-a' - . , s flip tuUA - I4 rrBMSHE PT it 1 s RATESrOFADVEUTISIKG. It jo2fB3 & Mclaughlin. ts ' Bui ding; Trade Street.- One Square one time....... CO 4!?p J. - -uii 1 50; U!I' ji2 00 . jfiwtdajiiJiw.4.-iS 00 3 50 ;3 two weeks. 5 00 j f . 'w coles 0 50 nin: , , ; on month.. u 00 . l-JEBf. .Contract AdTertisements taken at projpoitionatcly low- rates. ' V" ? Kve Sqcura 'estimated at a qtKirter-co! tmitt; and ten square as a half-column. to . f 11 ! . J. . ! fen.--- -w u. CHARLOTTE;-N:. C.. WEDNESDAY. JANUiRlf 29. .'1873 , ; No.V i,245V r VtS3 OF, StjCIiryTIOIf. 03ey.'ar in advance, .w,uu jflft ufV, in advance, .....! 3. 00 fhlfe1 . :,i iwiVJlflCC . OU "4 Sow storm .that sweptidveOhe 7th of January,, . and. lasting otIf...hnur. have froni time, to n publU i:then. rA3 111 not beeii ascertained but str'.n : r,T the1 number of persons iodgino , -IWk mifl&ihfr.tttfc':iL hrDai i from twofrandred and j0pPuO-rpA hundred " Arsons ; were' fifty w:u;::t Minnesota between JfJJc the, 7th of January; rthd Ri'the 10th. A correspondent ,n to death in f?the 10th. York WVew Yortf baa - visited u.' ,..nP nf the aisasiers, aim,' aner 1 Y. nfthn disasters, and J after he scent u l, c ;. f u j i n : .'din to the contrast opohispla4nt3 ! Eastern cities ;of. temporary in t,ie iln-o nf travel bvitberecfint Irt oi t'tCu VHU i-ii t? Jituiiii ii bins Siwn. He : . :':;7" ; Tri-ilav.thc 7th, wns a lovely and .Tj'jv" The sun was bright and n i vi I t . ilH ItllIIlV or croniul LmintrV was a1'? """V rt Olid 1,1 III; IT IX VI. ' OHOiIlO tvMiVftf I nged overheaa once or twice am .uir mcirs n;iiai occu uic ,)eir mtn-a ';owa. rp. ,.roir e roaus aint ? " xvc -.-a. r innt at the nearest '3 HCll- " !" . . scrap of meat iwas leu. . ju uo nows h;ul ceaseu, iiicn horses were n &n, v.-... firmer lntcnea nis icam i "w"... ... . ,i ' ...,sirA n'oro In t ie little collages v u. v IiU ifi'i . ll.A ihAnL women and children ? me r.. ii nri;ilanTs Sue i ijousi'S were mil. n""- ,i . .. ...J tVine it nwellers. MS UIC wuimj, ' vhen the blow Jell. At WinuebaKo City there were ?ixtv teams asseiwbled; scores were at Sew Ulm. AU along from Albert I .oil rwl Rlne Earth, hv widow, tfuntatn. dear iub to Breckinridge Belle Prairie arid Duluth, the people ivfii-R scattered delivered into tlie 'Land of the stdrm. Between twelve and two o'clock ,on Tuesday th? sky turned livid, the Imiiii became njereiy a "dull brazen ring, the south! wind chopped round rapidly and became coin, ana in a very lew in in u tics was jaticu nn uuv. frozen snowdrifts that stung like a shower of needles. Knowing what this hurricane boded, men leaped in to their sleighsj and with voice and lash unjed their cowering horses out into the storm.! Then the work of dentil began. For more than fifty hours, till late on Thursday, the ire z- wind ana jailing snow continu ed. It w as not la steady fall oi snow, but A IIOWIJJs'G HURRICANE, the wind sometimes attaining a speed of twenty-eight,; thirty or thirty-two miW. Tlie snow came in fitful Hurries, with a wild screech and a stingir.a: whiz. The thermometer fell steadily, till at Champlatn it registered lift v lour degrees below zero. At other; places the mercury or spirit marked from eight to forty- two degrees below. Som-e of the tinners who set out soon found that ifthey valued life must turn back. They were envbloped in sheet of snow that blindled them. The wind came so fiercely that they were fain to stop and turn round till a mo men tary lullcome.j The Toad wby.tbe level prairie was all road now, with out one track of wheel or runner to indicate the patjh of safety. - ' ' Here followo a description of the manner in which those away from home were hlioded and driven ml circles around the prairie, until the suuering norse refused: to do, ; Uieir work, and nieniand teams perished in the rapidlyldriftiner storm. The iamihes at honia waitiiicr in the cold. Without fuel, and the snow covering ineir email houses until women and oiildren were frozen,'i alio a- - vent t'lfc and sad picture of the . corres pitfent. He closes with a ' atate- f wit of :he number etippdsefl.'ioA.bc !l ' ' THE (DEATH ROLL' c.-.nnotyet be I made ur . with ; any reasonable degree of certainty,. AY- "cumy now getting detailed reports torn the nearest settlements .and it Wl'l oe fullv a Kveftk ere thp.se are SO complete as tcibe trustworthy Many i the missinetWill not be;tfountir-2tin Jpnng, but it ils safe to - set down all we nu8sing a dead. After carefully ei thus far. arid matinfr all allow nce for the rimaininff narts of AtHe Mate. I joss of life in iMinnesota will range "om two hundred arid fifty to" three Jundred. It Uiust possibleJ thdljgft ot probable, ithat the higher figure may be reached. V Almost all of these f.re men, and he yery large probor-r -v wiem jatnera. t piiiamuies y,ic traitened circumstances "Tbesur Jvjng widow and children- wilttbus. 'eft without means iof support of j "ascription, i- A LlDINfEv)r :0:- 2 are jeaTAgektftfqj,; o ALL AI -SEE SPECIMEN; COPIES, ! ALSO . , f HE PREMIUM i , CHROMOS: T -Termsl te.00'Per JAnTiiirri "" BROTHRV: AgenlCi -t i - 111.' , ' ' 1 ' I "" ' " 1 ' ' 1 I I . - . gi-; -rf.i j or v 1 'nun r ,fi If .vii I n i ..i v - .v i i you. . 1?1 . - a "IT 7 H "Xi 1 il -i J I a v .miS'ii -fii'u ; -ri vt; Unrn tlvanks, , arid ask a continuance 'of TTAVTOJ .(.(jjne...--- , , Ui!..i-,fc.-iL, iiL. "-.-wi: ; "ut'tlrjr I . air.;,.,,.,,, ' v , ,V ' J . 1S t0 tlie terriuie iciiuiiuo ujc jrarior witus, isiaCK. Walnut 1 f n fields of IMinuesota, f ciys. a Lr.J,!Fted'ehaimb fr'n 1 ..u.a :a ironorrtf.-iiAfsf - tiiH ,...,1 Join's 7 V : JS l JT. . - 'i . '. T r llilTnlili. I f Expftlsiur and Cotton TVfnttrpssA other, things not necessary 'to mentiom 1 rt-i ' it . . t . , . ' .- r i j, in; uiiuenaivers jenariuient is comnieta ,iTnieis tti . ,;from the cheapest P.plaCoffiri -o the arioiwanu puone generally .io..cau element. Ihey NN ere getting swore piest ILexigap Head aud Foot Walnut whmii when they visit tatesvillel.v He, rffttel ; there was but a handful of 'tJasket Half Glass TopC fiiml Jjd and trim- 5ore6 TfepAPf ?T ,no" ; t? ... f tv,n hottibni of the ban el, not med in tlie moRtiimtmimfi Mf.vi iii i.a v. niake the SIMON f ON HOUSE a ir cZcta constantly ready for' use alt 6f which Will be sold at a most casoHableirice: ? Returning many thanks for past favors I most respectfully askr the 'citizen of Charlotte and; surrounding, country, vvhu have need tut anything in my line to givff "me a t all before purchasing efseSVliere. South Trade Street opposite fh Market House,; Charlotte, N. C jan 1st 1873-ly P. M. S II ELTON. HEAD - QUARTERS FOR FRESII.;FiSlI, AND; - NORFOLK . OYSTEPwS, , . : AT r - ' . -1Y -r "-- r-. -o FIStl AKb OYSTERS T ECE1TED every Morning by Express- XV except Sundays and Mondays."" 1." We WILL riot sell TALE or SOTjROysters,; :-- i, . r. -f.- . p&- Oysters must lie sold- on the Quick Sale and Sruall,Proiit principle. w n r. ri. OAillla. 2rl' Sacks (Country,, Flour,- lifferent 0J Grades, for sale at " jan 21 r. m:.miller a sons. Just Received. 1 A A Bushels Mountain; Jrisb. Potatoes. 1W Wa; arranted souftd arid gocftl at $l.j0 er bushel. jan 21-tf HOM INY arid Grits'; fresh and good. . Goods sent .tQaU pJjrts ;of tHe City: 1 YkONS & CO, jan 21-tf Near tlie- Charlotte Hotel. TO THE: L.A.Q1E5. SOME 3mv73TTEE j ut ii eceiye d .:...-at( ,. .. ; MT-KSif. QUERY'S, nov 30J , ' r ARGE LOT SHOULDER SCARFS,NIL- JLtJON- TIES: and Bows alt Colors . at greatly reduced prices, iust refeivedatH ; noY30$ j -M ; : 7: . MRSUERyg. ATEW Lot WATERPROOF CLOTH ju.H XV received fino quality at low prices at nov 301 " iyl Kot j U 1SK 1& A LL Sizes and Colors of the best brands ri. KidfiHovesat,-,- rr ? ,,4 ? nov 3Qt; . pjTrrs,.', VT EW LOT:ORSETH0OTSiaRTS & j IN Bustles' just received at '.' J'' J J..i LEAK' &.. CO. i - Kb- 4 GTraijitfrROw,- Oppos: ';; T P T ' M C E N T vE A L . HiO - CHARLOTTE,;, q. ; Manufacturers Wholesale and Retail dea!r ei s in Manufactured Tobacco; :Smok r ing Tobacco, and Cigars ' of :all " ; grades,. Dealers in the above goodswlll do well to examine bur stockbeforepur- chasing elsewhere," as" we can offer r-catei1 induxienientsr i0 jari 14-tf .-(M,vniv t.-vrv r - EXCELSIOR ! I THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST 1 1 1 r ii T1IE; ;Oflfirtheiwwins: eruii2ers : in? i.. ri.r'5ti tr,rtili- i Wi mSrVSri ehMGaino HlTi Wediiisday .wid.ThjirsiIy .venins . , l.,;To those IwhYetnsedpem so mapy years we need only say that they aregiiat- 4inteed to 'be fuUy np to their previous high standapd. ;ytiO" Ar TI' ITHST! " 1 ; - lrr j r:a . o .:v-'r;"i"f i Arid tp.Bii-wnWjjxo OTrrPrienddiAcqttaiiitaiu;e ?Sperior toaWh'efcr so- malce!srire' of V supply arid tplease' .Tiarid . in ?youT-.' orders : earlr 4 as tthe :i6flSttniptionf exceeas- me manufaeturimrnoweri ir t credit dnrine the past year. will Kv rolTiTic-at -once and settling, their accounts,, as this must be out last appeal, z kism KJMUiJti, h i, .. - n " ' ' ' it ' 'i j, . , i 'T i fill ;. . i ....... . ! . .' . ' -The Chance ' TTAYING notified' our '.friends,'; and ct--XX tomers some time since, that Our busk 1 ness would change, January .1st. 1873. We fjilfr.Ti rlar0- and "it is iifnflrf' riau 30 D CREDIT. : Those. who db" ndt prumpnT. iieeu-noi expc' nv lovortu ypn are in arrears-doa't ask forj-creditj ve 03 "e unpleasant auty ot denying Taxmtt man v friends and natrons We re- A" DWiS ar.aue,analpayaDie,pnjUie m itt U7 , GRJJER & ALEXANDER. 7 SIM0HT0N;; HOUSE art T5? lopriefor ;pf the abbre named jz: -k"".' jwjre 1 l-l (irril rirkvrtii!Jirt -tntif -TusvfA'F HOTEL," and worthy of public patronage. T. A; PRICE, nor 25-tf f Proprietor: F, SCARE, P : 00 C HARLO JTEi Prescriptions prepared at all hours of the Day and night. ' Choice Green ami Black Tea, : . .; 4 . . t. . . Selected especially fpr Family and -Inval hdsxt inn .. , SCARRY, june29 , Drug Store. FREU SPICES, Just received a lot of Select Spices for june 29 : Drug Store. Pwre Saja Oil.. ; Finest article-in Market, . - at . F. SCARR'S : juiie 2Q ' r ; , , . ; - ; Drug Store. ' " 1 T7' rrl ' . , 1 - Buckwheat V Buckwheat I ! A , Fresh Lotr . Just Received, and For Xjl. sale by , B. M. PlESSON. 'jan $ . CHOICE Salad, Oil,. Finest article, ever vy .bffercd in this Market, for sale at . ded 1 ' SCARR'S. For Sale;; fTlW;0 Acres of lahd adioimng the City Of JL Charlotte, .very nneiy sitnatea in . a rapidlv improving neighborhood. I; Will be sold ennre, ,or in lots to snipurcnasers, i at a verv reasonable rate. AnnlV'to-. -'I opt 22 ' Opposite MarisidnHouSe.' 5 -rr - ' 11 ' 1 Biuxaer, x ire xwjooery. r s to ciall and settle up by the lst'of February 1873 or sooner ,i v J; Tt, BUTLER . .iec 2pfi;i t,,,.' - f j; J;f oteMfc il'm splendid 'order. ' At DAVIDSON'S t .TVTifR v ST A'PIT'.TTIS ' i nVwMHir'Arid-' Mules LIVERY STABLES. Horsesand Mules Gxr nnt nrn lcATtf. on liftll J Constintlv.t'- n!; HOV lft-tf:r-i -'.ii 7r v ':' TTFTEEN Hundred .Bushels- Mountam .r Seed Oats, for sale by . , . - STENHOTJSE, MACAU LA Y & uu. D A N C IN G, AC j r PROFBSSOR MI1VAM.- i T fiAfs' TTalL Tuesday: .Tbnjsday i A Saturdav afternoons,, at", four ' (4) Oclocli TfRS Class fbr YOTJNG GENTLEMEN ! Mori- DOLLAES to advance , jan 14-tf " ".- nj. ., 0VprS -' ,irr 0SrrA G-.4J. Jk vtt 3ttE lie IJndersTne-beg' leUve thai ; f t VJfj Dnr j friends : 'and lutiaintaneesryfor r their liberal patronage peswiweu wputi qw, l Employerrs E. Shrier for .he past year. atid most,respectfnlly ask a continuance oi t., iJ iy Supply of , JPennsylyajnt , ,lop k XX uiover oeeu, a,u. T.trt.7 tl varieties of styie-and -finish:' This -House also keeps a" full stock ? of Snrine H rn,,, . ; , . . ' ' " .HjBedpr and Mattoesses, and a Large Assortmentof ..j r;!;., ' i 'b t ILit;i5 UVw : ' Terms moat Rberal, to suit clerks who take the liberty of askincf ' kll'Who Owe hie t iT. A n r .. ' , . - ; ' ; ;: ' - . : 1 IS : GOOD FURNITURE ! 1 - : . r: rAEIiiyiKGI?AIL,y AT-? ..-v,,,: DAVIDSON'S . EtTRNITURE EOOMS. TbadeSt., Opposite Brem, Browji & Co's Dry Goods Store, : r jj where will be founpeverytsig kept rs 'a FIRST .CLASS;.; EMBRACING, Cliairs. Tables. . .Bedsteads. s . ; owcuoarus, pyoit vasesi uesKs, . ai itacKS, itagercs, vvnat jxots, iTaaies, , . ....i. v Cribs. Safes Tete-a-Tp.tlftAs Tniinc'Ps XfirtT-B fi1nt'Tlfft" J 1 METALLIC BURIAL CASES And' CasetA'Af all"sie and ? tvlesf of finishy togetlier with Mahog4ny; !Rosew65a Wabint,' Poplar eta Pine Cofllns, ;froia uncs .TJCtagon ijasesarKjiUasSetsy with rail glass tops, trimmed jn.. the roost elaborate stvle. furnished with heavv Silver Moun- : rtings. , Special attention' given to furnishing Dwellings, Hbfels .'I , and Colleges at.' a small advance on MANUFACTURERS'' RATES. CALL, SEE AND PRICE BEFORE BUYING.' ! January 21st,' 1S73.' ' ' E0BT, F. DAVIDSON. tt g- -''''' '' ' .-iu.-Miu. -r:-i . . . ' ,, j:e! shoe stokei; ii -S I i W iO F THE B B A S S B OOi T ,V1 .-r.. AT NATIONAL BANK2 BTJILDITO, r HOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN' BOOTS j SHOES, HATS, CAPS TRTINKS. LEATHER and I NOW Iiivite the WHOLESALE and sortment of BOOTS & SHOES, wtiich have been selected with care. ": ; MY Experience in; business makes , me, confident that my prices and -'the 'quality of my goods will compare favorably with those of any other house in; the City tor else where, r I : , . i P.S.I AM NOW.-PRErARED TO OFFER - ; . . . a .. . - AUgUSt Z ISC, J.OZ' 'Oni Lancaster Ledger copy six months. 4 .BOAKDINGr. TlfRSA. W. MILLER is prepared to ac- imi i . ....... -... - i. U.f! commodate Boarders with room and meals, orwithvmeals"onlyfr as the Boarder, may.desire. ; . Thepnilding,. Gray's, on the onme'r of Trade ahd Church streets, is it ably, neatly furnished, and well attended. T The table is as good as" tne- market will nfford. f ; - r: i i nrHtni? ' , : -;yv& ' -PTE hayVtliifrday sold oure : v 1 entire stock of Groceries. .Liauors. &c. ' to Messrs. W. Tt ft: HOUSTON & CO.. and in retir- in'ir from brisiness tesriectfully; ask a con tinuance of tb'e-' liberal patronage bestowed upon us to our silccessprs. t-.f. f , '-iVi; . : Wi BLACK & CO.. ,; , ,f, f v jan l,;1823i,v. ; . . ... ... ja9 Having 'riurcbased' J. Black 4fc Co's and Gregrov & ' WilliamsWg entire. stock of Goods, ,we have opened at Gregory & Willtairnsoh's1 old stand, next dooifto McMurray, Davis J&o's; at which: place we; wnl constantly keep a mpietc ptocK df.s -! .6B0CWES,.LIQI7PS, &P,,,.;il"'-f; , ' And would 'repectliRy aslc acall - from tbepubfiC. - ' "- ' :' b ;; . ::- i . .' t' 'no; Ui P, S.WivT, QRRiand TiD.WALSH, formerly with Gregory & Williamson, -and I 1 " , .I. . .General Cominission merchan.t, . ,: , lt . ..." . ... n .jt;articsuar' attention ,paid tot seinng, m kinds Of Pjrodnee,, Cotton and Tobacco.. ; p. '-.All Ordersfxrim 'distance prpfrip I i . .. . 1 .1 ... .'......-. T ... :niOICE Odd frerich Brandy fqr. Medi ni . i i 1 1 ii in ij . i j j .; lih .j, i cinai purposes at -j ,; ; v p.rs ; ijjiffe KTiitl y.Tj f(' I Writing 'hptt'1 - .TlfERCHAJfT. visiting ."Charlotte, wiH IandxetbT?'arraiitedGataeii Seed; 1 liable and 'popular Seed. ' rii !' Cloyer, orcnard , ifrass. iucrpe, iiawi A D E XI X . pjiaet are with us and .will, be pleas j ',tl -5i .: ed to seetAeit Wend'arid'ctlroersr. in. nia,.wntmg x'aper. arm- jtuuyewpco very cheap; it ' 7? .' PtrREFOW; t:r; : ,, .r.,,.,: ; f r, Tl- nt i ii TITE -wilj -receive in . a few days, a.large ifi; andeomrilete assortment iF these' re- '.!; l.i Ti -. t i;i I T UB Ev t CHEAP FUIUHTuHE 1 1 FURHITTTijtE !in 'tyii;i -Ail hT- BuTreatWiitDressInsriGJaaea .WardWOvMi'. it; ii- i(ii ; ';jiU "ft; the - plainest and cheapest'to1 the - 'SHOE FINDINGS. . RETAIL. Trade to my large arid varied as " ' '' V S. B. MEA.CHAM. ; 'H GOODS TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE ...... p. x. at Dntunj ' : '- ii )?iJ:! ' 11' . -. . ' . o n imifttiA.u . '. NOTICE: X0 THE; PUBLIC. 4i b nlHE Co-nartnersbin which L, expected JL to form by January 1st lg73,-will not take place until the lafter parr 6t this month arid tli erefore' f will ' contmtie .the sale of the entire ' '1.-.':-' ;. 'u ;,i stock of fancy; :i V" -dry goods; 1 ;. -millinery-' '' m. -CLOTHING, j w tr s At the same reduced prices. ; ' ; ' : '' ' , S . i". -' ' ' I WILL also- continue to keep :npi "any BARGAIN COTjNTER. " I CHAfiLO T t E N ; ; New OrlesLiu Sugar and Molasses. ::-! ' -wi j in! ''!!, i.f;- w TT ,1 J T XT . Hogsheads Briglit ew Orleans : Siitgaf V. , 10 Barrels. Choice " "' I ' cMoTassca;' Also zHossheads Uemerara SdMr; " stori and for sale at pnees to suit the tunes aec 1. ',;!,,.. 1 'i , Jpresh 'ince(Me&t and Bologuiage F0ES'AE.i''V i 'K 'tVAlDSW6RTH ;has'aVWlavery. tJ.'.! and Sale -BtableJ-oppaBiteWtbe- City Clock;; HORSES and MULES forsale and KepKconstaniyn liana. n ' 1 f' l-S. i ; : ITS' AM- anxlona 'to employ4 a :numbe? pf X; hanto-women andU gljls espeoily.,. to wokin;a.,fjyjthreennleSjf Colum- secure 'rihiniimt'1nficnr)at!onmdS6 bv eaving tiieir names At the' Central Hotel bri aodressing "me at Columbiai.r j . ? r i i r r r h : jan 19-lve j ;j jo .jr I : L. 1, CHILDSj ' .'GARDEN ;SEEDJ. J I'll J r.i hf fIST opened and for sale ta complete ah tM'Sortroenl. olHnts ueieorateaMaraen Seeds, consisting of every .varietyofYege tnKlp Sfls crown m the Sotrfhern "Sbites. janl ri, ;; , R SCARj .ppKii ru vy r, x fo.x rl'.r. J A .-,ff. ,.(,", . oia.,. vj.uou wasea wjjj, uv.uuiu .w oriefativest & Persdri ' wishing to AiOfwl : THE 1 If -1 t Ml,:, . 74 J.:TJ; BUTLER'S i! jEW GOODS: tFaichcs Clocks, Jewel- ry, ;Diampnds,- Silver ind-Plated Ware, Spectacles, c. EU SI C BOXES lAlND MANY- ''btTHEE ARTICLES 0 0 NUMEROUS -At' J. t. butler s 1 U! OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSEr iOctober 22 - ' A. E. Nisbet & Brother HAVING completed an improvement their Commodious Store Room in' on Trade' Street,' One door west of Smith A Hammond's Drug Store, Charlotte, NY C, "are now receiving a well selected stock of Groceries; Altrsfeal instruments, . Toys, Ci gars, &c. which has been bought by. one lof.the firm, at a time when the market was ;ri'6stiav6rable.; They therefore feel satia- ' J ' .1 lil- i j.1 r. . ill 11 1 . ... 1 1 . neu luat.wejs ::ui,Heu iiu goous -in, xaeir fine as lew as any 'firm in Charlotte, for cash-or topunetual enstorhers. irrhey mvite Merciiants to give them a call (as , they, . had a special eye to their tWholesale. trade,) and feel warranted in L saying that they an sell so as to make it a saying ro taem an uieir jjuxuiiases. ,: iTbey return, their thanks to their friends arid the generous public tor past favors, and solicit a continuance of the same. . 1 A. R. NISBET & BRO. ''''DiirTTV ffninTiHTPP Bi M . PR ES SON. Trade Streeiiy next door to the Post Office Sign : of ,the Jlephant. Jt'T llECElVEJr A Fresh Lot of. Sausaee. Mince Meat.. ?ork, Bntter, Chickens, Eggs, &c:, &c. ' ' iELOya.a specialty v- jSSr Produce sold on commission.. BUCKWHEAT CAKES all smoking hot, covered Over iwith yellow,i rich, good Goshen Bptter., What is niore. palatable. Ajt Breakfast r . .Well we haveust received an elegant' Lot of the matenal to make tbem, ap4we; wUl sell the receipt for a. . small prices , , ' i: : ' "ALSOl. . ."v -'u Jiist received; Irish, ; Potatbes , Cabbage Cbejnots, ' &c., at iU ; a JOHN R BUTT'S dee 31 : ; , . ,, : . Market.. CA : AAA CTGARS ofyanous and choice? 0 l.Uv v brands, Chewing. and Smoking xuiJiixxf in tua.iiuLy, uuu i vwiuua uiiiu iiwl1 MiffiiMif nnant.itiM WlinlxmJfli. unit , retainer f .-.;sept jI AELlCikBROC ETAIR ! Prusbes,, Tooth. Brushes, Nail JX jBxrishes. ';" JWiri. R. BTJRWELL A CO, . . , v Springs Comer-.. i ; ..I ii a f - -BTJ1CWELL tX. mi o-.iij ic. 7 TEtStNS GelefnaeV a fiesb; supply, jnat JN reeeivedvaivf - ;r:? SCARRY , - .r, Mi. GAMOTTE FAIR ' iv' Choic iotV of .'Smoked f Sugar .Cured r p jaiili. 3 s BMMJXLER&SONS. V , 1 K i ?l fnOtb'higbestprenuu Fair-1' . A of the ' Carolinas, . at . Charlotte, N,' ' . , , , October. 55th. 1872. made by P. J. Kiinber- ly,. : Bon combe, county, N. C, for sale by- "i ''X 'iJew' assoitcoenbf -Kerosene Lamps a ;;s i r QAGEUt-FiTM 'ew, Saeef-jurt received at . , 4 . " i i.:.i jan 21 OUT last appeal. rtliJM am oxrw, jlx s,.;. -r 1 ; llVvioverowu, "JJ ! I x. M . I SUjfflWftBOlV.f STENHOFSEACAtLt&CO. Jf firafWi'rtre. W.R.1 PTrRv7Ef.Tz.fCfv '1" TT,1 1! 1 1 - . : 4,