! 1-- , The Charlotte lObserrcr. PUBLISHED BT 5 T J w JONES fc SIcLA-UOHlAN. w , T?ni11innF ..TrailA Street. BATES OF SUB3CEirn03Sr. , Daily One year in advance,; ..;.-' 9? eix raonUis, in advance, , 'XX v' Three Months, in advance, ...,....'v.r XKi On6 month,, in advance,.,.- . -50 :Tri-Weekly, one year ?3.50 :VVoolflv. nne vear.. ..,........... Z.W C t Beautifar Grandmamma Graudqiamma sits in her quaint arm- r .. chair; t "' n.V . Never as a lady more sweet and fair : Her gray locks ripple like silversbells, ', ; And her brow its own calm story tells Of a gentle life; and a peaceful even, A trust in God, and a nope in heaven. inline kw oiw iw&iiig an ay r In her own low seat, lixe some winsome Two doll babies her kisses share. : And another one lies by the side of ; her - cbajr; ,V- . May is as fresh as the morning dew Cheeks bf roses, and ribbons of blue.' "Say. grandmamma,,rfays tlie pretty jelf, "Tell me a story about yourself, 4 ; -t-.7 gin When Vou;were little, what did von nlaVT. Was yon good or naughty, the whole long Was it imndreds,' ana hundreds of .year ago.?' ;-;i.v r..i- And whiat makes your - soft hair as white assnow;. . ,. Did you have a" mamma to., hug and kfa ? ... .1.1-11- ai. j .. auu uuiis .utejuis, auu una. ana tins i-ryj Did yoa have a pussy like, my little Kate? Did von go to bed when the clock struck eight?- 1 . i, Did you1 have long curls, and some ' beads like'mine f- . 'KHWH And a new silk aprdn,' with ribbon fine V liranamamuia smiieii ac me inue maid;ffc And, layimj aside her knitting, said : "Go to iny lcsk and a .ted bX yoii'll s covf Carefully lift, and bring it to uic." ! ' i So Mav nnt her dollies awav. and rhn.' -- - Saying,TO be as jiCulaSjer Lcaflj Then" grahamamma, opened the 'box and lo'Tl-: -';-4 'L-v!.: ;? A beaatiful child witli a Ithroat like snow Lips just tinted like !pink shells jj-are, Eyes of fiazei, an golden hair ;li;--l.;vy.'tip Hands all! dimpled, and teeth liK6 nearls.' Fairest ind;swectest of littl6:girh4tt :Vi "0!i, wl o is it !Ttried wiris6me Mayvl "Ihm" 1 wish she was here," totla! " i ) h-; Wouldn't I 1otj her. like every thing (.live hei a doll, and niynew goldrring ii : i Say, da if grJhdinainiua; who can she be ? "Darli ng," said gmndmli, l4rhytcliild was inc. May looked lonjr at tlie 'dimnlctVeraec' And theki at the. saint like, lair old face ! "How fibuiyshe cvcsd, . With a ';mile and kis-N "To hav e such. a. dear little" grapdma as thi Still," she added, with smiling zesti "I think, dear grandma, I tike,j'.bestJ. So May climbed on th-silkeakii'ec,'!; -')-: And grandma told her her history; What plays sift played, arid what toys she hadJ How at times she; was naughtv- or ; good, or d;;.,?;'-;,. ' 1. : "But thjj best thing you ididj .said May donit you'see 2,u', ':'h.?: Was fo grow to a'bntiful.'frdiidmalbr mc, Newspapers Theif '.value is -by 'rrieana ' ap precialpd, : which people arolwukiiiiip (a significant signs pMh'e ? tinies i Few faniilies are liow content yith;a sui gle -. newspaper; ? The ntliiristlpr know leclice tiot easily satLatkdl and; books!' thortgh usful-ca absolnv ieiy necessary . in iiit'ir pi.ice, mm to tuceb the demands of youth or age. he vUlagetiewspapersi fea gerly devoiired; t",Then cotries the de mand for tho county-lie wsl state newspnational'tarid: foreign newa. Next loathe -poltticiil come jhe literal rv- andl s; then the scientitic irfuraialsK Lastly. J; and above ;ali come 'i tpes - 'jivomlf and religious i jourrals.irhis variety is de ui anded vto-;Satjty th : cravines it the aetive?niino 14 Xwrtu:iners ar also." valuable " t niaterLal nrosndntv. Thev-Adver . ... ..--tT. . A - I - . ..." I. tise thejcvuiageM or Jiocanty. lnejr ; before the reader, a map on 1 ' which may. be traced character, de? ; " eign, progress. . If a stranger, calls at fro m a distance,' the Very next thi ngl T aft er a family greeting ;h e 1 n q uires for your village and; county netvspa- . 'jjer, a,iiu y you . leei u iscuin u teu ? if you fare luuabie-; la Jfind 7 a i late J Are co ni pel led to say y oii do n6t f ake it. i !":A;-The? pewpspapers isjust anecessa ; a rarp-ed. barefoot ibov,' rather than J an ignorant one His bead will cov . er his eet in after life if 'he is welj : r suDnlied . with newsoaners. : Show us I ' ; pers. 1 1 e; w ill m ake f th e j ni an - of ; tYlftrlr in off ai Ufa f vaii irratifv' fVdf . .uesire jior Knowieage. tftner tnings- being equal, it, is a:.; rule , that t never jaus. juive me cniiureu newspa pers.' ;)-' 4 t Jj ) Trouble in the; Camp. A very . prominent colored Bepublican , of ii. . ni i - ' I.J: J - mis otaie nas iwgeu BLavcmcuw with the Secretary of ; ;the " Treasury, in which -. ctoss" charges i 'are' Irade j against the Supervisor ' of Bevenu & . in.jegaru to nia morai tuuuuuK -cn, will be made good is a question,, but . fjforijf what e kridw of the:;iiidijidu- al wboj iniakes them we are satisfied ; that 'every thing: that shrewdness and ' enei-gyi ''Can'aumpish'r:will'Tibe brough t to bear in' the case. Look 'out for war among the1 fiiithfulJrWf " A TrE.-iAt ah election for Alder- .jtracu caiiiuiuivttJ , icwivuig- oo v Ji.es. i The race " "was rnn over agai n on f Thuesday, when each candidate re ' cieved 67 votes ': Honors are equal r 1 il 7, i i I J f f r-rri". AND- .Dirt- S H E Ii-T Dili TTAVINO greatly increased his Block of i JMAaKWUjli Wfllclj: t consists , in Part 9. Hfll ;.fthi-. ft .i';1-"" iParlor Snitsi Dlack," tValnm! V French and CoitaSe ; 11, Bedsteads, Spring r 5,in 'Teapoys -Foldia f 17 ; Tables, Ladies Work' M i;Tatoles extension and Centre Tables; Whatnots Sates. t Excelsior andiCotton cMattrfiss' nhntr and tStoah; ?of various tstyles- and .many other, things: not necessary, to mentionj : y l ov ua uiitera department is complete from the cheanestVPobliurnnnffin tr th Finest i Hexigaa Head and Fpot j Walnut Casket Half. GlassbTopi 'Aik&qi and ,trim-. inet in, (He Wost approved stvle.will be kmrf oiistaudy ready for iineaU of which will souiat a imstreaimable nrit-e. ooiinfrv. u-Jui hare ne &iytbj,nginitmyfhe US) giv njea cajl before-purcUasins elsewhere. South TreiStreefcjopposite,' th Market HouserCharlojte, N. C- . wi- ' i ian lstlSiit-lv - W M fitlvrTAV1' 'I'BpcoticeVtd'.the-.Pablie:1' wiiuiiii u villus fV juiiarioite- ana ,ine Irtibiidin chcifalthaf Jio.change has taken place irtflity estdbUshmentS I am sti 11 :a't i of lients' Furnishing GoodM, Shirts, of BallotiVrflakertlie best fitting shirt in the world. " Tlie ' xert "Mattst stvles of ; TTatsi.. ScaVfsf iTows and Ties, Umbrellas, &c,-, -&c, aiul I will styi sell them at prices to -defy compctitwn. s -.s,;,. 1 expect to, leave'fbr New York Citv in a shoit'tinje tQlayJivMyfocko Clothing ana Fieee-GoTKls, for mv Tailoring Jtab Ttehmats.r ' 1 nlB-torrrigwinr hfeari" exiJerienctidOutter and Tailor: and will he readv bv Srrins to cut and, make 0 ovd&r at- mowit ctabhhhientahd 'jUilderl my -own sujiervision and at 16 wer prices than' the'satne.fiuaiity of goods'can be made iip iif this or 'any , other city this' side of Baltt-. ;ihe citizens, of Char- Yott$: anir; tli e ptitlic. 'itt general for- the tiperai iKuronage. nereioiore, pesiowea upon riie I 'nwVsl respectfully I'aslc'a. continuance of thcVanlcUV ' ' Kcspectfullv, ' rmhi z, : " k- shrier. - 0 K A,-Sacks, Country , Flour, different CtU. Grades, for sale'at , : . - " J us t:recei ve nov 30J B RI GG S& R 0 T .Hl R 8 FLORAL ! 0 : jFor Januaryv 1873, Kbw Out; Issued as' jJuarterly. ?T:ne four numbers sent to anv Address, by mail, for 25 cents. The richest and most instructive Illustrated and Des criptive FloratT Guide ever published. Those of our patronsrwho ordered Seeds last year and were credited , with 25 cents will receive the four Quarterlies -for 1873. Those who order Seeds this yearwill he credited with a subscription for .874. -The The January number contains nearly f'400 lingravmgs, lwo superb Uolored nates. suitable for framinsr. and also s "Tinted J l.i W ; " - Flates" of our gorgeous Floral; Chromos ft i - 1 t a -rri . 1 miormauon reiauve , w x lowersv egeca hles,"&c and their cultivation, "and all such matter as was formerly found in our Annual-Catalogwe.--You- will! miss it if J you order 4 seeds1- before -seeing? J?nggs & Brother s Quarterly. , We challenge com parison on quality of Seeds and prices and sizes of packets. Our "Calendar Advance Sheet and Price List for. 1873," fcent free. ' Address ; .r n- BRIGGS &. BROTHER, r tl Seedsmen and Florists, 5 Lit jan 22-4w , "' . Rochester N. Yi : BUCKWHEAT CAKES alf smoking hot . covered over with, yellow, rich, good Goshen Butter. What is more "palatable for Breakfast ? Well we have just received k .1. A. T rf . r.lM.X-,. . . iui juo 01 vne maienai to ma&e them, and we will sell the recei:4 for 'a small price. A . - . : H?ALSO, ; i& ' rv. just received, xnsn I'ocaioes. ,viDDage,i Chesnuts, &c, at Ml J ,j i - , JOHN F. BUTT'Si A Klec31 - - . J - , - Market v rjAIR Brushes, Tooth Brushei, Nail JlA Brushes. " ; ti - .Wm. R. BURWELLCO, 1 77"ER0SENE LAMPS, I .6 BURWELL & CO." dec?L.K L-J iJ. -i- JUST received a Bbl4of nice White Saur ltuPitl9njirjuiiKSjiuiiaat, lavors L nH$ Pefttullyn1sk the i ci t izcns -of unanotte aTiarsttKtmclin:r iy old 510. 24 Tryon Street ? David 'arkS'btifldingj- with a lars andtwoll Selected stk" of tlie finest ind latest stvlrs tl Kraut, for sale by jan 20 SYM0NS& CO. I . f t i , iri . ... U 7 pHROTT!, .N , . C. THUMpAY,- li'EBIJAIlY 13. TIHE SALT. 1 AO ?a?2 Fry filled SALT mTiand AVI and for sale by ' i i BTENHOTJSE,'' MACAULAYb CO. ' nov 27 7 i ':;.? o.-: ; HAVING "notified oirr ' friends land cus tomers some time since, that our busi- ucas wouia cnange January :lst; 1873 we are s pleased to say 'that th change has taken place, and it is to be strictly CASH or SO DAXS CREDIT..; Those who do not pay promptly need not expect any favors, If VOU are iii.Arresvrs Ann save us the unpleasant duty of. denying To our many friends and "patrons we re turn than ks and - ask-' a; ' continoance of Al - ? i ri . i rpuvw-ion ui .iae aooye-, rujes :we: wnl be Credit.;!' " ' - . V - -ai" uiuo uic uueauu Htyauie on me IPC day of each and every month. , ;t ,v r v GRIEK & ALEXANDER 1 -Jarfl, 1873, ly ... -, SEIOIITOnHODSn., fTlHE ; Proprietor of ' the f above I namd A .Hotel respectfully invitea th people of vuiiauiic auu lue -puuuc generally to call ort liira 1 when -they visit StatesVilleZ-He will ' pare neither pains '.nor ' money r td make the SIM0NT0N HOUSE a i fir dua HOTEL, and worthy- ofpnblic patronage. t f T. A PRICE.' i,z nor 25-tf r Proprietor crau irt A r l h ; I- -6 ! -V' ti 1 of 'the Day ind xUgrit.! Choice Green and Black Tra, Seleeted especially, fgr Family, and Inral ils, at r SCARR'S - ' 4 mftu t ',nrr;f, .drugstore.;: FltEII SPICES, for june JJrug Store.: Pure Salad Oil. f ' ""'Finest article m Market, V- at " i,!F. SCARR'S; iune2D. : 1 L 1 .'j 'DrugStor, "1 'Jot Sale. ;: TWO Acres of land adioinin the CSty of Charlotte3very -finely situated' in a rapidly improving 7 neighborhood. Will behold' entire,' or in lots.to suit pirrchasers; at a very reasonable rate. 4-pply to , -,-ttj.v . . .vi i II1H M T KIT JOHN T. BUTLER. Joci22' ' Opposite Mansion House, :G:-f sirk yy -. . ' -'' C Jfs& received a;"lot o'f Select Spices' Pickles, Preservcs&c:: at F.SCARR'S-i :J 4 a i TOR SAX.E. i i f. If! v 'iA Lot of fine HORSES and MULES, A; in splendid order. - At DAVIDSON'S LJVERY STABLES.;-Horses and Mules for sale are kept on hand constantly.' :r , noy.l6-tf,:. . , ' , ''r 1 L. Oats. , i - EIFTEEN t Hundred Bushels Mountain Seed Oats, for ijale br ' -' " ' r - STENHQUSErMACAULAY & CO. ; ' HOMINY; and Grits, fresh and' Igoodi ivGoods sent to all parts of the Cityrjvr . r SYMONS&COr.r: Jan 21-tf J Xear the Charlotte Hotel- J . s v EXCIXSIOR ! : THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST t ! t 1 1 T 0 Pt L A T E R,S1 1 AH' WE " 0ffer the - rollowing ' Fertllirera ? .if 'Patapsco Guanov Chesapeake Guano and Watson & Clarke's i Saper-Phosiate. i iWe: haVe pleasure inagaintendenng'tQ bur. Farmers, .the, above rst-class Fertili zers. ;V"t " :..V ;',-- T l: To those who have used them so many years We need.only say that they -are, uar anteed to be fully up : to - their1 previous high standard. .v."- ':n t , , And to such as have not yet used them one trial will convince then that Jhey are superior to all others ; ' so , make sure, , of, a fciinlv'ftVirl psi-sft hand iri 'vour orders arlyi asthe," consumption exceeds; the . Forsale.lrTany'quantity, hy ' t. . 1 6i STENHOUSE MACAULAYfc,CO..f Just Received. 1 A rt Busht ' ' Mountain - Irish ' .rotatocsv lsJSJ .Warrauied sound and good at .bp perpusnei. ;r. .jan 21-tf s - r ,5. -T 1 '. 1 .1 SYMONSA CO., I o To OTrf Priends mid' Acquaintances. Ihe TTndersiflied bes leave to. thank V V bar 1 friends ' and accfuaintances f04 their liberal patronage bestowed tnpon our Rmhlmfer - Mr; E. Shrier for Uie past year and most respectfully ask a continuance of the same as we-are still : at; the Ternple of - - - :, Jl A. YOUNG," Jr - - A-H. TATE. i m .'-..'.-....-.... . 'Sfc - . Mir 17.' 5 JJVLTT. T" TVT"T: riri"TTT" .T3-' 1 , - - "r c jjjp'-OTiiixsann i 1 !.""'- - -s - ASKIVJKCr ; jPQ8 j FURNITURES ROOMS, iiTBiDEST; Opposite Brem, Brown & Co I)ry Goods Storb; '1m 'Ji ii ''1' . v ; '. ..'" ,tl , .V'- . f I : , P?PLL,BE OTJND, CLASS - f e tl N. I'i'I' - EMBRACINer'Chairs;' Tables, 1 Bedsteads,5 Bureaus; Dressing Cases, Wardrobes ? -SideWds Book Cases, Desks, Hat :Eacks; 1 Etageres," What Nots, Cradles, . ' -r! 'rr' ooias. -ALSO A- FIXS STOCK r Parlo Furniture, r Dining Boom Furniturela'nd Chamber Suits, all vaiietiesof-style fcnd. ' finish; f This?. House alstf keeps a full- stock of Spring - - Beds and Mattresses; anda Laree Assortment nf i . ; ; METALLIC f? And, Caskets of all sizes and rtyles of ffn 3 ll ly.-Vnt, poplar and Pine; C?ofnnsfronr the Plainest and clieanest. toJ th V - j finest Octagon Cases and Caskets, -with full glass tops, 'trimmed in -:Vht ' ''-' themcstelal ' -1 if 1 4i Bfj-jovp:uii1,Mnwo given 'TO iurnismng. uweuings; Hotels . . 5 and 3olleges' at ,a snwU, advance on MANUFACTURERS' RATES. V f " ' t tUAL ANBirPBJCE, BEFORE BUYING.: 1 - - T r""- .- if ji 1 . . . 1. 1 . . .,,.. .! r 1 z- . tv,v j.v'"j' LTS-i? Si,'.' Uiiv-"' ; ; .'"T-ll ,"'0?r.A,r:j"X . (fX., ..'t.. !. ; r: .4 , - -t . ml: . . CHARLOTTE, IT, C. - ' HOLESALE & RETAIL 1 TRUNKS. LTCATTTKR find I NOW Invite the-WHOLESALE and sortment bf BOOTS & SHOES, which have ? MY .Experience in business niakes ;me pf my goods will compare favorably with wnere. i. -i . P.S. 1 AM NOW PBEPARED TO OFFER on LIBERAL TERMS and IX) W PRICES,. , w August 21st,iI872 pm.-vM,-.- Lancaster Ledger copy, six months. t BOARDING. , Hi,1! i - MRS. AtfMILLER k prepared to ac commodate Boarders with room and meals, or with meals-only, as the: Boarder may desire, a The- building,. Gray's, on tho comer of Trade and Church istreets, -is a new one the rooms are cleanly, comfort-a ably, neatly furnished and well attended.. 'The table is as good, as the market will afford.'-'-."'-I ' . 1,'r"- - ,f J Terms most liberal, ' to suit clerks' who are working for moderate salaries. 'jan l-tf u "c. 1 1 - r uoxicfi; 'in TirE have this dajr.sold our entire stock f '-of Groceries. Liauors. . toL. Messrs. WvH H. H0UST0N & CO., and in . retir ing from business' respejctrully 'ask a con- tmuance ot the iiDeral patronage oestowed upon us to our successors: ! .yS i - UliltliUlil & VViLlilAMBOiV.' ' ; W. J J5LACK & CO. .z jan 1, 1873. . , 1 : ; Havin:purchased W; J. Black & Co' 'and --Gregroy & Williamson entire stock of Goods, we have opened at: Gregory & -Williamson's old 1 statid, next door to we wili constantly, keep a complete ptock r -.GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &C-, : Ana would , respectfully ask a caiiitrom the publics H.ik: HbMte:& co?f !i f-" R. W. J. ORR and ! TD WALSH: formerlv with Gregory, Williamson: and McD." ARLEDGE, : forierlyt. with V. J. j Black &CbJ are with us and "Will be pleas ed tosee their friend and customers. '.- ; t W. H. H HOUSTON & CO; ! Jan 7 -vi:W . rj-.' lT1 rjlSYCl idenexiU Concussion' IXerchant," ' I ; :. V. CHARLOTTE, N.;C. ; .;, t kinds of Prepuce, Cp$ton and Tobacco i : ; Highest'cash price paid Xor Cotton.. s ? f All orders from distance promptly at tended td. ; 1 '1 ' ' J. Y. BRYCE, dec 21 '72. VV- - 1 j ,;v i - Jwt' Eeceived. ' . .. i. trf i-a jA: ' Choice lot of Smoked Sugar Cured IX Shoulders, ati "J -jan 21: - RU M. MILLEK A; SONS. ' f ARGELOTSHO.ULDER SCARFS.NIC Li SON TIJSS and ; Bows : all Colors I at jrreatly redueed prices,, just received at - nov SOt . : - MRS. QUERY'S. - GHOICOJ Odd French JJrandy : MedT inal purposes, at . 1 . v SCARR'S- JO.il u - - - '- - H ruRCIt ANTS' visitihtr Cliarlotte; wiU J)l find 'Writingapet J and Envefopesl verr cheap, at i't'lus y x . :i:ww. ' jan 4 - - - 1873 : H - , '. 'I ". .." ' fM... t . ,ii i I, - ,, ii , ,, No. 1,558 r. . ., : . ... -m .' ,.5. -. I -f ' f' preap;. FoninTunn 1 1 TAJliXrAT - .... t v r f EVERYTHING KEPT IN A PURKITUIIE HOUSE. ijmges, mirrors, uiass riate, &c, &c BUBIAL CAES'S DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOE, HATS, CAPS1 . . : . 1 . : m : i! RFTOTC FTNTlTNGS. 1 ' - ' 1 - 1 RETAIL Trade to my large and Varied as been selected with care. -"-.r- conndentt tnat. mTpnces and r tlie quality Jhose of .any other boose in; theiCity or else- SB; MEACHAM. . 000DST0 THE WHOLESALE TRADE - -..,. ".''I v'-- " I, , rj .,, -. S.3iMEACHAi. . Hew Orleans Sugar and Holasses. 5 rHogs5heais Bright New Orleans .Sugar. ' 10 Barrels Choice' " " ; '.; ; 'jMolasscs, Also 2 Hogsheads . Demerara Sugar, ' 1m 7-2,4 "t V' Molasses in sforeiand for ale at prices to' suit the times by " "STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO. (rJ)l:oPpE9AIB..:r.j' 'twl. WADS WORTH hi at his Livery ti .' and Sale Stable, opposite 1 the City aock, HORSES and MU.tES for sale and kept constanly on hand." nov30 . - --r.'-' NOTICE. n1H0Sl persons to whom" we have ' ex J. tended credit during the past! year will confer a fayor upon us by calhng. at once and settling then accounts as this must be our last appeal. -REMEMBER TT ! ,,-janll Tv .'.p.,,, -.f.j f " : ,!. '.i GARDEN SCEDS. j ; aUSTpcneI and for sale all complete a f sortment of Buist's Celebrated Garden Seeds, consisting of every variety of Vege table Seeds grownin the Southern States. ,Lfaui8 .-: i " f ..j.j.jiscarb:;j PURE? POWDERED BLACK! PEPPERt "Freer froni Adulteration, at"' . '-'dec 18 V'W j- v ' SCARR'S." Ai Supply of i Pennsylvania t Red s Top ioL Clover Seed, at t , .jC J -j' ' - ' v " STENHOUSE, 'MACAULAY & CO. t ; JUST EECEIVED T 4;' , S Cf A Rf R S f DT;R tT G' S T J R E , I TAPIOCA,'-. ' MtJX&i'r 'V'i : MACARONI ITALIAN I j : 1 SAGO,- if POW'D BLK. PEPPER, jFRESH.SAGE'.; ; f vli ' ? j- If jan31 ' ' 1 MORE of that elegant Sour Kraut ; come running or it will all begone before you get any. "M , t , , .1 .. Also another lot of Good Chesnuts, not many worms- r Jj JF BUTT-.. jan23, - 3 ; .; KATE3 Olf ADVESTlglKG. One Square one Ome.;... $1 00 - ' two days..; r. 1 50 ' uiree oays "..... 2 00 lour days 2 0 " 1 five days.........';'.!.......,... 3 00 ' : v one weck.:-..i....... 3 50 , two weeks. ......... M. 5 00 -r - three weeks.......'....... 6 60 ' one month 8 OO 2r Contract Advertisements taken at proportionately low rates. Five Squares estimated at a " anarter-col- umn, and ten sqtiarcs as a half-column. THE CHARLOTTE 'JM i--li. 7 J. T. BUTLER'JS ! ! ',! ;NEW GOO. 1'it.rt V 1 ip.r Watches, Clocfcs, Jfewet ry,- Diamonds, -Silver and Plate! Ware; Spectacles, io. vt law MUSIC B02ES -r. "-Jut t - ANB.MANi TOO ; NUMEROUS I ji'.rjlaiDJ Vi JJHITETCIrt! opposite: the assign itpuscv . October 22 :' ' ":'": A NEW FAST FREIGHT UKE .'.T ; . .. behveen - : BOSTON," HEW' BALTIMO; SOUTH AND SOTJTH-EST, GREAT SOUTHERN FAST FREIGHT ilK:f VIA NORFOLK.' THIS' Fast Freight Line is'ownCvf, con trolled and operated ; by the? Rdilroad and . Steamboat Compaiiics in intercstur--the Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio Railroad Company, the Richmond antl'Danvillcr Railroad Company, .the Western; North Carolina Railroad Company, the Charlotte,. Columbia and Augusta Railroad Company,, the Old Dominion Steamship. Company,, the Merchants and Miners Transportation Company, ! the Annamessic Line', andt Clyde Steamers, and' the Baltimore fetcan Packet Company who guarantee ', Bills of Lading and Rates always , as Low as the Published Rates of any '; ' ' .-other Line: " '"' Mark Goods "G. S. D.," via Norfolf, and" ship as follows : - - . ; J ,t . I FromJBOSTON, by Merchants and Miners' Transportation Company, . pifice 87" "Washington st. W. M. Clark. Agent, From" NEW "YORK, by 1 Old 'Domlnion? Steamship Company, Ker No. North ' River. OflSces,. 187 Greenwich (st, and r 303 Broadway. C. E. Evans, Ageiit. From PHILADELPHIA, by Philadelphia,. . Wilmington and Baltimore" ' Railroad i Company ( AnnameSsic ; Line.) u Offices - 44 S. Fifth St., above Chestnut and cor ' jicr Washington ave. and Swanson it - John S. Wilson, Agent, v , m j.,f ' From PHILADELPHIA, by Clyd and? ;" Company's Steamers. Office, 12 South. Delaware ave; Clyde & Co. Agents From BALTIMORE, hy Baltimore 'Steanv : - Packet Company (Bay Line!) ' Office, 154 Agent. . -: " ' ' ? Claims' for losses, damages- and'- 'ever . charges settled promptly by ,Th6ma Pinckney, Claim AgenL Norfolk; Vav Freight handled carefully and for warded promptly in through carsi'i -V No Dravacre Transfers bv this Rmita:. . For further information apply to Officers and Agent of the above Railroad 01$ Steams boat Lines, or to , . ' ' ; C. E. WADDELL .VA - jan 31 i . . General Southern AgentU Hociny, Honiny; BMs Choice Hominy. ; just recci VcdJ , and for sale by . . . , jan m . ; R. M. MILLER &, S0NS - TT(iefTT TIT TH -t3l TTrTTTrt -T T,nO . IMPROVED and UNIMPROVED.' II JJKK PARTIES wishing to invest in such prop- r pertv on reasonable terms wctildi do -wjell to'cair at oear bfiice in tho Court Houses" . ' ' ' V Further assignments andcorrcrpoadence solicited; '.. GRAHAM fe NASH, . - Attorneys, U- jan-2l5n .- : Charlotte, Nf C - so jar. 4

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