.1 . - The.: Charlotte Observer. . JO - OiSce,' Bryce's Building, i.ti -r. '4 ? BATES : Daily, One year : Bi3f months, -in -; Three Months. r' One month, in advance, . r Tri-Weekly, one year - Weekly,- one year..... "...........;...., 2.00 Mclaughlin. : n -".'.? Y V ' ' S- Juilding,' Trade JStrectr k'.K jswIo !T A Vo--' - ' 'V. , nadvance,. 3 oof'-J-1? -fit zrt-.. - ,. ... r" " i--u -- 1, -i 5. ; rf f '...I:,. , .r rrrT,1. T, JlX ,V" 'VV , lnaarance,.. a-EO r r .. ; .r ..- ..- , 5 J n. - ' . . . - . : , '-'.M-ri f-. r--",. . ' f: XiJ.J r or, PL 1 : . -- - ':' ; - : - win.1 : -t r One Square one time-.":.H t M . three days 2 00 - fourdaj... ; 2 i i Jrtif-iiif cm' , M 22? !L!ti"" w three weeks........,.i.-, 6 60 . 4 - ii Ll C - . ii M I It 4 t . . M - if i , I H ' ft THE SEASONS OP THE IIEARX. frangnt wn snnhes r ? I -r ' .- .,-.rT,4.-fcU.i I , . T7TTTTS C a vm -? ?- "-i ' f If-- . . tTTT 7 ." , . ! T -VI I' .J 1"!I' i J. jj r "la1 - T I ight with smiles now tears Our iuys to blight, ,".; -c .. Oiir Lunesj desiite J i ; " SwiH speeds the flight of years - V ' ? . . I ' 'All nature smiles ' ' Her ace beguiles, Our Hearts .For every : rroclaims.the birth ...-..... The Summer c The wild bee Thro' field and The , 4 While Bask fair in gold But And Ills varied hues and seems An .Onien meant-; TTivr xxry m w v- ' Vf JE- rr t ' AlAUAULAY A CO, : moiltnr: --.'8 00 ijiracs Auvemsements-taken at proportionately loir rates. ; : Five Snuares estimated at a "quarterH5ol umn ten squares as a halfcolumn. TTVlCr notified our friends and - IJ-L tomers snmp timt tin ' 0Q In m. 1 j , ' UMV UUI PS.-- 1 rr i"wu Kt-sajr mat THE cmlotte mm To tell i ,J -'C ' '1 - 2 .., B Itaken .i ,wr"r-VA .""i tL! 'II: . Rnno- 1 nw;jM ,57" : JZ, UTJ vw"puy neea not expect anvJavors. 1 ' r nmWiShrT;,'! ;-mS v. r4l. OfSbrinfe-t : -''Ji-.'Trr?V . i,. "Jtaairears-don'taskfor credit, ' V x uujJtir vKXTiiiyG KEPT W A s hums. ' lr-et'i3-riTT;- ' "it" ."t5""? an patrons wert V- ViWV A , wood, by streamsT :iUi H rn?WRW' X , ; ,A i V fi CT) Hwaiiow roams ' . v. . , -cuiisists " m f rvi; i.:tv-'0 - VJ .wav,.., , , - . , happy homes''--; M 7-'?.': ;t: ?? ; n i-w u A XX?. :",Vl"e,.ave l. we wiU be ... J 11 " V 'A V T 1 eng eams:;:V,-'- : ParloV'ft " fiT, A C"C V r- :V? . Sunin,ere- A warning sent- i J v . " : L j Vrelistands, hf fiftino- drPflma ' '1.1 J CapOV8.. FOldl bedsteads, Spring ) U j JiV r fiiA'GKXEB & ALjXAlfDEn. PtnUTITURE! .-HOUSE. J. T. BUfflll'S ! ! ; NEW, goods; capoys. Folding J :"'-' -i.W-L-i 1 ' rY ' w'-11. AaDiesSedsteads;'Bureairv'ThWnW V'- n, ' i-i, 1 ,v I'll in imnrT, rrnnnn s ; oiucDoarni. -Knnt r'ai ,nf.j.v Ti.i.tn.'-' . . . - , vjs, i aruroDes. Will roughly prune' v"-"'-"'-''- Cen'Wesi,WIainotSarcV '-"'! s '.'. jijr-;4IKU--io- bj, ,..,..1, . ' Alternate weal and woe.,, ; ;. ETtoSinrSStal . ' 7, ''th'' "' DublicanrmrtVrio-l1liriaHPfll,I.?Sl n.SraliythiIinrivIinoh,, Si ' 1 - " " : . ; Jinn,,. ,4Al.S.ADPM'BBE.BpYlNo: o.I.-ljfi ( ,i. . . .. , .nakeitboir affiliution-theretn I Special! Hotipe tortte Pnbiri ' h: ' P r.'.Xv--- ,J4i 7"f ..."-T-fl ,tW i. MKWi-JJX2bib I'"" 1U1 ein; Mt :, mS 4 tmfangeg have'takiil' tfi' iT t tTw"v - --vi , . :j it MohiiUer tntauitiu and .tl.r"TTn"MCoQ ' jntbhein ecneral thaf: nn JimVi " SI' ,f' ',r"-.-s3,r.-l,: -n"tf fs .ij;i--;XK lJ ' r .''-V Ti' Waclie : CIoc&s, Jejrcl. ry, ' Diamonds, - Silver and.Plateai77aref'! ,; ' Spectacles," &Q, Parks' bmldiny, with-it laro-p .iih teoii .- - - J . V It .a selected stock oftTic -finest and latest styles of ruonmade elothinpfor Mei; outh Prescriptions prepared at sllthoni. and Boys sear, alsfr on hand a fiiwtock' V " ' ' V 'Zi ' -r ; , : f Oeits'Fumishinir JOx'Tsi h m fcft Of the Day ajid i.hiv h it - llve fer New York City i a' 53?-' f-Mfef!?- ,Dru Storey norv time to lay in my stock of Clothih june 29 1 " c; and Piece Goods, for-my Tailoring Estal? ' ' " "'r ' ' : :'' exjrienced Cutter and Tailor, and will be ' !FBE$Il,SPICES.-;i:ii-,'-t reaiiy.uy,QrinffTo cut and niakP to rnvloi. , . , . ' vt ac my own estaWHKmchtJand tinder nxy l,"irf. Yi ? rfeot . SpltW-fcr own supervision and at lowei-nritl,.l P1kle. Preserves ,'&c at. F. SCARRY ie saniaiMity dCfcobds-cdn be made1 up f1"16-'9 - " ' : - Drugstore. the in this riiore; "3.wuuuj cuiouu&can De maae up ---jirugoi , or anpthcr city, this side of Balti-'P, y . , ., lotte and thetmblic.fn 'mhpi1 vfnr tiu.f .. liberal patrdiige hqfetofor bestowed upoji 1 . at t tlTOostnectfall'TOk'a-contm I'-june 29 V " w1att 9 ' J 4 - " "J Tfl RWt?t1i'T? . i ure saiad Oil. inest article in Market; V--l iwrfta - . Jb'. SCARR'S I "MY l ,i-: -. Druff Store." '-i of my "goods wnere; Home and Democrat cdpy. ,V , : ' " -T i For.iSale;1 tentorial elections but-oth-fri. fVirt are who yet contrive to conceal theif true character irom'a too -fconficling Several who now. starrd farwnrd charged with such ioflei ices a.s bribe taking, bribe-giyiiig.,flnd.rneriiujv'. utterly jfai led, , have Ji ithertb i main tained 4 singular, hiffli; reniitatinn Whatever of abilitr thev been giving credit for,r whatever5 of Biaiesmansnip tney may liavedi -j)layed,one thing lias been awarded, them br friend and . foe alike,- and that is Virtue. But all their ipfofes-! sion are shone in th lijrhfc'nf irpnt revelations, to have been ;the feiii pty yaporings bf hypocrites i it rhaviheof . 1 cri tes w n o persuadca . ih emn selves that r they were Afiipcere,: but none theless of men whot- whori tuw crucial (moment arrived, lacked the', strength of their profession, and" fell J an easjf prey to' the tempter, not' -cu; xiBtaimiig sumcieni.igracQ ; to con froii 1 1 h eir-o wa deeds, ,btit kin Jfc ing in laxver depths ofinfmnyhitdtempts to avoid the censebxienccs.-Phiktadphid TeUyrahh Rad.'K ;;" -?1 : lK To Bp Rewardi:d.A bill Ijai been introduced rAii the' L United lVState HouJof Eepresentifie byMrBitler of Tennessee; appropriating ' the' handsome little sum of $6,321 to.nav Geo,- y: Kirk,7 wh o figured so conspi cuou'sly inf this ' State ln; ISTQand, " '"'V!u w iiiaijyepreaawonstup-: . . x Qpurjaefenceless citizens in some of the counties west of us; ; , v , ; .'We, all 'remember, the harrowing ' which scenes were caused by the )av . lesactjs of this man Ivfrk, and the terri-r ble state to which he subjected-numbers of the;good me"n of North Caro r Una, actuated b' nothing but deep 'Y personal hate: -Brutal Mn'liisl iu ,stinctsj, reveneefiil in his motive. this ; : man tfahscended,-werdoubt nOl the .jiunprv wuicAeven nis iawusa, ma8-:i : w ui.cn cms man iias? committed forf Zrl wrMa,. .jmow. uut,issued as a n STC: v itl -' LV"WM j jjua.v;i- . uust-tMMO m j l i - wuiiHinu, u.ln(TnTfrK n . i I X Seed Oats, for-sale bV" ' r-. .n - 1 fn i i-r - - . v. i . ! . ' . i'llivrfi I & r B -..r-, - - tr it a niTftir t . M l . HUSIC-BOXES s - I . 4 AN1)''MANY 0 1713: JLJElXGJZ) 3 1872. T 0 0 N UMEROUS r s - - - i' - - f i - i f - - ' At J. T. BUTLER'S; OPPOSITE TIE MANSION October 22. " CHflOTfttTfT li ""l - . (i-j : r w W1 A-BBTAIL DEALER IX Br'teoriACAPS t NFW FAT FRPIPHT f IMC 1 -.NJKOWMtothOlAi -:.'-l fM v. . BETWETJlv., , ivIT"' ' ili . wuueiiD mas my prices anq the taualitv 1 w rrvft 4- V444 will compart favorably with those of an v other h,,, .rll,l I " ' ' , - - . r li-I'.fl:; S,, BEAGIlAM. T - . i MWvtxra' ":" ;-:r - , . - ' -:"J ' B.!3IEAGIlAM ?I i.WU Acres, ofJarrd fldinfnino tfcwrsw'rl,f:.,',.?:;v '('I'..' . ; ... . . . T :n2l TM.JIILLERS0NS.!., feld entire, or in. tots to suit purchaser, Ji ? Jf W CES' T - ' ' ;.ffiv... . p- - , T . at a Very reasonable Tate. ' Applv to August 21str 1872 empJ.;,,-! . i ... ..:u . "vf-s.B.MElCHAM ,'. 4 AND THEbi . '- SOUTH AND SOUTH-WEST.. J.U S-T-ft-E-C-E-J V ''FOR; SALK in; BOARDING. fiREAT SOUTHERN DISPATOrfe5 ITew; Orleans Bmtfffl Wniai ' ' fbeioht like; - V; J: ' i'-'-J ' -t-st , TI'J - -J VIA NORFOIiK - 1 TtHS!5ldUNIWG novaoj f.i 1 , ,'J iv; f:;.'..- v7. . uww.jiwwiiws wuyv-iuruMt Boarder 4. frAiso.pgsneaas Demerara. Shear. ' J1H; fl , WB"lldne is .owned f'coir- ED rA-ul r- ii .-Ai WJ?b Qray'?..pn the ""SJ ; 7: "f Ji&lSw. in L4:trS Ltli V the ltailroad; I if- . .'.' iSSW 1 J : : . n,e. one :.tbe rooms are cleanlycomfort- by STENHOUfeE ,'MACAULAY A no ? Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio Ilailroa.V ' - . J T&Pdf f : "' P?ynS;,and welta jdecl7M1 -,H ;VJWf ff ,n4 rf r 1 mpany.ine: Richmond and Danville J . ,..1111 , . l j I - . ... .V . . - nu . j TT . 1 " 1 ' 'U-ti'in I Terms .most iiheral: to suit clerks ; rjanl-tr ;-:-i Jt 't:tiiU.U manity and every law,? human or criDtire Pidim TnM- ttomttcv, tvVi r-f. a cJl 'T, "fr",. ,T4-;,noT,8(),v'1 v.ril vuivine ne is to tre rewarded ' Mf the V National Legislature; ' A' . base 'use. J l surelyJ to which 'to g B R I G G S'.rfi--jR 0 T H pR.' 8 A it of iwd iroiisns-.nd motes, -ikhh "uVOTLpE., FLORA '4 - ifi . FOES AXIL - L 1 . t lianroaa uimpany (- the Charktte UJ v-cMXi- ? i; : , , f Columbia and Auzusta Itailroad Cnmnnn v . v . :,J'fr the Old Dominion Steamship ; Company 1 riir.r!-: .1 C -Merchants and Miners Transportation. 5 . .si J :-. ' iA .,:: Company. the Aniihiunwin . T.in tmA I'acket Company who guarantee ' ; rBills of Ladjng and Bates always as -Lowr ,a$ the ruUlished Rates of any j- 'other Line ... A Mark Goods "G. S: n..".vi "NTnrrnii-' .n ship as follows : .'''-"' ' jLiverr I Vrnm unsrrnv. i fnV..n(. 111. JV , iw. r.. I . v wv,umiW iuiu Miiicnr abck'VpiFqatnPr Transportation -Company,, Office 8 SnftSfod9 ffr C . Y. M Clark. At. Those of ouf-aWons who ordered Seeds J-A . Goods sent. to aU parts of theiCityj I stock5 bf GobasT- last year and were credited with; 23 cents, " - ' . UJL.YM05B &CO, f V J&i Williams6n:- Will reetMVft Tflft fnnr flitai-rorlW lino riftn WJkf Voi rlia mi)a,tr a. xrA.l' I UAUh.- . n !i EXCElIOIttl; sl son entires i weliavfr opened at Grc&orv uiu j sumo, nexc oor to ; WOTICE. FroiUf NEW' YORlt, by Old Dominion! oteamsnip gftmpatiy, rier No. 37 Northi 5iv5F ymves. 187 Green wicli- Kt.frand. ' .L-3Q3 Broadway. C. E. Evany. Acfent.. - - - i . w - - -s. nK;fl tW ;3 will receive the fnnr OuartmHctn rianSUf fl. rTioAtf ur I ;fr r-ji, . j 7i . .. . . I j.v.s i r-.v.,,.,,T,.,Tr . "llT",,,"i'".if iuaviai wmcn piace mTTOS-R tvr i, - i,o Tfrom PTTTT, a "nift pttt at ti.:t-.itui- 1 i i ft was wi i wtnaranrrit a .i js. i x . ra. i - .it -ww-.w wr v . uv ia i u iJL i avaWA a v a. iiiiaHiri iiiiia .ajr a., .wwiW ,RMca I 1 j tendftf ciedit: cTllrfn tl, T.rt:;;:n;U I AVilminsrtnn nn,l RaH?r I7jT-" - D J WM-B. VT AAA O-" IVIIIVJL' AMU J 1 UttU ;v nlfla nihnov n, A. uv -iif:.. iTliose who order' Seals tins vm ...rSIl Ka i jt w f - Lwi.av lair vliiicr u i! frlali t . . . . wv i - , r:vlL.-ii-5i-'ij,i: -r - , 'yJv' tcreditAti wit.K nnhQmnr An r. ie-i mull . Mvuuuy 1W nuttu i iii LThft Taniinrv nnmWi.Afir,. ".i.. dinA - , ..TTZ. - - T"-. "1 - ' '-' - .: .: :L COntera. tavor unnn us. hv. rnliincr of nnoo I : (Jomiwinv fAnnAmpqmV T.in nm,. wiiuHjipuropnawa ; . IEneravines.TwaSiinPrh (whFp,i Ti h .iWt,iK,a ' r Ni: , : Auuisauf?. JUistuuJSJL iStg, f s and setthns their accounts. a this mn.st he r 44 S.-Fifth st. above ChestnntTnTirf nnti- le andi South Agents.. , Stbam Olllce. 154 Fitzcrcrald- Ifa zre-nf,r - " iiri4;. y led to stUieir friend and eiistemewu Agent.-..? . Ha Advance. I .. Trt f.ViAaa vrVtiS WirtftioaA ttiamt... '. r.W tr.-.tr .TmifciTAw ..-Kf.la 1JI T;-..,. f -T f 'fiflDD I Plain.. 1. j . ... , ,jviuii-mu wBora, uajnLgcsj ana.over Cnanres KP.fiTfrl. nmmnrlv Kit ti, ... AJwrxxiA, iriucaney, waira Agent, Aorfolk. va.'- "Tl " ' 1 .a 1 - r, r;r;Na doubt, Mra.'iButler; thinkshe is ensrajrinar in anraisAwort.liiriin?AlrtH - ingr taiattebibt tn itfinnrp n'vm.n nttforn ine case ;i eimefeeeajv "QvorgQ"' W. , - Kirk for: his-despotic" acts -in - this v owe, put an ? , impartial -public will .;jcallr those i "to account -xehrx hv,ne --A-'Yieevaa tvellaV virtue; see&ato :yeus ?vfm.yJtocmtffppi -t . Death; of a bfe ' butcher.' 'Charles T.'.ri'.u 1 - : .newer Known in xxew- York city'aaii'Bie-Charlie."; k dead.-' Tn height he-ws 6; feet 4 inches, weigh- ff ,V UVa UUU UUU1IUO. HUU LUU1U : II 1 L j a ' i ax pound ox- with ease. - The butch- much Coney Island. It was his ha- w aimost, every attern,oon ;in - ahe 'sutamr to go down ta that celebrated ; about in the ; water four ' hours to- geth,eMke abig porpois. THE CONTUMACIona Wtpktpc"s rlnf ! Josep h. D gt eTvard 1 im prisoned for ' ".1f,.&TWI,ieiI1Pt 01 Jtiouse is . f11 Wteitcrdaily his friends, includingmany ladies. His timA xuii v uucupiea in writing and Teeiv ,ing visitors, ,and .though eipre.Jng ESr J?n dls at the restrain upon his liberty, still hdlds to his . deter- m,I?.atl:0,nilottadisclosthe secreta ,cfhiSNchents. , v -"r iiamiug. sum aisa, rnnteo. I . . . r r r- i : abo wouia?rest)eciiuiiv:asjc a can from v ;rr.-rrvT ",Ai' r . t Flatea" of our nnrpnna.Pll rn,lu 1 r' .rn . 'a U" Ifh. iW5v..-t ., i? " 77"1 . "It. Al." MILLER fc SONS, r Jonno. V llson.-Aeent. , iacion relative to f iowprivMwrf i . r it.., f,; . w ti .tt .Trnrrfirrnv - nr - irom i'hila. k ,phta h n. r, .uu .uku nuHTiuoa .ana U TIT11 Offer ih-iW)lnrfnV lTa.Wlif . " I . i ' ZL -rT -viu,,,a oieamers.. umce, 12- r rSJCT: "r in nd Watri-ClaieVSuHiosnbatFrom comblebi as- 0 .BALTIMORE, By Baltimore fcrtr-ir''eiV.S-'DPgg P' We have pleasure ih aain'tenderhlir tofMcD. ARLEDGK: fSfmflvwitw" t -J sortment of Buist's Celebrated Garden Company (Bay Line.) .r.!rwtrv' wciiajiengf comloulnrmerailiie-;ab6va'firetlfl. f ;tK,N brn Seeds, confastin of everv Arietv of 'Vpo-I s. WvJiaitunore street. Edwin yanaon on quamy oi Seeds an t si2fes of packets. Our MCalendj 3 -' : w -w -inign standard. . . " ' - 1 . -i nRvfiE.' . v I -- ATee. lrom'Aauiterationj-at Jkn 9uw- .ST VW " 1 Aridto'such.astaVe'Hbt yet'used feenl 1 .'iit J -v -'i-: ecl8 v-.'' 'JW 22-4W RooheatftBUJ VI . .1 Z:-i.t-.A- u..J. -l.ii i.T .Tf 1 General Ct-rmmisaiO-n TTftTrSant ; hrrr r j ' ' f . .rf v., , ,.. i ; ....- .-j! : . . ---j v -r M uuc-uiai wm muviuwj tueiii tiiai mer arei - V they are superior to all others ? 'so make gurfr! of al!t' ! v Frei trlit .h.i n H 1 SCARR,8. : . warded promptly in through cars. ; ' j--.T-r-T- -t . ..rr i:.;;;.--vT.jpn cao 4J ! : I v L A'rayage UTansiers by this Route Yiwi4 i. . , ; . t r- w xuxiaic- iuiumiauon . - : .....- ..'-:. , ' I w. M . Wn mvlI a.a . Tl 3L. w'.. 1 .L.! . T 3 'i W I . 9a . annlir tn Offlrora and Agent of the above Railroad or Steam." boat Lines qb to " ' - i ' ja, w AfJlJliLli- jan 31 General Southern Agent rr I TATTrtV UMliiimm imn a .-t S 1 1 j ..i j . . . " . I , uvikiixwwii vyjvxiaaiismoJtinghot, wjr uu;rpnaB, uiau Mirouciijoraers itoticular attention paid to sellifaif tlt A -O,"1 w-"V 1 alw . w 5 i iop tx110 Rood early, ;ithe:j consumption eeeds;the kinds of Iuce, Ctotton andTobacco!.;iA enPrUt' h.ai ? more rjdatable nianufactunng power, . .r. ' - Highestcih price TiaH for Ck)tt6n i tor Breakfast ? Well we have just received . Eorsale in any quantity,by i n oAlleram'a.iistanc 'bromptlv at m 9 T, v.' elegant Lot of thetmil mlS ,EppSMACATJTy cOt:i tendedul .VL Sttm&kZ A yyrinn'J. "... in . T-ASO, r h-ai irfii'.". JusteEeceiVBttOU t - 1 L -JristlleeeiTei - SJ J .t;5v'x Alii-- Bbla. , Clioice; Hominy. ? just rcccivedl iSurat i4W; SM BuMotmtamto 2 MlLLiL SOXV ' npnuts, itc, at - d m , p- lUUVarKuiteVl soudahdgooitn -A lot '-Smoked uga;Cure4 vxtr-ir ,U f.i?.; i . , Jan1 : - B. M. M1LLES A SPINS, - 1JL 4t J0HN P" BUTTS r pebTOhel;tr-7a Viir SYMoVs ACOr 'SdtH- MACARONIITALIAS;.;.: - ",. : J ec 31 - . . jget? y Kjti .g:.v,ri; ? i'jan.a awi B.Mi MILLER fc'S0NS. .y -vuC-i .K . .1 K j.hj CIT7 nESIDEHCES 77 AIR Brushes,' Tooth' J5rushc; Nail r'tli ? : JCJX).: , ,7- 'f ARJEIOTSH0XHBB'6GABESNII ? :SAG6,- V;,'f j . : A - - ' Ul Brushes. ij .f ' " ' fZT" JU BQN,TIES andBow alL Colora at . -a -- n?KJ rv'?' . -'yO-A.ITT, LOTS, mUKU1 : OpriUgS VCmer - I aaw aavauaMaa4Vil; 1- r f : ' f . ' f: .;V -rT fY - L. . . J ", - " ' Slr : : -f i-r TiTE the XTnorelineUbegneave to thank rpponoiri. -"At flt':K''i ' '' J , tl-our-Wends tindacqua ;.f-r.r n,.;, : LLVCOi 1 their liberal'patronage -bestowed upoa otn-1 - lan-3 4.--- - - - - -.1 j i' --; r--; ii i i 1TEE0SENE LAMPS, JJl . . . BURWE y dec 2L f ...rr'?, T "T DESIEABLE PAEIIING LAITD3f . IMPROVED and UNIMPROVED. s TJAIbTIES wishing to invest in such prop- ? ". jl , Kraut; iLrautr JUST received a BbL,!6f ftice TVJatiSaur Kraut, for sale by - andmtrespt H,V , j-tpeiv TITORCof that elegant'Sbur JKraut ; come ielfcalf a'foofficlf T the CoiS? the same as we are stiU at the Temple of -tV.''W.. ' f,f-i.fSV -JA inning or ,it. wiU.aU be gone before House. - m. . - . - Fashicxu 'Rcspeptfully, : . . EI.CHAIJTS- visiting Charlotte,' will Vou eet any ' z 7 1 ?T$?' J-'"4' UV5JS?" AlLanotner lot. of, dood Chnu ; A H. TATE. Tery cheap, at PIJREFOY'S. manywonns.. - J. F. BUT! " Further assignments and rresrxindenctf not solicited ' GRAHAM tt NASH. - BUTTL b - ... Attorners. jail U B MJ. jan. 21-Sra . .- . " CharlottK N C.

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