 Instructions per month, ' 2.00 Ladies and trenileiuen desirincr to become members of the Society wilL please leave their names at the book store oi .Messrs. Tiddv & Bro. dec 7-Gm : BUCK WHEAT FLOUR. B 17 C It W II E A T . BUCK WHEAT FLOUR. JUST Received, now call and buy and also get some of our elegant Goshen Butter to eat with the cakes when they are smoking hot, at JOHN F. BUTT'S, dec 6 Market. The Change. TTAV1J (j notihed our mends and cus-f JLJL tomers some time since, that our busi- i ness would change January 1st, 1873, we are pleased to say that the change has taken place, and it is to be strictly CASH or 30 DAYS CREDIT. Those who do not pay promptly need not expect any favors, If you are m arrears don't ask tor cre save us the unpleasant duty of denying 3rou. To our many friends, and patrons we re turn thanks, and ask a continuance of their favors believing that by a strict ap plication of the above rules, we will be able to sell goods cheaper than those who credit. All bills are due and payable on the 1st day of each and every month. U1U1SK 5c AL.liA.AJN 1J lilt, jan 1, 1873, ly SIM0NT0N HOUSE. STATEBV1LLE, H. C. :0:- milE Proprietor of the above named A Hotel respectfully invites the people of Charlotte and the public generally to .call on him when they visit Statesville. He will spare neither pains nor money to make the SIMONTON HOUSE a first class HOTEL, and worthy of public patronage. T. A. PlilCE, nov 25-tf Proprietor. o t CHARLOTTE. N. C. Prescriptions prepared at all hours of the Day and night. choice Green and Black Tea, Selected especially for Family and Inval ids, at BUAKK 8 june 29 Drug Store. FRESH SPICES, Just received a lot of select Spices for Pickles, Preserves, &c, at F. SCARR'S june 20 Drug Store. Pure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, at F. SCARR'S june 29 Drug Store. . Paper Bags. rnEN THOUSAND Paper Bacs ! Straw JL Wrapping Paper and Paper Twine, for j sale at 1'UKEFUi S. jan 4 Buckwheat ! Buckwheat ! ! A Fresh Lot. Just Received and J?or ITl Sa Sale by B. M. PRESSON. jan 5 CHOICE Salad Oil, Finest article ever J offered in this Market, for sale at dec 18 SCAKKS. For Sale. OIWO Acrea of land WningjCIgr J 1 'Charlotte, very finely situated ma rapidlv improving neighborhood. Will be sold pntire, or jn lots to suit purchasers, at a very reasonable rate. Apply to -. JOHN T. BUTLER, oct 22 Opposite Mansion House. Murder, Fire & Robbery. A 8 1 am ST losing many of ' my custo- crediting them I would I I take the liberty of asking an wno owe me i to can ana setue up Dy ine ulvvujj J.T.BUTLER. I iom w. own. i Qec F EE S H 0 Y S TEE S 3T X -A. "3T E3- V YTE would like to supply the citizens in 1 1 r. anv Quantity from a pint to any lar- rrpr nnjtntitv. and will send them, to your houses and save vou the trouble of spndinff for them, so that you can 4 have them for breakfast, dinner or sapper! I will pnd them to vou every day or as often in the week as ' you may select, by leaving ' voTjr orders at - J. F. BUTTS, F. SCARR, 8 NEW E URNITURE. 11 "- 1 ' I i i , t i ' Tit f - V . GOOD FURNITURE I J ARIIIVING DAILY AT DAVIDSON'S FURNITURE ROOMS, Trade St., Opposite Brem, Brown & Jos Dry Goods Store: WHEEE WILL BE FOUND EVERYTHING KEPT IN A 1 ' IE S CLASS EMBRACING : Chairs, Tables. Bedsteads. Sideboards. Book Cases, Desks, Hat Racks, Etageres, What i Nots, Cradles; Cribs, Safes, Tete-a-Tetes, Sofas, Lounges, Mirrors, Glass Plate; &c.,- &. M v -also a : FINE STOCK of Parlor Furniture, Dining varieties ot style and nnish. This House also Keeps a mil stock ot Spnn Beds and Mattresses, and METALLIC BURIAL CASES And Caskcts of all sizes and styles of finish, together with Mahogany," Rosewood, Walnut, Poplar and Pine Coffins, from the plainest and cheapest to the finest Octagon Cases and Caskets, with full glass tops, trimmed in " . the most elaborate style, furnished with heavy Silver Moun tings. Special attention given to furnishing Dwellings? 'Hotels ; ' and Colleges at a small advance on MANUFACTURERS' RATES; CALL, SEE AND PRICE BEFORE BUYING: January 21st, 1873. R0BT. F. DAVIDSON. 1872. im: A nTT A "TV A7Ci SIGN OF THE BRASS BOOT, NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, CHARLOTTE, N. C. HOLESALE & RETAIL W -7 TRUNKS. LEATHER and I NOW Invite the WHOLESALE and snrtment; nf ROOTS fc SHOES, which have MY Experience in business makes nie of my goods will compare favorably with where. P. S. I AM NOW PREPARED TO OFFER on LIBERAL TERMS and LOW PRICES, August 21st, 1872 Cm Lancaster Ledger copy six months. J . S. PHILLIPS WOULD Inform the public that he is now receiving his FALL and WIN TER STOCK of GOODS for MEN'S WEAR, and invites all wishing anything in his line to GIVE HIM A CALL. Of all kinds and at prices which defy com petition . His Stock of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS is large and unsurpassed for beau ty and quality. HATS and caits oi tne latest siyie ior MEN and BOYS. HAVING secured the Services of a No. 1 cutter, I am prepared to give satisfaction to all who favor me wih their patronage. I invite an inspectiou of my goods and prices. oct 12 J. Y. BBYCE, General Commission Merchant, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Particular attention paid to selling all kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco. Highest cash price paid lor Cotton. All orders from a distance promptly at tended to. J. Y. BRYCE, dec 21 '72. " CHOICE Odd French Brandy for Medi cinal purposes, at F. SCARR'S. jan 3 ; i . ... . Writing Paper. MERCHANTS yisiting Charlotte, will find .Writing Paper and Envelopes very cheap, at PUREFOY'S. jan landreth's Warranted Garden Seed. WE will receive in a few days a large and complete assortment of these re liable and popular Seed.- - Clover, Orchard Grass, Lnserna Lawn Grass, sc. W. K. UUKWJiLL & l-v. jan 17 . OKA Sacks Country Flour, different 6jOJ Grades, for sale at jan 21 R. M. MILLER & SONS. CHEAP FURNITURE 1 1 1 ; j !.- FURNrrtJHE HOUSE. Bureaus. Dressing Cases, Wardrobes. Room Furniture and' Chamber Suits, all a .Large Assortment of . 1872. CTrf Li 1 rMTI"D Li ' DEALER IN BOOTS,' SHOES, HATS, CAPS SHOE FINDINGS RETAIL Trade to my large and varied as been selected with care. confident that my prices and the quality those of any other house in the City .or else . S. B. MEACH.AM. GOODS TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE : . S- V. JlHiAUxlAJl. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. -a ; rriHE Co-partnership which I expected X to form by January 1st 1873, will not take place until the latter part jof this month and therefore I will continue the sale of the entire : STOCK OF FANCY !. DRY GOODS, j MILLINERY, ' CLOTHING, AC, At the same reduced prices. j ' :0: , j j I WILL also continue to keep up my BARGAIN COUNTER. B. Koopmann, CHAKLOTTE jan 4 n : i i New Orleans Sugar and Molasses 10 Barrels Choice " " Molasses, Also 2 Hogsheads Demerara Sugar, 2 " f Molasses in store and for sale at prices to suit the times by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. dec 17 H i 14 U- Fresh Mince Meat, and Bologna Sausage, B.N.SMITH.. toct 16 !" BURTON'S TETTER OINTMENT, cures all cutaneous diseases, preparediby BURWELL A GO, nov 15 Springs Corner. CARBOLIC Troches, Sciedam Schnapps. nov 15, . , Country Cared Dacon. JUST Received a fine lot of County Cured Midlings. The very thing yoti : baye enquired for so much. Call now and get what vou want.s j r . ; OYSTERS EVERY DAY. Donlt forget that we send them to you. ' i ? : t BOLOGNA SAUSAGE. Recollect we send them to vou. - . FRESH PORK SAUSAGE. We will send them to you. ' ' r ! : ' " J: F. BUTT.! 1 nov 23 . ; ' - Market.) . CHOICE CHEEiSE, j ; f !' i TOOK the highest premium atv the? Fair of tlie Carolinas,at Charlotte,-N,T C, October, 25th. 1872, made by P. JKiinber ly. Buncombe, county N. CL, for sale by A. R. NTSBET & BROJ nov 5 h It!" ANew assoitnient of eitnejLarops, just In, at SSCARR'8. jan 3 ;!. s AGE. Fine New Sage, j ust received at dec 18 "SCARR'S T)URE POWDERED BLACK PEPPER, A j; ree iroiu .uaiiefttuw, u m j dec 18 6CAER'i3. THE CHARLOTTE FAIR J. T. BUTLER'S ! ! NEW GOODS. Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Biamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c. MUSIC BOXES AND MANY OTHBB AETIOLBS TOO NUMEROUS TO MEIsTTIOISr. AT J. T. BUTLER'S OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE. October 22 A. R. ftisbet & Brother HAVING completed an improvementin their Commodious Store Room An Trade Street, one door west of Smith 'fc Hammond's Drug Store, Charlotte, N. C, are now receiving a well selected stock iof Groceries, Musical Instruments, Toys, fa gars, &c., which has been bought by one of the firm, at a time when the market wis most favorable. They therefore feel satis fied that they can sell all goods in their line as low a any firm in Charlotte, for cash or to punctual customers. They invite Merchants to give them a call, (as they bad a special eye to their wholesale trade,) and feel warranted in saying that they can sell fo as to make it a saving to them "in their purchases. They return their thanks to their friends and tlie generous public for past favors, and solicit a continuance of the pame. A. R. NISBET & BRO. SCHOOL BOOKS I SCHOOL BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS I AT PUBBFOYS- jan 4 : FAMILY GROCERIES. . M. PRESSON B Trade Street, next door to the Post Office, Sign of the Elepliant. JUST RECEIVED. A Fresh Lot of Sausage, Mince Meat, Pork, Butter, Chickens, Eggs, &c:, &c. FLOUR a specialty. Sr Produce sold on commission. jan 3-ly BUCKWHEAT CAKES all smoking hot, covered over witli yellow, rich, good Goshen Butter. What is more palatable for Breakfast ? Well we have ost received an elegant Lot of the material to make them, and we will sell the receipt for a small price. . ALSO. Just received, Irish Potatoes, Cabbage, Chesnots, Ac, at JOHN F. BUTTS, dec 31 Market. BOLOGNA 8AUSAGE, jnst received . Parties wishing the Bologna or fresh Sausage in quantities to sell again, can get it from ns by giving us a short notice, as we have been made the sole agent for its sale in the Western part of this State, oct 18 JOHN F. BUTT. Cigars, Smoking & Chewing Tobacco. K( A A A CIGARS of various and choice VvvUV brands, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco in quantity, and of various brands and different quantities. Wholesale and retail by ' t A.R.N.&BRO. sept.19 .-:,-.- ' H AIR Brushes, - Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes.: . Wm. R. BURWELL & CO, dec 21 ' t Springs Corner. TT-ER06ENE LAMPS, - JV t . BURWELL & CO. rdecSl. , -- ; s ATELSONS Geletine, a fresh supply, just IN received, at SCARR'S. jan 3 jan 0 " t i

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