te Charlotte Observer. - ptrBiiisHsxy inr -JONES McLAUGHLIN", ' Ofidcii, -Bryce's - Building,' Trade Eltrteet. KATES OF gUBSCMPf lOlff, Dai y,' On year.in-advanc6f .,vr.p9 0 Six (months, in advance...;......' 9 T4 .fhnpfi Months.-in 'advance.'...:... ..'M 50 One1 month, in advance, ....;.:ir...'....' ?5Q Tri-IWeeklY. one vear..:.;.:'..:...; f3J50 Weekly, one ycar..y...;..".'....'...-:r2.00 , BUST J . 'I-J 3 f DIALECT VOGOEmU -'-i.- Tell sonny, It pays to be1 lionestf ' I And run your shebanz on the satiare t Vhcn & chuni of mine forgets IE, . We separates inert. and there. kept telling Jim Smith ihi -t . He' allowed the remark was i ust i ' ' ISut he went his own gait all the same; We -were out in Kansas - together.-- - .3 :iey,had made it so hot in Missouri, , r We concluded-not to wait.-v 'l ii' nn f.. Kaitkv TWO nin K!a rtA-- ft--. i" 15"V; i iiiven j mi soon saw mat we must ; 7 liad only my oxen and cart, Ana Jim not a red, being bust. We put, as aforesaid, to Kansas, . i v'i IJLiid t bad scarce been there a, week ' vhen we stumbled across an old miner Who had recent returned from Pike's Teak. ; , .. e dropped there was . gold , tlicre, one night, . ! ' ,"; And showed us a bag f all of dust, Siaid Jim, "Le's be off !". Said I, "Wait:" "Xary wait,'; said he, , ;Tike's Peak,or; lisot and thought over the matter. And made ud my.mmd tnat next day Ii would see about Jim and meRoinff:- He'd turned in? and wassnoozifisrawav judged, from the smile tliatlherifore, He was sharing tlie sleep of tlie5 iust4 When I woke I observed it was late, ' And I was alone there and bust ! Vnbeknown lie liad doctdtcd; my wbis- Ky, ,- . And gone back op me thus from the start ; A He had got up and got before morning, And stolen my oxen and cart I v Tou had better I was filed, I ve a sort of idea that I cussed : We'll see before long who is bust." Wily the doggoiied CUss had i absconded i Was inquired, and the mi nee. he told ; the, next day there started a iiarty I To go after Jini and the gold, ; f Those oxen of mine -vvere our guides, We sot ort their track from the fust : . And we fallowed 'eiri; two days' behind, Determined to ketch up or bust ! 'T w'as a mighty rough country to travel- All sand to tlie lout of the reak Vegetation about as abundant ; - As that yellow fuz on your cheek. Not a tree or a shrub. withered craxs, And never a stream you could trust; -- There was alkali something in all, But no Teak,, and ho.. Jim was he bust 7 . The track of the wagon we followed Would be lost for a j time, and then liike 'the rivers that sink m that desert, And as suddenly rise trom the ground r'Twas hatter than thunder one hour, And the next tliere would come a cold gust " . Slap kvn from the snows on the Peak; roiir days, and no Jim : liad he bust? Tlie nest dav we sightexl the wagon. 'You have got him at last now," they said : But lie's halted! There's 'something the matter And what are those birds overhead ? 'Not buzzards ! A ox, too, is down, And a lei? tnrou;m tlie grass there is thrust. -.- Halt, help 1 There's a murder been done I "Hullo, Yank I" Silence, men, Jim is bust I Poor Jhrt At his feet lay his rifle, Close by it hia whip and a boot : i There were marks all round of -a tussle With some treacherous dog of a Ute; A tomahawk spattered with blood. And-Jim lying scalped in the dust, And daubed, by himself, on mv cart, Was his epitaph "Pike's Peak oe 13itst !" y-Frovn the February Ahline. OBITUARY. Commodore M. P. Maury. I Commodore Maury was. born in ppottsyivania county, va. in lbu) He was 07 years ol age when he died In early life his fathers lannly raov to Tennessee, and be was appoint ed a midahipman in th6 United States Navy from that State. He soon rose to prominence in his-"pro fession, and while quite a young man wrote a work lor theuse ol the JNavv on ''Nautical . Astronomy." But his great services to . the . world were While he was in charge of the United States Observatory at Washington Collating the logs of the ' merchant linen as they traversed the ocean; he .mapped out the paths which' should be taken for speedy passages, " and nis reseacnes on.tne wmas ana cur rents of the ocean have conferred sjuch value upon commerce as to be recognized throughout the civilized I world. , '-. . ... ' 'C; - -v;n ; : , The war "inter rjpied his work'.1 His iu ind was rtot inactive i:Butthis ck-stem : of submarine toroedoes constituted a valuable cohtributioni tb his service. While an exile in a foreign land, he was tendered posts of high distinction iri the service ; of. Euroneans nowers: btit hifi devotion to his native 4 State prompted1 him- , fo respond to heriCaii to renaer.ner service as a professor at the Virginia Military. Instituted There he - eOm tnenced his great and last .work -in ' the Physical History, of Virginia. His prelim inaiy: Report No 1 was n important? element ":in'J directing attention-to the great : water-line -of Virginia, and it is ,a striking coinci dence that the Chesapeake and5 Ohio Railroad which . this report so 'largely promoted, should have' been completed just as his life was closed; His Preliminary Report -No. -2,. on the climate, soil and productions of iftiuwi,, uu just oeeneomniumcai ed to the, Governor of Virginia" by thoughts to'-her " service. Norfolk iue Yirgmia Military-Institute, -his last words being a contribution'-to V lreitlia of 'hiV Intet. 'nrlbAst. ib m. III I III, A'Jrtiiut "f U' V - Ii'lr" Tin ;! Ltd -'t!vi'' .441.Vt 9..iM"5' J Wh ,:-!- .t i . ,T.'i ! - u an u r vr -CMTj - 3 P3 ft " W.:;r.i:vS:.H:E.!tT.;'df;lT TTAVING greatlyijhcrcased, his Stock: of, . XX UIMJTUBEriuch,-1 consit m. 1 1 jiHar Suits, Black, Walnut r Painted Chamber Suits, . French aud, CQttage lseusieaas, spring , liens, uureaus, , . f j Washstands, - Teapoys, Fold in gr -, 1 Tables, Ladies Work Tables, Extension nnd Centre Tables, Whatnots afe, i Exceteiut and. Qqtton Mattresses, Chairs and ,StooU of various styles and many othet livings not necessary to mention.. ' , The Undertakers Department i complete from ' the cheapest ioplar Coffin, to th Finest Jlexjean :ilead- aud i? oot . Walnut Casket Half Glass Top, finished and trimi med in tlie most approved style, will be kept 1 constantly, ready-for use; all of which wiU,Unakcthe SlPNTO&JH&USE o first class be sold at a most- reasonable price Returning many thanks for past ;favors most respectfully ask the, citizens lof Charlotte and surrounding country who lave nced: for ahyiihg4n my line to give nie a call before purchasing elsewhere.? South Trade Street opposite the Market House, Charlotte. N. C jan isc is4-1 y. - j? . m. oiijiyiun ; Special Kotice to the Public. a great many changes have taken xjl place this year, I resiiectfully beg to inform the citizens. of Charlotte; and the public in general that no change has taken9 -plact atiny, establishment. 1 am still at uiy old stftnd,.jSo, 24 Tryon Street, David Parks'-building, with a large and well selected itock of the finest and latest styles J of custofmimadc elbthing tor Men,; Ybmths iaoid Boys'swtsar, also on hand a fine stock1 of Gents'. Furnishing Goods, Shirts, of Hallou s. makcv the best tittmg slnrt in the world. The verv latest styles of .Hats; Scarfs, Bows and Tiesi Umbrellas, &q.fec. iind I will stiirscli them at prices to defy wrt.f '" -- i- '' ' ' ' " I expect to leave for New York City in a short time to Jay in :my stock of Clothing and 1 lece (iootls, lor my Tailoring Jistab lishraent; and will alsobring with me an. experienced-ChrtteWnw Tailor, -;and will be ready by ring to cut and make to order at my own establishment and under my Own upcrvuio$ and kt'towpprices than the 'same quality of goods can be made up in this or any other city, this side of Balti more.,, , ri : -..'" - 4 f . Deing thankful to the citizens of Char lotte and fthe public in general for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon nie,-1 most respect fully ask a continuance of the same. Kespectiuiiy, iau9 E.SHRIER. Home and Democrat copy. Ok A sa?ks Country Flour, different Grades, for sale at jan 21 R. M. MILLER fc SONS TO THE LMHE5. some isrrw s3?"Y"XjE 1E k.. "jC S 3 JUST RE CE1VE D BY EXPR EJSS TH IS l: '. .it 'R 8 "1 Q'U E R Y.. S .". nov 30J r ARGE LOT SHOULDER SCARFS.NI L Jj SON TIES and Bows all Colors at greatlv reduced prices, just received at hov 30J , s MRS. QUERY'S. J, M. LEAK & CO. ., . No. 4, Granite Row, Opposite ; ; C E T v.T &:A 'J 0 T E 'i , r CHARLOTTE, N. C. . Manttfaetur,4V4iolesale aikl Retail deal s . ersin ffanufacture4 Tobacco, Smok ing: Tobacco, and Oigars ot aiif - greater inducements, jan . 14-tf ,U liXCELSIOlt !! THE BEST; IS THE CHEAPEST ! ! ! n i N T E R S E Offer the r following fertilizers i - PatanscQ , Guano-. Chesapeake Guano and Watson;. & iUiarke s : tsuper-rnospnate. We have; pleasure in again tendering to our Farmers ihe above first-class Fertili- j :.t.To those. who have used themf so -many years we need only say that they are guar anteed to be 'Jullyvtip 1 to 'their, i previous high standards n-?,-iihirx ? .t-it: And to such as have not yet use4 them one trial will convince thcm.that they are superior to-all others 5 so make sure of; a J supply ana please nana m your oraera earlv. as the " consumption exeeedsthe manufacturing power." For sale in any quantity, by tr-o 1 f STENHOUSCAUIYi Cp, 1 ANNOLD'S WBJTINa P1THD. Carter's Combined Writing and 'Copying , - f Ink. . Ioores'.Toilet Ijik, ; , , Faench 1 Copying Ink. Davids Brilliant 12' . ' I t(f.i'-. t Cajmine Ink. At .'. jan 29- , TIDDY S." I IS- Bushels .Mountain -Irish 'Potatoes. iUU Warranted sound and good at $1.60 1 ana gooa a5i. SYMONS & CO. . gTflflps r Dealers in the above goods will do well to examine our stoek before pur chasing . elsewh ere. as we , cart offer per bnsheh Jaa2I-ti ' : i w i l.i 1 1 CEQq, ip .DNEp AY, FEBRUARY Pim3 SALT. 1 ( A cks factory, filled S AtTToh hand XU V nd forale1 W , -'-'' u : STENHOUSE, MACAtJULY" k CO. TTAVIltG Jiotulcd.onT 'friends and cub XX: tomers some time since that our busi ness would change ' January' 1st, 1875, we are- pleased to say that the 'change -haa taken, blaeev' and it is to be strictly? GASH jor,30 DAYS CREDIT.; Those who do not pay promptly, need not expect.; any favors, If you; are in arreaxs(---Ion't-aak for. credit save us the unpleasant duty, ot denying; MTd oUr many frlefids and 6afrohVwe reC you. mm uiaiiKSf- ana 1 bsk a caiiimuanca , oi ihefr favors4 believing that by strict apr, plication o5 th-? above -rules, rwe; will "be" able to. sell goods, cheaper than those; who credit." ' .. . All biljs are due and payable on the 1ft day of each and everv montlr. ' GR1ER & ALEXANDER. jan 1, 1873, ly .. . ; ' . SIEJOHTOII HOUSE. ;0: "Hi '. s- 1 fflHE rrpprietor pf the' above hamed 'X Hotel respectfully 'invites the pebiile of Charlotte and the public generally to -all on him t when . they rvisit.. States ville. He Willi aoare -heitlief Pains ,hor monev to iyrEIi,, tahd worthy ofpublic patronage. nov 25-tf ''' Proprietor. Fr SCARE, ,0. ; ' : : o ct B 02 CO erifitlox) s prepared at all hours of the Day and night. Choic Green and Black Tea, Selected especially for Pamily and Inval ids, at . SCAKK'S jmie29 ' Drugstore. FRESH SPIKES, Just received a lot of select Spices for nckiesv preserves, &c, at F. SCARR S june 20 r Drugstore Pure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, at F.SCARR'S june 29 Drug Store. PHOICE Salad Oil, Finest article ever J offered in this Market, for sale at dec 18 SCARR'S. For Sale. rilWO Acres of land adioining the City of JL Charlotte, very hnely situated m a rapidlv improving neighborhood. Will be sold entire, or in lots to suit purchasers, at a very reasonable rate. Apply to 1 JOHN T. BUTLER, oct 22 - Opposite Mansion House. Murder, Fire & Robbery. A! S l am loang many of. my custo- mers by -creditinK them I would take. the liberty of askine-- all who owe me kto call and settle up by tlie 1st of February 1873 or sooner. . J.T.BUTLER. ' dec 29 ' ' - '. " . FOB SALE. Jxit of "fine HORBES and MULES in splendid order, i At DAVIDSON'S LIVERY STABLES. Horses' and Mules for sale are kept on hand constantly, nov l&-tf , : ; Oats. THIFTEEN Hundred Bushels Mountain A Seed Oats, for sale by ' -, t , . - STENHOUSEv MA-CAULAY & (JO. TJOMINY and Grits,- fresh and good XXiv , Goods sent to all parts of the City. , v f ,, SYMONS & CO, jan 51-tf V Near the Charlotte Hotel. A ; j. ;D; I ,N E. -:0;- -..I'll -H WE are theyegtaar Agents for ill :!! i. i ... f CAL3j i JiNDt SEE- SPECIMEN COPIES, iulv.yX :--ALSO U I-.'-.. 'if THE PREMIUM CHROMOS. rTIDDXY &;lROJFJIEft, 'Agants. jan 21 . . ... - ; ; , "Home and Dempcrat copy. T6 Out Friend and Acquaintances TTTE the Undersiffned bee leave to thank "If our friends and acquaintanceat for their liberal patronage .bestowedVuponfur Employer; mV1& Shrier for the past yeir, and.most respectiniiy ass: a conunnanee o the same as we;are still at-the Temple - . , .J.A.Y"OUNG,'Jn, i : ' A-II. TATE- i - jV jfi -4- 00D FDRIIITURE! u DAyiDSON : S FURNITURE ROOMS, V: Tbabi: St:, Opposite Brbm, Brow & Go's Dbt Goods St6kk. . ' WHERE WILL BE FOUND EySRYTiNGf SLEPT, IN jl' tt& -fit? -1 ;rO CMSS t i.; EMBRACING :" Chairs,, tables... Bedsteads, isiaeooaras, jook eases, ucsks, ttat.KacKs,: Ji.tagere9f ? wnat a ots, cradles, Cribs, Safes, Tete-a-Tetes? Sofas, Louiges SHrrop .plass Pate, tc. -a f-, . .- r-ALSQq rHiaiu-' rvr-.-V'.:.: .... , INE STOCK of Parlor Furniture, Dining Room .Fumkur Chamber Suits, all .'! Beds andi Mattresses, arid, .... ':- . "..! METALLIC BURIAL CASES And -Caskets of all sizes and.5tyles of finVh, together; with; Mahogany,. Rosewood, Walnut, Poplar and Pine Coffins, from the plainest and cheapest to the ; finest Octagon Cases attd Caskets,; witli fiill glafss fopf, tribfrned iU f , . ,-, the most elaborate style, furniahed with hoayy SU.verMouri-": 1 tings. Special attention given to furnishing Dwellings, Hotels arid Colleges at a smill advance on MANUFACTURERS' RATES. CALL, SEE AND PRICE BEF0RBZBU YiNfe - i January 21st, 1873. r:5 ! j '-if: 33!33j.OI3:j3:'S sign of t fit; ik..!a 's'ijld; rl ' ! ' NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, charlotte, jN;;; HOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS' .-)-: -'-; &u . TRUNKS, LEATHER and I NOW Invite the WHOLESALE and sortment of BOOTS & SHOES, which have MY Experience in business makes me 01 my gooas win compare lavuraiuy wiuj wnere. p. s. Yam now prepared to offer on LIBERAL TERMS and LOW PRICES, August 21st, 1872 Gm Lancaster ledger copy six months. BOARDING. MRS. A. W. MILLER is prepared to ac commodate Boarders with room and meals, or With meals only, as the Boarder may desire. The building, Gray's, on the corner of Trade and Church streets, is a new one ; the rooms are cleanly, comfort ably, neatlv furnished, and well attended. The table is as good as the market will afford. Terms most liberal, to suit clerks who are working for moderate salaries, jan 1-tf . " NOTICE. , WE have this day sold our entire stock of Groceries, Liquors, fcc, fto Messrs.' W. H H. HOUSTON & CO., and in retir ing from business respectiullyj ask a. con-; tinuance of the liberal patronage bestowed upon us to our successors. " ' . GREGORY & WILLIAMSON, W. J. BLACK &C0. jan 1, 1873. Having purchased W. J. Black & Co's and Gregroy fc Williamson's entire stock of Goods, we have opened at Gregory & Williamson's old stand, next-door to McMiirray, Davis & Co's, at which,, place we will constantly keep a complete Stock of GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &C., And would respectfully ask a call , from the public. , . , J W. H. H. HOUSTON & CO. , P. S.W. J. ORE tand T. D. WALSH, formerly with Gregory & Williamson, and McD. ARLEDGE, formerly with' WV J. Black & Co., are with us an d will be pleas ed to see their friend and customers.' W. H. H HOUSTON! & 001 . jan 7 ; . ' : - . .' :. : . L-ilV r.: J. Y. BR1TCE, ; - General Commission. Merchant, .". ' CHARLOTTE,' K C, i Particular, attention; , paid to selling; all kinds of Produce, Cfettbn and Tobacco. . t Highest cash price paid for Cotton. '. , . "t All ordew from a distance promptly at tended to. - i ivi J. y. BRYCE,. dec 21 '72. ' ' '- - :. ' :" CHOICE, Odd French Brandy for Medi . cinal purposesat : ' F. SCARR'S., jan 3 , . Writing Paper. '-i-V iui M ERCHAFTB f visiting aiariottet wiil find Writing Paper, and Envelopes very cheap, at " PUREFOY'S. ' jan 4 " M'i i--, ' , Laudreth's Warranted Garden Seed; TirE7 will 'Teceive. ?n V few ,day4 a large ti .'and complete assortment of these 'rei llabl and popular Seed: ' ' ' -1 -1 lif -ii- " tori' fJiJ - Clover Orchard Grass, Lucerne: Lawrt Grass, Ac; W R- BUR WELL & CO. jan. II .: , v r ts'lt'-,, v.'vo',??!-; , . , lit.,,.;..,.- ,' ' CHEAP; FDRIHTOnE I FtmiTITZJRE o.i !:: ;. .house; 'if; Bureaus, Dressing Cases, Wardrobes, a Large Asrortmenllw !-: " ' .1 !!'..; i i I I f-i -' f if. OBT.F.PAYIPSON, f'.V ? ? vnuj'iijK -ir iri SHOE STOBB 1 it J riil SHOE FINDINGS. j RETAIL Trade to my large and varied as been selected with care. ; v confident that my prices and the quality buuse 01. anj uliici nuusc m wiji ui aw S. ii. MEAt'HAM. goods to the wholesale trade - o. 15. MJ5AUWAJU. , NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. THE Co-partnership which I expec to form by January 1st ;1873, will ted not take place Until the i latter Part of this month and therefore I will continue the sale of the entire STOCK OF FANCY DRY GOODS,i MILLINERY; CLOTHING, tC, " li 1 : At the same reduced prices, ' U ; O-: r- ' ' I WILL also continue "to keep up my BARGAIN COUNTEK. Koopnann, is; if CHARLOT,T:E.,.Xv jan. 4 r ; I , New Orleans Sugar and Molasses Hogsheads Bright Orleans Sugar. U 10 Barrels Choice s Molasses Also 2 Hogsheads. Demerara 'Sugar, 2 'v -wl'. Molasses in store and for sale at prices to suit tlie times by STENHOUSE, jMACAU LAi & UO, dec 17 - ' ' V- P0RSAL3B. , : T W. WADSWORTH has at his Mvery I . nnd Rale Stable, opposite the City Clocks HORSES na MUES Tor sale ana f kep constanly on hind. M nx ; - t- f ;, nqv 30 -,,?r ;4 . notice,;. ..rr, persons , to whpPi j we, hav ex '-T tended credit during the j?ast . year wn Tpt a. favhr urion Us br alhne at once and settling theirs accdiwb -ai thi musjt be our last a-nREMEM-rPlH -r7r C ARDpjf . SEEDS. ? . ' s i T UST opened arid for sale a ; complete as-; Seeds, consisting of .every -jTariey of Yge- L a,J- k,iT-in Jlin ftMi f li (rn Sttiff 1 TUREPOWDEUllUJI liJLAUX JU.'J.'JUC, X Fiw from Adulteration, at , L,.dec,18,T...,,,.,-... i Clover Sefed. 'i" Supnlv of Pennsylvania . Red Top A CloverSeed, at ' - Jf ' 'i ' ' ' STENHOUSE, MACAULAY A CO,- I jan- ' - - . J!. RATES OF ADVEItlTSIKG . One Square one tUnJBJ.',ww-.i cd - three 1Tr.TJL 2 00 four davs.....,. ' a sr ktt five days....;. '..it. Z D0 one week. two weeks...... et . M, three weeks.. 6 50 one months ....... .8 09 Contract Advertisements taten at proportionatry low rates, wi, f Ffve Sboarcs' cstfmated at a": qtttrter-coJ-umn, aad lew squares as a halfiInmn . THE CHARLOTTE FAIE J, T. BUTLElBi;! MAY GOODS. 1 Watches, Clotbs, Jewel ry, -Diamonds, Silver and Plate! Ware; Spectacles, &c. MUSIC BOXES : AND MANY, TOO KtJMEBOIJS , to Msasprxcnsr- AT J. T. BUTLER'S opposite: Tff e assio house October 22 A. R. Nfsbet & Brother HAVING complted a improvement' in' their Commtodiotts Store Room on) Trade Street, ;one door west of - Smith' fe Hammonds Drugstore,- Cliarlotte, N.G.y are now receiving a well selected stock of Groceries, Musical Instruments, Toys, Ci gars, fcc, which has bee boght by one of the firm, at a time when the market was most favorable. They therefore feel satfer fied that th'ey can sell all goods in theii; line as low as any firm in Charlotte, for cash Or to punctual customers. They invite Merchants to give thenr at call, (as they had a special eye to their wholesale trade,) and feel warranted in saying that they can sell so as to make it saving to them in their purchases. They retun their thanks to their friends and the generous public for past favors, and! solicit a continuance of the same. A. R. NISBET fe BRO. FAMILY GROCERIES. B. M. PRESSON, Trade Streetr next door to the Pbsl) Office Sign of the Elephant.- JUST REpEIVEDi A Fresh Lot of Sausage; Mince' Meat,. Pork, Butter, Chickens, Eggs, fcc:vfcc. FIXyiTK a specialty. Produce sold o comniission ' jan 3-1 y BUCKWHEAT CAKES all smoking hot,, covered over with yellow, rich, good Goshen Butter. What ia mope palatable for Breakfast ? Well we have just received! an elegant Lot of the material to make then, and we will sell tike- receipt for a small price. ALSO, Just received, Irish Potatoes Cabbage,. Chesnuts, fec.r at JOHN F. BUtT, dec 31 , Market. Cigarif Smoiifig & Chewing . . . ' Tolaccov AAA CIGARS of vtflbuyand choices OvUU V brands,terwigad Smoking Tobacco ir quantity, aftd of various brands and different quantities. Wholesale' and retaUby ' A. Rv Nfc BRO. V sept HAIR Brush, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes; n;W Wm. K. BURWELL A CO, dc 21 . Springs' Corner, TT'BEJOSENE LAMPS, BURWELL & CO, dec 21, "VTELSONff CeTetine, a fresh supply, ha received, at 'gan 3. 1- JnstPLeceire -11- l l -i v - - -.- -- A . Choice lot of Smoked Sugar Cured Ji. Sbouldersi-at . - ' . jar 2t ; : R, M.MILLER & S0NS 4 45 CHOICE CUEESE, mOOK the highest premium at the Fair JL 'Off the Larolinas, at unawotter n. w October- 25th. 1872r made by P. J. Kimber ly. - Buacombc, eoonty, N. C, for sale by ? - , - - A. R. NISBET & BRO. nov-5 . , - -.-.---.'' :- ;jt Nevr assoitment of Kerosene Lamps, Ajustin,at -y . ... SCARR'S. SAGE Fine New Sager juat received a decl, UCABRS, ) J1 ' - -if

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