The Charlotte Observer. . y PUBLISHED DT - i - JONEa & McLAUGHLDT. Office, Bryce's Building, Trade Street. " -t-k-t -f . ".; j ' 5 sates of "suBscnrFnoir. Daily, One year in advance, ...$6 00 Six months, in advance,....f 3 00 Three Months, in advance, 1 50 One month, in advance.................... , 50 , Tri-Weckly, one year..........';........ $3.50 Weekly, one year. ........... .. 2.00 RATES OP ADVEOTISIXC. One Square one time- CO it tt 0 "-T8"-1 bo, c ?iree days--...-... 2 00 - four days.. 2 SO II five days.. 3 00 "M one week ..... 3 50 . two weeks... .. 5 00 44 " three weeks ..........;. 6 50 44 44 one-month 8 00 Contract Advertisements taken at proportionately low rates. " Five Sonares esttmated at a quarter-column, afcd ten sqtrarcs as a half-column. CHARLOTTE, N. C TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 4, 1873 No. i;:50 till U ATX MY THOUGHTS ARE YOURS. A pansy on his breast she laid : V . Splendid, and dark with Tyrain dyes : "Take it l&a like your tender eyes,' ' Deep as the midnight heayen," she said. The rich rose mantling in her cheek, r -r ' 15eforc him like die dawn she stood, Pausing; upon- life's height, subdued, " Yet trhnaiphing, both, proud and meek. And white as wjntcr-fstarvintense . . With steadfast fire, his ImJliant face Client toward her with an eager gracc; Pale with a rapture, half suspense. - ''You give me then a thought, O sweet V1 He cried, and kissed the purple flower, And bowed by love's resistless power; Trembling he sank before her feet, She crowned bis beautiful bowed bead With '-one caress of her white hand ; "Rise up, my fiower of all the land, For all my thoughts are yours,'- she said. Scribncrs for February. : GENERAL NEWS. Ole Bull and Blind Tom are mak ing mnsic in Kentucky. Pennsylvania proposes a consitu tion amendment making voting compulsory. A man who runs a saloon at Union Springs, 1ST. Y., always opens his business "with prayer. A few hundred yards south of Fro&tburg, Maryland, stands one of Braddock's mile-stones, marking, it is believed, the close of the tirstday,s march from Fort Cumberland to fort Duqtiesne. Rev. Mr. Watson, of the Memphis Conference, has withdrawn from the Methodist church, and publicly a vowed Ins firm belief in spiritua lism. He has been a minister in the , Methodist Church for about thirty years. The Montgomery Advertiser of the 22d says: "We wore informed last night that up to that time 2,700 emi grants had passed westward over the Western ' road within the last preceeding seven days. They were on their way to Texas. McCrea, Maury & C 's dUtillcry tvjvs burned at Nashville, Te in., Tuesday. About one thou -sa id - barrels of whiskey and highwiues ?vere burned. ' AAn earthquake in the intcro.- (f &ih Salvador, Central Am erica, about' the Ist.of January, incidental to the cr f ptitm o f a volcan o, t h re w do w n the walls of several buildings, the church portico, and several lives are reported lost in the town of China m cca. tAn address covered with more .'..lian 250 signatures was sent to Na polcon III by the trades people of JvJ'aris on New Year's day. To this - 'address was added a splendid saddle in Kussia leather with gold stirrups, for the Prince Imperial. A sea captain, recently arrived at San Francisco from New Orleans, exhibited an Irish setter dog, to whom he accredits one of the most remarkable exploits in canine intel ligence. The dog was the property of the first mate, and was early noted for extraordinary sagacity. When the sailors took hold of the main brace to haul it in, the dog imme diately seized the end ran the length of the deck with it, as if "lending a hand" to get the otlicer's order exe cuted. A" planter took a fancy to the dog, and prevailed on the first mate to present the animal to him. He carried it along with him GOO miles up the Mississippi River, and endeavored to show the setter even kindness. But one night the dog escaped, and running along the river bend leaped aboard a boat, and was towed back to New Orleans. But the ship had sailed, and a schooner captain, :nto whose hands the setter fell, took it with him to New York. The ship from which the dog was taken was lying on the other side of the river, and here is where the marvel comes in. The dog, while looking over the side of the vessel one afternoon, sqemed to take spe cial notice of the ship on the other side. After a few mements itHeaped overboard, swam to its old home, and was taken aboard by the delight ed sailor. We are frequently asked what is the Credit Mobilier. Here is a lucid tliscription of generously furnished by Tlie - Louisville Co urier-Jo urnal "An unlettered correspondent in the interior writes to ask 'what is this Credit Moblier. the papers are talking so much about?' Well, it is simply a double-jointed, haek-acting swind ling machine, nroddled after a French invention, but it is of such intricate construction that !we couldn't well describe it without the assistance - of a quantity of diagrams and: the portrait of half the members of Con gress." , ' '. " . ,-. Georgia proposes to buy; -Stone Mountain and build : a ' State' :Peni tentiaryy at the same time selling enough granite to New Ooleans two millions worth tor pay. the cost. This looks as if Georgia 25 legislature really had an eye to other buiiness" bo aides their: own. The Mrs, Fifzhugh,' of Virginia, who claims from '.Cougrcss $350,000 for wood cu t off her Jand i by the Union army during the, wary is one-of the Dent family, and a cousin of JMrs. Ctamt. " ' r AND . DO a O F. EloS H E L T O n HAVING greatlv increased his Stock of FUBNlTUliE , which consint in part Otv. -j, - , . t - - Parlor SuitsT Black, Walnut Painted Chamber Suits, ' French ;tnd Cottage Bedsteads Spring s Beds, Bureaus, Waslistauds. Teapoys, Foldings Tables, Xadies Work Tables, Extension and Centre Tables Whatnots Jsaifes, Excelsior and Cotton Mattresses, Chairs &nd"8tnol4 of various styles and many other things not necessary to mention. The Undertakers Department is complete from the cheapest Poplar Coflin to the Finest Hexigan Head and Foot Walnut. Casket Half Glass Top, finished and trim med in the most Approved style,will be kept constantly rcadv for use, all of which will be soLd at a most reasonable price. Returning, many thanks for past favors I most respectfully ask the citizens of Charlotte and sursounding country, who have need for anything in my line to give nie a call before purchasing elsewhere. South Trade Street opposite the Market House, Charlotte, N. C- jan 1st 1873-ly . F, M. SHELTON. Special Kotice to the Public. AS a great many changes have taken place this year, I respectfully beg to inform the citizens of; Charlotte and the public in general that no change has taken place at my establishment. 1 am still at my old stand, No. 24 Tryon Street, David Parks' building, with a large and well selected stock of the finest and latest styles of custom-made clothing for Men, Youths and Boys svear, also on hand a fine stock of Gents' Furnishing; Goods, Shirts, of Hal lou's make, the best fitting shirt in the world. The -very latest styles of Hats, Scarfs, Bows and Ties, Umbrellas, tcM tc., and I will still sell them at prices to defy competition. 1 expect to leave for New York City in. a short time to lay in my stock of Clothing and 'Piece Goods, for iny Tailoring Estab lishment and will also brine With me an (Experienced Cutter and Tailor, and will be ready by Spring to cut and make to order at my own establishment arid under my own supervision and at lower prices than the same quality of goods can be made up in this or any other city, this side of Balti more. Being thankful to the citizens of Char lotte and the public in general for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon me, i most respectfully ask a continuance of the same. Kespectfullv, jan 9. E. SHRIER. Home and Democrat copy. OA Sa"ks .Country Flour, different CO) Grades, for sale at jan 21 It. M. MILLER fc SONS. TO THE LADIES. sonyrE 2srE"w style JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS TUm RIOItlYIKG -AT- MRS. QUERY'S. novSOj f ARGE LOT SHOULDER SCAR FS.NIL Ju SON TIES and Bows all Colors at greatlv reduced prices, just received at nov 30t MRS. QUERY'S. J. MLEAR & CO. No. 4, Granite Row, Opposite CENTEAI HOTEL, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Manufacturer?. Wholesale and Retail deal ers in Manufactured Tobacco, Smok- . ing Tobacco, and Cigars of all grades. Dealers in the above goods will do well to examine our stock before pur chasing elsewhere as we can oiler greater inducements, jan 14-tf XCELSIOR ! I THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! ! ! TO P L A N T E B S . WE Offer the following Fertilizers : Patapsco Guano, Chesapeake Guano j and Watson & Clarke's fjuper-Phosphate. We have pleasure in again tendering to j our Farmers the above first-class Fcrtili j zers. . 1 To those Who have Used them so many years we need only say that they are guar anteed, to be fully up to their previous high standard. And to such as have nAt yet used them one trial will convince them that they are superior to all others ; so make sure of a supply and please hand in your orders early,- as tthc consumption exceeds the. manufacturing power. For sale in any quantity, by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. janlO - ANNOLD'S WEITING FLUID. -. ; -x-:0:- ' Annold's Copying Ink. , Carter's Combined Writing and Copying Ink. Hoores' Toilet Ink. French Copying Ink. David's Brilliant I ... Carmjne Ink. At (jan 29 " TIPPY'S. Just Eeceived. i - 1U V Warranted sound and good at $& R Jr" Qr.;'l .JT -til jfr ' FIHE SALT. "1 A A Sacks Sacks Factorv filled SALT on hand XV U and for sale b le by - ,;STE - riov 27 i STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. . . . The Chaage. HAVING notified pur friends and cus 'tpmers some time since, that our busi nees would change January 1st. 1873, are pleased to say that the change has taken place, and it is to be strictly CASHJ or 30 PAYS CREDIT. Those who do not pay promptly need not expect any favors, If you are in arrears don't ask for credit, save us the unpleasant duty of denyitfi? ydUv -". .-' t.::.j?s-.:" ,;:: -. ' i kh - .Tq our many friends and patrons we rec tum thanks, and ask a continuance of their fiivors--believing that by ' a strict ap plicatioirbf the above rules, we will be able toTBell goodi cheaper than those wlio credit; - V .'.. -t All bills are due and payable on the 1st day of each and every month. GRIER 4 ALEXANDER, -jan 1, 1873, ly - - r SIM0HT0H HOUSE. :0: - STATES ViLLE, . N. C. :0: THE Proprietor of the above named Hotel respectfully invites the people of Charlotte and the public generally to call on him when they visit Statesville. He will spare neither pains nor monev to make the SIMONTON HOUSE a first class HOTEL, and worthv of public, patronage. T. A. TRICE, nov 25-tf Proprietor. F. SCARE, o ca: 2 S3 CTQ CD CHARLOTTE, U. C. Prescriptions prepared at 11 hours of the Day and night. Choice Green and Black Tea, Selected especially for Familv and Inval ids, at SCARE'S june IrJ Drus Store. FI!EI SPICKS, Just received., a, lot. of select Spices fax! ncKie, iTejierves; &c, at F. KCAKK'S june la) l)ma Store. Pure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, at F. SCARR'S june 29 Drug Store. CHOICE Salad Oil, Finest article ever J offered in this Market, for "sale at dec 18 SCARR'S. For Sale. TWO Acres of land adjoining the City of Charlotte, very finely situated in n rapidlv improving neighborhood. Will be sold entire, or in lots to suit purchasers, at a verv reasonable rate. Apply to JOHN T. BUTLER, oct 22 Opposite Mansion House. Kurder, Fire & Robbery. AS I aim 'osing .many of my custo mers by crediting them I would take the liberty of asking all who owe me to call ami 'settle up bv the lst'of February 1873 or sooner. " J. T. BUTLER, dec 20 FOB. GAIE. " A Lot of fine HORSES and MULES, in splendid order. At DAVIDSON'S LIVERY STABLES. Horses and Mules for sale are kept on hand constantly, nov lfi-tf Oats. FIFTEEN Hundred Bushels Mountain Seed Oats, for sale bv STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. HOMINY and Grits, fresh and good. Goods sent to all parts of the City. SYMONS&CO, jan 2l-tf Near the Charlotte Hotel. A L D I N E. :0: ' WE are the regular Agents for nn-iz-3 nn a r .tm KT m ; - :0: CALL AND SEE SPECIMEN COPIES, - ALSO -THE PREMIUM CHROMOS. Terms, $5-00. Per An num.' TIDDY & BROTHER, Agents, jan 21 Home and Democrat copy. : ; A.CABIX To Our Friends and Acquaintances ilfE the Undersigned beg leave to thank V I our menus ana acquaintances mr their liberal patronage bestowed upon our and roost respectfully ask a. continuance of the same as we are snu at ine xempie oi ta&mcrt. jiespecirauy, J. A. VOTING, Jr. A.H, TATE. an3 N E W P U.R.N-IT-UiRE.- GOOD FURNITURE I CHEAP FURNITURE ! ! - Urkivixg daily at . DAVIDSON'S FURNITURE ROOMS, TmdeSt., Opposite Beem, Bkows & Co's Dry Goods Store. WHERE WILL BE FOUKD EVERYTHING KEPT 13? A FIRST CLASS EMBRACING : Chairs, Tables. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Dressmg Cases, Wardrobes Sideboards. Book Cases. Desks, Hat Racks, Etager?, What Nots, Cradles. ' Cribs, Safes, Tete-a-Tets, Soias, Lounges, MirrorV, Glass Plate, S:c., tc. -ALSO FINE! STOCK of Parlor Fnmiture, Dining Room Furniture and Chamber Suits, all varieties of style and , finish. This House also keeps a full stock of Spring Beds and Mattresses, and a Large Assortment of METALLIC And Caskets of all sizes and ftyles of fin1sh, together with Mahogany, Rosewood, Walnut, Poplar and Pine Coffins, from the plainest and cheapest to the finest Octagon Cases and Caskets, with full glass tops, trimmed in the most elaborate style, furnished with heavy Silver Moun tings. Special attention given to furnishina: Dwellings, Hotels and Colleges at a smill advance on MANUFACTURERS'" BATES. CALL, SEE AND PRICE BEFORE BUYING. January 21st, 1873. - E0BT. F. DAVIDSON. 1872. MEACHAM'S SHOE STOBB SIGJf OF THE BRASS BOOT, NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, CHARLOTTE, C. ,- ' HOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS TRUNKS, LEATHER and I NOW Invite the WHOLESALE and RETAIL Trade to mv large and varied as sortment of BOOTS & SHOES, which have been selected with care. MY Experience in business makes me confident that my prices and the quality of my goods will compare favorably with those of any other house in the City or else where. T. S. I AM NOW PREPARED TO OFFER on LIBERAL TERMS and LOW PRICES, August 21st, 1872 Gm Lancaster Ledger copy six months. BOARDING. MRS. A. W. MILLER is prepared to ac commodate Boarders with room and meals, or with meals only, as the Boarder may desire. The building, Gray's, on the corner of Trade and Church streets, is a new one ; the rooms are cleanly, comfort ably, neatly furnished, and well attended. The table is as good as the market will afford. Terms most liberal, to suit clerks who are working for moderate salaries, jan 1-tf NOTICE. YTE have this day sold oxir entire stock VV of Groceries, Liquors, &c, to Messrs. W. II II. HOUSTON & CO., and in retir ing from business respect' ully ask a con tinuance of the liberal patronage bestowed upon us to our successors. GREGORY & WILLIAMSON, W. J. BLACK" & CO. jan 1, 1873. Having purchased W. J. Black fc Co's and Gregroy & Williamson's entire stock of Goods, we have opened at Gregory it Williamson's old stand, next door to McMurray, Davis & Co's, at which, place we will constantly kdop a complete Stoek of GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &C, And would respectfully ask a call from the public. W. H. H. HOUSTON & CO. P. S. W. J. ORR and T. D. WALSH, formerlv with Gregory & Williamson, and McD. ARLEDGE, formerly with W. J. Black & Co., are with us ann will be pleas ed to see their friend and customers. W. H. H. HOUSTON & CO. jan 7 J. Y. BRYCE, General Commission Merchant, , CHARLOTTE, N. C. Particular attention paid to selling all kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco. Highest cash price paid for Cotton. All orders from a distance promptl v at tended to. J. Y. BRYCE, dec 21 '72. CHOICE Odd French Brandv for Medi cinal purposes, at F. SCARR'S. , jan 3 Writing Paper. 'jan 4 MERCHANTS visiting Charlotte, will find Writing Paper and Envelopes very cheap, at PUREFOY'S. Landretu's Warranted Garden Seed. TITE -will receive in a few days a large i - and complete assortment of these re liable and popular Seed. , , , . .-. ALSO ' . Clover,-Orchard Grass, Lucerne Lawn Grass, fcc. W. R. BURWELL &CO. jan 17 - FtJMITURE HOUSE. A- BURIAL CASES 'S'-IPOOIKL 1872. SHOE FINDINGS. S. B. MEACIIAM. GOODS TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE j S. B. MEACHAM. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. THE Co-partnership which I expected to form bv January. 1st 1873, will not take place until the latter part of this month and therefore I will continue the sale of the entire STOCK OF FANCY DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, CLOTHING, &C, At the same reduced prices. : O :' I WILL also continue to keep up my BARGAIN COUNTER. B. Koopmann, CHARLOTTE, N . C. jan 4 ; New Orleans Sngar and Molasses. r Hogsheads Bright New Orleans Sugar. 0 10 Barrels Choice " - " Molasses, Also 2 Hogsheads Demerara Sugar, 2 " ' ' " Molasses in store and for sale at-prices to suit the times by STEN HO USE, MACA ULAi & (JO. dec 17 FOR SALE. JW. WADSWORTH has at his Livery . and Sale Stable, opi)osite the City Clock, HORSES and MULES for sale and kept constanly oji hand, nov 30 1 4 THOSE persons; t(i whom we have ex tended credit during the past year will confer a favor upon' us by calling at. once and settling their accounts, as this must be our last appeal. .REMEMBER IT! i RiiMv MILLER & SON8. jan 11 ' jiMj V'j 'I' ; . ' -.-GAUDEN'SEEDS. JUST opened and for sale a cotrmicte as sortment bf Buist'a Celebrated Garden Seeds, consisting of every variety, of Ar;e tableSeeds growiirin the Southern States. :: jan 18 ; jtj F. SCARR. PURE TOWDERED BLACK PEPPER, Free frorrr Adulteration, at dec 18 ( J . SCARR'S. Clover . Seed.. . -t. A Supply of Pennsylvania.- Ked Top Clover Seed, all - , " - - " ' """STENnOUSE, fMACAUT-AY A CO: . jan 9 , ! - ' THE CHARLOTTE FAIR AT J. T. BUTLER'S ! ! NEW GOODS. Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated 77are, Spectacles, &c. MUSIC BOXES AND MANY TOO NUMEROUS to M:3nsrrio3ir. AT J. T. BUTLER'S OPPOSITE THE MAXSIO'Jf HOUSE- October 22: A. R. Nfsbet & Brother HAVING completed an- improvement in their Commodious Store Room oil Trade Street, one door West of SmitJi t$ Hammond's Drug Store, Charlotte, N. C.f are now receiving a well selected stock of Groceries, Musical Instruments,. Toys, Ci gars, c, which has been- bought by one of the firm, at a time when the market was most favorable. They therefore- feel satis fied that they can sell all goods in theit line as low as any firm in Charlotte, fo cah or to punctual customers. They invite Merchants to give them- a call, (as they had a special eye to their wholesale trade,) and feel warranted in saying that they can sell vo as to make it a saving to them in their purchases. They return their thanks to th?iir friend and thegenerouspubifc for past favors. anl solicit a continuance of the same. A. R. N IS BET & BKO. FAMILY GROCERIES B. (VI . PRESSORS Trade Street, next door to the Post Office, Sigft of the Elephant. JUST RECEIVED. A Fresh Lot of Sausage, Mince Meaff Pork, Butter, Chickens, Eggs, fee:, f&T FLOUR a specialty. Js??" Produce sold on commission jan 3-1 y BUCKWHEAT CAKES all smoking Ut, covered over with yellow, rich,, good Goshen Butter. What is more palatable for Breakfast ? Wei 1 we have just rccei ved an elegant Lot of the material to maker them, and we will sell the rceeipt for a small price. ALSOr Just received, Irish Potatoes, Cnbbngey Chesnuts &c., at JOHN F. BI"TTS, dec 31 ' Market, Cigars, Smoking & Chvwiag Tobacco. AAA CIGARS of various and chofce uUAJyjyJ brands, Cliewing and Smoking Tobacco in quantity, and of various brands and different quantities. Wholesale ami retail by A. R. N. & BRO. sept 19 HATR Brashes, Toofn Brushef, Nail Brushes. Wnt. R. BURWELL & CO, dec 21 Springs' Corner. KEROSENE- LAMI8r BUKWELL&CO, dec 21 NELSONS Gdetiue a fresh Mipply, just received, at SCARR'S. jan 5 . Jnrt Received. I Choice lot of Smoked Sagar Curetf X Shoulders, at jan 21 R- M. MILLER & SONS. .CHOICE CHEESE, TCKKiheignest premium at the Fair of the Carolinas at Charlotte, I. O. October, 2StK 1872, made by P. J. Kimber If, Boncombc, nor 5 ''-'v. " ;" ,;'; j . A New assoitment of Kerosrae JLaropsr jnstin,'at ' SCARR'S. S AGE. Fine New Sage, Just recrit-eg at dec IS CLAiia tcr oustrer. - -, ox so. wje a cvw. . Jan2lrtf- ' i hasten a-f-fa-

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