- - - ..- . .. -. '" tiiih ,i ' ii - - - ' - ' - - -- -. - .- - "'- mHauwwwMM9KaaMmiMnMmmMMna t i " - ' - . -- - '.u.- ,,.autPtL)1 jZAr L Jr4?J 1 " , yK TT r-,.,T r7A.'.-.--lnf toe-Square bneHme.lLti a I jontes&: Mclaughlin. ,t pferOiiBryp iuildk&Traat Street.' - - tWO (UT8Mt mmmm9 1 6 lol three dayg...'....WWOT. 2 00 rr gyg days m. ;7.t;.;3 oo XtC 2 W Jreek5-vva 3 5& - - two weelcs... 00 - r - three weeks"..l...... 6 50 :. us one t month Jili:JiL 8 00 - .4- . . . . ' l)W6r1'Vyear:tn Advance, t.t::r.r$G 00 his months lndvance,: 3 DO three Months, ia advance, :. 1 10 , Oii-i month; -in' advance, J...U.V..l..l .1 GO' . Tr-Weekly,- one yearM..:...l.v;......i8.50 Weekly, one year... '2.00 ; j arrAonquct AavenisemeBts take at proportionately low rates, , ... v . iive bquares estimated at a quarter-cot' urtm; and feh sraates as a half-column. . 1 : . .mr - T . : 3TT:"T ."TTV ,..Ta. TT; 7W m ..-Br-rnr-fc: ,'Vnri;iv .v-ili.9 ; fiST:lT -..;i!H HWU lofci-KT rttUcJ li aw.il I -W- nf.ibciVfl Ln i-uiO .0,...-! : j1 '5 -y - itWl !-L,n. THE gaint Danstan he flourished bis amatcuf ..tones : .liifw'. s- B lntA 'f IO 1aKa " 1A ' AAfl A ISAM nil f He blew'up hi luroaice to fashion "No Ho man ho can teork to the devirneed He took up his hammer to work at the WeJtWtsithe smithy aVd'ice cried, F " fcftftteyed "M JjrayW 'giineC tbe power of I evil. -AiuTw-liert; He-looked ilKTiw'fAyby- Ypti said cried h0 devil, tis labor that That a mAi .vh can ; - worfc'f is absolved A crowbar owbar ii Jant, and three skej HoW, me these." The saint.tDak thej tongs that j were hot ' from the fire, . ,$hutedf ."Satan, a vaunt !" and auatherajs .dire, ' .. ' - Anil crying, "Thou falsest of devilfeb foes!" He seized him and held 'Mm quite fast by i the nose. Bui if Dunstan had virtue, the devil had 'If you won't work my evilr" he said; with I , a giower, "Ifjou .wjQn'trmake my. crowbar and-,skeU , Yom shail work till yon do: vou ; may-do 06,' , 'EalUioHigh; Puristau died, and was buried , lull deep, '.'. ... An tel clitirches were built' over where he i' m.. - i t... 1.1 t - ' ' The roar of his furnattce still answers the , , . search, " , . the North-esaterh corner of Avalbn In '-tn: this hollrtw comer, if you listen ,'y on wilt hear a noisexactly 'like the regular. blowing ol a iorge. Rumored . Assassinstion of the President General Grant's FiueSeuie f Hu mor. - WASHrXQTON;4an.2-i 1873. Tele- griras of the mpt startling nature1 were received -in thia . city, t news -lieaidqiiarteriii, early ; this - evehing. Nw York di4tatches came thick add fast asking 'rtbo"ut the assassins!-tid'u- of the Chief Magistrate df, this "g'rpitt "republrc. Where there wiis jjo much sniqke . .every one thought there niu5t, be . some, fire, ; nnd; the invrnher of. visitors' at the White Iipuswere in proportion to the avuimber of people who had ljeard of thife terrible rumor in the strcpts. Yqur correspondent called at 'the Ex ecutive Mansion this evening iindi toind the rresident in full , posses sion! of.life and health, ealmly.seaCod in lita oiiice,-chatti ng with Senator Hiirlan over . a cigar. The President lmjl received1 no intimation of the rujii'or until your correspondent im patled the intelligence to him". He t hen got pfTajoke, clearly ,lemon tratihg that he ha.f a fine sense of hujmor, which his enemies have al 4eaTicd:hil: Turnin,g to .' Sena ttVrilarlan, Who had Leen'iii earnest cojisiUtation with him about Ir, Du raiiit's troublesome story, he said, be- t wjaei pufls-of hi$ cigarr "Seuatoiyif x atRt-ftssastsinateu -i-aui'mrr awareii it.f The Senator niade the original remark -J.f one were- really ?Je&d it vouhl embamising to ifoi; ''know it " k iijSTdijrl ;coie?pQn4entj bojuld hate suggested jtOp hin other -instances whefd m e n werd "dead," but insisted to the contmfj", as the case" of Oakes Ames and company, but he forbore. Marshal Sharps at! this 'niomerrt ehp teied the room 'and had a hearty laijtgh with thtse present aVthe .ab surd-story. 'She ''thought .it had bap. biii en, a presejitaini ent 5 of som e coihing disaster. . The: President has bepn very glooniyrof iate over ;the downfaUiol his -many tnends: bv 0&k;e'd; A nwsconfessibi, Arid 5 since heading trfe Qbjtniry poetry in yes terlay's' Heriiid his pohsurnd an. iin usal, number of cigars to keep o'rfhis melan'chd!;'-'" T;- ; ; ''''' , Your' correspondent had a few mo ments' conversatiidii with him after toepator iiurian retired, ana congratu: lated him noon the falsftv of 'the hi- rnpr.:I)uiig the eyeniag the entire' to jce ot reporters ana correspondents , wnt rush ing up "'Co the WhiteKbuse with-feverish haste " to J get "a-- good viW'Ofthe bodVi -This body was, When 3'onr correspondent left itfc iii a fiqe skite of preservation lapd looked.! vej'y'unUkea cbrpse.'1 V;i" 1 .- i "At.nidnfght the President reared anp the doors, of ; the. .White: ; House were : bae4 ;against;anxious f inquire ersj as to the truth. of rumor bfc his as$assiaUon,rw.hich it now.lia.ppearsj irom. v-tue . telegrams received,, has spread to hearlyv every eity '-iit HmX lT those;whahvefetl4etri',s(i hriy eoiintrvL .A rl iKAfstlU livoBlLffiyMveasVe rjf6lvsaii'hatlhevtare sruar eountry.: .And ihe still livesiHrt2d Correspondent: I VtHi-' n -- -5 .:,; ' - - j - :'- . if; A New Business iFpit the fjifotttH.; Sand of the best 'daaUtyftlvAw ufacturepf glassxist etaxt glass factories .'rjarticrilarlvl M sou thern Missi8sippirvbut : these I latf tepipts have so far beeh'of lrid 5 avail fo want-of,capUiU .Jt would prove svgreajt tfciing1 fW : : the South uld JP8 ihdusrMU9 hshed. inrjrfiydtitel - fb the ciiltiyation;of fruit fori canning aod preserving in large ;4 quantities .haa become so Ereneral in some" 'sections that glass jars and glassware, general-, ly are greatlv in'-dtmahdHavmGr i. .t r. t ... . .o t tne iruus and the sugar the? South only needs her own glassware-t6 ob taiin a monopoly of the trade in pre- servea iruus. :r,r't n' iJG'l . Wilmington quarrels "at the jquality ofbcrlightard;; ' - - LZ- liminary efforts have been, made j tor TJ 1V Ur JIS JXX AVJL JLtL ..r t. .:.,.,f, -?J 'ff,! -ijMIIH III miUMMT. iMhSM jirt ' - m v m m mk m -z. m mm m wi Centre TjiblesvWIialitots &afie imd! Sollof ,TiiousBtyWantf jhiany L ..11 XI. ' A. A i J iluflunct nnt nfaaniinny to . i i xne unacrcaKcrs uenartment is commete fromf Uve r;JPt JarCffiii;to the FiieijilP tFoSAlnxit Casket Half Glass Top finished nd trimi med in tbe niost approved stvle, wiU he kf pt constantly read v forTisev all 6f Which bill be sold at a, mqst, reasonable price: Z -t Retufrting-rhanj,- thanks for past 'favors I most respectfully ask thccjtins of Clarl9"andiJSuJun1J&oiby4 vWho have need for anything in. myipe to. giye me a call befbre purchasing elsewhere, j 'South Trade Street' opposite the Market I Holtse, Cfliarlotte N. C ; ; " V: jan 1st 1875-ly-F.;M.ELTpN. ; r l S -a great ftianyl changes have taken A place this yiv'.lfwpmfo11ybeg'ki infomi tlie. citizens of Charlotte and 'thei public in general that no change has taken" place at my tstajWtohfwMitv.al am still at inv old stand, "No. 24 Tryjn Street, David: Parks' bnildmgj f with av laive and wfell selected sfeiek of thv finest 'aud latest SfcVles of dnstoiii-hiade clothift Sv Men, Aroutlis and 4)ov swear. alsoJoti'-hand a nii stock of . Gents' - Wumishing tloodi; - Shirts; Of liallon s naketie UeSt httunishirt in nre world.'i The verv latest fme of Hat, Kmrft lLiwu niirl 5T4ai: lTnrlrlT'!i At VAi 4 ad l. will still sen tlrewt at prices to defy roninotittrni. --J - t '' ..'-' ' ' - ' ' - v v ... v. . .c.', .-.--) .v.,. I e.TTKJtft to-leave for New York Citv in a short time today in my stock of CkHing and lneco Uooits, tor -mv uuilnifj?EMiib- li.shmtiit nd will'iilsobringwith me:an experienced Cutter and Tailor, and will.be readv by Spring to cut and make Ho ofaer at my own-estaWiliment and under - my own smervisi(yi.andtafe4oweri; Prices- than the same quahrv or goods citn be made up in this or any other cityj this side;df flajti UiOTO' :;u .14. .d ! ' Being thankful to the citizens of- Char lotte and the public in general- for the liberal patronage: heretofore bestowed upbB Riar liu.st respectfully ask a continuance of the same. Ilespectfullv, ' . jnn 9 ESIIRIER. ; 'Ilouve and Democrat copy, . ? ' ' ) K A - tjacksnCcjairfcTy Flour, different jOJ Grades, for sale at jan 21 R. M. MILLER SONS. LAOIES. r ... :i; : J U ST R EC E I V ED B Y " - - ' j EXPRESS TfH f?IOUxING ',; : (".AT-' :' . ' M II sZ, ' Q U ERY'S. not 30J .aiooS f ARGE LOT SHOlJlERSCARFSiNltl li SON TiEJJ anil -Bo.wTs! all"" Color af greatlv reduced prfees, just received at no-30J ; J MRS. QUERY'S. No. 4, Granite Rowy Opposite . ; C S 1 A1 X K. 0 T E L 7 ; AAoA icOHAItLOTTEANit :. MatiU fiactuiers WJloalalietUl Hftl! era jManrTbacjc ih'g Tobacco, ana Cigars of all firrades. Dealeriin the abovesootls will" do well to eialtitne 'bur sfofck before trar- hasing elfeewherc-as we 'cah:fler .t.nvr,.Li greater; indufcteftieiitsl ' ' ;' jan. l4-tf:-.'-'--: ' r - ' . 1 ?yrt'J-..3:?-t . . ( it I - V'' THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! ! ! ?i,t .:0'?lLA??,t UR ,! :: WE iOTfer ? the folio wing ? fertilirs.ri ipatapsca "Guahb, .Chesapeake CFuano j We have 'pleasure lri''ari;tettdhg to'' our Farmers the bote fiistcljcss Ftrtili- Tprsiili.i') 't tin- i Irtd-td sachfas batfet ?yet usejdftliein o4lrial fwillriviriee Jthem that1 tbejr are Sufterior to' all bthers'-r'ito rAakdtiHa I Supply arid please hand in your .orders ; UFUiW ill Bur tiunuuij , ujr J itt"io 4?Itw;' aaf r? T...t 's-.'t lifWfetTl'JlJ irlT - .'H- arter'!GwblneA luting and Copying t Sr'Tonetlnk. ':'?L French Copvinff Ink.s iDaiid's Brilliant j - arnerlri . Bushels r Mountain1 Iris'Tdes. 100 ' Warranted sound and good at $1.60 per bushek'4-' V l iSYMONS & CO". W2lrtf 1 invar ZD ztmvt-irvA 'nt.i -v-i -UiiMj i; ,f ..r..T !nur- ti uraa wouiu cuane January 1st. i7JLwe ce Arte? it is to be strictly. CASHt OttlDIT Thcse Wbo.dfiot pay promptly- need not expect. 4my fitrdrs. simoiiTon bouse. or'Jmm.v. f- trJ. 'f?lf 11 'if l(.,.jioi - r V .-Q 'ij iH. Cbarlotte ihtf.aio! twWic derail v t& ! call ?tkiiuni whi theyn visit -Statfesvilterf He iWUl: "?iare; jn cither .-pains Mor . monej?'. to mnK:cUiei.M.U.MXJ XHJUWa .Jrst floss rXIUUIICUJi.. . lit - Ca in ,. ill iil "r. -' ? Pre it;- of, JDayAnd; iuhte s t fit: v 1 C&oice Green nnd Black Trof Selected4 especially r Family V and , jAval- :junfr29' :l; ' Drugstore.; UV. VUU U ...... -tSFJGES-i .r: ;t: .... Just: wceivdqa 5ot 'of- "select 'xfytikifoi Picklesv Preserves; c., at SCARRift ,.101161 , , drug'Jtore Yvire Salad Oil. . , ' " t - ': , r' , ) ' J t - - ' : , , . Finest article In- Market ' at.'. , : rF.SCARR'S : juhe 29 . ; . ; . Drugstore. CHOICE: .Salad Oil, iTiiWst attidJe- ever w. ottered in .this. Marbet, fbr saieTtt ' "dec: 18 r; SCARR'Sv For Sale. rnvirO Acres of land adioining tlieCity ef X Lliarlottc... very uneiy, situated ,jin oct22- Opposite Ma1isitn Htuse.' . AS I am osiiijr many of' my nsfv mers , by crediting.- them would take the liberty of ask in to tall afKf 1873 ;of sooner. FOB, SALE. . 1 for sale are kept 6n harii eoh'sranttr. : ' novio-tf ii-1..'J oysiUd.ou uy, Oats; h-'i '?;:-) FIFTEEN Hundred Bushe Mountain Seed Oats, 'forJsalby" ' it 8TENHOU5E,-aHCAtJLAY ArCO. rrnr HmHNtrand. GrjU, -fre7 ad,gqp4 tJoods" sent to aU parts of tlie ,Ctf jan 21-tf - Near thfe Charlbtte Hdtel.v; ' !-i .j.io-riTOF f-Kb - i j jWt Ere?ilierrernlaif Agents &r t7 A1 T; iT3 junES,' ' .,V.T t f Alii ivl JlJYf . CALL AP, gTl JgPETTyTCN coPTEaT f-r 'f'iit -r!TI and4bem!6crat cork' !?; fJvn-iir, j ?r.dl Jfcft TiTEthQ Undersignecl beg leave to tharik VV' nnr. frifinds. ; and r, acauaintanees ; &T tbeifTBberal patronage bestowed upon our Emnlover. MfE7ShHiet,T6r tbe past year. and ftiost respectfully ask a eontantiance'.of the same as we are still lU Jh&Tetople : fash&BesixctAiUntiffftBlov. oh . i i r . . ..... t . a ,'Tvrrnm . T . ; JL HoteT'restctfulrviiiv thePeOnleof uesoiu eiuin;, ur in 101 10 suil ,piu;ciWV5Crs, at U 'vet v reasonable rate. F Appi v tb iiw ; : - t k i JOHN1 T;? BUTLER; " " i g(-all who owe me settI6 ui;trV the lst'of Fehruary, A Lot of. .fine , ItORSES, and: MUIJCS, A in splejidioVonler. At DAVIDSON'S LIVERY STABLES. Horses arid Mules 7. . ? Ml .1 md VFiraniiTiiRE i : cheaiv rhxtdrs ri .fiTTr-iBRlVING DAILY AT-r- n 1 :' DAVIDSON IRNlTlRRBflOMS x --TBAwtSr., Opposite Bkem, Brown VCo?sRrfcrooDS SiORfef i:.4.'J.' WHEB3S WILL BE FOUND If i f .o . -f; t; r. -f .1.-1 f 51 frr-Ar, jeMBRACING. BRACING,: Cliairs, iTablcs, Bedsteads," Bureaus, DressfrJ tVardrobes i idBboardsv v Bxk Cases Desks,! Hat Jiacks, iEtageres Whatnots: 'Cradle L 5v-.M Ji- -i-'.'j. f ;jH j i'.i; ALSO MrocK of Parjof Forfiittfre; Dining ,4 ? "Hwa wi Bijricwim iuisu. xiis xaouse aisu Keepa a iUil stOCK OI ft-. :.r!. Beds and Mattresses?and a Lar Assortment dfJ,'ji?,i,i METAL tp 'BURIAX'CAIS .. i.vj.. i y !--.-. , . rH4 1872.,; ISTFl A QHAM'S ' JO jr" Of T H E : " sizes and styles of finish: together witli, Malvbgany, JloBewood,i r.. nniiiuu louiar auu tine Jonuv, irom me pianiesi anu cneapesji ipwie i ... u T ftiTi fif mtagort Cases and CasketsTfrftfe ftitl glass tops.'tSmrfied V ' '' urt Una '('thakdsl elaborate style; furnishiWftlfbeavy SflvrMoHih ,,t,m.'i'l -j; J iur'S 'iSpeciat satteatioif giveft to :' fiimishititf 'DigrellinM Hotels f and Colleges at a small advance on j M AN UFAOT0RJB9f KATES.- ' atiqax , basts trixijtrif . 7 ; ,!v HOLESALE & RETAIL1 DEALER IN BCJOrep&HOESHATg.'CAPS TRUNKS, LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS. . '""t '' " ;I NOY rlnvife the VV H OLES ALE and nbr&neub of BOOTS & SHOES, which have ' 'MY"Experience .in business makes me oi my.goous win covijJre lavoraiu wiw where;''-1 , !. : ' : ' .! f ' F-S. FAMNOW PREPARED TO OFFER ib 'LIBERAL TERMS-aftd LOW PRICES, , August;21st, 1872 t Cm - Lancaster. Ledger. copy six months.- :.-)vi MR?L,Ai, W,, MILLER is prepared to ac . cpinmouate Boarders with room and nteJifSj or with noeals only, as tjie Boarder ; niayuesire. The DUilamg, urav s, on the corpep, of (. Trade, and Church streets, is a ne'W one Y the -rooms .are..clcanly., comfort-! ablyeailY futnisned, arid well attended. Thc tabid w as good, as the market will afford!' : - ' ''' " -Terma most liberal, t suit clerks who are working for moderate salaries. : WE have this day sold our entire stock 4&4Groeries,;Liquors, &c., to Messrs. W..H H. HOUSTON, 0., and in retir ing from biin ess, respect! ully.aSk a con tinuance of1 The liberal patronage bestowed upon s tduyuecessors. -:': ' : s-j (Gregory & Williamson, : fW. JJ;BLACK &GO. " jaftl;. .Having purcliased . V J. Blaek fe Cos iyxd, .Gregroy, ,k "VVUlifiinson's entire p we will constantly 'keep a complete Stock a."; CtROCERlES LIQUORS, . ' Ax4roidiresptfal1y asi: axail' "from , b; w.i-. H. HIIOUSTpN. & CO. ; ! -i R'ki 6feR aV& Trit wiisHr fbrtnerly 'With Gregory & "Williarii6n and Mci)iAR LEDGE; ! fonneriy wltfi J. Black A Co., are with us and will be pleaSN ed tcree their fr!ei;annstdmers i s :c .rouTONiCQ. , J ' Qexaral Comxnissibxi Kerchant, - 1WrTwyiA bf rtrfTAK naiH tr. colTinr .nil kindscTProduce, Cottbn dnd Tobacco. ' ' ' Highest caishi pre toaid forC6ttbftiu 'All orders fronrai distance bromptly'at tended to-neM o on J. Yi BRYCE,- H01CE(Id;Fffach SranffyW Mcdi- ia; TTtTj1 .ilir' :U7 HI. rERdHANTS i visiting Oharibtte,' will lXL;find Writixls paper land Envelopes Lvery. sbeajj, ati jisiim iPUREFOY'S fj jan ..st-itv IandjT7arxated Garden See'j TffBrlU : receive in ar few days 'a large TV. rand complete assortment of these- -re-Ible and popular "irr x I'aWift i-jn-ALSOiiiif - ?fir . -" Clover,? Orc&ar&t 'Grass; Tjdcern Lawn" Grass. &cw -i W R BUR WELL & CO; stock oi uopas, veinaye openeq at uregpry &jWiIliapi6Bi's 'old stand, rieyt door to MeMiktVDaVfe5 rfe Co's. 'at' which place r;t jan 17 . 'Htvoi o ' -;s : : . EVERffHLNG KEPT IN A EURNITURE T i ' house;- i A - : i . ytiviplAl Room FuritureaudtChamber SnUs, all . 1 sii I .V T TV. I.I.1. J:-fa'' f:U'j-:jf itibA" Sri'i 1-1 im -iM vfi I u it oi i'Oiii i SHOE . t;..l7T.l i,! .!.. B, B - A .-Oi0t7v. 'i '- i' - :.-..j' - : i 'i . .'- : RETAIL -Trade to my large arid yanea asr been selected with care: , : - 11 J r confident that nw juices atid the qttalitj muse ui auj wljlubx- imjush ,m ciaw . - : Vi ... -A --y.f-i ....... S.BL,vMEAUHAM. i . . . . .. .... i.'.. GOODS TO THE tVHOLESALE'TR.bE , Twie y q . i :u- SB. MRACIIAM, NOTICE TO THE PpBltC,1; M.: THE Co-partnerslnp rwhiph. ,1 j expected , to forin by Janharyllst 1873 .ill'.nof take place- uhtil the latter part of.this month and tlierefore I will cohtifrue1 th' sale -if the entire 1 :1 t1- i! ''- stock: of fancy -4 : - w- DRY GOODS,' V l- A ; MlLtilNERY, ; " ;1 s ;; CLOTHING, AC, At the same reduced prices!' ', ' . ' . ' ' ' ;pj-r:i!: 1 "WILL !alsci contihu'e to keej "up hiky BARGAlNftTER. la r. New Orleans. 15 ng&r (and Uolasses. w Orleans Sngar, w uarreis wnoice " ' ,i . . , ...V-. f.t, . n: noiieueaus iriKim.,iew vnea dUo; 2 Hogsheads5 Bfe.J by BTENHOUSE, W&Shb&-&&. ; I -r :. H FOE SALE : ' A v J "31 EST Tit rt I -a . J - H I:"' 'Jtiif .'ii - ' All UA-A; iV.iXO' b. i . " - i Ji 1 W, WADSWOOiTH f flaSs atw lavary fe and . . Bale , StabJeiirppopiteJItheT City. Clock, HORSES anOvMULSS faf. Kept constaniy o,uaauj , .-. , M , s -llii;t3iii x'nov.30'- V ' Lt'-'SL -it ,V ; : ijjj-iT vicr ''V ;. : f HI "!r..: - in . i.1 i: Tii ' I. V,- 1 L S I' I !t It i mHOScpersonaiQTSi -jrfe havid jtxth. !x lenaea creaic aunng me pas year confer a favor upon, u by. calling at once itnA Oflttlina th in-' nrvih faifa W'.fh n must lx our JUst appeal:- iREMMBER;I3?:hn n'T . Jan U". fTTJSTppcned andr.sale a complete asT Ji sortment of Buistl-t . .qelebfajted Garden, ;jatf 18 TJURE PQWDERED,BLACIy JPEPPEB i y j T 4 ..Clover ;8eediii'. : A" jSupplv . of ? Pan5yIvania:, Red'Top A-Clover Seed, at-- ' ' '-v'',:,' ' STENHOUSE, ; MACAU LAY- & J. jan 9 AA.Qi-j ft m i fi --:JJ.trTf table Seeds grown, 16 theuTJierrt; Sfatc. : ' ! CHARLOTTE FAIR J 'T. BUTLERS I ! NEW.: GOODS. atches, Clocks, Jewel- Tfi. Kambnds, Silver and ; Plated Ware, : ; ; Si pectacles, &c. : , ! , tr-7,' ii BOXES '.-it - - -AND MANY ' TOO Iff USHER 01TS YMiilUTiClY AT- .. i .. . . J. I. BUTLER'S OPPHSlTil2 THE MANSION Ufa October, 22 i ;t" Ai R; Nisbetr& Brother : " "' HAYING coTileted an, improvement 11 their Commodious -Store Room:' oil Trade. Street, one door west of Smith Hammond's Drug Store, Charlotte, N. C, are'rtoWrei'eivm a Weil '-E'elected stock of Qrpoeries, Musical Distruments, Tajsr Ci- garsvfec., wlucli has been' bought.by one of the rlrni, at a time when the market was mpst favorable.. They therefore fel satis fied that they can gell all goods, in thtit line as low as any firm in. Charlotte for cashioro punctual cufetoinersr 1 ;They; bivite. Merchants , to give them ft call, '(as they1 had a special erc to their wholesale trade, ) an d Teel warranted in saying that they pan sell ."o as to make.it a. saving to tliem in their purchases. iTlieyiiiturn 'th'eir1 tlianks to their friends and the generous public fbr past favors, arwl. solicit a continuance of the same. ' A. R.1 N ISBET & BRO. ? FAMILY GEOCEEIES. a..' m r p R e s s o w . Trade Street, next door to tile Post .Oflice, Sigri ."of the. Elephant, :.-;t: JUST RECEIVED. ; A Fresh Lot of 'Sausage,' Mince Xfcafr Pork, Buttery Chickens, Eggs, &c:-, fcc, JS-.I'WUII a:spQcialty Sr Produce sold on commission - '"jan 3-4y ' v : 1 ' T UCKWII EAT CAKES all smoking hot, JJ covered over-troth yellow, rich, ftomt Goshen Butter: .What is more palatable , for 'Breakfast ? " Wr'el 1 we have just recei vetl an. elegant Lot of the-material to make thepi.and we will sell the; receipt for a small price. ir , ; vU !:- ALSO," just, repeived, Irish .Potafocsy Cabbagev Chesnuts &c., at , i, r- - v JOHN F ' BUTTS, ; decL31cH 7J j. v. -.Market.' v "t Ciffars, Smoking. & Cnewing . Tonacco. :ir.l 0vAUU brands, Che wing and Smokhig v Tdbabccplri quantity, and of various brands ana,' - ditfcrent qua&utic&i .' wnoicsaie anu tai l by , biA. 1fl Al.N.ifcBRO, ; ;!; nr. ;;T BAJR; BnMbeViTootb Brushes Nail Brushes. , :Vyn t' -'WmV R'BURWELt. & CO,' - ;decgljfcj;-- H; Springs' Corner. ' tZ'EROSENE LAMPS. - BimWELL&CO. 1 dec 21 .on r.r j. i . ; tATELSONS Geletine, a fresh supply, just IV'Jivedi'at.tM.:- SCARR'S.' .A Choice lot of SmoKed. bugar uureti 2x Shoulders, at . . .: , jan i i pi)wL,ym.& su5.- Vrioibk the1 higliest premium at the -Fair October, 5ttt.T872, made by P. j: Kimber- " If 4 f Buncombe;! county, N. C, for sale by a .t" X A? "New assoitment of Kerosene Lamps, , (; Austifl.at;:;:;,' 'scarb'sT .. jafr9 - . ' V: S AGEi fFine NewjSage Just received at dec 18 SCARRY f t ii

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