1 )!: J. - ' ' DMLY OBSERVER. , -v JOI I XSTQNE JONES, Editor. ' ' Tunrsday,, January, 23 1873. C OBSERVATIONS; rt ....... y .... 1 . .i It is charged that there wa frnd in the Senatorial contest .in Missou ri, which resulted in the election of L r-V.- -Bogy f- n ceessor- to Frank Blair. A committee of investigation has the -matter in hand. 1 ' Mr. Morrison, of Lincoln, intro duced into the House Tuesday a resolution decliring the fieciaVj ax bonds Jq;Nt and void. The measure will come up for discussion at a subsequent day. The repeal of the usury laws threatens to-become one of the most engrossing subjects of legislation be f)rf tlre Oeiferal "Assembly this wih ter. Mr. Brown, of Mecklenburg, will take a leading part in the de bate. ! V .' A telegram from Washington states that Attorney General Wil liams i3 still investigating thej cases of the Ku-klux - prisoners, ; and ;, that there are indications that before long nearly all pf this class of pris oners will be released. I A bill has been introduced into the House of Representatives to es tablish branch "as v aim for theiiolV ored people at Ntnybern. This u a good idea. "The Kates ought tob.e separated." Ifdoes not comport 'with good sense to put crazy white peo ple and cracked negroes in the same building together. The Committee on the State debt and liabilities have as yet taken no definite action in relation to the im portant subject committed to their charge. It is intimated however that they will sqpie day recommend such a course with regard to it as may best pro mote the public inter ests. Senator Norwood, of Orange, is chairman of the committee. . The lock in the Alabama Legisla ture continues. The Sheriff of Mont gomery has called upon the Presi dent to invoke his aid to settle the difficulty. He represents that the differences dividing the Legislature are no nearer solution now than at that time; that the people at large are becoming very anxious on the subject ; and that the business of the State is seriously embarrassed in consequence of the failure of the Legislature to harmonize. The Presi dent replied that the only thing the government could do was to tender them advice. Kindness extraordinary. Mr. Hill Senator from Georgia, is endeavor ing to get a bill through Congress to relieve from their political disabili ties several Georgians who are aspi rants for the place which he now tills with so much credit to himself and State. And here ia the reason he gives for this graceful act of lib erality: "After "the slaughter of innocents" that will take place on that occasion, I desire that none of them, or their apparitions, shall rise in the future, tc rebuke me for any illiberally that may be practiced, or supposed to have been practiced toward them, by this body," A Monetary Stringency seems to prevail in New York. Mr. Wood has introduced into Congress the follow ing preamble resolution : Whereas a monetary stringency prevails at the financial center, to the great embarrassment of legiti mate business, and the injury of trade : and whereas it is commonly reported that this stringency is large ly due to the locking up of gold and currency by unlawful combinations of individuals and corporate institu tions acting under foreign charter: Therefore, Resolved, That the Committee on Banking and Currency be directed to inquire whether such unlawful com binations exist, and, if so, what leg islation is necessary to prevent them hereafter, with power to send for persons and papers, : SOCIAL OSTRACISM. The Raleigh Era has been much exercised of late on the subject of so cial ostracism, which he is nleased to denominate the refusaLof some men to invite Radicals to their houses. I ' . ' A few days ago the Era had a most furious, abusive, and agrarian article against "aristocrats!, accusing them of all sorts of bad th ings in a, sort of a general way. In addition to this tirade he added that the Re publican party don't want to asso ciate with tnem anyhow - that lt'inX tends to run this State on a! political "and social schedule of its own, and that these people who prefer the company of Conservatives to that of Radicals are heaping up social wrath against the day of wrath, &c. All this "sound and fury, signifying nothing," was because,, forsooth, . Gov: Caldwell was not invited to hall until late the night before it came off, and ; no republicans -were made managers ! , - -s -; ; y: ( i Next day be tatea it back v after this fashion ; for'VtinJWrijostracizers" he says: read "sinking ostracizers," which by the rWTOnertsja i5ost opprobrious remark into a meaning less one; and lor Social ; wraih he says rend "political wrath," which takes the sting out of the phrase en tirely.' And Gov. Caldwell writes a letter in whicbiie savs he recognizes the righ t of a nin to choose his own associates and to invite to hU house whomsoever Ifepleaesand that no" man ha a rigbt to complain if he is left out He only -stipulate that if thtr&ismorfpther objection a ?man should not be excluded, merely be cause he differs with the hos in politics. r So for so good, t , . ;V, , ! Thfs exlfrdortlinary concession that a man has a right tc says who shall eat h is : victualsand set by h is fi re sidc without being questioned, is all we ever heard any the most ultra "fire-eating Southerner" claim. Wehope to hear '"nothing more of thconteraptibtebowl that Repub licans are ostracized on account of their nolities.&ffit'iat.- all' events before any further complaint is made we want to see the injured "party set an example. We want to see Gov. Caldwell or any other Radical give a party and invite his party men with out any distinction except that of honesty and respectability, to stick itheir legs under his mahogany! We would like to see the Radical in this StattlJnitwl States who does not praetiswfatfostracisni every day that he sets down to eat his dinner with only white people at the board. Tax ox Leaf Tobacco. Senator Rice, of Kentucky, introduced into Congress on the 20th of December, the following bill for the repeal of the law imposing a special tax upon retail'dealers in leaf tobacco; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress Assembled, That all that portion of section thirty-one of an act entitled "An act to reduce duties on im ports and to reduce internal taxes, and for other purposes," approved June 6tli, 1872, that requires the payment of a special tax by a farmer or planter to sell by retail to consumers, or to any other persons, leaf tobacco of his own production, or leaf to bacco received by him. as rent from ten ants, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. That all that portion of section thirty -one of the act aforesaid that requires retail dealers in leaf tobacco to pay nv hundred dollars, or that requires said dea lers in leaf tobacco to T pay "fifty cents for every dollar in excess of one thousand dol lars of their sales," be, and the same is hereby, repealed ; and hereafter any dealer in tobacco shall have the right to sell, by retail, leaf tobacco to any person whatso ever, without paying any additional li cense therefor. LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CARO LINA. SENATE. Tuesday, Jan. 21, 1873. The Senate was called to order at 11 o'clock a. m., by Lieut. Governor Brogden. By Mr. Allen, a bill relative to the sale of lands under execution. Re ferred to Committee on Judiciary. By Harris, col., a bill amendatory of an act of final jurisdict ion of Jus tices of the Peace in Criminal ac tions, chapter 4, laws of 1S68-69. Referred to Judiciary Committee. By Mr. Murphy, a bill for the es tablishment of a Hospital for the In sane. Referred to Committee on In sane Asylum. By Mr. A vera, a bill to amend sec tion 45, chap.-11, laws of 1871-72. Referred to the Committee on Prop ositions and Grievances. By Mr. A vera, a resolution in fa vor of census takers of 1860 asks our Representatives in Congress to secure the passage of a law to pay the bal ance due the ceusus takers of I860. By Mr. Nicholson, a resolution in relation to Western N. C. R. R. Com pany. CALENDAR. Under a suspension of the rules, Mr. Flemming called up the bill to amend chapter 71, of the public laws of 1871 and 72 on its readings. The bill provides for the ereation of a Committee of Finance for counties, who shall inquire into, investigate and report by public advertisement. a detailed and itemized account of the condition of the county finances, An amendment offered by Mr. G randy, that this committee shall receie such compensation for their 8ervicejte may le provided lor by the Board of Commissioners was ad opted. An amendment offered by Mr. Flemming, repealing the law requir ing the.Commissioners to make pub heat ion, so. as to prevent its double Dubucation. was adorned. After a considerable skirmishing debate on the bill and amendments it passed its second reading. On motion of Mr. Dunham, the vote by which the Joint Committee was raised to cancel and , burn the vouchers in the Auditor's office, was considered, and motion tabled. On motion of Mr. Norwood, the bill to promote the interests of arri culture in the State was niade the special order .for Tuesday next. Mr. Miller -announced that Mr. Waring, Senator, from Mecklenburg, was detained m his room by sick, ncss. " ' " HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES House called to. order at the usual hour. . " . . i Snealfnr Robinson in thfi r.hair. Mr. from certain ladies and citizens of Morgan ton, praying the passage of a law prohibiting the sale of liquor in that town and-in the 'limits of the township , ' " K I By Mr. Morrison . a resolution de clanng the special tax bonds, issued by the Legislature of 18G8-69, void. Placed on calendar. ; By Mr. Waugh, a bill to prevent usury. Placed on calendar. By Abbott, col., a bill in regard to jurors summoned to attend inquests. Referred. - - y . ivr By Mr. Gidney, a bill to incorpo rate" Bethel M. E. Church, Cleaveland count v. v - Bv Mr. Carson, a bill to" repeal chap, 163, laws of 1871-72. Referred. Bv Mr. Gidney, a resolution in re gard to the Joint Committee to illr vestigate the affairs of ;the Peniten tiary. 4 Calendar. : - n ; The bill to abolish the usury law being the . unfinished business, its consideration was gone into. , r - The question recurred upon a sub stitute offered by Mr. Brown, x Mecklenburg, fixing the rate of in terest at six per"cent..when no amount is specially agreed on, but allowing parties to contract between them selves for any rate they may see lit to agree on. Mr. Brown, of Jecklenburg, ad dressed the House at length in advo cacy of the substitute. He argued that this restriction upon "the traffic in money operated to drive capital out of the State, and was diametrical ly opposed to the farmer's interest, &c. - 3r. Brown, of Davidson, moved to postpone until 3onday. Mr. Gorman moved to refer to the Judiciary Committee. 3essrs. jlcGehee, Anderson, of Clay, and Dudley, col., opposed any further postponement. The House was fully prepared to act now. Mr. Bowman, to test- the sense of tne House and give latitude- to: the debate, would move to indefinitely postpone. Mr. JcGehee next took the floor and addressed the house at length upon the matter before it. He said that the question had the advantage of being elevated above the domain of politics, and should be discussed with the same deliberation and calm ness which should attend the eluci dation of a mathematical problem.- Mr. 31. then proceeded to review that portion of the history of the political economy of England, bearing upon this matter. He took the position that the traffic in money could not be carried on upon the same basis as that m other commodities lrom the fact that the situation of the country, both in a political and a commercial point of view, must have its weight in determining what regu lations arc most conducive to the interest of the community, &c. Mr. McG. continued for some time in giving reasons why" our condition rendered a return to the old law a wise and judicious measure. Mr. Jones, of Caldwell, took issue with Mr. JlcGehee, and in an elabo rate speech, advocated the passage of the bill and in opposition to the mo tion to indennitely postpone. Mr. Stanford next occupied the floor. He agreed with the gentle man who preceded him. He hoped the usury law would be abolished. Mr. Waugh was opposed to any such abolishment. Mr. Blvthe would not vote for any repeal of the usury law. Mr. turner favored the substitute of 3r. Brown, of ilecklenburg. Mr. Bryan, of Alleghany, thought the matter should rest where it was. Jr. Joring trusted that the mo tion to indefinitely postpone would not prevail, and the propositions before the House would come to a vote upon their merits. He argued against both the original bill and substitute. Mr. Badger argued at length in fa vor of the repeal of all usury laws. Pending definite action the House adjourned. Lord Lytton. A great man has passed away from the world of letters. For more than a quarter of a century BulWer Lyt ton has been one of the prominent literary favorites pf the English reading public. A man of talent rather than a man of genius, highly cultivated, tasteful, industrious and fired with literary ambition, he fought. for and won his place in the front rank of literary Englishmen. His efforts were numerous and va ried. He tried the romantic novel, and he almost equalled Scott. He tried the society novel, and his suc cess was generously admitted. He tried history, and his unfinished work on Athens gave proof that de votion to historical study might hive given him a place side by side with Hume and Gibbon, and Macaulay and Grote. He tried poetry, and if his success as a novelist had been less 'his poetry would have com manded the attention of a larger and more sincere circle of admirers. He attempted the drama, when many had failed and when failure on his part would have, been dangerous, and his "Ladv of Lyons" promises to keep its hold of the stage so long as light comedy is cared for by an English-speaking audience. He tried his hand as an essayist, and, although he had not the ease and polish of Addison, the rough strength of Hen ry Rogers, or the.brilliancy and Vig or of Macaulay, he gave abundant evidence that be was a man of large knowledge, of liberal views and of great powers of expression. His pub lished speeches are not numerous, but his addresses to the associated institutions of the University of Ed inburgh and" to the student at the University of Glasgow, as well as some of his Parliamentary orations, show that, although he had not the easy and ready utterance of Burke, he was not far behind him as a mas ter of eloquent language. Few men have tried so much and done so well.. If he had attempted less his , success could scarcely have been less great, but he might hnve left a deeper im- pression on E ngl ish - 1 i terature. It was not in the man to be a leader of thought in the sense in which Goethe was a leader, or Coleridge Or Garl vie; but he, has left us some novels which in the great future will ' take, their place side, by side with: th$ best nov els of Scott, and some poetry which will be as lasting as English; speech. Ha was not a Thackeray Jhewas not a Dickers; but his "Eugene Aram," his "Last Days of Pompeii," his "Zanoni," will" be read and admired sn long as there is a taste for "Vanity Fair" or for, "David ; CopperfielcL" Having reached the ripe age of 67 it cannot be said that Lord Lytton died young, but it is not unfair j to say that in the whole course of the 19th century few men have -wielded the pen with more persevering industry or withf greater success. It cannot be said that he has left the world any great legacy of thought, that he has made it either much better or much wiser ;. but that he has contributed to the world's happin?ss and given an impulse to the cultivation of lit erature must be admitted anjd such a man cannot be said to have lived in vain. He' had won his llaurels before Dickens commanded attention and before Thackeray was known. The illustrious three, the friends and teachers of our younger years, are gone ! .Vheh shall we see their like again? Full of years and full of honors, Bulwcr has laid his pen aside and gone to t his rest. . For the pleasure he has given us let us be grateful. The impulse he has given to the cultivation of literature let us try to catch. The example he has left behind him, so far as that exam-- pie is worthy, let us endeavor to imitate. iV. Y. Herald. Congressional The House of Re presentatives Passes a Resolution to Repeal the Bankrupt Law. The passage of a resolution by the House Monday afternoon just before its. adjournment repealing the bank rupt law took everybody by surprise. An amendment to that law being under consideration, Mr. Hazelton, of New Jersey, offered a resolution repealing it altogether. The resolu tion, was seconded and the question promptly put, against the'earnest ex postulations of numerous members, especially those from the' South, led by- Colonel Scott, of Virginia. The repeal of a law so important as this should certainly have been well considered and deliberated. The indecent haste with w hich this mea sure was pushed through, when the House was alnmt to adjourn, is not at all creditable to Congress and looks as if it was a pearranged plan. The southern States arc vitally interested in this matter. They have been struggling to get out of their depres sed and disabled condition without going into bankruptcy; but they have seen their property declining, and the last hope has failed. The bank rupt law is the only chance of the financial .reconstruction of the South, It is to be hoped that the Senate will refuse to pass a bill thus hastily rush ed through, and most cruel and in jurious to a large class of unfortun ate citizens. " The New Senator From Louisiana. Gen. W. L. McMillen, the gentle man elected by the Fusion Legisla ture to fill the unexpired term of the Hon. Win, Pitt Kellog, in the United States Senate dervies his title from ser vice in the Union army during the late war. He is a native ofOhio, and brother-in-law of ex-Postmaster Gen eral Dension. Since the close of the war, he has been engaged iii plant ing, in Carroll parish, and since 1868, has been a member of the General Assembly. During the late election he cast his fortunes with the Liber als, and on the organization of the Senate, in December, protested against Pinchback's unauthorized ac tion and withdrew. The Republican says that "so long as General Mc Millen remained true to the party that elected him, and to whom he owes so much of the honor and dis tinction he has enjoyed in this State, we (it) regarded him as one of our ablest and most consistent political friends." We opine that the Gener al is quite as able now as he ever was, and as to political consistency, he will lose: nothing in passing from the Mechanics' Institute to Odd Fellows' Hall. It is understood that the new Senator will leave for Washington to-day. N. 0. Times. The Walls of Potsdam Church Germany Decorated with the Cap tured Flags of France. Berlin, Jan. 19, 1873. A grand national German display, partaking unitedly of a re ligious, military and corporate citi zen character, was made at Potsdam to-day. 1 Their Majesties Emperor William and the Empress Augusta, accom panied by the imperial Princes and the chief Generals of the army, at tended in the garrison church of the city one of the most remarkable and celebrated buildings in Potsdam while the walls of the edifice' were solemnly decorated with eighty-six flags, which had been captured; from the French dnring the late wan The scene was of a very imposing charac ter. Immediately after the conclusion of the ceremonial His Majesty the Emperor of Germany thanked the army for its heroism, the results of which, he said, were eternally en graved on the tablets of history. A Fall. The Jobile Tribune has furled the Conservative banner, stack ed its arms, and marched into 4 the ranks of the administration party. It makes the announcement in these words : "The Mobile Tribune has been pur chased by an association of gentle men, who assume charge with-this number. It will hereafter give, a zealous but candid and discriminat ing support to the National, State and city adm inistaations. It will be the earnest effort of the present man agement to make the Tribune, a first class newspaper and in ho . respect will it be permitted to lower the high reputation which it has enjoy ed as such in the past.!' Lynchburg Republican: - ' ' - - : :, state maws. Harnett -County, in 1860; reported less than, 50 bales of cotton", and made lasyearjoyer 1200 bales ; Thll jSeoSi fsaJMval "last Monday quite ,a nuqiber of odr.'?66h)red citi zena Jgft Rutherford, for-the Air-Line Railroad. f - T. " -v:-' ; -VjV .-j";:" The Norfolk Journal learns- that the postoffice at Plymouth, N. C, was : burglariously S entered oui last Wednesday night and robbed of $G00 r i 0AtrHay a blodnCwasSIsecli'at jNewbern, travelling iu.i a easterly direction. ' f p. The:?ra -says that J Miss : Fannie Lewis Kerr, the gifted and accom plished daughter of the , Hon. John Kerr, died in Yancey ville . last Mon day of Consumption.:.;! t 5 ; Tb3:mie1gbdval systtlTheipro? positrontoftyrnr- sevenU more new coun4ieis before lithe Senatc.t We might add. that such propositions are generally unpopular, f ; There are 240 Misbnic "'Lodges iii this State. anof thi number about 90 Looare readVntribhtecf uineimug".uver poy,wur; tuwarua nie erection of the new Masonic Temple. The Raleigh Newi lays that Thomas R. Lawrence, Esq.j k very respecta ble and well to dotfjirmer of Buck horn township, wajsj instantly killed on Thursday last byf felHng ;a' tree on himself while at iwork in his low grounds. M " The Rutherford j Ivitidicater says : J. P. Millard killed 111" squirrels and H. Culbreath killedl last year. This is pretty good, butiB. C, Alien in one day killed ltrLsquirfelS .With 99 bul lets, and only one at each shot. So we are told. j . , , -. ..... I. " - r - - During the weeki sorqc of . the la dies of Shelby '-havjej raised, by sub scriptloii, avery handsome : sum J for the benefit of the;liee Memorial As sociation. Sosaysthe Shelby Jian- ner, ' - rf j 1 After strangulation they tied it in a cotton bag and launched it like a boat in Trent river. It was one of the same that they ileave at doors in baskets, and was picked up at Jones' wharf in NcwbernJ S The Shelby Burlier says : David Collins convicUd iif Sept., 1871, of Ku Kluxing, and Sentenced by Judge Bond to imprisonment for 4 years, has been pardoned'by the President. He passed through our town this week on his way; home. We are A correspondentUnfrirms the Ral eigh Era that last Sunday a few miles from the town of ILexington, a fire occurred on the plantation of John H. Wclborn and hjUrut up his mill house, which was k very large fram ed building, and alarge quantity of corn and cotton that was stored in it by his croppers. M The Raleigh Era says : Major Gus Lewis of this ikHty receivefl per express last night :& Russian blood hound sent him bM a party in New York. The express on the dog was. nineteen dollars :.nu seventy-five cents. This fellow! is about as big a. anv two dogs in tHe citv and is spot ted. He has got a.head like a bear and looks like one. Mrs. Manr B. Walker, the widow of the Hon. Robert J. Walker, died on Sunday in Washington city. The deceased lady was a ; great grand daughter-of Benjamin Franklin. . ITew Advertisements. MORE of that elegant Sour Kmut ; come runin?or it wfll all be gone before you art anv. Also r no her lot of Good Cliesnnts, not manv worms. :; : J. F. BVTT. jaii 23 H MASONIC. - j THERE will be a special communication of ExrelMor Lode Xo2Ht AF4A M hekl at Masonic Hall ihis (Thursday) even ing at 7 o'clock, for ork in F. C. tlegree. Brethren of other tkxlgcs invited to at tend. BvOrTer of V M T. ROANE WAGING, Se!retary. jan 23 ;i School Notice. MISS II. MOORE gives notice that her School in District Xo. 4, Charlotte Township, is open fir the reception of all white children, as al Free; School, as pre scribed by law. jan 22-taw 2w si Freight on the Air-Line Bailroad. OFFICE A. & r11AIRLIXE R. R. ' Charlotte, M Ci, Jan. 22, 1873. ON and after thisjflatc freight will be days, Thursdays ami! Saturdays, from two to five o'clock P. M. i - t S. S. Peobam, Agent.. jan 22-3t tten'l Snncrini. .t: . : Applesp Apples.; ELEGANT Juicy Northern Apples. Call lovers of realGobdiFrnit. Onions also, very fine, ordered jby the solicitation of scores of People. j ; f I Irish Potatoes Early Rose, Early Good, rich. Peach BloWj i Harrison, &c.', for eating or planting hi ? r r- i k. AK),- i - " Buckwheat Flourjand fine Yellow, Rich Goshen Butter : with capital Factory Cheese. 5 , v, JOHN F. BUTTS, jan 22, 'I ' ."a r r Market.? - Free ScaooI. " ; IN Compiianec with the jFrce School Taw, I notify the public that I am teaching a Free Public School for icolored children in District No. 2, Charlotte Township, jan 22-lt L 1 m C. R. HARRIS. CODFISH. TWO Drums George' Bank Codfish, at STENIIOUSE ' MACAULAY fc CO. jan 21 i BRIG6S & B ROT H E R q FLORILIWORK! T : O : For January. 1S73. Now Out t : ' ,-- , -.' as a Otlfiifrlir m fi ill r nnmtumi i. address, by mail, for 23 cents. The riclicA and most instructive Illustrated and Dos. Tliose of our natrons w lm nWfroi " last year and were .credited with 25 cent win reifivr tne iour quarterlies for IntV Those who order Seeds, thia rwir v..:n i fcredited with a subscription for 1874 Tiw! me jiuiuury iiuiuuct oauains nearly ''4fi i idiruvui5, Awo jyupcro icttored l'latcs " snihiblc for framing, and also "TiiitVl Plates" of our gorgeous Floral lmmi0.s information relative to Flowers, Vcota' hies, &c, and their cultivation, r.na ai such matter as was fornierlv found in our Annual Catalogue. You will miss it t you order "seed's" before seeing Hris ,t Brother's Quarterly. We challenge w,n, parison on quality of Seeds and prices and sizes of packets. Our "Calendar Advance Sheet and Price List for 1873," sent free Address BUIGGS & BROTHER. Seedsmen and Florists jan 22-4w Rochester, X. Y. Irish Potatoes. TWENTY-FIVE Barrels Good Eatii, Irish Potatoes, just received at STEN HOUSE, MACAULAY & CO Jam 21 , Just Received. "I A A Bushels Mountain Irish rotators. tJ Warranted sound and good at $1 oi per bushel. SYMOXS fc Co' jan 21-tf HOMINY and Grits, fresh and good. Goods sent to all parts of the Citv SYMONS tt C(; ' jan 21-tf Near the Charlotte Hotel. Hominy, Hominy. f Bbls. Choice Hominy, just received O and for sale by jan 21 IX. M. MILLER & SONS. A L D I N E. :0: WE are the regular Agents for THE LIDIInTE. :0: hCALL AND SEE SPECIMEN COPIES, ALSO TOE -PREMIUM CTIK0M0S. Terms, $5.00 Per Annum. TIDDY BROTHER, Agents, jan 21 Home and Democrat copy. $10 0,000. THE DIRECTORS OF THE VUK DC I'EAU COMPANY. Having, for reasons alrcaTy given te the public, deemed it judicious to postpone their GBAND GIFT COMB in. Irr aitlof tins new and delightful SEA-SIDE RESORT. The undersigned takeplcasurcy in announ cing that the Concert uill tyke place, without fail, on L THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, In the OPERA HOCSi:, Norfolk, Ya., When the following magnificent gifts amounting to $100,000- Will be distributed by lot to the holders of tickets : 1 Gift in Greenbacks of, $ ",000 5 Gift in Greenbacks, of $1,000 each, 5,lHXl 20 Gifts in Greenback, f $500 each, 10,000 75 Beautiful lv located Cottage Ixtfs, "by the sea" 30 by 130 feet, at Yue de L'Eau, valuel at $400 each, 30,000 aX) Other Bcautifnllv4ocatcl Cottage Loti, 25 by ISO fi at Yue de L'Eau,. valued al each, 40,W 100 Gift in Greenbacks, of $l0 each, 10. 401 Gifts, valued at $100,i '. The distribution of GIFTS will take place immediately after the Concert, ou'thc vast stage of the Opera House and in full view of tlie audience nder the supervision of the President and Directors of the "Yuc de L'Eau Company," and the following dis tinguished gentlemen, cho have kindly consented to be present, and sec that the gifts are properly distributed as advertised : Hon. John R Ludlow, Mayor of Norfolk, Hon. A. S. Watts, Mavor of rortsmouth, Hon. J. B. Whitehead- ex-Mnvor Norfk, Col. Walter II. Tavlor. of Norfolk. James G.TIoUaday, Esq., of Portsmouth. mil 111 fifVkT rr oil oaU t.llA rV)titrt Xmtl iff ilia nrouontu tvill 1'C distributed in proportion to tlie number sold. " :' Currency gifts will be paid in CASH at our banking house in the city of Norfolk on-, presentation fc of the .... tickets en tit led theiftn. wifhrmt Hiaonnnf Vnr fnrtlHT " J T.. vwv...t.. ' particulars 1 and for tickets, . apply to the undersigned, who alone are authorized to appoint agents for the sale of tickets. Jue unaersignedy Directors ol the ue de L'Eau Cnmnanv. nlpdw. themselves to the public that the above Grand Gift Con- L - 1 4 . 1 . ,m. T l. uen. snaai uuce place on "lnursuay, r eu ruary 20th, 1873," as announced in above card, on the basis of the nriinrtfll advertise ment as to the distribution of gifts. Wm. Iamb, . , , . . IL J. Neelv, V. D. Groin, s W'm. H. White, E. G. Ghio. ' ; E. C. Lindlev. Parks, W. Reed, Geo. W. Grice, N. Burrus, AH orders for tickeht hv mail nromptly attends to. - BURRUS SON fe CO., - . - Financial Agents, .Yue de L'Eau Co., Norfolk, Ya Aeents for the Sale of Tickets for Char lotte,- ;' . . TIDDY & BRO-, jan 21-tf Booksellers.