TIio Clmrlotto OLervcr; PUBLISHED DY ' ' ' jones -& Mclaughlin -' Office, Bryce's, Building, Trade Street. wacujuirecae ume ........ i m h ; u -r I c "' KATE3 OF 8CBSCEIPTIOJJ', , J o... 2 lour uays 2 Daily, One year in ad rawca. . : my riS.x mo.IJths' in ance,. 3 (X) one wpp b. - - ev luree juontns, m advance,. 1 0 One month,' in advance, 0 Tri-Weekly, one year .........T..::...; $3.50 Weekly, oneyear 2.00 - e1? 5oo , orta month oa. : CHARLOTTE, N. C:, I'RIDAYt:ipjSIilT 7. 1873- : ' ! ' " Contract Advertisements taken at proportionately low rates, ' . " KtC S1111 estimated at a qtsartcr-col- No. I 53 YLUZ SALT. c" wiaares as a liau-eourmn. h cr'!'''-?:iik,,;tf' . f- t, . ' -r , 1 1 . ' i - I ; I MM,- I 'I-.i ... Z. U I f T W W 1 . . . . ..I j y i v v ,v - ' L VLr v A'sAsAL, K V u l 1 I t I I f II II 11 III I , 1 ' - - - i 1 1, mm 'mTmm v. . 3-' i - , ifli-i .:"ir..j;-l 'I i '- . - . . mmmmmmmm -AND - V i-j ( WWTEJf roS'THEOBf ERVEB- HEIGHTS ' BURKE, CO N c Upon Olen'jpineVairyJdshtsJ f.. "s Tour charmed coirples 'stoar i - V , : kAndaa the. King of day vent down, i - ? 4 Jl5 41 Jli? viewed, :. ; Upon the far offiIopliig ralev , -ct.?--eii apreads Ins shining bed r lie haiigstfpon the lofty peaks i jxisi uuzung ruues wuay ; ' -1 forth frm'; -,f Without a'single ray. s : Jpon his couch' hesits and views : . The golden tinted west, r ' 1 ' Then draws his fringed curtains roundi-- In peace lies down to rest " ' - ' T" - . All Nature hushed, and from the" hills- ' - The shadows snftv nrW ' ' f And there in silent awe we stood, - The king in quiet slept. And as I stood, and watched entranced, His last departing ray, V.y , A whispering spirit spoke to me," "Hear, youth, what I shall say.'V 'pis thus the good on earfli expire, ' Serene they sinkr to rest, .' ' -r And dying know that they will be. ' ' , iujuugu cuiuras ages uiesc 1 . i ' , - ' ' S' " ' (And when thy evening beauties fade I From off the western -sky, He thou resigned for fading earth, Heaven not a single sigh." - . . 'Jve well, that. when thy. sun may set, jBright hands may point the way, Where rising suns hi glory shine jOn one eternal day.", ' ; ... : . dIIELTON. - . . Bible Presentation. A very interesting ' ceremony was trofiM.niArl of K t.. esterciay at noon. - --- - -i er ana Kev. if. A. - ctrbbel, iiib e Aorifft.i. th st Wn?f fV . , llv. Drury Lacy, D. D.f and present s i ed him Avith a very elegant Bible in th ; jpresence of the .teachers and pupils. .'he presentation snceA was made Dyiitev. r, a. ocroDie. Mr. . . on behalf of the Board of Managers of I "w-v - aV' 4 t 1 1'r . the old riorth Carolina Bible Socie ty j and of the friends df the Bible catise generally in the State, asked lri Lacy's acceptance of the Bible as a token of the hisrh auDreeiation in vhieh he was held by his . breth ren in the , ministry and by the conjniuimj' generally, ana as -a nt ting expression ' of the - obligation under.'- which he had placed that gookl cause, through a long series - of years, it. was. meet ?; thrt this pre sentation should be c made in the Peace Institute, a seat ' of learning, theSname of one, with' whom Dr. L. had been long associated as an- Elder of the church, of which he hadjbeeiv Pastor." It was. proper too that this act should.be performed -in the presence oi the- pupils of t this 1 1nstitute, that thev rnav .'learn : how 'commmee, consisung ontev. j; reaciy oynpnng to cut and, make to order T.V , . , V -,. Hfl Al-inrt T v.- T -K.TAa..ra Ut flWII ifji.hliliniPnl: unil : nndw mt, hLP.11 Ot Of Select " pJntvn T v. $2AiKr "vv t 7 r-wA I own 'supervision and at lower nricea th 1 . Vf18 a a lifepf.pietyand usenilness, such ns lie had led, brings a rich reward; not! only in theo peace ; and : bomfgrt which till the heart of the; Chriathm, but in th e honors . wh ich' gather aronnd' the "hoary head'V when fouind. Valking in the ways of right t eolsnss, The speaker assured Dr. L.. behalf of himself and .'those U. whom he represented, of theirf most ardent wUhes for. his health and . spiritual comfort, ' .and ;hi future happiness. ' . -i.v ; - "V . 1 . The venerable Dr; Lacy responded under much emotion. : -He was sur prised and almost unnerved at this ; . wnjxpectpd-visit.. from; ,his friends, : - ana received with a grateful , heart v tlnf token of their kind regard and . , confidence. ; A similar token 6f re " " cognition for service In the Bible ... 'Ji cavise, had been made, to him .many . years since by the American -'.Bible Society, ,;.Th is present of God's Holy . Word, coming ? from;his immediate friends and neighbors.nvas especially - gratifying to him fand he desired to exnress his rirofound thanks for this r . evidence of their good" will. . " 1 J Jt. ! Dr. Atkinson made a. few remarks, -designed to express the, cene: which they had been witnessing, upon ; the 'hearts of the nunies of the Institute: He then , dismissed - the audience with the benediction. Ral. TNtavsi .' pENi r . . . Senator - SusiNEE.-The friends of ,Sepat6r . Sumner are .gratified to , know that he js'improving, and that thfef e is no w a possibility that he may resume his seat in 4 the .Senate j T before the 4th of March. : ,A promi- -svV HI- 1 12..H... 1 1?-.. ; l ; Aiiaoaunusews; xtepuDiican, jusi- arrived in Washington, says a reac- tion has set in favor of Mr. Sumner, - and that the old affection entertain ed for him by his people is rapidly - reasserting its sway. This gentleman - IopksTor.au. early movement in the Legislature to expunge the resohi- tion in quasi condemnation of Mr. nrntr.Washington Oorresvondeuc pauimore Sun. 3 i . ; , - "t, J t- . 5 t' 'sr V i ' .1 a I TTAVING greatly increased his Stock i - v-.iiivu nwui consists ,t- . r - - , . rioVlacfe,;waiur suns French and Cottage .J Bedsteads, Spring Vai ar , ; -CYasl.$tands. ' . . . Tables. Ladies IVai-it Tables, Extension and The Undertaken Departments complete fcth-c.heaP S'Sn to the J?"1 Head :and Foot Walnut Casket med in constantly Desold at a. uwHL reasojiable price., i most i Charlotte nave neea lor anvthine in mv lin r vi uviurt; I'urcuasing eisewnere' " ' ' South Trade Street opposite the Market Houaa, Charlotte. N. C i jatUstl873-ly F. M.SHELTON; Special Notice io the Public.' .J" A 3 a great many changes Tiave taken place this year, -1 respectfully beg to inform the citizens of Clarlott and the public in general that no change has taken place at my- establishment. I m Kf?n ot L f niy old stand, No. 24 Tryon ' Street, , David selected stpclf of thelincst and latest styles kll illUUK.,. lLil ii. flBTft 'flnrt Wall of custom-made clothing for Men,:Youths and Boys swear, also on hand.a fine stock oi uents- I'Unusnmg ,Good8, Shirts, of iwiiuu s tuHKe, iu(j oescntting shirt in the world.' The verv latest stvlra of TTt Scarfs. Biws and Tis TTtnininoc and I will stm sell tliem at prices todefv comiwtition. ' . - . I shc?1 ime lav h my of Clothing T-Ti. V X . 7 ylt riLy .Jlia .e uoous, ior mv 'lailorinff Estab- rioix o 1. 1 . . a rrt3M i - me an J '-.-fit 4 ; f" wf1T" in this or any other city, this side ofBalti- Being tlianKful to the citizens of Char- lotte and -the public in general for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon me, I most respectfully ask a continuance rff.""18: :,...-,vi'wuiiy!-. E. SHRIEK. Home and Democrat copy. rA Sacks .Country Flour, different 0J Grades, for sale at ; jan-2I : It. M. MILLER & SONS, j- TO THE'LAQiES. - . ' SOKE ZKnEW STYIiE JUST RECEIVED EXPR ESS TH IS BI OKXINC t " MRS. Q TJ E R YT S 4 ', Tj ARGE LOT SHOULDER SCARFS,NII I SON TIES .and. Bows all Colors at greatly reduced prices, just received at nov 30- MRS. QUERY'S. " . No. 4, Granite Row, Opposite H j "ITT 1 TIT rrr!TA ' "kT . r - ........ " j," ' 11 . ..: Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail deal ; era In Mantifectured. tobacco, :Smokt. -;; ing xooacco, ana . mgars or an grades. Dealers in the above goods will do well to examine our , stock . chasing elsewberd' as we :" - "greater inducementa. , jan 14-tf - t - ; THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST 11!, - ; TO,'P LA? T K ; TTTE' Offer the "following "Fertilizers i II Patapsco'Guano, Chesapeake Guano, and Watsorf ifctJlarke's' Super-Phosphatei ., ie uave pleasure in again leuuenug w i our Farmers .the mbove .first-class Fertili- our zers. i To those who have used them, so many years we need only say that they are guar- one trial will convince them that they are 8nrwnni fV all rf l-i om orv' -niflTro biiw if d I supply and please-hand in your orders AHUOLD'S 7EITINQ FLUID; UID; ; i"-:-1' ,J . :0: . Ahnold's Copying Ink. Carter's .Combined Writing and Copying Ink. Hoores' Toilet Ink. French 0' Ink.". , David's BriUiant Carmine Ink. At jan 29 TIDDY'S." ; " - . . . - Just-Eeeeived. v aiusv ikcwi. cu. ? ; lAABnshOi Mountain Irish Potatoes. 1UU Warrai.ied sound and good at $1.60 per bushel. , 'SYMONS&CO, Jlalf Glass Ton. finishfifl an fnJrv.. i.4 ViT..1. wV.vw 1 r . . themostanWavedstvwTnh;ar ,r Dcaresyme. -He l wainnrp;nT,, Rosewood, .-'- ' -u many tnanJisrorTJast aTOrrl-.5 , .". ,r r ka obrAS . . tings. Special attention rirn -fniwnTi.inH. IfwnIi:xr;?i4; 1 . eany, as Ithe consumption exceeds the nAT T A vrf kvir vPTnrv" rvWirq 1 Highest cash pnee paid for Cotton. manufacturing power. v Af P,,8 .SPECIMEN COPIES, -i or(Jers a once promptly at : For sale in any quantity, by ' , r , f , , ALSO- f . tended to. ' J.X.BRYCE,- , STENHOUSE, MACAULAY &CO. ' ,THE.' PREMIUM " CHROMOS." -' dec21'72.,t J . - ; f lOOSW1 w -ana ior sale by - - - - . STENHOUSE, MACAULAY i C6l: ;;The ;chaage.".. TTAVING notified otir ;frierids- And rris- XI tomers some time sinee. that our hnsi "a enange J anuarv 1st 1S73, fe aJ pleased ta say Jthat. tLe change has taken placeand it is to be strictly CASH or 30. DAYS CRTCmT ri,'nc r "f I jLanks; ask j, continuance of in nltratirfrt'f v. k f y 4.'- l Kr7" l luies. .we wiiT De- frf,f. CLASS -' , e uue.auu payaoie ion' tne lft Pleach and every month. ' : ; ORIER ALEXANDEKj; ion 1 1079 t,r 1 . " " ULj EMBRACING;:; Cliairs,- Tables. BeiMeads, Bians Drew . s;-: I -TrTT-T-T.-.. mHE Proprietor of r the ahov tv1 '. 1 '.HoW; SSfuUy invites the CharlottP flnrftT tij cSrt" t" i t''f,;; c oxiuww iua -Jtiuuais a Jirst etast p t ' " ' i, TN u , yu V"5515' wnniuu gjass,tops, trimmed in. r v J I XlAJXJjk ailu. WOl'tllV-O'C nnhlift intrrrno-n I ,1, ""cuiuok ciaiwraie Style. IUrmSiiea With hPAVV R ilwrMnm., - . , - V ' TB..WB - B . , . M mm m M J m ai 1 K 1 LI 1 . 1 i, I I'l II I I I Hi a I W ' m. 1 .. . n . t k. F ' I M -: 7 1-7 , sf! IrP ,1 - " ' " " . ... ,. i -XvUJJlif. UAV1JJS11N. .f 85 p CD CHARLOTTE, Prescriptions prepared at all hours , V.. 1 colors oi xxie xay ana nignt. : cnolce Green ad Black Tea, I Selected esneriallv fnr ?amUrr t : SOARR'S june 29 ,- Drug5tore. Spices foi SUARR'S Drug Store. Pure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, . at F. SCARR'S . June 20 : Drugstore. GHOICE Salad Oil, Finest article ever offered in this Market, for sale at dec 18 SCARR'S. For-Sale. TWO Acres of land adioining the City of Charlotte very; finely situated in a rapidly improving - neighborhood. Will u suxu. ii ure, or ingots io suit purcnasers, at a ycry reasonable rate. ' Apply to ycry JOHN.T. BUTLER. ; oct 22 Opposite: Mansion'House. ITrd pr T?io "A T? a-K-K - v w uuj. iA'Sil. Janv posing many of; my custo- JX - mers1' by' crediting them I would taKe tne liberty ot asking -all who owe me to call aiid settle up bvthe lst'of February 183 or sooner. J. 'lViJUTLER, dec 29 ; 1 . , - , ijT I l' vA jiLpt-ofr fine HORSES and MULES, I xjl in splendid order. At, DAVIDSON'S . uats. nr6WT?T' tt.,.? t?t. nfu: X , Seed Oats, for sale by v. , t ? ' ' STENHOUSE, MACAULAY &C0. J HOMINY wanoT Grits7"Tresh and good. ' Coods sent to all parts of the City; v.: jan 21-rtf ti: Near tbe Charlotte Hotel. T ; . i iyi- .. iji.-,- '"AIj D l5 dl JS . " :0:- :0: Terms, $5.00 Per Ahnum. t TIDDY & BROTHER 1 Agfirits.; - 'jan2i T 0nr Prleilds ttdcqiiailltelicei. 11 VUV UUUW31AJV WV- 1 1VU1W WVJ WUttlJJa. our friends and - acauaintances for eir liberal patronage bestowed-Trpon.our uF.u,u, . um.u .C(Fv id most respectfully ask a continuance of the sameas we are still at the Temple of Fashicrx. , Respectfully, - t - , ;r ; . ; J. A. 'YOUNG, Jr, r' " . ; A, H, TATB,; . . . . IU -1 . . . ' - W I luiie zy . -Vlf.itl.'' T - i ii v Jiiix oi'AJJiiW?:; Jtiorses ana; Auues siock oiuooas.' we nave opened at ureeorv nbefore pur- i for sale are kept on hand .constantly. r. v,-1 Williamson's old ' standi ' next door to can offer '' novl(tf . ' .4 " I McMurrav. Davis & Go's, at whieh nlace ' 7 1 t I i . ' i ii : i 1 1 ii ' r i i ra i i i i 1 1 i j I wa will Anncfanflir Vom n nAmnlhf CfrwiV i ; a - ' iff ' j ' - . ' ..w -JBi ?:yv-.; .Jb . U - i MyipsoNis' - " ' vyA P." BE FOUND .. - ALSO Ai- -.'".I '-iris' s METALLIC 1872, aycEoszs S I G IS O F T H U r . '.1 J anuarv 21 at." l7a - - "7 r' rVL- f aDJLyfJSSKOCGglES; ' ' t0 'v '" ' ' CHARLOTTE, N. C. 'HOLES ALE. & RETAIL . f . TRUNKS, LEATHER and . I NOW Invite the.WHOLESALE and i -f hAAma c otia . nuiuiieiit u jjuuip aojiuriOj ffnicn nave Deen seiecteci wun care. ,: . - - MY .Experience in business makes me confident that my prices and the quality of my goods wUl compare favorably with those of any other houie in the City else P.g. I AM NOW PREPARED TO OFFER GO0DST0 THE WHOLESALE TRADE on .li.dJSKAJj tiskMjs and low FliiCES. LaS?3J Lancaster Ledger copy six montlis. BOARDING. TI TRS. A. W. MILLER is prepared to ac JJX commodate Boarders with room and mca,? F wun meais oniy, as .me coaraer may desire. The building, Gray's, on the corner of Trade and Glmrch streets,'. is a new .one ; the rooms are cleanly,' comfort- t iy eaity iurnisiieii,?.anu. weu aitenaeu. I table is as good as the market will j pnuru. , r. , .... - I Terms most, liberal, to suit clerks, who jan 1-tf NOTICE.' WE have Sfiis day sofd our ' entire Tstock of Groceries, Liquors,; &c': to Messrs W.HMT. HOUSTON & CXX; and in retir- mg rroni -. business respect: oily ask a con tinuance of tne uberat patronage bestowed upon us to our snccessors. -:i : i r, . . - '"' : j . GREGORY & WILLIAMSON,' : -'"-w. j.BLACEligco.,, :Ut janlm?. .v,.. . . j : JSS Having purchased W J. Black 1 Go's and : Gregroy & .WilUamson's entire eg JO j; ,:j-r.7,r i .wv,.- s - And woulcrrcspectfully ask a call 'from thf public. ; -; , . : -, - - i : r, -i jr:, W..lf 11, HOUSTON tW' P. 8. WJ. 0RR and TV D W ALSH iormerly with Gregory & Williamson J and McD-T ARLEDGE, fornierly ; with . Wi J piacK k co are with us ana win pe pleas ed to see their rnend and enstomersi t - Jan 7' t si,.!' ,,! sroniission' merchant, CHARLOTTE; N Cf J i. j.: orarucu tar attention paua to i sellings an 'T-l 1 . . T .11 J ..... .. T . - 1 - TT. T J kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco. CHOICE Odd French Brandy for Medi- Udnal purposes . F, 'SCARR'S (jan3-;.v-:--,;::v; ; V'.s Sk V Writing Paper. k 1 r f f MERCHANTS f "visiting aiarlote,"will find Writing " Paper; and Envelopes very cheap, at - - - -" PUREFQY'S. - .jan4,r? tliauajetll S Warranted u&raen beeo. trrE will receive in a few days a large 1T and complete assortment of these re- Uablc and po ,-..;,..: r . - , V " 7. Vo - " " " ; " ALfeU - , Clover, Orchard Grass. Lucerne, Lawn Grass, &c. ' W. E. BURWELL & CO. w 1 T URF. .. pwyns r,Uo;& Jry Goods Store.; j EVERYTHING XtTPT IK A ! V FURNITURE! - - . i -. . 'HOUSE. BURIAL CASES "" 1872. SHOE STQBBJ i.K R A S S B O O T , DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS i . ; - v- ..... - , , - -s - ... . . . SHOE FINDINGS. . ' " RETAIL Tmdo trt mv nl vnri . , ..i v C- ' S. B. MEACHAM. - ' . S.U. MEACIIAM. , . j U Hew Orleans Sno-ar nnd TlTftlfl'a . -0 w . 5 Hogsheads Bright New Orleans Sugar, 10 Barrels Choice M - s" Molasses, Also 2 Hogsheads Demerara Sugar, 'Z : ,," : " Mote;ses in store and foT sale at prices to suit the times I oy HTKiN UUUK. MACAULAY & CO. dec?ir;: ' ' . 1 ' - .'lORSAlE.'. ''i iU' r 'ilHrZnkZnSZ-'t t'UV'JI Tf.-PQ&W - .. ' .. 1 ' CIock H0R$ES and MULES for sale and kept constahlv on band. v 4 1 Tw a 211111 nLi niii-iiiiK. - i ilhhksilk Liit2 TvsiLV kept constahly on band nov 30:" OJ V .e; j mHOSE persons to.whom we' have ea JL tended credit duriiie the past' year wiU i confer a favor uo6n us ibv' callifis at once and settling their accounts as this must be j , ' ' !? GARDEN $&EtS 'XXZ Z vrZL J ' - - t - " - "? ,TUST openedraidfot sale aiCornpleteas- O. sortment of Bmst's I Celebrated Garden eeos consisnng pi-every vanetyoi ve- uiulc uwuo uiunu m vuviuvuiuuu . ivo. i Jux? -.r" - "FiTTItM .POWDERED BLACK!. PEPPER. JL Free from Adulteration, at . , - . ( dec 18 Jn.i' l , f A, SCARR'S. if r. ::'a. v Clover SeedV,' 'tA.i -.t. ' A ' Supply of i Pennsylvania 'Bed Top A' Clover Seed, at 't ,: f ' " fan - .ili , r.,f.f;i .V JUST EECEIVED AT v S C A R R S DR'UjO. STORE.,, MACARONI ITALIAN, 1 SAGO,- t PQWD BL'EL PEPPER', FRESH. SAGE." "if . . . ? - jan 31; MORE of that elegant Sour Kraut ; come running or it will all be gone before you get any. - , Also another lot of Good Chesnuts, not many worms. ' : J.Jb. Jiuii. our last appeaL i REM BMHEK IT in : .f R.AI MILLER &S0NS.Iv . jan U: 4, .; ,. - jan 23 j THE CMRLOTtBli NEW GOODS:- I -; 1 . in: t ryyianmQS,' Silver Plated Ware.- iJ Spectacle HUSIC BOXES AND MANY - t OTHER. AETldLBS T 0 0 ' 5 UMER o'u 8 TO ZMTSnTTlLODSr. - J ' ' - i ' " f ' ' - i i ' ' AT ? ' v J. T. BUTLER'S lxtxnivi7VJULIjitAjiiBlA1l - October 23 - ' . A. R. Nisbet& Brother 1 H AAII lM proywnciw TTAVING completed an improTcment rn XA HIBIT, IsOTlllIUXUOttS BtO KOOIT1 nr Tradpfinwt -nA Amy mnit nf V i. .hSSiC Store arlLe-W r arwiv urocerres,y Aiusicai ( instruanerrtsr Toysr Ci Sars, &c.t which has been bought by one of the firm; at a time when the market was mSwXS: f " 2" ch or cl StoSeS' Thev in vitfi "Hprphnt.. tn riw call, (as they had a special eye to their wholesale trade,) and-feel warrantetl in saying tiiat tuey can sell so as to make it a saving to them in their purchases. ' ' They return their thanks to their friend and the generous public for past favors, and soncit a continuance oi tne same. A. R. NISBET A BtlO. FAMILY GEOCEBIES: B . M . PRES 8 6 ti . Trade Street, next door to the Post Office, J - Sign' of the Elephant; ; , ; . . . JUST RECEIVED, p ' A Fresh Lot of Sausage, Mince Meat, Pork, Butter, Chickens, ! Eggs, Acv Ac, FLOUR a specialty. Varr .Produce sold on commission. jan jly ; p- . T) UCK WHEAT CAKES all swrokint? hot. I - - ... . .. . . T -JL covered over with yellow, rich, good is more 'palatable i rsr Kvrm Ljti "7 - ivn WfA riu au.i I an .elegant Lot of the matemlrto: make 1 fhmi - nnH 'wA wiii t..:, - them;- and we will sell the receipt for a small price. . , : '?:! AI.SO, ; , Just rcceircd, Irish Potatoes Cabbogr, Chcsnuts, &c., at ' ' - - ' v ft1.--,,; JOHN BTJTT8, -f dec 31 1 ; ;,t . , Market, v Cigars; Smoking & Chewing' - Tobacco: K A A H A CIGARS of various and choice . -. W I F . brands. Chewing and Smoking Tobacco in quantity, and of various brand and dinerent quandtics. Wholesale and S rtjril hw v ... , :s h a r v m ni?f - jwpi 1$ - , TTAIR Brashes, Tooth Brushes, Nan XI Brashes. , . ; - I v -" Wm. R. BURWELL & CO. dec 21 i" ' Springs' Corner. T7-ER0SENE LAMPS, - ' JJL ? dec .. . BURWELL & CO. NELSONS Gel etine, a fresh supply, just received, at . t . SCARR'S. Jan 3 . Just Eeceiyed. " A Choice lot of Smoked Sagar Cured XL Shoulders, at f jan 21 . R. M. MILLER A SONS. , - CHOICE CIIEE3E, ' , TOOK the highest premium at tbe Fair of the Carolinas. at Charlotte. N. C- October, 25th. 1872, made by P. J. Kimbcr ly. Buncombe, county, N. C., for sale by . - , A. t-iSAoiXir c JiiiO. novo - 1 i K New assortment of K.erosene Lamps, XjL just in, at SCARR'S. jan 3 SAGE. . Fine New Sage, just received;afc dec-18 SCARR'S. mm mr m a. - "aa jan ' m pa ; , i

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