h . . . v " . - - ": ,-" ; . ' .- - ., - - - - . . . - ' ' , . - - . , , - " .r, t - 1 - " - - " ? i ' " -- " - ' . : - "' ' . ' . ' r , - ' i- , . . , ,.J-T ,1.1-.. r"M,M'M'M'" ,' :,; ; RATES OR ADVERTISIWC. One Square one tlmel-, :,-';,. ...i,,,,!!. 00 T - three davs 1 9 oo -' O J Jourraays, wuivftJq ? 50 nve aays...r......w-5 00 - I J? r two week3l...w. & 00 ' M j.- f three. weeksM..,......&, 50 , . j -' one mOTth".ii.iiwi.,i48 00 " g5kly year.....-..,.f.,....,w;.60, Tfl-;r; nfivear V" Vol. IX. PrortlonateIyrates. u , ; .:. j :i- , , Five' Sauares estimated at mmTtMt. umn, and ten squares as a half-column. 4 MontlA in vance....J....v?:,SO ' , ... ;i:,-t , - ,. ' .'Itultt': " -' - , v.iwfti.f .yTxio- InifruMil'lv I HAKli iTTR ' V. n. PTJTnAV. T l vn i' mr' '"'irt'.ii"';'' . ';!! :n -.fi o-J u-J- :f;L sadlv waiting waitiris, saaiy waning, - hp coriiing of the moriw ; - .ill bring my eyes' to teats, AH for trie That win! """e. '"J i i? f.M-n artrriA mVMI Atl. i j, wait to ODtam ana iovc viicc , there at :eMtlJJWii.U. . . J 1 il. A If not here and years nave gone unmeri r lio sit in ad repining, ldATalon8 in grief and pain; - , A ,id lift mv proud heart upward, , J and sent my soul to thee, h Saae ouconletme.rjnr flitou gave me in the parting, T1&earydaysQf.l,v ...... Dpkrer w me than the jewels, :. v D?Sng many a heavy brow, , ;,, Is the spirlt-kis?, I chensh, From that moment until now... .. , have'gone ftwerer J part jeanliigelow'sViews Of Woman'. Opportunities. The following letter from Jean in tri Lncv Stene uiacKwur-oi I havebeenip in the habit of receiving fronV Amer "avour interesting paper, the Vb Journal, and as I dp not -jknow So is the kind and courteous 4onor I hone I may convey my thanks hroSgh von as one of the editors. I i n glad of the information I derive fw,S the Jouwal, but I Jye.vnot found time hitherto to give the whole subject of rights such an amount of study as to make t wise to utter my crude thoughts respect ithemJ Other things, appear-to LeViven to me to ml f them up o the exclusion of What lies beyond. .... You have, I venture to think, more tliam one problem to work out in America, on which m it great degree depends the welfare of wo men. Im one of these I take a keen interest, land I hope to see you settle it for yourselves and for us. I want you to discover how domestic work 'is to be combined with high culture. So long as house-hold work is thought degrading (and nowhere is this so-much the case as in America) from there nevbr can he any thing like nnivorsal! education: there must nhviiys be some who work all their jives beciikific other will not work at all. Itisjto he one of the great things thit you Americans, I believe, are raisedsfor, to teach the world how this jis to be done; but th e 5 teachers clan never be those who are poor, tlievj must be those who are not obliged to work at all. How tojinake clear starching and ironing graceful and pretty occupa tions (inulj such they were thougl t by our great-great-granclmothers), how to kejep a house clean, and to assist evetl in a kitchen, without the least sense of being lowered, or the slightest j personal deterioration, might surbly be managed if women gave their jminds to it if more deli cate mnciinery was invented, for helping them, and if it could cvei? be made tjie fashion for all women, young or old, to pride themselves on their domMic skill. I hope, if you can, you will cOnVe'v my thanki to the lady who. sends ine your rjaper, and will believe ' that I take a dpep interest in every thing 'bieli so sincerely aims at your good. I im (iear madam, verv h'uly yours, . JliAX IXGElA)V. ' i Of all! the Congressmen -who iovight Credit Mobilier stock, Sena tor John A. Logan of Illinois is the Jjost lucky. His name, was not- ,-on tne famous' Ames-McComb' rrierno landiim that comes out during the peat excrement; so he hKd 'no occa- to rnike a denial like the rest, and (like the rest) be faced at last, by Prools of rjnrchnsp. Wo 'hnWtrhfhi fock; paij for it in dividends.lind got paiance. : What-'he-riow transactioh is not of so nmch imo n.ent, considering he has escape V a eptati0 to indulge irr-fsvlse sw ear: s neart and - solemnly- assures us mat Mr. T,n.fo ..I... t.... r. I fesman who w5is c66eaTe'u- under cosL-uv. Y. Tribune. I in It . h j-ii 1 1 nn ni i . ... - A. . . jHuroaa on a bill -tiled v imee anf others to have:the-;asstj cj. j p11 auuuruing to priority o com;6 ShAtive . entanglement S bhca. refiMed!to--hotifyJtne ?! for the.senatpna seat tain .71 18 P-eciaea it is unoe. I win when leo-isln Hon win wjni-'M Carter's Combined Writing and ; Copying u Hooresoilet Inkl : AV ench Copying Ink,, .-David's Brilliant Carmine Ink, -Atf v, Jaji 29 100 Per hnKi warranted sound and good at $1.60 Jan 21-tf SYMONS&CO. ; ine oe n a. itnma anu 1 f6nufiifiifoTi whAiiftund retail aea 5-r r v F. H. S'H ' E'L- TOII TTAVINa gre&tly 5rierfeased Ws' Stock 6f L c FUftNTITURE ifwhW' consists ' fn Parlor; Suits, Blacli, Walnut j ; i rinuM viiamoer amis,, '-.u rncn, an d . Cottage . Bedsteads Sprinyr ni-'-:. .; v?':'ti.fBed'Bnireaii8i i- ' ; i"--?? 'WaslistahdSr "t"' Tiapoyg.;Foldingr ' Xtttoicsi'-tiidi's Work " I Tables Extension hnd CejitreTablesv Whatnots feafes Excelsior and Cotton lifa .Chairs and Stobln of various! styles and many tHnenti : HeX5u i Headland Foot : Walnut Caskjet Half Glass Top, .finished and t triak-; mod it the most approved'style,will be kept coiistautly read.7 for. use all of which will be sold at& hiost reasonable price. " V' " ; Returning;' many $hahks for past 'favor? I i most respectfully ask , the citizeiis of Charlotte" and surrounding couhtrv. who lmv lided for anything itimy" line to 'gfye. South Vade Street opposite' the Market 'House Charlotte, N. C J - . -- jatt 1st 1873-ly - F. M. SHELTON.- Special ITotibe1 to; te' Ftibiic. , - AS a great many changes have taken . place .this year; 1 resjectftiUy: beg to inform the. citizens ;of -Charlotte .aml the: publig iuencml that no cliange lias taken place at my establishment. I am still at my old stand, No.. 24 Tryon Street, ! David Parks; UilMiiig, Vwhh a laree'and well selected stock of the finest and latest styles llallou s make,' the 'best fitting shirt in the world.. ''The' Vrv latest styles1 of Hats, Scarfs IJows and Tics, Umbrellas, AcM and I will still .11 . them ai prices to defy mioetitioil.ia ' ' ! ' I expect to leave for New "fork City in a short time to lav in my stock-of rVJothmg arid .Piece Gooda,iior my -TiKfting! Estab lishment and will also bring, with me an cxptiriehced Cutter ahd Tailor; and will be ready bj' Spring to cut and ; make to; order at my own, establishment and under niy own siii6rvision arid at lower prices than the same quality: of gopdsTcajri be inkle, up in tins or any oiuercicy, mis'siae oi xaiu- more. - f ,..rV..- ,-...:,' f'"-if w Being thankful to , the Citizens of Char lotte and the public in general for. the, liberal patronage heretofore bestowed, upon me, I most respectfully ,ask.a continuance of the same. Respectfully, fan 9 -: E, SHIUER. v llonie and, Democrat copy. Sacks iCoMntrv- Flour, .different ifjyj uraues, .ur saie ai : jan 21 II. M. MILLER & SONS. TJOMINY and Grits, fresh and good. XX uootis sem-io au pans-oi me uty; - . : i SYMONS&CO,t jan 2t-tf . Near tlie Charlotte Hotel. T0!:THH Lft01E5.; SOME 3STE"vT STX:EJ J U S T RECEIVE D BY . - - AT- - ilOV Z0 ,. ij,'; .-. . ... , f , r A RGE LOT SHOULDER SCARFS.NII. JJ SON TIE3 and Bows all Colors at greatly reduced prices, just received at ; ; . 30i !j RSvQUERY'S. iiov N EW Lot W ATERPROOF CLOTH just . received tine quaijty.ar low prices,- at,: nOV 301 - r ilW-s !HVW,Pm 4 LLf Sizes' and Colors of the best brands iXKid Gloves, atr- noV 30pVra MRS. QUERY'S EW XOT CORSETS, OOPSKIRTS & Tin sM s. inst received at . -u ti -MRSQUERYZS. nOV W?vr-r No4, drariite Ro: Opposite; v rs in Mftnuactured-Tobacco,-Smok- ing.TobacQO, and Cigars. , of . all trades.' 5 -Dealers in the above goods will ' An waII lA ftxaniiri& OttV stock before -purr ohnsinir elsewhere as "we Can -oflfei er rt j greater' acements; i-i. if rlfan I4-tf rtr ft J - . the bWt is1 : TP3V"iT ANTE BS.1"' tttt-. n(ft,1 V-hV Yhteiwina 1 Fertilizers : IT f PaUpKXT XJuanao Chesapeake G uano: ana w arson, vwxjm; h .rv i WV. hiVe1 oleasufe ih 'again tendering to our Farinera ther above first-class FertiU- ;if.-vi;s.'i '!.,-':'.' : i-T6"tliose who We: used them so many' And toflfieh'as haVe not yet used them one trial will convince them that they are superior to all others ;sp maice sure o Hunnlv and nlAUwcrliand in" Youf iorders early, ;.afftthe.:.:..consu"mpUp;:,exceeds''tlie OTT-I atfli -r-L. . -i-v The Undertakers' Denarthient is ctmnntii- the cheapest Ponlar CbMn ' to the cusiom-maao oiotmng lor.aien, -oucns. and Bty.s:swcaraisic on jiail a fine sttick of Gents' Furnisiiihir: GoimI' ' '. iShirte. . of years we neea oniy say mat vucjr " v anteed'to 'D-e fdlly upto'. tbeir Prvl,us. 'i tU. yuii iptuuiaci-uring power. 1T , M u 4 For sale in any quantity, by, i . ' 'I , ; I 8TENH0USE, MACAULAY & CO. ' jan 10 ' 1 A A Sacks Factory filled SALT on hand xyvfana tor sale by -. .; . t . STENHOUSEr MACAULAY A CO.,. 'Hi! HAVING notified our -friends land ; cus : torn era some timesincei that'our busi ness fwod 0iango January 1st, , 1873 we are , pleased, to; .say ,hat the .change ha taken. place," and it is to be strictly 'CASH or 50 DAYS CREDIT! Those who do no pay promptlj need not expect 'any ft vbrs, if you-are in arrears don't ask foe credit; saveus7 the unpleasant ; duty of denying . -io pur niany friends and patrons we rer turn thanks, and ask a continuance nf their favors-btelievihg thai by. a strict ap4 plication tf the above rules,:1 we ''will 'h able to ell goods cheaper titan '. those who credit. . v7. i.-.n. ;f; ' AliibillS; pjp dpeand payable ,on the Jst SIUOIlTOir HOUSE. 0:- i:. THE , Propnetor .of ' tha, above named Hotel resbectfullv invites the oisonte of ii : fit ' 1 . . ' '1 . I . ATI-- Charlotte and the public generally 'to , call V" uuu . wijcii - mry tibh, oiatesviiie. i ue will apare neither pains nor '. money ' to niakethe SIMONTON HOUSE A first-class liiiitLij- ana worthy ot public patronage. , . .-: ,T. A PRICE, v , ,nov 25-tf . Proprietor. F. SCARE, a tr;' i CD 00 . OQ CH AR LOTTE, W, C. Prescriptions prepared at all hours . of the Day and night. Choice Green and Black Ten, Selected especially for Family and Inval ids, ai auAKJta i juhe'29 Drugstore. FRSII SPICES ;i; Just received a' lot of select' "Spices for jricKies, n-escrves, kc., ax j? . huakk h junezu : , ; jJrug Store. Prire Salad Oil. - Finest article in Market, ' at , . F. SCARR'S june 20 u Drugstore. Buckwh.eat ! f Buckwheat ! ! AI Fresh Lot, Just Received and For Sale by B. M. PRESSON.- jan 5 , CHOICE Salad Oil, Finest article ever V oftcred in this Market, for sale, at?-'.; dec 18, ; . SCAKIVS.t For Sale, - " '" ril WO. -Acres of land adjoining the City pf . - Charlotte, verv hnclv , situated in a rapiuiv improving.. iieigiiDpruoou, , ni be som entire, or in lots to suit purcnasers, at a Very reasonable-rate.' Aijply to 'l' " t ; - JOHN T.; BUTLER,- 1 : net 22 , - : Opposite Mansion House. AS I am losing 'many' of 'my' custo- XI niers by crediting them 1 would take the libertv of asking all who owe me to call and settle up by:the Ist'qf February; 1873 or sooner.. . , J . 1 a UTLJfill; dec.2J . , . . ; FOB SALE. fiT a' of fitie-'mORSES and MULES, A-in splendid? order.! At I. DAVIDSON'S LIVERY STABLES. Horses and .Mules for sale are kept on hafll constantly j, -fJ : Oats.;' J A TpIFTEEN Hundred Bushels' Mountain JL Seed Oats, for sale. pv--.. ; STENHOUSE, MA(?AULAY& CO: ! t'TI r 1 WE are tlie, regular. Agqnts.fpr a .':O.T ! : i! " ( i i '. ! - CALL AND; SEE SPECIMEN ! COPIES',' 7 "'" t THE, PR-EMiUli :a&$SmQBit l rTermsr$5-0OtPer LAnnum.? n 5 i TIDDY. & .BROTHER, 'Agents. :" -i jan 21 - ..J.'iy y : ::',:( Home and Democrat copy. f To' Dux Frierids and Acquaintaiices nr"R the Undersismed bear ! leave to thank If "our friends ' and r acquaintances I-for their liberal patronage bestowed upon bur TCmnlnvPi": At r 'E. Shrier foT the Past year, and most respectfully ask a continuance of the same as vre are-stiU at1 the Temple of fr'-YOUSG, Jr. A. H. TATE. gay ox eacn ana every montli, , t. . , ; . ,v . grier & Alexander. ' -t jan lim, ly '-' ' , ; ' ; : 4 : WE GOOD FORIirrOREri fiTJHEAP, FDRniraRElI DAVIDSON ' S "FURNITURE.;"." .ROOMS; o.uiu.iiui., vrryDAiiii,AttlSitt, Junuwrj VH ftAJ'ttTf vfjOOIJa, pXUJ&jtE H; i ; WHERE WILL BE FOUND '.. , ' ... ' CLASS '; EMBRACING : ' Chairs. -Tables. IBedsteads. M - It . . " M ( M i 1 i Sideboards., Book Cases, , Desks, . Hat. -Racks, Ef agei'esV :Wbat 'Nbtk,'Crad5fe, 1 1 Cribs, Safes, Tete-a-Tetes. Solas. Lounsres. Mirrors. Glass Plate. fcc!J ib. ' A -V . .' -1 ' - . iron FINE STOCK of Parlor. Furniture1, Dining' -: 'J " :-5 ' 'Bedaand Mattresses; and i ! METALLIC BURIAL. CASES And 1 Caskets 6f alV sizes and styles of finh, together witKjMahoganyj. ewoodJi . : Walnut; Poplar arid Pine Coffins from the plainest and cheapest -to the' ."'' -- finest Octagon Cases and Caskets,. ith full glass tor;"trrmniedJin: ?'f'K the most elaborate stvle. furnished with heavy Silver Moim- " H ii niin. jajnuutMitcMtiuii given- Miurinsiuiig jjweiiing, xiuiJ s - and. Colleges j at a smU; advance on : M AN: UFACT URERS i iBATES.:; . ,4- " , , , CALL, SEE AND PRICE BEFORE BUYING. I January 21st; 1873; ,E0BTfJ. DAVxDSQ 4 I-! : . . 3CE.CI3A.C'S SICK TKlj; ; i : j . ... . . : i . . .. '- : : j; j .i -'. ' - . . . , . . , : . , . . , l ' ' 1872 NATIONAL BANK IBXTxIDlNG, CHARLOTTE, N. C. OLESALE &' RETAIL DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES,-HATS,; CAPS- TRUNKS. LEATHER and I NOW rhvite thW WHOLESALE afid sortment of BOOTS & SHOES; which have been selected with arej :: nii n;- : t MY Experience in business makes ": me: iconndent that mv prices and: -the Quality of my -goods will compare favorably with wnere, P. S! I AM NOW PREPARED TO OFFER on LIBERAL TERMS and LOW PRICES, August 2181872 Cm v; ! ..Lancaster jgeT.copy. six.niontns,, : E0ARDI1TG, MRS: A. W. MILLER is prepared to ac comm odate Boarders wi h room ; and meals, or with meals only,, as the Boarder, maydesire.' The building; Gray's, oh the corner" of Trade ? ahd' Church streets, is a new one ; the rooms are cleanly, comfort ably, neatly furnished, and well attended. .The table is as good . as t the , market will afford.1 : V' ' '. - ' ; ' Terms ' niost liberal, to suit clerks who are working for moderate salaries'. ; ' - -' : jan 1-tf , - ,v NOTICE.. .' 1HT-B have this ,day sold our entire stock ? 1 1 . of Gioceriesv Liquors, fcc., to Messrs. W, H H. HOUSTON & CO.,; and in retir-J ing from. business respect i ui ly, asK. a: con tinuance of the liberal patrouage btstowed upon us td otir successors.1 '-" -: fi: ' ' ' .. r GREGORY & WILLIAMSON, :. W. J. BLACK .S CO -janX, 1S73. .". '"i SI- Havfriff -purchased ' W. J.'' Black k Go's and ' Grcgroy Sc Williamson's' efntire stock of floods; we have opened at Gregory & Williamson's .old: sstand,i feext! door to McMurray, pavis 4fc;Co's, fcat; which, piac we will constantly keep a complete Stock of. - -- rf -GROCERIES; LIQUORS, - I And' would 'respectfully ask a call from 'Hi SLt SWv4bRR nd T. Dl WALSH, formerly-'with Gregory ; Williainson- and McDff ARLEDGE, formerly with t W J. Black &Cb.. are with us and witt beileas ed to see their .friend; and enstfijmersi W. H. H. HOUSTON & CO. - janr7 'f-'t:' " "' f n oY I jt Of- .. .. . . 1 . . , . 11 I iitenerai uommisson, in.ercn.ans,-, . '"Particularr'attention ipaid to selling, all kinds of Produce, .Cotton and Tobacco. .Highest cash price paid for Cotton, j ' , All orders from a distance' promptly : at tended tol' . ' J. YBRYCE, ,,dec21?72. iflHOtCEOdd French Brandy' for Medl-' J cin al purposes, at y I jan 3 ).;4f -''.t !. i." F. SUA Kiv o. y V !- 1' j. i j Writing Paper. j s h MERCHANTS Visiting" Charlottefall nd :Writing Paper and, Envelopes very-cheap, at 5 v t PUREFOY'S Landreth'n Warranted Gfarden Seed TITE will receive in a few. days a large If ahd onmnlete assortment of these: ren liable and popular Seed. . V . V- vvl'i S 'Wfe- -ii'NJ Clopef , Orchard Graw, Lucerne Lawn, r Grass, fec. W. R. BURWELL & CO. jan 17 ;r' irnil OI -rllh -..ii Eyfek xTfed' SefTW A :?--!';' ? oi dir. n .i:Ah',H .t.L-'ij .'it-'.r i-f. 1,' -A 01 Bujiub. Dressiriff 'Cases Wardrobe. i Room Furniture and Chamber 6uit; atl - ! a Large Assortment of t :, j; SHQB STOE.E B B A S( ;p.'jP. it! 1 -3 !;lr ' ',! ?5: SHOE FINDINGS a' ! :? !U:" ,i: I ' 'RETAIL Trafle io my large and varied as those of any other house f in .the City or dsf-- . ..'. . : f S. B. MEACHAM. GOODS TO TllE WHOLESALE TRADE ;;j . -:'- .r.Tjtv (. M'. V, ;,!..,;. ti ,5;7. n'uMAXA., i,'.,-.;Mt4 f NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. : h I mHE 1 Co-partnershfp 'which1 expect iX to forin by 'January 1st 1873, m' net take place until the latter part of this month-and therefore I iwfll continue- thef sale Of .the entire sV. STOCK OEf FANCY ' I'i- ,-T,:' :!-.'!? DRY! GOODS.! .UilLnin , ''.-',,! :MILLINERY, .-,:'.ian? --.-.! . ; : CLOTHIN.G.&C.;. At the same reduced prices. . -n O :r-r-. ' I WILL also continue to 'kep lup'. .i$$ BARGAIN COUNTERS Bis Koopmiann, ; 1 c.n AKiuoTi.jE., . g ' jan 4 j. ! -- .''? 1 .. .... New", Orleans j giigar!;'andKolaMe t Hogsheads Bright New-Orleans JSngr; O 10 Barrels: Choice;; ! .- i.q'HMolassea; .Also 2 Hogsheads Demcrara Sugar," l.i 2 " Molasses, in J i store ano iorsaie at prices to suit xue times 7 Uv STTVTTOITSW f AHATTr.A V A CCi 3 l i , . . ' .1 i ' i..' : r ' - t n. 1 1 T W. rWADSWpRTJt ha? 1 . nnrt R.i isronie. onnosite hib vj Viock; ttUtC5iCJ ana'M uiiim ivt aic kept constanly on hand. , NOTICE.1 fnHOSE rrso7i?si toHeonV.we liaye ex1 1 tended credit dhring the past! 'year will confer a favbr upon tisi by 'calling at' once and settling their accounted' as this must be our hist ipeaL REMEMBER IT ! r. j ? f , . . ;;.R..Mft MILLER,&fiON$ ' , ' d ARDEN EfeDSiJ L L- 1 UST opened andjfor, sale a ,ooinplete SJ sortment of Buist,'i , Celebrated Garden' Seedscpnsisting of every variety of Ve table Seeds grown in' the Southern Stated. ' 5 W18 i- ' "r ?l FSCARRA- PURE PQWDERED BLACK PEPPEIJ X Fjjromdnlteration,.at , CloveriiSeed..' JX 'Clover Seed, at - - : i '- ' ' STENHOUSE, MACAULAY dtW.;i an 9 .1 C ,; i Is Wfni 1 Ai', f f THE CHARLOTTE FAIR 3 T. BUTLER'S ! ! j . i NEW GOODS. Watches, Clocks, Jewel- . ry , Diamonds, Silver and- Plated Ware, i iik :, Spectacles, &c. BOXES LI. AND MANY TOO NUMEROUS ' TO.' ZMIETTZOSSr. . f AT ; J. T. BUTLER'S OPPOSITE THE M AKSION HOUSE. MiOctobeT 22 ! ' :' ' ; A Rl Nisbet & Brother ; " HAVING completed an improvemerrt fn their! Commodious Store Room on Trade Street, one. door west of Smith & Hammond's Drug Store, Charlotte, N: C.f are now receiving a well selected stockjof Groceries, Musical Instruments, Toys, Ci gars, &c., which has been bought by one ' of the firm, at a time when the market was most favorable, , : Thev therefore . feel satis- fied that- they can sell all goods in their ' line as low as any hrmm uiiarlotte-, for cash oTi to. punctual customers. .. .,-. 1 1 1 :They invite Merchants to give tliem a " call'(as they" -had a special eye to their jWhoJesalev trade,) and feel warranted in saying that they can sell sd as to make it a saving 'to them'ln their ''purchases, ; - They return their thanks to their friends 'and, the generous public for past fa vow. and .solicit a continuance of the same; : 1 ' . -, ; A. R. NISBET & BRO. . FAMILY GROCERIES. B . M - PR E S S ON ... TradeStreetnext door to the Post OfBce, - - 8ign of the Elephant. ."-.',' ... JUST RECEIVED, A Fresh . Lot pf Sausage, Mince Meat, Pork, Butter, Chickens, Eggs, c:, tc. jEfir4 FLOUR a specialty. jjzagr Produce sold oil commission. i jan 3-ly - .. BUCKWHEAT CAKES all smoking hot, covered over with yellow,1 rich, good' Goshen Butter- What i more palatable for Breakfast ? . Well we have j ust received ati elegant Lot of the material to "make' them, and we will sell the receipt for a small price. . r ;", ' , ' Ji"- ALSO, " Just received, Irish' Potatoes, Cabbage, Chesnuts, tc., at . : 1 ., . . . .,"' JOHN F. BUTTS, " fdee31 - v - :'MarketJ Cigars, Smoking' & Chewing ' t ' m xooacco.,7 ' t -; ;ti LI U SIC rAtnAA CIGARS of, various and choice : 1 U. U.U v brands, Chewing and Smoking: .ti;,' Tobacco in quantity," and of yarious brands and -xiiflerent quantities. Wholesale and 1 ' retaiL by .i: - j i A.; R. N. & BRO., . ;? sept 19 - . , ' TT AIR Brushes,ff Tooth BrrabcV- Nail' :- ' . tX Jirusnes. f 1 Wni. R. BURWELL & CO, 1 . , n . s v Springs Corner; jTrEROSENE LAMPS, . JX .4 . , BURWELL CO. YeLSONS Geletlne, a fresh snpply, .jus,t, UN . received; at ' . " SCARR'Sl-. '.'.fjan;$ f ; ' - 1 . i JTust Beceived. , t ..s . ... 1 .':. ' ' li . A Cho if Choice tot of , Smoked ;Sugar, Cured Jt. Shoulders, at 'jarful R. M.'MILLER & SONS. ' ' ' CHOICE CHEESE, fTlOOK the highest premium at .the: Fair.,,, October55tW 1872, made by P. J Kimber- ly ': Buncombe, county,' NC, for sale by . , i i(3'.s; i -.(r.'t.;A.B.KISBBT&BRO-Lt;,.-Tl j ' ........ 1 .."'!. ill,. , i ':'k', New assoi taiMiVofvKerosene Lampsr. aijustinrat 'f ' -; ' ' ' SCARR'S. ' '-'I- S tAGE.-" Fin- New Sage, just received at dec 18 SCARR'S. r.l jan 9 - ' f:

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