DAILY OBSERVER. , JOII N STONE J ONES, Edltorw -"Tuesday,- January; 28,; 1873. ; Ai'OLOGY.-'-In Sunday's "Observes an artiple.Ke4(Jed 'V. S. s Senate and Albany,"- appeared as editorial which snbuld have heeril credited - to -.the New York Herald, from '".which pa per it was,takeri -The-1 absence of editorial matter Ton j3unday.JU. ftc-J counted for by the absence of .the editor. TTI.rV ; The Credit HfobHrer investigation continues, each davt-i errowinsr more j j o j inteiie8ting.an-exciting Clie oraZ4 Qf CongresV, whose eije& are feeing ulinferclfuly dragged to light, are becoming phrenzied with ineffective wrath ancfbitter remorse. They forget, in their excitement, eveh CherWbMinoniMtiurteifes anjjd proprieties of i gentlemanly inter course, and exchange nuch polite phrases as "Villain, you lie!"&c t i a. '' Kixg'sC MotlliTAlX GdLixrMixE. This mine changed hands yesterday. It was sold by theate proprietors, Messrs, Walker, Becfcwithf &Co:, to Messrsr Crosbyr dnlf bVThese gentlemen,- most ofjthem, are:Tresh from the goldy fields of;ijthe Pacific slope. They hav;; large experience in gold mining operations, 'and the feet of their coming back from the farjrves - to worjAa goJ4 t.'BjjneV shows that the"" rnineral f wealth of this sec-tjoftef the ..CarQlinas ia.jce gardeclfcy brnefcs equal if "riot Supe rior to - that -of Keyada California and Oregon."" Messrs. Crosby, Pond & Co., will put inttfopteration the newly discovered process or desul phurizing gold ore, by -which 97 per cent of gold is gbtpnedwh.er.e fey the ,ftA be goK LEGISLATIVE NOTES. A bill for tHe bettr protection of the poor has been introduced in the Senate by Mr. Avera. , :r r An attempt is being made in the Legislature to pass.a . resolution, r mc&stfatingwiAi Oorrgrelss agalnsC the Repeal' of the bankrupt law. Opinion seems very! jnueh divided on the question. Some Southern members of Congress think the act ought to be repealed because of its odious . discriminations , against he South. The , resblutionf has. cfomeio a stand still in the Senate. the question of . Amnesty an4 Pardon brought up before-the Senate last Saturday caused an excited de bate, and resulted in a postponement of the matter -till .yesterday, .. The wh ole subject of Ku-kluxism , Union Leagueism, aired. fce., was thoroughly CONGRESSlbKAl NOTES. I ' , A-bill has" been i;tntfdGced 'into Congress to. auth orize Ihe cons trjicf-tion-Tof a pneumatic tube road 'from New York to Chicago. ! ' V .,. It has just been decided that . De- Large from South Carolina : is . not entitled to a j seat in- "Congress ; yei the negro drew:, from '-. the -' treasury $io;booi By act of Congress, which has received the 1 appro vaV of the r Presi dent, iheOgfades -5)f ; : A9fmiraVand Vice-Admiral;' in the United ; States Navy have been abolished;' " "Slaughter of the inno.cen.ts'. is the phrae:applied to the-Credit Mpbi- lier Investigation which is, exposing me eyn ueeo of so many :wnuea epulchrea who figure . before - the country; m th e shape of Honorable Congressmen."' ;: " - The proceedings of :ongrew haVe degenerated into a record of awin dles. People who love, scandal1 can' have, surfeit of,, it by , reading the Congressional ' Globe, or the Washings ton correspondence of" the New. York Herald. - - - vuugieas pruposea-io nave a cen sus of - the Indiangnaten. It will take, the whole ;United States fartoy tu 1at.e iae ; census ox ja,ptain jacK. and ji8 Modoc braves, who whipped the Federal troops wo to one , the' J The; Committee on iPrrrilegea and Elections sit with,, close(Tdoors t orl ,the , Louisiana : case. The Credit- Mobilier Investigating Committee sit with open doorsandtfie- public enjoys- the Bcandal wdnderfully. ;- , The smiling featured Colfax Jtsrmf plicated inthegreit scandal,' ;0ake Ames shows that he owned Credit Mobilier stock;' oCih lights of Republicanism ' win Wleft un- :rv-. rt..i:. ..1c1.11; .t.9 i-1 1 11 me vicuiu.ouiue.r lnvBsiiganon ' continues - mucblojjge TIjk "reek ing rottenness of these '"saintly" " RadicalsHarlanj Colfaxi . Amesl Loganj and-others who'v have - glOat d o veruir of th South ;: is ing made manifest to the world, and the mask of hypocrisywhich has hith , erto disgvnsjea-them is being stripped off with unmerciful hands. s The Election Committee report mmSiffiei 'DeTargrnorT?owen7of SoHith Carolina, are entitled to a seat in Congress, because of the corrupt means em ployedy- both to; secure votes. The Iportas; adopted without a dissenting voiced -y v LEGISLATURE OP NORTH CARO LINA. SENATE. . January, 25th, 1873. ' Senate called to order at 11 a. T.int. Ctnt: Rrorlenfinrthe chair, m. citizeTis of Afoniroe, Jb riioncounty, askinjror the extension of the limits OtSfwlOWnainaiOlTOHir k. iBy MfMVenia biirfor the better protection of the poor.' Referred to Qomm ittee on Propositions and Grie- By MrTerrya bill to am planters farmers, miners, manufacturers andother county taxes The: said, tax other7itf'theiitres'6ective avocations Referred their Committee, on, Agri-. culture, Mining Ae.-; J i J ; 1 House resolution asking our Sena- tbrs and Representatives;.!!- Congress I tOv4sueir innuence io pre.veas. .ue repeal Wf- thenktot law ?ft the Un itetl States was taken hpl js - ' The motion p4 Mr. Avera to lay on the tabTeosi. r- - f&'& ' ' M On iiiotion 6f Mr.Norw6od the vote to table was reconsidered, and his motion to table was also lost; "" On the passage;bf the resoIutionr Mr. Ellis; of Catawba called the yeas and nays...... . v - -x-'ir On a motion to lay pn the table, and pending the discussion on (he same, Mr. Love: called the previous Question. i ' The "Amnesty ana i'ardon mil taken up at 1 crclock. The follow ing amendments to the bill were Of fered by? the i. Coinnvittee, to strike out, 'or violation of the laws of the State of Jforth Carolina." Hyman, col., offered, an amend ment to strike out first day of Sep tember." A. D.'. 1871. aiid insert in lieu thereof 29th day of January, A. P., 1870, whicisjva i intendett: 4o leave out the date of the so-called bhotwell raid or disturbance. . Lost. : Mr. Seymcwroffered -an amend m etjElctding ,fro mHHe pro vision thoeefewliohaa committed murder, arson and burglary. Mr. Allen hoped the amendment would not prevail, andJplied to the statem ent made byMr. Sey m our.yes- leraay inai oniy inose. meniioneuin the latter nart of theliiamesofor- ganiUpp8i;jhetiowere "guilty J ano lnumaung jnai aupi.ine demo cratic party belonged to- either owe or the-other of the Organizations.' He said admitting this proposition to be true, then all the Republican .party must have belonged to the. Leagues, and asked who it was that murdered Hunnicut, and the Foster family ? negros whobelonedthese leagiies. It was .useless for Republican -members to attempt;- to show .that; no crim e had been com m it ted by th e Eeaguers, or whatever tbey may be termed, when .history speaks for, it self. " " Mr. Flemming, d.id.nojt, expect to say anything on this bill when it was brought up, but wished to express his gratification that the amendment had" been,, opposed by the Senator from Craven, as it p,ve him a better opportunity to reply to the opposi tion to the bill, i sMri Flemming con tinued at some length in which he reviewed theJiistory, of.the organiza tion named in the bill, the natural : cau ses jjh at 1 ed to th is orga n i za ti o n iCnd depreciitiirg both tbe causes that occasioned and the existence of the organizations, he thought for the preservation of peace and - harmony, general amnesty should be graiited. Mr, Morehead, of Guilford, thought that if an amnesty , was : passed" it should be complete, arid therefore could not support Mr, Seymour's amendment. -. ; - .' ' ' U Mr. Respess took the i floor 'in op- pusibioii tu uvi vii. riie leierreu iu the enormous crimes- committed by the Ku Klux Klan, which was purely a political organization. He dwelt particularly. upon- the one result of their power wnicn was 10. change the General 'Assembly k ofv-187l to nearly two-thirds Democratic, when in i 1869 it -was two-third Republi can. For this and many other rea sons he was opposed to the bill. ' iMr. Merrimon followed Mr Res- pessorhe.bill.Hetated , that h e waSTiever in ny way voiiiiecitju wun anr secret ' Politicat orcanizationsl and did notiknotfirthWithere f-yfete such organizations jbeforelhe Holden trial;' V?,.. ' v'j-i.r; -;, 'But Be Xnew there were 'iytiph ..or- f anization and had com roittef rime, f. general rumor, newspaper r&orts and inrr-trials .were - to beibelleved the Union Leagu& had also coSn m it- lea cnme; xney were u kiiowu io be political a organizations,, ana as jtbese crimes wereretssarily for political offences, why.thisBelid op position to the bill bypheGeubli cans when they; had pfBclaimedhere on this" floor so r often for- amnesty and pardon"MiIrMerrimon con tin- bed at some length iftyrf -th bflU - - ?rHsKW - H HarrisJsolIi agai tf Stated his bjee tions to thebtllf vipdtcalfedjho Union League ; referred to Horace Greeley it MrVI urhy. replied at some length' toseve'rat'objectiohsMvahced.by the' opposition, especiairy" $o . the." harge tjrat only-the latter named- organiza tions wereigdiHyistatingiweii i and where the .leagues fired barns, , &c He also-referred tiO;tthe operations of te pjopoaejd.law,:ppon. many ,pf ;the young men- of. his, county t&c : an4 Pending jfurther disciisslmy h rnd-; won oi ivi r." xroy, ,tn e qgnsiaeraiion oT the bill was ,nostp4h4d tihtil 12 itn: ill uuuajr. Adjourned. HOUSBipF REPRESENTATIVES; Housecalled to order at the usual hbur.'-iAJ..'i - J The MUtjfihe Committee on Edui cation, proposing amendments to thtrttrohiatri3fiS72e1nTJ!eim finished business of yesteaday, its consideration-.was resumed. . The debate waV resumed uponkths 25th aection" proposed - by he 'com mittee for sections 25, 26 and 27 of the old bilk . 3 4 , v After v some -further debate ''and amendment, the proposed25th sec tion was adopted in the following shape: . "If the tax levied in this act for the support of the pubic'schoolshalt be insufficient to - maintain one or moreachools-im eachr-township for the period of foTSr. months then, the County jpommissionlrs ofeich coun tv"fihall4evv annually? a speciaf' tax o supply the deficiency for the sup nort and maintenance of said schools for the saidlricPouf mpnina.. The said tax' shall 'be collected by the sheriff ini money, and he shall be subject to the same liabilities for the C01iecwons,,-iiu Awijuit.ijg .tuiTBiu lit A ua lie to ui,mT Mil av.iu vw shal I'be levied on al 1 property1 credi ts and. polls of the county :and in the asselranientpfi'the'am ount upon each, Jthe Commissioners shall ob serve the constitutional equation of txAii&nfProvided, TThat ttelqu'es tion, of the ' levy and cbire'Ctidn "of said iak shall have first been submit ted to thfe vole of the qualified-voters of the'eounty at an election to be held at thediifcrent election precin.-ts of the .county, .under rules and regulations to be fixed bv the Com missioners and conforming as near as may be to the rules. and regula tions for conducting other elections. except that no new registration need oe made, out tne registration dooks of the next preceding ! general elec-' nun wy mi,uscu. . ,jl ue pcuiiittea lor illegal and fraudulent voting shall be the same as r provided.',.1 in : generaU elections." z-fyz- Section 2Gth as proposed - -by the ?4 Committee wa adopted after con siderable debate 'and amendment. The recommendation .of. the Com mittee that'seetion 28 of the ; old bill shall read so as that the .school year shall begin' July 1st 1 and end June 30th, instead of January 1st, and end Dec. 31st, was adopted. The consideration of the. numer ous 'other ainicnditienfs to the 6th e' parts of the old bill; proposed by the Committee, and innumerable amend ments thereto, were discussed to great length, when the bill passed itjr second Teadmg. On motion of Mr. Rhodes, the Ynles werespeided and the bill was again .taxennp, jCf raerpa o -De pVmtea'andmade speeial oxdet ibr Tuesday nex& I ; v : lOnmotion tho 'llduse adjourned. 4? . - - - PERSONAL. Henry Clay V autograph was late ly sold . in .TerJe Haute, for fifty, cents. " MSr joyiriseS&l aged J7aJ;has been cashier of the New Haven Bank for 37 fears. ; v Tit is the 400th anniversary of the birth. ;of .Cpp.ernicus, and not Co in m bus, that vwill be celebrated at vv The Emperor of Austria isf-yridlto be making a collection of the skulls of remarkable criminals who have been executed. Mr. Boucicault denies the charge that he displayed the Confederate flag, at liis theatre, in London, dur ing our Civil War. . The correspondent of a; Birming ham (England) paper says he has be come possessed of a MS;1 volume of music, containing some airs by Handel,-h therto unknown. ij : A 'Lancaster uhcterlaker advertises: "Get your holiday coffins of J. Wa- tcrhouse. Don't go tip or down 1 Shawnee-st, without seeing my stock of caskets and coffins," Geri. J. A. Early publishes a con tradiction of thesta tement,; recently made, that Stonewall Jackson was a believer in astrology and had calciil ated hia own VnatvyityVs ;- . nMme'Thalberg,the widow of the great piano-forte player, is still de voted and inconsolable.. She resales at Naples, and .haalobtinedperniisr sion to" keep tier late Jiuaband's body (embalmed) in a -glass Tj case" at hr villa near Naples. Possibly there are som e other women ; (riot widoWs) 4vho would like to have their hus bandsembalmed in a. glass case 1, . , . : - Ilome News..,.,: Captain Jack is contemplating-' av raid on the white settlements. v Indian Squaws fought savagely in the Modoc battle the other day.-, L' i William Cassidv. one of the most distinguished of Northern joarjjalrlcorrespondcnt of The- Chcogy Tri? ists, editor of the, Albany 437"t died Buuui;ujy-.iasi 4uiouj-...;. , ,,: . Heavy- sn oW: storm s are preva'ilig throughout ther Northern ; States. This is the great storm predicted a week ago by . the Weather Bureau Tlie latest news:fmhi: the eat of itheMooc.W ino;,anf Bave go u,e. ine Federal troops, ; Governor McEnery in a recent Message to; the Louisiana Legisla ture says that' "Congress alone -can decide ibejiliffijulty,. J .fr.4. '". . Somebody has been summing up. the fate ot kings -ana- emperors - as follows : Out vof thousand five hundred and. f ;.fprtyu emperors t; or icings -OTer ixtyHiour,.'pa!ions, twft hundred'andaitiety-riine were-de throned, sixty-fonr abdicated, twenty 'cdmitred!Btfti4eevn'-enf mad,' bhe'himdred di'ed"f6n the-'bat tie-neia. ne cnunarea r ana-v twentw tb.r,ve:lilfa4iprnenHwenty. fiyei: wererprontiunced mityrs! and saints ;;one - huridredtea4-fifty-one were- assassinated,! sixty -two :. were poisoned, : and i one .hundred and 4 J. eight were sentenced to death. Tc- tat; nine hujidred aisd sixty-threenta,:. Congress with the'soul of a cdni-' STATE HET7S. " Statesville is toihave a new jail. . ; ewjjnills are going iqtO operation i i 5 Oysters are; 30 cts. per j gallon l Newbern. 't ; 1 in Taxconectbr of Johnston' settled rwith the Public Treasurer Saturday. Three other counties how to come to time. . . . The . -Stateay ill e . . Intelligencer 4ays that the veritable ' John ' Smith1 has armcdjit.thftimpntoajjlou8ejn that place. - - ' : An applicant for-a pair 6fboots at a Wilmington shoe store being ak-J ea wnat numoer ne wore; inaignam Jy replied Why two, of course . Mr. Turlington , of . ...Wilmington has walked those streets. two nights and had an assassin jobbing at him wiui a Kuyt? uuiu limes. - j The: old : elk r that weighed S00 pounds and that fought with despr eratiori to th'eiast, has j ust been k ti led down on Roanoke river by Billy. Hosea Lindsev of ' Asheviile; has invented a pocket lam & , and gone on for a patent,, tit is harmless from kerose.neapd warranted not. to kick ?.t the breechfes.l - : k-'- An elicit distillery was captured, in Polk cpunty, last week by Deputy Collectors Beaver, and Hildebrand. Ten hogshead k)f beer were emptied and the stilling - apparatus destroy- itd ; ThelSlatesville American regrets to state that Rich. M. Allison, Esq., re ceived a very painful . injury., to one bis hands; on last Thursday- evening while examining the new job press of tne intelligencer , une nnger wras almost served from the hand,, while the hand itself was terribly mashed. The Kinstoh pig. appears fur the first tim e before the people. It has 7 teeth : 5 legs : 3 eyes : 4 ears : 1 of the eyes between, 2 of the ears and 2 of the ears 'on - the left side , of the neck and the' oth leg just forward of the right 4th Ig and nearly under the throat. : Say the Weldon News : Mr. Ho race K. Reid had-the-misfortune of losing-a pair 6C- fine,-mules, a few days ago. During the late freshet, he had occasion to'send a negro with wagon, and team across White Oak Creek in Urunswick county, Yp. The -water hadewashed . away tlie bridge', which the negro did, notsus- Lpectthoitgh tthe b abntments tere PCQverea, ana wnen-ne -attempted to ford the stream, the mules anq wag: on wentout bf 'sight; ( andi'Jnffee came very near being -j transformed into a colored angel. The Raleigh Sentinel says : An in formal meeting of members iof the General. Assembly, friends of the W. N. Cl R.'JiL land particular!'- those representing the several counties most vitally interested in its com pletion, took place Friday night at the Yarborough. fcHouse, at which was present, also, a gentleman re presenting the Southern Trust Com pany which holds a large amount ifrff the mortgage bonds of the road pieageu as securiiy ior a oeut o; some $250,000, for which it is pro posed to sell the entire road, in which the State has an interest- of four millions of dollars. Tbe meet ing, as we. understand, was held at the instance of the gentleman representing- the Southern Trust Com pany.'' Au extended interchange of views took place, but we regret to say no1 satisfactory conclusion, was reached, Poreign Jfotes; i The-remains of Lord Lvtton will be buried in Westminister Abbey. t fr. ' ' ci.. ;I;.t' ri "i. An.e,rojans. t Ayourt goes who mourhihg nine days for, the death of jNapolconi : ; v ' News' has been received at Lisbon that the.Dowager Empress of Brazil is il and h er 1 ife is despaired of. The - London Times, commenting on the seen ex' at the" close of the Stoke3Vtrial,;sav 1 no English judge would- have tolerated sut-K indecent proceedings . as the exchange of personalities on4batibcCasi6n. A decree1 has been issued by the Spanish Gyimnt granting a iBoncessionWIa1rte:fo telegraph cablefbetween Spain mid Cuba. Offers have been received" by the Governm ent from British v com panies for the ptirchase, mainten ance, and management of the iniand teiegrapn lines. .sgs -Credit Ilobilieri Pictnres, : 'TVS ti' CraA ti-A f riUi 1 i a ihviwfVa 5 rtr in ; Washington, furnishes : "Gath, bune with-the following pictures . . . Judge Poland, Chairman of the Committeelooks like a French' Mart qus. He is a tall, airistocratic-lobk-in old gehttemanwithvfulwhite hair, and full white sidewhiskers pom bed forward. '"'"His nose'' is straight and ldng, anJ. hs, profile handsome; when he turns his full" face,3, he seems id carry a mouth full oXtobac-" po,-and speaks with ii sehset of lap preherision that some of it may spill. His method is cohrteous -..nearly to 'k fault,: and slow; to:: irritation j lbutiJ as there is nothing; of the demogne br sensationalist about him i -and. as hfe is what h appears tor beakind ami generoiis old gentleman; all look . 1 f J i 1 i if ,1 witn connuence w uis return ox tne facts in th eir Bpit.tvt : -Oakes Ames is veryllargemanf of the type of ajYorksliire manufactar Irghedspgetaeled wiOfXreatV bent shonldersKa7 slow walk, and pro digious Hmbs4ind feetuHe will pro biilweighfcSOiwands: ahd be r4ks?fbbe siic reel-two or three? He hasf stgoawebixmbishhair arid: bristly beard aronhd.',tthe Jlongj steriiwheeled shaft of bia. jawsl" His forehead is low,"!and.the.nbse seems to be half ofjthe face. ; The eyes be hind the spectacles are small, and of a. siow, searcning iook. Ames came rnerci al tmyeler, andif expelled from it, wouia ieei no particular' incon venience or loss f self-esteem. The. shovel Avhjeh his trip-haqlmer beats intojBhape.is scarcely - harder, and, as the man grows old; he rusts; but is top rugged to decay. .Ames made small bones of telling the most of what t he remembered about Con gressmen,., and .butfor-; Alley, .he would probably have remembered considerably more. ;-. ; 1 -- Alley sat by h is side all lb? while, lift ing or lowering his brows suggestive ly, as Ames helplessly looked round! ai mm lor counsel, lie is id years the junior of Ames, - who is neiiriy 70 years of age. "Alley" was slio'ein ak $r in boyliood, ami he is- now the proprietor of the best house in Lynn, He is. proud of his, money , and holds to it with the desperation of a can nibal husbanding .his lat corpse. He is .a short, demure, '.wbitcrheaded man, and. has an endleas.rto.ngue. jwhich testifies all manner of hearsay. I and covers tiniev and space. " to the :excTsfoh6f information, and o the prejiiuiwui uiuxe muuesfc; anu less doubtful evidence. Alley ; has enor mously profited by Amear3 contracts, and he appears in Ames's," letter as the' incorrigible 'opponent . to every dividend to outsiders; Hek was the chief adviser to Ames's course -'toward McComb, and he -'is really on the spot at present as the principal and counsel of Ames, ' ... ' t Elder Walter Scott of Kentucky wrote twenty-years ago a little i book calling for "TheUnion of . Christians dnGhristiah Principles." He sent a copy to Mr. Greeley; asking com ment and criticisms in'- Tlie Tribune and shortly received this character iistic - response, which risen to the Ireht in has recently in . a .Kentucky newspaper': New York, Oct. 1, 1852. i Dear Sir : Yours of the a)th ult., accompsinied by your book, received. Too busy to review it. Mr Doxv is to do all the; good I can and as little harm ; ho w , much bett er is your doxy than my doxy lours, : Horace Greeley Elder Walter Scott; Mayslick, Ky. "How I found Robinson Crusoe" is the title of a London burlesque into which both btanlev, and Bates the flagrcarrier, are iMtroduced New. Advertisements. k NOTHER Lot of th se fine repellants xl for waterproof CloaRs, fcc., just receiv ed at ! MUS. QUERY'S. jan23 ' i .- i - j CLOSING out a Large stock of fine Hos iery for Ladies'; Misses and (.'liildren at cost, at 1 MRS. QUERY'S, jan 28 SELLING Millinery Trimmiirgs, and all our fancyand hnir goods at greatly re-" duced prices to make room fr spring, at jan 28 M RS. QUERY'S. Attention, Friends of Temperance. YOU are hereby requested to meet at .your Hall on Wednesday Night at P. M., for tlie purpose of inarching in ijto--cession to the Trvun Street M. E. Church. JOSEPH SILER, jan 2 . . President. The Good Templars WILL meet "at their Hall over the Mer chants' and Fanners' Bank, precisely at 6-J o'clock on Wednesday evening to march in procession to the Tryon St., M. E. Church. - - ; jan 28 , ' HoKschoW japir Kit eliCQ I Shall offe? fof sale to the highest bidder, for cnshi. at;Tty .residence, on : Tuesday the 2yth iilst. !t)'o?clock, all mv IloJise-" hold and Kitchen FURNITURE, consist ing of . - ..-:-- . . BUREAU," BEDSTEADS. CHAIRS, WASnSjADS, DINING and PARLOR TABLES, CARPETS in fact, every thing . necessary for- Himse' keeping. Most of the prierty new&nd of the best quality. - -. : . -. -ser- The Ladies are invited to attend the sale. . : J. SI BROAPAWAY. , jan iG- . ; - :-' y ; r : TRLSII POTATOES,' Receiving aid in X Store, E;irly Rose,, Prince. Albert, Good-5 rich, ' Peach Blow: jan 26 - SAXlERSf OATES & CO. . . : J , :- iSewiBooksi' i i . " D AVIES' , Algebra, Bui lion's Latin Graiitl mar, Smithy : Gratumar, - Sanford's Arithmetic just received at r 4 jan 26; f A PUREFOYS; v WiL, Char. & Ruth. E. E. - " WESTERN DIVISION. THIS Road is now prepared to transport Wood; saw stocks, : tnmber and timber of all kinds. Parties 'wishing to Charter Trains, will,' apply to the Station Agent at jan -lw ,;. ( T -y - AssJtSupt,, 7' P0ETRAIT PAIHTLNG ! ! , A Eare Chance for-- Charlotte ! ! J npORCthree months I wiTll Paint Portraits . for $25, such as are generally charged $200. ' Persons wishing Portraits of their departed friends can obtain, them, if they have a good Photograph of them. .' J shall be pleased to' show, y.ou specimens of my work at my Studio above Mercliantsr h. Farmers'' Bank. z ; AXf BUTT. 1 dec. Xl-m : I Charlotte X C BILLHEADS! -rO:-, MONTHLY '8TATEUEHTS t ! PLAT CAP : -arid3 'CARDS, PUR E'F O.Y' 8 j Hi jan 23 ' R. M. MLLLER & SONS c , :v " , C01I1IISSI0N UEECHANTS :0 TJAVING Completed Xl.!sUry building, tm the corner of fv our now . i jla sury lejre ami .REMOVED into it, and are readv rZ nna w vir ovtcuis. we nav Our House is divided ments into fiye Depart- 1st Departaaent-Fancy Groceriei. Soaps. Candles, Candy, Starch Soda, ; Itnisins. Oyster ' Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Spices, Prize t: Candles, Braiidy Peacbes, Ac., &c. Purchased direct rom the Munofacturers with the " view of snppiyine tbe 1 WHOLESALE TttADfc. 2nd DepartmentT-Heavy Goods. Holasses, Bacon, Klour, Lard, Mack, erel, &c. Our facilities for handling such goods, are superior to those v of any . mercantile , house in ' p f ' the City, Merchants may itst assured that tliey can' al ways obtain good of us at THE LOWEST FIGURES. . 3rd Department Produce. Cotton, Corn, Wheat Oats, Rye, Hay, . dC JBoughtat highest cash prices. Sold on Commission. Stored, with cash advances made upon the tame.. We invite special di stention to our commission - and storing business, TO WniClI WE FA Y CLOSE PER SONAL ATTENTION. 4th Department Phosphates. WE ARE AGENTS FOR ZELL'S and other SUPER PHOSPHATES, the most reliable article on the Mar ket. Certificates from reliable farmers furnished on Appli cation. We are also Agents for GILHAMS CELEBRATED TOBACCO FERTILIZER. 5th Department Leaf Tobacco Warehouse. WE HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE Revenue Lftw, and are now ready to re ceive Laf Tobacco, which we will buy or. sell on commission. Our Warehouse fees arc less than the same at Richmond or Dan ville, and the n best nriccs IN THOSE MARKETS ALWAYS OB TAINED. OUR large.nd. commodious IIALL wII be finished; and opened to the public about the First of March. WE THANK a genefons public for the liberal -patronage which has heretofore been bestowed" upon us, and we hope that through strict attention to business, and selling our goods' at low figures wc may merit a continuance of their favor. R. M. : MILLER & SONS. Januanr ll.187.V : 11 TORE.' of that elegant Sour Krant ; eonie It L running or it will all be.gone before you get any. Also another lot of Good Chcsnuts, not manv womis J. F. BL'TT. jan 23 WANTED. TO Rent a "House" containing five or six rooms, convenient tRusineKs, for Which a liberal price will be paid. Aip!y at this office. I juu 25-2t '; - Ai L D I N E. WE are the regTilar Agents fbr THE -A.LIDiasrE!. tO: CALL ANJ SEH SPECIMEN COriES, ALSO--THE PREMIUM CIIROMOS. Terms. $5 00 Per Annum. Tlb. BROTHER , Agents. : jan 21. t ' 1 . '. . Home and Democrat copy. ; New Inducements. :o:- IN ORtEIl TO MAKE ROOM ' '-' . ''1 --FOR. ' . A-r-r . : - Heavy Spring: Stock, wc will sell alt onr Fall and Winter Goods, at greatly re- j duced prices. ; Your attention is particularly our ; v'; Stock of Fine Dress Goods. siLiwils; ; ytAN&ELS, C ASSI- "MERS; BtAXKETS, 1 Aiid all kinds of Woolen Goods, together "1p tht -,i)tu 1 " ;'" ' jritV a large Stock'of t 4 t tu ; ,! In? v.- t . Sjj : READY-MADEiCLOTHIIfG, jJ-' Itwhich we .'wilt sell Very' low. I'fan'jjl iotl itfcMTjRRA & DAVIS. yyi scv; : B AQKQAUil 021 ,B 0ARDS, il.- ; It. .'ii- i- . "rf t . f . ... .. . - ' s '.til r.. fu.-J i '' ' IT7 - 1." ill

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