The Charlotte Utoserver. h wr. - v,f : - n. . ' - - - j.. 1 . """ . 1 vJr r. : r. - Mo rfoNES & Mclaughlin. 05cey Bryces Building, Trade Street. 2 BATES. 0 StrBSCKIPTIOjr.'f ' 7 :T)aiIv 'One year in advance, r...;.., 00 ii months,- io advance, . Three fklonths, inadvanee,.w,...i .1:50 One robnth, in advance, vw-.u.-..... -,50 Tri-Wekly, one yeAr.,i..v.1...lM? $3.50 Wcckiy oDe yearirw..."..! 200 A WOMAN'S C4PRICE.-;" Sl,e tang a cageatihe.ind6w'r "if h goes by.' she said. rm - KiTiwill hear my robia sihriniri"' Aiid when he lifts . his headj v ,tff . i,t l oittmor them tn ton Aiid he will how tnie,.! knowj; 1 1 '-"St , n. isnbin sans a love sweet.sohg:. The young man raised his head; The maiden turned away and blushed : I am a fool," she said, , ; ..,-. Vnd went on, broidering in silk "...'-. A pink-eyed rabbit, wiit as milk. Theyonpnanitered slowly - , ,? . By the house tjireo times that day,? j J She took her bird from the window, , He need not look this wav ' . u, ; She sat at her piano long, " AndsiKhed and played a death-sad t But when the daywas done, shesai.; 'I wish that he would come Kemcmber, Mary if he calls -rr To-night, I'm not at home,1 S wlieii he rang she went the elf I She went and let him in herself. . ; They sang full long together Their songs love sweet, deathsad The robin woke from His slumber. And sung out clear and glad. "Now go," she coldly said, "'tis late; " And followed him to latch the gate. ' j .'."-I 92 'liW He took the rosebud from her hair, While "You shall not !" ahersajd r He closed her hand within fcisowny - AikI wlnle her tfngue torbade. Her will was darked in the eclipse, . Of binding love upon, her ljpsv . , . Bulwer's Style aud His Publisher. The following descriptionofhis habits as a writer may be interesting. In answer to a question as to wheth er he kiept an amanuensis, addressed him by Lady Blessington, Bulwer replied t K "No, I scribble it all out nysclf, and send it to the press in a most ungentlieman-Uke hand, . haU print and half hieroglyphic', with- all its imperfections on its head, and cor rect in the proof very much to the dissatisfaction of the publisher, who sends irne in a bill of sixteen pounds, tsix shillings and four pence for e tra corrections. Then I am free to confess I don't know grammar. La dy Blessington, do you know gram mar? I detest grammar, . There nejer was such a thing heard of be fore Liiidley Murray. I wonder what they did for grammar ;before his day! ; Oh, the delicious blunders one sees when they are irretrievable! And the best of it is, the critics nev er get hold of them. Thank Heaven for second editions, that one may scratch out his blots and go down clear and gentleman-like to pos terity!" Later in life he dropped this slap dash style of romancing, and in the delicious Caxton novels displayed an entirely different style of writing. He merited and received a good deal of adverse criticism for the sham sentiment! with which his earlier works abounded. Among other crit ics Thackerav basted him soundly. The criticism of Jeames"Yeriowplush on the "Sea Captain" covered that turgid play with such ridicule that it fell flatjand met with deserved ill success. He improved and refined his style greatly as lie grew older, and sotnp of his later works are models of elegance in writing. His ''Lady of Lyons" and "Richelieu' despite many glaring faults of style, are tine dramatic productions, and will keep the stage. The collection of classic ! poems called "The Lost Liles of Miletus" abound withvleau tifiil passages, and are faultless in Polish and finish. Negro Ruffianism in Washington. "Five colored roughs, all familiar characters! to the police "aiid detec tive force,! appeared yesterday after nonatthe front entrance to the Jil, and demanded admittance to the tell of Tom Wright, the rriurder CJ of Rogerski. Having l eVn 6r'Jer edaway by the guards, they "replied with defiant oaths and threats, - one ot the party drawing a razor and an other a dirk knife. Thevwere rinal Jy driven from the premises. Two ol them were subsequently arrested, atter a severe struggle, in which Ser feant J ohnson'a righ t hand was badly lnJured. The object' of the roughs Wa the release of Wright1 :M Theabqvc is a telegram to the A ew York Tribnrw. Did anybody ever know a niggeif; who ;did;noi cr- r a razor j? As a weapon pf offence ana defenpe it seems to To with this ace a special favorites If any one a8 Caretllllv nniiaA VAi lurnns of he Appeaf;- he 11' have, th e frequen cy pf th'e J "vu niv. lKJsn ft co- remarkedl Von of the fact, inai f razors ; were wn oy r negroes in j their . yarious "KOts and melees there:; recorded. ? hether jtheir partiality for this' bar- nessthc1, price. -of: the.;' common' J Socles betns fifty centa-or -whptrtpr I rlnS vryhjarbarbnaTveanon the Sr-!v-tbichthey 8eem re- St. 11 18 f n evdence of their ; rapid!', return in v.k- ! r . -i W trami?S and discipline of slav.ery SaUy rescued thero, rit is difl". fan,l 5? dicideAt any -rate ;their fcn "e razor as a weapoh df de- ience is remarkahlA WhA Kf goes wou(d ever ; have thonght 9f rtrrj irjg razors flia oAnfijUAoA wao; "r se that white meii,otild Mreiersourg Appeal. TtaV 1 iB.AX . IriffhVE BarrelsV Good Eating STENT Jan 21 c i - ,.' ar r n r - v m m. m m mm m. m w :-. m u mt. mm mr. m m mm mm mm ww - - . xm:. THE BA2TE OP IIECKLEIJ'BTXEG, 4 S ,f.,; CHAEl4QTTE;:N4a T Authorized Capital- $500,000 Jai TtnwfE Tatb;' President. ' V, H;fDwrr, Asst. Cashier. fThis Bank CJiaiiered .TJnder Act of the 'A'" Grerieral' Assembly and duly organized nnoer Laws of the Statel of North Carolina, with ample means is prepared to transact CJnrsir 3ankinlSiisiness. and furnish accornmodations to all its Cos The bank, wdl receive Deposits subject to Check, arid will Allow Interest, According .gijiucin, uu an .ueposns leit on tmie. ft lima foSMIhiXtTWWii. . . . ' ioou5 uuuiiuiicx ui leposit Dealing m temi at the rat tfi tit t t - Eight per cent per Annum M::alTOn'4 thirty days! u'-i&x ,i& nts fzi X-iz-J . a.Qold anjtilverCoin Bumpn and old Bank Noteg Bought android. v , ? . :;jart:.l 1873.;f:;V , : Cashier. J U 6 T R E.C Ely E D EXPRESS TIUS MOBKIKG ; ,;at---; - - novSOJ . : . f ARG& LOT 8HOULDER ARFS,NI L Jj fcK)N-.TUS9 and-TJow i alii Colors" af groatiy. reduced prices, jtst received at novfc30; . , f . ; . . 4 liSQUKliY'S. VTEW Lot WATERPROOF CLOTir jnst xi receivea nne qtMrnty at low pnetw, at nov 3UJ . ? . - . - MRS. OUERY'S; 4 LL Sizes and Colors of the best brands Xx Kid Goves, at- i i . '? : r noy-JJOt . - - MRS. QUERY'S. TEW LOT CORSETS IIOOPSKIRTS &. Jiustles, just received at vM RSfERYS-f A: ML-fi&KrS. GO".: No. 4, Granite Row, Opposite C E .. Bifl?I? H tr ?t,e'x , CHARLOTTiR, N. C. ManufactTjrerSi Wholesale and Retair dea1 ci s In Mahafactured Tobacco, Smok ing .Tobacco, - and. Cigars .of all grades. . Deiilera u the above eroixls will do well to examine our stock before pur- cnasiiig, eisqwnere as we, can oner greater Ihdliceniehfs: " Jan 14-tf EXCEJLMOU!! THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! 1 L T O P L A N T E'Ti S . WE Offer the - folMwing Fertilizers : Pataico Guano, Chesaeake Guano and.Watson fe Clarke's Super-Phosphate. We luive pleasure in again tendering to our Fanners the alio ve first-class Fertili zers '. ' "rt To those who have,uset them, so many years we lieeil only fay that tbeyf are guar anteed j;o b fully up to their previous high standard. - And to such as have not yet used then! one trial will mnyince them that they are superior to all others ; so jnake sure of a supply and please hand in your orders curly,- as the consumption exceeds the manufacturing power. For sale in anv quantit v, by STENHOUSE, MACAU LAY & CO. jan 10 Cloyer; jeede uff A Supply of Pennsylvania Red Top Clover Seed, at -STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. - NOTICE. THOSE persons, to whom , we have ex-r ' tended credit during the past year wilt coftfer-afaf6r ujJbfr us bf calling a once and settling their accounts, as this must be our last appeal. REM EMBER IT ! . R: M. MIfcLER & SONS. jan 11 DA TS C ING ACADEMY. PROFESSOR , Mil, AM. AT Oatea' Hall, .Tuesday Thursday & iSatufoyfafterrrMris, 'it four (4) o'clock, for LA DIES,: MISSES and MAS TERS. , - , . -J :, ? Class for TOUNG' GENTLEMEN Mon day, Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 7i o'clock. . 4 ' TERMS per session of,l? Jessons, TEN DOLIiARS h advance. I l- ! t SATISFACTION CrUARANTEED. jan 14tf J' 7 , . ; ' j ni-ij i . 'u i?d Tp Onr Friends and Acquaintances. TTTJ3 the; Undersigned beg lea've to thank' V V our : frierjds ( ahd acquaintances ' for their liberaf patronage bestowed upon our EmployerMrvBJ Shrier for the pastyear, and most respectfully ask a continuance of the same as we are stilb at, the Temple of Fashicn. Respectfully, r : ).- 1 J.: A:-YOTJNG Jh, - : ! & w . rm m nm' , it jan 9 -,l JA ; TO THE Lftoms. , : f Dr., Hooper's Femaijc . Pius, a positive cure for Suppression, or Irregularity, aris ing from any cause whatever..? They are perfectly harmless. - , i flgf" Every Ladylthotdd keep i a box of the Pills on hand for use in case, of need. - I Price, ?1.00 per. box. . bent securely scai ed to any address on receipt 01 price. .Direct all orders.' . s . , ' ; - : - - HOOPER fcCO. v M ! P. O. Box 2453. 1.;. 'i Philadelphia, Pa.( jan lG-ly ' ' , TROCHES of Lacto Phosphate, -Lime and Pepsim. WM. R. BURWELL & CO. jan 9 1 , , CHARLOTTE. N. C. SATURDAY. JANUARY' 23,vI873 ' . ''- ' '. . - .i , .... .-t; , n : - , FINE SAXT. 1 HA Factory filled SALT on hand lvv and for sale by 1 - - STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. nor 27 ' ' , . . - . L. Von Meyerlioff.. PROROSES to form, instruct, and con A auct, in Charlotte, N. C, a Musical society ; artd to give musical festivals lfte income - from which, is to be applied tp tne purcnasmg of Maps. Globes and icientinc Apparatus for the Charlotte In stitute. ' Also, to furnish for the Institute Orchestral Instruments and Mnsif anrh as. are found in Seminaries of the largest Cities . South and North. These Instru ments, dfce., wall be placed in the hands of tne. iTustees. for the use of, and to con tinue to be the property of the Charlotte xn. institute tor Young Ladies. . Terms of admission, $5.00 . Instructions per month, 2.00 Ladies and gentlemen desiring to become mempers 01 tne oociety ,wm please leave their names at the book store of Messrs. Tiddy S lira. dec7-6m Vl The Change. TTAYING notified our friends and cus- J-A tomers gome time since, that our busi ness would change January 1st, 1873, we are pieasea to say tnat the change has taken place, and it is to be strictlv CASH or 30 DAYS CREDIT. Those who do not pay promptly need not expect any favors, If you are in arrears don't ask for credit. save us the unpleasant duty of denying you. To our many friends and patrons we re turn thanks, and ask a continuance of their favors believing that by a strict ap plication 01 tne aoove rules, we will be able to sell goods cheaper than those who credit. All bills are due and payable on the 1st aay 01 eacn ana every month. grier & Alexander. jan 1, 1873, ly SIEI0HT0N HOUSE. :0: STATEBViLLE, H. & :0: fTlHE Proprietor of the above named -L Hotel respectfully invites the people of nariocie ana tne puonc general lv to call on him when they visit Statesville. He will spare neither pains nor money to make the SIMONTON HOUSE a first class tiKJXihLj, ana worthy ol public, patronage, T. A. PRICE, nov 25-tf Proprietor. F. SCAHXt, S3 u n ' CTQ t 1 00 O CD B 09 CHARLOTTE, C. Prescriptions prepared at all hours of the Day and night. Choice Green and Black Tea, Selected especially for Family and Inval ids, at SCARR'S june 29 Drugstore. FRESH SPICES, Just received a lot of select Soices for Pickles, Preserves, &c, at F. SCARR'S june Drug Store. Fure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, at F. SCARR'S june 29 Drug Store. Paper Bags. TEN THOUSAND Paper Bags ! Straw Wrapping Paper and Paper Twine, for sale at PUREFOY'S. jan 4 Buckwheat ! Buckwheat ! ! A 1 Fresh Lot, Just Received and For jul Sale by B. M. PRESSON. jan" 5 GHOICE Salad Oil, Finest article ever offered in this Market, for sale at dec 18 SCARR'S. For Sale. m WO Acres of land adjoining the City of JL vnariotte.' very nnely situated in a rapidlv improving neighborhood. Will be sold entire, or in lots to suit purchasers. at a very reasonable rate. . -Apply to JOHN T. BUTLER, pet 22 . Opposite Mansion House. Murder, Fire & Bobbery. A o J am "osmg many or , my S I am osing many of custo would xjl mers by crediting them I take the liberty of asking all who owe me to call and settle up by the Ist'of February 1873 or sooner. J. T. BUTLER. dec 29 - ! F E E S H 0 Y.S TEES E. "V" IE3 TT U iOD JL "i E would like to supply the citizens in any quantity from a pint to any.lar- ger.quantity,- and will send them : to your houses , and, 'save .you -the, trouble .01 sending for themr so that you. can have them for breakfast, dinner or supper. I will send them to you every day or- as often in the week as you-may 'select, by leaving your orders at - ' J; F. BUTT'S, t ; octso-con tr , ; ; L jULartet., Factory Hands Wanted. AM anxious ' to employ 'a number of hands, .women and girls, especially,! to work in a factory three miles from Colum bia.. : Good. wages will, .he paid to eflSicient operatives..' Persons wishing to secure glood permanent occupation can do so by eaving their names at the Central Hotel or addressing me at Columbia. . . - . ?. ' jan 19-lw . ; . L. D.CHILDS. - GARDEN SEEDS. 4 ' 4 JUST opened and for sale a complete as sortment of Boist's"" Celebrated arderi Seeds, consisting of every variety of Vege- taoie oeeu8 grown in uiv ouutueru oi. Jail 18- -T . 53UAi"W GOOD FURNITURE !. -ARRIVING DAVIDSON ' S - FURNITURE ROOMS, . t'-fitk in f:t"K t. .t -. ! nr. ;i iJ lux Trade St.- Opposite Brem Brown & 006 Dry Goods Storb. WHERE WILL BE FOUND PIE S CLASS EMBRACING , m,mm 1 ," .-. ' m m mm mm 9 taiarfs.' Tables.' Bedsteads. .TJTmyiTrs. rtrpnuntr fin Sideboards, la, Book Cases, Deskv: Hat: Ra; Etagere 'ma NotsCrab!les, ' , Safes, Tete-a-Tetes, Sotas Lounges, Mirrors, Glass'Plater&c.,i&e. ' : Cribs -ALSO AV-A- ! ' .' 1 ' ' .- ! ' . . . - S V . . . : INE STOCK of Parlor Furniture, Dining Room Fxtrniture and Chamber Suite, all varieties of style and finish. This House also, keeps a full stock of Spring : -.:: : ; Beds and Mattresses," and a Large Assortment of-,--lu ,t.. - METALLIC. And Caskets .of all sie? and: styles qfJnhy together with Mahca RoseWdod, Walnut, Pdplar aiid Pine Goffi'risfroh the plainest and cheapest tto the finest Octagon Cases arid Caskfets, withfuU glass tops, .trimmed in. the most elaborate style, furnished eith, heavy Silver Meun-. , -tings. Special attention given to furnishing Dwellings. Hotels . and Colleges at a small advance on MANUFACTURERS' RATES. -CALL, SEE AND PRIQE BEFORE BUYING. " : :: ' i: 1 " January 21st, 1873. " ' - R0BT. F. DAVTDS01T. ' 1872. MBACHAM'S SHOB'BTOBB S I O N O F T H E BR A S S B O O T , NATIONAL . BANK BUILDING, CHARLOTTE, N. C. H0LESALE & RETAIL TRUNKS, LEATHER and I NOW Invite the WHOLESALE and sortment of BOOTS & SHOES, which have MY Experience in business makes me 01 my goous will compare lavoralny wim w litre. P. S. I AM NOW PREPARED TO OFFER on LIBERAL TERMS and LOW PRICES, August 21st, 1872 (5m Lancaster Ledger copy six months. J. S. PHILLIPS WOULD Inform the public that he is now receiving his FALL and WIN TER STOCK of GOODS for MEN'S WEAR, and invites all wishing anvthins in his line to - GIVE HIM A CALL. Of all kinds and at prices which defy com petition . His Stock of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS is large and unsurpassed for beaur ty and quality. HATS and CAPS of the latest stvle. for MEN and BOYS. HAVING secured the Services of a No"; 1 cutter, I am prepared to give satisfaction to all who favor me wi)h their patronage.- invite an mspectiou of my goods and prices. . oct!2 J. "F. BRYCE, General Commission Merchant, .., CHARLOTTE, N. 9v . 1 Particular attention paid to selling all kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco. . Highest cash price paid for Cotton. -All orders from a distance promptlv'. at tended to. : i J. Y. BRYCE' dec 21 '72. , ,. ' jt -: CHOICE Odd French Brandy for Medi cinal purposes, at F. SCARR'S. jan o " ' ' Writing Paper i- MERCHANTS Visiting . Charlotte, wHl find Writing ' Paper 1 and Envelopes very cheap, at PUREFOY'S. jan 4 , - Landreth8 Warranted Garden" Seed. will .receive .in " a few ; days a Targe if and complete assortment of these re liable and popular Seed. ; ! . ; ." ' . ALSO - Clover, Orchard Grass, Lucerne 1Lviwa Grass, Ac. , W. R. BURWELL. & CO. ,. ian IT J.-i-..-'-' "1 ' 250 Sacks Cotmtry Flour, different Grades, for sale at jan 21 RV M. MILLER & SONS. No. 1,242 : CHEAP FURiriTURE ! DAILy ATrr it EVERYTHING KEPT IN A PTONITURE HOUSE. : ; a BURIAL CASES DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS' SHOE FINDINGS. RETAIL Trade to my large and varied as been selected with care. confident that mv Drices and the bualitv tnose.ol any other house in the City or -else S. B. MEACHAM. GOODS TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE S. B. MEACHAM. NOTjCE TO THE PUBLIC. mKE Co-partnership which I expected A. to form by January 1st 1873, will not take place until the latter part of this month and therefore I will continue the sale of the entire STOCK OF FANCY- DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, CLOTHING, AC, At the same reduced prices. :0 : WILL also continue to keep up BARGAIN COUNTER. B. Koopmann, CHARLOTTE , N. C jan 4 my New Orleans Sugar : and Molasses. K Hogsheads Bright New Orleans Sugar. O 10 Barrels Choice " " Molasses, A,tso 2 Hogsheads Demerara Sugar, ! ; 2 - -Molassesin store and for sale at prices to suit the times by STEJN HOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. decl I Eresh Mince Meat, and Bologna Sausage. B. N. SMITH. octlC ' . : 4i T)URTON'S TETTER OINTMENT, cures -U all cutaneous diseases. Vrepared by r , BURWELL & CO, ' nov 15 " Springs' Corner. . piARBOLIC Troches, Sciedam Schnapps. J - ml ,v :BURWELL&CO.- l Co an try Cared Cacon. ? JUST Received a fine lot df County Cared Midlings; j The very . thing . you -have enquired for so much. t Call now and get what vou want. ' . ' ' .at OYSTERS EVERY PAY. DonH forget that we send them to you. 1 ' s jj. ? BOLOGNA SAUSAGE. Recollect Iwe send them to yom -. i - FRESH ..PORK SAUSAGE. We will send them to you. , ; 5 4 J.F.BUTT.;:, nov 23 -f 1 ' ' ' ".Market.- , CHOICE CHEESE, mOOK the highest premium- at ? the f;Fair1 X 01 the l&rolmas, at Charlotte,' w. ' October, 25th. 1872; made by P. J. Kimber ly. Buncombe, codnty,- N. C, for sale by ....... ii .-A. R. NISBET& BRO. A New assortment of Kerosene Lamps. A' just in, at t, . SCARRY; jan-3 ' ;- ' J- . V ,r SAGE. Fine New Sage, just received at PURE POWDERED BLACK PEPPER, Free from Adulteration, at 1 i dee 18 SCARR'S. " f;! i- j ' - ' .1,, ItATfeS ADVERTISING. One 8quare one time 00 ( I two days.,1Hl.,.i); 1 50 three days 2 00 -four oays.............. Jo 4J fiveayslL.: S 00 two weeks.:.U-.. 5 00 three treeky.,.;w,..w 660 ' J3 Contract Advertisements taken at proportionately low rates, as 4.u: Five Squares estimated at a qxxarter-eol-nmn, and ten, squares as a half-column. ; . i ri CHARLOTTE FAIR 1 1 J. T- BUteR'S it NEW GOODS. Watclics, Clocts, Jewcl- ; ry, Diamcmds, Silver"; and Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c. IUSIG BOXES AND MANY . OirrBCIETR AETICIiES 1 . TOO NUMEROUS to TEisrTxoisr. . ' AT J.T.BUTLER'S OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE October 22 A. E. Nisbet & Brother HAVING- completed an improvement in ' their Commodious Store Room on Trade Street, one door west of Smith A Hammond's Drug Store, Charlotte, N. C, are now receiving a well electtd stock of Groceries, Musical Instruments, Toys, Ci- gars, &c., which has been bought by one of the firm, at a time when the market was , most favorable. They therefore fel satis fied that they can sell all goods in their line as low as any firm in Charlotte, for cash or to punctual customers. They invite Merchants to give them a call, (as they had a special eye to their wholesale trade,) "and feel warranted in" saying that they can sell o as to make it a " saving to them in their purchases. They return their thanks to their friends and the generous public for nast favors, and solicit a continuance of the same. A. R. NISBET & BRO. . SCHOOL BOOKS I SCHOOL BOOKS I SCHOOL BOOKS I -AT- PTJBBFOY'S- jan 4 FAMILY GE0CEEIES. b . m; press on Trade Street, next dooT to the Post Office,' Sign of the Elephant. JUST RECEIVED. A Fresh Lot of Sausage, Mince Meat, Pork, Butter, Chickens, Eggs, tc:, Ac. jah FLOUR a specialty. Produce sold on commission. ; ' ; jan a-ly, , -: , BUCKWHEAT CAKES all srookinghotj.: covered jjyex with, jcllo w. jrich, good Goshen Butter. What is more palatable for Breakfast f Well .we have i ost received an elegant Lot of the material to make them,; and we -will sell the receipt for m)l small price. ... . - . . i v , : '.; ' : ALSO, -.. ; Just receired. Irish Potatoes! Cabbacre. Chesnuts, &c.r at . ' JOHN F. BUTTS, " , dec 31 - - " - Market. - ' Cigars, Smoking & Chewing 7 .. . Tobacco. . -- i C A : A A A CIGARS of various and choice 1 UUiUUU brands. Oiewine and Smokinir J Tobacco in quantity, and of various brands- land, 'difierent quantities. Wholesale? and retail by 5 ; A.R.N.& BRO. , sept 19 1 . ... ; ITT AIR, Brushes, Tooth t Brushes, NjI LLX .Brushes. " - ; v Wm R. BURWELL A CO: dec 21 I ; - Springs' Corner. 1st t KEROSENE LAMPS, ' "i -. BURWELL & CO. dec 21 , 5 , it ""ELSONS Geletine, afresh supply,' jasLg f I : janr3 ; JnitBeeeiyediV li v kiSV Lifcl:'Vt Choice lot of Smoked Sugar Cured Shoulders, at jan 21 R. MMILLER & SONS. THE i 4 ! 1 1 I

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