-V - JUS. F. UAJUW 1Z1L JLUlOr. Saturday, February V 1873. , We were blessed yesterday with beau-1 Xui ana pleasant aay. ; v. f ? 8ome bigh grades of cotton sold jriinar-. kct yesterday as high as 19i- j, - -. There were no' trials ' before arijr of the Mr?.titMi f th nit vesterdaf I is.. . ; AirdXf - Everything was quiet .pn th streets yes terday, knd the police had little tb' foiJ ' Cob Gad. Jones, editor of the Rock ill Za?ifcmji arrived hV this city last ; eveaing The Public SpeaktagHon Jeeaah Turner 3rlt wilf spak In Chqtte Senator! Waring will reply to hini. r , Owing to the failure of thfe rnails ; yesier" oay we: are iorcea 10 omit our, iative reports and State news.. A newcrossing has been mad ffQM Mint sireet across Trade. ! This Is aft im provement which has been long needed.' ' May ir'a Court. The : Jtayon jia$. '"onljf i one case before mm yesteroay morning, that of k: white man for; assault andbatte'ryl He was found guilty arid fined $ ' a 1 . -irr-t.ii y And jStill They Comay-At the regular weekly meeting 6f . the. 'Lodge of Templars, Thursday niglit, four hew mem A. Protest. On behalf of the public we protest!'against'tb.style'whh'teriimuch in rogue now, of ' .chopping '.wood loa ihe pavements to the imminent danger of pttt- ting out the eyes or passers-by; - it snouia be .reijnembered ; that pedestrl arts'' have' rights which wood choppers are bound' ta respecit.: kocut'-r .yiKiii.ui . .. .C2Z ? Pernonal. We were - honored with a call yesterday from our friend "f jY " B1. Hussey, Esq., the spirited editor of the Hick ry Tavern Press. MrV Hussey Is in Charlotte in rthi interest of, his Vpaper, rhich we cordially commend to the business men of the j place as an excellent advertising medium.' : ' ' "' '.' The; Trains, Owing to the accident on the NC. H. llM Thursday, no train Iroui the? North arrived in thia, city yesterday, tliough as this papergoes. to press its arri v- ai IB momeniariiy iookcu or, uie seu-gers- and. baggage, haviiig been: con vcyed across i;eep itiver xn a boat. 1 ue itonnern bound train left here last night Vabout 9 o'c&clcJ iTbe track, will soon be in order and trains will again make their . regular tripsr. Capt-. w. El, .Treevant--A torresk pondent of the Columbia South Ctcroliia signing hhus'clf raVejfritiss to Uiat paper ias jotiows; we transier tne article to phi 'columns with pleasure . i 'Through your valuable . paper, I desire to congratulate the traveling public upon th e reappearance of, the gentlemanly and sagacldii Capt; W: H. Treevantj as. 6bn- tluctoiroTr the C.; U. & A. KaiiToaov vvitn this addition to the, already efficient corps, travalersvwiil, always 1 be cared for. The otnoiWi deserve much credit for their dw ertion in selecting;, gentlemen : s6"w etl quaiijtied ' to -s.-fili such . responsible posi tionst" - ' .. I . Irregularity of the MallsWe hear frequent complaint that tlie Obsesvee falls to resich its destination. Mr. Hussey,' xf the lickpry Tavern Press, who'was in ; the city yesterday informed us that the paper reached his office, three or fourat a time. This proves that the papers are sent out from this office but sltows that .something is radically Wrring with; the post-masters ort route aireiits somewhere. . Between Charlotte aitd Hickory, ' the Obskbvb passes through two post-offices and over twpfrailroaas 'soniewhere, along1 th ljhe some one is guilty of a criminal neglect of dutr.? JVho is, it ?,, ? ! 'j., ...!.:' , MARRIfcJD On the 30th ult;. at the iffeACVorfhe; brl'de'it' fith'er, in Rock Hllliby ev. E. E. Cooper, MrJVPaal of tlijis city, and Miss Maet Gobio,: daugh ter ojf.Jf, Pavid Gordon. fr'ii' XhCahplic Dpirectory; fprj 1S7& contains mtereipgiata.tisticft in ref erenjee to tne itoman uatnoiics in Greit Britain. In , the peerage there are thirty-fotir'. Roman GatHolics, , of w nam t went v-iour are in me nouse of Lords. In the House of Com mons there are tbirty-seven Catholic imeniDers. ; r orw-nme oarone is are uarnoncs. in. vfreav; .Britain, .tne Hierarchy com prise one archbishop andSixteeh- suffragan bishpa? ,in England and ,Vales : one archbishop add two bishops or vicars apostolic m ocoiana wn.ere'wie aioceses are atiltb called; districts. In Ireland therre ahe car,dinalr archbisljop, inreie arcn oisnopsf - twenty-nve osn- ops jnd oniGL abboLiivi A 1 1 AJ New , Manufacturing Ester- trnriiirtfid'a Bill i triMiinftornorabft ith Yorltville ianufactUring ' Company. It grants a. franchise to JasjF. Hart, T.-M. Dobson. -L. M. Grist, and eour it. tutchiojra, to esiDiirii'ha manufactory for spinning and notann- 'capital Btock of $300,000, in shares of $100 each. The" powers usually 'grafited to corrationa isVeno thej Company;-whd ate authorized to commence business as soon as $50t DOOjshall have been subscribed-Cbr. bill has bentn&tfcYn'ln3 Indjiaha1; Legislature to light airirait roajd cars in the State; with Ijpariaiea instead of oil. the reason hein? thai rag road accident frequently become wtif vi uy we Betiing; onnra -01 i-.iQ ats uy me mgmy , miutramaDie oil now' used in the lamps, t VJearn from the JVc thAt. the garrisoa itiUiLiter arilllsoojn Ckayp for some other parlxxflhe country. CI X rBedkmkiij-j aa j olda.n4' well knoirniti2ehJ 6f Charleston, died: in " V T ;EH Weeks; wbroha be (or (some years jl ; resident of Coffee county, yi-ia.; wa recenxrrro5:nQ Kiiieaoy jnalr naacJAAVobdSjiikSuirtr cdunty z&3M&P&fy-- v ?Thedese&f1 bgfe eselved to' adjourri; oUvtb'e 7th of Tebrurryviut thleirBihas: t ben Wncujred inty'ilie Senate. ?r- ein house oi-Mr.eo. R Mc- beville county, was burnt on f,tn.e.l the murder of Robt S. Hughes,:. was aMfrested.and lodged in jail at Marion last week: (d await bis trial. K 'Retri- buti6n!4iUbVs swift pri; the heclln crimeS-; v---;:'v-.. '.'V--MK& i f 4 fjrHfif iU. XT tjll-J 1 who lived tiear Manchester in! 'SiitoK ter county-wenfc-out jduck- hunting: on 'the 24tb of last,monthi and -has rnOt yet retnnied. norf ha any trace 91 nis iaie oeen so rar uiscoverea. . " The M. E. Church South, of Green ville, ,baf been-s coraplctcd. and nwill be dedicated'diirSulidayhiex ing the momifig.K6ur thti ReV.' Bish op E. S. Doggett, P,D of Richmond, will officiate- An address will, be der iiverea in ine anernqon py jrroi. J xi Carliise, of WoflfojSl College, Spar-, tanburg, S. C. y ' : " Tht Newberry Herald States that1 Menirrri;hMintrabte4d mjal! mtyf although tUefumher ?af -cases L may hot-be As largvl It is especially U fatal am ong-4he i colored, people,- Much sickness also prevail,: outside foi meningitis.' 1 .;: aj j The champwn readist of the State has tltrneoT RArlft&S '1ttii Couritr reports a-gentleman in. that city haying, read the 'Bible' throagfh: in sixty-five 'hdursthe Old ; Testa -i hient uv fifty hours, and 'the .new in nfteen,rsr;.Tne ufier says' he read understandihgly. ? 'on . : .: . An i?cTderJt itrrMi 'Searle's Mill, in AMcvi1fe cdimtv: last week. which resulted in th.e5deatl :of Mr.- Geo. Freeman. !, He .Wias .guperinten. i ding soinef hands wlio were felling timber, whten one of tlie trees, which: had become lpdgedroivno.tber, sud denly feU uponhlm, lh4icthig;,injii; ne irora. wmcn ue; tljed the next C. A. 'Barry1, of Spartahhurg .ponn- t-, made last year, with one' in ule, 23? bas of cotton,AVju:in4il3 lbs., 13o bushels of coriJbAikUetabf peas, and 40 gallons of sorghum svrup. jCounting the cotton at 18 cents per pound, fcbltfI mcfcdtsT perVhshel, and sofghum syrtip at" SO cents per galkmvthe proceeds of th is-cropeuP tivated with oMe'triukf ambitnts to the nice little xxg$o jLm 02, with out including" tn'e cotton "seed or fod der.' if' ."'! ,W .Z i IS The Edgefield Aftverfiscr savs On C Thompson s Cross TSoads place, HoSSr ouied by Irf DaVid Purdue; was destroyed' by-'flre'Soriie ' eiglit bales of conjaCpTOOObush--els of cptlon 'ieedT joelongeo. 16 Mr. house. ifr."'Pafdues toss is estimat- ed $1000 and DrTqm pkin's at $1000. The firkir-fWmWaised y:the,careless uscof nia,tches among the COttolijiji"' ; ;i .". ii says : jvi.r. simian vesteraay iniroau- ced a bill in the House to regulate farmnaborfbi1 Watfestfi ?Thtflill ?r4- v ides' YoMding'latibf in td fiVe clas-J ses. 1,11 ek nrsjciajsa jHemaes, those who care. for stock, and. 'are sort of boss Wdrkftrfen i'tbef fehirfl 'hfave $20 a month, i Tile second clasa shall 1 e able to plow, two and a half fterea' ; d flfv, jflcK . . a 0 ' ' "poii nds- eed", ctjttori, split 15drais,&c; isli jitl navb $15 a month. The thi.i $KsVj.'$P' able to - plow one and one-quarter work in proportion-. eeT imrtr the iwtiiadTn-.of th e boialef ouicroucaa oiJakBakenaana pots -oft tne'rrival oftrai-s!r a a greatourcaTaiJCovancepto travelr our iiotw swy xrarrgrouB rmeyjtj vi thus worried by hak.rnen -pulli pasengthat'hatJCs gacfTTfin mowcare'na iie nim m oscHBeoureiy-10 -ae Best Jioiei. e. a itMhit t j(j trim ! curtrin'.jj b&tat Supreme Court. The Court met yesterday at the " usnalrhpiir. T A11 the juaUeea preaeat dEixcepUJu&tice Boyden sxsji.- &xxx The only case raTgued was that of the State on elation 6 Ma i. Mow T - - .A a.x .... M Hi Bailey -i for I plain tiff anduiA Mimrt?Arwi iDarid r Cblemao f i.tfoir defendants. ThiUith5ei that itt hrolves theTSfaiMtty UytJjJ57jBppoint mfinto.frectQrar the Hoiise And President of xhe .hen ate. bv .ract of VlueUuM$miyTiTflf case was . arnedat x-'CQidefable length JjTbe father of a: Kappytr family liy norTin Detroit. MicKl' comnlamea to the' police d tho tiveay that his wife was a .drunkaHL Sheh oWenteVeda counter. "cbMpiaiiSt-triat wJ.:K'A Tlfrn'rit' till ; HZr ,Jti-'i daughter has n6w asijfedjfor); rfv Mat rwf a . lvfKf ftrid . th A ..hmthpr wants the whole farmly imprisoned for inthto.ii'per them ofi cy.--The treasury deteclTves yesler day arreted 'maa who Is aia to. be laree'deaTer ih'!what is" kfioWnv as the;-treele,! ftv-cent" fractional currency' which b Almost facjM mile the cenqine notes, the 'main difference -being in the .'signatures, which are1 "Horace lOreelev?; as Treasurer. 4wi "B.- GraXxBrownllJaai executed: and are well calculates to deceive those wb 6 ' cannot : ready and at a "Snperfiirial glance teVfen those whdare InHhebabit j6fn;mtialljr handling' fractional Currency,;' 1. FniAHPULtCOlIIKRCIAL: -T7 : - " ' . .r Senthern Debt to the Northern Jtlei ' K will be , remembered ithat in the early days of -theSoii them' Ctonfederacy haw Was passed ;eonfiscatin the debts due ; by- Southern v men to KbrthemV creators. Some of the proceeds of this confiscation fund were deposited in the New Orleans banks . to ;.the Confederate government when den.' Butler made his entry into.that city';Gehir Butler seized r these sums, ith other .contraband. fi' war, ,.and . the whole ampuntwas conveyed into the United States Treasury.'' ; VarioMs parties in the North to whom tlie money was lue .have procured testimony toestabusli their bright to i but rjhere is no authority by which it can be taken from the treasury. A bill has "been prepared and: is fioW on the Senate calen dar authorizing these parties '? ta enter suit in the Court of Claims, for their money, and the. parties 'interest5 are urging ; its. favorable consideration. .Te, JFreedmen's Savlnga Bank, In response to- the recen t Act providing for examination of the savings' banks of thetnct'of.CoIunxbiaVthe same as na tional banks. Comptroller Knox summoned Bank Examiner Meigs, of New York, here, and during the past week he has been en gaged in the examination of the National fYeedlnan's Saving's Trust Company, whose tiiain institutidri is located in this city, He says lie finds this bank ui splen did condition, and .managed with unusual; conversatism, even7 for a savings' ' bank. Mr Meigs further states that, in view of its condition, the unfavorable reports regard- me. the.haiLk durin? . the late caintxiten I L.-JL' : e itLii ' 'iwi ? T."rix .rLrsm i Rational epubliam, , Washington, D. C. The Western and Atlantic railroad has expended $780,000 for: rolling stock and track, In addition ihey have Jbeen forced to purchase, in a single year, 100,000 crossr tics, arid have spent larite sums'iri tbe' re pair and equipment of machine, shop and the erection , :of! depots, bridges., etc. For the litter? ui a sinKle instance, was recent ly paid These, figures tell their unit ovvrijr. aiiu n uiia iuc fgvAjVw nx annum comes to r. Be added to this long catalogue of expenses, it will be i scehl Itliat tosometmng iess tn uw. ;. i; The. receipts of cotton in Augusta for the week Ending ; Friday', cyeiiing." ' vvere 4,986 : bal. . and tlie sales , for "the same. tune. were 4,183 bales. .-: I : t w1. x. i '' fV,? 1. of, ottmgharnshire, England, after a tliree months,: inspection of the gold mi ries-hi Cherokeey hasreturn ed to England with the , intention, ,-of or ganizing a company, with a capital .01 $500,000, to develop the veins already open- ed and to prospect for more' - ff- b - " ; i - CHAULOlT iriAitijrrs. Cotton Market. SEPOBTED 1AILY:- FOB " TUt OMXXtfF MfKS. STEKliotfSE, MACAULATr'A col fe " trroSaIe f5ilayftlesiiow MiddBiie Isls and 3MIddlfiic2li) llaM '7 Ft o vision- - Market COKSECTED DAILY BT W.'H. H. HOUSTOK" A PROV, 1 IOIC M ARfeETFlbuTf $4.25 to 'Rew .CrjBiVjMTtf ''tf71tte offering, coon; uemand. Wheat f 1.00 little oirenng ir-gooa aeruana.'-;-rt- ' ' Oats 50 to 55 eentS'-frood demand ffeisl" strictly -clay.: 90 ! fiother - kinds 80 to 90. Good dehiahd.: ! ? Fresh Butter 20 to 25 cents. : 3Iountain,Butter, in Kits, 16 cents--nb demand: " Eega 20 to 25 cents, with good deniiuid' to-day. ' . -,:"- " ' Badbri Baltimore bulk sides.) 81 to 9 cents."'. ,"'y'.f""'ii - i ,fK60Tth: Carolina oh 'Market. ilftol2centsV; v: . .: ' ' TaUoW 10 to 12cents:' ; - feeeswai 25 to Sl cents. - Sweet 7otatifis. :Sf to il.25 rwir bushel Titeh PiKtofftM 'an rt i xTit vr 3iiihAl r-V.3 SZSiSZZZ : SalflrSyjcuse feUyrrpl sack4$2.10 to $2.15 ner sack, aw . mind: : '' '"- 'u tnnim , Peach Brandy, -75 to 20-ood dei U1SUU. - . . :trW -irJ -rrr-3'nii-l t s i'i 'i n rif ; kJ''"'!!!! P4tK,l',MCBUJE?BPP, xx. fjiaex. Bank: Cabe Fear . 1C Bank of ChaTlotte; 44 Commerce, v 21 - .cjiareaaon. ' FayetteyltlAtf t 2 J " N. Carolina; 30 . (GrahamA 6 " Thomasvllle.7 w'floxboro J-Waahtnzton. Thomasville, ; wadesDoro. c 10 YanceyvilleL '0 f Wilmington, Wilmlugton. . ; 15 Commercial Bank -Of frarniara .Ran t rt North. Carolina. GreesberorMBtual Insurance Co.. fold,)'0 Merchants' Bank-.of Newbern, ; ' -6 MlnM-nand Planieri' Bank. T : l Virginia Bank Notes average about Vr- 10 nk of the state 01 nonn, vary"11-' L . tnAtinii. and cannot' be- relied on for any lengUrof time; ii :Remittaneea for all Bank 1 Notes sent usmaae: eimef in; arxeucjr, v1. I Northern; Fpmdsatpar, . Memand . ' V-'-l W SffiS Anwe BrandW SI .50 to $i;7d--ooo:: ae-i tst.toita SPECIAIi NOTICES. 1 S9- Spe'cIairKjtltfi lntrf 3 Ta this CoIbibu ii!bargadl&.cent8 per line. . - USST11 All parties ordering the Observer will please send the money for; the time the paper is wanted. ' - ;1js&- Coutictoi4vu4Jot be allowed, (under their contracts, to advertise any ether than their legitimate business. I anless by paying specially for such aU Tcriisemcuu raOTtaTivaiiAtthePBsi3fTOxf mcf you vcan tot UlagistrateVBlanlCs 1 pftnted in theeestftyietion-tefrpiaUty4 paper, j Marriage Ucensea. If you wish Mar riage IJcenses, beautifully executed, at the Obsebteu Omcz. .... &4 onnliiPcCi be '-iDeeda- had at th A line lot of Kentucky ITules, just arrived and for sale at J. W. Wads Worth's Livery Stablesv Give him a call; . www jMuta-acu. 1 uob J AJVJVt V 3HA I uuu vtu.4u a.t1uj) 1 Uoi&Prlcd ceA ; , '. Luckily for the sick, the idea that it is necessary to reduce their bodilv strenerth in orderto cure them, is fast dvins out. :Mpdern science recognizes the fact that disease is Df itself more than sufficiently depressing to body "andTaind, and does not need t3 be assisted in its inroads upon the vital energy of the system by violent purgations and other debilitating mixtures. Prostration is. in slinrt. "ulavprl nnt. " nrl - j i x j ) " the practitioners who still clius to it are so few and far. between that they cannot, like their predecessors of the same fatal school who ilouriished half a century aso fill the graveyard with their victims Tfie" iiitro- ducUon of : UOstetter !s .Stomaeh Bitiers in 1852 was' the heaviest blow that the old practice ofrdeplettonhadevcr. received, and, from that ti rue to the present, as the cele- brityof tlife greaf vegetable inVigorant has increased, the purging.blistering, bleeding, water-gruel practice has declined. Tne effect of this famous preventive and remedy is to strengthen, build up, regulate and tranquilize, not to weaken, break down and violently disturb the system. It is a tonic, alterative and nervine, with a pure stimulant as its propelling and distributing agent. This sfiniuTMialffuses the cura tive and ihfe-sustaiiiinr elements of tlie medicine through the whole organization, aiid brines them into contact with the sources of disease. Hence its cures of in digestion, constipation, bilious complaints, neryovisaesslaaguortuiitjr, lowjspn malarious dlsoftrers, &C, areofflftTete'arti -thorough, and as a protection against the iicaused or acrsravated by cold and damn it has ne-ela&i ttuHlQ nan ,ZHEi lazsh To Skeptics. The atmbstdaiiy reOTfpof oiunTary testimonials from every part of the coun try, from Physicians, Ciersrvmen, old and vbnn'jr, meandtfeiftalenls-sfuffiiSient to cinvince the most sceptical that DrrTntt's isxpectoraait is the most valuable Lung Balsam of thQage:? many, w.ondprful cures have been performed' by ft, asiMy1 be seen by hundreds 01 certihcates m the hands 01 the proprietor. fi Try ij.an jrou wiU doubt Brainbridge, Ga., Sept. 24, 1869. , DeirFriend-Enclosetl pleased find P. I Qftter ,tftid,-jyiawfcai.I shall hajre 1 to apologize for hot writing to ybtibefo'fe. 'i E have- been Quite sick, an.l verv busv when ,wwiereforetueidtlj4.iiTHi will please send nie per express two more bottles of. Tutt's Expectorant. -Jt.is cer tainly a sprenihd"th'mtbr a"oUt it has .cured me effectually of my cough, and also 1 several others, to vwhQm JLgiveiti...... I with a thousand' fhdhfs-'f&r the medi cine you sent me, I remain your rsincere, friend, ' -4Trwt' it.rC. SCOTT. Dr; ttrlIairJttye'ls!eiaasfly appUedV rr- r THTJIISTON'S tVORY PEAEL TOOTH POWDJEifc. The best artiele known lor cleansing and preservinj cams, .ifiiit oy axi orui . a 1 u 1 . ft per- uuiue. New York. FOB DYSPEPSIA, Indigestion .depres sion of snirits and general debility in their variouslorms; also, as a preventive against Fever a'nICKueindti.oa4iejr Jniermittent fevers. Tlie TerrotPttosBft'drated Elixir or Callsava. i made by Caswell. Hazard & Co., New jr ortrand sold by ail uruggiats, is tne bfesCto aaIlHa tnlc iBSbliatiects rei covintr rrom rever or otner sickness, it has no equal. CHRISTADORO'S HAIR Z7B.rWfil9f iuagnificemt compound is beyond coutin feenev.the safest and most reliai)le Dye in existence ; never failing to impart to the Jiair.unifbrmity ofcolprjionrlsiiment and elasticity; ManuIabroryT 68 Maiden Laue, New York. CAK30L.IC SALVE unequalled as a Pealing Compound. Physicians recom mend it as me? jnatfWQWJeriul remedy ever kuowntrieeyei per box. John F. Henry, Bole Proprietor. 8 Col lege Place, New York. Rislev Buchu is a reliable Diuretic and Tonic foriall dera,Dgemeniso! the urinarj snd genial organs. The genuiniaa fff njer ly sia oy iiaviiana, tiarrai & tuseiy ana their branches, is now prepHrea.Dyii. -w. Hisley, t ite originator. and afropnetor ; ana the trad supplied by his successors. Mar- can and RistoflNw York,. : svapnia is vpiura anneu-oi its sic&en iing and poisonous propertles,ciiscovered bj Dr. Bigelow, Proieso.e of- Botany, Detroit Medical College. ' A mtisvpertect anoayne and soothing opiate. John Farr, Chemist, PEATTS ASTKAXi OIL. More acci dents occur from using unsafe oils, than froanf .steamhoatof ntrafraas contoinea, Over 200.000' TaSittes - contrriue7TBttrtt Pratt's Astral Oil. ana no accidents airect- ranurnK onseof ' I inc. stdrinsr or handllhe H. OH House d; Ohas. Pratt. Established 1770. New York. I ASTfiMA. Any medicine which will I alleviate the Paroxims of this dreadful I . . . . 1 1 . a Iau A 1 a w nio8iiftbWsddrce. akda?-1 wonderful towerful sower, even in the most severe cases., Joseph, Burnett I fcmllv frnm fU v tn Mtv from statA tr Vinerar Bitters as a BDecific for allderamre- c iuraui 1 continuauy exienaing. m vuiuuuiry missionaries are innumerable, ana puDiic a praire nre DON'T SLIGHT YOUR TEETH. Re member that upon their labor, the health of the stomach depends . Keep them per feet, and in order to so. manipulate tnem with a brush dip ed in the fragrant Sozo- dont, once or twice a day. .... WHO WILL 8TJFFER? It Is now 2 since Dr. Tobias' Venitian Liniment was .ppV before? the 'publie ; - warraiiting-IU to rouCUronlV?meumatl8ta.THeadache. fintn. RnmaKrnispfi old. Korea. Pains In rhrf,fVrrmiLadrrafilafiat has never liltied Boldtiy a ragiKwiepot I : "tsr- WB Pitifelmv- E eara Tnofhers slew's eeAinimf yrup,f f ro tfie irttt sf the child until it has nnisnea witn tne teethijiK Wege JiiMlrjl4nynCldjaltton P. C. WeJ Is & Co.; Urn??! SSSiS Sy'iTSifiliJaMS ail the ladleaknow that it la produced by using -tlellgtitftfir ,;aa r harmless toUet preparation known aHG.r W "Laird's r,01 YOT--fts beautUyins efieets tPV:: Wonderful, ipepot.,; 5 Gold SU. v r y P0ETEAI7 PAIUTHTG. 1 A EareChajics ;:for. CLarlotte ! J r f m. YParssfiftSf wishing Portraits1 of lheir deilarfed fiends can obtain thm irthc'v have a ood Photocraiili of tbeinrt fiait be pleased to shw youtiimehs bf mv work at mrV8tia16'iabbV!JIIeMI.-Jk Paruiers' Bant. s'A- m?n nTll dee ll-3m ' ChaflottfeiC.1'' !'U' ' . 1 , 1 ' 9 1. , - 4- i IK iwi " tJii I U I ORDER TO -MAKE ROOM vr . - , . Fall and Wmte?Go atatiy -1 : 'ji i Hi?i' . . -duced prices.'- Your attention ' is pacaycpjnvit to"'6ur,: , . . . Btocfc of;FineJress Goods, ' ' H4 3 ETS, M r j4jnd all kinds, of Woolen , Goods, together 1 1 3Ui.I?MADE 4 which we will sett very- lowi BACKGAUm QHf B0AUDS, ANEf-r CHEIfEU ! jan 2$ T 1 "K ' Gallons DomestieiBtackberry Winey' x iu years odd, pure berryyulce. secure a supply lor medical use oral is gone. . jan 30 ......... , B. N.tSIITH. RUN i DOWN THIS WAY: 1 AAA' lbs:. White Cabbasre" Tlcatli: 800" 1 ,VyV lbs., White Saur-Kratit niide bl" Mountain Cabbage. - . " ' Pickled Pics Fet-t, sofejttnsr 'rare s and nice ; Loose and rJar tickles j1 Fresh omci tOCS." ?:: . : -- Also pomestjc frejh Reaches' and Sw bush Hams s6 mupli euttuired:for.' One bo df Exfei Sog-.tr Cured Breakfast .Bacon. . . , . ' ' Also' ianothrf lot'Of tW6sc1i6; ArynJes. ' 1 Jiist:recelved and s'elH'ng-as" usual at the lbwest prices. . Cafl duk-,b "don't ';cOm- plaiftirf "you "rail $veVF 'jan30; ' ' v"-- -&;NVWITH. ; LOTOfJfo.l jan 29 Letter Bookst. ,tiux;s. Kyan .aut,:;, ;:; TUfeT received a Bbir. of'nice 'Whit Saur Jl Kraut; Wsale by y- -; fan 29 - i ' ; v SYSIONS ;fc CO. 100 ;B6x eHu--'Wi 'J'.' lri TJlEI)p and American -Wbadpw G)assJ jl . iii twu iuyy.. . .- ... .. 8 :.t... . ir . ; . s : i-t-,.f.j .... J. ; .s . : IVrACAHONIt- C6'fti;- Sj;V.Ch)cbUtc; - JllHbrsWrd'retut'1 Pi;ttarato, Pure owuer Gin&er ana. reppex,. r ' HAlRJBrushesv. English, .and, , Awerca jan 9 II.OTS 5f ' ' V Yr HU ':'. -iu f DESIRABLE FAEMING LANDS, .. , :IMPpQJEfl andJCliOT 15 ARTIES wishing tOilbVeStinsubb ptop- I' ''bertv'Soh' JreaonablirmS'Wtldo well to cair at 'our omce m the ' Aurt HbllSe" ' -- -sjinr: 'Jin ji..n y Furtherasgnhiehts ahdeorresrwiaence solicited.1 . CFAHAMTfASH;' .-i --- - Attornevs, fan 2r-Sm li K' "aiarlotte. K. C' For iratfiiafv.lSTS.1 1 Nbw6utIssUea,; as a OnnTterlvi r The. .four numbers sent.to any au4.ma6t:instroc4ve criptive:, alotiuoyMfr.Ruw Tboseof our. Inst vmr and will receive tne FOR three months rwni-TOtiPnrtraits 'Tor?, uchlasare!ieTallv4' eharrrl insa rxtatoes, northern; aird'inountain x veil jruiawiw, uijiv sciung at fii pci i elf'ah6thet,rierce .of those ( 'Choice V ..... . . 1 . . . . . IV' wellselectedstockof; BACONjLARD, were creaitwVWJw2a.Ceni3l'f nrrtpt wtattd 'iat lcot ott b0CJJ71VlE8.-SODA. 80AP8. CANDLES, 8E- creaitea Annual " Catalogue.!,; You, wilLiiniss fct Vou order .seeds ;belore fseeu.BngRS Brother's Quarterly. "We challenge cora parison on quality of Seeds knd prices and sizes of packeti.' Oar "Calendar Advance Sbeetand Price. List for, .1573,,'! sent free. rtK ine January """" rfat WbeatJRyeJ Oats,-Ac., bought and soW EngnpiTwoSurePUte SL&iJ 'Km I. suiteblefor rramins.ajid ,aIso nfed liGm r; tif" rtf mi r crdrereona Floral Chronios i Jrt'-rir.:- inibrnnirUy5bw; , -,QPyQ bles, and.ber.cyation andn MX roauAET Ashiohs. 1X1 A nnh niajtterak. was formerly ibundfriourl VY ?-1 1 "'Vp' . , - . . r 1 aR'oxiiEn;'; janwEV -Rochester, N."V. -Aiiction'Store. J VDISSOITOIOIT. 3 - ' - - -. fpHE firm of : Eccles " fe GaiUier, is thi'. JL day dissolved by mutual consen V U. ' : L . rxxies retiring. - , . u r v ECCLES GAITHEIL i Jmuary 12th; 1873. 1 ;: - y : . . - i o The bus iness will I be con'ttnueii at th I janl. i sTttOMAlJ H. GAITIIEK,.a ft A line. -OiW Paintings, also a lot of l.tVatches. Hi OAITHEK.' jsaS5tV'-- v J - : ; - - - T (ikiI Cn1& . BYyirfue'or an order of the Superior Court of Alamance countf ; I shall pro ceed to sell at public auction in the Citv oft i:hariotte at the Court House door on the 15th day .February. 1873, a certain lot of ) land situated in the city of Charlotte on . , Tryon street adjoining the lands of A. B. , LXavidsou J. It. Carson and others, contain- '. ing one acre more or less. The title to said land is unquestionable. Terms of sale areicrsh and the balance of purchase; money: to be secured by bond. with: approved security. Sale subject to,' conformation by . said Alamance Superior .' vouru; . j. tu. xAJTUK, " f ;i .Coramis'r. T.H.GAITHER, jan 16-30t eod Auctioneer.' - Furniture at Auction. I will sell at ray Auction Room on Satur day 1st February commencing at' 11 o'clock A. M-, Furnitiue, Gla3swaretCar Its, &c.t tc. t Also 400 volumes Miscella neous &ooks,5 casks of Cordial.l bbl.Wlne,1 1 bbl. corned Beef, 3 Sewing Machines, 5 setts silver plated Buggy Harness, Goods received until hour of sale. . 1 . ;; THOS. H. GA1THER, jan 31 ' Auctioneer. s 1,0 0 , 0 0 0 THE DIRECTORS OF THE VHP DE IEAU COMPAJiV. Having' for reasons already given to the 1 ; public, deemed it judicious to postpone their GRAND GIFT COHCEBT. In aid of this new and delightful . SEASIDE RESORT. The undersfgnedtafce pleasure, fn armoun . cing that the Concert will take placer without fail, on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 181. In the OPERA HCUSE, Norfolk, Va.. f. .3! .2.5 r;v. - - r .- -.1 the When following magninccnt alitounting to gift .6 $100,000. Wilt be distributed by lot to tlie holders of tickets : 1 Gift m Greenbacks of, $ 5,000-. ; s,ooo 10,000 30jWX 40 jim: io,obd" $100,000 5 J3ift in .Greenbacks, of $1,000 each, .. 20 Gifts in Greenback, ;pf $500. 75 tfeauftfhlly located Cottage 'Lots, "by the sea" 30 by 180 feet, at.vue de L Jiau, valued at $400 each, rr &'fiut gntta feet at uc ue -.L Eau valued at $200 100 Gift in Greenbacks, of $.10a each, 40i'$iifts, valued at, - TJeustribution ofGlFTS will take placev inimedxately.after ."the Concert, onJtbe vast? stage of the Opera House, and in lull view of the audience under tlie supervision of the" President and Directors ot the ' ' ue de L'Eau Company," and the following dis- . tinguished centlcmen, who have kiudlv consented to be present and sec that the- jgifts are properly distributed as advertised t . 1 TTfth Tinh R. Tji11nw. Msrvni" nFVnrfhTIr Hon. A. S Watts. 11a vor of Portsnioutli. i;;;Gliocblate;iHoti. Jli; Whitehead, ex-Mayor Korl?kr i Hon. JMJ.' Wbitebead, ex-Mayr Korl?kr 1 Colft Walter Hs Taylor, of Norfiilk james vr. iiouauay, ivsq., 01 j onsiuoiuir, Should the tickets be not all sold' when the Concert comes off; the presents will ho? distributed m proportion to the number Bold.. 'i' jCurreucy eifts will be paid in CASH at ur-banking house in the city of Norfolk bn presentation of the tickets entitled! thereto without discount.- For further particulars and fdr tickets, apply to the undersigned,. wbo alone are authorized to appoint agents for the sale of ticketSi, . . The tmdersiimed, Directors oi tne vne Vie L'Eau Company, pledge, themselves to the-public that the above urand Uitt in- cert -shall take place. ;on "Thursday, Feb ruary 20th, 1873, as announced in above card, on the basis of the original advertise- t;as to.tbe distributioit of gifts. WiifLlmb, : R. J.NeeJy, Wm. II.Wbitefc ; Tj. C. Lindleyfc - .V;'D: Groner, EO.Gbio, M. Parks, W. Eeed f . Cteo. W. Grice, N. Burrus, All orders for tickets by mail promptly attcndoU to.. BURRUS, SON & CO.. jf,:- i -c If manciai Agcnxsi w; ; Vue de lEau CoM Norfolk, .V i Agents Tor the aie or xicKets lorvnar- lottef TIDDY&BKO,,: an 2L-tf Uookseliera, (Successor to Opit and Suggs,) Trade St next door below Merchants' fc rmeis IKational'T&nk. DEALEB d tSfCfG EjR EESk & E I QU OB S W-triraLSSfi; drjtETAm GAR,-COFFEE, TEAS. 8PICES,- CAN- GARS, TOBACCO, drAtf. ALSO, Corn X LESLIES LADIES' JOURNAL, . t - at ' :;iaxC TIDDY'S. .T. . . InsK-Yotatocf; ' ... alWENTYFIYE . Barrels Gobd.Eating . Jrish Potatoes.. just . received at STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & r?2? I T7"TCKPS rvmstantl v 'on liand a lanre and jan 21 . a n t