t -I ' 3 1 S )f Tf The Charlotte cOtoseiiier, PUBI.ISHJ!:JDY i 9 ,! ;.a I n!7. i I l'j (a RATES OF ADVERTISING. ut--i -.rn L"ki1i fir HP ! iJt-V, ..:;f-rv-,l 4- i One SqtiaW toe dfciii.IVJLUf W j. .... A - rA Mce Brtce's Jiuuamg, iiaae e u- I'll- ; tt -r UJ A W . ; 1 ,flye days..u,!.. 3 00 jTES , 0T SUBSCEIPTIO y j -r , y ?l . .'tv One Year in advance,: KoniH in advance,-,,,. -- Tl ree Months, W advawce,..;,., .15Q n enionthk in advance, .;,...-,,.,.( rj 60 SU'eeklyi one year..i.,4l $L50 Weekly.' ojc year-- --2-00 i .-f . ... f i two week8.j.'...;...:;.u 00 ft SO , : - a no . ' "t. :u 1 i. i t 1 lSr- Contract Adrertiseinents taken af . i , .'CfiAKtOTiE isr: i'c.TTSiESDA'Yi' JANUARY1 28; Slii " r;: -.'11 -. . - J ,?) -,; ' iU.-J'-. T-'t .. . .:-.t- . :' I :FiTSamjfes estimated at quarter-cot- tunn, and. ten squares as a half-column , ; .; M rs.i. :-. I' .'j . m ..ni -J '. ft' jfgt' ft Mia "V I f 'li 1 III 1 4 W F JT All - jj.- : ' JJ - .i ris 3 f, . ' 'I'll ii i : - : ' r f . . - r ' '..1'! - ''M'li'ir.iitMi.-.r.t,.. -.. t.. ! '" ' ' ' "i -i - .i . . THE TAA Saefa Factory filled SALT ofi liana JLv,Wfftndf6riefhvi c'.Lt;:-.! i.i' , :... . . . BV EDMUND CtAIlESCg' gTEADMAN. V The conference meetuigvthrQUgh M rlfcst, tfe boys around the restrjn waited- irl pinie trinninc nnsk r . s..i Like snow fasds waiting. tibe mated. Sot brar he that leans ikwa f, n jty level musket flashes litten, Tbil. 9 stepped bee.Mwrrvall.j,., "AVbo longed to see me get thepaitten. rut . no, she blushed and .took, ma'rm ! We let the old folks take the highway; And started toward Maple Farm' . A'-oo i sort of lovers' byr way. . i , )., ' I can't remember wliat ffd.:i U y vas nothing worth, a song or story, Yet that rude-f atb by.TfUc.b. e epe4 . geeIacqall'transforraeti ana in a glory. un: Tlic'snot Iras crisp ''b:.,?fee,h The mijion was fttll the'fields, ,vere ivii gleaming. , - i . t . . flv hood iand tippet sheltered sweet, 'Her face with youth. : lihd health was beaming. ' " ' ' ' 1; The little hand outiicfe her mj 0 ! sculptor, if you could "but mould it ! c . iiviit.lv touched niy jackefecitfE: uJi' To keep it warm I had to hold it. " -;:'. .CI' J To havejlier with me there alone; : ! ?. 'Twas love and fear and: triumph jlcnded ; . ' r -; At last rejiched the foot-worh. Istone Whcro that delicious journey ended. Sliel'ik her ringlets from herbTO.W, , And f ith a "Thank -you, Ned," dis sembled ; But veto, kncw.shc understood t u rt With 'what & daring wish"I trembled. A cUttiijaswl kindly overheads: n ' The lfioon was slowly peeping through ! it, Yet hid its face as if it said, "Coific, now or never 1 do it Vdo it ! Mv iyk till then ha A only known Thelkiss of mother and of sister, liut sjiinehow, full upon her own Swdct, .rosy, .darling mouth 1 kissed her! ' ... rcrhap3 'twas onlyhoyisli love, yet stiUr. (; listless woman ! weary lover ! To ft'cfl Ortce more that fresh, wild thrill I'd ive but who can live life over ? of GBKfjUAT. Bltleb Rkmintied op Something. As Geiienil Bntler. -tlia valiant bombardier of past bellige rent scenes, was passing through; the corrmer of the House of lleiire fi"on tat ires Thursday afternoon, lies was atfeosted by Mrs. Brown, of South (parolina, a Pettigrew by Hrth; whV) Iiiijs stood by lier liusband tit liis vnriou. troubles : . ; '. , "Genjeral," said she, "can 'I say a word t( you?" ,: .. "Ma(amc," responded the bom baidioii in a loud, kruff tone, "I huve always I made it a rule never. to peakt to a wdman iivthe capitol." ' j "And I," retorted Mrs. Brown, in a shrilj, clear voice, "have -always made ii a rule never to speak to a man f Hat I knew was not a gentle man. I regret that! hiivc. departed from ii in the present case." UiXiti the bombardier, very red in the facje. New York, Herald., ' i Ae Utrffen .1,7,? - (Tli eod orcr Tiltpn ) iiirm? unit btokes achieved one triumj)!), videlicet: .-'The -.haughty sco'iiijlrcl, with his lavender kids, ro mycr the humble apology oi" tlie' Kosecjuting ofiicer, whom lie ele panth berated, and tlie semi-con-tntiojiof certain of ; the ' jurymen v lioiij be magnificently ; despised.. Hscejiied to us that. 4he spectacle ()f a djistrict attorney r asking pardon of a iijiirdercr for procuring his con victinjn, must have made the bxnieSs Bweeisritetr-hitT: 'itdrefuseJl 'die willed pardon, webopo the distnet attorpcy will receive clemency from "o otjlier quarter. . ... " ; lje intention of this paragraph to Jjatejthat the vouthful heir to the tnroije of Austria findnfiiSTr ft'TArv editable examination; . the young f utleman's name is found, to be so !"us fi to precludeigsiie.iKrisijcht.lim ae PDace. Tt. ia ' Unrthfr tnn nmrous to mention, '; . "Fpr Sale'? is the appropriate neA "S tp the last rri& mt a article re- ng the testirrioiiy ' ptoyinth r" senate. The corrupt occu- of hio'h nlnpa in f Via ftr. wl LuTrVCes- andt4hex J H, fell thef Govermn-e'iit to MHMii I ''KUKLUXING IN NEW .HAMPSHIR'f fra, iV'r.. Jan l6---A mrriri , - - 1 i ' ' . , ".t-. WOO filnnn JwitH "o'rrifl 'i-anrlAw picious cirpumstaivcps, . was. vio gtl? 'assaulted by thV father and lrlends of the girl, and narrowly cs- rAl is renorterl t.Uhfr Ph tn. i Ul inn Ifl.TA linv H'nrI rt lnm' I A i?oria.,. was rpcenuy lan;1 " :a-lPLtKansav-br-TisT- for o n ,5eB vnrttvnnatoejfaii Mas Wop e - i'U.lora wan. rF"n "W Wm J is tho a r?ion iyer omj? ian4fi7 Ul; a unn who was p 1 murqer some t me affd. 01 M;itthew Hale. scrape' against1 tli 6! coffinf ijj at the 8ef ie?riljifIon of tl'ehtw. -As Stoka wShlrnkfeTBif. ; 'iJi -7.CJIABL0TTE, t iii i titf 7tdf f 5?ei: Capital r$50Q;000i . THtts? W;?DkwET7Casru'ef, : ' " ' t .F.'-K: DEWKVAsst.lOashie.. : t A y General Assemblv and dnlv orsamzed ter' jm bt tW State of N6rfti Carolina? with ample'means'is' reaired -WniiiiSycf fT-.WPJ?081 WWr9Jf denying t 'tXVl'J-Ql Oil1 !3"rfi I .td&W'.,, -W toil.,,,.' , l:., and furnish aecommoda'tions to all its Cui Jl pink will iexvejpeposits subject toj Check, aridVill Allow Jnerest: According to Agreement on altDebdSits I left on time. xoouc vjciiurcawa OTTLfcpustli , ueiinilg, 111- x.-iglxt pkx. cent perAnntuxx It orf ?hll-; suriis ' lyg';tm'drawti over ;.thrrty t ! Gold end Salter CoinV Bulliottand old Bauktea BdglitlandSoldji r bmt U-.i US. A. W, 5IILLER,is prepared to ac- 11. crtnmioxliitfe 'Btmrddrs'with'tfi(m and mcaljsv or2 Mr ith nwaU, onlys-M the? BoHi-det may desirey buidhja Qryfs,;.qn,fhe cpruepf..prad an Church 8treei?fiaa. wliVM roius are cieapvj comiprt 01),' iiciMy hiriiiSh'.ecl' and wefl "atAehded. ,' Xe tawe is as good as the ' market will alioru, -.rirff i : viu a. -.a Terms tnrtojsfc t iberal , 16 suit clerks who are rprktng )r,raoderto-salatieS A jati 1-tf ; T "-:n') it i .r- ' i ' lit i t ': 'iti I' rWEi ftv Uiisfflarv,sold our jentfre, i stock IT .of Groceries,, Jiauors, , &c.j to .Messrs.. w. II 11, IIO,trIW & C.;a.. and. h wir ing from busiiiess fespeci-ully ask a'con- fS-flnti pijrdbaped W, J. Black & Co'.s atid Gregrov & "Williamson's entire. stock of Goods, wc have' oppt)frl nt Grpgnry hi GROCERIES, LIQUORS, And WOuM' restfuM the public: -,; hm' -'s:! ' ' W: Hi fl. HOUSTON & CO. forme fry. trim uregorv & Williamson, and 'McD. ARLEDGrE,'formerly witln W. BbM-k &,Cdj. arc with. usiirioVwilllie pleas ed Lo see.tltifriejid'iandcnsfantiera. w$ ...J .;i r VL H. II. HOUSTON & CO. jan 7 UMJI Hir-fJsOl Just Received. 100 BuslieW'lWuritiin . Irish PiTtatoe?. Wtrranied sound and good; at jfl jliu' r bushel. : ; r i v- ,!, SYMONS CO- HOMINY and Grits, fresh and.igoodJ Goods sent to all parts of the Cityl" . . . . --'SYMONS & CO, Ja MV?! freChariotte. W&r Kf sf? ? m V Tfv- -3 -f SOME &T"3TIj3 .:. i- ill-! iti! ...-''' -' ..-( -.iMriV-i!:! EXIKESS THIS ITIORNIrVG nov 30Ji 'W-, XIJ;iAl : .. T A RGB IvOTiS HOULDER SCARFS, NI1 ii SOiNirTIES vamlt iiowia: alKOdloisnat; greatly reduced inces, juat recciveu at!' nov SOJ. '.i fs.r-ytni. Jiill8QUER'g. "VTEW Lot WATERPROOF CLOTH just IV received fine otiality at low prices, at ' t : - ' f 1 7 ..' ;- !. -.t.- now 30... , ,. ? MRS. jQUEBVi I A lifcSiies arid Colors1 oftfre best WhTs JX Kid Gloves, at. ..::?s ' ,; M. QUERY'S: VfEW LOT CORSET,tiIOOiSKIRTS & Xl liusties.jusx reccivcrt at. ... f -:.-?yt t J...WI,-:iBArt"&iC0.r.: w e r 1 ers m yiatagtji?oDucco, ouioit- wilfavisin ; greater intUlcements. 1 jathJ4Cit :iot'liBi?rt'T'-,fjVf iw.il i ,t,k, CJBW .L i :-ii ? "f , i' !."(. !i 1 ,'.? i -Itjiic 'AVI f .t; H Tfl'E BESttTHB .CHEAPEST U I ,; TlTR Ofier the foflowmg Fertilizers : I V: f Patepeefliino,esape55uanoa our Farmed diJabjiTe 'first:class Feruli VoU WWpo(V rtfif fdlVhal tlier are gua'r-r And t such' .haye not yet Trsea iiiein, one triat wtu-convince tnem mat iueyic supply ana pieasft fif np iXS! A earLy, as Jthe consumption exceeds the manufacturing powfir.... :Or : - ' jan. 10 ' 1 - ' l-ir 11 milOHE nersons to whom nnOSEpersons to whom we haye exl i tended credit during the past' year will x, iunion's,ol(l stand, ,iet ;tpor,to M(;MiirrayR BavjTs Qo's,' at, ;W.hicl pjatie We will poiisfafttly Joec'p a' complete trock. 15 Ave havctrteastire fti Sgaiir; tenderirg' to confer a favor xrpon'us bJr calling at qnce and settling their accounts as this must be our last appeal. REMEMBER IT 1 v- 4, X M, MILLER & SONS. ja sTJiNiouaij:,:AtACAtriJLY4j;cai - nov27 ' iiii!- J .;JKI nift-Bii 1P HAVING notifiedrpTrjfrJendajaridi-cris tomers some time since. 'that our busi ness' sr child change uarV lst, i 17, Ve are. ihasedito saY thtft the: chancre , has taken place, and itjsjo be jstroctlji CASH or ft). J?ApXnn ,Toee,' wJo donotr J'j uccu uuu cApecii any uvors,. If you are in arrears don't ask for 'credit t To our many:rrieri(is ana patrons we xe tnrri' lhanksf.' arid asfc v a ' continuance ' of theiTibrsdelfevfnEt thafc-bV tt'strict to-' 'plication of the above rulesiirwe'will',bei iable to sell croods cheaper -than those who bredii;"'! if. x?.lMl musi:. ! AllflqilW are- atfd'arm-pay.aWe ' ttri the qayof .eaeif aiid eirery montlw?J fioi'il fry. ; 1 i' Wiim fc. AiJSXAfftfEK. - 1 1 ' 1 1 ..... , A ,,...,...,.. i , i HOUSE. rtTIti!? "'PrWpTthr hi the'-' above r narrie' X. lUdtol arespecttliny Invited people Of Charlotte and the public generally tp call V)n Mhi Whe?f tliey 'TisitiStaesvilW. . Hfe KfirtipaVe risHhier I pih 'Wof ''rtiohcry, ! to JIOTJSi aivl; worthy: btpiblic patronage. ' -.!': v..-'! :: ifi; -w F. SCARE, . ! t: ffttot ' mm ' i .v Ivfin Mr;M "iiU .uM, ,i. K-"1 Pre.?9ricms, prepared at a&. , hours 1 f of ' tih.8 "Bay aaA 'nighty ' ' " : ' Choice Green and Black Tea Beiected, especially' !for Family', and; Inval- ids,iat" june 129 r '.' v Drug Store. Just .received a dot of select Spices fbr f u-Kies.'i'eserYes, &c.,- at -. Jb iiSCAKIiw IjjuJije ,v .irf Drugstore, i ' - ' Pure' alad Oil. . s ' . : .i.-j ii- 'i t ' : ..: ' Finest article, m Market, , : i-jat ,:i i ,XSCARRlS .... junc20 " , ' .Drugstore, . A; .Fresh Xot Just Received 1 and For iL Sale hy - B. MCKESSON. ... an 5 " r ' " riHOICE Salad Oil... Finest artickv ever iv; onereu in 11ns AiarKec, lor saicai , , dec 18 SCAUR'S. TWOAcres 0f land adjoining the City of CliarlottejC ywryi-finelvvsituatedJini rapidlv .'improving neighborhood. Will le sold n tir-6. or inl'dfs to sitifPrrrtliasers. at aVervircak)nahlc!rat;s Apply to ' Mj; oct 22 Opposite Mansion House. i :;1 't 'r)-. ry: h ;--'. - ; - ;y' MurderrFire fit Eobbery AS 1 am- 'osing 'many of my' custo- nmrs hv: . . creditincrTthen , d VvfHikl 'take tlue Vihertylof aKhg all th- o.vte v,m lS7a of sobn'er. ! r-1 J. T, BUTLER; I 1-j u :! Xi''M--"'"-8J.i 1 : ,.: piii?ni;i'4 3;-: T.TVW.Tr STA trT.I'ttors-es and. Mules Seed (patPtj; .fovsalerbv If ?;t ft f '5 : 1 ; r: ri. -..... nf iv 1. -vk . feOatetallii iiesdayr Thsisday Sa.tulrdayait emuonijf va3t IP. w dayl Wedne'saaJtedThUrsd.1 Jevenrngs' rTEfiAlS.Tier sessiiintiof 16 tesmsj TEN ' pyLMtSS Hitaavan5eift9J if-i?u?r 1. 1 . . . - ' - V - - tl . . . & 1 iff ftttfJZif' i"'r- A 1 ixt ofsfirojoityRzsCHCBEna ! in Snlendid..order, . At DAyiDSON'S A o'clocfc.forW?1?? MW9!(ftW TERS: i.'i nlA :-,m fitef tot-'Y.OTTNG GEiOX'EMKN .MQn- T3m tttme l4&m eheaprat oh-REjOU IT ,reittri fricHdsliand:o cA5B.JTATE;c. - iah- 1 yjt70;ffl their 4ilerw patroftagef JbestOwea itipprxur Empkr,f.reT;fr-ieiWt5yer, and niest respeetfulh ask & cpnbnuance pf Uie sambas eyarfesUll at iha Templet of ; a Supply fjennsjlyfinfa-Top "JoL 'Clover Seed, at - STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. Jan $ .... . i - - . i . . ; ....... - ..... . . .: Z . . - .y.l t f I ... Jl.. . ximtACiJNti unatrs, ' Tables: Bedsteads, Bureaus, (Dressing i jCaires, Watdrobes, ; - Sideboards,'.J3o6k Cases, Desks, 'Hat "Racks; -ISagcafek,- Whaf 6ts, aies;I vi Cribs, SafeSj Tete-a-Tetes SotasrLo-ahges, Mirrors, Glass Plate, &c, &c;rt a '. f -.ii i.'(wki.livv! v;-)m ,,,, , f:'! '"I ol a..iK-.!i i;"sit viiiiciics ui atio ituu -uiiiMi. ( xwis. xjouse aiso Keeps a iuii siock. oi spring. 1 '-rjn '' . '.'. i' ' -l ! Bcds a'!Ma;tl7esei, a Large As$ortmpnt:f. 7e9itfifi" .'J'f ' METALLIC BURIAL CASES : I Ad-iCaskets of.alljsijs ad.ftylesof nfeh, tojgether'With MaiibgaylJRbsWood, , , walnut, ,roplaf,and liaeiComns, .ftom ,:. him CALL? iSiEE AN D PRICE BEFOREBUYIrG.1' u?T. ' ' I aanuary;2Xst,vl873, .; 1 . , rani !:'(; ,o'U:u - ;ut( SIGN OF IB itbr -..it hf fr7i?Ji'fs -4Mrv 1 HPi'Mi t' NATIONAL fi BANK BuXLDING i v ', v-'' .t- V -ir !) I- i CHARLOTTE, R. C. VQ "MTHOLESApfA; itE"T A7! L DE 'N-fVTRUiSVLftAt i mw sortm'elnt MY of my goods will compare favorably with where.-1- ' ' ": .(' I-.-. I. i. !-- ;' P. S. I AM NOW PREPARED TO OFFER on LIBER All TERMS frftd IX) W -PRICES, !- August 2Ist72r Cm : ; ju.?. . , , Lancaster ;Ledgey copy six imonths. J . S. PHILLIPS O ).- 7f i, ; '. , -' !" ' 3J WQULD Inform -!the;public tliat he is now receiving bis FALL and. WIN TERSTOCK: of G 0ODS for. 3d JSN'p WEAB and invites all wishing anjihih'g iii his line. :to i.'Mi-:l:" : . ! : J: GIVE CHIM A' CALL, . .. .- ;t .:- ; . : ..... .... Of all kinds and at priqes whicli defy jcom-. Mia atocK oi ixJbiJji jq' yitiN jjshijmjt QCODS is' large and urisujrased for' beati & and quality.-" .,T,t. . ' -HATS and CAPS of he latest style for p i . . ... :. ),, r.: r-th r-tn 7Kh "'iii t. lit 1 '-:: ,"at: uHA!VINGvkecfereo,:flie-: .Scrapes of a .1 f f -.fc .... i ! A?f ta( cttred tlie' Servjipes of a No," f-1 cutter. I am Trerjarea tor 'vfe salasfactiorr' I a. a .v . to 'alt wpe.iaYO BiWi-rtrrpatronagej ir i.(iu viu4 ran, in?pecjLifM. J Wjf i g'Wfl . fHv 1 Particular atfeTttion rmid to .sellinc .ali kinds of Produce Cotton and Tobacco. nttOICE 0ddrench-Bady for-Medi-lJ' dn al purposes, at , F. SCARRY- J1jarrffJ jfainjrtH; n?;;a fca vh; a-. ,. i ,.i iiaf, ' ri'nT la l't -i a Writing Fapejv 4uO iiRt!H3Qmrmti Landretli Warranted GardeniSeed.. TlfE- wilP recefve1 to fdklarge- r I I: : ntf mivmlot tvrrtitent theSft? re liableiaiid popular Seedauo:joiq jiw UovOrfchArd J; Grass, LACefne tWi T GrassCi IVi:KiBUR-WELi;& W hlp?A Sacks CcVahtry "Flour; ctiffereht Invite tlie yilOLESAtittmtd RETAIL Trade to my large and yanegias- of BOOTS fe SHOES, whiefrhave been selccfecl with care. ,. L A "KTrnpTimiPfi in bnsinesarmakes' mc.- Confideiit'that fnv Dfices and the 'OuahtvT jrJ Grades, for sale at jan- 21 B. M. MILLER & S0NS .JHmiswic; n . . r . . . . -s . ' . i . : t 1 1. . i 1 t . I ! 1 i 3 . 12'3 ill ... ; . : i i .i.. i the, plainest and cheapest; to? ane-' , 'MAufActur'ers rates; UA 0BT-'Fi Ayn)i50ir' ' - ' 4 - . hits: i :t-xMiJR u; a -! a 'i. i .i'j: -. "t -1 JOiJ ifJTJ a olan ;:."..fn-.;4 dl yii'.o Juifj vjj )JuS!'.j Soli; ir .liV i,B' K AS fil VB 0 TV ; j; - I .: i i-i ! .'lit . ALER IN TSr,TS,ri SJIOEFINDlNG-.av jiJ-'i ' ' ul those of ahy othcrh6use,'ih HheCity br'else- !.?:, -!: ..: - ..i ?uta;-as. ' RiMEAGHAM.-i i.ar: G OODS'TO TUEHPLALli TfiADE '"V . . .7. " -! .: B. B, MEACIJJLM. ,' , TH$J fJorpartnership which I ; expected to-form ?by; January; 1st. 1873, wilt'.net take place' luntil, the latter, papt of this month 4ind therefore yrill cniiiue ,the sale Of tlie' ehtire ! ', r' ' ' ' ' . - s tiK j-ji-atHfr r.. STOCK Of "FANCY ;.,w,. DRY .GOODS. -it-- ;i . ; rT rvPtrT-v-rri' jjrtt H'iiH At the sam.e reduced prices, ' -; r . , ( x , . j ,.:'.: ,i4- IQ : - ,t M,; -. ;j-"i:;o- I .WILL also' continue: tt ;kepmy "' O H A-R L OTTV "N14."11. P-'OlillM. .11 Ne Oriein , -tts).; 5 Hogsheads Bright New lOrleans-Sugar. 10. Barrels; Ch9ice-,ff' Yyui MeJaes, Leads, jemerajca ,Ju, ' I T?xesh- Mmce: Meit,alid Bologna. iSatwage, llirSUI10 lRUiif JjlJ.vdw f!'yV"l U'ai I to; SI 11 x w. ir and f!lrtr.lr Tl kebt ostanlv'ori-haiid';' V ''V-J ov30 "'tiWMqW .noily ii.ii i ; 1 hands".': wbmeri'ind 4 inrls especian,V to werk Iri b faictbfx IhreeinllefrbrnXtolifm hiai i tiaad wflirea Will ' be tKdd to fiieirjt 'M , , 1 M i .... .!"),. i '2,, " . A. .llofisses m .,jfiecfiWi:lirisk,'F6tat6Wr-feban store and for sale at prices to suit the times chesnnts. Acv afc.'t i A." - : .- H;decl7inl !?uai'i ?ul ban tui,Kz; I';rlef'Sf 10 .0'Jir'u::,yfarket. ;1 V ' 5' vf:i -ifrrjr ij WADSWORTHi nas, at tija U j;ery. Sale . Sta,ble, oppteUie.fit.x Tli i'i V .Aif 'anilons:" to'embW X- 'number of operatives. Persons wishia,sec&rfeB "3H; gioodpernvanent ; pecupatkmcpfl A(Ma.py. eavinjr their names.at the Central Hotel or i . . ' . . ' i '"' f T.i? ' GARDEN SEEDS.. l3tnran eTl UST orened and for sateTTTsompleteW tl 'wrtmentiB'.Obrattdrte Seeds, consist ing of every variety of Tege- table ceens grownj uvmc cxnu-nera i oiates; :jaal8 F.SCARR.'. t r i ...hT tJj. L1:.t:ii n i . fry i.t "ntTRE POWDERED BLAClT F3EPFEB, jl - Free from AdalteratioB, at J dec la CARB'bJ 1 "i ; ! 1 It. 1 CHARLOTTE FAIR J V tit. 1 T.' BUTLER'S !! :. ' :i; t .!: I HEW, GOODS Meheis, Clocks, Jetrel- . :Piaifloiids,? , Silver " :! ; ; ; Spertacles, &c. ail I r BOIES AND MANY a : i -070 EEaSTTIOsf. 1 i -AT t iiiwt C 4 -J1V BUTLER'S i OPPOSITE TH E' MA NSIOJT HOUSE October 22 . .- ;A''Nisbet& Brother LI US I a TTAYINp "completed an, improvement fn , iif! their Commodious- 'Stbre' Room W ; Trade Street,, ofc dopr west.of Smith k larrimond's Drug Store, Charlotte, N. C , ? art now receiving a well selected stock oi " ' Cjroccricst Musical iTfttfmttents, Toys, (i eah, Ac.wMcVhas oeetf 'bought by 1 one Of thg 4ftm ft time, when the market warf. most lavorable. Tiey tnerejore leel satis- v ned-thal they carisell all koods' lrf 'their ; ne; lffw,1.' as any? sfirm iu Cliarlottej! fo : cash or to punctual customers. . . ..... y ' ) They invite Merchants ' to give' thein a ;cauV(s they- had a special -.eye ;to theirT Wholesale'" trade,) and feel warrantod ii spying that they can' sell so as to make it at ,; sivingto them ia-their purchases-, i ; : : n . They rfturn the,r thanks to their friends , and trie generouspttblic forpast favors, and " solicit a contmuance of tlie same. A: R. NISBEX & BRTX f4- ,( - B imw. tn.- P; R E 8 8 .0 ft .v. Trade Street jiext door to tlh.e Post OfBee, Sign of th Elephant. ' JUST 'RECEIVED. 1 " 'A-FWri Lot Jof 'Satisage' fclbiee' MeaV ! T -I T. i-i 11 1,1 - P C jsr- FLOUK a specialty. : ; , JBP ! Proau'ce' sold ori com missroh . ' ' ' ' , -j jant3-:ly;.,; , ;t iii ;; i ' :TUCWHEAT CAKES all raokiiig het -' A); covered over with yellow, rich, good , . . il. Tf.-.i 1TT1. i .-J. -.V. ' -' for Breakfast Z Well we have post received' rari elecailt " Lot of the' material to make . Lthetn, and we will-sell the receipt for av-" ' Jf A 'AAA CSOMSB'ot .wioMandcboUe'i yu.uuu Tohaccdih dttahtity. and of various branc ajid: idinre'qaaBtitics:' Wholesale aod.! Jfc ?0-sepffiy ; .-x:r TjAIBb BrOTbeiirl5rushe NaiL'T ii! Brashes, t , I deoif'V fif f 'SpringsCSrner,T Y'j'jUmiiiyj '.i..- ;.iJ' -i a;.'ioii: '-! t i.i : , v -. n t.-.-j-.?; , , ' . i ! . . i : f..-t r.i i VitJSv-o ueietine. s lxesn appiyr just . . JTTfcOl (Oil IIJKtheihighesipreimTmi at tlie Jfrar. :4rof tBCarolhtasatf CJwriotteVTfC1'1 petoberg 2500872; maebraJOmbptoJ fy, pjunbe,i eojmty, JSLhWrt in FIA e assoitmerit;of;: Kerosene Lamps, t liitf jtHai ai 1. ftf. fq'HfiGABK'S. mt T'j4 s :." . J:tp.:1 laV-yar..' ' 'I 'H AGE. Fine New Sage, just received at I aJ 4 TraA. Ckroniqe 1

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