- , . . . . n 4 1 1 Travelers' Guide.; North. Carolina IlailfoadA J - ui m j,im xxx utv, ; ;, March 3ft, 1872. On and after Sunday Si 1 instant, the Pas3eneer Train over this road will leave and arrive at Charlotte.' as foli ows : - - - Leave, going east, at : i 7.10 p. m. . Arrive.oming west,tr : 7.20 a.m. . Leave, going east, at . -i ; ' .6.25 a. m. .t Arrive, coming,wesft. at.. j8.30. m. Wiliningt.on ( C. & WC Railroad. leaves Arrives : " " t 5.30 p. m Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio E. It. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, K - Charlotte, N". July 22nd, 1872 rN and after Thurschiy, the 25th, the JToi- lowing Schedule will be; run over this Road daily., (Sunday ecepMd.) Leave Stateville,;, 7.00 A,'3f. Arrive aiLuarioti.. r, ,,,,, . , Iave Charlotte, 1 ' - ' -3.35 P, f. itrnveai ouiiesvuie. . . r iw .... , . - . ah n -J?U wri-n on'Freicrht oneiea ;or oiiipuiciiu tu IIenderson,,Aletxandriana,.,liflnter well's, arid Freelands. - These being "Flaar Stations.1' the Company is not liable se brink for any loss or. damage to freight after it is unloaded, at either of the, above points. No freight will be received by Agents, .or forwarded unless the name of Consignee, and destination idistinctlyTnarkcd there .on. iX J. J,.G0KMLEY, r july 23 . 'it ' Shpenhtendent.fi Charlotte, Columbia & Anjnsta Hailroad.: -.in , CoLtjMDi.CS1. C Sept 22, 1872. ' GEN. SUPERINTENDENT'S; OFFICE. On and' after SEPT 22,tho following Schedule will; be run over this Road : .TIME TABLE. . . GOiira south. Train; No. l.! Leave Charlotte, 7.15 a. m. Ieave Columbia, -2.29 p.. m. Arrive Augusta, 7.42 p. ni. GOING KOETH. Leave Augusta, 635 a. m. Leave Columbia, lL'oSa. m. Arrive Charlotte, 6.15 m. Train "No'. 2. 8.20 p. m. 3.30 a. m. ' 8.20 a. ml 5.50 p. m. 11.05 p.' mv 6.00 a. m. Standard Time ten . minutes slower than Washington City tiineV and six - minutes faster than Columbia City time. JNo. 1 Tram daily, sso. s 'rrain aauy, i daily, Sundays excepted. Both trains make close connection to all points rorth, bouth and West. " ' Through tickets sold and baggage, cheek- and original conception alone and unap t to all rwineinal noihts."1 "- "w - nroached-absolutelv without comietition JL AA A J U-i A tl'W --J fJAVt ed to all wincinal points. JAME3 ANDERSON, Gen. Supt. E. R. Dorsey, Gen. Fr'ght & Ticket Agt, june 11 ' '"' '' 1 ' . l'"yih:: ' ' Time Table Western N. C-, B. R. Taes effect ifonday,! May zi'lSfiri.' ,r ' 'iiOIHtaWSST'.r, Ui , Arrive. Leave. Palisbury. ' -A M Third Creek1,' 4 i 55T ,' Utarosiri l lo . , R Sfl . , , 5.52 A 6.45 v' 7.42 8.50 9.35 10.20 ' 11.05 M. (JUU IVf VI ' . t , .i Catawba Station, 8.02 Newton; 8.55 Jriicory xayern, .w '. ! T net ' ' . . t - ' t'. Morganton, i , . Bridgewater, Marion, t ... Old Fort, GOING? EAST. 11.10 11.59 11.54 12.43 1.32 P. UT. Arrive. 7.59 A. M: 8.48 9.37 10.22 u: 11.07 " 11.52 12.45 P. M, 1.42 " 2.35 8.32 " 'Zeave. Old Fort, Marion, Brldgwatet, Mor 'antonv ; . Icarl, H i ckory Tay erni 7.15 8.04 a: m. 9.42 , 10.27 I", .' 11.12 u ' 11.57 : 12.50 P.: it. Catawba Station,: statesviuet ; r i Third Creek, . 2.4Q. amisuwy, ,. ...... . Traiii8 Pass at Icard at rlO.25 A. jy 25 tf R ICHMOND & DANVILLE UAIL- CONDENSED TIME-TABLE. In effect on and after. Sunday, Dec.' 22d, 1872. r GOING NORTH. STATIONS, i Maijv; i Express. Leave Charlot te, " Concord, " Salisbury, " Lexington, " High-Pointi, Arrive GreensborQ Leave Greensboro', " Com p. Shops, " Hillsboro, " Raleish. 7.10 P. M. 8.21 V ' 9.50 " ' 10.51 11.58 A. M. 6.25 A. M. 7.26 .w. ' 8.34- ' 9.08 ; " 10.17 , 12.50 1L00 Jh Ll?10 " 1 ,.1.45 3.ao - 4.53 ' 8.C5 i 11.02 , 12.20' P. 'M. i, :-" iiu Arrive at Golrtsboro, GOING SOUTH. ' t tn'.' STATIONS. Mail. .' EXPRJTSS. .Leave Goldsboro', , V Raleigh, " Hillsboro'. - " Comp. Shops, Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greensboro'.' ' -High Point, " Lexington, -" Salisbury, ' " Concord,. Arrive at Charlotte, 2.15 Fv'Al 3.30 4.00 ..i- 4.43 5.33 6:22 7.28" 8.30- u'l - A. Passenger train' leaving Raleigh' at 7:45 p. m.rconnects at Greensboro' with No tfci t.Tff5 ets same as Via o Mail train dailv 'both wn.vs. nvor nrtttr length oft road. . Express daiiy between Compahy Shos and Charlotte. tSunday AlSslnger trains conneet at rW- boro' with trains to and from Richmond. , , Pullman Palace Carson all night trains oeiween ou xtr Special j Notice '1 a ereat many chancrei uice.tms year, l nnuiui ta ciiiiit'iis ui uanoue ana tne. : i 7 2 V . i V- i " ".9 . r;"" .4 place at -my, establish ment. lam still all . Parks' building, vwithf a ilarge and well selected stook f tlie finest and latest-atvli of custam-made xlothing for Men, Youths and Boys swear, also on hand a fine stock- ot Uent l?urnishing;G6ods, Shirts, ''M and I wiU;still sell them at prices XoT defy competition; m .,vi (.t m y.j4.4,'I ,1-; I expect to, leaye? for. New York Cily'in'a eiTenenced Cuttef and -Tailor,lancr will be ready by Spring to cutand'inakertorder at my, own establishment; AAd under, my own supervision and a,t lower ,prjces tlan - joue and the nublic in" ceneral for flm MAIL. I 4.00 P, M. 7.45 10.21- " 12.05 " 1.30 . M. 2.15 " 3,04 " 4.02 " 4.57 '.' . 6.10 :LL ' . jnarioite ana menmond. (with- l tnoution 01 'pictures or mft trrfldp? fHni t change. i -a. K, AT.T.RN. 1 h cmKnM4.v . .ifu-cr i .juuuup rnaiw, me ucoi. uiuiij; Dun h in me "j"X4.jm .ja Jteupint' wiin its artis world.T The very latest styles, oT'IIats, tic attractions t ' , t Scarfs, Bows and Ties: mbreBasTc.:&c ' - " - siiorc time to lay. m my; stock of Clothing Jv? THE ALDINE wfll,, heteafterr be - ob and Piece Goods, for. my Tailoring Estabr J tamable only by .subscription; There will ushment and will also bririsr with."mfi an I be no rednced n Miih mtj ioh fn f tii samk-rf. : NTiY 4? Vi ."i"" prompt miQTmation by - . ; - IT - I 'JL Ton, Keyeftbff.;:. EOPOSEStoforjnn;instrurt, imd : eori- A:quct,.;in uanotte, kr y.,.-a uunou and to give musical festivals. Th.e income- from- which, is to be applied to me purchasing oi jnaps uioues nu Scientific Apparatus for the Charlotte In stitute. , Also, to famish for the Institute Orchestral , Instruments and Music, such as are found in Seminaries of the largest Cities South and North.' These-Instro-merits. &c. will be placed tin the hands of the Trustees, for the use of. and" to con-i tinue. to be the. property ot tne4 Vhariotte (N. C.) Institute for Young Ladies.. ' v . Terms of admission; - i 1 $5.00 Instructions per month, - -2.00 Ladies and gentlemen desiring to become membersof the Society wilt please leave , their 'names at the boot store of' Messrs. Tiddv & Bro. . r.i l. y - .. " -'- ,s ' dec7-6m-. id'::,'!.' -. f? 'f'1 ; ; ' ' " . ; D.: Hoofer's Female Piwa a positaye ire for Suppression, or Irregularity, arish cure for Suppression, or Irregularity, arw- Snel from any pauses whatever. They are .a riiH'Trffitlv harmless. ; 1 Every Lndy'tkould Uep a box tf lh PUkanhand for vMtitcaieofnecd. ' i)'A Price, $1.00 per box. tv Sent securely seaU ed .to any address- on receipt of price. Direct all orders, l , .. u ".- , HOOPER & CO., PvO. Box 2453. - Philadelphia, Pa. TROCHES of Lacto Phosphate, Lime andPep8im. .- . - jan 9 .) J rv.f ;t : .u ?xospectn,Ibr 1873.Tixtli Year. An lllustratedMoniMy Jounmt universally admitted to he " (he lldndsaitycst Periodi-" ?r cal in tlie World. A Representative NOT FOB SALE IN BOOK STORES. . THE ALMNE; wliich is issued with all the. regularity, has none of the temporary e-r timely interest characteristic of ordinary periodicals It is an elegant miscellany of pure, light, and, graceful literature ; and a collection of pictures, the rarest specimens of artistic skill m black and white. A1-. thoueh reach socceedinsr nuniber affords a fregh pleasure Ut its friends, the real value- ami beauty -of AJJJIMiS wili- b moost appreciated atter It has "been bound ur at the CHJsetrt the-ycar. up at the etmem the -year. m" . , Vhile bthfSrpdblications may:Claim sdpfr nor cheapness, as compared with rivals of a similar class, THE ALD1NE . is a unique alone and amapproached,-absouteiy-without competition in price or character; The possessor of a complete volume can not duplicate the quantity of fine paper, and engravmgain any other shape or ji umber I of volumes for ten times its cost : and then, there are the chromos, besides! . v; ." ' 't AR-DEPARTilENT. :,; '! Notwithstanding -the' increase in the price of subscription' last Fall, whrt THE ALDINE assumed its proportidhs and Tep resentative tharcter the edition 'more than doubled-during the past year;: proving that the American public appreciate, and will supporty a sincere, effort m the cause of Art. The publishers,' anxious' 'to justify the ready confidence thus demonstrated, have exerted themselves to the utmost ta detel- ope and improve: the work 5 and ther plans ! i for the commg- yeart as unfolded by the monthly issues,' will astonish : and delight even the most , sanguine friends of THE ALDINE. ' m --i ! The nubliMiers are authorized to an nounce designs . from many of the most emmentartists oiAmenca. . i In addition,1 pPHEf ALDlNE-fWill repro duce examples '-ornte hesrYoreign' masters, selected with a. view tp the highest artistic success, and greatest general Interest 7 avoiding such as have become faiuiliar, inrougu pnoirapya, or.: copies .01; any kind.-' " . Tlie quarterly tiniitl plateil, 4or 873," will reprbduce four of John S. Davis? inimita- ble child-aketches, appropriate to the four seasons. These plates, appearing in the issues forJanuaryi'iApril, July and Octo ber, would be alone' worth the price of a year's subscription! ! - ,The popular features of a copiously illus irated f4Christhias" ' number will be con tinued.' ; ,. , To possess irtich a . valuable epitome of thwart; world, at a cost: so ! trifling Will command the subscriptions, of thousands' ?n ,';every , section t , of ,the , ;counf ry. ; but, as the -usefulness and ' attraction of THE ALDINE' can be enhanced-.' (f";i;th proportion to the numerical increase of HmpurvBnj,i uie puH8uen propose to lb wing unparalleled offer of ' ' ' ' '' PREMncflROMOS rOR 1873", JIvery subscriber. to THE ALDINE, who navs in advance for the vear 1873. wilt re ceive, without additional charge, a pair of eminent English painter. ' iThe pictures, entitled 4,The Villaire Betle. And frw- j Jng-tlie.Moor.V' are 14x20 inches are min l ,..' ."-- ot lists ..iii il'ri. i- . ,iu iixuii uiuereuii- piaics, requiring 0 impressions and tints to perfect each w- ture.i Thesame chromos are sold: for $30 (icr pair, u uic at b otures'i ias li IK inejoe termination of its couductors to keep THE ALDINE out of the reach 'faf comnetition I" every.departhientrthe -chrdmos Twill h laund correspondingly ahead 'of any that can De onemt by other Periodicals. ' Everv Sbsbriberwillreceive, a f certificate, over the signature of Ihe publishers, ywuantec- "f1 to thc R18 furnished the agent,1 or the money will be. refunded. .The' dis- fFOr illlKtratinrm- Of Wrhmra '4 isovemoer issue oi x JtiJii alojia a.- . h . t 7 vl-r twi ARDJHENRY STODDARD,, assisted -by the best writers and poets oCthe davl who will strive to have the literature of THE' 5 per annum, -in -advance, with pa. Chromos free. senptions must be : sdrtt to the- 'publishers direct, or handed to the'' local agent; ' w&Ai out responsibility to the publishers, except- in xases where the certificate is given, bearing I A , st.j''j ir 'i applyuig'to : ,vJ. sutton & ca, " A Mf f 1 i Publishers: t- f A3 Maidep Lane, New York. of Art . cheaniiTaTrf wIT .TTr.""" p inparang vigor w " r: n-iiUpli VA w ::"; . . b V f constitution USE V :: . 5aye-takenlthe achievements7 bf..imveFXri -4 1 3 1 ' v' "H.x-w w n tectfully beg:to and ikwov !;? " . : " V U il l U D ill continue. nnder thA-mm nf Xfi-l' T? TPtf: - ..., .-.5 J. J :ti -Hi f ' 11 filial' We are, prepared to do all kinds of Book and Job Printing, from the smallest Card to the,largest P6ster,! plain or in colors, printed on .as reasonable terms as tho -same work can bo done at any establishment in the Statei- ; . . ' HwrcJiantl,, Uaimfacturerf , Profei- iioml Hen, and others in want . of Pnmphleta, BriefB, Jjq- 'Mi "' gal, Blaryk".forni8 of every kind, Busi-. ns CardsVis- ' UIng:Card8r Admission Cards, Invitation Bail Tickets, Excursion Tickets, Bailroad Tickets, Pro- I grammes, Posters, Handbills,. Dodgers, Circulars, Statements, Ac, .' ' '. ' '' ' '.v ' " ' Had better give ns, a call,. as we'have a full supply of all kinds of. Typeyfronr X-lft of an inclit:.$ f : i - . '., t m inches. Bexnember thai vi : I Bill Heads, . 1 Letter Heads,: , . r , , Railroad Blanks, f- Isabels, 'V Conductor Checks, a - ii? '-TT.'' A "TT S .-i-f. ci T- tr ?', r- - fi BOOK i JOB r Orders from abroad? fWill 1 which ia prononnced by the leading znedi rwt .feVr 1 ft catatithoriUesof London and Paais Vthc, always receive prompt attention. 3 J 9 s.if?a ,':n ...Ail; t'f,!l 4 j. In 9 1. J Jit f '':4J,ifu mr-.oiisti n.4 y" ; . . ,1 tries, with wondtrfxd remedial results. .1 nptisfi liiRm: i i trpm. mi tsnio 'ini--i::'tijon't weaKen-ana- lmnair tne dieestive J av Vf i-LviM ? rorR5ao;opDjSv Large, ii .1Krji.a.fct.c(vM U itw.;;,- bULlllilllJ rlilll I IllU i f '' U.T.rU'l F."!M '.ViH-.A XODacco iiaoeiS. JJanaSi notices, SC; . . ' - --y " . JON&Mci;AIJQHIilN.JVff Proprietora of Charlotte bbSe !Kew Advrtisementsi 'l;tVTT?Tr Easily made with Our JUWXVJa.JLf' Stencil and i Jcey-checK. outfit. , V -Circulars- Free. - Stafford M'J'g'Co., 66 Fulton Street,,.N..y. jan-4w,- ;' f .. . . TO.BOOKCANTASaE; 4 -: New Way of running a -boot. -Can jCTt ; sell thousands, per , week. , Address MURRAY BILL .PUBLISHING CO... 120 JCmISI OIU Bl CW X Win. Vyiljr. jan 2B-4W t ; , . Si ;i VY Ai lUiU. Sewing Machine for family inse, 'or act as agent, address WASH INGTON SEWING. MACHINE CO. Bos , ton. Mass. ;"! - r s,. jam26r4w , ; . v,, , mO THE WORKING CLASS, male X or: female,- $60 a week guaranteed. Respectable ehlploymeiit at hometlay or i evening7 nor capital reqmreQ ; iuu mstruo tions and ; valuable, package- of goodsj to start with sen free by mail. Address, w.ith. e cent retuni stamp, ai. . x u u JN U x w., :iu Courtlandt-st., New York. ' " v r' " ' ' fan 2fti4v ." ;i:' --'," - 4 ' J' :r . . . . "pSYCHOMANCYor Soul Charming." . How either sex anay-fascinate and cain theloye and affections of any person tliey choose, instantly. Ths, simple, menr tal acquiremetKalL can possess , free,, by mail, for 25cl,;':together r' with a niarria'ge guide, Egyptian 0acle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies. VVedding JNiffht Khirt, : etc A queer book. Address T. WILLIAM & Co. Pubs. Phila. - : .. ; . - jan 26-4w r Beu.deceivedi hut for couchs, colds, "sore throat, hoarseness' and broncliial. difficul ties, use only : ' '! I . 'i i WELL'S CAEB0LIC TABLETS. Worthless Imitations are on the ;market, but the only scientific preparation of Cai bolic Acid for Lung disease is when chcra-; r cally ' combined with other ' well 1 known remedies, as in these tablets, and all- par ties are cautioned against using any others . In ail cases ot irritation or the mucous menbrane these, tablets should be freely used, their cleansing and healing proper ties are astonishing " , ', ' ( . Bewarned.neyer neglecta cold.it is easily cured -in its - incipient, when it becblndS chronic the cure is exceedingly difficult, Price 25c. per Box , J ohn Q. JLellogg, 18 Platt.St,, N. Y., Sole Agent for the IJnited States; Send for Circular. jan 26-4 w J jpne immense sala 10i000 in one Month our LWIESTOE 28 years' in is having, PROVES it above all others the book the MASSES -WAKT. It eoes like WILDFIRE . Oyer. 60Q, pagers, only 2.50 Mre Agents .Wanteds r- , i! ii'NOTiOE. Be not deceived bv misrebre- mienor works, but" send ior' circulars and see Proof of stateraeints and great success of our agents. Pocket eonipanion,.worth f 10, mailed tree. : HUBBARD BROS., . Publishers,, 723 SamsonitA phila. ! jan 2&4w , . "fr. New Oarpet " "? - THE; GREAT WONDER. The Ncw- England Carpet Co., established over a quarter of a century aep, having expended much time, talent and money, to protluce a stvlrs hand durable caroet at a Iow-irice; after years of experinienting with the best artisans;, have brought out a carpet which iiiey nave iianieu ami win oe Known tas -uertnatKTapestrvjibeinsr. an exact muta tion of Solid Brussels, - the first thousand pieces, of which, in order to introduce , theraJ will be sold for 37i cents, per yard I sample sent by mail on receipt of 10 cents. or 5 -different patterns 50 cents. ' ' j ' NEW ENGLAND CARPET CO.,4 1 373 .WashingtontBitston.Mass- .jan 26-4 w.,. ITOtiiiBiaiirtBlaal Isn equaled by .any known remedy. , Jt will eridicate, eSctripate "and thoroughly de i stroy alt poisonous.' substantances ; in the Blood and will effectually dispel all predis i position to billious' derangement. . ? , ' : v, "Is-there want of action in. your Liver A j Spleen?: Unless relieved the blood becomes i ihipure by deleterious secretions, product ing peruiiuous or ski niseases. isiotiaiea; rerons, r-ustuies, uanKer, Jtampies, tc. .. LtHave you a Dyspeptic Stomach ? ;viJn- less digestion is promptly aided the; system is debilitated with poverty of the . Blood, Dropsical tendency,, general Weakness and inecna.? - . ... .,.: ! ;.;..;- .Haveyou-weakness of the Intestines!? You iare in danger of Chronic Diarrhoo or Innaination of the Bowels.. - , -' Have you weakness of the ITturine or Urinary Organs Z You are exposed to suffering in its most aggravated form. 4. Are you deiected, drowsy, dull, filoggish or -depressed vin .spirits, wUh headache; nfirio T-rw fAnmin nn1 In-! iAniln.. 9 . eases, woakn esses and troubles ; for clean- 4-J .. ' 1 1 . . M J . au tn e vi tai forces ; ior restoring the weakened E B A most powerful tonic and alterative known to the medical, world." i This ; is- no new, drains bv cathartics. and physics. they rfve owji temportux relief--Indigestloli flatu lency and dyspepsia with'plies ina kindi red diseases are sure" tdfollow ' their- use. :i ' .kj- i - JOHN Q. KELLOGG? -roj . ,f ISC Flat. 6UVewYark? Sole. Agent fori t.hft I inited States. - .;&H7 ride One ;Dollat,per"! Bottle.. sSend for JUST RECEIVED1: i K'tveet-Potatoesa hDis.i J Large Onions,' U Tierce of Sugar Cured Hams neir and ; very ne, jaecaier irpr oausage receiyeu .UiW., .Fisher's celebrated Mince UeaL20 sacks -strictly Family. Flour, iJO bushels-t nnrl i ATonntam AnnteiCtinmaii.lrish; i rotatoes, wnea -j?ruit oi a" kiuos; 10 aoz. of Domestic 'Fresh Canned: Peachesratid ChereaU'ofwhK will.be. sdld .at'lhe lowfigurea, at Jff-PMjJff AFRICA J; Si FBI If I. IPS AT WOtrLty inform, jth'e 'public 5that he is YV now receivirii his. FALi; and WIN TER STOCK of GOODS for MEN'S WEAR, anu iiiTites au : wisumg anyimng. in ius ' J ! GIVE; HDlViA ICALU I It' -4 IS 5j 11, vi-ttjjjiasr .ttii J.'rf Of kll kindpmd atpwees wbch defyjjDOBVj MIS BtOCK. Ot- AilWyjUS f.JP UltiNlSllljNtl GOODS is large and unsurpassed for. beau- 4vv A vb llfT -r j i.'-.r-' -l r .". 11 ats ana uah oiie styljBk,,fof MEN "and JtJU.Xb j .t 3l HAVINfi wrnd thp erviCfts'Kf a' No 1 cu.tter, f f am prepared to gfve satisfaciion to all who favor me whh MJaeif natronage: x iuvik; an, uuspecuou. 01 my ,guous uiu prices. lRl " ; " oct 12. . , , CHARLOTTE, 3, C; : Authorized Capital $500,000. ' Jab. TtfiiKtK Ta.te, Presideht. : : ' ' !:' -rTnos W. , DiwE," Cashier, ' - - , F-H.pjnrar; " :c AT TSE BANKING ikoUSE OF !' TAfE:;4':.I)E!W.;EYl miiis Bank Chartered Jjij$GT ' A'ct, bfj ' the -A ; General Assembly and duly organized under Laws of the Statesdf North Caroling, with ample means' is prepared to transact General Banking Business. i- and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tpiWrs on Liberal TerniSj.-, !' ',: .. Tlie. bank wfllreceive'Detjosits suhiect to Check, and-wiU Allow Interest . According 6r issue Certificates of Deposit beariiig in terest at the rate. of . , . : ' ' ( , , , Eiglft per cent per i Annum on all sums lykig undrawn;-! over thirty days. . - c.'t .. j i ,, Gold and Silvcir Coin; Bullion , and: old Bank Notes Bought.and Sold; i . : i TIIOS. yrr DEWEY, ujan. 1 1873. : . I-'jj.. j-- Cashier. School Notice., MISS-II, MOORE givei notice that her School, in -District ; Nir. 4) 'Charlotte Township, is open- for the reception of all whit?e efeildrcn'iiai a Free St'hool, as pre scribed by law: ; S ' f . ;p:: Nfaii; 22--taWi;2W' )' (' .-4'!-'.;--'t' , - ,'; - . t.f SINGLE GUNS. At $2 QOiMfovM&-U ol, $6 00, $8 00, , $10 00, $12 00. to. $20 00.. , . Double At $0 00, $7 50, l6 00, 12 00, $15 00, , $20 00, $2500, $3000, $40 00; $50 00 to $75 OOy Breech-Loading Bobble GpJis. At $40 00i $4500,' $50 00, '$60 Q0, $75 00, $00 00 $110 0p $l2p 00 to $300 00. ? Smith & Wessoji, Colt's, Allen's - Witney ' and other kiftds.'at manufacturers' "Ammunitioa 'i'tZnleinf nit's u ! I l.-m J 1 : -f . . l " -,ri .(, 4 . For Breoch-Lpading Guns,;. at a'iihall ad- yi viuice on Cost of Importation. ' ;:' ' i.'lt.Vil'JIi! I Hi -. l . i j; .'. '; '''.'!:- - - l T J METALH3 AMMUNITION .FOR i RIFLES AN D -ItiTO bS , AT'-LO WEST. . MAR JLET. ' PRICES.- . - . .. . A complete' ass'prtmehtjlif . all. Siwrt-inc x.m:ki.s jpricea aiin.uiac(nptioii sear-on aiv plication, t .. , .V' . Goods shipped Ty ExpressJ(Jt; 0.. I? . f " POULTS EYi'TRtM BLE CO. other i celebrated nake ofunsoi hand. aim uiipui itju i(j.iiii.cr. sept 20 lSetid.i.v;- "f A1JOOIL FORTIiri JZUJLJOlf I I a pnraMceaaMior td tb 7 :, Guido. thMzaml irttn: with tk UlMt diMf trial im ro4eBc aad DrvrtaUu fltaciac Aw to prastm th complexion, Ac. . : ; i ' i Tkial a ma iaMr U w f M hmtn mm rizty MM, with luiirou graviac, u4 MBtaiMTalaaM Uforaatian for the who mr muTicd.er oaUvplmUaiar l rimsm. BUlTUla boaK thataafarto b tilwiwlNt M key, aa4 sat laid aartlawly aaaattha koaaa. ' It osauini tka ezparienca u aerie a f a pkyaletaa ': Wkoaa rapatatioa If world-wide, aaa ahaaM oa la tha ari-. . . wataarawer af tTMyaiaia aatlewalatkroaKhaattiiaaBtira . (lobe. It embraces ererythlng oa the abjeet af the re a- ' j araUreerateaji kat'.iaiwartar taawtat, a4 aaaok ttot im ., aotpablUh4iaaar ether wark. . : s(!f .. 5 SentU aay oae-lMe f paatsge) 9tHlt1MMVlJ , -' AddraaaDr. BatU' OtoaaaaarrI, Xaiaaktraat Bt.Laaia,Ma.,i ,; . f ,pa&t ' Balbr applriat to the otarieai acaeks whe adrertiaa la AHftlia fimiTai nr 1 ay aaekBadia aeraaa Dr--; Batta' warkaa matter whatyeaf aiataaeia , er bow oaf tor? ir ana i wwwn i Mm -1 B4arsaA br aoate a f t taaat ealabratad i aaeaaiee a osdw -aepaa , ar i m:l eiaaaraad. ay aaaieartBaaateate aa 1 pralaaaera af tkla eaaatrr as Eareee, aad eaa aa . aalted paraaaall; er y bmui, a tfceaii a la warn, taice ana pwwn, aa tint w Ktweea Market and Ckaeakc, St.' LaaJSg Ma. mT 2-d &wly ri, ; 4, w . m r tt.f 1 il'i AiUr !i UUAii all tr ;i-sxa A.s j - : J .ym --to- f-ti';l . !.f y'Av.i l, t ui mkOTTGtronl v 'fivis" vesirs 4oH.' Kas : the ...Largest J)alfy:CSwnilation oanyneWs twDerln-: the-'!6tate" 'and'ia' Circulation '.ifif Wilmington,' iSfty'- 'prstt.fc- larger than that of any other papr. r Now combined wkH the (L&Lnr a Fakmeb making one of tbe.bestAMILy jJEWS- IIAPEfiS in thtf Sotith-artmlationvery large and rapidly increasi4i. r i via Daily-Star,; l:yearr nr't,- r f htm $7iM .3 months, .v flli if J 2 00 -i.- K? " 6 months,1' . ",tJ- ! V'f 00 ri sear, 2 00 1 rmonths:. J'ts " t"1' $0. " tt' may he safely assei rted that, no newil paper.' ever established jn-' Nortlr Carolina j has made'.Btrch'Vrapid-'iprDgress "te 1HE iMORyiNG;STAR. --"T4 -.'.'muiw y fsBeUd fiat twedmeri' copffiSJ'vf It i oJ 4f4-ni-Addstssjjr.:i VNir'fYrf J '.rr- vr w-v-w iy Ji. 114 JBlSKiN AKD. 1 jan 9 .Q '-fit .wft-SAjL. " - ... i ' Iinportersi' Xov a&.j! Jjmone S.t.; Baltlmore.T',. - rtf-v , i,-, f '.-V ", " Richafcrs Douiral s. Greene's. '. Scolds ."A . .wUniingtoh, N. C. ElCHTI0ra ;& DAJTVTLLE E. E. CONDLJKSED'TIIE-TABI.E. In eTect on- and after-Sunday, October 13th Stations. ; Mail?-si" Express; Ieave Gr6nbdro - S.OOarin. ' ll.io a m Danville .if4.40 ;Bnrkville 9.44 1-22 p. 1 11 m. JArve .at Richmond 12.45 p. m. 9.40 " GOING SOUTH. .Mail. -Exures!r '.Stltions Leave llichmonI is T.50"p.- m.- 5.10 : -Burkville 5.12 8.28 12.57 p. m. Ary at UrnsWoro .12.25 a-.m-: . 3.30 ,1 xrains ieanng xuenroona at 1.50 p. m and-at 5.10 jbl. m connect atr Greflnsif Xwith trainsn-NpJthCjetolina Division, for .. .Tassengers leaving "TQchmond at 1.50 n, m'connect at Greensboro with train for all points East of .Greensboro. ' .Passenger train leaving- Raleign at 6 45 p,.m. connect at Greensboro' with North ,ern: bound Mail train, arriving in Rich mohd at 12-4& p. n. ., .... . : ' i : V R-MACMURDO, ' ' V- Gen?Jeigbt& Ticket Agent ,' Engineer & Gen'l Superintendent ' octao . .. WttMnOBT. CHARLOTTE AND Offick Chief. England Qen'i.. Sup't. Wilmington, N." C. June 26, 1872. ' CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Until further notice the-regular trains will run over this road as lollows : '- REQULAk FREIGHT TRAINS. 1 lijeaye Wilmington, ".daily, at J5 a. m., and arriveat30p.'tni' , !mr- PAS8ENGERAND EXPRESS FREIGHT TARlNSi Leave Wilmington, dailv.at 7 a. m arrive at 8:30 p. jn. : Jeave Lilesville, daily, at 6:15 a. m., and arrive at 4:15 p. m. ,,. ' , Two Special Freight Trains for Toa LnmheunirregUlttrly;' - j.oiraci8on unaays. . ' '' S.1 L. FREMONT, 1725 sup' t. tTILMINOTOIT & WELBON BAIL. 'VV SO AD COMPANY. : Office of General Superintendent, : . : ; Wilmington, N. C, June 3, 1872. . M CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Oo and after Monday, June 10th, Passen ger. Ira ins on the W: & W. Railroad will run, as pllors; f r...f ,. ' . Af AI L TRAIN. Leave Union Depot dally fSnndavs ceptedjat ' : 8:lo A. Arrive at Goldsboro' at 12 11 P M " at Rocky Mbunt at , 2:11 " ,4v at Wekioniit'l r -3i50 Leave Weldon daily Sundays , excepted at h 9:15 A M- Arrive at Rocky Mount at 11:07 " " ; Golrlsborp' at' 1:16 P M- " . Union Dep6Tar "" " SOSO ' Leave Union Depot, daily, at Arrive at Goldsboro at , j . ." , atitocky Modiit iti ' s ; ' at Weldon at LeaVe Weldon: daily, at 10:40 P. M. 3:00 A. M ' i4:fe6 - " 650 " 7:10 P. M. :6i " 10 68 " ' ,3:10 A. M. connection t ArriVe at itoefcy Mount at in " at Goldsioro at u '-?. at,XJnl6n DetHt tit' . .Mall Tralhi inakes clbse Wldbrc for alloint North Yia Bay Line EpresH t Train., connects only with Apquia Creek, route- Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars on thls Train; -Freight Trains w leave Wilmington tri-weekly,'at 6i00 a. in. and arrive at 1:40 p.' m. ' ExpressFreight i Trains will leave daily Sundays excepted J at & p. m. and arrive at 11a. m.. ' JOHN P. divinv j25. : -"-; Gen'l Sup't. RALEIGH AND GASTON R. E. CHANGE OF SUUEUULE. 'SuperUitehdent's Office, - . ;; Raleigh; N, C., June 15th, 1872. -On. and after Monday, June I7tb. 1W2, trataS ott the' Raleigh. & Gaston llallroad U-ill run daily "fckmdays excepted as lol low : , , " "1: . MLiSL'tFR AI2f j ' . . - Ieavls-Italvigh W ' - ' - ' 10 00 A. M. Arrive at, Weld! - : ;;30 P.M. Leavu Weldon ati . &15 a. M. Arxive.atRa.lfcisl) 3:05 P.M. ACCOMODATION TRAIN. LeaTe8ale.iglitat:I M - 8 00 P.M. Arrives at Wjdon, .- ; 6:20 A. M. Leav,es, Weldon, - - - ):lo P.M. Arfiyt s at 'Raleigh; i,; 7 - . t,-M A. M. -. The 'mail train makes close connection atWeldoiv vi tix: the seaboard and Roa- .13ltinio'rei to andlr-jwi' ail poinU North. J,e ana Northwest, ahd with Petersburg .RailroaW-!'ria:Pe!feHurg, Richmond and WUshiHgrt nf toand frtUn all points North and Northwceh j -sj.i j , - -f And at Ralelsrll wltli thft North C.vrolinft f Rdiroad laafid fronl all pbints South and i,.t'WweMj'aauwu.n.ine itaieign anu Au gusta Air Ltue" to Haywood and Fayette- AeComTnodati'hn nrvii VroiorHt. trn4ns cOn- .nect at'Weldbn with Acconuiiddation aud . FrcigUnraing8 sWboard and Roanoke ai roiJunaii-eier&DuTg Kaliroad. - Aiid -at. Italeigli-wnh Accommodation and Freight trains on North Carolina U. R. Persons living along the lne of the road ia. visit Itaieiglv in the morning by the Accommodation-' train, remain several hoars and return; the same evening. -T'-i-fV. - -,i ; : i A.. R. ANDREWS, ,Jaly25. V , , yi. ; Gen., Sup'.t f AKEIGH & AUGUSTA ATR Jti XIJTB BAlIROAI. BnDerint rintendent's Offlce," Raleigh. N. v., wmuv 4VVU, 4CI4I. On and after Monday. June 15th. 1872. C, June 13tn, 1872. trains the Raleigh and . Auensta Air- Line Railroad wlil run daily, Sundays ex- : ;epiuj ao ioyyya i . . ... Mail train leaves Italeifil f 315 P. M. Mail train' leaves Sanlord,5- &45A. M. :i: f Arrlve-at, Raleieh. i fit4A.' - f Mail, train: makes; close. r.onnnt.tfin at Raleigh with the Raleigh and -Gaston rail road, to and 'from, all points Ndrth: ' . And at Sanford with tha-"Western Rail road, to and frornvFayetteville and points oa We? fcejn. .RaUrpad.--. .,. f TV ...t - ; A. Oi., ANDREWS. 4.. A4W4U4 Vf kj, superintendent. i-.. TG .TAKE JBFFIX3T . , Monday, tSeptemher1 3Wh,' 18T2. '..."!:: '('! .....itil..' ..i,. ;. Atlanta & Eicix-Air-Line Eailway. -'Times a iWek Mondays, Wednes- ?Vw' - .y? "'anci'' Fridays WhitaWXl:jLn.r4,H7,1!, .11 A " .I -- l-i?n lr -yj : :v1'Wf 26 l; tlassehges a)id Freight; Mondays, -4 4 r 1 . . ----- , ifTATlONSj Uanbalda,"" 11:5 ny f i; 4.50 ' -Charlotte,' 'wO ... 6.58 " Wcjept hy'gpecial' Orders-. from this Ofii(,;;Vafa bv this Trim.: Five Clnts per i" : r. t 1 . :.. mile, ,,'ily all QtheraTeh iCehts per mile. f S hiK Jltfavr. ; . Abeive. Whitaker's, iy 2.30: - 2.20p.m. rKipg's Mountain. 3.12 r 3.02 " Gastottla, ' ''T4:11 '' ' 4.04 " scpt'23 Jdecr1 ana'Seperindent.