' - r t - - . - I . .- . - - - V i V Travelers'., Guide - ": -f- Zortlx Carolina BailroadUi; i-'r' MkwttTafti lJfT-iOn and after Sunday 31 instant, the Passenger Trains .over tW roaq win leave wiu arrive; uuuiuvk, p Arrive, KmIng west, at n T 8.30 p.:nu: . 8.00 .a.m Arrives. ... il-lZ tiil-. riilliu', zJWlUpw JAl I . '..tLM 1!":- - : Atlantic, Tenneseej&Piio . I SUPBRINTENDENX'S OFMCBj - CuiAtuyrrE, N. C. Jaly22ttdf 1872i,v jr AN atta aflcf Tlmrsdaylthe 25tli; the roi - 3.35 P M: Arrive at 3tatesyUl6:t! Y'lr AH charges niust ! be pre-paid ftn Freight offeied for shipment to Section House; ; llendersori,' Alexandriania, Hunter CM v TAilirVa and Freelands.1 These being "Flag Station,' the Company is not liable for any Joss or daihage tp freight after it is timiniuln 'at either of the above points. JSo frefjrht will be received by Agenteon frirwaraca unless tne name oi '' and destination iS'distinctlyjxiaTked.:there- july,23 .,- ,.; , bupermtenaent. Charlotte, Colombia & Augusta . Railroad, :i ; ...,-. .! Columbia, S. CL,.;Sepf. 2 i$J2.,, r. r,?,K RrrTCTlIXTENbET'S OFFICE, Oa-awi--after SEFT 22, the f6llowing Schedule Will b nun over this Road : I TIME TABLE. - XJOISG SOUTH.; .Train Xo.fl. . u. .41 IT Train No, 2. ieave Cliarlotte, 7.15 ti; in 8.20 prm 3.30 a. m '1 8:20 a: oil Leave Columbia, ( 2.20 pk m. Arrive !A-Uustafc; 7.42p ni.. GOING SOUTH. LeavcAugusta, , .6.35 ai in. Leavc;C6lumbia; 11.53 a, m. Arrive ChdrlotteJ ' 6.15 pi-m.- .00 a. iiiv I Standard Time ten minutes slower than Washington City time, f and six minutes faster than Columbia City time-, . I No. 1 Train daily. No! . 2 Train daily, Sundays' excepted. Both trains make close connection to aJJ, points North,., So.uth and .1 Through ticlcets sold and baggage check 1 to all nrincinal pomts'i i . TAltrva A r"nL1PSnT"r flan finnt t -j E. "R. Doksey, Gen. Fr'ght & Ticket Agt. june 11 i : i . i j -, . 111 Time Table Western N. C B. B. . Takes effect Monday, May 22, 1871. ' GOING W3SSI. . Arrive. Leave. .-fiaNsbnry.O: " r&OO A. x. " Third Creek, v ' 57 " 5.52 A. Si -Uo " 142 " 6J50 ..r " 10.20 jsiatcsviue, Catawba Station, Newton, Hickory, Tavern, I card, Morganton S.02 ' 9.40 ' " 10.25 M ii in H.5t -1143 P. M. 1 n , Bridjewater, ; 11 59 " (, Marion, - : 12.48 . . 11. iu U.'d Fort, ' i -i GOING EAST. - Arrive. Leave. ' 7.15 Ai M. &04. V . 8.53 9.42 " Old Fort, 1 fMarion, Bridgwatr, Moranton : Icari. ' 7.59 A. in: 0.37 " 1W.22 " 11.07 11.52 " 12i45 P, M, 11.42 " 12.35 : 13' 10.27 ' H iclcory Tavern, 11. . tfewton, 11.57 " Catawba Station, 12.50 p. x. .fctatesville, . . 1.47' 44 Third Creek, ' 2.40 44 ' Salisbury, ; Trains Pass at Icard at 10.2$ A. K. ;jy 2o 1 XI T3ICHMONIJ 'Sc VTIBBAiri- 1 . .;- , . ... - UU., W i iN, U A i X- A A Ji Aj .JU . In ieflect on and after Sunday. Decrffid'' n r r. nT n xnTv m T ir n m i T-r TT- I 1X7-2. i . ' ' : . GOING NORTH. STATIONS. Mail. Express. Efeave Charlotte, ' Concord, Balisbilry. "' " Lexington, : High; Poiut, Arrive Greensboro Jjeave Greensboro, " Com p. Shops, " Hitlsboro,, ' " Haleliih. ' 7.ia p.r Mk 6.25 A. M. t.2'J- 8:34- 10.47,7:,; 11 i 10J51. 'iM 11.58 A.Ml 3.3S ; " 4.53 , 11.02 12.20 P. JI. -.',;t.'i; J ;' Arriir5 at Golrtsbord; GOING SOtTTll. ,ti. t EXPBESS. lifr&Ve : Goldsboro'j ?' 4.00 M. 12.05-. :v - "n.'jif CoraDShopsJ 2.13 P. M. Arrive ureensooro, i 1.30 .M. lipave reensboro?v j; 'High Pointy K3.J)4m: f4.48 ..'h- ,4.112 j Salisbury, v; 4.S7 ft f f 7:ttiJ,V 4-rrl ve -at ChttrKkfe.i ' t-;- l: u fry-ntw it'll r .! Passenger tralnjeaving Raleigh at. 7:45 p. m., connects at Greensboro' With No th- ern bounds trairr.: fjua king the Quickest (time JtorfiU jfortherh cities. Price of tick--lets saine' as via 'Other routes. .t'.'tf'V . ' A ' Mail itxoi4dallvj both ways, oVferntlre length o roaxiU Express daily betweetf company nopst ana unarioxte: .Sunday ah I'ftpsensrer trains connect at reetiH. boroxvitbr'tratns toand from Rtehmond. " jraiimcm raiaea'tjars on an nignc trains Detweennar!GiEe;;ana;iucnmona, (wltn Master Transporta'tldn.' Jy 25' i ii. !,-....'.. .j' f ....... j v MONTHLY- STATEMENTS! ! CAP, -ana; CARDS, ,i I ft A J y -rj fg'tifr; (V fjrjf ,g - VI, y ''Ji tl,SftrvrtTZTK!Tr .Min iii TWO Drums George' s Baak CMfishiat STEUHOUSE, MACAULAY &C0 jan 21 J f , J.;tV Mr . .Ss'Y'HI ion Commission to be - . sold in the next30 days; Now is the tiine 3 f f ,Tery atyle'-or pride; l ehiap; : i r -Book Store.!- ;.s; r jan 29 . I Mave, gom east, at T: . ? x aJ? VT Arrive, coming west, at; i ; . 7- a. m" Leave, going east; at m ' yJi lowing; ScHcdtileViIll be ;ruii over this We Statcsvmc, f. 'f " - AXti a m,nr1nhtftJ 1- J 19.35 " '' Trft OharlAtte.- ' ': ' ' ' WE have five dozen HYMNALS for sale 1 i-ULyotfeyerloS ' T)ROPOSES'tolfoTnt, instrttct, ahd xn JLT' duct, itt Charlotte. N. C." tt' Musical Socie.iy.;, arvd Jtogivft.uyiaical ., Cpstlyais. The income from which, is to be -applied to the purialllal(25aiid bcientifie Apparatus lor tne;unanotte m stifuiel sAbotoJurnish MrthiInatittti Orchestral (Instruments; and . Music, sueU mcnts. &c will be placed Vin the .handa of the Trustees, . for the useoC aad to! con-1 tanue.to be ttie property, ot tne v-nariwf Instructions per montK, : " 2,00 Ladies aiideentlemen desiring tob6ine 'members of the Society ;will please leave heir nacCtVeTK lre: offMessrs. Tjddy&lJro. - dec7-6m TO THE:LftQlES. ? ,f - , in ' Tk. TToopra'a Female Tills, a positive xjibre for Suppresdoiv ojj irregularity, aris infr from anv c&vsei whatever. Thev are perfectly hanTiles.v'-"''-'--"--""''"'''" : ': t o iwy juaayjinmua Keep a vox of ie : Price t ftft Tnr hoi iBent securelv scal ed to any- address on receipt of priced ,; 4 ! jjireci an oraers, HOOPER & CO., P. 0Pox 2453. ,: .Philadelphia, Pfti, jan 16-ly m ROCHES of ; Lacto PhosphateV i;Linie b X and Pepsini. . : . - W M . It. U It W jfcl x tv . Prospectus for., WS.-jTSixth, .Jtzr. -:0: 1 T H E AL O 1 14 JSr. An Ittustreitfd 'Monthly" 1 Journal, unwertally ... ) admitted to be the Handsomest Periodi cal in the World. A Representative ':!'. J Til. JrJs f:J .JJ:'wm. Tnmt A ! . ; NOT FOR -SALE BOOKSTORES. ; ' ,..". .. - THE ALPINE, which is Jed with all the .regularity ha nbne rf th teraporary or timely interest characteristic of ordinary ' periodical It is art felegaiit 4wseeUany of pure, light, and' graceful literature ; and a collectmn .of pictures, the rarest specimens of artistic skill' in black and white - Al though each succeeding number affords a fresh pleasure to its friends-the real, value ahd txS&fi&V TOEt" ALPINE, will 'Oy most appreciated afh?r it has been bound up at the close of Hie year. While otheTPubHcansmajrolaim supe rior cheapness, as compared with rivals of a similar class, THE ALDINE is a unique and original ptaieeption-alone and unap proached absoluHelj' without competition -alone and unapproached absolutely L witlMwit competition jn - price or character. ine possessor 01 , rrcvn'ctj( - not duplicatetiirqdanrty of miettaper and cneraviriss in any other shareori number of volumes.or ten times its cost : anI tUet i there are tho-chroaios, besides y ktlT DEPARTMENT. Notthnding the Ihicrcase irithe prioe. of; subscription last Fall, whentTHE ALDINE assumed its proportions aB&rep-, resentative charcter, the edition more than doubled during the past year ; proving that the American public, appreciate, ',. aiil wQt support a sincere effort m the caiise of Art The .publishers, anxious to justify -the ready confidence thus demonstrated, have exerted theniselyes to the. utmost to develr ope and improve! th,,work vapd,the:plans for, the' coming, year, as unfolded, by r "the monthly issuesrviU astonish ; and . delight even the iost7 sanguine friends 91 , THJ ALDINE.' '::. ': ' The nounce emih'en In addition. THE '. ALDINE wiil repro duce?exBple,of tte best foreign masterSi selected with a "view to the highest artistic suecis. "and ereatest general interest : avoiding-Sh sshaa beconie familiar, through -ipik'etographs, pr copies of ; any kind. . f,f ' t Tltexiuarterly tinted plates, for-lST. gilL u child-sketdtesraropriate-' to the four issues ior January, Apni; yuiy, anaTueto- b , 1.J 1 , . 1 ll. .1.. . Z - ber wou)d be Upo worth the price of a tnn'a ! l-ov v -4- ! Th"errpfiT;ftwe trated "ChristmasS iftvigiber pvill be con- I To possess 'such- a' Tam&ble epitome of he world, f.aarjyost so-ljiningwill command" tHe ubscrii)tion5-of thousands i . e i a ':L J jn proportion tb t&e n; ft its supprters tho ; pumsliers propose to niakeassie ouble ure," by the fo- 1 WmJ'n Every subscriber to THE ALDIN12- who pays m. advance ,ror ,tne year ih,.wvjT;F;i ceive. without -4Wdtuoi)al pharge1, a pair-oq iromos1, after J'. J. Hill, tile1 beautiful oil Chrotn eminent English naintnr. .Th n?rtntv eiftittedlw Viltegtte,aiiCross ng WAtonr'lM2nxese, pic ture.: jTejaehfi5mM:re)JdTpi' $30 per pair, in the art stores- As it. is the de- a.! . j;a ' i'jA- a.. a. i m-r-wFT lenuinauon oi its couuuciors to Keep a Jir AfcDJ2uGiifirM;ir pfISAIw!itin, in everyrdepartment, -tjie - cbrom?s mil be found: coTresponaMgly abad of anv that .can -be. Offered bothr periedicalst f Eyjpprrj jsignacurq foi ja? puwiipiiers-, yya?,wee-, mg mat me ; enromos aeuverea siiaar.pe equal to tne samples iurnisJiea the : gent, or the money 'will- ber refunded. "The. dis tribution, of.pietures:of 'this grade, 'free to the subscribers.to a hve dollar, pejiodical. will mark an epoch in the history of Art. aady n considering iiift unprecridehtcd: dhearMess ofthe Urice . for THE ALIilN K. itself, thfr-gjarveL falls thort Qfamir- aele, c veTt" xo-ntroser best -acquainted" wit h (For-illustfbtiohi ofUhesa diajmoed November issue of THE ALPINE.) wiirctintinWinrder the care' of Mr; HICH ARD 'HENRY BTDDARD,' assisted by tbe st writers ahd pofetstf th day;1 'who w,iii sin ve mj uaye iuc ' nreimure OI lllJfi ALDINE always tokfeepiitgiwith its artisl tic attrrtifW "o U!8i'',7 t.-; tababie olr bysttbscription. 'There wil! u ikuuijcu or ciud rates ,; casn. ior sub icriptionsTiirtsf be- sent to tlie publishers direct, Pr handed to 'the f local agent,- vinih wa't'esponsilUitit fo tfc itiakKr: rttT. 'M eases where the certificate" fa givenTbearihg thefac-siimfc signature of James BcTroIt, & Cd. t-ii '- -'i' i --'su.ip .3-jiU.t r.i, r -I-kj Tr.-: --h.v Ii :v.im K. ijj-i .7(,-.?i a -AGENTS WXSTEt.ir. .? An'Jr Jpbn; wkili'tt act! piWentiy as a local, agent ririll . reccir 'full and prompi, miormation' by applying to . ;jame3Si5tt&n& co -. t - -r - - v rubiishcV; dec 5 68 Maiden Lane, New York. 0 publiuers..are authorized :tof ai v- aesignf.ironjumany, p ne,.tmos t artists .of America. , ..' " .. '. 1 is the. .useiuTnesSi and , awracHon. , of-T TILEi ALDINtecan: ; s '-efaiarkred 1 A impressions and tints to vverleet eacn tae rehieYemeBia? or inventve genius aiid ynioroved 'itiechanical atrhl&iiinca. per annom, in advance 4 ;wit vQil . , of' -'ft -iCbromec free.,i v:ir - ? ' -;V i . f ':-.; h-i 1 , .V- if - t -5.,...,-. -.. -,',-.! iiSi'fllNGTON SE snfiffirsK inn p.-- - f - V ' I ' LlllU T-T - lye are prepared to do all kinds of UOOK on 'as- reasonable terms as they aame work-! : ; ; - can ue uone jn . anj - - - , :- - State. Ilercliants, ..a'teFrofj t-k. i1 sional Hen, and others in want of Pani phlets, Briefs, . Le;- .! :? v. ...... -. -, i: ,.-, -.v. ; . .. gal Blank forms of - ; eviery kind, Busi- ; nesar Cards, Vis- ' , . iting Cards, r v l 1 . 5 -. : ' ' s " U 'AdiibisBion Cards. Invitations, Ball ' - ' . Tickets Excursion Tickets, ) , , , Railroad Tickets, Pro-. . 1 grainmes, Posters, . ' ' : i ;Hflndbill, ' ' ,J ' Had better jeire u 'a call,' 7 . ii,'- - i r"9 I ai we have a-uH supply of all kinds : df-Typej from 1-16 of an ineb'to --.. ii.o i :-irvo .'.'i t!: '- . ! r, j'wJiiliT'.v ? i " ? ; .-H .--5. a -iv.ih. oiaO.-l.TAD -iMfi-.'V) 4 . i . j ;.i.1i;.-Hi.4:Kt,'.i :.,o ' ut-sSfl j 1WrtbmbiVr'K,rt ;i ' '.! .i 11 iiiiir iiiii n it; n W W W I IT , - If W. W 7' - ! . - , ,:z:y'r ana Job Printingi ;jtteM.est.Cto;. " ; WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. the largest Poster, plain or Ifi coiprittied ' Wof 8fl$ll fnMlions MMPnM&, . 1 1. : . jiY .i but the oalv scientincpreparation of Car inches.2. -i ill AH r'Q&OG AT3IH.H0 is unenualed by aw fetown remedy. It ..-it uiu-. ... , , r . i .ic 5; i j ; ui i;:u,Ku will endicde,Jxt-i:ip , ViJ . ''-v;i,a.!;'' stjrof.isitnoiisub t i,:.- .T:!..V.-ri'.'.'...-.,"i Z1! Blood and will eftectiiallv disijeran predis- -U .j h V;.-r ; - ' wViV;r U ons, Pustules, Canker, Pimples, i --'V -.V-NX , i Hayejyfflyp ..l- . i '., - a. -.j -.' a ijjxi'iT - -lo 5c jY.t-i3;?1'0!" ptjfi aided Ihsyteui r', . ;. . .:.' -... . '.(', .-j is debilitated witli jViErtyof lne RlocvL Bill HeadSj' i : - 4 ; - f : ,v . Ilropsieal tcndecvgeiiei : Itter.Heads) f. i-,n r.ih Have you weakness of fb e .Ihtestmcsf , 1; .-jyj'ij.?. t.-ii , , .tlr 1You are in danger. of .pini Diarrhp or !.- I'tl2.ii T1iVi;: ffi IQjana-oi,.oyftb r .i tiBailroaA Blanks, ii,wwf Have you weakiiess bf ilie mun,or I Kt't 7 'mt prns,.. yWf.arWK::-tb I iKiii '., ,. ;;iiaDelS, . , V ' sufierihgih its most aggravated fbrhi; r t"iiii..i'.:',-nx.i jtqmf '.. iWr - .- Jil riitit Oir Vlilfiu.iV 'tci .e - ,r i." .U3 i','-":-! rj r- j Kit Ci s 5 - 'r s'? I r. ? j.i. 7 . 0.1 v PcoCdftEft priruT.niu.cs p?(jeveradeserjr)Uoh; q(as .k Bi 6DcaIabeisvBan nif.r--;' J-. - '- if ?i i , j-.r-- .4S; r - JOITITJb 21oL.AUGHII:? -t Prcprictors of Charlotte Observer. i ,. .Cuctor's Check l oftiit . - .uj -ta.-ir uu-.i -j f For a certain rmed.r.aPUlajp Ot any delcritfori Of JPHpthlfflTdOhe1 eases, weaknesses ahf1.j'ro.uTnes.; 'Toreaii- at:i6nal)le rates, and in euperiori ""R1"? vigortoalj tWrjiaXifi ..r-f" rrr , , bmldingJin aiid;ijestorjngthe weakened thSLic ' '."- v ";1 ,-r--.-'' ist&Hto m. ;:;''-s- uraersrrom aDroaawi" pTax-w . proBoancaiDymeiieaipgmei-'V- : ' - c 2 ,'.jr,,a? 11 autborit?esj0f Ldo)aBd:wjshj,tlig always receive promlpt1; attention? most powerful tonic and alteratiyekpwn Magistrate .Blanks, Marriage, J4r. by,tb: leadingttbysiemnf M fttber cpni r':: r,-, .-' ' r , 'V tries witKtW remedial'results.atrr - censeaUeils; Ac;.- kept for sale" . u Don'tWkeii awdiipair tbeigesbve - - Ji.t , fi K:. ..sf .Jf: - organs frs. tadteMjey Qgive l-'i h, .roo ,rt- Vi fljJi-M: Qnlyemporary reliff-digestiOT A . all thonsafids .w week;; Address I laiSl ZOtn 81., JW lUIfc Vy".. .. .. .- . Il'vou1 wiKhloDTiya igTAif ew fnrrT 'v - . . . "... . 11 1 " 1 " imna nnd i vnlnable TacKag eWiiKlsintilrDyjiait5v- 3tddressTfr 6 cent 'return -stamp, M. U)JNq fiitww CburUaBdJt-st,- ew tY prfe nm-Ai xn-yn hp. i i IfnTHow. .either sex may fascinate jand 'gTnCt Ibve ami affe&ons pypeKon; tkev;chfeinsta - tal - ilfeiiiall' pwesfiseevR.y 'ouee1 '-.iT 1 jv-rvj R 'derived. 'but Tor couglislf'coUia, sore -.! .i,- boljkii Acki r Lung-disoujie is when ehe?n ically jLagfbined..wilih,,iathe,r .,well,,KiQwn riuouiico, a in nu-pc i Aeijii.ai?, jum ihii Ueare'"6aiiati6nel against i:usihg' any btheni ! In iftji; cses jofiititetioiftof tbeimucotxS' i J ihenbjrane these tak-eis shoulJ; be JpeLy : Be'Vahled,'h'ever -neglect a -eoldjitis easily cured jinf its iucipifintr wheaitrbecoifte chronic, ;theT cure is exeeeiyy 4ifi1cMlti use eusR Carbo)ic Tablets as ,a specific. Price 25c:irWrlirj)x' ; John1 O. 'Kjatdssr. 1 4 matt Sts Nr Y.y Sole Agent for the United Status.;. Sfnd ar.Circulary.v , , . ,; ., n in ontbour IS Having, ! itvj v ro it atHve an otucro iuc lKok the jIAsbES WAKT. It goes lite WILtJPlRir,'' OVeri GOO pngs; only2.30f MoreAffeiits Wanted,. r .-r 1 N6T1CC. Be not deceived by mireprc Betitatiou4 riiade to pain off higlv-priued inferior work,' but s.eiuilefr circulars and see ProafJ ofiStatewente andcreatsuceess of t 1- , HUBBARD BROS.;- 1 i ) )PiilIishewr72i Sawsoii-rst Plik i)-' fi-;. -I'll maw n;f .yt-- i- . v ,. : ( A J?j?w, Carpet..;j:. :; . ... THiE 1 GREAT ' i WON-DER. Tlio r New? Eugland. Carpet. Co- established-. oyer a iuarter ofia 'ceuturjagor,hav1h-expended much tim, tairitVanariey, .tB-prctdu 'a sty hs hand durable arret at a low price, afth veaw!-,.pxierinenfHis with the best ...?. . t i v i ..' i , i ; t. thev : have hanred'ana vill'be -kh'dwh'as' ' j Gcrtnan- Wpcs'mvbeing' an Sact fimta-' ( ';1 non or Solid Brussels, the .arst 'thoUtkmil pieces of ? which, iii.onler to-introduce them..wili be sold for 37i cents Dcr varde iaiipls1ehtby'marl oh rfe6npt of 10 cerfts, difieiit-patteriis50' entsvS'J .iAuki rnNESfENGLANDGARJlET CO v: "379 fasiHhgtdn iBcto,--Masst - - " l9!tftliiwr anement-rn ;t i J- Is there want oCipii n-ypuxXi.ve fepJeep-t:-llJBjew relieeji.bihjfs inpure by deleterious secretibsrpdu,Qr,. niz.scrofioloiis or skin; 'diseases': "Blotehes. ! Areyouaeieciea,,aro.wsyr, nuijsiuggisn i . 3 torth-Scnicali-JWOTld rThiSi.-po,! cv and ivsoePsia"Witit ni Mfecas'es?-Sfe sure toxbildwtKeir-d 1!PM St Nwr Tbrk,1OleAent ior fhe UnftecrSt&te." .w-wi-wo - Pri.e DoTlax piBipr JJircuiRTK.T it aR2&rA Sr-T'-T7r AfitcrriJ. "v."i v: A iih-i tit very "fine. br&&tyii&&wmmhl& scores trf Pfeopl&---'i' ato'ri 3rU dfr?r' ?l Irish Potatoes Early Itoslirty. Good, aoshen"l'l'Butter1 f-with? fwith? iapi tal a "Factory -1 K)HK FITJUTW, as ReactopleieiiJlpyme!acjiHmevy . " - evening ? no capitalrequired. .fuU ifltrucf " : - nnV1 1 vhThahle backaae of goods to ; -t'-rt .- guide Ekyptian Oracle, Dreams,ints L'.usi.iJ ?simcJ frvi'WrT.T. ATktAvffct! RICA t irt novtJ AljfcMrt(f ffT3;H.r'iit s.' Fab wheat-Floor, andifine .Yeitowi :Ecb Cheeset jan 22 JJlarkeu . line to - - ; iiiotrp'Trriir(UOXlTVy,9 f. lull vWiisiiiii ir-i stir?? .,'ilA yff o nra 3 til AIti ?aA3Viw1b1cn'fconiT fetrWn.iUl in,f 1. rffisSt6t iof JEyxfcxWKxUiiVi4;im H ouuwBia sKiJyf , ' nJvm tvi.firo "id anixsraetsaeVilfiari bdau- hi Pasacnaejsjeavine "Richmond nt l n. ty and quality. . - t, ,T , . , t 'irfA'ra Jnd-CAPS othe latest ler.ferf. xmifnd BOYSU JtinJl xnvjlnma. xiWjJ'iMZ iH t ill JJ-KJII hi&1lSTMWP0TO'-. W2th.Kblill- k 4W TT m E A vita fir. riiir, vjccn r, "-- 1 iXtA 'HAVING secured viftatnf:aL(Nort?T 1 1 cutter; J'atn prepared tOLyiaaaiacfeoni.TO xq aai;wno javpr ni wiin; uieirt paronage Iinvitan nspectio t my goods, and prices. x . , itBAltJG; 'Authorized ' CtipltdX $500.0001 . J as. Turnee Tate, President , F.- H. Dbwix, AsstACashlerj w j rfT AT THE BkNtflNGHOUSTJTJF iiiil under Laws of the State of uithiLarolmas. Svith ainple means is prepared to traiuatt F and furnish aqcomtfodat(ian taimOwr jgnferg OHj Liberal erawj, t? :ft i Kfi v JtiMV jye to Check, and. will Apow Interest . Atjcordinc tn invenVimt'otflai DePositsacirlinieJ r AeCeTtiflcait if Depibbeariiil terest at the rate of .;.(niti'.iKVlmu r. on ap. suxljdiwty thirty ii i Til, tl''.hit kii:'ll.,!7ll.''n' j ;Utiu apu iirer i:mn aiuiKon' anufrKi l&niNotcs'BoglWaiSoiai54 -J t r'r.:(!l;T i"w THOts.tVVDEBYj' -go jri rjLA.T:.i n.Jj i, ?a.h, n-CfaMueE.);, ' 4h . .. ill- .as.fr.r.. .. . JiFScbool' in1" DfetrKC No. (ttarlotfe Tiownship, is open for the reception of all fan i fan -22Aa'w' "2'w- ..t " ?.u.;f?t . , ....... 14. .W.. i --.tfiftys- c:i;;j.j'.i lo ar:frv. ,1 HJ!--) t 3i: 'nU p:: film AtR2 0r300i)5ax), GO; . $S 00; 1 -tllf -it fii1i'-XiO!J?' . ; -1 i .to iji'ir-j 3af ;;;:!;, 'ii; At $0 00, $7 50, $10 00, $12 00, $13 00r $20 00, $2500, $3000, $4000, $5000 "V.' V"5 - ritolaliife:50ttttB' -Gtaii;'1 ,f.;t t;n i - na;.i;ti isv Hie. w w. 17 - t J . - ! fAt0j(Oi $45?0,i jOOy.pO.lTo 00,, I -1 . W. v .-v a,. V a y v Aa .-A . A . i9haki.j-k ..-v -i- . I s.?.W-l 1 ' m . Smith ifoso 'v$.they ! ' J;ahd other kinds at' manuracaurs 1 - i ' ' . . ; pnees. ; : . - - : - f n Id i! t : 1 .'.'.Mi- i. '., l'l.tl Annnlliz iWqf.'Iui-iu JHii; Utif UlJlTO9Pl0WPfxW!j srilLeWesTeigli ' -l '-' 8)b P. M. vAixij4'MA rvii ?--itttaM-Lnv tA OT -mxii.b- u w ,n ,WJ vauce on u)si. oi ljnponauouj ;. -iK A ,A- .A - - A. Ai Z I . - JtlETfA ETr AI4QA M MUNITION FQU , RIFLES CCD' PISTOLS' AT lAAVEST 3IAR--A ti.M t r.i tflVrr Vti1tn?ft" '. : ? jnll ; ?.' r; :;j (i, - v , . , plication v"00 t!iRI8 V VtL , ..' Cknidfr Pjicea and.DescrintjtB sent, ci ai- r J '"WV'i ftfxr WVVrtiVB.; A?rrr.w.ra u Kaiign- ana ad- t . V7:V! utrrnr t jff Tt t rTfi r aipOXteis(A.-SeO''W. -dJaltiruOre: ... . - , . -Wptfsoa7-ifWiy I'l j I."J' .'Jill' i.'liU "7'l V-;f.'iV imirMiH iu 1 Cw. with yaroB yaATtTfii d mtt TBfcW jrtarkwr of vwrvmfr tprt!ffjfti globt. It mbraees TrrthiBg o tb imbjaet f the MmMuMU uy jthif rark .',.-, ,-, wp-tUsidtB any atlwr wwk f , A. . I Sort ttr M4iMr ijcitoJiR fct bRe pAprr,r !( uf uec bile Miiwf,fF'Hli Uf !" rMl r. 7 ,jtmuT wrs !?n 1 MuftiuiarMi fc MM th-LUbrm4 v iti tf-tVi Tif -Tfv M fsri!ini'?S 10 inn t sitw - bUA'JS!,.. iiiitf d f ptfrK-inith States jahii iircaiatiiSh iitl P4PEIi5tb6feuhi aiHlalioi.dyeryr. largttiaAxdMpuuyamcreamr AAvtviwk.-.--:---.' s, '' uaiiy Btar. 1 year, - - -p : 1 year,:v-i.-i;.H:.4;:-v. 51 uu xnontnsTT: 4 00 rogre wrTitts 1 Vrim forkpimeiiOpifa lo IlaJtiittr "iff: i hiu,!awi vrof.i t '.!;? ,an . -jJ.ii7.t3toL-i.Ult ii! I .ttJi.'oyn., ChudO. Sa5S2aWt!S-4 "AjjEiGHr1 o-1 -A tf GUST A AIB- iaiifffMate a Tyi J0lNEr:BA!lXIlOAD; ' , -- . w . i , . . i . w , ' VkoM ibalaUon U world-wide.-Ati ihttmkl twltfUae sri- ;rtp:GSMly'rlyfe yelrVold? lifatKei : lLst fefVarcnlatloriljtanyinWvsUj r7 - , -' -X"V: ",ffc 1 xo wcawutw- . naw a, mv , - L; re at Richmond l2."45 pi tnf 9.40 . Viwlpifkfceave Richn5oti4T 1.50Tpr m. 5.10 a. m. wj r UtoWMiiUVWvHk n.l2i57p. m. AfTcai ur nsuoro iz.jaa. 3.30 " iseliviiliieBmiia at 1.50 pi 'in. aMdeai.cormect.atGWsW; for mj. connect urnsDorp-with train for all points Easof Grekisboro.-. - Passenger train Meavhftr Raleismut 6.45 vt on ; -' m j huxxusjuosd b CO.1'-'." GrricK Chief"Bi?!0. ad Gen('i..Sup't. - WiUiiiirG'TOjsrrN. Ciie i 26' 1871' CHAKGEOP SGHEDULK TTBtiRfaftfeisrnotWg -te ii&lilar1 trafna riULrnn qYrthia roal as Jollows ,, . JJs&Jl EREIGHT (Ttt A1S. '." llmington, dally, at 6 a. m., and tASSENGER AND E3SPRESS FREIGHT LaveiWilmldgtjooaUy, at 7. a, m and ifri ve at 3:30 d. m. V-Lifeiivmeaaitr, at :15 a. m. and. Ton , T sM FREMONT. WILMINGTON & WELDON BAIL. BOAD COMPAJS Y. , Uffice of General 'Superintendent, 1S72. i On jur4 after Mpnilay, June lOf-t, Pausen er rrafhs oif the W. & W. Rafiroad Will Xunrasilollawai: gjj I i:J . , r.. .. ..... " .U;rt4Ir3CRAM ,'(;, , Leave Ifnion Depot daily Sundays ex cepted! at Hi In 'A'.' TVf Arriitjl at Goldsboro at- 12 11 P M : ' ifitltoe-fcyiMoa&tai i . akiiT-. ,J ud. Weldou'af ' . 3:00 , Lcate-WeTdxin .dany.C8diiaay - ' V ,tPte4;a,i., i.3 w ;.v;.rAl!A..M. jArrlve .At ItOcky Motmtat 11:07 .' 'it(lrt-at('S hlir'P M- ii XStHjalii vc&ott 'daily, atr- - 10r40 P. M :ti jR-ocjiy Jiounc ac 4:76 -fatWellduJiii Arrive at Kotiky Mount at 8:Vi 1! " at Union Deuot at S:lo A. M ",i Mall Train makes close connection at M'eldon for-ail pointstfbrth vhi Biv- Line wltb! leepmfe ;ar.pu tftis Train. - 1 Frht fi-aitfs WJIPeVire - Wilmington tri.Jvj!kly -iit-kJQ!fHtmvand4urriiV; at 1:40 p, m. Express Freight Traius will leave dial I y Sundays Jcc1j'tQil urt ,-6- p.-'m. and Jy55v ' . !! .:.t.f7.-'.A, - Geb'l Sup't. it- iff 1 . n'-; J - . ,y pejBemletit's Office, ; iir.' -AJi-,JUne 15th 1W2- ; ;Qn.nd. after. tMonUay. June 17tli, 172. tntins oti"the--' Raleigh .tt 'Gaston Itiiilroad vri1'r tTinaily!'!hnda'ysi excepted as fol lows: I - MAIL TRAIN. trArEiv-; atVt-llpn .- . . 8;.'J0 P. M. r,'rMriWhm'AV 1 KH A. JlA. ,, 0p P. At. 'i'Mffviiiuiivyu i. 1 t i i . . ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Ararty a Wuuloiry ; ' :20 A. M. - J Leaves Weldorw - - , - 9.15 P. M. "aVrrive8JatUa'lt;iflV, - &:00 A. M 1 : - . T S t ' ' a SiI liiillii : i JI l . - ' ' -'! . . , ' 'I'llU Mlii 3 I Tf ridke inroad tKf ay Lifae Stearaeni v la - 'tttultixunn lianrltitr.iin..ii.M..natxitji: -Nortlv. t;. i-vTtjijj r. -Tii--rs -',v-r. i.i'wi"i"i r"- f vv estaiiuorinwfsr, ami witu Petersburg .itaJiwJJMj fvia Petersburg, Klohmoud and AndabJiletefrw4tltIi4North GroHna IMl WAom all ioi ite , Sriopi h and 'OW - Aj - jU imi U: JMaxwood and Fayette- VII fi. 1 Accommodation and Frelihtrak cod. .Freight trains on aboard and Roanoke r , Ana, at. uaieign jwltu Accommodation .aiW'Feightltai&B on North Carol imR: R. , xrapiiK Myiugvipug,ineine o,tlie road t::m visir rtMiniti-n in. iiia Wrttm nfr h tTi T S ..4Al-tt..-A-Wltl.?WR.-.. jt jjj ' Jfta?e-lntend4nt's-On,lce, On '&nd 1 after Mbnday, 1 June 15th, 1872, trtttnW i th4 Raletgh itrtitl Augusta Air- T.irw.Ra.tlTriRiLwill run tljil lv- rHuiidiiVM el '. STJWrxweMiaaniorrvj jt: : o;v : " Mail tra4n.leivea SanioTeL . 6.45 A. M. i lalrtfrith; 'rnkea-4c(sq iconn&ctlons: at ! ; TO TAKE JIFFifiCTn o 14 ;?rflQac&)VeifoiaT u toSpelaflergnt Trains lor Luhiberitlh irreeuiarly: ;u .. . f Ararat sadbi-With the OVesterh' Rail- .rejjdilflauid fiwaytayJSd;,lq'uta 1 l-ras-iil (i I - -.t i feiierlritndexit. ;nH dJi and Fridays. Jt -r-? f t ' . - (. A. ' :. f ., (a as . . a. a wc - a ' cnn J-aitjFghteMoiy oi i osi Webifiadty9 agdIridaysif k , i:. Black's, r ' " 2j?xrdP'';tt-'?r ' WhitakCT '-.- 280-- 2.20 p. m oi 5rtbtdat" v 'KW -4150- 1 A -MI A r : k' I , A IIS TT .11 miw; Ganualoa, niituw irojr j - j-gaai m. Kji-ag'S.Mountaia, 24A)jft,;0iai4 1. ' i Tl r- -"p -- - -- -rw 5ffic? "Fare bV tMslMti FiVe' Oehfe per UilWdthgM.Tn' Ct.p'xnllei'ii ept 23v Engineer and Sepenndent. -t. i i1 1 f i,-IV- ; I ! i 1 -1