Til v I? r -daily zmv:, 11 'i fL "J. ..nday,; February :H,1C73. ., ,. . .-. . Yit(ia vr;ii! ist f Insu rrect ion 'i 7'i'Sfain gallia strength, every day. jT7,eKevorUfioh,m.apam.' in wai I accomplished without bloodshed,.- -j '0Mfj:Vrf: l ThhlVinithl ftt HhrrisbuTi?'V:t3' - r,u': dtaned in honor of Gov. (Jcary miiii wiiii m "A bill- has passed the 'Senate ':' OXlOllUHllr - - TMtUr 3UUlUei,ll ;viIMIr i .Corn in lesion to"1876. v Postmf(ster-General Creswclris , uircateiicu wmi pneuHiuma. It. appears in evidence flnfoHniWfcCT (Unstawrfiwy p s xHusiayn -tM tne nexvtor in row oir-incsnacKies7-i - ' : - y flairs an rs that'Judge DurfeltrwidtHctUo inordniatc use onfiquoir. 1 : v The Credit Mobilier , lnvestig7 UOll continues 10 -unruci. trywiu everv day" T "- r " i The death penalty has been (rrThiiUrepublicjiri fopi of Gov nimenf was .adopted in the Span iish Cortes by a vote of 230 toteS. v One of the main objects o fMnT!TTf CTinS :SI"ci J9orgv Stato-Asneuttural cottvexw $ -rtion tioV WsessiortxiUAueusta is to . The friends! cf-IIort : JosiahTut . perfect a plan for bringing European! - .i immigration to . the South : and .ifH I- " f - -- -- T - . i-J 4.fttrtheranee of this to: secure a line ;itf ftteaiushlps l)etvea;iJonie South iily-; Gail n ey,the '.wife .murderer of . Alban jv New York, hangs to-day? '. . TU"c,Gvrlist insurrectionists bi 'Spain liavc'bloekadcd Saragossa. , . Gernifth papers hint that the abdication of Kins - Amadeu;s:f;was secured by French intrkueyar: 5 -: 7"$-rTbe Sew ork!lfr(rjtt .advo- caics a cnansv in uiu viecionUyVAj, I vJfge ysteniifvpJiPS' JA, Presl deii Jqzada, thq, Alcxican Kcvolu Sflist iB-hist;vPditil-. manifesto;, .proposcs to establish a" government similar io the. Pans 'Commune. . .brolccrf Yail jreci pitatetl aw acconi modation train into- nl river Af3 f ij?Ttfcjntr.5t?,,''j 1vTi the Tublie 'ireaurcr in ccrUm c;ises came up as the special order at 11J v'v1 :k ' ' . . . " a; ,ic crolution ant ho izcith" Go ci ior, ii his inu Tidt VI ; ;if ' tV pi y"r. i f JpcaJ fror i ,t le Xc rc j i f tho.Cire- -t Court of vhcIIi:vIcwc' atra for theWestcrn- Uisfncr of JS'orth Carolina, rendered at the Jast term thereof, in the case of' Henry - Clews tnd others vs. the , Western -N." C K.i the State -may room re in this matter; . . ...I . 11 I yi nw .imimi iiim1 ilia, i . ii t 11 fart that Uoyaltr is doomed to go ami auttiorwe uie Jreasurer to-give Spaniards, haj taken the world some what by surprise. Such an event was not : jti'any w;iy4 Joreshadgwed. The yct:; I!ng' v as r . U j uiouVJi to keep his own counsels. - i p -. -'T.ls,odde.n' Wectitjo 6fas Ileputi liciuipain will .-tartlet lie monarchy of the Old World; the (all of so an cient a throne is an omiMOUS sowdr fan'pust arouse the crowncdffcc5s of Europe to a consciousness of the Ui BE torney for Kansas, is connectediUf iJyUttiilleei the Tomcroy rascality ' r i i ij "fftirif'i s , " for their bold, patr t-r.thejiern-tr'djpfd'iyi. the bill provides, 'ihc amendmeut was adopted. The bill then, passed its third rc.- lir.. n; - V , ,Tlie4-esoI Uion in, favor " oC J. J I a?jyT;fcl:cr 11 oi t picn county, ; vai tr.ke Vup aiiJ'rKiscd its severs! r ad-; ! On moiioh oflDtidley, the LillNto amend chapter 130 , laws of "IS. 0-1. in relation to.thc fees of Justices of the Peace "was taken up-.antP passed its several readings )Oi lotion J(t.llMJaoirison.- the bJUxeinj'tint; persens who have at m France, and Srain-lvelmeThe "... a mm . mm . - . - m I . I . . m-m I J-h. . 1 ' . iejptiblicr ?r iyg'ss?rfnay ftrV-Crf throw efFtnelnackles and, unfettered takeYliervI pja'ce am ongihe BcpnLUrs )C Uue-eartlwr-( Wo hope for inefioiidr flAiniaui- become the fashion in these new He republic ef ours. i hnnhirudiciary, itK iistnic tioii to rciort jUicreon t mx?oW m ern i iTi.M dafl e A ke 4kia lor H O ciock oi iiie iini uv.,---- l M !2;lY.dc)rtt1iQ (toaslderat wnttf ill V ' - - ' JVil t'i'v was resumed. . v. 'irnrr.:-: ne toiiowing on is .passeti ineir Trertnsiteatwo thin's.vottft .M f r sour A -Ui.l in relation to the changd ;3H; the.Lniversity : tJI? .Jillhin relatijJoit)jy State census. ; Iiil Ian 'relation to, Public tbri :piu,iiturf,iatio)1f.o biennial umnyesieruay muicaies -mar me Tll -;nff ,l:ns f:l:,wl tb-i3a i river ;n i. ' t,..:A tr KrjKi;i' V It feins td appear that I Judge iillorton,nited 'SUtes District Ates nciv Jr,, in,Xinsrjoro,;'-.,prtiposeo oioLn - iijdignat on- meeting . to- morrow to exe8; tl:cirjsentimehtr: on pilblic pnntilig)' :f - - Fine , letter tofth. .Kditor.rOftHe jxuruw:. wnicn appearcu.etnir.oirr.Koi uV- yesterday' inditiates thatf Uie good-people ot IIUIsooto are inelin- n their second reading by;Ta strict ed fo Ucensofions;' iThey-i iwonosef piirtv vote'i ! "A'tn Ay. I j bu ior enaorsing senator vt anvg s Jnlv - faif i-- . , , course iinhe-Legilatniv.U.T;.! oi XI bvUTfe' teis':f tire". 1 proper h Bill i"rela4,u40'HntyCoh awake; to 'the vast importance" oF'tlntV rmrft ami momemous issiipa invoiv- a,-Jheimilin remtion.io Juuges--ot theSuperibrlCoHri aml lhfe Districhr i orovidincr ior nine iisencw nistejui express their .sentiments. ujontne of twelve, and requiring, tRe Judaea Another revolution in Mexico. Bevelu4ionin4hatrSUiiny4an(j seem almost as common as , murders, in LSexr York, or barn bunnngs .irc -w- -A oIclColioaButOkrne- Jgftl tation suits, the temper oftUiose ritlrhrr .Jf .J - J i C Jirf .t?loii Viil!tiWnof:Alh1i-.(ir6Hil- First--the Inrdnos.it ion -to chatnre lis matter, asupou 1 Second---requiring ' the , Jiulges latriotic fel1ow4owns temper j-esUpsiryyplatiU people. They OTeo'rtiappy?inless.Chey hve a few revolutions every year. j ' . I rMrnlliniKniir at ' IliAir rt'nur tr , ., xurw nuiiureu ueieguies ii , wi tendance. The object of the coirven tion is to -'Uniterm sonic common en deavor for the advancement of "the - State's weal ; to encourage allbranch 3 : e's of; industry lin'djta'fcci steps for ;m- v ducinginj migration. . ; "-' Kctmstnrbmtnent-'dcmocrm&'7oi' :promin the. Xoilh.-unsaid to- liave-been botfi III JjUCUIUII, UUS QUUU. M lillU uc """feci fromvN6rlli Carolina and settled! t ft t i i-n:ile estri AV o, Jearn Hhh iinfor- iiiaiiuu irum a inenu wnoivekain? - tire-sicvft paryi.tQiar8tatc. ' .z&z on this grave swoeet f fT lartwrrmwiafd the amendments It is a wiJte of tunc for the "C6n-1 adopfectTn thtr various sections of servaiives of Orange ta iioktlTileeU 'lgJfillt and pending the same ;tie i , ., v, .. Senate adjourned. i.-v' W c.niOH'ppn? :t.i &Unir?Zf? - of 'Mccklcnburar.i because... forsooth -.n , T"r ow-!.',. vT tf.e,CWrTitivYoir: dft not lcllcVcOhc1r li'oVored :J yj0"8 sJJ, L-'U"" -Vir-i-. - " " callciilthellouse-ti?ordcr4- K " oeiMr,a voionvi i... nng, w. t ;i iBfonroPMecklenb'urg a mei vytiucvcv niiu.;"! .,inmicinwi...u, monaurom certain citizens oim-u cck IhefPennsviVania Central aa lenburg county, asking a cliAhge of Mr. Tunjer.Uipiusitlv .charged, and mude-a,c,ear failure in his atlcntp to pwVe. ! .r still MIA- i'.r ;tli. Urr. K,t t !'Ax Old , DorxsE.7raffiieyf'awite f.'.:jmirdererV coodemiieUo lib i jfcknjj :i;,Triitaynylbany; !:Ketv. Torlt-h'aa kr.aecn lor some tijrfe.vattemptingto lVt'-."- IHV. .Lttl'UIID U1 X21tllltIC ..v ill- iiranty.y(';frnc dodge bas notsuccccd- f"clI:IIis caj? wad' sdb;nittfc to - the ,,jovcrnor(ajul a jury ; heytpnqnounCr r Bd hini?' sane and only ' pretending hia'fne$sa$ijro burgtaV wlio'm one .;Oi our .cuizcns caugnt in unarlotte 'outer. ivignieignea intoxicationd if! '.&J?3csni other; condemned jieriminaW have: of late i din"erehl parks' of the it , ... . .11 " i 1 . i.Hv)iT.ma? .""'w1 iw.kvyw'wji I the unliniIre1 biwines ot vesterdar. ana nowever mucii tne5-iiniy .desirei15 Mr; 4onHtfhlftnymowi.io vo ecu-nncr prosper ana meci.1 wun ' '' fv" ,v" f. United. States attempted the irisSn l J' ' r H ii G HALT'S VISIT. . ViencetM; the Pennsji toia Cetitral jA-AMSJatest ljitelligencejrom Wak- Lhiigtort.-( indicates l that' there- Is, 0 floubt of President1 Grant's 'intention': j, . to start .in aboat six tvccIcs on an.ext tensix- Southern tdiir; :i! "' i . ,.li,il.;,' .1 Vit i .. :. V- t - v"4MiufciVM4 iiviJitriesion wiir oe e 'Char- i i . ' iinkrfiV peopJeijWill gnevoveithisv We dp crevjwere rescued by the rpven u c " er Vn-jjie yessei was ioap-.. : h jTg5Jf--co rn," ' w h islte ' The VrcoSTii irs' f the Baptist l! smi Mck Tnxiv.anv ndMt now Hiipaeri-.jfArri umivcIj Ikt tirrefTiT'ktlcsthaii 10 per Ziut ,vnA Urs-t if Uuvh f , . trt i , ,. However much the : dcod1c in this .. ... .... j . M A . ... i. a . ' . .. - - - me rumor oi i ne acMinrt lor nre. u t--;i - & v.i.yryj n t :bdWn-eis m exfrohgfCiCJmnidn'a WiUection near Wilminston.on Tuesday1. STIEbT11!!10 i . :, ..." ... 4 "'.-".''i.rr;. Kirvci.".i.' .Jtr.'jAMHi teem him for.h is aterUntr natr otsm, w.MWtinwwuv!.v,, c tT hsj-juw i5ci ? ioau-. i,m-U. i rPitsMentail the rewards which hiseminentsera JWPlffii M." i"iiuijV5vj"y. . ""vi"a '""f111 BlI.fMnltitroiA..iaxtion-jrimnerlv'-to interesting -diaracter... v A number of amount '-of$50. Mr.'-JoUjo' took the Ulelcgatj&rrin nttendatice. v riru-i:'ti.i,M-iJ.-.-t:i-' v Themis; r . iinutu iiuih axe win ci ,Otto. thlf WrwliV w liowll'il 107') -Kl . not entertain those. sen tim en ts?o'r .Jetfcy whichwjould leans ua Mtriw'rei; . .jMiu-we trust -mat wherever htrap-" . . mac courtesv and attention; tvhich . ;l;h!srhigh;r6ffice as Chief MatristrWof ; '. "the nation entitles hi'mt i$ theof-4 J hcerriotloe raiL;;our people ould ; l t ;htc4respec ty ' n SoiDLh cm : m-cn tin haVeiiS wards such a character ai'GranL :' - f j omeodirf bperninghis'iiyes to do the trruecoditiQTrof Jhe.6inh. and the v rascalities; of the carpet-baggeri tllfCfJ - j it a ble,tecgrarna , from psmi liring Pi the startlinganteliigencethai IKinsr Amrtderis bh8ViibdlcastcVi;lJfaAlirjirw Dnana.a- Kepubhc has heenproclaimed :Ti-f , V.? auunuu icrminaiion 01 JkmadeV the citizeps'ofc-Qran ge to their Sentiments onVPublie in suitable resotatwos- withoin uniforniity ifiinteresti whq happeo ttt diflTer wit-h! them ive f tte t a inet tlie"asfe Vf 4 rears - trom -erv- ing mt juries ray taken up and, ot4 ni oho iam on me, i.tie. - -- yr Oh hiotibtfof Mr. fraitA fthc bill f3rTliie,iietterJ gvertiment of the own' of HaTisbiiry waataken up-5tatr Co iuu it t ee.to. w ho nv tb ej i 11 ! wn a re-fcrrwtrrtportedr-ite inhsHtute.i whjch firovif(4 tliht riVwill cities and towns f fhe State sjieiJ.ial I'criifrx J-Tsliall be establish cd! for vf thef rial of m isde- . - I'M i'!..J'ifii.: ii ' cerporarte limits, and thatsaid cotfrts ahall he held by lheMyors. or ciiief njttircersr, wT-shalt have"lt te pow g justices on no reace -t y. E H HOUSTOII 2 uo: i Ao. 4, Granite Row, Opiite ! coinnscion iieiiciiakxj. V ' 02JL "I1TE have jrivemmr fricodf1 and ca!(om 11 vts notice ( nr"iimliase ( of the tuck!iiiC.Mcyia3V .J llackjt Q, mul jTraT A Yilliani.nn ami- are pleaded fctiMHmBr-t!mtwtTe open iinl under lull blast, ftt uretj(ry Mr Unamson 9 out stand. Trsdw S?t-. next ' dr to McMurrtv t Ilavis where we will At all times kceo Mw-wrMUCK pi.-j'tMf.M wiiw marker, - - - : - - - - i - - Mola;isest,.IaciiFlour IjwI,- Mackerel, STt"anO !wj Oai kI y, Stareh, Su-" '..gar, lfo'.ree,' CRsVlflecs; Brandy iVifcti- p es. uvrfcn. L anlines- llerrnigs, Ac - , .... . - , - -. , ; - r3IKi:CIIAXT?4 mavrejit , asiUired :thaC " they: can .T .VtWKiDH f r8 at ?; n i;fe-. 4 , . f . . . . ' ' . . . . not be morcLin accordance witli lVi.ir,e'r fCrm expire, ana aisocm iUr;,lLiifltn:ikf . ; yidm:Ar renunibermg rf the "SocjicnCfi Ihe CoirtHtitutionl wlien heir Sentiments onlublie PniUlpgjrr3IVprli called up the bilpto es; 1 ft'iMnet.."' Jl -irenerat l -ip? it! order fdr iscussion the charter of the Atlantic, TjenneiP The health o ernor;4s-'im- ..r . i Y;iLt i v E- - Th e ' re ti t h ca vy ; ra U nroiel a fV.wti t rt Hi 1?.U lio ' f -A. i n , , oJ proving. lectures iir Greensboro thw ev?Rrtmgl.--Raleigh has.a prcitp'jtlitToii ' hand the aifrtnient when thuj'rinili.l Air iip in animtnt t titwrJs of Hihnlrcil T!mi.hfa;iWtl:iYs! 1 Jiw;kman,rtherjTempeineerman,s nii , .i w tit vynmi."'''' Kt-mt tntXT tlic mitM-'-Trade 8tnet. j,J ' - .s-ZL f ; .'!-.. K,j-ftiK lt'-3' -viiti-j.-"t .r i, :' 1 I. A II 1... .'- II. . . . A .J-A. ...... I . - ' ;' ' .... ... . ... . .doiiu Alien jvexcuA. iiiu inuwwi)j ii;nuj i.;:.Ji-.i JiiiU'i ' thief, itlti nnfcirtly escapCAi from the Snlibnrv XiilT'tk itill at artre. t i - I . K4 I 'W iIT!ll Jl VKKTIIIVrU 1 It I 11 narttle,tiispeclirt rwhleir we in fce Trade.1 s'i5-?'- i itrecnsuurtt,gays " w uy- can i.we r.m, iur,a4eruy? jmwh ; -J- havCgrfr Keally, t'e have 'ml H .1 i j VlSYMOys A yr meahiMf knowing, r w 1 ""V 77 1 " iilU.. i; z: ' -v Seyeml f anadian familteR have.ar- ;.-,,..'; ' . nexl ji.reeusboro thefast, ,ecto,..,ll,,t;, f w.i-i?b:wwa v. and-ULKwate,- , lfi.nJTwjar;i. -i txwonr wpr . i ; ',!. f W'WlfUitwt KATF? torrnVt- ; liie dst woi. iljvy 't; iimv,iimnod 'rt) p.' w w.ivinnreu"' in ochu oruer .v-NnncrBlnnciiard. col., ;iiftf V''''? 11 r rd'!nhejmirsed Ucoree Yashini. J, f t'ipt. JLimes K . Th igp.eHjpf Edge con beTf ecc tiy sold th re acres of h is Pseiiiiy Hill farm for $UX).periV:hi?, vcnu'rS r?xf.&'.ir:il-i iMrfllA-vlViceliAVtlniingtoa (liirloasf at isrjiartlyti'nsiired. C fiteTfarfirf-iiuniH -be mi,vi t, ,.i6 i ...it. ..ccr'theommUtcjBXip l tivesYandTT4cMirtthat they - were Joues. tvi' rt.xi nu l connecte4ith, or. ed in subsJ ?U?? adPtCl Mr. Norhient moVed UO l roconsi- i der thcWOHy tvhieh 'lOO" tixem'ri- ipiproper motives; jtjscislatuue; of horth cAnriJ ii.hiw r-! vj1 h it .. iff'. .i-Ji i .( " ". . , Sate caTted'to order at lpclock, Mr33Wariirclfrom the Isele'ct ODramttcee ojrjhe remtentiiry gUb m it ted a "vohntwws reooriof 'He Vpt?erf-T thatf Cbmmfttee 6n the i cnieniiary auairs, anu ojimoj lorii of MrVTieaib tepwf was trans ti(mWprhrt 'l 11 Bv Mr. Barnliirdtv a bill-To incor porate Cold Spring Churcli and Bthj d Churcl'injibarTusjconpty. ) " 7 ; Introduction of Resehitioni. ' l By Mr. Morehatl, of - Guilfordjya; .resolution in. regard to adjournment; fixes the dayiot adjearnmnt Tor , th 24th of February; Lies., over undeY the rules'. ' - .nr1 Il'!'""f'.' j By Mn iN or w'oocl .a -ieiolu t iqri 4is rcgant 10 nic n.ing oi a-regqiar rate of interest 'jrn&feretPtu. tlic Fi- " Spccud Orderly v-ri liifr , claliiTdeT YorrFrtdav at lt-7irm. .... . . A ? 1 ce:t vl .. .... , , A ctitnintihtcatToii irom tlier jJap- rTr wT-77- J " , -.'7; rffT' -T Po'rs riinanting7 loo w " Ii -S' . 4 - .-1 W ; '. .- J - i- BI I ,' ."-I r.. . .'-.'.41.. f t trt t ir l i wr jyw.o s i'llrt-til ',",' 111 j t'' " 3! ft r? . si Is f? mJULTU,Toiuatesr(Wnt(imnl Hi-"''- ""'' i -fA 1 -At Aft. 100 cuiwiJiwt received. Faim TTf-j)ii-4iLiid it t yinnv .v BBO . . , . v" . - exempt ronv taxation iiperiy to ! mteresyng cuaructer.. . r numoer oi rr-r. - . VV-.mT; ,n;74rf.lr -'t' :it.,M:Ml,LLER:.so"S' vlces to theurTT.ata richly merit, .yet Um;1Tt;:nf M- -1 4 ' k:r.f ",i r.t:ry-r.:r, .. -7-V-- thet-dst : :liev that Senator groulidtTaxemption from taixa-f ' . r trrt Iwn. tion to tWdMriiint of S100 was JeSisvi' .ra?1 laimrr itv lavorot tne -weaiinier vinss ti --j-t,. ' r m-,, TtiV- evening. , :l f Soveral .ntk the v Colored mon who left. Xlfemancc county., a ;few I weeks ag to work on the Tbiilroiid'inf'Eettfrtt- rjcjwet'iiaxe niveq-yicf fneir inenas i uci'inir !inl tri rotttni "siiiil ndvi.fvr On the -contrary, so far as ,we anHwna iiNorthrGirolfmr; learnrthllCQjisetivatives up thia,wVH- S? 2 Htf " Vi -r-:i) J 1 i V " ' t -,7 . Gti.liiAi. V.. I :M ;vPpudtng.thejsott,vU Baleigh JEra.- Supervisor. TV? ?8. iHf .V;"rA .vrirKiK .!:iPery.JnD.l vjcqs this morninlwt 9 keJirwayprP3??n otate,,are ji, idOit'r,"; j 0-4toxe of -manufactured -tofcaccq, entirely fttiticd tiint the Commit- the bill for Amnesty and PaVchm. 7 haWlieen detaSnedlin Charlottere-; tepwliSatoAVarintf 'at.its hcad,P;Mr!tfoY.e4 OaUdS inoved ,to I tti'o3t Kctitatcii irr Hheir ward ? Pf Inema Koy. op- , - eh mcrv-'?-bttl-was' resumed. . i : s. lliftKlmm, Manutacturer. -l-ho-tamps, ' . !- . t I mf -. - . . - r. I L m l ' .. .l l i - r . - . ' : I a.1 . 1 if --.- . - On'nibiificnftAbJtadfdr4ftta appcarauc of-hayuigi beep1 oueu rinsieaAfca oiv yarnisneu i rjuso rr" ! VP. I eAto.reejuye, wanie tiridVniftka faidhiftces ers granted top by chaptere 2, 3 iriVd 4 IHwrff 18tW. .The substitutc waa adopt etl'Wif tin 1 lit L T ii'Vi-.-'i: ' ' -Mm. . W UMJrimsseu iiijeverai reaujJiKPi . v Aiiiespage wa; received: ifcdn ihe- Senate transmitting thcTeportdf the Jolht ToDimittee ntaL in-estiiatc the charges - brought ;against,tlie txaat-t 'agers :&t . the,;' PenU'entiarr iiiiith! fK-oMsiiioi iqpriui me same. - tne Committee vnammotcslv, acquit ."the 1 Boanl f Oirftctors of sill tlm eharosll rediin: :uyi ! ' . J " A V;.7 J""; vnntp,,ni t'icJaragjt ii(ni.Ktvifwiv'iiiTiiHin'iii me state, iur f the Governor;1 'imviTrnf JsiTfiW& ' MMTWtir rnvTYix- l T ? "T -T , . . . -r?--. .. V' 4lA4t rf.-.T consisting of all kimla ant r fades. lgnmeht? Stoae the when dc- the ecleVrated klred.' V?tAclihtfti( OHite c;C,W;T.'R.A',ty'.H O T L.t.? ..riiCIfcXRLOTTi; . N; o. Mann raetnrers, Wholesale and Rohii " cr?n irrafacttrmt Tobacc!, Sh . .. grades. Dealer in thi nU, , aii i do-welt tnexMnln our stork r3 haMnseltewhete'tti;.tre ean tfTeafter-' in)nVctiin ; -' . ... . . .y. . - . . KittI:aTsli3r& .Riutcf .Yi.i y 3b 1 ... x 2 T Q .i E.Pv oil. a7ns f v? ; r-o If. fpIfE greaf im"of iSuf Il6ue liKv; r , - ..... . i . ....... n ... . . . . 1I01&R, afwi to eow!wrt enr business I f to..9Htgy.tlie allcge0.anl even sm orontytt of Ane--tlmt:'.thrre'.fci a kill nItHfe mVringfty thV very s f ,-0.fMnej, jiw we wviwmced thirt wehaTertwiiv 1 trt ennretvn ' a 4n ' v,,i 4 Pwns,th,s con "' V' e . iraae, a Still 'Iar-er eHed8tWian-cvcn we rSSST?1 '.fe'rore? ? fhat! Country Meivk wedl I mt ii rery large stt-k to 5, ! frbiit : ; 'therebv . ieiiii U , ' ' aer mpKai ttian he ; hvbavlrihi diflnton. North, i j t1,,,'.'"-?4 'WV'y wij more-gotxis n hacttlallV 'hcfclri'onler 'td. have an f SoTtmeirtvi3f:'-jfcr.i.i;i l-r ( . f fin foriWtoibtfiiT. Kin! i, v:.th?Vr"h January, (much wit tnari'iiMiial-V fhrTCAri'lMkn'VMt- ; f Sfaiittlhftttriny fJitt1 where .be mi Inafrt t wptuintiths w hiakinj pur ptirch; 'i :M iSgyH.eryfJd'firtii rst.IiaiMl.s m ! l. MRlfrtlW -lii'nt fiil-J.iiS' 'Vf.i 1. 1 : r r v ...... 4vicv an 1 i t 1 . - - . .... .... P. T ' .. . , 1iVKiIIrUWl8jlitwh:li.s Fret ji 'hi : the creat deniundtor'tiiem still cJ BVi Virt ie-of a dl hi Itmst to exrew- tinues, (eall son, thVv are l: led..ty -Jitlin Y. Bne'Mt.4ViiitdgUMltl XelJvi m '4.?$ArAt.&d 1T! fStnr. ovoranam 3ianm: .MMPti.,. last tJJriitjiHihlMii,awMrfi,nwA .at Ue Rockingham coimty ,A ;M.tirt'lKice Kiinily, 1-jimr. iust yoravillM iiPT,,'s WulinA-;! OUe? tMaliTMt lOJl silwatl ' near IT-ESTeeeiveUTHl?.--illueltrtsr r,:ikf iir. Dswue fc Abury.aiid iHtlie:frfoKsi Itope! f i liamdrt Soawsy rifohgat;. Kn itivMitlH'i IMivllifclUtc&iL'AcJiMilttHuai cntMiisll ir Gi?pimtt4&lcigj&tght-of the! fory-T tliree lots. S2x210. wcfc -sold, r brinc-- .ig,aoout ywu eacn: , tA ; y otilltmitmttjmtipkiMcffraph1 Capt. K II Albright -'forniO rtrHf itMitt Plr-- ;: tu 'At a salef-lots-4n the oId-IFmvdiMw ,wUHtHi2ttfc a!ulf - jUb 5it ' ? .-v-". .'l mw itL'j mm 1 Iff . . 1 . - . ?flS.;(rfffT.i; -qbfi Trustee! H "pUESH mh aid.i)yters' eyVfy ay Ceutly ortne Keidsville Record, died i A .At.m,.j,t.A Lw dnMomljyiit?hiYesidUcein greens- iHhnn theOth instikwiptTruii will l ,Tiipyx("Mifji artaeltWlliafrvinir tmtf he? re! Ktiil- ftineh l. less thai wn1:KiElr1it'pd havii WwerWte of frrffctdtlAit srnuller ship, here, brings the. faetjmtent that, we ai a nofrifWi t5 isweeV-!! ZitwnM . . i. ... i .r ;v If 'Jotibhisf llottse ftf th'dM V nittd Str, .4iialriM:wttnhV4)iiii that we k.. e itejHete, !u3 ol Drv U w his, G n e r trardwiire4 iJtlwn ltVrt, and SI X.ribns1tifid MaHherr. . . IMtlietan'tfidrfmerif w eo'hiplete, Mil -- III Onr LM!ttfh(VytTthriirw411tM! ran on ias nsiu.il. ; A erv lsju-etfujlv. V'feltf''. :f:t1' :"'; M" 8 'j ii U IL S Jiimtt" ftnnerly of , 11 1 1 i nv. 1 4-, 4pf j jeeeut lv, , t, !, . Jun ik. 1 .MUe.'K'. X'.6ivTr.de street 'near the (." HUt'J. '.'JiiJi.. .iJLJi.- J .4J.tilJ ..i- L'J'i i . . J l iiiNiiT, uihi resiwinuiy onus ni I'n' iMial-jHH-wctf? tlie jnihrie li IlH llt OkierilrtftCM perflirrtied ilHfie rt t W : fnKaiidx ieoti lie u mnrer.' a Tnt U e x t ni nit cause of the-staihps being insecurely ahUimV'b" imnx.Kactjrrc 1JV K igKn m cSirrt-5t1ixDisfri3t. 11 LVEtf )5f -i nre v i oh's Vi west i o h .?waaf. i iordelred Ji,o n the MI!'"" .3!Xia.JilA 4 J f t,s.r 4fnrtlyer twl vices fropi Aaigsta,Athat! . ' . . .1 . 1 .11 1 1 1 ' . . J f.' fl- j-.intio h; 1;'" vf i.uitiA -KiT ' 4 i i.f,"T '7"i!j .4 ;;.'!.-. t.. ,; 9 .M'4-. nuiHirea iiP?v; kiwv ch cheap, fcbll-T i at ' ! fll j4 TlIK'DH'tm fMvinff fresh- stfppnl uAs :tiOCEHl CONFECTION KH1 TOBMm-.BNUFF, .VXQM$& 'Ml .M lr a;r,. U i, ,' -..'. i ? ., ... .. 'Ik. "A - m. '. i ... . 7 . . 1 '11 . - I , s&A 11 - J'iiri w iwm. TSitU -StJ d r :with of vrliK5h we Willi" l " 7-,Tl'T:aflJ" s?d.I-.wj Wt'Bft lowest? price flirCASlI.'"'-' !il ... 4-L j.i Ji. - .. .A- r L irtll to. aise revenue wa'tuken dp A "7? out, $o00.0oa gfjmortgage bbrtdsrl orucrcu to oe prunes ana maqe spe- n;m Ttie'TAfiHofrOribrifc t consider. UiaYiisertion 01 te x ex soixeu t.H . J,".L .11. .il.f ..... - 'l.Ul pmminn wam 11111 in a vntBaou aaou-.i vu out hfclCXr and Bfeford'Hoh:-R P Diek;JudgeMMer:ri.4 V Ikl.TIllVK ' .'. I ... v . - . ... v . fcw .I4UIV1IU' IJU HVIVO '7t0n iX40iini fifj&rvntifordi, the heretofore made.i he ca. by 'gtrik- not been jsignedr bvtoiL il-Cldull4-ane;pfhgT Tlie motimiwas'allowed and the detree Xtep 4ucaenal G&itfciu Hofifr 'wafe.isO amended. feT ifrr session 111 this citybimMtjngi imeiiV'i ie;question as tonwhctoef n p- ).iV-uriv.T2iKnvt Ufa oAdoinM.J .iV.T 4tW4V-r-.'llir Sil nrorrt i r'rtii if ho' 6LoredV4.nuea states; wTitiiiatne sixty cays Uor- Aloeatoy J-pVj Act ot congress. yoi nnvM June last. Jn-ould onerate as a inverse-. -was taknir'Op arid passedits' scveraU'" J"aa elaborately-discussed . Tbu: .' . ..7. '.'.' v- llva.iTU'iM J!. JViwi JiU J 4.wuw reauinga-. - 11 j, .... f . -juuts uucnuvu iu uuuivie vuc iuw- .: 4- .'-j, r-f '...rr-,VT W Ti 'V4f I I r 4--V -J - J 11 Ai-.. J.iTT I . J t.lf Kifc'4TI,rn r :-un moiion'or'iar.rijiQrma,nr fne iil ftoHim eird thak'knSaa'ti tnra.'hi c- ieh an icsLand J ahQrriJicii!bj,v wa i tatcep.up.3 iii.Vie law apply Aq: 1 Ti s IT J : ;1 in inai ,city iwo parcels oi L iSKcv loiiiui v.vuiiceiueu in iwo 4 n heads and marked -W.' Turner 1 r a U A A Clisby, XHne ito'usej S, C. iirt) 111 ttafebUltppstAbtish.aUfXTOStJ Of f l-rrT-4 . UJI, all branches of mcchnjiiliradV.H''ted ..ft J k I 'crifed bv, the the party pnrying the f ( WWnVAf 'th.i'f r,r.v;nnTdw-pllJ -CO X T J ; f.f - tttaawa' v-ftf'fA'M ottrl"yrthTi TT Georco'.l -appeami ior xn e a u eiemian is. ;EUiioh, t61orc(l,1r7aiihamend-- So says the;, Greensboro :4 j Xtrth rnthich'gh . . : J,n'-'. ;"-'v: s ' '!-.; ,7;" ''Ai'-'- 7'"r:.t' K?': rrt pnblio! n past ; patronage,- and t nope J if n 4 . . . . . J.. . 4 il,.i.-aniirnVH. ij Av,v"iivi'vjff ffr wn : Oiir Stock w large and complete, i 4itatrcrtItcTVfe-ttiat-W will ptean- - ; ii u-J 1 -V.. ' W i '.-In s J- rtwi'jilmiUnU;. 7 J: 7n-,f. zol .'sK. nffri f' .f- ? - i - I - ' .4 t.i.;.a . . I .? . . t ' i . f-...t i i'.a ysii . ,V, ii ' 1 r HTVc&ni WS;-fiacBfiie; Clover, reJ r lH ? r.rt .J'U. .ftvo- c.V '3841 Kwlt4 1 .iVKi.- TtimVFl,lI 4t CC I 1 n r'ALso A finalot nf 'Antfrn&MEAT. -1 " - - -- L..'.wr II -i I -V,.U K.C'il.-i a. I ' ll .'.1.:. fnr . -i - .4-. .7. . i.j i n ii.ttc tiicin luauu uu u) uruui I Wrrrr nr"f r i . . g - l ' I I I ... -A . f . rii . ... . i .. i . i! jyw'Aja-..i ."- 5 M i UJ"ia 3ea can'gct lieni' air smoitj JT MnM . j -r : l - 1 -Illa'XWirilwiligu1'' 'randreth WrteaGaren Se EJirtyftrepewfd a full supply ot t Pireet Pig's Feet. : vu T7 LTOAXT iytf nesTcetJ Kckici- fff h'- -you jwarifcisoincthinffi,v6ry palat call 0oiu7.-.rv , -,,1 1 , na-yeir i hi (fell 1211 lor; Hliani 'ill mrttinZ , ,Tt. .U iiy S.--JT VtAtnrke J:b wii..io ,-wa rcr -Heat: KJ ' . J -' Two or 'lirec'' rooms v-VS Spring's Uuito& It a.f