. .... ... , Vil .', W'.il' If :"l)iT'"jrii :;; .ii .i si rr; - : , Kates or, AD,Tir.i:i:;c. -. P TmT.T5TTT-t TiV r - 1 I 1 T JONES ;UcLAtidilLiNr r 44 two cays.-...... i &y three iiav3 ' r.l OflElce(Uryce,aEuU(Iing, Trade y 'J - (i M k n nW4p a V W . II 2- M 4w t - ' .. a w i " ii 4 : fiye drys...;.w....:.. 5 CO?' bates or 8xmscKiPHQ2r-; Daily,! One year.in advance,? ........f'VTOUjjQ ."' ' tvi to' wecks.MMMMM.wW.v.. 5 CO RLr months. In advance,.-..........-....' 14 ' : three weeks-...... 6 IJ : Three Months in advance, ...... 1 50 , One month, in ad vance,.wi. ........ 50 Tri-Weekly, one year..MM .......;.".'.V 3.50 Weekly, one year.M....:;..'.X.wii..UV.;.f 2.00 44 , '. erne month . ft t.Ht i3 Contract Advertisements takeit. St proportionately low rates: - . ; , 1 Five Squares estimated at a otiarter-coP nimn, and ten squares as a half-eplurlitf T-rr- 1 A ft .S-jFFy ed SAJLT on hand f V v aim ior sale .oy, , , ; , 1 " "I 1 - . r ' 1 f " i , i. . ; ; " , - ; t. 7 i ; i 5 4JL ft . i. ! I'? i i 1 J i f i if. 1 if 11 -4 A. i .JI! i..lra tin nftm ' . Yet ver to he done anew I ; Uv,i Oh. cares, which come with erery,. ennv-i ,.;.jThe irksome ,cali ofjeyeryiday. r "Ane restless sense of .wasted power, j -t gf ne. tiTesonae ypund o atue. tnmgs, Are hard to. bear, as hour; by boor 'Its fedioua.itervtiop.hrngs,,i " . Who shall avade, on who sall delay Thjs sinaUdeniads-of eyjerjr,dy ? The boulder in the torrent s, coarse , By tide' and temrUa m yai Ohevs .the waive-whirled . Debbie's 'force. , AndVyieldsy, its ubtangrin p; 'crumble ffltrongest.iivesi i away'i1 v' V ; , Jkiicath thQ eax of e:erday.;; . . ypo,nnas inc uon ui iairt . , ' . May wound them ere they are;ware,ui? nr ; yr conquer ,umi u uwiaie Birue- Yet powerles he so scathe 9T,slay ' ! 1 , The vexing gnats of every day. , The steady strain that never Stops . . Xdmightithane.ercieashoek'i VT&e constant fall, pf WAterdrbps -; IWiljl groovetheadataanhe rock ; Ve ftl our noblest powers decay, ; "Inl'leeble waiai.1Ci.eTerv:4ay4 - . VV.e rise to meefc a ..heayyjplpw "WM liiit we. cuaure not, always ' - r rt 1 Tbedrop-by-ppf Uttjeils.; - itf JArvInr ji1 still mKv . .M . :Thehardbeflics9eyery:c The heart whicb boldly, feces death t jJpon the battJfiewjAnddaresj J Uni0" ana aay uijuiy.ituwts; ppneaiii (The needle points of frets andcarcs i i ,Tb' tinjr;sjtMiga. pfirap,dynl : And even satnts. pf holy, fohxej j t iU'Iios souls bvfafth i ltave jovercmei- H 11(1 wur; ikumi jiyiw, w wijiiuc .- - t - JThe moultbn;,cr9Yu rinabirdom, - -ire not without ;oj,rtplai alyvuys Tle letty pains pX'verjji :lay v ' -.lvVJti, 1 Ana more man ncro s ncan 01 nre. We need the humble strength pf soul y 'b!dr.iian.:UU require Sweet Patience, grant us, if you may. tynl added; grace ia2 eryi o!ayf -. - Yocg Lady Sues ; fos c x b&kaoh who brings suit against a young Jady najned iLoHainrqefrrfusin comply with.trije terms pf a Vwajrriage. engagement ', into ,rhii;i4i8heKhftl fore viouslyentercjd; -This irfsacid 'd lienbot the first time- at "which she h as yiolale?nK'e XpfM: riue, ana it is repoirauaio prove ner.-maiieQajomnongnM-ftnHqJsTC diiperation ritli-twhi5h she snapped the tobth'i)uiiers4ieart strings. lief old discarded flam'ea vSl l-adf a ncei s rh niefliodic(f.egulKMi4,i.'-ii;,'aJSQ; alledge that Uiej -fAir-lady. igave,:her. afQCkn can.ceav S!n 6 s ' X01 contiuiiigi -uen , flotilitifh clibfiKe-' m' the tist cvv "fa VPf UVU - mm jr v Tecetiit decision of Judge d Elod- -..gett, otate a aij rp ay t ii i .niisoana ns ,aeoom.ssai.oii iur wie i -i debts -ot -h is ? tvite no ?; matter ; w n en , contr.actedwAjHd-ttt' trie- ? jlam e" tiii e 8io5(Wr4UinAb86luCe "Control pf "g .Jpaauin MillerJhe creat Califora; 3i5pi&t.wa3 inariyIife wortifJ4 . . i n v -r-r . ' . . 1 . 6aiI a ess iellcwiHe' Waa' ln'carcersted in Hire ' Oh. triflinz tasks, so often done. ; . i iAIora i , flr , orn,.; -,tqer fong -yev i . through !,., ' j j-. 1 - . J. A We shrink beneath their paltry sway-m of ,PROMr3E.A-novel case is on a'rial' before ajtifj ni'lit6rVtreil, jflfe ' 'til? being a dentist nam'edf. Matntef ! solemn'pro'ceiriand jgive vidfcr;66f, jipu'nst liei-'yvitli1tKe;'vl9ws bf estlaV-lii1ntrlloMlMataber.KilteVwit!i. thermometer of? hpt flectionrf ' owiy a week previoiis t'o ihe, day;' appoint ed: for the i-erern onv: ana further, that lino parinersiup .wiifrij. ,i . -pusuiviy, tc( carjr, oa:buisiess for :her sepeMe interest-If;3rtlerai e of m arriife, lAth!,n-Am ri-rotjertvi-eYerv-i cent - tlie i Jipr ownentct ana noining goejj to. ii ';i r""" a ; i u'atiai of -Shasta 'iftftttity fat horse ' stpJ f i 'j ing; ahd -escapted by tbfe assistance. f as a mistress, and eafdeil, for Jitr jjuevoi-ion uy.tiuaiiuujii.ug uiauiiv. lie , stole s .ano(Qier.r:i.orse,-. escawet t wHi wen t tdiOtegbn, gayup7 his wil J f thrtk tO.-Htfiratn-rft J iriil nrifetrv. in f 5 has 'dwA''Wd-ddidelaine.4 .-. .. .... .-.. i 'Ir-.: ..t "' 'TJ 41 fat I Mr. Francis !Warden patJtier'olLV T. Stewart and worth tett' niillicf rr, jhat he Made. mJBusinesa,, with lor. fi - Steward died intPams'onKi 27th fbf ,f 1" loatrndnth?.. fOh' "hearing 6 it, IU. , Steward telegraphed tdilrFox, Ua partner in Great Britten, 1 1 to go jto Paris. LWhen Mr. Fox .'anrivjecL Mr. f ; . . r Warden had , been dead w houlrs, , y'l-jls da$3 having fpUpweoA close .r. t' uu iiuaii ui ilia nuvj.Huvr j - Davis: of Bostoru ; rl, ' j i ill fvjy;Sitt;V ' fit . : f iMoilX NORTn fJAJRCtLINIAKS RSLTVX ).4 JVV learn Tthat aprivate' telegram u ai recived bv a gentleman mt "tnis c :ry .i1 Vesterday rbrnl'VSenattfr'Banstfni, n"l-X ' V K -Tt$4 ' ' '0:A1i " -CftV a 1" - 1 v .passed the bill rein'pvini jtlifi Jpolil j- T-cal t disabilities bf H6n.'ji.Eui5c 1 .5 Mfr,CraigC,H6n. W. N. It! C.-iiith , fapt. bamqeii Ashe, of this; bt:atn. Mil ft .Th o- weath er; was"ka co! :1 lii1 v.- ..t viand in the first of this .r. h tLi n a hundred.perons Troza'itaT.'dcath Jn Jv . , three days, . . . i F. -lii D'lI E L T O' II tAvll gfeayrfcVeased his Stoick of Htl FUXlNIXUJv ithichrrconsisU'iini rencn, ana ; 4;ouase , r rt v . Teapoys, Folici iit Tables Xadies Worlt Tables ; listensioil and t Excelir and Cotton vMattresses. Chairs and ; StooH of various styles and many other thihgi not necessary to mention. ine unaertacers Department is cornplete from lhe heapes?; Poplar Coffin to the Finest fHeiiean, Head, and JPaat Walnut Cask t HaQlass TppfinishRnd; rtrim med n the most ADicovedstvleKiU be kei .C?vMyI f aa&tii furiu,alio wUich will n ....1 A A . . . A. 11- ' I , , I y -lletuxn lBk! UiKOtVit hanks for ua-t farnrs 1 most respectfully; ? ask thea citizens of LCharlotte and surroundink 1 conntrvi''wbii 1 r .... 1 nie a. caii ueiore purcnasing eiseM'nere. I &ia fhiny?cH IritiiacfcltnisyeansI respectfullV rJek ti inform the citizens of. Charlotte and the I'ltlWC lb ill V CSrULIllSllIimilL. a X Jl 111 M M ill selQcteOjtfick At,th imJest..an4,lAest styles ftr.3 n-iysmyefif, aio on hand afine-Wc f Gen ts Fiini islnni; 'r Goods, V Shirts." - OC Of w ui MiA i Mgwgpaiesi,-; styles ?oi xiaia. and f willTsdliTfett HhwnaV ufifcfa tcfcdefV Ii8xpect-t4eav!if4r KewctrkCltv in a, ihirt5tfentay.iirqhyWekf'CUrtM and rieeVkpou,forna'aitonng,i lihpicot and -WiW Alsai brin'-With me ah xmiiM3ed4?utder an Tailor; nd : will be atmjoim tstahlishihent nd "hder,1iyi owrrwiiJervwk)Vnda 16w! prices- than, the smii!qnahtyigbods?anotnade up F Beinj; thankful lotte and tlie-iml iiiliraliJttaiilB li me,JJuvwttspQcU ask a continuance, OSrt' Back Country. Flour,1 different UraaeffJorsaierav . a , . jan 21. ,)'IUilVE.'MIUT.8dS.-f''1 ; ;, (.. ;. ;.,)i.ia ..4mii i.j; fti. .ft ' nor30J Ell"? : O : 4 I'll ;.". For January, 1873, How OiiwIssneA iasi s Quarterly.- ,The:four numbers sent to-nnj-i address, by mail, for 25 cenf3?J2The TiqhciJt and most instructive Illustrated and iA. ni i ..IJI . M t.T- criptive FUwal i Guide, everi. published. Those tof iQn' panrons who- ordered Seeds jasc year ana were areuiiea wku .-so.ceius. will receive the four . Qnarterlifes for 1S73. Thrtse who .order Seeds this-rtor will' 'oft' credited with a subscriiition 2071874- The- Tne January nunioer conramsneariyiw Entrravincs, Two Superb Colored PJates'f suitable for framing, and also ."Tinted jtates" oit our -gorgeous jnorai unromps , information relative tt) Flo&ersi -iVefceta- bles, &c,. and their cultimtion,-afid'tf such matter as ' was formerm&und in onr Annual Catalogue: You 401 missitdf parison on quality of Seeds hnS prices an sizes of packets. Our .'Calendar Advance Sheet and JPnce List for 1873,Ysent free. Address: inti ; ; ' BRIGGS & BR0THEB, VJ -i" " - Seedsmen an4 Florists, "i jan22-4w" . , Kochtster, TUCK WHEAT CAKES aU'imokinhol jlj covereu over wn-xi y enowj ncnt gooa Goshen Butter. - What is niDre palatable for Breakfast ? . Well we have just received, 1 A T A C Al. A. A them, and we .will sell the. rxeipf fbf. a mall price. - iU rp A"' ALSO, J ! S j ' "Just fecTed Irish Potcf A, . Cabbage, TATTT . ff I 1VIVIIICI . TTAIR Brushes, Tooth Br ishes,uNail . wm. Ji..iiuiiw . v. tT dec 21 ' - Sprtij. 3',Cprneir'j TrKROSENE LAMrS O ! rjih BURWXLL&CO: dec 2i . JUST received a BblJ, of nice AThiti Sauf . Kraut, for sale by 1 V-:- ntjouuiu 'j.j?iDiTCeiGppxsrEc? nj MarKet House. CharltteVN;iCl --i j"fj 1ttti:W73-ly P.M. 8HELXQN- 1 1 IV AW U y2re?L! eedsr. rbelbre seng : Brjgg3; & Brolhersuainv.Ve challenge, jcaran V Jan 23 v . bXAUUd s ia. T' - v -'-Y --'V-i- aJLJhk X VA' TXitTTVn J - i : " i . T 1 A J.t a . ' P.ess are lei&V0sbliev4-matl) ap-j pticatroriJtfithi be aXoscii-goodsjieajperUajJoUiose who sJareue. anji payahle'oii "dl If day bf 'each 'and every month. j -nil -;J nGHUilf AIJIXAKDER. !t'1an t,-1878,' ay i ; : sinonToirnoiiSE. - :0: fHHEt Iropriet)ri of,the above named X, lot.ei.resTCetiuJiy myiethe-peojv'f Charlotte and the public generally to , call vii uiiq (wucu wdKy.i visit routusvuie. 'YiiUi ifpurv, nei,unr , pf ji joe- money 10 make the SIM0NT0N .HOUSE a fir blasi jiwx jiianit'WOATny oipuoiio pairoiiagr. ; T. AiJilCE, ' .. nov 25-tf ' Proprietory 1 t .-f. I till' ' .-.7ni si!. .1 - " CO .. -. ;' r- V r:. '. -- - - i ...v..l 1- Selected especially for Family uirtd Inval id . f fir,,T?Ra 5junel. u:iiB.rA Drug Btpre. XJUJb.SU Si-ILKS, . -,!,pi njne2ftN ?t.n. h MtPiug Storet r. qiWOAces, of .latjd adfoinig tbi CSty.of X Charlotte, very finely situated in a riipiuiv.i juiipruvuii-- ueiguoornooa. Jij Lv!Ji- I : : it" i i htmi U9 m ma lemjiw,, uriij xoxs -co.suiv purcnasers. 1,11 ' " . 1 1"" - fif' U -t fr-vl Irti! Ui:-rta,t 'luff 2 i"rii" it r rv,4rr .i V f:!j-:;'JW-.l i.;. .ir y F Tv :' -.IT . a-, ii..-.. TL' in sblendid '6rderi 1 "At TJitYJDSOjS HVEftY' STABEES J HorBes 'and Mules a-V. lvi. iA- VaI -.i-a4.1. a nov lo-tf y' iKiy'yi' ;iIlEEtfunSed,' 1Busnels,;ltfountJU l4Vfed tfets. 'tot' sale W ' 1,r - , .. -"BtEKHOUSU, IJfAO AUCA Y t JCQ. g N"f: .:i-rt o ?,f ft t '' ' TjrOIjana Gr!Bs ; fresnarid' good. JJL Goods sent to parts or tne vjty . i;"tij'f ".'f;:.. 'ii j'"'m . ' r 11 l:Kl!ljjKjLdlUIt;i-l'i: - . tr ? .THE BETS; .THE, plsLM? A M vl .i!Ur:HifftiK'' aiid iWatsoff B Clarke's' Buper--Phosphate! a.Weh'ave.tlA&ure miagajaiitendenng to flurTiAXtmeif4intfuve;.ii WWl anteea to ' oe iuny;up meir previous high standard Ji-tV J.y..h:. ifti.'.i 'ii..ii f :-ii.j.ikil,.'..jjL- :" And to such as have nqt yet used itben one trial will convince then that they are stiperioi to all o.tfters so rraJF-jre , or a surrolxana,;pease ;handj jn, .ypui orders iV ouan $ STENHOTJSE,1 - MACAULAY i A G.O. n i jim.'lpiK jtI 4in f-'jl J isl i ..,!.. i aa Bnshts . MOTamairj- ansn dfotavoes. lU.UiWanraiuied. Sound and rod at tim perhusheL.u.j.t: .)krP sua blcascdtd : Fay 'that 'tha 'chanre lif'.,',',M,i',J.i i'-hulh.t! . . . .. f iiett pladel -and It is'tt sAly n?A oeaiJYiCr,SClTa -Thosawhodonotl s. ? . ' -....1 . -Jf si .fi i a .nf!! -.lt hou. - T.T- r. .TobWaifyTtrieHa re- turn1 thanlcs'aria ask 'crithiuance - of . . . :0: 'mistreeeWeS-a1 .f5t" W; select ? Snick fi& iiyaiiyia iit uth;t Jfll viu.DVug Store, if ni vJol I- l. . . J, ; To those .who nave used them so many Virpdr nW nril v Siir thkt thev are" rtlar eany, las in9 .vo"ii(Jcvf, -H? manufacturing ppwfer. , " VSrrfaTe-iiianyauantftf,-y1'!J Oifl i . e 0l:'?'lV iTl.wi .iefci fMirL -jjY! - TlfE tbd Undersigned bes tlearct to thank . V I n our, friends t an ..aaintces fpf thfeiriiberil patrpnage btoed.vpori our Cnjpl6yer,.Mr.--E.:Shriei: tortl ? -pasirye andTmost'respecmilly' lk1 fcdvmuancef rashic!tf -rwespectfully, r j-i .f(tni f : A-H. TATS. : jam '-ni .!!krif?-..lt,a o-f. V - j CLASS -t.wV kl r 7 V It? EMKBACING tatrTaMate Lidebbardsi'Boold Cey,wDesksHatRac3b,tEU W&iP l4cradlesr " -'U ?rf ii rx.no! . ,TBn . . - - ...TTAwirrnTTJhl! lo UiiiiM , lElBTOCK of Parlor IWmilu KrreP'ftytefm4.tiMsh.Thisf'How A6??8 a Ml stock of Spring .METALLIC BURIAL CASESi'v 'u Ana Casket oi M sizes aiydifftyiesj ofjfjhj tpgethfr wUh,fahpany T -. sv .iiinr I'nn law a n-v w a .r. a . v-ing3. special atcemion giyen u lurnisninsr uweiiings, -noieis ? j V ntf C0llegesfa 'a -shTaB2 Wance'Vbn'M rtt. -3 ii-;d n CAr.rV.'fifc'E A.NDP."RICICtBKFORE BUYINGJt1- i 1 'v"'il I. a. - fs i ?,i'iiiffjf;f :ijf'5 aJ: .ViMt ft vTti h vJiitntirtu rfr'ri,iMJ1rrf!ifiT ir P Vi 1 B IOt N OtF'.T OEHlS U-'il' 9 B 001-11 4' i I :if,u.n--..ii ot Iv-HTIOTrAL BANK BTJIMWtf. .? . ' f-n' ii -i ..-,, n... ......; - ..... r...-..- , x -if tilt: HOLES'aLE & B-ETAIlJ bEAtEli lB'0bTS"SliOES,'HATSJ CABS ..VzX-ZTSUNk "TOT vitthtHOLESAIiB -ftiidJiBTAIL trade itoi Dayjlargeiind raried as sJtirtrnchfc offiOOTS & SHOESwhich..ha,ve, been elctLvjith, ca.it. n vrr -..f t i. t t M Y . EjrnerienCiS I in hlislntiss make ' nie "confident that mv Prices and the dualitF of pay gx-Kj-fyicomparQ jfayqrably with 1.. MtJj-iffiJ'i.V!7rU-.nf,r. P.O. I AM KUW. PKHPAKED ' rO OFFElt lrayiri8.TheaiIdirtiGrHf,: o&Jfa cotief e rad:aiidiiChuJch! streets', is a new! one-; the; roVAna ' aro Cleaiily i cdoCoHP ably, neatly fifcbed.iind wpll attended , -W4rkfh roj- rdoderate salaries. r . ijan l-f. .iK -j fiHuiia -H H 3 j ti t 5.1 L i l-f ; T-l- : 11 nave tnia day soioroux.t!nwre stocic ins linuafabe bfthfefiberal -patronage bestowed upon us to our successors. ." i m ; ui?. -u GREGORY' AWILLfABJSON, ,ff - - :Wa j. jjlackj ttcou V 1 onene ct"W!lliams6iA,s! Wd' Wtfo'ineSct door, to McMurrav. DaviSH CtW5!at lhich ; place ive wUl constantly ikeep a complete 'Stock r : And oulo' pfvdly ask'a caU ;trotn the public " . .- - .1' " .i-HHOUSTQN & CO. Pv SAV; J- ORR andi -T JDi WALfilis, 4 fOfiTcirly..wthiGregory1&Wuhamson, and McD. ARLEDGE. formerly with W. J. .Blact&rejWitjii-us andy wll be pleas- eu VKf ape i.ueir uieuu unci vutAjiiit;is. - r., v wHHi'HUSTON &OO. - L'"1 J : Particular attention paid to-,selhngi all kihds'of Produce,' Cotton aiid Tobacco. t , , -" TTfh'pst cafeh Drice-D'aid for,-Cotf6h.,iJ ,f I ! All orders from a distiuica riibmptly at tended tou -jui!'iri 't-i 1JY.BRYCEi? iedec;21fJ75.h.iii- k! ifHMf"i'"'1 l Shoulders, et . jaifr.a-i'.H R. IfjlTILLERASONS. J ta i s . ritin ; Paper and Envelopes caap; a- ; punsroY's. meais.-orwicmneajs' joniy.'as ine iJOKFaer.?' "'Tfefni's 'rAAOStiberat fo sm'itferks-twha ofjGrcieencsXaqttOrsjflccito .Messrs: 11 H HOUSTON CO,., arA in .eUri from business rrawsfclJ nil v. ask a con- , xttAM-$i JJ-VMa-JWjj tlfrt,, iUuV( ?y I. - 's -and -Greeroy i,Wiilianion!s entire l stock of Goods, we have onehedat Gre'tforv-i :4Ofeni'tkirAAAAiiak'i6&- ' JLJ C,UI,Xili5 .ana. fqwst a yoiuta. SeaUy, redrieed prides; 'jusf receivted at U i (riHOJCE Or-i I'rench "Brandy ifor Medi- la -.v . ; o .-tTrlili j Pnpcr ,: T " .--V . t (.-, ..... , .-i " fc . I mm 1.. I.. Villi., YISiLlAl' UlUUlUVlfC. T1AAA Very jai "- - . -C' ' " - Cosewobdi1; t, to he. .'.! .fenn - a n nr. . MH . n fu . - . ' . f fnviUjt(i tlrxiu ;jIifc-ji : rvaifki j . . - 'til lift -n fiiiM t it dj i ? those of ary other'hottse1 in."the,5ty bjelsev j,...,,!, l-;ri-ujViL. --Vinji: j'ff " UOOJJo TO TJUfi VVMOJUlUjLJi; TKAXlt r ot!sneao:s:JJngnt aNtvt urioans i ngar T.iU air . I. .tt -' - . asses TO nut , vl.ff ;-.3nu . . . "v.! lul Hi ;Ti Tn'ADSWOR-fHBMftlSiUTerj itaj he City Qoc; ;k, UOliSES and MU1 torsaie ana 1111 I .IK JfclU .2ttJ.J"l--t il.lW t .jl tei 'dfeif credit dtirmfe' thtf-east yea.WiU - , - . -i PiTfnfri a fttvot irooii.ns bvcailmaat once andsettling their accountflas tins jnttstbe OurW'appealTREMEJtBERlT! f - vn li'JJU fii JOJMi.AIlJTurLilcAtTlSU .; jan 11 r iUuisi Tvinii r i rr pejiiatfiecomVle as, nTf.mfttfhi-Kni st's Celebrated Garden Seeds, conistin of every .yarietyof Yege-' taoie secog CTQwn n uie couiaem oism. ; jan 1' - H y i. F. SCAfiR. , TURE t'OWlED LACK PEPPER, v jiec 1 t, . r -' 1 1 ., SCARE . ii? i i): df-. 4toil CloTcrt'Cfeed;. p i JSupplylof 5 PtmnsylVanlaiJ Red J Top Iil.ifaoTerSeed.'t:o -i l-sf i .t s d-iilft o;,8TEH0USEj AlAttAm- fS, 17. iTAPlDCA; DA;! 11 ?K H U , j 7 v llLlCAROlTLTAyrM f 1 r J. tl MAJaaUiI I fc"? '""Mai f - t fi U TC t a 1 POWJLBL!5PEPPRi m l-ntA r TTRFH RAGE. V,iT.i . ! l( f ORE bf 'that elegant'Scft? j?raut j come Jjl running of IV will all d 054 -$eS&3 you getiahy."' Also another lot of Good Ch3nuts, net many wonns. ' ; ; 4. j? . j-j a.x.. t Jrfi r-"-11"-?' Vr-ittbCompny.the Ilichmond and vrrt it f i m i o tf oit iitui ; -; ... .Kattread. tJomnan A. 1 hi. 1 .'. .,.... . . . ii a fit J' ' '. ' .- .i ill)!. il Stud -...jj-'r t,- 'n-n rrr'jTisi' ''w i' ': , CIocIaS, JcwcI BOJjKi ..(ll ti"'?' I .... . . . f.rti ana, flatea .Ware, ,j;'f .Mutj- i'..'l 'ivifi.: AND . MANY. , lixtllK? tllii-l Jf :Xlu'f: ft. I Jborl lm.fi! f;;v. x.T iTif'i--,-TTTrPr-T7Wf3 W J.:a jOJ J JL JUJLJXV -i-r - OPPOSITE; TIIP 31 ANSIOS-HOUSE. if . f BETWEEN "- '" . . AND. . - . .s V'lSOTrillAKDSOUTH-Wi VIA' KORFOliKi- - miB'Fast f fcfghl L owned," con JL tttleu anjti9pemtedl ; in irrtercst -Ohio Railroad Bantille v.. tne . AYestcrn ortli) Carolina -Railroad Company, the Charlottes Culunibia and Augusta Railroad Company, , J-.lnv "OicL, Dnniinwyn-RtpAnmliin ComriaiiT.. the Merchants and. Miners Transportation- ". lCompa"lTy,; thei Atma'niessic' Line,. and -' tVlyde eteamers and tne liaitunore steam Packet C!oni"Jiy-r-who guarantee , , liills of jading and Kates always as Low: 11 J 'Ktiie Published Rates'ofkny ' uoun iM othCTLinV,;i: ylK '- :, pMark Goods 'Gi S: B.' via! Norfolk, .and silicas follows th H hijJmji -fvfi From BOSTON :by Merchants ana Miners- Transportation v Coipany, ,t Oice" &f : Washington st. vV, M. Clark'. Agent.. H From NEW YORK, by Old Dominion- . Stetirasliip Cbmpaby, Pier No. 37 Noitm Rivcr. Offices, 187 Greenwich St., and S03 Broadway. ' 'C. E. Evans, 'Agent.. . From PHILADELPHIA; by PbiladelpHiai. .j.WUtnington and.JBaltimore, , Railroad ' Company (Annamessic Line.) Offices, , ' 44 Si vFifth st.i above 'Chestnut and cor ner Washington aye and; ;-Swanson L- an6 Soutn . Dela ware aye.v Clyde & CoAgents. ; From BALTIMORE, bv Baltlmofe Steam -'J1Packet Company (Bay tihe.)' ' Office, 15 WvJUitimoret-treet;; " Claims 'for - losses, damages,, ami over charees . settled prbmptlr byv'Tliomas ;Pinckney,.Claim Agent, 'NorfplkyVa. v ta- Frcjght bandied carefully t and xoiv warded promptly in through cars. 1 ,-Na Drayage Trarisfert by this -Route. r T?tt frtrthr in fi-irmatirm nrmlv tv.f)f3r t - and Acent or tne aoove Kaiiroaa or. ; otStcamv boAU'XinesJ ;or to i at J : jan 31:' , General Southern. Agent," Cf iLls.7JCiok Hoinh . frtn iMfr&w r Tirfe Rrw 0GI5-JlIOIDnnG!IS, Jil-JJ!-. J;'4 -AJJ J-,; 1,1 j l f-l. t ' DESniABLE ITIiniG IAIID3. J fiiLR6viMid UNIMPROVED, TARTfES wishihg to in vest fn such prop -t ; pertT: oni .reasonable terms trould do welT-ta call at our office in , the , Court tiue.j' " ' . rTcrtber tzstrnmenls and cottc ;ndczc ' ec'JdtedA.. . GRAHAM & NAG1I, A.i AftrVrnpm jan; 21-.a Charlotte, N. C. nrrnr Uliili .1 II hi IL J ... . John S. W-ilsoiy Agent. sna - Fmni PHILADELPHIA' iy v Oompany's Steamers. -0mceVi12 J -.1 i. . ,

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