The Charlotte . OfoScry er. . l.t' i ?UBI,ISHK1 DT i'f ' ,t -- JONE3 & McIUGnLTN. Office, Bn-ceV BuiidiBgr Trade Street.:: -. I'l'l' BATES ,OF; 8'OTSciRIPTrDJJ'wf;(,v 5 Daily, One year In advance, .iw.i.3 00 Six inonthsjl in advance,w. ..t 3-00 Three Months, in advance,.:..;. ...;; 150 CneCj-ire cr.e t!nTr,--......... x t c- 4 . tnrcsoys. 2 ) ft-1 W J ...... ..... 0.-3 rr M i to v 5 CO three tr::! r..'......... (J.jj . rma mnnf a IV . One lhontn.1 in auvancc,......i,;,v;;; C071 tract Advc.Lcnicnta taken afc'--rffoportionatUy; low rstca. .1 ,:. ilTe riTrcs cstlmitcd a qsrtcr-tcV1-umiyanq ten squares, as a fcaIf-ccI::mnTlr:y m . ttf. 1-1 Weekly; on f year,: oneyearai.v;.'S3xQtr Tm t v -Tirf rt r . : . i r"1"- 11 " .' 1 f t . . . . . -FronUhe - OAKCS ASICS r - .. T cannot rem ember.- I'm trying td think what you ask'pie." - 5 U1 Had Collar a .share- : ' ' 'i Of this Credit Mobilierf - fi -1 V-nJ It is queer that I cannbt remember. ',' '"'; I cant, rejnember. Don't tease me, 'u I'm dqing my, best now to please-Ve.v; ft The tranaction Isold, '' Well,! know ithat'I sold - ': ' -Did lie hold? 4 That I cannot'remcmberV' I cannot remeinW Til try)' sir"'?': ' ' .;' Was that Colfax'there saylnjr I lie. sir: Andthatlbiiisttellyou, - Just exactly what's true ?- J " "; ; V So I dol Now ! think I r.emember.f ':r. 1 I can tell yod, right here all about it: Whv. the balance to free . 5 VC I'd his check drawn tdme- lv l Y'V'"''' Marked S. C. I am sure- remember.' '; :v- .' "i" 1 . i'J in ?"' : I anrsure l remember. , x; ye papers -1 1 ' To prove eycry one of his capers: On his oath does he1 swear it? . 1 ''i H' ' I'm sorry to Itear it; ' Y;y 't"'.''l "f won't bear it. v I'm sure I remembeX'J?i: I'm sure I teberv;MoVeoYir.1, This proof hetcan never get'dvclr.1 1 Nor can he slp by " - - . And" its' no use to try r t To lie. for I'm sure I, remember, . T w , I'm sure t rcniemberi: ''And sdsirj, One question! X 'ask cre x go, sir, Do the rest of this crew J. i hike to hear ust whats"true ? , , y If they do I dm sure to. remember..' ' ' . 11.1. W.. i A Boirt : '. Dmkd .Fxiuiri" !con!tfe- man pfthii city bmught twelve hun-r. ilrcd and ti fry pounds of tried ;iuit. at W alh11i;;S. Cn December lo, 18. it was aeijyerea on tnat.uay, to ,.tne railroad .agjyitX rccl.i pt Ivnio w. bii exibi tip rjV Jn 2 W U niineton. , .But unfortunateJv fa; the purchiiseV,- the'dried fruit1"1 haMi t ! tome to band, '.iind'ihisrbustoliiieis are iuiiiiiii 6ii8n.tbe opuiioiwthaiJ rai lrodTvelfcei n ta are u b pubstUuieci W ppeak forjrjed;april0 one of our weakne.e3 to be exact in details, we "have tfe! state" tbat;ft Greefivinetand .;.ll5bia;;illway jii connccttotv of tlie 4 Wilniincton. Oolumliialfm Sullapixivl-1 whether - (he fbrnijer or the V latter' roadj i,in t))xpailicular instane niahaged ori' btisfnesa priilciplos wef are u n aX4pTtb I etKlerf JBtiV Jire'tMnk it perfectly Rafejtpagef t-fpoiirm throueh- frciirhts which is fonferrinjr its .mcalf ulabie .blessings . ,p'n your jeopJe through. the: agency? fit-' that j a triotie . I organization called'' lb e "Southdrit1 ''Railway ; SccuiiryCom" pany."-llUr; - ' ' Y V' V, - J : i .ii, '-is., i,i,' I.-.'' v.' ,.g :t . Mf. AV. pTCorfield, a 'yratchtnaker, in the Market' p!ace,"Lit"chfield,' Eng Jaud,warf !vith his "Whole family ivife, another aosd-fourhildrerij, suffocated by a fire iij his house" on ' the morn ing of January 14. The houe J;had the Three prowns Hotel onvoneVskle a n d th o ?h fi( use, i a w h icli Dr 3,amuq . Johnson, was bprii on the other..,, .Li. The Emberor William bf German V fostprs' in the otecora V pf - his.--army I iiuii leeung oi.nonorf wrucn ninsisiA ii pot diiQili ivg J c t w een f -con icttng persons. is statcoV that bef com pelled scveralfOlficers; of A. 1 1'olitdi i cgimeiH- to resign for having-agreed not to fight duels Avith !each j-othe" in any case. " ' ' ,f ' ' ?f i. iu .'.tr'rMl : M ' Two Jboyis of eleven and one" pT.fitV: teen , years attempted to rpoisoiiy Ah, master of 4 ah ;,'in(Justrial - sfil)0Vin WhitecbapoL V Jprndorii : byPUtting precipitate of mercury tn a bottle from wlj icb ?;b e ,:'took medicine.; L'uckilv; he only took two doses be fore be suspectedthereVwas'some thine vrongIru:;::vt 1,1 ' L'flil :--'-. : , . . rr. . , mt . 'The Select' Coachmen: .IS ! Uenerai liuger. tne commandant FHri Viroot' Vnint' 1 1 1 f i txr 1 A Ha. i myhas arranged for the;presenqe qf the porps ox cadets at , the iiqaugura-t vioiv ceremonies la .. asuuigw. jueiir month. i ir..;. Afaisl jjiu urjinfj,f ' "young :.iubim. l1iabides.Und'.t25'-in':i8et&Tbe, town is in a tremble. Jf "C-lTJ ' ,,-..-- ii M-MFM M wiifi Jn mmiim Bit I 1HT. q . i A western mrv recentlv broueht in mm a verdict :of ullilUbl3:JErech."f promise." t riL u s .. " An Iowa-man- lay nnder-ltt 'isnoxr drift forty hours; and iwasrdngr.dtt! safe and.spund:t;,r;$ ,vl -. m.'kut Atternfic: storni -visited England last, week. - Many sh ips were :ivrcck The 'annual ball, of. the French Cooks .. .MV'v,-,fcJ-"M'iru:v fl?2f?,f n ?.--r :Hnnnn TrnnnrTntiT? Tnnnnn: .TTTmrTrrt ft - . Yes. rm surelremembei': :netookt'ar ; anitcd Cliaxaber Gr,':i ' just twenty.full shares by my book stf : -Tlrcnfcliand 'CcttaitJ ' ! 'r And thedivi4ends came- V -: - w v f mddstesidJ rVriH" To fouMifths'of theme v., lt -ftgSS .r&SII?! i lnhS:name.lamsu T am sure I VeWmber:- I don't!d6ttbYlt:-i :. unVOr ljFoMintS oi uic aioresaiu riea- iruii.,, payaiue on deliverjin Wilmingtontliat 'the detentioii coiri plained of is chargea ble' to that' splendid? system '; of I ork: trjixn n mnsifil irriHtfittf--.hft4 Voi;T:V i 'IT; i tdII T 'iZUt .MK&, and, their cultivation, and all ationallAssemblyRoo '&diWtMJWlAnrt&d!n'ttii' mg that the bal; hixd gireatAict.wa Annual 131c; j.VotitsiriUn4!slifi iT for enterfeinittg gueststarid that the vou ordfii-lseedsff foeeeh1g iBrigga dfe JentenainmehttyfaxffoAinefit Brother's Qtuirierly. ' of the sick-and 'dececued 'tti embers Of parispn o4 qtfalityjotSeeiisd, pricesr and the6cie,tv.' -1 -v ' - J slics-of packetsllvr0ufCalenaar; Adtance pf Ncw York took place.Tues- f . iw . - - I t T J t. j. . - - n M , ' M M W ..T, 'I.I.J., . .'j I f . IJ . r ' . rv.. - ".. - '. . . t tl :' I r-. ..I .1 . . I M ) . H . 1 . la i . . i . . B A 1 ;7 ! g . . WkP a ' P i'. r Ofjoj ,,! t ti.!,.f "- r :mwT , :Bni- -lisrihJSVa: if. 4- . 1 -'Zte'JjriterTJl Z r: 1 ' ,ff; f .;J, -i i J To aurjnany 'friends, andpatrons we rc tTAVm lk'd'4 !hariks;iid 'ask" a' continuance of port or ; y z ' r I . - - lar.Ir-'TVnl""'- 1 rtt f fables,' iiExteiisiowand-'u; v Centre Tabled YIatnoUafes apd'Stopls of; Various5 sty lcsiari.l inany oth(r !thfnpSftotf neccssdw to feitentaon?- V TheUndertakerst DeparfinintiB complete iroju-rejcneaesi.4opiari mmwiltoitm Fjnest, e.xigaI JHd ad,f)t,: Walif.ut gasket- HairGlass-TQfinishedlpindi Xxim-. ued m thettt p.b$roxi& styLe,wilUe kept constantly xeaav wr use, aU or wmch lll .be sold at b$iW'!Ktt&bte itiumins?itanyLtiiankror jiast ftyors I most respectful ry ask-illwe-1 citizens' f of Cliarlptte an , surrounding sepraitry, nte. a caUbeTore purclrasing;ejsevnere. South deStreet'opbsftc'th Market Hmise,'ChaTlotteir,iC.-1'i . "i-rt . jail 1st I87i-ly .. y. MiBHjSLTON.' J Special iXIolice to th Public; a j A .8 a grpat " wariy;7cKangcs KaVe'laken 3HL plactMhi!year?;'I 'rteiei:-triOy-' beg d inform the citizens" of Ciliarlttel(thd'tlie' general change. has taken iipiatany.tttMW at tVMea Of cuaf onv-matle tilothi n1 'for UlerV,1 Youths' and Boys 6tfcaf,'at onf Ifaiid flAe stock of ;GcntsVf FurnHshing i Goodapf Slnrfsrt !of i Rillons hiak, 4wori(l, , ,'l,he, vt-ry latest, fstyie;pf , Hatsj l.exnecfto leaveTorKew'!rorK Ctr irl'a f .short time tQ lay" in riny fiRtocJcof Clothing .and -Pieu jftpoda.tfor niyiTailoring staW liKhiuent. and yill'.also.bfiig ith iie. an 9spmc'3ttiM Tfdlp andrfwi be ready1 by rinJg to cut? and; tnakeo. order, at ny w:n establihnienfcf and under my ovn snpervisioh and at TBVfcf ricSsTtIiah lljie' sAtlipbAS'np in lauyolpy, ot15altj- BMiSileW: lotte ' arid the 'public .!n gejle'rai for 'the literal patronage 5ieVetof6re bestoTvetttiiVHi ; nic, I mostrespect fully ftk tvvcorrtih'aance jan 9. ry, i A-i.u J&UfilES. -? ... . t-vi t i .-'. t ...... . OKfi acks7.TuntryrrFWuf,ifrcrcn1? LCOU Grades, fofftftlont ' .Una; hluq ; jan 21$ i!J4Ij JMXXLEIt 6 SONS.' i ' xk.'. mm s mm m it.ra '. . . '1 r;'l:-iTiTTr(it " - M E Sv'1 y IS R Y f syi': i'. I if. ir-'K ;-'?lr't''' .' .'Hl"!. .ir-.-i;riM . j'-'iO't . ,r. -'TT.T'TT.Q'T. V' I V;T ' J . i A -,if.. t. '. .sVint 1 v'r fU't''"', ''tl,9V"nt', r jt.,v For JantiT3 -laTjKo-w-Otilssued" as a Quarterly.- The four numbers sent to atiy ( address, y mail jot zaxente-- ine richest nitttink last year and weret reditedi; with 2$ cents,1 jwill -receiver the tpnt Miaiterwes) lor 1873 Thoaerwba order Seeds this vcar r will .ht tTedited. with 'a sobscpoh.fox87i..A,The 1 ne vanuary numoer ponrains nearly in formation , rjelal i ve : to4 Fo wersJTegeta- panson Jneet and Prtceist fovl873,"6nt freer; 1 - iii2iixM-6taTA'itiir.i- I i - - " . ci 1 tcii - a 0an aJigjTXSaxjcggft 9 liamer 'would -rtv 'ILL wttf4iiir4ftrriihrt "iiri?trf hw-hrrrhl . 1... AV. i .1 V. j" ...1 , t .. t-t' 1 . cuuimences' on londa ot. the eniuin? week, February 3rd. The school is con n; lo receive all applications for-' admission: ReV.rrAIdrrcIwovd' aTaq ."giyeotice rcira-. isnoV- read to i TUST received'ailbl of icvTiiaur x, K.raut: fcr sale by srws''anaaiewMnpiiiastid:q.,s and I will still spli "them' 'at'hrices to' defy competitioni11 : :--JllfX1j "'T : and most instructive XnusvatedanavDes criptive j Florar ''Ofjidc' "dver': publslied y.i isngusxi and XIassical ScaooL V All AldriCli yementiy located-jn theament-pOhe ijuuieran; unurca, on.-xrron street betwec 8th & 9th street'Where thev will be receive" all: ttklethjta miareinto- !iis mTJTHaSSF1 "partment who.nia v. desire to fdmiU I -" firfjyrr-i.Q J' ian3i-:f - ! V Ti.ifr? ii . . To !CFjictdaiid,'Acqriauitajic 1 1 - -1 1 " 1 -. 1 . ' . -i f rOdf'No.lCopylng.rregs ItteYBiJdk vould chanee January 1st, 1873, we pieasju to ray mat tiie change .iiaa fit4ken plaee, and itis to bp strirtlv a AMI '!3 6AYE7rlFose odo not safe ttt the unpleasant ;duty ' of denting 7A1I bills are due and'payable.pfiitlte- lsf -H- i J . . - n 1 - . -:0: public Keneralrv pri liim when they visit Statesville. lie ntaketho SIMOTQN HPPSE nrf efa HOTEL - and w.orth v uf nublic hatronao-fi. . r J r-2' vi-i V! 'n;A4,Ml' .,1-J .if i.. tiM.m loci l-i i -f t 1! f ''If' Lil'i )' i, CJ 'H - ma It-' Ki?ff I -.' -- m ' C H A RrLOTiTE . ifl C-' Selected especially for Family ;iradInval- las ; th;.Sh spices, ... Jqst Jreceivedfa: .iotfof soleot j Spices) for XicKies, i'reser'e.p.,tf , .Is'j.SCXARR'S ! u Pure Shihrf lkni:j ii,fx ,1 r, itiJlnest article Msrarket'hfiVf fft :'M ati Amamh'A i fiFi Rfi ARRS i of t .... i . . . i .-...- t; , . J ' For' Sale. .V", ul i wWHsfi vefyneiyf.sjitiatw nf a nqnaiv nnproying 4ieignuorliooa,J;tWiU k j u -: "'iu.DJirrrcvl5:',''.io-fHitt i lv- '"Vi. fir 5Nj(.ii-."!i;J 1 j 4ot. ot . line liuitaiiti. i an,a m m, v u vr A in splendid' Order. At ' 1AVIDS01S LtVERY STAHLES. Florses and Mules fdraro pt.PPn.leonstantljAil so" ??tey;1(Ht:f 7 - '.lit f'U- TpiFTEE!CiirndreJctlhisIi0js MouKUin' ' Un.kii 'Jili f'1 'Ji. l:fM.i: J ".i,1 .TTOMINy jianA Grits! freh. iiwJ -good. 1 oo4s..enf to all wta if thqjmy,, fiVpHEIBE3T IS,TH1!J CHEAPEST 1 ti ton-nut ztt-zi 44j.b!t- ovaif l1 ao ciiuseviiu nave uscu tuciurw pears, we -n?ed oniysay that the" are, guat- higlifstandards aflttiU uiV.. -.iJ oi-jn. Aiido'siwhrn-diaTO notjyetiHsedjOienii onri trial ?wUl convince: tlHim, that they are. superior ,tQr all "otijers m - P1- Snreqf,. a supply nd ; pleaser . hand m'nmh P.TC r'.ik J . 1 . i . aaU MMiAn ' hAhina'- f nA FoTsalIn?aViVtfanfity by? " S i STlENllOUaE. MACAUiiAYuAiCOutr jan-9 rbtni i ti vd-. 1 llll tfnsnv'i luqunci sh : Potatoes. TiTBthTJndeATgtietrb lelVtftoillani. -! I i uP-YriehSsanft '.i&oqufiinUncesi for; theirri;beralpatro'rtagbf bestowed cpotf oar: mnl2rrer:.rrkiE. hriei'fQt, Ujs Sxwt rear: Faild mst reptfujly sk acOnlinvTanceof A- H. TATE, puuauoii ot iJie ,aooyef ruies wejwni be abldto sell gdods-cheEpcr' than ! those who credit;-jj.j ij.vh iTOiviiji aayoi eacn And. every month. - - - , if '';lHRI331tALBXL?neElt,'5 rriHE? fl'Sroprjetor. iof V4,hfs above ' named LLi Hotel respectfully anyjtes the peoie of Charlotte and the public eeneralrVto call iiTe2d:- SHOBSTOBBi. !-i,:t t-,iirtlJi'.-!,l inMirt-jut Cf I 0,1? T II B R it A S.S R O O T ... .., f 1 1 ve unure, or 111 iocs dOtsuip piurnaspa,. at a VerJ' reasohable rate". - 'Apply to .--'"; ' ' .; - -JDHNBtrTLER.11 J Xfftftta'theMJMi 'v - ..; - Ttol ?miinihhn Formerly wjth Gregory. & Williamson, arid WveipieMurfemuvWnngfo r-n ipiwnrsw tfii-ri with .w j our Farmers-, tut , above. Arst-puss fntW- rArry"S-.;-. 't; " I JLUv WarravSd "sound and gcdat $1.60 nerbushtf. 5f- fe"nnSYKOSS &tJ0ri me paiuxs as ?VQre sun tttfc:.v".i4.eipAPA i'ashicrt. , Tfepectfully,- I Omosni Brkm 'Brown fe-'Co's DrtG6ods -fiwiis.rr j "-i? r k., r.,wrF)''w'tw u;si v-ni . i-j ;avhebell be FQTOI EVERYTHING 'KBPTIN-A 'u - - i r" 1 f-'U2 w. ii! roU-j ;Ht.rifl 51511 noqn . biu-io a r.i. "rja-'-ife adj-ii- !.,r FV'irif t ?TVVl 'jj5'r ' '"i ."jTjtrjl EMBtlAmKfi , flairs,. Tables, jedsjteuK iBureaus,! re1a,H,Tardf66eii . - Peboards, j Book' Cases.. ; Desks' Hat Racks,r.Etagerek. What! fNotB.r.CradJesiW IJCETpCK of Parlor .Furniture, Dining RoomfXuroWuto .7 1 ;1 :i 1 4jWd Mattresses, suviA lrge Assorttnchi 8F X wwi'"' T f T 11 rii 1 11 "(1 ii I ;n 'ill , t " w . . AJxu uaskew or all size? and ftylestof fin'sh, together, wjth.Mohogauy raewoqd. . i '.l. ' r i, it .--'W-dmiVFlaranrtiKtteC to the ' ' 'ftTlfl Pl2X& W STfi " . ? Jiojtlncst. Oct agon'dCiasketSi'witUYulI gta'ioWtiimined'nl 0v ITrT!. f ?T lbx-j- nnslabotfts? -i ..r.i cij1 ;f -fand;;CollegW-dta sm .-., 'W- ' - 1 iL' 'V, '-' ;i ' CAIJL. EE'AKt) PRICE BEFORR BUYING., ..r ,t. i. i . . -.... , S. rlv - f? .. - .:;..- i . ' M J- .l V i - i r - . I . J .ill '. '11 ' -T'-rh .?-Jj;':5 iv' Hi r: J - 4JJ - .-S"'U Jf .H.rjS .j 1 79;f v?sl,i Qt7Q;.! 1 3STOW flnvite the WHOLES ALE aridjRBTAlU Tra3c to mV Uii1 and "Varied as sortment of BOOTS & SHOES, wh ichuhvjE!j)ee$ "Selected1 !WirlV carily f 1 ifv.5f;gi 4ns! MX ( ?xpenmce tin b.unenakes .49? .01 my gooo wjuij compare layramy twuu uue oj H-ny a.uer m . vicytw ibp- Ol lift Jf ri. -tt4 i !;?!:!,'! . .Sil . ' J 'Z i-'- J: ' rff P. SJ I AM NOWTKEJPARE I0 OFFERGOODSTO'THE WHOLEHAlLIJ fTRABE on LIBERAL TERMS and IX) W PRICES. . i iiJ7id T s -JU ,-. i.AuguSlgt,:; femj, , I J Lancaster, Dodger copy sx inontJis . puaj-jdefeirCJitTh'. building, feray!', 'ion th coriier of ifTrade ilndji Chuanh) strefcts; s isj new one f lroouisi are:leailyieQmfbtt j ably, neatlYTurnishedV and weU attendotl. .(1, ttltrE iaYc'iUiS;day s)V,oir; entire, s.pciw 1 1 rof Ur6ceries,:LiaOTS, ' &c, to Messrs.' W;H JI. HOUSTON & 'COVand-fn'tethu ihrg fitI'busiiifeis-respepMuUy 'flsk ft:cpni thmaoce of ihe liberal patfonagcbcstowedE iiTKJii us to our successors, h J-.i . ,ii .r .1 'ir yf? a ii ion J?J Having purchased W. J. Black & Cfs and i Gregroy ;&,WjniamsonV entire stock of Goods, we have opened at Gregory &l TWlUinttfrA'sffl'fefcftid,. lJextrdoor-to McMurray,: Davis fcrCo's, at, which place we win constantly5 keep a coTiipIettfStofck Ofi ; ,fi j'il J J.- : , v' y mi-:- . - ' . . : :?t - .. i 4 -'0ROpERIES;traUORS,:feC.f,w 1 1 rAn3 jwuld , pecuy 'ask ?a call- 'fifom ;;d i : ; - CHARLOTTE, N. C. ..Hisrliesf casli Drice pald for.Ontton.. 1c tended to.- . , J.XiXW4!Lt f I ? fflnkr Hoores'JXcilet Ink.?f f URGELOTSJIOULDER SCARES,! XS0 TIE nd- .Bows Colors grelu.ed pnc U-da MRS. -A-.w; MILLEIt is pTepared4Q ac comniodale, Boarder itthroOiu ;fariJ iitmlMiof witK mentsoiil aj the Boarder f i-jf drnisii&tft libcraf, 'snit'cTi&ks-fAih ied to see their friend and customers,,. . t'i ; -i i ;WPlL IB' JIOUSTOX '& 00.' 'M LF(talalitficto&l6UTie?alll kmds-of(Prc4uii:Cotlton and TDbaceo.4?I-i4 4 1 tfjift$ttE& " : : f fuih t'Xf-i -xiKMii ifif-l i Aiuiold'a Copying JnHpl ; 1 ';jan j ! .i''- j h'5r'?rT(DJ?y ;. s bltE of that elegant SourIIru ; coma -'tlijV rKi- v?!..-r. . t'J 1 t - .'J ' xil rcriihgorii-iwillll 'bicne btZt N )L IS. : r v coirtMctrtfatimyJceani theqtiality !v inn t-y S.B:MEACHA3Lrt. ; jphm V:: at t,lzt;fi ui h 1 pr HDgsJicais,iJrigntey.i?ricans fSngqr. O 10' Barrel Choice t" , Molasses - Afso 2' Hogsheads 'DerneraTa Sugaf."T 'sWtffctta-frrsale: a prices to Suit thetituesf'1 i t ! .v.A.. RNISBET.&jBRO. Ij, rj4 by $ fiTEKHO.JSEjMACAUJjAY CO.iil 'HFn ' 'l " - , 4 ; W.iWAPaw9PTK,fh WfTar J ; and ,Sdde. Stable,: eptita the .ty CTock, -HORSED dnd Torfilq au( kept cTnstanlyi liaMv, iri,T i m nU fQfl -tiTf 'im-tu o? vT'trtp , II OT I CUT f r,ri 1 VriHOSE persortsto "wnhn 'Veiffve x-1 1 jtelltie conffff a favor unom nibr auins:3wronJe. aiid 8etUingtln! accountSitair thij-muabe- 4r - r 1 ii&oH yi i i r T TJST onenett and tor sal?, a completf as-, ; ri.. v.- .'. i.v-r:. .vi.. -riKiJ.' rr t. Sded TURE. PQWHEREP BMQ rpPPflR, ! i. 'H I J , . W -' J ' 1 ' J ! I "I.II17H " i ; 1 Supply t oHPeiipfylviVnia? Eed'cTop IX', UlOVCTTSeea,; Wvf.iUiM -u- I, r; s v jhiuh - STENHQlySJ5 MACAULA.TS.Cp4n tr-t - V- V" 4 MfejJt lt"l til .h no:n uJj 9ioa TjJla Jt; PDWIIp.BIVJPEPPER, . ; ? v you cct:ani!":iiJ "iofe?.fTn; ;? h ri ' Als.aoUuJr-Jpt. pf pood Qiesnntsf -not inariy womisl - . - Pr BTJTT.! ycohsistlnWvery varrctyV Veg. 1 hi the'SotSthenv 4$tatesi 1 ' tLmUm -1 - " T :". "-'J !."l''"V ?. 5it new goods; 111 7acIlCs;:,CIccIIs,:tJcTvc,;;' ryriamonfe'.Slyet'X f4 LIUSICbBOSBS ''AND ;1Vf ANY i. - :-. v i-i I.-.; J i 53i fiJit , OTH23B UEft.XXQXSbl T OjO STIIEES 0 If S 'T . r- i-AT ": f! ' :i t',;:1- i J. T. BUTLER'S i'5 OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE. t0ctobcrC2 :.t, y - A. E. Nisbet & Brother -'vj i. , f f HAYING :mpleted an improvement in n r:t their Commodious Store Room. on Trade'Btreetr;iefdoor?;-west of mith Ac J J Harainond's'Iirug Store, - Charlotte, Jfj, ' are now receiving a weu eeiected stock or; Groceries, Musical Instrument, ' Toys,' Ci- 1 ars; &ci which , has been ' bought-by on -1 of the nrm,at a time when the market was n at most favorable. t They therefore jeer sat hv; 1 fied that they can sell all goods iti - thch' line as low , as any . firm in Charlotte, fo til 'cash" or to punctual customers. - . ( I ?They in vite -Merchants to give them nr'lu' calLas they had a snccial: eve' to theii riri jWliolcsale traac,) and leel warrantetr iri r. swne to them in theiTj purchases. . e k mj.n .They return their thanks to their friends . T and theirencrousnublicfornast favors, and ' solicit a.continuance of the same jiuiywl -r : FAMILY - GEOCEBIjES.. i:-1 u u ... Pl f -K U i O V u Trade 'Street, neit door lo the Post Office; , , JUST RECEIVED.' , vwr-iJl A.Fresh'Lot of Sausage,; Mincer Meat ff''l' Pork, Butter, Chickens; Eggs, Sx Ac- j t FLOUR, a Specialty, ' ; . ' pgf lroauce uold on commission; i, !jan 3-ly ' ,V;t..,uw -;.;V)')i BUCKWHEAT CAKES all smoking hot covered over with -yellow,' rich; gobtl ! .Goshcn Butter. What is 'more palatable t 1 - 1 irr- 1 1 1 f r, n.. . -tor ureaktast ?' wen we nave just receive l , . au elegant Lot: 'bT-the material- to inako" j them,, and ,werwillt seJHheiiKpt'lbX'A'niji SUU1U VtlVK. . - , . Just; received, fcci vocl,l Irtshv Potatoes,; Cabbayp. ii a hesnuts. 4tc.,jat . ' , . i . , i'l.f.K 1' ' ' JOHN r,- BrTTJ5, V tfflec-il 'L-' J,'- 4 J-"" Market? "fi, Sjrr; iii Tobacco. v'0" " A A A CIGARS of yarious and choifc u- D U.v U U brands, Chewing and Smoking A Tobacco in quantitj-, and of various brands and different quantities. -Wholesale an retail by ; , . " r , ;.A & BR0, frtr t : TTAIR r -Brusbcs, Tootli Brushes Nail , t XX. Brushes. .- V " '"'.J. . . dec.ia,. SpHnCorner ITEROSEXE.tAilPS, -'i Jl i Clioice lot of: Smoked ' Sugar - Cured,- - .- Tan 21 - hR. 31, MILLER jJ CO JJL'a ion r uu vi choice enecs l " mOOtCthe highest pVeniuiii kt 'thV FaiV ?i ,1, of the Cirolinas, tt 'Cbstlott'iBW S"i October 2oth. 1872, made by PJiimber.jx ly : Buncombe,' county, N. C." for sale1y, ' -' f t u;..: ; i . i A. R. NISBET &'Bi:0.: ' V l.i J i i. i. i. ii i " i. ' ii r i ui in : i ii i - 'i " - r .. THOICE Odd French Brandy for Medii V cinal purpose 5.; F, gCABK'SJ t?ll ,;jan, TT! .':'! "sni'i f 1 , fERCirAl.TS - t: iil-j diarl6lte,"wilT'' JjX f.nd AV'ritjng a'acr ni Enrelope?,., very cheap, at- r Pl'REFOYU jan 4 K day. jan 29 SYMOJsS & CO.

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