, . , - , - , - , . " .. - , ' , v ,. : , - ' . . j Jt i 11 i: n f 4 . 4. 3 1 3 , i - u 1! i 1$ : : " I J JOHNSTONE JONES, t&itoirZ? if Wednesday,. January 291373. .OBSERVATIONS.. ; , , ;A bill has ; passed the -'Houses in Congress selling the ' Custopi.fCbuse property at Plymouth, in this . jState. . The revelations'hv the Credit' Mc-i hilier inATesf igation are regarded as utterly destructive tfSenfttdr?Patter son's reputation, r atterapn is Senator from New Hampshire. . Laura Fairthe. heautifuU, niurder- ess of California; has iprneIetuHic. nVol ves in the Fold" War gQb'' jeci of her first lecture. "Women in Breeches" would have beea-a more proper text. . ' ."Bogyi the'? isTt from MisuxiU'aatidttuecFbT bfiJ bery. in" obtaining his seat in Con gress. The committee to whom his case was referredwillladquit binVJof the charge. Phe "Midland North Carolina pass. The bill for refuridihgihecotton tax- languishes in Congress. The statement made in northern jour- ..rials thatfriiijst) $f fthco)torta J claims are held at the ftorth by speculators r is.- pbsi ti "ery 7 denied Ty ned persons and : is. con- well informed per tradictedV'thSXSWiisfeM resentatives from the cotton growing States in their fa(fr. JJI ?vu '.be contrary that the Southern ownership of the bulk" of these claims is the great obstacle itotheif payment, j i J, U A PiiW COMMENTS. r r i ' r - Judge Merrimon'ji to Gov. 'Vance's card is before the public. We, jiave otireiwt ajplacci i our columns, for two reasons : 1. Because we did not pubHshGoyernor ance s letter; which was- oif aecount Af its (rrfiat. Ipnp-t.h 2. Because we DAILltOBSERtER -.. n;,Lii 'znf?Fever it declines to prolnoteinim.crie th Atfiniin; irtB'erw his party only firbep the ?Mf-. -rii ill olly 8?rves him, follows not for the could fill our pages-wUh more inte4Passedits scond "d third readjngs esting matter than this public epis tle of the new Senator elect. But the letter should not pass un noticed. It merits attention not only for its pufl JEnglish, Tib faijlt-j less style, and its significance as form ing.a par,t of tbe political litera ture of the day, biit also for the maY-tyr-like spirit whichit breathes and its mournful tone of injured inno- cenee. , " ... .4. ,i Tlie document is extraordinarV'.i not ior wnac ii says, cut.- ior waait jic: dont say r not1 for what it demek) . bfot w hat it ;..amiAbyuj:)Eplica6'OC otherwise;. lie tacitly'iadraits,;62r Hot pointedly denying, that the- bitter : .at-.1 tack uilon Gov. Van ee by'' - Messrs.. Love and Humphrey was . prepared with his consent and assistance iyet - in the face of :X)U', he i .oniplai'ris, foudly -of Vance's attack upon ihim anu . appeals ior. irrat sympa- thy which is usually the consolation of unoffending rnartyrs: , In ,! this connection he makes the -strange statement,' that at unother - timei;Ve m ay give the? people Sa faitftful id- count of the real cause of this rtlivis-f ion and discord amongConsei'vjrtiv'es in the ' Legislature. From . this it appears that we afe to .understand tnat nie juove anu Jttumpcir,ey .carq was only a pretense &ndfa;g-8iam,H'&rid that th e real cause is yet behind I'We . thought so. We did not. think, that men of common, sense woul justify th e disof gantiQvdt'bi oHer' own party uponvusuenj iirivgiQiift grounds;-Thiis it will be rs6fcn ' that Judje Merrimon ha i thoughtlessly "let the -cat otit of the bag We will patiently wait to nhear fromjnm his cxplanatio'bihe real cause of' thfe' bolt, jvhich' :has.-rf esulted .sodisas- vruusiy 10 me JonservsHivepnierests of North Carolina. ItlfsJft6 be re gretted, perliaps, that 'he ' ,Se?em (if about th'is."?n?atter.r, -J i.x.-v i-'.w". But tlie'weakest pkrt of the letter is where the Judge tries to make out that Governor Varice" -WarfTtot' the choice of 'the1. Conservatives tpjrfyl mi i . i ...... -v:- ' , .j -.-v".vUUuiUU, -i tion is made m.anifftat sideratioo: i of .."these: acts v - T . IP tsitthVt:'Goy.' v ancejreceived b7votes of the peo' jple s epxesentaiives- out. :of ...win caucus, rid80 J5n the uLegislafcftrew tw o-thirds o f the "caucjis an d fi ve sixths of; the -Ccmsefyaliyen the Legislature I Therefore, according to " Merrimon logitlie5 peoglld, fi6t want Vancet Biit'LMerrimon got fis votes out of fCxnseyvAtTj7id Scores .of pyvatii$rAcrior: Aiiwaa?tb. choiceir)aiwl 4he?peopW. - are safiedl 'J. V:i 'W1 Jft! v How: m ucit riiare- easdy. am an is . convinced by the logic which rsup ports his o w n-?; w ish es i tljati I byFth at r which.- militates 'against Jtheml J udgfr Merrimon'si-Btrange silencd - regardrng the ' conduct1" of those friends of his wllo acted traitorous-' lytowards CFov. Vance is somewhat in jusjiirication of them : for the want of honor and good faith fheypdis-; 8 trued into a tacit Confession 4hat Miis'friendsw to whomj he owes - his elevation to. the Senate, did not do exactly, the fair - and honorable t6Yn;?.iYetwithou.-- a scruple of corisiencc, he1 co'm placently: reaps t mrf rti its! vt their, d Tshorror. I3ut let it all igos- Our party stancU ftrfl-i'tf?er fr jjive SnateriJ now on the proper grounds before the peo ple. Hc is insHfied Jland we pppe there! ivilV ayp ihp ed f ihejeontroversy. .j. ' Judge Merrimon assu res us that he is stillf fQnMMT, the pepple shout ea lor .m Aiigusi, and promiseS W&hvihw uliyliS conxluct that he, will let '"ia theUp ture.?as j in. the piist true to North Carolina. We sincerely hope fieri But we leg.ver0; r remark "tn"at a shadow ofddiibt innsfr 'fjiU upon the Conservatism of him who efies his, own party anrpeiearjsrits wpi, wnen- doctrine sake but for fheloave and fishes. 1 Tha1;Hhns.hich risk at -any moment the ruin of his party and his.ciuse(trrgratif .ambir ioMrvill ntihbe trusted i'for mere MJrtll. Actions will be rcquifed tb inspire; LJL ' ' ?' MosdAY, Jari . .27 The SenatewHeaWeditoSprUerat 11 m. President Brogdeu in the. ;bair. Mr. Morernd.-QtLvui , mice- duced afrtll-to meortwrate "th01d North State - Life Insurance Compa ny. Keferrcdj - Harris col., also called up the 'lull tp junend the charter of the.If. C. Sp'cjke and Handle Coirrjan taud it passediits second and Ui ird. readings. , 0 ni orjn-of if. dPo welUtlrexu 1 es weVeiispndeclftdfthe bill' to incor porate jt h CwSf eel Rai 1 - Co fiii pany AMXESTY. -AND rABD02f.' - The hour of 12 having a.trived,' the special order, the bill for Am nest vv and Pardon, was announced, the question being on the adoption " of Mr. Sevmour!r arnendment;- except ing from ahihety ahd' pafdbn' the cri m es of murderxape, araon sand Uirelary. - r. Welch moved to am end- -Mr. Seymdur s amendment by providing that only rape and bunrlarv snoufd be exempted froni the provisious.-rof the bin. tne ooiects oi inese secret pojfiral societies had been politicar 1,1,-appeareu w uwii vniu iieivuerxape nor r - ourgiarVi was . necessary ,;ana XahoMid-bef-ieft to- the- punishment of the-lafv. The opponents of the bill contended theUctsof violence per petrated by these secret societies w;ere ': by orile of ?Cne -societie ; a nd i t wasprobabie thai lhcmbcrs of those sQcletlcs considered Utheir-1 own lives iriilanger unless they obeyed those orders. WHehadneveriri himself been amember of nay aecret.aocietv; and lie desired if to "be uuderstoodtha-t Oieneevijiiiv ivy ma were oir. me oalvbhes to co'nVmifc these crimes,4 a wuoie laiuiiy ui uugrot's iiaviHueeu murdered m his country ..nd .the act had been charged -,upbii : the iKu Kffix, when it afterivarde) 'appeared that the perpetratotffvere leaders in the Union League. Mr. Welch also referred tothe murder of the' West on family in Kutherford county- and to the hurningroff their; house. He behevetl the ongirtof the.Ku Kiux to haie been niearif fdr'gobdi but' bad men crept into.; it and excesses were the ciisequehci6i.?- Tlie 'opposition complained that thdjeaders had not been punished, and while they admit ihatfOiiiy the deinued were - the .vie th ey1 wVrer f r hV rh b's t pari ni ereC qf any r;nianwh6r was guilty of rape or burglary.. ' t s -. zfAioh's B;. Mri Norwdodf Ofivngligpbke t length on this snbiect. The requisite" I powerto pardon and, grant-amnesty f xistecf,fand' itvas leat '' i ;could' be exerciser wunoui anectine tne pou ers oi tne -oiaieor ieacrai uovern- tmftnts The'13th,-rMtlKnd- loth amenuDieuis ui tne ieaerai consticu- tioiv exerted and could rto.nipi'e be " iw. '' ii. . ii - : - ... .'? aueQreu ui an an y i n mg ei s e i mppssi-;ble.- tThe nextcpnidejation wafthe circurnstance undervhjch the acts ofr?S61ence had been committed- In thfeifirst plaoje, h-e"numberof alleged At. -. v. i w -..Ni . j w amnestyviinrunaervnaLci:cnni sfances were thects-rfsi violence cornm itedr? .The. great cauje-of , th e rouble.wasiih,. tU ;late,i,wTar. sTliat, war.W'aainevitableHdna fturaan powr l?rr could have avert ed j iti i It Iseeds wtire in the constitution of the JT nit edl Stat es, ' f6f wh enth at 'instrum e nt undertook to'niaintam free-labor af d slaveryj thb OTdfailpre'.'owasr.writ; en across; 'the faee-ofhVparcbment jf $heV)iahci 6f Odd hin'self;:ilItwa art utter impasiijMr; ind Jyhi!. the cause ojf tthewar'; J3ches'e ,ecfet pr ders ;follawBcL,'ivTh&) Ku .IClux'-and tho-League then claimed his attention.-., Her ?Vpo'ko of the, outrages whichTrad teencQmmittd. by-tjie Leagiies and negroes Jn?his' 'county, .enumeratirig;feach -I outrage. L-.-:-- -He. thought these crimes wtfre: enough to make whites take the law in their o'n hands.'; - t: ; :',Jy "riiWhatwaa true bCjOrange county,' Mr Norwood aid, was true of . oth er cOuhties. A.U was quiet now, he said There was no .danger threatening ei- tima, eyWiyi?8Sprrt to ariieasure for their relief, th ouch Wf State orlSational yvertimefirirr r rantinsr full amnesty and pardon. The opposite eOtirseWQuld lead., he feared; to greati evils;V the.5. result of hoCseVf he presentatwes , . 1 - -- w . Monday, Jan. 27. TTnnsft met at 10 o'clock, ar m.-r - By Mr. hotles, n biU t;or relieve 1 r.oiintv-commissioners.' w -, . x j-.i -Xb epiitjojij ntrodu cod by M r. I gist to Jeave printed- and -istri bated xwm.tM.rn it,! invi - i inrpampniet setting-iorm a descrip tion Tf the climate, soils, and minerals- of the--.se'eral counties of the State -was taen up as the special or der. r ? ' i i C .7 i 1 1. 4 "A K vThe, cnm.mittxje.,towhom the reso lution wai Referred reported favora bly upon its passage, reconimencUng ah amendhientthat oily4 h vefebies for each member of the General As- Mr. Waugh was opposed to the resolution-: - liJ-I.a.lt IV.TiVAir Mr. Houston moved to postpone till ThursdaShext. MtTMarier opposes tne jxjouoiuio postpone. : .'7 I u - , The motion to .postpone was aaop- On motion of Mr. Craige thrti-ules" were suspended and the Senate reso iirtTOriasKihg thejbift select com mittee in regartH'o tlie Western N C R. K. to report by .bill or otherwise what steps can be taken to protect the State's Interest in that road, Was lUKou up anu auuutcu, me oeimie uin ituicitu tne mi to-.inC6TiiQrate4herVilm-ii.Qn'rt: trial 'insurance Com party ,z was tafcenJ up and patfsetl its several readings. I he benate bill in relation-to.: ne-- positions wa taken up'and passed it several readings.' ':?J'$:r -The. Senate bill in. .relation ,tQt the sal e ot liqor in the ; town of Shelby Cleavelahd county, was taken rp and passed its several readings,"'1 - ' ; :Seuate bill t6'aTiiend :chapter 185, laws of 1868-'69, ,cQneernine town ships was taken up "and-passed- its several readings. A message Was received from the Senate transmitting amendment! toe in uunw uiie jeiiet ioi cnrwisuu tax collect6rs7""Oiim6n1of "M. Rhodes the amendments were con curred iu. ' TJie-Honse adjourned till to-mor rowt at 11 o'clock , a. m . A Notes of the:'Day, v Small-pox 8till;rages in Bostbi?. The snow storm lias been terrific in the North, v A'destructive fire ocdurred in Da- rien, GaJA Saturday high ' Pratt's Oil Works i in New York were burned Monday. The ship Mora Castle Nvas seized for debt one her arrival at New York Saturday rj,rA.r LastjSsi,tirday two and a quarter milliohs'5f specie-were shipped from JNev; x ork. . , 101! A new ra:ilroad has been ? comple ted between Vera. Crufc and4he icity of Mexico. The eventwas i celebra ted hy a week's festivities. ; . A Methodist Church in Buffalo, Nev Yorjc, was bunied on the 25th by an incendiary. Every stage line in theSalt Lake section has been stopped by. the epizooty. . G eneral Longstreet is fhgton, in the lnteres.rQtt thjqx Kel logg :Ret urn mg board, of . Louisiana. A GaNO; TiiRKwrt. Wepping. The Constantinople correspondent of the London tk'ho, wnUngOnjecem-, ber 28, says : :"l have ; already ,n.en tioned the marriage of thePrincess Nazle, daughter of Mustapha Pacha, tq Khalii racha: Your readersmay be' interested in knowing that oh the arrival of the bride -at. her husband's palace she was attired- in French I I 1 x ' -i'tt'J- Driaai costume oi wime si ik. trim med witll . ' orange " rlowersi: Her wreath' Of th e"V tjaht e1?blQsoms : snrmouhted by.a diadem of brilliants' and a long yen or,tuue: juusioaii jeii partly before and rtly . behind -her head.; It was Iver ownf choice tdbe dressed in this-v-fashio'rj-YtlTHYkih (riies al w ay s weari ng a ose-coJbtcd diress embroidered, with gold. . T . !notbier strh'gernhptntih establ isfe ed Giistdm w'as . th $t ; Kh atil Pacha gave his arm: to the Princess, .Shicam&in-acaTriagitkoctQsecl: white satin curtains f the - coach man arid English footm en wore' white- wedding favors oh thirbreasts two Mafnelnk'es: on ahorseback . preceded the cortege, and eunuchs rode beside the windows-'-1 he relations $iud the suite of the bride followed in forty cdache&vHlso'.accoinpanied by Mame-. lukes and euncuhs- -.' v;f;;, - "At hooh a tabfeof one -hundred covers "'was placed for, the. 'assembled guests. -The Princes's" retired -intb' Tier boudoir and changed her Parisian- costume tor a lurkisn dress , of. pink velvet, almost covered -yrth goldem broiderv. but Still wearinsrher wreath .oi y range nowera auu uutueur.ui qtw Hants'. The ladies ' honored bjr 1 ad- ipissioit to her presence-deseribe.her t 1 . - 1 i j : . ' i . , 1 . . - . . 1 -V ' r 1 as aazznng tneni witn; ner youtn ana beauty, remarkable for hei1 -legarice an d reti neui en t', k ah d sparkUri s iwlth priceless jewels,' Let - us hopeiths' gradual upsetting -of -silly old-lprei -iildices" among the" .Turks s'ahd) iher' aaoption or some XiUropean customs will lead tcj.the better education and greater freedom of Eastern, Jad,.' I fAvmisera'bler" Ertglish charo'rn1an has had the audacity: totjalrther Eayt of Winchelsea to c6urt for debt;'ati'd his lordship treated-the xnatter.witti xiontenipt execuion, wasissne against his goods and cliattels- The officer with the writ ; ; was ; resisted: by a legion of ; flunkeys" whom 'r he'ftrst whipped and' then suedi 'The' char-'- woman got he money. Nobjlitycan ness- . - rrrjBacgTirsgeYoTirlleclianies The Atlanta Constitution has. the following on this subiectl --which; is f&ll of cood sense, and we commend itt5 oiir peo jle Odrmehauics are one of tbet:ntet useful and industri oua classes: of pur people, ando fs much, ornnb'retjwatd$ building-)ur city than any other : - "." ';. 5 r : Do ' not send abroad for help, if you haye work to do, when it can-be done iii your own town. -Encourage V5ttr,6 W3 j Jidnestr,) lhdustdus; Tajthf IU1 UlBJUaiUVB.. : AUG "CIU .; w . w b rTc TT"TrgetTr'stlicha-c otttctV you-keep money at bome,; asdistfine w . - .. . . . i " I gbrthyirand ivave just as goou wonc performed. -' It is f the way- to - make your town prosper -to support yoiir OWQ-45Cnoois,7 cmucuca auu picoa. lyhere there is a disposition to send a hundred miles for an article to sav the least, could be-mannfac- tu red as -wel l"t vbur own tloof ,' there J Jft jllialwayB be little or no' business uone in mat - Diace-; j.imi;iuruuea wTll bc tKihlir aitended rand all; kinds" of . labor xti41y! m echanicare(Sti e .est . .empioyeu, prosperity 43eehi-an"esocial virtues predominjite,"1 and. kindly, brotherly sonrce oupjalble happip vv nateyer 'jOU nave to , oe ; aoner look around- arid see if , yduVme- chamct ' cannpt do itij :If 'you jhaveja house to build, or a shoe to tap, or a saddle po" b6 made; tin ware to mena; a house ta paint. qt-it'lSacl of i cards to print.-Hist Took anions: your nome folks, before you send abroad, and if there is nose ircypiirr; town- capable of doing thetaslf,?Sts wiiiibe ttima enough to look elsewhere. .It is a wron idea to think -nothing is ser- know f many an instance where men have refused to purchase work made bvtheir neighbors and sent to ..a:iatah.i;ty.fof'th6articles whih. thev needed, and paKl af: third, more: or thehi,' wheri 1 behold they: have been manufactured and sent away to sell by 1 the same neighbors of whom .1 - 1 ff - 1 i ' i. i J. . J ' J i iney reiusea to- purciiase. Let tne.-mbtto of all be, I will en- courage my own . meenanics. in -r' turn von will be encouraged also. A mutual feeling of goodwill' andkind- nessWiU spring up m our midst, and wBbeiitFiwill le 6bseraWeiiftlevery sffeet and-in every djtrng ?; -; A Coloked West Point Capet Withdraws. Cadet Samuel, Gibbs, colored, ?n of the.:Secretkry of otate oC Florida, . withdrew frpjn, West iPMnt dn Monday. Sa-hitrel CH))bs was appointed- a cadet in May, lorJ, uy a ; coiorea? congress-man from Florida, passe:! the prelimi nary examinaUoiiand, enterediithe; Acadamyjn June. A correspondent from West Point tells thereason. of the withdrawaL., .Ie.says;1 ..'.'The Januaryexaminaioh, which closed about a week :ago, ahd which' proved death to therhiilitar)' aspirations of Cadet Gibos, are represented to have been unusually severe and searching and about twenty?! tho? hackwiiril young men vere foipid which im plies that jthey. were; deficient, in marks, and failed to pass an exami- !Ttitoi1. In other words, when a cadet is 'found,' he is lost to. the Acadamy, and refurris to civil l'fife." The same correspondent states that, w:hile Gibbs was not maltreatred, he with Smith. the Other colored cadet, Was -'too m pletejy ostracised,, socially, by the other cadets. " -J: a ; " ' ' v Jn th e AVh artou trial , at A n n a- S61ls, yesterday Dr. Wood, of Phila erphia, a meditriil expert, in behalf bf theidefenseocciiniedthe vitheas day. -He attributed the attacks of fMr..-Van Ness,:and'f.the slight di comntnre of ;MrSf Frick antl Mrs. Hutton, " while at Mrs.- Wharton's I house, to' natural - Causes, which caose,; in MvVahesscase, he as se!rt, in,j6reamihiQnr .to bo the effect of a "hysteroidal'' "' condi-' tion ! ThisMiseaseS- he i affirmed-in of rare.occnrrchce, and is the , wndi- uon ln.ifiau, wiucn is. Himiuir to, out hot identical with hysteria: in r wo rn ah. j ;-Th e cross-examination of ih is; eipertpiearavto ' have been very Searching, and elicited replies ofar decidedly sensatibnak d:ffmusihg fcha'fafcter. The attendance is repre sented as haViug. been large. To day, Dr. Rees ei- of"' PJi 1 ad el ph i a, 1 a cu em lyai ez le?- ' u- put -ux;t,ii e stand Gazette - A Murderer Arrested: ijt IH ay wood. We learned that amarx natn- ed Bishop has recently 1 been rested jpAftatejl iiVHaywpod cou.6 ty - (pharged i' sv i th 'the 'f. to' urder 'of a Mr. Pjeebpof in Spartanburg, Sv Mr. Roberts of .Hay wood; in hiajeyj- dence before the committing magis fr'atesaid that this marr Bishop had told him he had a fieht in5; Snartan- i burg land that hb - was looking- for- some ou,t of tbo w'ay 7 place ' in . that count v wherelhe couliit" be found place where-he stabbed. the man that he was dead. Roberta ftirtlver testified that the pnsoner had.'a shirt washed at his House and there r was blood onK iand iho , prisoner j told him that he got it on there' Tm- that fightl -cBUHop's arresters would like' tp, kn;o w j if the'Soutbi Carolina GovV Ternor hasoffere6V any reward.-lJAr-letah'EraV .-"'-v- 'ti:J't , T)eathl of the Rev. F. Bruce Davis, The " RevrF; Bruce. Dayis wha was toinred by a fall "from "Iris' horse at iUhfoh . Courthouse oh Friday - last 'uieu at nwxesiuenceiiniinat.TOWJi.0in the fttU0.wingJ?Tuesday,.night.-, He was imcoosious from the ;time of the -nldictdnt until x bis v deathi." He was tftird.sdtf Of the lat& ;Bishop rDaris h"acf beenohly arfew;years -tot the ministry, and" had verv; recently? Ire'i im-oved to Union' fco.i take--' charcre bf uc yuuruu oi .wiB-jatiyiiy at ,tnat place. He gave promise of. a long and useful ministry. A" wife "arid one child survive him: His", remains have been tken to Camdeh;andwill he Interred there to-day. -Charleston !, 'Al. .i t . y . by the erexis&Baltimbre, of Saturday.? ' Zr. "X SV-I standinir the lanre'vote by which the House repealed the? bankrupt .act, and the fact, oV lhaiorityl ? 6f the Sen al e Jadiciary -Co ra m i Meet- having also reported forlhe repeatjt isviiot probable that Ihg Scha"te .will agree IU 11. ". ITiUVeCLI(IO VU VV iliusav vivc li ed is that-tlie clause com peJHng'in-- voluntafy bankruptcy be expunged from the act. In the South, particu iafly this has lcen of great- injury fls'manv business men have been un necessarily forced into bankruptcy by h4VMhkftU-otoUaming fr fees.' In New Orleans alone, it is said that theiees'oTvoinision' er pf bankruptcy have, through th e workings of this clause,7 beeii swelled r Al- 'ft t Fayettkyille and.FlobenckJIait.-ROAD.-Over . thirtvour , thousand '.nif.ifegitov be raLothrlock Lhsh.XJumberland cduhlyhteen suhscribedrto ihtadiySThisre Covered theubseript jQn -f $75,000 td(be Taisod by tBeotfd3rctie ' vit0 The - 'roa4iercSea8 a cerlttihty. IJarA Sentinel, ; " ? The bovs have a new name, for it. I Vhehever-.one aof them . wants, to Kuowtnueii tins ur.mai reimemuu was .eiectea to tne unneu otates oen- 'buy in v Ah Sin is makinhimsejjf?bbribx- ious again oy taiung; an e centres, oi gOId chilis out'and tilling the? vacancy' LtnCtoaser fheuLl&jn.t-ttJt WE have; Ave dozen ;pfil?tt9 '.' il ;.6ja pomniission to. he , for, sale sold in the next 30 days. -Now is the time "to 'get aHYMXiiL of ;;. . ,! every :t style' or prke, cheap, at '' T, I DD Y B, B b1 "o'k IS t o r e' Annold's Copying Ink. Carter's Cotnbfeett Wrifiiif' and onvinj? si Ink. IIooresToileTnk-. - Frerieft; . Carmine Ink. -At . jan 2) 4J . JTIppY'S. , : . i .i tl , . , - V, m i i LOT of No. 1, Caiiving Pres Tietter Rooks, at '.! .' TtDDY'S. .TfDDY'S. . . jlm 29 . .. ... . v.: .., . Kraot, LKraut. ; "UST reeeiyed n Bbl.,:of nice White Sanr Kraut; for sale by jaiv 2i) 'SYMONS & CO. Just Received. 1.000 jan 29 .Ltts. loiin taiii - CabHagc, ot - B: Mr PRESSON S. FINE Lot of. Irislj PbtatoesV'at : '; I n ' JliM.PKESSON'S. jan 20 " . ' I ' ' SWEET. IVtates,; a, fine, :lot, jseliing- at 11.50 per busihelj at , .Jan 29 ; .. B.: Rl'lSSON'S ' A "NDTIIER Lot of those tin e rcnellants ert at - iHKdu L?KIV jan2S . . - - ..i ' t.X'livv. '.... 'LpSrXirouVa Wge stSekof rlie lfos V"4ery for Latlics',ti.sf?e?" aiuV 'hiMrtn afbOSt-at -itiiS.jtitlEliyU . ,;;an'28 ' f:- V' '' -i our faflfy'rtifi.iwiP gs" at greasy duceil prices to make room -for spnni, at jan 26 yak :MU$ JH'EKYv .A n T- .. ., - . . . Attention, friends of Temperance. VTO.l &r hereby- Tcqnesteil rtn, . jneetl atd. x , vnr iiaii i;n;yetnesuay igxnt at j I,f., fr t1.ejp6rsefinan:hing in pjn eession' tollje Trvtnt street - M : E. hureh . jan ...'.PreMidmt.'--, :,;.The ars. 17 ILL meet at; tnieir, JIall over the Mer- 5 jan;28 .X POT-ATOE. -Receivlm an 'in J. Store. Early: Jlosei Priuce Albdrt. Good rich, Peach Blow:"iV - - . ' .vjan'20. jibiSts,ciXlES:&'COZ , , New'Bobks;' 4 DAYIE' Algebra, BuUionXLatin Grani? mar, Smithes j Oranimar. Sanfwd's Arithmetic, just received at- ' ' " ' " . iraaaiEKjr division T J tf : -.a . PttlTtoad noprepaifQtI4&' rrahsportr LVood,'saw sbcksltinibfer an.d timber oi an Kinaa. larties 'wishing to arte: TORthree months I vrill Paint rortraita 4-(f for $25; aneb .as ar& generally . charged I dk.-WV-Lr. " 1 " T. x.A. " 0 . . . 1 ; x'ersHJiis wisnini; ironraMai;i;ieiT departed friends ean obtain thenju if thev have a good Phot4pJviit!tUeiji i sshail ibe.'pleasedto show ryou specimens of ray work at "my ;Studi6 aboYereTchats, & Fanners' Bank. , ' t , -A-..LVBUTT, . ,r dec ll-3n f r ' Charlotte. C. 5Bbls. : Choice ;JI0miny.; just- received ad for sale byi -ili a: : . jan5 21'; R.' it MILLER SONS. in uie; oiu-igq.,way, ne asKSf "What vear "jditt 3eiiatbr Bo-ahd-o I T ciiants' ano Farmers Jiank, precisely at.GL bjrlkonr Wednesday .evening .to nian-h lii'lfrtiddssion'to' the TryonTSt.,' ii. Trains .wjllf apply.ta tbe Station Agent at -fj . ( - rzj -, uanotre.. -y. u : jvubtsv - ,4ian 1-lm i i ....:.. . ........ i, vt). :. - t : ( j i 1 1. i .r. i ' " lJT7l . , . coiirassiw - -K): HAVING , Conip!etet "onr now three rtory,bmldinsr, utlie x-urner of i.i Wjrc and Ppurth RJSVfOVED anto onr. IJnstonienC;.' ' streets,- we nave jm ready for it,-land arc v )ur Ilousq undivided into fire ments vv r ' fl'7- Depart- lst DepaitmeirJHiiEaiafy Croeerieg. Soaps; Candles, Candy, Starch, bodaVvflnisItis, Oysters, 4 r V" feUfPiiV CoflTccl'cas, . jgpics; Prize Cjtndic, : -Brandy Pcaches, &c, Ac. Pnrchased' .direct 'froi.W the Manufacturers iivitli- the rvicw f i: suptrfTing tle 2nd Department HejSLvy -Goods. Molasses, 5acon. Flour, Xard, Mick- erel&Ca'Onilides handling - such are snrerror ' to those of ariy. nYeYciirtile house-' in f . the City.' J Merchants may '' L rest assured tlia they .'can always obtain ' . , good of ;us at . : THE tOWEST l5! CURES. tr,-,I;' . 3rd Department Produce. dotton, e6riiVVaeatt Oats, Rye, Hay, 3fce Bought at highest, cash jmcct. Sold on Commission. Stored, with cash advances viade ujxni the same. " 'e ipvite special at ! iatthnio our commission and storing -business-,. TTO WJtWH WKrA Y CLOSE -PER-i ztt'f..l SOXltL '-' -ATTENTION. J. ,4th Depalteiil-PIiospliates. WE ARE AGENTS FOR ZELL'S and other SUPER PHOSPHATES, the niost reliable- article on the Mar 3' ;ketv. tertiftcutes from reliable . ' ' farmers furnished on Appli ' ' cation '., . We are also ' Agents tbr GILUAMS CELEIiRA TED T0PA ' '0 ' :FE Ii Til L T- Z E Ii . 5th Department Leaf Tobacco Warehouse. ; WE Jl A V E COM Cl H' ITI I THE ; (ficvemie Law, and are now ready tore- ceive Lf Tobacco, which we 'will .- j j t bny or sell on onnntsifn. '! i i Our 'Warehmise- fees1 'arc ' lens-,than tlie saivie at i Kiehiiiond or. Dan-rs r - I c : VI Uey , ,nd ,tlje - .... best prices IN TUOSE MARKETS ALWAYS v tainkd: ' 0B- h; rQUR large and cfyimiodions HALL will I . i. - ji . ! :i j; . 1 i. . a 1 . . I i . 1 . thcEirst of Marchi l- ' - - , : WE THANJv a generou.ipnblic.for the liljcral pu(rjna:e i Avhjeh 5 ha?. . lierct fire beenJe.t.oiyQ(l upon us, and we hope that th'rpigh ' strict , lUteYBon- to business, and .slIirig;.opr" goods .atloSv" ligtlres we ni:y invrita contiiman'ce'Hftlieir favor. ' ' 1 ! ' R: M. MILLER & S0N8. . .Tanuary It.' ; i. jit ' 'OJSE of ihat elent.oiir Kraut ; come -running .or '.it will all be gone before yon get any. ; -' &o another lot of Good Cljesnnts, not niaiiv worms. J. F. BUTT. jan 23 ' Hi New Inducements. :o:- -ORDER TO MAKE E00M ;-::.-l!r6it A. " f ! - ; - 1 -' si ,'! : ;;. ; , f ' . ; Heavy Spring Stock, jw?..will sell all onr FaU ad '.Winter Goocts at;gre .1 tly rc- ducettirices." Your attention is ':' i ;fr 'r-i v.-.-; .-i r pottacnlariy , juvitedi jo.onr, Stock o Fhxa Dress Goods, . SHAWLS, FLAJT; '.CASSI- tiff !lt. BLANKETS, Aitl all kjaJa pf Woolen pob, together -jftwith;.:a large Stock of REAnY-MAPE: CLOIIESO, which we will sell very low. jan 21 ' ilcKURRAY & DAVIS. BAdKQALIHOH BOARDS, yT.C-AKb'; " . t . . - i . i f CHECKER MEW. ,. f I.ti hvo;; ir rPHJiR REM ' S . s. bc'rwell,' y" thob;iiieb, . i. n. cv BS05. ,(Socte43ot$.tj.Ca3pp l Gfler.) , uorner oi n and xryen t u., CHARLOTTE N.C. ; :0 " . iM0rTTHLt,c$TATEMENT8 ! ! i-Lf .' ' AT'-'' " mWO Drunu George's iBank Codfish, nt M STENHOtSK MACALILAY & CO. .jan2l - - sr.. I r -! ;i 1