I lb The Charlotte Observer! PUBLISHED DT jones & Mclaughlin. , ' Office, Bryce's . Building, Trade Street. fJBATES OF ETCBSCRIFTIOH. Daily, One year in advance, .......$Q 00 Six months, in advance,..- 3 00 Three Months, in advance,'...........;,.. 1 50 One month, in advance, 60 Tri-Weekly, one year $3.50 vwirlv. oDe year 2.00 UNENDING. t sedthat all these tilings come to an end, The things we glory in, me things we Annihilation's shadow still doth lend 'Its cloom to every pleasant thing and dear. Kach heavy burden under which we bend Will some day from our weaned shoulders move ; . fnaihirr olnne there is wmCn. hath no VUV.too . j ena ; . " - .i There is nont MYC end to kisses and to sighs, - ; i There is an end to laughter and to tears ; An end to fair things that delight our eyes, An end to pleasant sounds that charm pur T ears; ' An nd to enmity's foul libelling, ' ' And to the gracious praise of tender mend; There is end to all but one sweet thing--To Love there is no end. That warrior carved an empire with '.his I sword, The! empire now is but like him a name ; Tlit statesman spoke, and. by a burning :v word - - ' Kiiulled a nation's heart into a flame : , Nov nought is left but ashes, and we bring Our homage to new men, to them Ave bend There is an end to all but one sweet thing I To Love there is no end. . All peauty fades away, or else, alas ! " Meii's eyes grow dim, and they no beauty Theglorious siiows of Nature pass and pass, Quickly they come, as quickly do they flee, And he who hears the voice of welcoming Hears next the slow,, sad farewell of ; his friend ; There is an end to all but one sweet thing To Love there is no end. - And for ourselves our father, where is he? Gone, and a memory alone remains; The e is no refuge on a mother's knee For us, grown old and sad with 1 cares aud pains ; ? - Brotherlcss, swterless, our .way. we wend : To Death's dark house from which we shall not rove . . Anq so we cease yet one thing hath no end There is no end to Love.- : . All Tk& Year Round. PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. The French census enumerates Sl,5i6 riioro Rjiirried men than wb ineii. How is this? , Do that num ber of French wived keep duplicate luisbancLi? or are the inon widow ers Among the saddest episodes in late storm in Minnesota, aocoru- 'in'ff o the Western paper, was the freewnc of the hands, noe.foreheml, rverything except the cheek, of a .life tvssuiiince agent. r Lbrd St. Leonard, the oM.it inenber of Queen, Victoria's Privy i 'oitncil, has counted ninty-one years ox 'Uies piigrimnge. liis vounireat Kcolleainie is His Roval O ' .. . CJr ti 'Highness j Prince Arthur, Aged ,twepty-tvo. Mr. Reval, a tax collector in La Roclielle", Franco, wes recently mur dered in,his owh bed, three savage wo ?m as navinir neen innictea on luiri with a -hatchet, In the ante- rooim was found the dead body of his housekeeper, and, in the court yard, her sister, iinseriaihle from iniilar wound? Ten or twelve thousand-, francs wens stolen, and the) assassins arc entirely unknown. W.IX8TOS SALiat. The Western I . !. 1 aeminei nas a lcnginy euuoriai on the material progress of these sister towns, from whicji. we glean thefol losing interesting items: The two towns, divided simply by a street, contain a population of 2,000. They are situated in the centre of the fh. esc tobacco, truit ana grain growing jsection oi t ne Dtate. s: luwroaa con nection with Greensboro, has 'given wdndeiflil impe.u to trade, though th i road is not yet open tor travel Tvro years ago there was but one to baL'co factory in this place ; this sea son therC.will besix. ; une year ago llife first tobacco, warehouse was orjened, and in a short time n build- lnr 40 by 140 tcet had to ue aauea.- This season there will be three large ; Avhrehouses in operation-two already : open, the third to be ready, in a few weeks. .The towns, or town more correctly, t has thirteen large dry gods stores; . six fiunily groceries wutli two additional ones going up; I0ur drug stores, four millinery and confectionery stores; with three, as dood hotels as are in the Siate : six cjr seven wagon arid coach -making establishments, a shoe manufactory, two large steam sawrinills, a sash and blind factory, four tin-ware establish- . ments j.jj ries factory tor . the mam lacture Of wnolen rrnrla nnrl tnt.tnn j-arns; that usea up annually 125,000 . pounds of cottoiv arid 100.000 oounds " ot Wooliind which turns out 155.000 taras oi excellent cloth, . besides ' large amount of cotton yarns and warns, employing 100 hands, and sends out thousands of dollars- an- . 1 mm a l- -' lL .1 . a. , - 1 1 nuaiiy tnrougn , niav pari oi ine country for wool, labor, ; &c. In the ' two towns are two Moravian church es. one for the whites, the other for the colored ; two Methodist and one Presbyterian, and a baptist Anurcn . is nromised durinar the coming year ; besides the celebrated and popular Female Academy are a num uer o day schools. The rress reserves a anorp. dptailed account of the manu- jactunng cstaDiisnmeni-s. : t The Princes of Wales sets the fash- Ion of great simplicity in her, boys' jtoilettes. Her fair, pretty little ' princes are always costumed with the 1 neatness and quietness which are in pepareble from elegance arid tasts. A bright-colored bow at their neck is the nearest approach to ornarnent their dresses, ever add to their simple toilettes for any public appearance. - .' ' I Marian Harland's cook-book 13 isaid to be a greater success than' her novels.- AND . 05 1 K 0 o 4 F. xi: S H E L 70 II HAVING greatly increased hVStock of FURNITURE which consists - in part or ! Parlor Suits, Clack, Walnut -Painted Chamber Suits, r , French and Cottage , , 'J . Bedsteads Spring Ceds, Cureaus, - - - C i,: Waslistands. ' . Teapoys; Foldingr Tables, Ladies Work Tables, Extension and Centre Tables; Wliatnots afes, Excelsior and Cotton ' Mattresses. Chairs and StooH of -various styles and many other things not necessary to mention .- The Undertakers, Department is complete from" the cheapest Poplar Coffin to the Finest Hexigan Head, and Foot Walnut Casket Half Glass Top, 'finished and trim med in the most approved stvlcwill be keDt constantly ready for use, all of which will be sola at a inost reasonable price. : - . ' Returning many thanks for past favors I most respectfully ask the ' citizens of Charlotte and surrounding: country: who have need for 'anything, in my line to give me 'a call before purchasing elsewhere. ; South Trade Street opposite the Market House,diarIotte, N. C ' jan 1st 1873-ly . F. M. SH ELTON. Special Notice to the Public. A S a great many . changes have taken xx place this year, ? I rcsicctfullv besr to. inform the citizens of Charlotte and:., the publiciu general that no change has taken place at my establishment.. ;1 am still at my old stand, No. 24 Tryon Street, David I'arks' ' buildins. ; with a lame and well selected stock of the finest and latest styles f custtu n -made . clotl ii ng lor Men, Youths and Boys swear, also '.on handa tine stock of Gents Furnishing JGoods, ; ; Shirts, of BalUm s make, the best fitting shirt in the world, ' The , verv . latest stvlcs of Hats; Scarfs, Bows and Ties, Uiubrejlas, &c., &c., and I will still sell them at prices to defy competition. . . - I expect to leave for New York City in a short time to lay in.iuy. sttKk of .Clothing and Iiece Goods, for my Tailoring Estab lishment and will also bring with me an experienced Cutter and Tailor, and will be ready by Spring to cut and make to. order at my own establishmen s Md janderi'niTr own sniervision and at lower' prices than the same quality ot goods can be made up in this or any oilier city, this side of Balti more. - ' , Being thankful to the citizens of Char lotte and the public in general for the Iil)erai patronage heretotore oestowea upon uic, 1 most-respect tuny asK a continuance of the same. , Ilespectmlly, : ' jan 9 K. SHKIER. Home and Democrat copy, i Sa-ks. Country Flour, different AjfJj tirades, tor sale at ' jan 21 II. M. MILLER & SONS. TO THE ;LADisT SOME IsTEW STYLE 3E A F S 3 JU6 r RECEIVED EXPU ESS Til IS M OUNING ; MBS. nov 30J Qtl E R- Y ' S . T ABGE WT SHO ULDKR SCARFS.NI L- Jj SON TIES - and Bows, all Colors at greatly reduced prices, just received at . , nov 30 ; V'- MBS. QUERY'S t i. M. LEAK & CO. ' .No. 4, Granite KoW, Opposite C E JTB A L HO TEL, ' - CHARLOTTE N. C. Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail dea!- eis jn Manufactured lbacco, femoK ; , ing Tobacco, and Cigars of all j ; grades. ''. Dealers jn the above goods will do well to examine our stock before pur chasing elsewhere as we , can offer f rcater " hiducemenfs. ' ' . .THE BEST IS THE" CHEAPEST ! ! ! TOP t A N T E-X$ . . 1ITE "Offer the following Fertilizers : Patansco Guano. Cliesapeake Guano and Watson & Ciarke'a Super-Phosphate. - We have pleasure in again": tendering to our Farmers the above first-class Fertili zers. . - i- "-' : : . Td those who haye used tliem sa many years we need only say that they are guar anteed to be fully up to their previous high standard. . ' And to such as have not 'yet used. them one trial will convince them that they are superior to all others ; so make sure" of a supply and please hand in your orders early, as Hhe 'consumption exceeds the nianutactunng power. - . ; . For sale in any quantity, by : STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. jan io -. 1 : - AIIKOLD'S WEITIUQ FLUID. ' Annold's Copying Ink. Carter's Combined Writing and Copying !.! :- Ink. Hoores' Toilet -Ink. . i ' ' , , tTronMi Convine Ink. . David's Brilliant " Carmine Ink. At jan 29 r TIDDY'S. Jtlst . Eeceived. - . ; IUU Warrauied.soundandgcat$L6() perbasheu - f . jan21-tf-- CHARLOTTE, N. CM THUBSDAY. FEBRUARY 6, EIHE SALT. inn Sack Factory filled SALT on hand IUU and for sale by . . . - - STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. . nov 27 - The Change. v ; HAVING notified our friends and cus tomers some time since, that our busi ness would change January 1st. 1873. we are' pleased to say that the change hna taken place, and it is to be strictlv CASH or 30 DAYS CREDIT. Those who do not pay promptly need not expect any favors, If you are in arrearsdon't ask for credit. save us the unpleasant duty of denying you. . . , . To our many friends and patrons we re turn thanks, and ask a continuance of their favors believing that by a strict ajv plication of the above , rules, we will be' able to sell goods cheaper than those who AU bills are due and payable on the 1st day of each and very month; - ' GitlEU" oi "A LEX AND ER. SIOOIITOn HOUSE. 5TATESVILLE, H. C. :0: - THE Proprietor of the.; Above named -Hotel respectfully inyites the people of Charlotte and the pitblic generally to;all on him when they visit Statesville. v He will spare neither pains nor -money:, to make the SIMONTON HOUSE o -first dots HliLl4, and worthy ot public patronage. t T. A. PltlUE, ; noy 25-tf Proprietor.;; F.; SCAER, O XT 09 o S. CTQ f . -: CHARLOTTE, N. C. Prescriptions prepared at all ; hours ; of the Pay and "night. Choice Green and Black Too, Selected especially for Family and Inval ids, at SCAIIK'S june 29 Drug Store. FRESH SPICES, Just received a lot of select Snices . for TicklcsTPreSeTves, cM at F. SCARR'S June 2J . Drug Store. Pure Salad Oil. , Finest article in Market, at F. SCARR'S j'une 29 , - Drug Store. CHOICE Salad Oil, Finest article ever offered in this Market, for sale at dec'18 " . SCARR'S. For Sale. rnWO Acres of land adjoining the City of jl - cnariottc. very nnely situated in a rapidly improving neighborliood. f Will be sold entire, or in lots to suit purchasers, at a very reasonable rate. Apply to JOHN T. BUTLER, oct 22 -, ; -Opposite Mansion House. ' Murder, Fire & Bohberyv " A S I am 'osing many of my custo J. mers by crediting them I would take the liberty of asking all who owe me to call and settle up by the lst'of February 1873 or sooner. J. T. BVTUSU. dec 29 " ', ' FOR - SALE.' 1" T-ot. of Ann HORSES and MULES. A in splendid order. At DAVIDSON'S LIVERY STABLES." Horses and Mules for sale are kept on hand constantly. nov 16-tf -; Oats. j- . - . - T?IFTEEN Hundred Bushels Mountain JL Seed Oats, for sale by STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. TJOMINY and Grits, fresh and good. XX Goods sent to all parts of the City, . t - - ' SYMONS&CO, jan21-tf ', Near the Charlotte Hotel. A L DIN E. WE are theregular Agents for THE , j&JLilDIlsrE!. j i; -.'t "' cA. r;'- ; -"' CALL AND SEE SPECIMEN COPIES. ALSO . . THE PREMIUM CHR0M0S. J Terms, $5.00 Per Annum. . , ' ' TIDDY & BROTHER, Agents. jan 21 1 Home and Democrat copy. To Our Friends and Acquaintances. TT7E the Undersigned bes leave to thank IT our friends and acquaintances . for their liberal patronage bestowed upon our Emnlover. Mr. E. Shrier for the past year. and most respectfully ask a continuance of the same as we are still ' at the Temple of FashicTi. Respectfully, . : . J. A. YOUNG, Jr., A.H. TATE. jan 9 N E W F U R GOOD .FDRIIITDIIE ! .. '.' . -AEEIVIKGiDAILY AT ': ' ,' DAVIDSON ' S FURNITURE k ROOMS, : Trade St, Opposite Brem, Brown & Co's Dry Goods Store , " '3VHEBE WILL BE FOUND EVEEY1BISG KErT IN A .- P IE S T 'class I Zf " 3""V.V "'"I .""""l, " - "i. uiutwttius, uuk wuwr .iraws, , jiai Cribs, Safes, Tete-a-Tets, Sofas, Lounges, Mirrors, Glass Plate, &c., &c. XLSO FlNE-STOCK of Parlor' Furniture, Dining i Ytuieuta styie ana nnisn. xms iiouse aiso Keeps a iuh stocK ot Spring Beds and Mattresses, and a Large Assortment of f ; - metallicTburial cases ; And Caskets of all sizes and styles of finish, together with Mahogany, Rosewood, Walnut, Poplar and Pine Cofnns, from, the plainest and cheapest to the . ' finest Octagon Cases and Caskets, with full glass tops, trimmed. in . ;.r the most elaborate style, furnished with heavy Silver Moun- . j tings. Special attention given to furnishing Dwellings. .Hotels ' "and Colleges at. a smill advance on MANUFACTURERS RATES." , , , CALL, SEE AND PRICE BEFORE BUYING. ; ; January 21st, 1S73, B0BT. F. DAVIDSON. 1872. A WML vftM MBAOHAM'S SHOE STOBB S I G N O F T II E C K A S S BOOT, NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, J ; - - CHARLOTTE, Hi C. , HOLESALE & RETAIL TRUNKS, LEATHER and I NOW Invite the WHOLESALE and sortment of BOOTS & eHOfc.. which have MY Experience in business makes me oi my goods will compare lavoranly with those-ot any other house in; the Uity or else where, . V ' . S. B. MEACHAM. P.S. I AM NOW PREPARED TO OFFER on LIBERAL TERMS and LOW PRICES, August 21st, 1872 6m Lancaster Ledger copy six months. BOARDING. RS. A: W. MILLER is prepared to ac JJX commodate Boarders with room and meals or" with meals only, as the Boarder may desire. 'The building, Gray's, on the corner of Trade : and Church streets, is a new one ; the rooms are cleanly, comfort ably neatly furnished, and well amended. The table is as good, as the market will afford. -.; .. Terms most liberal, to suit clerks wTho are working for moderate salaries. jan 1-tf - ' NOTICE. T7"E have this day sold bur entire stock T T of Groceries, Liquors, Ac-, .to Messrs. W. H II. HOUSTON & CO., and in retir ing from business respectJully ask a con tinuance of flie liberal patronage bestowed upon us to our successors. ' - GREGORY fe WILLIAMSON, , W. J. BLACK & CO. , jan 1, 1873. fi& Having purchased W. J. Black & Co's and Gregroy & Williamson's entire stock of Goods, we have opened at Gregory fc Williamson's old stand, next door to McMurray, Davis, fc Co's, at which place we will constantly keep a complete Stock of - . . . " GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &C, ; - And would respectfully ask'a call from the public. -. - , . W. H. H. HOUSTON & CO. P. S.W. J. ORR and T. D. WALSH, formerly with Gregory .& Williamson, and McD. ARLEDGE, formerly with W. J, Black & Co.t are with us and will be pleas ed to see their friend and customers. - W. H. H. HOUSTON & CO. ; jan 7 ' '- J..Y. BRYCE, General 'Commission Merchant, CHARLOTTE, N. C. . , '' Particular attention paid to selling alt kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco.. r . Highest cash price paid for Cotton.. . All orders from a distance promptly at tended to. - J. Y. BRYCE, , dec 21 '72. , - - CHOICE Odd French Brandy for Medi cinal purposes, at F. SCARR'S. jan 3 : - Writing Paper, ' ' MERCHANTS visiting Charlotte, will find Writing Paper and Envelopes very cheap, at ' ,PUREFOY'S. jan 4 E ' , : " - - v Landreth Warraxited Gaxdea Seed. TITE will receive in a few -days, a large i f and complete assortment of these re liable and popular Seed. ' . , ' . ; ALSO-- ' Clover, Orchard Grass, Lucerne Lawn Grass, &c. W. R. BUKWELL & CO. jan 17 . . ;. . 1873 No. 1,552 s N I T UE E . CHEiiP FORIIITDIin ! ! FURNITURE HOUSE. - ' VUlUtlUt V1UX1I1, UU, 1) dlUlUUOi liatM, liiflgera, vnai jnois, Lxaaies, ' A ' . ' , Room Furniture and Chamber Suits, all 1872. DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS SHOE FINDINGS. RETAIL Trade to my, large and varied as been selected with care. confident that my prices and the quality GOODS TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE . - S. B. MEACHAM. , " - . New Orleans Sugar land Molasses. t Hogsheads Bright New Orleans Sugar, O 10 Barrels Choice V J, , " Molasses, Also 2 Hogsheads Demerara Sugar, 2 " -t Molasses in store and for sale at prices to suit the times by STENHOUSE, "UAUAV LAY & UU. dec 17 '? . TOR SALE. T W. WADSWORTH t has at his Livery 0 , and Sale Stable, opposite the City Clockf HORSES and MULES lor sale and kept constanly on hano. nov 30 NOTICE. ' . ' ' - . i .'v- -v. ; rUHOSE persons to whom we have ex A tended credit during the past year will confer a fayor upon by (calling at once and settling their accounts, as this must be our last appeal. KMUHiu it i - . R. M. MILLER & SONS, jan 11. ;j ,. GARDEN SEEDS. JUST opened and for sale -a' complete as sortment of Buist's Celebrated Garden Seeds, consisting of every variety of Vege table Seeds grown in tiie tooutnern raies jaul8 ; F.SCARR. TURE POWDERED. BLACK PEPPER, X Free irora Adulteration, ai dec 18 . - - SCARR'S. i :. Clover Seed. ; , A . Supply - of Pennsylvania' Red Top ii. CloverSeed, at - . - : STENHOUSE, MACAULAY fc CO. jan 9 . - -) - - . , JUST KECEIYED - AT ; S C A R R ' Si) R U G S T 6 R E,f s TAPIOCA, , ; . : - MACARONI ITALIAN, 'SAGO, ;v. :;; 1 POWD BUK PEPPER, .,, , FRESH SAGE. jj jan 31 ' 1 11 t - ": MORE of that elegant Sour Kraut; come running or it willaU be gone before you get any. v.,- ..y" ' ' , . . , t Also another1, lot of Good Cliesnnts. riot many worms.- ; ' J. F.'BUTT.""S jan-23 - ' ' ' Ope Square one Urae , ab two i i three days M. 2 C four days........ 2 ,r". five days....... 3 ( j one week......... 3 0 two weeks,..;..;..,. 5 CO M It u tkree weeks.....:,.........,... 6 0B8 montli. . 8 CO Coatract Advertisements taken at proportionately low rates. Five Squares estimated at ft quarter-eojV umn, and tew qass as a half-column. - ; THE CIIAIlLOxEE FAIR NEW GOODS. Watches, " Clocfcf, Jewel- ryr- Diamcdds, Silver and Plated .Ware, . Spectacles, &a LI USIC BOXES AND MANY ' AETIGX.ES TOO NUMEB0US AT J. T. BUTLER'S ;'. OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE. . October 22 - ' ' : A. E. Kfshet & Brother HAVING completed.an improYement in their Commodious Store Room on Trade Street, one door, west of Smith, & Hammond's Drug Store, Charlotte,. N, (X, are now receiving a .well selected stoekof Groceries, Musical Instrument,. Toysr C5- gars, &c., which has been bougie by one " of the firm, at a time when themarr&et was most favorable. ; They therefore &ri. satis fied that they can sell all goods iu tKteii hne as low as any firm m;Charlotte for . cash or to punctual customersv i They invite Merchants to give them a. call, (as they had a special eye- to their wholesale trade,) and feel warranted in sayingthat they can sell so as to make it saving to them in their,, purchases. They return their thanks to their friend and the generous public for past favors, and solicit a continuance of the same. - ' A. R. NISBET & BRO. FAMILY M . P GR0CEEIE3 R ESS OK Trade Street, next door to the Post lice, Sign of the Elephant, "SJUST RECEIVED A Fresh Lot of Sausage, Mince Meat, Pork, Butter, Chickens, Eggr ic. Jcc. FLOUR a specialty. . JHS3" Produce sold bn commission, jan 3ly ) -v-r" - : BUCKWHEAT CAKES all smoking hot, covered over with yellow, rich good Goshen Butter. What is more iwlatablo for Breakfast ? - Well we have just received an elegant Lot of the material to make them, and we will sell the receipt for a . small .price. . s- ALSO. Just received, Irish Potatoes, Cabbage, Chcsnuts. &c., at ' ' J0I1N F. BUTTS, dec 31 . Market. Cigars, Smoking & Chewing . Tohacco.. rn AAA CIGARS of tarious and choice OUUUy brands, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco in quantity, and of various brands ' and different quantities. Wholesale and , retail by A. B.K. & .BRO sept ID ' - TTAIR Brashes, Tooth Brushes, Kail : A Brashes. . Wm. R. BURWELL & CO, dec 21 Springs Corner. KEROSENE LAMPS, ' 1 BURWELL CO. dee21 , , "VTELSOKS Geletine, a fresh supply, just IN received, at .SCARR'S. , jan 3 ; . - Just Eeceived. V Choice lot of Smoked Sugar Cured . J. Shoulders, at jarr21 . R, M. MILLER & SPSS. r CHOICE CHEESE, TOOK the highest premium at the Fair of the Carolinas, at Charlotte, N. C, October, 25th. 1872, made by P. J. Kimbcr ly. Buncombe, county, N. C, for sale by. A. R, NISBET & BRO. ' ; nov 5 A ' New assoi t ment of Kerosene Lam ps, A just in, at - .SCARR'S.,; . jan 3 . .' SAGE. - Fine New Sage, just received at deSl8l ' : SCARR'S. r