" "' ' , i .. - ... ,,. L.'t:r. -: -....-- - . , J, ml ml . ' v " . - '- -.-,'." M .- -3 . - "jl 7 jr-- 7rl- - .. . , ' ' ' ' I III IH III lJ I U - - JAU. M f 14UH I PJ1 V The'; Charlotte Observer. RATES OP ADVERTISING. , - Ope Square one time.,.... ....$! 00 . . published ivr-. ... , -Ureaa.Y, hi I dtr.x' - three days..-.......... 2 001 - - . i ; f. nil id rrr " fcrpfour days.i 2 50 - Cfnoc,- Bryce's 2 Building,7 Trade Street.' ! dot Oif J ft t OS III -Jls njol ; Kiii bates oy eufescEirnoa-. u.-iy:f -ff twdlweeks..uL.. 5 00 1 Dailf One vefttCiii advance;::... 0 r-1 Si . i -1 r, varw weeKs..-....r........ o jjm ; ; Six months, in 'advance, ..1.....'.:.:..;....: 3 00 ThreJ Months, in advance; .. .'.U 1' i.) - f Oi4fw Cnrtfnit AdvirtiMmMit!) talent nt s i r - w ' ' ....... v t . j m . t i . - . . . ..... ..... :. . ; . ; . . PTopertionatelyow .rates. ; ...... One month, in advance, Tri-Weckly, one year..!; 1 i.'.j Kn ;VoLi IXJ -r -j i !! CHARLOTTE, N: ;C'FiimAY:'FJESgfiV4RX i viNo.ti48i atKye:feuaTes estimated at a, buartcr-eol u A Weekly; one year.. .......... . 2.00 umni and te,n, .squares' as a half-column. t 1'J',I.!1 s v w 1 - A .a...... . m i-t. . i. ... . . .. . J . . . .i. .. - - . i ,' t j j.. ?A .:. t i k. i y . ) i .. it t ! r--jT.....i. . ... .... . ........ ..... .......I . - i -.in. i ji i ii .n ii i .i i ' ! Minn, i. i 11 ' i .ii 1 ' , i. . i1! - ' ,'.n . ' . '. ' " 1 " - ' 1 ' '' . 1 '" , , ' ' i ' " ' lH V I I ' f, . , : ' 1 . J . I I . . . I ft I -A ft ' ll 1 - ! i ,' j . 1 w r . " m m u r i 1 ; v. 1 llavie two little angels waiting for me On the beautifuVanks of the 1 crtstaJeSi ; Not impatiently trait rav darlings therekv ij 1 And iheir little-liarps-ting out so, cleat, f osoothintrlv sweet to faith's listening ear, ?. Andtfcejriivi fat the smile of the Sayiour'w i ! love " . . Who Jbo fiacriyraitoa my ciarnngs Apqve i I have two little angels, waiting for nie On the beautiftil bjunks of the crystalsea ; Forever free from sortow and pain, Spotless and pure frprri all earthlyt stain ; Never, in erring paths to rove-t-r . . Safi in tlie bosom of infinite love, " Ever4ore:verjnore: walkipgfii. light Those beautiful angels robed in white. I have two little angels waiting for me' . On tji beautiful banks of the, crystal sea;, Wheiv my wearyheart is tliroBbing' with ' ' rpainT "i ; And I faiK would clasp my darlirfgs again, I look awayilrom this earthly, strand ' To th beautiful fields of the "Better Land;" I will think of the angels waiting there, And Qffer.to God a thankful prayer. . 0, I have two little angels to welcome me WhpnlTtno shall stand bv the crystal sea : When the Great:RefineR3H!si image nxay In fbejheaf fc H has won" by i His ; saving! And in robes of Christ's own u righteous- Mr soil siia.lt seek "'the home 6f -the -.blest nn the. beautiful baitks of the .-crystal sea Mv dairlinsKj, still waiting, hall welcome , . I ' I. - . is othixglG bfatbct God. Wb discourses which hplaced him a rbseahts tmnle .iwasfciinot . only? hvHg with sable lmt shadowed syritcUAucss, we (he few:tvinkliKight8 ion the alter. The heauUana'the'Uhivalry of the the land'lrespread out he foi. WmyyThecwer threwjjout their (fumes of inwiwe.i?ibuiitirig in wreaths to the gilded. dome. There saiMiijeJtfvTblothed in sabkclotlv ad suhlf'Sn grief. -AV felt in crnmon nnd ak one. It was a bieiitKlcss-8U8-' tcneLVjNQt'a"8ond'ole.iipon the IwWh stillness: ' The master M( mighTv eroqivence arose, Hi hands vrr&Wt?xi, io ;J(eaveii: ttprane ied to him . lie , stood atistrtctednd"lt8t. . At. leaigt hhisj lixedtrdblv tinbent it i humetl oyer th a -pnp where' every 'bomfr' Wtts mingled and )very,, trophy . strewn. Tt..T.,imind r.o restinc-plaie fo Itself amidst all that moxjk5ugiaui-. Aclh.iv it settled:" it had fastened iiponithe bier glittering with escut- cheonssnd; veiled -witii ;-: plum A sense jtff (he iiidescribable' 'noththg ness cf the highesUtuihah grandeur, iioxrnde-plain in the speojK?4o ftfr tlmt(e;isetl nrcrrtal, overca'Hci;Riitt His cteD&ce anore Ava&klbis ac tion vfas suspendetl, and in a scarcely niidibiLwJn.er. he broke the Jong draoii iiusuv ' There- is Uidfhing. great but God. "-Smntm by .pr. JIamiltpn, . : ,; r,n" . . i r, . . ' . j . . ; .1. U v Taxation of Winks?, &c The In tettrtifr Revenue 'office issncsa xiraii lar announcing r ... IstJ-Trfat 4naMition-t theU'ines heretpfore jeardeii-as proper sub iects bf taxation, there should be in- clue l those. yines. niau n ujii i u trrovh rin. the, United ,&taies. :inio WniCli CaXlJOUl aciu gius wiwwvm. jected, : : ' '' ; : ' 'dj Ahvine i- not rfmdeTed liable ttf'mxaMoii ;by the fact ; that 'its nii'n dfai'tii & is 1 cdrn lti en eed in! : of tt pcfaMico-ni plated hiaiiother., "' 'jgilj'.pCliat hi; the niufacture,!:of cAnrVlincr winA. or . chain hacne made f ron trapes ' gio wn i in: , the Unitetii StatefT roek-C5indv?kirape hrftndjt not1 exceeding ten pecent, proof spirit; and isingbuss may fto0:susea iiwous rendering the prpduct liable to taxa- - : rrrr.- l -. ri JJ&aehusatts has invented a ,new exteiffiatii)ri'fQh"ott icide'a,'; genersally spjpliblethaifvbo.-ijiw of , Insanity , t And- haying the furtbei advantage thatiit comes in after!tftbe vferdipt inlcase Aisjury should, nam dentalk obnvict an Vbody of i m urdeiP. Oiiel?ahieiaicasani otortbi Adftmai hiLvitiir Mv some strarte chance i beeti dft:demidt45 death -for filling. his wrfet Was his sentence cmpSdt-edhprJsohrneTitbn;j-th i that he sfakeL and'that the cbmhiuity I ... .-.I . . .- -. . . Vr C Gen; barney; one of -the Oldest officers rin the Onitea states i service, man v a can no n; and ' marshaled his , :tr0opjbftetffi i ; Mdexifco.i Ihe iflld gentlemea ,ift i A beau tjiful specimen of ft noble umaaw : 8awmtera;;ir.rsi5n he ' is tall z and 'erectMTA Myijjl 3TJTI ' The dbioREDPkLE 6V NpWoii : - Indian ANT.-r-The colpredeDTi-eM : an indienation meetine v:dun'e-28th at the . First Baptist j iChiireh, nuuicing ine Bxisience.oir aiw uip- . pingposi law, ana aavocaung TfkvjjJf J m the public schools. ' - t; : e eitor of thV St.- LcfrSa1? had nnfrf fiis fpp.t. sttitclc ; hv iiffhtxi- tt;? Ing the other day, and'they l&ed Kuuut Hinpuiaung u mini nie, ..uw . ' ; ' tors found that there wasn't "a CT6ssi iiTttai8 toehtroh;in:ftilate letter fronH SiilU'Missitoiph.ejre.1 - he xjxtjzircrsi.23- .AND 1 rpup l U v.: j ii" TtAVlG kt&0 increasMi his Btte bf JjL ' TIJIlKlTUilE ; J hich 1 'ebiwists -in 1 ljPreiicii';i titf,-Cottage I ! 1 . . j Tables Ladies Worlfc .ui,;: ' , Tables, H EJCteKsioftj and. f arid Stools- Sf Various Styles nd many- JifTTmdfiftaVpmTlfnftrt,mnt.is oomilet& fronx Cas cctrfwUttei'attofwTiieh'VIiI' be sold at a most reasonable price.- ' Keturaah ej-man v-tkalor-past--&vors I j mgstrespectuJLly ask- the- citizens, of LhariQtte ana surrounamg .country, wuo nave iieuii lurunjuung m nty imc w me B t!lHl DCiwre" pureuiwiug cibc n iici c. Bouth-TradeStfeet i opposite the; Marke House, Charlotte, N. C 1 . . : r-T ! : : e wj .xne x-uciic. A ;S fa ereatitmnfty Tchana:e liaver-takep A, pbKe;t)jispW nl TCfltffilly beg to rP1 xtiiiw-nnv niymasTaiKt, io.' 24 iryrm "otrew, uavu; Park lihiihsi witha.' larbte fand! wel .sc'lcrted fetodb of t,e; lint anl latest sty cs, of t?u.stoi-n)a3i? clotliin tor. fton, . ouths and:'! wiiLstiUfeltftUm) ats priico .lf iCHimfctituMi!i JiT- .vl-'d. jti-i. r mrMi&rtxmX KmlmbrliA&Wtii 1 me art' an Lexptfriencafi Cttet'afid4'Fai)r.ail win e .r w. diii imnHXir.i .anil . iiiuier- .iuv same nualitv of jroods can be made lip in this or any oih-CTTttyTthls-stde of Balti more. t .! IrifiirtViT- ?;t 'i'i?; i;T: ' . Bejng thankful to; tlie citius of Char lotte and ,.the.. public jn general for the liberal' natrouage heretofore bestowed jtport t - ; j , , ?of IS ome and Democraticopy . .ityA ! . , s t, O Jti aeks 'ofy'-'Mur diflWcnt f Hill 1. . i.U A.iAAJ.i.. ., v- Mi JUST R E C E i Vi D p -r I JO C - A i Arr?.iHr;-.).i' od I .) ' nov 30f ( : f AROE -SONl TIES--and . Bows ; all Colors at srreatlv reduc eu prices, jiuMttAJwi t , -eoitcHWjERY'S. miv 30J I .I-. CIIARLPTJE., .M i , r; Mufattretst -oletodRete dekI i -Ving Tobacco ''and Cigars ef all -! irades1. vTealersin thtfa,bovregootls W- doVfell to examine Jdttf 3stck beforeput afctt WHtifJw can -tjOfier - . . -m greaei? '' Irid ucements; .h.3--i iari 14-tf ,v- .' ," K3L43JBIiSIpIi ! ! "cIlMlEST ! ! ! ' THE BEST IS TH .-tZo-pi'L : T E B .l iTrEfOfferTthrjfbltofih VV PatarGtt;j01resapakeCu and-Walsbn ClaFke's ahper-Fhospnate. rWeSmSr, to again tendering: wriebftlsayhatthey are g anteed to-be- fully--4ip4to-their.-.previQUS hightand f -And one. superior supply. earij I NHOUSETMACAULAY &C0.?; 4aiL 5 lHHOLD'S 7BITIUG PLUIIXc r jtf Copying Ink. Carter's Combiafeilo litilig ind Copying j -rtrtti) " tnkl t-lIooresIToilei InlrilY twreil Toilet IhkHlY ,!np Tnlc- At ril French CbpyTngjj i Yi:P (Ermine Ink., At - jan 29 " VVrnff Ym It XwNot.aioTMftnTitatoxri'sK Potatoes part "of " s-i-f-' J": :i - I PaiiitedChonibier aHs; .-oV public 11V generarniaVnochange has takeTr, oild H!s.sw4rf .auiiinrnan.a a nne jspjcx of 0ent'nrhishing pi6dSLJirtsl''0f Half mi's Wily, Yndektftini?ftrt lh Hi w. rl. TIie Frerv - lattt - styles or Hats! 'shoAtime to lay in 'my. stock of CIOnng ahttTfow W,aAsftif 'mV Ta lorinS Estiib- nie; i'mbsf 'reiWluiiy-rask jf. eontmuanye Vfic-Mnw. ' EespeetfHliy, -y ' 1 - ' ... . r t -. . s ji . i. - ....... - . . . . . ... . r. t a ... -.. ..(. - r. ;i .1":.. rr -:ir..... .i,ii'.j 11 j ... . . toail Otners : so iuijt3 uiwM,r, 1 -u.i t1 v 'i jtmcis or Jrroauce, wiwu x w.,- i ' --..t, . rrjLTi.m --liawe ex-f IVhJSM . .1 ..v O I ! , f t - ' ' " -Vit ! f ' . " T o T3J I inXtW knil a'AhhWUl . . f . I I ........ , , anal niftase nauu m jmt ""J.'ii-.SJ : i,t-rr ffioii tu XUiii-'iif W.W'f i tUKHWi wu WtY r.; , 1 Aii, tv.a rof vmir wiU 1 JL ret w WWi:m;roT;:w u l 7T.,CSrt.- ,"J ' , "T. 7"."" J Y iRRYCE. l comer a- favor llpoh' us- Djf cainng-at onc i ?J" :" ; . - , - ... io .i. i rwvr-'rTTi . , i ys,r, A.rTrtjni' ii-.n . , :-I.w.:74.u : ii !f 1 A A Sacks Factory-filled SAIT.ohal lV"and.for sale ,by; - T r . : t J j STENHOUSEMACAxJAY'ACO.'i f f 1 nXi i i il n (TT i VIKO,f ifird iraiT frip.nda '.and rCTIfl-i LLl toniers son)e time siricef that, our, bus-, are xjiuuscu say tiiav uic .uuingo or, 30 DAYS CRElIT.!f ThdseWho dd no f' ay-promptly. need not expect any Avorsi f you iare irirawearsr-fdon sa ve us - the Uh jieasant duty j pt t denying you.f tf... (,t ' , j i-xrVf-'iSH ?? -i! v Trt nnr man- mends ana natrons we re-. tnrrifcthanks.lf and askMai ' continuance' of plicatioWoT wie 'abovej-ruiesyi wcj wnu ableitd sell goods cheaper thanf f ttio?B wJiQ i 1 All bills are due and payable on the.lst uay 01 eacn anu every monwi. n -a. -GiirEino.rOTNPEB.- SIEONTOH ;( fiillE f f lrormetor - of -'the I above 1 .named I li , Hotel respectfullyi invites the people of qn mm wuen .ificjr vjN.jpww."Vt jvill ' .stare - neither pain's nor : inbricy to nakktiie SIMONTON HOUSE h 'ftrttdast. JlUUili, anu wortny oi putmc pairfniast, - i If; iJ-"h! : i i .JTv.iA.'iPRICE,? ' novr25-tf .iProprietor. PresorjipUpns prered at all h9nra ' . . of i the Day and night. ! . . . . . Clioi ce, Grtecpi aiid IJIsick; Way Selected especially , fqr Family, and Inval ids, at " " . SCAKRS ...... itrnA'Xi5 s- ' "" "' liriis? Store. ." jthve20 ' -or -'FREH SPICES, k Just' rwieiverl' a Tot f select ' Spices for PiCkfe, Reserves, tej at 1 SF.-SUAiurs I j ))':' ; - ' . i : ' i ' ' M xPre Salad (Oil. .f "Finest arttelc" in Market-' ' f ijune.2p y : Drug Store. . (r triOICE Srtlnd Oil, 'Finest article4 ever U oiEercil in this Market, forite at . ! ; 'decqan,;:. 1-au; ,. .SiC'ARR'S, r . x or oaie. hWO Acres of land adioining the..ptyf fapimv improving neigiiuuruow. i in -be sold entire, or in lots to suit pttrehasers, mable rate. Apply r " r ' ' OKN T.rBUTLER; ; i .'Opposite MaHsion Honfeei A oct22";J In . .' .t . . . L . 1 1- t I, f W .-atte lorfrtnanyf my custo- AlicTS bvdiSuthem4 nuld take the liberty of asking all who owe:me to call; and settle up by the 1st' of February .Aw..Vni !i A . t T-rrnVrru - WVJr&nti niu ;n 'TOTif ifu;f; '.' -t '. U .h - - ;M - . - - vVi.l(j J i Hi u i til li-. t. 1 .-: A Ixt of ffne .'HORSES and MULJ5,: A4endiToer:,VAt:PAyiP0N L - ! .v Mii . ! 7 ID'N; F. SCARE, " 1 -i-v c. -- - ; ":;''-! -: ; 'u 's im i"1-' J - , I IT f J 3 lloolseSlMarf ; 1 ORR and Tf). WALsiff j MPfMKKcd fofeeWwHhfGregoty; 1 4 Urt i; Near the Charlotte Hotel; McD. ARLEDGE, rfnerrv with" Vii Ji j, . . i f nr- - - ' - ir. ! pu &.(.;areiwith.usand wiH bepleasr: ! r i a I - li J I ' . t 11 IVli 1 " ' . f .J . ;. . . UBUU M WW..." . ' l.l nvv. TI . 1 . ' . . . I . f r r.-i . .. t-w. .' .-r.:rt!4. i.rHw .i rtgRtANTg'irisrfing Chgrl will- iltnihtedf IkiistVdDalbratedXHrdefl thd.Vait . i f.-ft TtT trr- "Jrji. J) iV MtJ fifidfWrttiTig 4-apf ar-t nyp I riw,-a t Charlotte.1 N. C, 1 l VVrTrTTndledbetf 'ferfeWtiai , it?lWi'llS Vslcy IvriURE '-POWDERED BIiAGiEPPJR, i x..?r w , i fn.tLAUnreUl BlttlWBUVHWvyw, . J! . LJnMwHnn . .1.: . i WhWff'. .1 thPir tmftrai nttirUUUUV. "IWK-n i Illlr lPlU rawiu ui twj-. -0w . x?. j j.; 5 ; .r an r--. m m.M m r 1 w - - . . x. - 1. 1 ir .j . x 1 4 . 1 ; 4 lJrZ !nnt.fiill ask a continuance ui t i;.Manff.nnroilar tteo:..-r. ,v.t,.is, -nn.ii-i -: H rWiomp. as we ate-StiU' at'lhff .Temple off f - - ... uu,, vr t ' . A, H TATE NEW F IT RTs- 1 til GOOD FURIIITURE I':; AEBIVJNG DAILY, -AT ii! Trade St., Opposite Urem, Brown &Jo'slJRYlyooi8 STdW - of ... . . ESS - . . EMBRACING : Chafrs-r Tables. Bedsteads, Sideltu,vBook C'eSi'T) n o Cribs, Safes, Tete-a-Tete Solas, Lounges, Mirrprs, Ulass;lajjicc15'cTi.,.(.) , ": .' ; , ALSO A prn j; i:K k - jlljr h-lnh'sq :. FINE STOCK of Parlor Furniture, Dining : varieties of style and .finish. This House also keeps, a ftfll stock of bpring , " "'"Beds andMattaresses; arida:Karge Assortment of' j5"-p-tr ' METALLIC BURIAL CASES AnClasJtibf,alli sies andlesoC nh, together wjtt. .Majbogany,, Rosewood, . nVY,iilnutlItoplar.ad. Tine Coffins,, from the plaiuest andchppest to- the . . ; j, ; finest. Octagon Cases and Caskets, with full glass tops; trimmed! m w-- h, .. .-'iembst elaboitestyleff virhisheiil with heavy Silver Moun- u , : . j ' 7 J - tings. ' Sbecial attention' gtvto furnishing P"ihTOl.u !faM -'Colleges at a small advance on. ma-n u iWJS tirfr' , . ! .., T fui.T. R.-re a x n price before BlTriNOr 1 11 Jaiiu ary 21st 1873 (,'tri !r SIG N O F T II E II01.ESALE & RETAIL DEAIJER IN B)TS,'SHOESx, SATS, CATS- fi!Sr V'li A'; wtinT v! a t . . ... t. i wnr r -i-.-v1i -ill: l.- , -wv.t!TMMMiM in business makes me fWfi.ndll coiiinare favorahlv with v j " . - where. -m on Irlrdgerxopy sjxyonfliy.j,; -.""i BOAEDIG. MRS. A. W."ifiLLKR Is prepared to ac Hrt'nnrrMate Boanlers With Tdom . and meals, or with meals only, as th,BoaTder. may de,ji.Thc- building, .Oray'son the coS of,Tade, and; Church streets, 4s a new, mmi'- ne taocw S TF' " afford;1 v ' . . ' t; j Tetni"most liberal, to suit ielerks; who - wT:'wrirbingifnrmeiate salaries ; i'.'-KJi..:,-W .vitf0K'' .isu'i W-iE 'have this day sold bur: entire stock A of Groceries, liquors, t&c to. Messrs. ' 1 GREGOR Y & WILLIAMSON, f ? - W. Ji BLACK & CO. - ' jan V1873. . ii v: v: Having, purcnaseq ,vy . j. uiacit C:P9X. .WMainsonV., fesriStki ,J 0f - ; -.1. r;i 'n- GROCERIES, LIQUORS; &C., .ed tehsee their trjenu ana.cpsTOnier!?.! - , rAy 1 . 3 J P S rAM!tf6W PREPARED TO OFFER GpbtfStri) TiOLftE; J A ll&KAG TJ3.KJHp-5na tir x xvxv,x, t r t , n u Grass, Ac CHEAP FDRHITDRE ! 1 til. f FURNITURE h p.nfddoilo vino o Uai I.'.! i, 01 'J .' ui ?'i 1 n an .i r) i v ; , Burcaiis,' Dressifyg Cases, TVdrdrdbes. Nots, Cadls Room Funjitute auiCanjbeyimiitSyall, : 5 EOBT. rv DAVIDSON- p-tfitofifrS' B O O.'f .r.ir. .iK lib!: .. "RP'.'f'A.rfTKulft f Vnv larcrC and vantcr Lu'i..lrAUn.1 --M-Stli -orb' " cofifidiAit' "tlfe myprrcesBna Tie quality those of any other house in the City or else-. . -tm- - tttrii.itftfimr r THE Cofparthersliap tJich l rvfrirt hv. JaHiiam.lst rl873. will.,ni , '"Jki? JfMf iW-r ffn3l.JS- STOCK OF FANCX "" " -DRY,OOOPSya , MILLINERY", v r -1 -. CxJ0Tim'i6C.;3s- At the samp reduced prices.,? jj-.-jt Ji Tto1dsSI,conuVt6' , , ; ; - BARGAIN COUNTER ,, t ) 0 ; i-k-'Rbad&righfwfe . , s;?. mmWaraueaf " J ? fpSfPfSs itf stdnd.salepr rTPTTJ ti q u i f t p m iiiiinr .' 3fl ,j ,wiipswoxM li I Cloc . : Oil dock; H0RSEgan&MUl4EgtWPqAf j -f f ; ( r r nf j ikept jeoTtsjiafcly o hand. tUi v. CloterSeed,; fintmir 6ft IPennsylvniati to THE 1 ' n'uli X' r. 1 u r, KJ ,.1' :r. 1 ii.f '1 1 j CHARLOTTE FAIE JTw BUTLER'S I ! Watches; Clocks, Jewel rv, Diamonfe, Silver- and Plated Ware, Spectacles, &c. Linsie BOXES AND MANY . ( ' j r i ;r' f : t 1 !!,. i ; . . ; i- . i . . .. , in; I1 d0 ft ti M E E 0 ti S if OPJPfITUTH MANSION HOUSE October 22 ii V ! li"ishet& Brother TTAVIiSrO Completed an improyemcnt iri; ' t?r6 of tlic firm, ai A ome wnen me market was . . i X i i i. 1 jurist favorable. They therefore feelsatis ;feed tliit4th'Manscll all goods in thelt' ' . ine as low Jslaay Jirni; in Charlotte, jb : cash or, to punctual customers, , . J .TheyinviteMertiffants to 'give them a' eall, (as they had a special eye to tneir L Wholesale trade,) E and- feel warranted iif savincr that thev can sen vo as to make it a' Mvigjtp'them "in tbth purchases. - , - - TJicv return their thanks to their friends f and trie geiierous public for part favors, aiul lkit a cptroauaiKX ot tivc sainc: v A, R. 5.1SBET BRO,. , eiHAHILY" ; GK0CEKIES. B M . P R E S S O fT i 1 rTrade Street, next door to"tf ie- Post'Oflic i , -;; . ; ign-f j9f.:ithe- Elephant. JUST RECEIVED. . . , r. KEW GOODS. ; Jul thplr. wrioUnus . Store' Room on ( ( TYade Streeri one door Vet of Smith ia4nrrtona'l'DriiglStore,r Charlotte, N. C., : tft JWw jracoiving (a- we)l selected stockp. : , j Groceries, Musical Instruments, Toys, Ci- , :4trt.Jiwhkirr'- has been bonght by one ' ' A.Frosb Iot pf. Sausage,-, Mince Meaty . , s Iork, Butter,' Chickens,' Eggs, &c:, itc. PDOUH a specialty, u. ' ! Produce sold on commission. , ian Ji-lv -rrr - - iicbveiera bVer1 with yellow, rich", good OnsHn'Bntter;i What isjmorfe-pafatablet ,for Breakfast ? T Well we. bare just reeled!; them, : artd: we will sell thw Mefilaf(4r.v. nprice-,: . . . , -. ... ,;; -suu'M' JOBV 'tvTJTW, mil" x vvwj " Our flee 81 ;i "; f"- : MarKet.- ; aCigar' Smoking & Chewing ;.; t a j Tobacco - .! i w ft ift ft n CIGARS f anous and choice fOU.UUU brands, Chewing and Smoking . Tobacco in quantity, and ot various prana f , i i.is. L i - "X71-.-lfalo anil wirana ainerem Mwuura. ''Tr" retail hy f x f;:ou-j oM!:-; ':v - 'miT jitK Bmshes,KITcth"BrubeifV;i brushes. - ; , , Win, R- BtJRfWELL A CO, . ! dec1 J ' ' .Springs, Corner; f T75EROSESE :txAMp8y BURWELt &C0, M dec !; Vi?J"l li!'rJ l ''f - pjraiJeletiiie, aftesh supply, just , ;eivedv at '. T 1 -. BCARR'S nf Ka flirnlifl'M i rr...... .... rr nf. XX jusi-in, - - . ....-.r,, . uni r i " - ' n 1 . r CJ AGE. Fihf tsage J Ut. xw sir . cut e aw in; th e State largeenotigM ja 9 1 fper bushel. Jan 9 or tne purpose. ' , ' -T" .- - -'. i 1 i - r ! i