''-i-PT? ' ............ n Tlic Charlotter Observer! , , jones & .Mclaughlin-, i Othce, Uryce's , building, -Trade Street. bates or SUftSdtlPTIOJr. ' 11 Daily, One year in advance,- .l.'..o oo ULA lAVyiV-Vf AAA uu -r g UU Tjirec aiontns, in aavauce, ....;;..;' i One month, in advance,:....;....::.'.. v ' , . itT i - ...... .V ' ' ' 1 ft- vv eeKiy, one year $3.50 Weekly, one year.,...:..;;. . 2,00 HO MORE. v.-'i::-:;:- K more it is a harp's low ton Mhi. i-cring of light and pleasure'' gone more it is a broken lute. ;- - . . ' 1 A Jiiuing uower wim Dliguted root. o more it is a mnrmurine rill Vose waves will soon be hushed-bestill-j vviiue nicy riui jteep cnanting low Tljc hynffif of all things: here below. "4 more it is a severed cord Tlie breaking of a plighted word Aii echo of the pulse's beat, ' Erp quiet are its hastening feet. X i n i ore i t is a shadow fled ; A flaunting thought of loved and dead A eloud that hovers over ear:h ' A fliscord in each song of mirth! '. Kd more it is a passing bell, Of youth, and love, and life the knell ; A eypress wreath, a pall, a bier ' Tl end of human life and fear. Carlyle at Home. The following tit-bit about the greatest litrarv of the day brina into rr " the strong points of Carlyle's charac terhis kinyeness. Mh John Hnr rolighrs tells of his moments with the Scotsman in the February Galaxy 'I had imagined that the next best i "in iff co seeing Jd-ngjand would be tn fee Scotland; but as this latter pleas- une was ueniea me, certainly the nqxt best thing was seeing Scotland's greatest son. Carlyle has been so constantly and perhaps justly repre Hipted as a stormy and wrathful pqrson, brewing bitter denunciation l'r0m America and Americans, that 1 cannot forbear to mention the .sweet and gentle mood in which we found him a gentle and affection grandfather, with his delicious" Scotch brogue and rich nitlodous talk, overflowing with reminiscences of Ins earlier life, of Scott and Geothc sujid Edinburgh and other men, and places he had known. Learning I wias especially interested in birds, he discoursed of the lark and night cfigale and marvis, and forming his remarks about them in someepisode ojf his personal experience, jind in vesting their songs with double clfjann by his description of his ad- 111 1 cs. j"It is only geese who get -plucked there, said my companion after we hid left a man who had known Cirlyle iritin:a'ely for many years; "silly persons who have no venera tion tor the great man, and come to ((invert Jiim or change his convic tn upon subject to which he has u voted a lifetime of profond thought and meditation. With such pt rsons he has no patience." hirlyle bad just returned from pqouano, where he had spent hills the and miner. The Scotch "",U,INI, nesaiu. naa an nnoiont burnful look, as if the weight of measurahle . time had settled ;vn upon them. Their look was l I..t - . " i'h !4i, 1 gazeu upon the venerable m neiorc me, and noted his home- ijidioly expressedI knew thattheir lopk was upon him also, and that a gipaier than Ossian had been nursed aijjHi those lonely hills. Few men Jn literature have felt the burden of tlije world, the weight of the inexora nrnce as has Carlyle or drown ii-esh inspiration from that :fuce. However we mar differ "P'n mm (and almost in self-defence lfc most differ from a man of such n-nseand overweening pcrsonalitv) nuist yet be admitted that ho Wo. I t tusilly speaks out of that primitive lonce and solitude in which onlv icjieroic soul dwells. fVrtainH- t in pniifMviriA.irir t;.:..k 1: e is fl tpv string has such a twang. J It 1ms been held by an Ohio court, pr Jfj PPealed by the Mutual f enent Life Insurance company, that f.Pbcy holder who is either h fff ? addicted to an intemperate occasion , J . 1 . inuuiges to xcess, therein- i 1 SA1.1 C'MmB "Pon the corapa It At this be law, it should be bet- uioerstood by agents and appli cants, for there unquestionable ex 7Z sreat a laxity of practice in respect. ; A IlATT.l?niT TS IN A 1 i . : Miroand VincenusEailroad be re- sr T uea lj:o,m JayinS their track' on c.lal aLene below Twentieth ff:;.TL oe omcers of the mlroad, ith .3 an.mjunction, at one o'clock !lrftS to Sixth street, finishing i'le Work hftfrira rlor-U tui. 6 Tho ri;- kijis evening, me distance was about one mile. An Imperial Present.- Cincinuati. of FArt VWl'olidPri Lonirw- 1,ie8en i irom the ' late tod?S,??Pfie.?P 1 a fgnificent gold ?inn , V"0' Jun 19,1873: A peti Ron, signed by about two hundred citizens, was Dresented to fii, mt nuiui ipn Tu j ynance, to be used : in the , ea m four different colors and bears lapropriatj inscription inE the gi t0gPA accompanied friend nfn6 prest was a personal jend of the ex-Emperor in his early cure ing Pills ed Irish PntatAoo " jan 21 H0USE' MACAULAY & CO. - i '- tl l i i'i'i-i v"'l ' ' -1" - ,. " ' . .... ... ' " - J ..'.5 T i "' . X -1. ' " .1 - " IJ. - T '.. ... 1 ' 1 . ' . . ' 1 50 ! nn I 1 1 Vol. VIII. TTTP CHARLOTTE, N. C. Authorized Capita $500,000. Jab. Tttrser Tate, President. Tho W. Dewet, Cashier, ! If Dewey, Asst. Cashier. AT. THE BANKINOHOUSE OP TATE fiDElW. E Y : rnhw Bank aartered -Under. Act of the J. General Assembly and duly organized unaer Laws of the State nfVnrtw n ith ample means w prepared to transact - i. ' - n, "c wiu receive-Ueposits subject to Clieck, and will Allow Interest AccorrW Mght per cent per Annum .U;suiniKyihg undrawn; over thirty and old I r O " KViU THOS. W.DEWEY, , Cashier. jan. 1 1873. TO THE JUST RECEIVED BY- EXPRESS THIS MOKNUVO AT MRS. QUERY'S. nov 30t f ESII(UPERSCARFS,NIL- ---- xijvo aim J sows nil t 'ri-r . fcicany reuucea prices, just received at i , . . - ii MliS. QUERY'S NEW Lot WATERPROOF CLOTH iust nov S0i MRS. QUERY'S Ahhf and c,lors of the best brands Kid Gloves, at nov 30i MRS. QUERY'S. AJEW LOT CX3RSETS, HOOPSKIRTS & 1 Rustics, just received at nnv MRS. QUERY'S. J. M. LEAK &' CO. No. 4, Granite Row, Opposite CEff TEAL HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail dea1 ersin Manufactured Tobacco, Smok ing Tobacco, and Cigars of , all grades. Dealers in the above goods will v-.i lucAauiuic. uur siock ueiore pur chasing elsewhere as we can offer greater inducements! jan H-tf EXCEJLSIOlt !! THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! ! ! TO P L A N T EES. WE Offer the following Fertilizers : Patansco Guano. CI ir Clarke's Snper-Phosjfliate. V e have pleasure in again tendering to our Farmers the above first-class Fertili zers To those who have used them so manv years we need only say that they are guar anteed to be fully up to their previous high standard. And to such as have not vet used them, one trial will convince them that thev are MT..i.. . . '. " .-iijr,i.,i hi an ouit-ra ; so niaKC sure ot a supply and please hand in your orders early, as the consumption exceeds the manufacturing power. J? or sale 111 anv quantity', by STENHOUSE, MACAU LJ ACAULAY & CO. jan 10 Clover Seed. A Supply of Pennsylvania Red Top CUverSced. at STENHOUSE, M ACAULAY jan 9 t CO. NOT1CE. milOSE nersons to wbnm Ten 1 1 n va i. tended credit during the past vear will confer a favor upon usby calling at once and settling their accounts, as this must be our last appeal. REMEMBER IT ! ex- R. M. MILLER & SONS. jan 11 d a nci ng Academy. PROFESSOR MILAM. AT, Oates' Hall, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday' afternoons, at four (4) o'clock, for LADIES, MISSES and MAS TERS. Class for YOUNG GENTLEMEN Mon day, Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 7i o'clock. . TERMS per session of 16 lessons, TEN uvijijjxixi in aavance. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED jan 14-tf -A. CABD." To .Our Friends and Acquaintances. the Undersigned beg leave to thank our - mends and acauaintane.es for their liberal patronage bestowed upon our ninipioyer, jur J2i ouner ior tne past year, and most respectfully ask a continuance of Fashion. Respectfully, ,4 ' j'an 9 ' - - J. A. YOUNG, Jr., A;.H. TATE. TO THE LAQIES. Dr. Hoopeb's Female Pills, a nositive ior suppression, -or Irregularity, ans-J I irom any cause whatever. Thev are I JL perfectly harmless. X j a r i I Every Lad fithmdd keep a box of the j on hand for use in case of need. .race, $1.00 per box. Sent securely seal- to any address on receipt of price. iirect au oraers, HOOPER & CO.,- P. Or Box 2453. Philadelphia. Pa. TROCHES of-Lacto and Pensim. . Phosphate, .. Lime WM. R. BURWEI4L & CO. jan ft CHARLOTTE, K;C.;FRIDAY, JANtJABY 2i.: 1873 FESTE SALT. 100 Sacks Factory filled SALT on hand -i JJ and for sal hv : STENHOUSE, MACAtTLAY &' CO. . I Von Meyerhoff. PROPOSES to fprm; instruct, and con wnwttei- N.' C, a Musical Soae.T J and to give, musical t festive The income from which, is to be applied to the DUrchasin Xf, niulr S.- i-r.' . -o . uwuva ana tltute- Also, to furnish for the Institute I Orchestral T .are &uod Seminaries of the kS Cities South and Xnrth n,MQ t?-. . ... . - . ,.uw Allan u- mj.,-wui be placed in the hands isiees. iot f.iip nso -r r.i m'' -r. loung Ladies. Terms of admission, 6 Instructions per month, 2 00 Ladies and eentlempn A members of the Society will please leave .f3 at me book ore of Messrs. Muuy xx. ato. dec 7-Cm The Change. HAVING notified our friends and cus tomers some time since, that our busi ness would chanee Januarv 1st 1875 are pleased to say that the change has taken place, and it is to he Rt.rinf.lv rusu or 30 DAYS CREDIT. Those wl odr. rA pay promptly need not expect any favors If you are m arrears don't ask for nrnrUt save us the unpleasant duty of denying j To our manv friends ur i uiaiiKs, ana ask a continuance of 11 1 " , . 1 ..xt- n eir lavors Delieang that by a strict an- able to sell goods cheaper than those who l-wvuiivil WX 1 1 K. 1 I II I VM ril I TirA Tt, 1 1 VKJLl li. All bills are dnn nnrl tvnroii a. aay of each and every month. jan 1, 1873, ly SIM0NT0N HOUSE. :0: STATESViLLE, H. C. .0: 1 rriHE Proprietor of the above named" -jl noiei respectiuuy invites the people of Charlotte and the public generally to call on him when they visit Statesville. He will spare neither DJ11HS HOT TllfUlOW r VTSTfi!ieSLM0NT0N HOUSE a first class liOlJL, and worthy of public patronage T. A. PRICE, nov 25-tf Proprietor. P. SCAER, S3 B. O 1. es t 1 73 O a B 00 CHARLOTTE, N, C. prescriptions prepared at all hours of the Day and night. Choice Green and Black Tea, Selected especially for Family and Inval- 1U? at SCARR'S June29 Drugstore. FUE?EI SPICES, T..,.i- 1 . . i' jibi nswTea a lot of select Spices for ic-Kies, rreserves, &c, at F. SCARR'S june 29 Drug Store. Pure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, . at F. SCARR'S June 29 - DrUg store. Paper Bags. rill'vIN lliULtSAND PariPr T5nrs t Ktm- A Wrapping Paper and Paper Twine, for aaie ai i'UREFOY'S. jan 4 Buckwheat ! Buckwheat ! ! A Fresh Lot, Just Received and For xx sale by jan 5 B. M. PRESSON. I uxwivi'j imiiiu v11, rinest. article ever onerea in this Market, for sale at dec 18 SCARR'S. For Sale. rriVVO Acres of land adioining the City of wiaiiowt!. very nneiv si Minted in a rapidly improving neighborhood. Will be sold entire, or in lots to suit tmrfihjwprs at a very reasonable rate. Apply to JOHN T. BUTLER, oct 22 Opposite Mansion House. Murder, Fire & Robbery. AS T am losing many of my custo mers by crediting them 'l would take the liberty of asking all who owe me to call and settle up by the lst'of February 1873 or sooner. J. T. BUTLER. dec 29 F B. E S K 0 Y S T E B S E! y E E Y A IT WE would like to supply the citizens in tifSSZ to sending for them, so thattvoii nn hatr them fo breakfiast, dinner or supper. I will sum metn jo you every aay or as often in the week as you may select, by C leaving jviii wucia ai j. x. flUlI B, oct30-con tf . Market. Factory' Hands Wanted. AM anxious to employ a number of hands, women and nrl Mnonaiw - tri work in a factory three miles from Colum- bia. Good wages will, be paid to efficient operatives. . Persons , wishing to secure glood permanent occupation can do so by eaving their names at the Central Hotel or addressing me at Columbia. , !, t, t rrr janl9-lw. L. D. CHILDS. ? ''-.I : GARDEN SEEDS .:, .y JUST opened and for sale a complete as i sortment of Buist's Celebrated Garden Seeds, consisting of every yaxiety oliVege r table Seeds grown in the Southern States' jau 18, F-SCARRl I NIEW V UltNITUltE. GOOD FDRIIITDRE I - ARRIVING DAILY AT ' " T D4S0jrS FURNITURE ROOMS, ' ' Spjositb Brem, Brown & Co's Dry Goods Store. WHERE-WILL BE FOUND EVERYTHING KEPT IN a' ' . of FIRST CLASS Sideboards. Book ck V.".f"V?' ""SffS. ; WardrobM. luds, safes, Tete-a-Tctes, Solas, Lt?- ."vuwuijuvic mm nnisn. rm uatiisses, METALLIC And Caskets of all sizes and styles of yffl" a"l Tine Coffins, themost elabomtrrrf,', l"mmea ot, i n' be?ml attention given to furnishing Dwellings Hotels and Colleges at a small advance on MANUFACTIIRERS' 1tf Januarv oi8t 1 7ALL' SEE AKD PEICE BBF0B Bimfa3 RA?ES January 21st, 1873. R0BT. P. DAVIDSON. JLnZ 1872. TELCIiI'S SHOE STOBB SIGN OW THE BR ASS BOOT KATI0NAL BANK BUILDING, CHARLOTTE, N. C. H0LESALE;& RETAIL DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS TRUNKS. LEATHER nn1 kvmv -mxtmxma I?W. ' je WHSLE8ALE and sortmen t of BOOTS & SHOES, which have .VL'Spe"i?I,Ce m Pmakes me e j ium' of my goods will compare favorably with where. U BERAITMS an(LO'WKllQ' on Lancaster Ledger copy six months. J. S. PHILLIPS WOULD Inform the public that he is now receiving his FALL nH wm TER STOCK of GOODS for MEN'S WEAR. and invites all wishing anything in his line to GIVE HIM A CALL. Of all kinds and at prices which defy com petition . His Stock of GENTS' FURTSTTSTTTK GOODS is large and unsurpassed for beau ty ana quality. . HATS and CAPS of the latest stvle for ana xu xcj. HAVING secured the Services of a Nn 1 cutter, I am TreTared to erive satisfAetion to all who favor me wiTh their patronage. invite an mspectiou of my goods and prices. oct 12 J. IT. BKICE. General Commission Merchant, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Particular attention naid tn selling all kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco! Highest cash price id for Cotton. - r All orders from a tended to. -dec 21 '72. tance promptly at J. x. BKYCE, pHOICE Odd French Brandy for Medi- cmai purposes, at F. SCARR'S. jan 3 .-Writing Paper. TIERCHANTS visiting Charlotte, wiU JjA. find Wnting Paper and Envelopes very cneap, at rVKKFOY'H. jan 4 ,?,..,.v '. . . Iandreth8 Warranted Garden Seed. Af E will receive in a:few.? days a large ,lT and complete assortment of theu re- uame and popular Seed. ' -ALSO-- Clorer Orchard Grass, Lucerne ) Lawn Grassv &c ' W. R. BURWELIi fc CO. OKA Sack Coventry Flouiv .different r(w uraaes. ior sale at jjm21 R, M, MILLER fe SONS. . i T" CHEAP FTOHITDHE FURNITURE HOUSE. Lo - llai -ALSO A- Ro furniture and Chamber fli. n Hnnw iorv i, .,rr .-t of Spring ana a wirge Assortment of BURIAL CASES finish, together with Mahoeanv5 from 'theg plainSt and chS Rosewood, RETAIL Trade to my We and varied as- been selected with care confident that my prices and .. . uiinuuiiL 111HL my Drices and thp nnaiitv those of any other h6use in the(Mjoiel S. B. MEACHAM. GOODS TO THE WHOLESALE TKADE S. B. MEACHAM. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. ' o-parmersnip which 1 expected riiTTTs n - 1 1 takelX"n SMf UTJ, 3J3 month and KTi continue the JilV Ui bllC CiltlXC STOCK OF FANCY DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, CLOTHING, AC, At the same reduced prices. :0: : I WILL also continue to keep up my BARGAIN COUNTER. B. Kpopmann, CHAELOTTE, N, C. jan 4 New Orleans Sugar aad Molasses. 5 Hogsheads Bright New Orleans Sugar. 10 Barrels Choice - Molasses Also 2 Hogsheads Demerara 8uear. ' 2 " M MaIjimm in store and for sale at prices to suit the times ujr oiiiiMiuuiSl!,, JttAVAULAY & CO. dec 17 Fresh Mince Meat, and Bologna Sausage, Ti N SMITH oct 16 - v i. BURTON'S TETTER OINTMENT, cures all cutaneous diseases, prepared fry AJUKWJSLLkKUO, nov 15 v Springs1 Corner. CARBOLIC Troches, Sciedam Schnapps. BURWELL A. fY nov 15 Country Cored Bacon. I Wl KeceiyedafinelotofCotmty Cured ff9' Tne J'S ya ve i4uucu iui bu uiucu. uiu now ana cet OYSTERS EVERY DAY. TW fArt that, WA fiATiH fhom fnvm' y- , f- & BOLOGNA SAUSAGE. IMW send them to von. si we FRESH PORK SATJSAGTSL fw send them to'youl nov 23 "ii Market. CHOICE CHEESE, mOOK the highest premium at! ,the Fair jl. oi uie (jaronnas. at Charlotte. m n October, 25th. 1872, made by P. J; Kimber- ly. liuncombe, county, N. O. for sale by nov 5 . - I A New assortment of Kerosene Lamps. just In, at ' SCARR'S. jan S . 1 ,;4S SAGE. Firie New Sage, just receivfe! at dec 18 i ..' ; 1 , ' SCARRH PURE POWDERED BLACK PEPPER, Free from Adulteration, at U I .r.t RATES OP ADVERTISIira. On Square one CJl. 00. 1 so tnree dav.-. m M (I K ( Sl?1 ... 2 60 ,,flve.day.-.. S 00 "one weeki.:. , M ju weejca 5 qq three weeks.wm.w g 50 - .J"" 8 00 'iSQmJ,fct.AdTeitl8eni taken at proportionately low rates. JTe Squares estimated at a quarter-col-umn, and ten squares as a halfSSSwT THE CHARLOTTE FAIR !! J. T. BUTLER'S ! ! NEW GOODS. Watches, Clocfa, Jewel ry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware Spectacles, &c. MUSIC BOXES AND MANY OTHEE ABTICfLES AT J. T. BUTLER'S OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE October 22 A. E. Nisbet& Brother HAVING completed an improvement iit their Commodious Htnr pa Trafio Rtiwot i wi west ui omiin ol Haiumond's Drug Store, Charlotte,. N C 1 '"'5 wen eeiecia swet of drocenes, Musical Instruments, Toys Ci gars, &c., which has been bought by 'one of the firm, at a time when themarkt wa 2SaIor?ble- They therefore feel satis fied that they can sell all goods ire their line as low as any firm in Charlottr foi cash or to punctual customers. They invite Merchants to give, them a call, (as they had a special eye to their wholesale trade.) and feel WStrrantoH in saying that they can sell so as to make it a saving to them in their nnrrh They return their thanks to. thei, friends EuKT A. R. NISBET A tithv SCHOOL BOOKS! SCHOOL BOOKS I SCSEOOL BOOKS! -AT- jan 4; FAMILY OK0CEBIES. B . M . PRESSON. Trade Street, next door to the Post Office. feign of the Elephant JUST RECEIVET. y ) Lot of Sausage, Mince Meatr Pork, Butter, Chickens, Eggs, & FLOUR a specUltJl Produce sold on. commission, an 3-ly BUCKWHEAT CAKES all smoking Bot covered over with yellow, rieh, gW Goshen Batter. What is mose paiaiabhr for Breakfast ? Well we have just received anelegaat Lot of the material to make them, and we will sell the receipt ft a small price. ALSO, Just received,, Irish Potatoes. Cafcbaee. Chesauts, &cv at . JOHN F. BUTTS, dec Market. Cianf SmoHng & Chewing- " TobaceOr E( flfkl pIGARS cvariotaaBJeboice vy.VUV btanda, Chewing and gflaoking Tobacco in quastity, and of varioos brands uuwrem 4 mui uiies. vf ooiesaie and A. R.N. & BRO. septic HAIR ' Brushes, Brushes. Tooth Broshee, Kail Wm. R. BTJB WELL A CO, :... .Springs? Corner. dee 21 KEROSENE LAMPS "VTELSOTKCefetine, a fresh supply, j, SCARR'S ust xv reeeryeat- , VusiBecexved. A Choice lot of ; Smoked Sugar Cured" Shoulders; at . janzi K. M. MILLER & SONS.