'flllfiBII "" J'L"' "" -t '!' 'Lt1 '?!ii .. ... ?jl. "imi i ai jJul. -r -4 -4. The Charlotte -Ol3serrer. . . . - -.-. -- OnlCfinareone tfme.7......;.f f CO Office,-. Bryce's BoUOiniL Trade. gtrejeLi I three days i... 2 00 ""-' Jeu.iysX.i.-.-.i.'.;,..'tw 3 00 .i " . . Ji .It. "RATEg OF BUBSCBIPTldTfj i:i - "! J .:...iti. ore, wcclcii... ..'. 3 0 tlattv. On year m advance,1 "...K.i.'.iCO 00 11 , u . i .... three weelbs. i - ?iieOTith-- , STJ, Contract Advcrhfciuentstakm a prap9itiohateIr low rtcs, ' t J'" r " . ire fwtares estimafei. at a jrcirter-co- ' umn, ad trti fqrrares s;a half-coltmi'u? f eekly ppc yr;y'"'rfjryj'',yf . f T. 1 . I' J :i ,.. - I?- ;:uElt rffcUj iWiii:M -ii'fl pJlHiW'ifr, Hi MllUll.linj ASS T --v--'- mm w .v w V)ne month;? aavance, ; 50 f i . c - .... . r w v ? . r . r -1 . rl lj : i m. .. . . 1 1 r . ; ; Jicaatiful girls are in our town . :" -. HomtbtRly loTesthetn every bntil ; Faces as rauiaiuas uie aayt-. ju ; : Kyd as blue a the sky of Mar u I'earJy white teeth andmby lips, ti ; . Moist with the neutarCupid glps - i4? s 'Mttatcal voice,' honcy'd words, ; uvftl Warbling sweetly as forest birds.' ' t n.-- f sv . i .w? -.- i'?' AVltb graceful forma of Grecian mould, Witty auburn locks or curia of gold f . With willing hands' and 'loving hearts, Skilled in nne ana uwini arts,v,; !Jr " til fj . i in n Itrniiig at home and tangntat ftchool, Ktwlv to pas the "single rule m u Let tltem be wedded-'-ev'ry one-1 1 v Ueautilttl glf&of our town.- Happy tle house wherfe tliey are found, Happy the laud where such abound, -Hapny the mothers who Can: share ; Kindfy aid of such daughter fair HappV the brothers who,: with' pride, Walkj" with such sisters' by th'eif de Happy the lover whothave won f I llosvfcheek'd girls of our-town".''! ' .1 :xft, t 'h It Vf-A ni ; Aftcriat score bf ears: -go round 1 Where will these -blooming' girl be found ?-''v f.mfj,-t;.;nV I " 8me;irt palaces," some" In' cots - Home with sober men, some with sots, 8oroe;in6verty, some irtealth,v;,t Some in sickuesH.' iand nie in beolth, Soni the favored rich !of earthy Ji J Aud some trill sleep beneath? the turf. . :U . i-r..iiil rinvft for Smill-Po. 1 f . v: : .0.-1-" If. ,ece . 'S H E L r qTBAVlNG greatly increased !iiickWf arlor Suits, Black, Wiilnutt l-aintert cnarabcr Stqts, - French and Cottago ; Bedsteads, Spring If - HedStDnreaus, 2 '-Pi ' Waslistands. I. ( Teapoys, .Folding i . ft fm i aines. iaciies WoiJu , ; fc Tables, Extension ht:d " pjentre i aiiesviiatnotfiUfcs 1 1 Excelsior and Cotton ' Mattresspf, ?haira bna Sttxh of various stvles and fmanv LotDer things not necessarv to meMioTi. i iThe Undertakers Department is eoiplqte iroin' the cheapest Poplar GaffiriMfo the , lUsketHalf Glass Top, iinuOiedaikl trim- inn ck FactdJT.lled SALXtvhfld jy. v ami itr sale ;bv,,. ..nov.XT- - . 13T AVING'notified our s friends sat cu- A toniers some timesincfe, that our bush h ness. wouidJ)ang anjrtaeu.-to 8ay mat .tue change s aken place. n it. (s tobe 'stmtlyTpASH or 20 DAYS CREDIT-Thowfiotio' not P ii or ovihii Zarriv3K? daily -A'TiiSisi? 'BaSJt ' ;r n Twy1 promptlV need njtfecl? any &V6rs, If yoTiareJin arrear-i-don. t'tekfor? eredifV savd'vd the UQ'plfiint.dhtyfi jpf i denying you. "- -: (ii;..vy,,hii pijpUf raanys mends an,d, patronf fre renJ 1 in 1 their favors- believing that by xd strfctp-; f iylicatioh of the ttibove rulesL e' twilr be 1 t able to st41 goodA Gicufter thlt itlKJse'who' credit. V J nn .iturhu) . ,iHrK-rJJJ i All bills arexlue and 'PfiyapljteKlletlst daV of e&fh and evrv liMHith. .r r. sir.iori Ti t , k f ' :tJ,'"t fi ted in the most approved tvle,w3l be kept John B;nnyMn.7:publiliet the hwistantly ready for use, all of wbieh will following in 'the HemlH.of ' Stoctbn fa sold at a most reasonable 'hrit i rnlifornisi. iktI herewith ' aribend I n Ketumios niauv thanks for nasi furors. recipe wtiich' hits been1 tase'a ' tdaitiy f7ot resftillyVask the , citizens of certain Kiimvleuge i- in :,iiund.rjeus. ;of cases. : It will .pre veat A.pT' .caijjE? " uie mau-pu Mitousit.uu,, piwwig sfim goti, Trsuie Strwt opposite thOLirket mlings. vv neu'i jennerr aiacoTeretiijiouseCharlotte, N. C: " I die cOw-rwxlnEnrtdfrthebrwijId.-jan 1st lSgfM.nEITOX. of ticiehce: h urled a'ri ' Wa lailcli e"1 bf fsmie noon lits liesldi lnit. uliifen V.th1o most sripntifitrscfiool in': tlm 'world:' - .vr.,f--rr- 'T-. t;.-,v., vou will "lirive "life th'anlcs of iimnv ctminiendtnjtrfflii eui v ' - In rflsra rd to th& nalitical contest j 1 . "t . . . rr . n...r. i .. t.!.. . tli5C ii0 fJiUclvUjiMioW, that jl-uvutoliQrOiara Bestowed u'itf respcx itoi'sie antlT)?nioci4it enpv ioh'etivWeTatUi m tdrise ittoi taken ntviiTii ocinn: io;"'i rroTrwHr.'t:7 iMViti i 'ifarlb"iW9dm;;'Wifli- UJ large ''awerli rsftvi-ted s'tdck uf:t!ifinestalul latesf stVles f YHttbs I i ni . nif I . T id ' ii fc ii iiT.ill'i iht ,ia fa id t)iu coraciiirs in everv iiiWtJMic. s 'rltlV' w hariiMsfWchen'jki by a wen personj ICvft U.i T6Tcri re tfie ylet J Jever.,, Here is.tufe.f ecu?..As I - naVPf of ,stoift-mHdLJctolliiiij nirlfch ; used it, nd vi?re4,'' jciuldreuii of and lioys wear,alsc-on KiinHFa fine'stock tfcariet lev usod it learneq-.i must die; sugar : in ixetiaviui . two . itawspppm, 'iimwwJWWiW.eyr-z& ymm a,a . ... ... . .- - .. -1. ! . ;tn I hshiiii'iit. and will also bniu? rtisannir tu twelve ; MiouraTiyar; a k n,,i a tf this were. tied;thefe; would;; ue no In sjjiftyisim andat loweipricith!? , it cureti : .bulplnitewntv llefy and.liece' Goods, for ;juv TmlOiing.JIsta.b-, wifl - fne am- H)ur wlvieeJroni allj barfs - of. 1119 Stale tiimhrhi the'le1ief that tlie oY ojitio!n Ijo the.Grant inarty, ; in tlie d'OiuliJlt'ca'inpaWn, willlie thof6j.itgli ly ' J'cteetic:: The ' Old Pnard fis I ,fl$-ue!d, aud : the . young men "are iirnestiy giraing tjn t(ieirva.rinorior. Ah C. figli hr i All- depends on: the; ::,wi.4 dom t latrmnst-lje 'exerciHediiin-'the livattef of iioininatin: If they- are what 'they should iieand rruuioi al ready dertiafes g;ne of . the 'rtiost jttirjantDembcra will t4ke thJ .field -with a, ueterniipa tion to succeed and v?tha.foirjro m Ue i luia.j jbeen ; svrr!within the last teir years, V ;JPet, -uV have it old- lh$o:ned, equare, stand-in hgn, 0 vCiiy Gnides, ftr sae atV A 4 JUS fuir'c E I V E D .., . . - . r-rr ' Uie losft' of the : 'pMiticalA' can vassariS72; after a. 'nutife hitter per- ohd 1 c.Afit rAurivacrmf ' the J Jbcral 1 naifrivacaiitutf ' 4irididate s for. Ireiideht;:'tlie;Vice1 "lesuvt of.the United Staies-1 ga-e to th religiouresSf Oijtnej coiuury, - ii contnbvition'otvjvis, o wn (i,n'am e.; , Itwai e'ntitledPc liiniiy Pay ?" lie referred fespecltatlidi iQredit Mobilier calumnr fjview of .re-w in re cent developments h ahd'tTier; bntri 1 n tiAh migh Ue ceptabl & ftwnTlli . 'Bame'lperi; Let1 it be-'tutlled-Poea iierjury Pivf-JV IT'IV ft rrr-.' r wm .receive, uw: .iuurv.K'P,1 ThosCiO-ho.irjier" Seeds' tUis ear will be credited Vith a sHibsexiption Tor IJiU. t The , The, January n uiy bpr wntoins-nearly 4 .400 ', "Kugxavi ngs, fTvo-jSupe , CoWedj vl'lates ktrtulfcfifar f3rung'nd,Ulso Tinted fl'lrU'oTur, iroia:eons;Flnnil.CIromos : 1 1 : A- diseaseig .prevailing.-in""Carw- a person attaaked. has Tecovered.', I.I s : is ealled bV som e; the ' -blacloholera f jjnd by others' inaigrinnt spotted fe f J rcr; Jn the'Jqwn ' of Rbbmson,' of .about SIX) 'inhabitants, the: deaths average two.a .day : Ia'aBnaalV jtown. .fXtear-stvODinson. 01 .auuarauinis, fifteen deaths havevoccurred. and .fouf corpses were luring unburjedV. in ' one house: ' " Th e diseasef is p;rea6r ing, losing nothingr. of ; malignant I'l. - : - . ? ''Irjit h naHiiRa" tife Orcranizing: for the Stet eleqticmJa Connectictit. on; the iiavci uuiuiuaircu.tuviuj . - fnirnriTAr-i1r!- jR.Ift. JGIrisWOld for TJiftiitp.nant jGovernon with a' fult . utidn othe ' Liberal ! IlepUhlicans ,to ' tinitpt with thorn rflffirriiiffto recent , exDC&uro of frauds lUrVindjcatioa of iuinecessuy,oi tnjs.HBHy. jot oowi . men; of all parties. 'Bn'StaVr? Vicar Cfeneral of the DU WW- ;T1 I. .".nit no- 30i BTFiT-lSWd H E R ' 8 v r. n :mn fi it. i For JainarjVl??.0; P?P!rs .VuartQriy-xne lour numoeri sem z any jaddrta Vy V-Vi ff ?5 jcent Tle' f ichest anil tn ust iBStructi Ve .III ustratca 'mi . Des-;' erin-iirfi .dral- Guide' v.err. 'nublisshed Those of pir, iiatrwis . vrb.o pnlered jileedg lt, yim.ui&'ip&&pwi& . With- 2 cents. ittforntioHirefeiiivet tf? lqwiYegeta; VlWHrtWulM ian ali suph'?patt(C3X-Jsas'ioul our ! ) it 4-: milE Proprietor of the aboVHafned. ,X .iJloteLrespeetfully invites the. people pf lr; Clvarlotte and the publkgetteranyjbc-lft-f on him when they visit tatesvjfte."'lle,i will iSparer neither miris. Borr lponey tfr make 'the'STMONTON 'HOURE a: Jink rfW G f,i?ai!iii7 1 1 , -i V'C-wi.ti.U.Vh.if - , . ---1-. "1 i lA . "'fe'1 iMi nijtrwf iS farivf 1 i'' 1 1, n v. 3 -jr o rn , 7 i'J o ',ir , o".. . 1 f - irjoia ,7;iJ ,ioitWiiy .:-fnf4i-im9 01 lira 'fS t'tiiJ no tiMloui V aunwl .lit X:! xl .xrIt7xxa vvl U r.t,afnt -' uSSssjis EMBRACING. T Chairs' Tables. !Vals$'liX AirTtfo MVafe?? : Sideboards, Book Cwscslleslts Hat'Kackt, Wagfe!;iMiatKsCnls;'- - lt 1 - ", -! -Cribs S-Xc, Jeic-Tetcs, goias, lounges, Mirrors, Glass Mate, &c, &cii 5 " h - V7 -, 1 .riftnftir ftftti.T ALSO A .5 . . . T- ' . " ;3-.;i?!R .r:.:.. iIJ. i :-jfI a. I it'.' ! - ' 1 V. JPtvi?. ciwnr;Af t.-i- -EV.W-: n:t t tt. Ni."ll. !J "n i ii"i 1 jify.ui.yvJV'vi, jtiiuhv..i puling -u-juj. x'u.ijii.luc iiini vuaiuucr ouiul iui h Y -.. , : " - AiTOv.'Jiv' Ji t;JrDkmonj 'Silver-1 .'J ..J.r . . -- . t.' tv , .;?iij : fJVt 'X3KVa! AeVi fti; '? 4t t i iTTi . j r .1 j-..i.-..-- . .crp jlvutfPopw Jd V ! v; niiest tX'fagori Cases sind Caskets, Vwmi full las toreAtrjpvuied ? " i ! -: UiemotteUbofatesIerfuTni?lie.litWjre ffOrttrrggy gpeciartenti giveh. io'ruTnrshihwiflitfM'Ho I f 'I . aiidiColIgatsmJiHtiadv'dcc-WMAN i i Id! "fi lir.U obQ4LLf SEE AUD RICEilBlIOtiE.;BUYiKGL oJ BiVrifi ), -,g8tlv 4 -i mt .u itlzwi : wiwwvrfriziflXi Acx-oioJt.fsf su ? nnwxviw. u-v -wouiiKr) ; mo '!jv! f .-srs - Lilt T-. iTT'J.I sr.jf 71 CHAR L O TT.E-UfTJ.!2;)C':;M,i iJ.u,f!'k-J V J m ATJuWiliiti-ri-.' i Ai ... ihi , -Aj&t j-3 wii.i ' - !. .. i I ll. if-. ..j .Ti.-. - of th Dav and niol ---- H. r . "t- I " lieu ' . i. j ,ii.,.wr, f-ni:: ihrpltq; rij Ln ni .. :isr-iio5rA. i iJ;Tj;jiWTliJiK i-j;l iv.f) tlTev-J; aoa?-l:i - i8iliU:.H.iU,I.V Ji.aaiJ. WifltfJa atf i.iw " -. - ' , . ...... a ... x.-. - -. . i . . : . k t s jnnowmvear i;m. setecs opiccs ion- 4ri -4. fJrtfli i...n.thflr92.; jt.a'r .,U. C V" ."fT . T; ' T T 'r-- 7.Jr-:i I , ff-MH Jt.UOW -i JRflJ 111!'. !-,'t i ! l"Vl MM r lfWJ' 'V . " c oimu -,wii. ,. .- t'"'Va'NOWIhYit thdOIJ5SAK 'juaei29 11.. U rt g. pa favowl -ywith 41 . , . . i ...,. ,? ., .. , ', where. , . ' .f I -vr t; i"nd vi ueoqti nt b"Jf " '. " 4 i. 4 1. ...... I.: a. "., t .. .... .... ., ... . ; . ... 4 ' . . 1 ' e ;i 'i i " yi4 irv I'. iWnkjff -! kf (W ? . Vimrpw;t- ery j nneiy suuawa jn I P: S.M A3ITUW rtipFAKl-WTO-Ut.'U'KK uuyjyo lJ :riii.-A? P.VWiW' L be sold entire ior TilM6tSrto fmt tnlrhaersri Kl at'a-Very feasoMaWe rte?wArtlytd TiraU.r cow six montb- Thewinviie Merchants toicivbsdnmi a a-rfl hnB-:-LJ0HNil!a.BlKri-Earflr.l. "t - ,v r.rvr-:; :v . r, ,-.-?f r., -i, i they had a,: special, 'eye to their iTthrTJB W,rYt"nriki.. InuoiCNue irum-,? unlive uxwiwu ViYWnuSfftttfS ffltrf aylng thatlthey can sell. sa As to xnakrlt oct22,: , Opposite:Mansionm)Uspf jq-jj jKjymo!.- 1 I - 1 i m scvm .c r ii iocV!hja -i re- i i ma 1 r-fcw.n?v''D j XEsmmmi . . '. Jill . 1,!U .JS.,,?- -i i A ,t.nin',i ,tani,i..--t i;v.insiiX'S r . . . .f1! ?;.. : . ' v. LrVERSTABLrilorses, or sale arc ket on han 1 cons4antlyf l- Vt T'.V.T?1:, f.-.vr;-.'. r ;,. )Pfrom business ret!ly,k,a on,. - i - ' . . -In' 4J s . tiriuance oT thejiberaf mtrouace bestowed . I !" i i4 at ,m k 'r'jv rt f 1k ItttiU A.W MIIiLKR is preparetl to ac- 4, siLiuV coflijitoaaxe J?articr;wiui toora, V , . may jdtflTfa , e budding, OrayX on Ihq vl-l 1 W&tP ftVtS-dft nd'tiurciistniees.:59 a m t sowing ..them, in thdr piirchases. Thpv ivturn tlietr thanks to their frigid ALiollo-siieads JJerocram Siurar, ' '4 no uiegeii-niusj-iuucturiw tw, hw Viti bl itorjrf "Phew oer thtJS'reealllY fti;i T 4 Wy:bHV'lutrds!ledvfromt WelPi i ti t Tb" taUH w a goou as tiuv market win : .M ..... VV ' . 1 X. -, TP .iK'A - . .r. ..41 . J. . c . oats,'"5 1 i iitu Ut-u,r- t'-- l 1 -W-1T1?T3,1'XT TTnn.KKl Mncho MMUltHm 1 ......... " V .V V ".TF. ' I 1Y1 .if.gt4tf, yeatlhtMWiH SdltyTisT 'i:''.:i': "'iVmJ -t L we' will cphstantlr kerp'a-edinphjtc' Stock ?. Jfjj;lhPWPWIfJtr--R oT-'-i'. aft?.iii;t; jJ J..fJ ' V. dec 17 ' v' L. s I iciH j ' IT and Sale Stable, opposite. jue!vy Clock, liOKSjilttUliJia ; lor saie ami yt-;i l?:ftq i oj, rfup-rr t.t. --., .1' .fj - ' - youortler mis'eoTpuscei. Bnggs & iJiuunri s ljuuki lc lii.ii.; ft-. v - ua- parison on quftlito: qt Seed4d mv"-an'd sizes: of-Dackeis ' i ,.0ur.vVCalendr rt. -i' . r -Til:! T Ii. O -T-;V.I -'t. i Address. Z' ' i'"t 1-.;, .Seedsmen an'dllorists, ; &li3?HKl'-- -TZS'.Y-. J . 11.'AIr..i:X A AVr H . ' ! UIC-1'UUUVn ' ' i- I.' , - Kt; rfflEK IbP w&iiKrtfllW t-i ehinI!T-2i-walri sn.WVJ 1 ailrt watson K uiarKe;s--oupeT-i'wp"ai. t3L;ii!i viXrt.M.nA.; V-UT P T ,ffi.. vS fcO: AiairmeViy withv.ur burlerstenabbveifii gfcSrtthaisTanilHt be plea. ifaii.il ilH f!1' ors, we-need; only say ,that,tbey are ""2" V' '.--v--- t f dto be fuUy UpVto 'UieirfpreV fr.iiiU 7 idimJi .ii-; WstandarcP'1 ,f I.1., ,.J-.'ll , - JUd"to'sucTTasaVe not; yet usedv them. jwA JllZr DXZYG&W-.&'tW'l'''. WefrHafrillnViftcetiiemtb.tya f(ii,r'!i?fJ--.:j!!- i". -r intbtffllothiers5STnkeror'idf af .Oezieral Cpmiaifisioi uertanu.J Py!4 irrrrm w,,, ParticulaT-teatoi.,ia4d to selling alii Mwuinng wjt ,urj? , .kinds of Produce, Cbttpn andabacco.f. ftpAY CO lr T3ightSrsh'price rSd for farftov'.;? i ?J f - ffi Sffi- wiWnioiti ifdfakff tof a,'istnco 'prmtlv af L.; V, Tr 71ft Wedi, If . : MdeoMW I-" -'"i 4. 1 AVBnsktMouatalnarislr Pot- :iit mwtTrmi I tl1 VarraJ-ted'souaid-and cond. ati,uu i , yY rr.TSV ,i per bushel ni5rnwoOTMQSB ACft. ni "jt , ia.rt.h V iiixovb i-j )rj-?iit.: .-.UijitnoId'jTiCopying Ink:' )tx 4rj 3;nr;to' -jJl NiMHiw'.i iorfti- .t' 1 ifj?I opeirWl d -1 iiwiiilete as-; O - sortn T OT of AO. ICopjing Vrcss- Letter iJoks, s f.J-' -j .-"'' . T-! h "I SI " rtiAi.dH Afiw'i'ianiMiv Nnnni , i .11 . . . . . . i. . ' fii iaiBs.4A.Mrtcm j.amr' wouio rers OlA spittf ully Inform f citizens of Cbar lotte, that the Spring Term of their School : commerices i?-oh Monday of the ''ensuing -WeekLFebriLaiTSvdi .vTlWtsJiool ilsfcon-; Tcnientlv located J antlie basrement- of ! the i lAttheranCliXi religion Tryou street between-' j 5ta Utu fetreets.i where they will toe happy i HT-receivp ai aiypncatioreS ' ior aa mission, h i llev:"' wti Aldriclv would : also give-ndticq tbai he ha complied with the tawiregardrj : m nki.'-r au .,i jj.. ., .j.. fA receive all male white ThildrerjfttQ? his j - - - 'A 'JEQ- Tted. , . ..-, ... - . , . . . ... inn i - -. -I .' :. ... - . . . " I.-' Gartefw Cdmbmeat?WfitrftgaiKi Copying rrrTC fKft TTndersijrned bes leave to thank ?tfv,.ki jtV-ri-- Tnk-L David's IMllianfc V Y our,.irii:ii audi acquaintances for K v j j y t ' . fctt I their liberal patrpnage.bestowed upon wj. ' M ' fl,JJrmyie. J J - I n,mpiovcr. ir. m. v t ian j : . -:; " r" - -i -- : 4ndTOOstrei)Cctfullyask.c3ii;;.'a?' rcot h; ' ' V - V.'". ' ''rStCZlTZMAi -!jrO ' ?t thft-same 'awtf are till af . ;r e f jfa3riyrsridtj X.JdAint r.r 1 - ..v.'-JI4'l- Fashicair Rpe?4?1..,. 'JU LOS TIES' and Ikws' all' Colorsat TUSTVcccivedliBbUofnice WWSaur. '.iV..! -I .A J.-A-YpLILU Jr4 jiiKSriW iustreceivedaU cwnct:an 4imrovenfMt in XheirlmroK)us Jjtore ivoon oil r-mreeffuilirTffetf i&ATttf A " are now' receiving a well selected ntiK of rjrOeerie. Mtfcicai; InfrUlftents;iT)yif,iCi' the Hhnat a time When the market was .qifAvorableilTheyi ftmfbatl i mtTi a .J U iftll, goods t m j tkei l line as low as an v. firm m Ciiariotte, ifof ciSli f'WlctnSl chstfihicrs" iCJ ; A.It.ISBETAEItO. i- 'a- -f-" l- . . ' '.YJ.U-7r- JU store' arid jRif s-aifJrices' to snit the ti mes . t. -r ,.i . Trade Stiwt toetloto-theTVi'0meei. r 9itlgn.-m, the iaeptiaut;; r . ; TTTQT HVfTIVPTl - . AFrcjJ : lot of ;Sasage.' MJwer JTeatf 'rorkBirttcr, Chiekew Eggs, 'kz "G :Sfini,rFlAJUB -1 wpcciaUy. .fnl; .ffJ lroduee.J9old on ,couiaiissioMv - h ian S-Iv ' a- i i w. t. I lV J Jh A V.jn.lVr7 nil SllH'KUIg lllf JJ covered over will yellow, rich, good 11 U66fifcn Butter. Vht is 'more : palatable- for isreakfast t ViM ell we watrjaut receiveii an elegant 'Lot of the-matenal to maker tiici-arid we will1 iieJl: the rcipt ft UrhUI MUfD! f,(fVl-S'..-;vii'.v.'i .I'.ir -iwi.i lvdj'icnEu'v I " - ALSO, -v ' -r ;nX0'--o-.: fmn p.n4 nf ?ij - j Jwst received. Irish rbtatoes. fc&bagi. --- nl . 4L' Pl . ... j r Tottaceo-sf u ? r r f wo i. Iw-no: T. .. J un:. . ": rrii-r-.'filrnfl:, .. t . - r d VI 1 1 1 f vlUnliow iwiwusmnmniK-D Ili i tf s-fro cj f .UUUkUUU lraPdsrCJieiingand Smoking it-nt of Kiiisfs Celcbfcitert Qjlfder Se'dsrcbhsistinjof eresry'Varietyj Rf I VegeJ table Seeds ssrawn in he puUwrra . States, 1 sept !.;. KUIIEP0WDERED BLACK PEPPER, T?ffwWAd:uTfetat3dTir.iat? iJi- i ' Toba;TOiwqiwtityf and of various lnd and - different 'quantities Wliojesale'and .tetailljy rwnl vo M BN. BJUCv- TEmotrsi; MAicfAt;LA-;pr xf"P Mh &I Jf t dJ '-.! y.'no sai a POD. BL'K PEprEiv I r : : " ian 31 rf r TT AIBTfi Bfus&cs, TootM Brus&esyi xl I oec 2f Tjii d ili Springs' Corner, dec'1rrf-' "i i-f iM - t : X ,topfttr lot: Smoked-1 Bgaf : Cured Jx Shoulders, at . - - f - 'u ian ; f''".- 'r? miller soy. . b-.'J ii.IT- : - m ' ' '' ' rnOOK the highest prcrnfcrn at : the. Tair i JlJbftheX!arolinasr at Charlotte; '".. O, - Octiber;5a. l7Vna,to- K. Kunt . It,? f Ji0in7ombe.r county Clj for sale by ' : " . . X 11. NISBirr t BllO. OJI0JCE OdtlFnjnch Brandy T for Jfedl" -' y-cin al puriX)se,-at , ' . ' F. SCARE'S, ; ; " - - - -- - - ' i i ' 11 1 1 .. ..-. - '. J -t a -. i W f V 1 ' T V ' . - .. WdltEordetegsnt "7ritlVst i' v . ,-;V mfminirort will alt be gone. belbred.-l. . : " . j ti. li ,.t. i j I ft J rail'llAr VlSillUg- AiacrKnir, mil - , . - f--il , -J 5 t .,: v. 71 I '.- n ,,f "fit- cnl l.v his dissolution is apprehended. -f jan 2S1 &.C0., lUll- u f - . ' . , I . JUOY OVa ' ' "- -V

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