f -1 rates oi? advhhticii;g. - : jdnes & mcijlughlhl , I , , v I RATES OF BUBSCEmCIOH. snrwa ikw .- two davs : : r.l a - T) --thr- days ..y 3 O , .L J ! . Uaj pinupuwampMn aW art 3Vi,ai- --fl.a,Wi . m :: Six months, in advance, ,t..i.ft A Three, Months, in 4vwce,;...v One wontlv-itt advaiice,-v- v; mAYeekl J ane-year-M- . : eeklyr one yet''f''lw', is sepulchre tinto thitf dkyJUDiid. On this sideJardanhrraVe, . - -In a vale in t h Jan0 of Jloab, There liesA Jonelvre. - -And no motifi adg Hiafwulchre, tor the ngeb pt od pymroed thj? pzl AndIaideJruUherej nr4 UfH;;5' 'r'fr fti, tno!?oO 3:h4wa Ibc-grandUii p r rV b-nx 9f. ;hatCm parsed po,fartic. V J But no man heard the trampling lf C6ies,whfen.the1gMaornel..,..I y "ori into the c2 ih i Xoiselessly a the Bpnng-time, -1 , Her crown of vefdnr weaves ' And all the trees ipU'.alfvtne hills Open their thousand leaves - So, withbtrt sonridof ilitJsidTf -sit-' gr yoiceolthenv that wept,;.; 7 j crown s .... 7 n 4great prpcession swepfc, ,wxu. l'crcnance w? Wf U1" sw On griy BetlipeorV height, - td' Out of JUsjrsckjr eyrie ' ix)iked on the wopdrbussiglrtr rcrclIanW the lion Atalkini . 1 f Still shuns that Hallowed spot, Fur beast iqnu v Dimrnav? wenand heard , Tliat whk3i Wan kfcolyeCI nlt.?r 2 But when the. watrldr dletVJ'3 His-comra le in .the wir, . . - With amis- reversed hud " nufBed drum,"" it:ii."-r"':.-K in ft F.ilotr the-&iKr&lcar.' ' TlieV show the toariiienrtaktH. -i;rr: . i .. .: . i . ? . - 'fueyteuMis oaiues-wiif Anl after htm iead h'snastcrless Wiiiie peals the minute ganil-m ground that since ims it has trans no Dusmess. ane court, nrwr . rvti J:. . Jl sed to grant , the petition on feci lormance wasaiise ao vf ?C graceful, that the I'W'Wjf the heirt to deDrive him of his useless li , nor ycof thfr disposition repeat LjlI harmlejrnmd fiuitless gallantoes. -fiefsT- burg kfaaO. v ; :t ( M fjife "old horse, eale: of We Js Ti.- - . ... . I xuieruRi revenue stamrjs -win not I 1.. .VpK.i.4 f.. it i v-7 Auu.i9uuMriur bue present).. j T! nt wet brthed A wlV.'"'7 u"?nf. pariicmany nrieu r w ur - . - x , -r r; rr.rV , i V fy" ' UT.1"":" . ;-5u3A.VJ6 XiTS7iWe7eafil.j tth-losohlir nu: I i , " J f ' 'f -:"J;" '.a SPICES; ' '1 ?-f m'jS9 '.vnXIUHAli-r -UAIIJtL -3 U 1 J-Oi4 U, , .n,itt Ana neyerearin j pnuosopner,,. rJ,.v,.., c-jj ir'iuj.i!Ji'rL --.f i rn.-ff , . - u.i- nt.U A$ r . , .t - : ti:i vn.i m uatiifMiui &n4 0reellg, Andlhadbeivot hiirbbonort 'iif i c, f I x isv.f.t.i f"' 1 aJ -t kaw T.f. ri,4 witot a t.ie t.r) nFrinjThuid B(U Js iffiMia The hillside for his dali; ;tt&5.' BClrKfiTa' t J - J? .77 T , nt of Bf X To tie in state while anj?els wait. , ,.-ni.. - iii. v,:,; " . finest article, vn juaricet,. -r , uvv.lL.:;u nWmo riATTt tRnf tY. v -iV nfT" tJioiimlifv VSthltars fur tapew tall; ' J ,0 r.J i-rf ! V r, : Anthe-dark-wek pines, -liks-. tossing -'fTouJ Yuiv 'nfiinnr Vc.l U jniieJW" l' -JWilg WoS f Where." -ionf4ruti.ftiwtiri J i 0J- S t) nJdl?a t . ..phijuesvf 3jaff- AuaatlfrndsWooforV- r'rr ' - v' w .-iiwsi.iffm -ll fa And God'sdwn haud. in that ionelv-t fJ ? f . . -1 ' T1- ' I" . tf-,l-o V "iiJJv,iifV' . 'f -.-r. .... t. ?j 1 ilc, i J VUtil irCEStJi VYiUi.theJntaamateJIUQd. . J . . A IjOtrof. tine ulUKsliIo arict 'WULi-r nieir. UDeri patronage pesujyY pppf 1 JlT ft f-J g 1 J r7-r A3fD-ii.(tV.?na IT'irsA in splendid orders 'At DAVIDSON'S EmpJoyeVryE. iSlirier-cfopast yefr, fonetftotiinfoa!.'sland:3 -T:" f v4.HrWHbr V'i) ILtVEUY OTABTJ.IIoreea aud-Mules and most respectfnjly ask a wntinuance, of m dtdkaJethpeor's hill. 4 4 - vri-.v ' fbtaTee;kept 66 haa4 constantly;::; Ulesame a we art su ax neempie oi God hath his mysteries of grace M ' ' fctP JlT X.Q,!x,f-S,- Sfwtiv ' -li -""0ats M"'1 i- - - A.-H. TATK. n. uTNaysi that we cannot tell ; -f - "i "i GiZawr, hl'' Wr ' J' fe'jo --.ori) .TUtt r. tti flan -erfl notl-afe icit'o s?tNrf'i . Ifciliides them -ikeu-Jike the seAej Jan f, ::.'' 1 '. " ' n:--IFTEEN HundredfBnbflMoftntaiB -TTT PfVA'RT.TTir iti , 1 sleep. . , "tiLO - l : iC A Seed Oats, for sale hy . . ! . ,t , : , . - bfniin he loved so well. p'-JriskPotatoeS. ' fSTfESrKOUSE; MACAlAiAYtA COM. f Ijg JisttXBB, p'repare ;ftc -i a U mwEfeFIVB Barrels T,JGooo! Eating ;.,'BU Vrt n n-'A.'Y' L.t!c'-p -JlbiitthtIfcMr . Theikginia. bKGiSLATUEF?-Ve sect TIrtb rotajur onmwbanlysftUeBoajTier announced that .the Credit , biher v gXEKHOVaji MACAUtAY 4? CCL II j JwL -i i "toayire. ,TW building, GrayX.fttt t dcLd I ever.KHi i coun4if some; little inattcw which Ui fit.Jnf nWvnW at$f 50 TieVBhshel 5 -lfi.; -ti.riran"rir Kn almfist r 4 ' JgO-0 . . j.j. : . I ( VU1 HJIUW -JUVfJ".""" w ja ...... a . . ; t .- ... -a. . ' I I strong ifeasuns iur -uiisauivinf, 1 u.nuq iimjwu uut 4vi-ijgoiw(-urHire transacted nothing is a justificatioh-as j iery for Xad"cs Wisses ,nd Children, the a&lementioned distinguished corpdjrsi, atcost, At . -'tj u MKS. QtERY'S." "tion.mAcid. moreover, itbas the advantage. , ?an w r r ,u,;r ' . -J-.:, that ilekn disperse-without applying tp i . V t, , , .L' f: 4tffeS that - foe whole . people, including Ci ) our fancy an4 hair goods at greatiy , ZBSS&SM' tl ,Ut1 'AJbAftfX tjHk'WwHasW courts, would interposeno obstacle to tbei du(ga pfiQesto make Atn for feprmirVa 55ifhnhSiifo?l !-1 tOTOTOTUWPft $37 immmte dissolutW:. die. The ket . iSV ' "ltME13.Qt.ER is, asaUieretofore been stated, that 't- tXX-"B -p--J"u "J vln J f wTsn Vh P lfl:f.Si '1 aeo? e5lpt SSSSwAt ed at Mls, Qfcl rtoalMfceI llj, -ptxriKaesj aifcmpSCARRJa.W : It carTIke more pretenses (as fjougMr. ig 1:- other's Quatt eebalfeirg 0 nm4VWMfSi-f' thmg find at the ..Pl. Icelhieiir J res i flli TO? BfmJ Mi f teSKJoftoobov hfethe citiW ilApMB11 of Trifram Shdybosexpb kS f "rtOOd BEOTHEa. Wnd never ffwaroeo. ""-"W pila' building, ftlargeiaMreU elayU Batdsnwn IHblisti ritf-v noryof the- disposition, to j repeat. U . riJ jr.rfKiaiiU3a - R 1 1:. U . 40vi T- kii---:,Trkuk cAu JJarsroi a Co. in San JJ rancisco rece jm wium. --y. , -;v--!- . . TWV '"r.'iii'H'i'i'rr?. -riariftiriai, willconvince thenxtnat .inevare KSipti SfH' f SfeSgSfd whi twa . solid gold brooch and ready JtSK.Sj"l S .-' M E3": " dtmTS"' SI '.' ' fiXvUOVJpiUSApfXiPP? ltrgeprlring.. SerUSS& V ftlJl. Mrl. Lucy Spencer, once the bell', nTy ncknhpmcik :? r: - k rhffM lo ) of a county.: died a lunatic a fewdayi 3t;n ;i Otf Grades.'foi-tle Atsr ru Jwo bo; rVjiTTOXerc if land-witoinjns fbttGZf aeo -in, anAlabamarpocrhtU' 2 Betas thankfalto jan 21 -R- MIiLER &S0NS. i,ciari3tt- cryor';lyje4. in a irhervhe tifcd Iedrfoirrtweiity. :r lotte and -the public ,to;raetalforfthe 1 . . p;tlfA7P3rh years. . . . - T liberal pktrbneberetoforebewedur 'i i i t-tur.. tt. J sJ I ',..! V; VVVAAAJA v Mh'..v Ki'A' Uv' , J;-J 1 1 V -? 1 - .. . ' ' ' r 1.4 fad i V T-b! 7 vfcii?-f6r7Li'f 'lfr TXK -i 1 i i s n . 'i cap org, t c . , Vil 5Hi Vc lr trou are in arrears donrt ask-foF Credit'1 and 'Btoel oT,Ta6uiWls aridiinany j ?"-J ZXi IX. f1' riw v othV thirigs not, necessary to mention: ; i ,v " . . . .qf? .nwi 1 1 V The:Undefta.kc!neDii mTTlf iikAf t KTrtraixiranrt CYittnti- niatttrwjfis: flairs I rrorrt.; t?iei cheapest , ?oplar, Gon-. tajtJ Hotel respctfuUyrinvitef the people of "tt riexigai) iieaa anajtf oop wamuii Chaiiatteland thej pljbUcgencrallrrtOicaa CaskfV1? 'Olwflnwhedfmtwn- ori him when they-visit StatesjiUe, H nietlihtnemtapprfjvedstrte wfli spare neUher r pains, nor pioney to Hiitaiiei v redd v for' use. ail of wlricli will n.ntp t.Ti fcTMrtNTftN' ITfitTSTC it Vrxt eUus be sod w V-iikn' Teatifniableprlte. 'ui.'io. 110TEL, and worthy of public patronage, UetHrain! iimiiy thanks ibr fsisttfavora Li i - ap-pRICET - i jmost jrespeenuilar isKiJUc';e),insiOf UM uuqjictie anur , surrounning v i.coiiwry, aviio MIC a UC1U1C KUlkUOJMUU tlSCH IICI f. i r .1 j8outbTritde!8rree jionae.vnanorte.'-HaV ' i' Un 1st. 1X7Sl1v ' PNW STTK.r.TftV.ii hk i xwTawwYr.flra,'ft,iri;nf tmAA I , T - - p(. t waTTwd soufid. eood selectea stocTc-oTtb finest ahd latest stj einaaemdiigllSrirea.-yol mA.wjtri :!wfc qJJIgoo- Shirts, 4 of p.-kv; Kt fitfirnrfciftJ.4h: worjd. r :Thar?Mtert?nrfrH and I will stUisjiiitaeicpn 10 aery OI me Bau-c. -i ; ..us-u.v, - -aa.l a. "- D .anAAt til I 11 o - HHKiKit. J" . . . - iiome and Jjcmocrat copy. nes. would change Janaarr 1st, 1573, weU.fXJ XJL01I O JCT UOl i 'SbpSMSUSr iC&tr- 'of 'de. Via; - ztlil t?J"ri Hh (U vrfv? 10v 25-tf t .-c WU.il x Jl jorietof. V,T . -1- - " "... .S W -Sii-f .t . : Tl i - ' ,1. ' rv. p-- i C5 a. i Qr " JL? 11 U it H71I . : W U 18 JJbv i V Z J. T .7 Onarterlv.vTThe , four jiumbers sent to any 1 addreM;bymai,,T6rflScenfsv Tb8 riclest :tndmosiristrudiv4 llltistrafed.iand' Des - ptive. Floral Guide ever -publishedi 1 I I I T&Tfil V XU.. V - V II MW ft -:-: .-v -:: itj jwaut. ior saie oy . . . I r- iv. . fiYimTfS &JCO. . i j I , j - " - ti - - - - - 4 1 i IimisAwliD hayejoseu jn.n t- ik.,j.-o: ;.'V-,v:,"; "; rr" tei ftrAr4l?iWlrtS i)PyEVEBYTHiyG KEPT IN A " . i'-A --: Kteit.K,'A " ai.i ii r-iiii.-s-! 'iia-Mii- J ,1 10 K lot uCAI,l$ SElp I a a. (1 1 (JPT'T . j i i. " ' ' - .. -- talfedod'-fi tne-arJwitf . 3-" U-) vWM. -.n K nUwta. rt ,t v vnps, oaies, xeie-a-aeiea: ooias ixraip!Tim)rs .Tjiass riatfc. tt7&c:"r STfJCS of MoFunitiiTeIKngllpom ;rumiturenYCba'nruTar vV rieties ofatvle andLfiniJd2This;.Houiv aXlotr httttgEM ; -' A . .ti K 1 o nBeda apdajaea. IrtnienVloAi;rf3 ifa&i Hm J And Caskets of alV fiiipeitndtVles of finh; rywiEl? kaho7rayJr.ooe:w3 pi fjWfbHtt. .Joplr aid .PjneC, ,frra the i plain etmid'cteafta UaJiiaii i -- ; i .finest Ocasoa ,C3 and. Carets, ffith ulV glass pri niiM Ja , j ; ; r , " ' tle most elabdrafe styfeVfilnl wrth hvy Silver MouA-1 J' 41 M Y lngi:lJ 6pe4aT attehdort Jgiv( W tlbmiltiSft ! r8 ' bit mi can ik1,.!,! feH'w o-'J La 1 ' Ufy i Tti'H JiItj. in9raXTCXCE: i - p03 Broadway. C; EflSyansrAgent, rJ ii iutWLrrZ: Hjl wfkvalte vn : ofcl lot.to., Atmlv' JOHN T. BUTLER, i f m i)rjposite Mansion House. "vrt-! r j yeri luuHJiaWHc iw. p-i'tr-' id 1 CJXtJCj ItOOiaO, M -- , -h " ' . - "-n - - . - ' J y itm Tuna Z-T LJ U-r'J K. 3pt aT" P" I 1 . . I roiin. bUw ,eioitm As4l y v"t.-.v.-v.''a: ti .-v, a . .... . a . l. ts I -pa .roiJT-ainlcn id boMo bad ft! :H lid" hba ".up ' - I-1 . 1 - eisc-T" i ept constanly on haao. j-, . . t . : t ' : ii j siiil li. -2 , . , r " '""""1 op af0 3 QijL'tt:s&:&BMQf&9JM ki !ltn0CA--nitJxja tldJ' twit I .V I. . ., - ' a ' . . (ft. . I. . J.. Jal ii Particular attention paid.tT'"!-3 1'' .kihds of Produce, Cotton iTd Tobacco. Werrchean. at . . rijui.ui & r - (,") ' 'f "J Ui4NEW GQODSF fa3 - . .its II 4a I iEOaOT P.fIlCTIl)fi?, .'Jjk-Wl a i a I i a T . 51 Hogsheads Bright New. Orleans AlsysogsbeaasenMrara fiagai ktihTaP and fnrsnlo af-nrif-i to mit the times by J6THOlfSls-MA oec.l7ia!ia.a dusmd d bancs .10 DrfaWdfefit . ' CbcTc,-HORSES wd,jefaieand - hYMhingtqn.st. .CUrkn -rf, ' Wll11 W f tKliAELTAby Clyde J4 - f.!.l jrfQS tl 14.7,1 fiiiiailuV iSMSIeafllrkVjOffi Cottb'S ' : 1 f Rnrmlv .of PennSvlania Bed v T r FRE2II SAGIli i iriib iif jo T.tirc y i -rbm iH-bWiat! TOt !A11 drderf from a'dutarK ... .i p. - y- V , T . !.JI -LJ ) ' J l' IjtU XHI ICt$0..1U;.d 3 lJWa . SaJ i- t V tyHlirT'---- w . Z' lXy-utteTlSXl isfc ou?,iopiii tiei C , rCIXliATrr!T--fvis:L:hg' Ct'JtVl oiu-laerllssimenkandkrtttr I ill find Writiirt52rer;.ar'i : IrliTe; Uiiii .fi -GRAHAM KAiIid - . i,ioX M on?,r;""i---i 3 0 ' ' tnnM1r- R ri ulnsr s ixthree wtcLs;...i-a-A.. ff t . iTerscmaTesisum&ted'u ; ojsrterHcciAU. urnni And ten squares cs, a haU-oolu!nni,ty,x . a- -i7llirti m wtn diOi . Jk. 1,,tal. Uitti H .rbblri m al .brut yLo4 .bja-giJMTn vrfjooiorii b-tA f rmi f . MwL mi r pi w m .h 1 as . sn'eis.w ;9l.fw'Of;':Tfr9i'i8.4.;jiliw , nl . us obit ;""S7h . bt.A.,lff2Mkfl' J . h WKrlrArii 'l-t!f ll-in t . 4.1 Btt ! iifiii' nnr J SalV.I PJuf-lM ' " J f ( t UPaaaf r .Jrjnuteipxuciy , . IT ; 1 F?r jr 1-41 trolled aod:operatl'.byf th,rilmiJlIU faliiJi Cemjttoa? iwnian,esjm) mteresi-H tlile Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio Railroad dtt,-. the Riclrmond and 'Danv.lir " ,iXfcroraRy,-ctb rfJrfw vEIli-I---l7J.ifki:f.ilt yjjyW-jg -'5 iw , .r. - iroljna llroadnipany me vnariotte . ; .. .QiltrmblatltfgilsteMto . """MiId taiiXrtrt flnmrsinv-.whn (mamlltfB-'l m1 itlbt FromrV NEW; m NEW; YQIIK,- by, Old .Doralniori- . tt AtvUehlU (riinn ""UJaVTCH STTCrtl !i" y IRiver; Offices. 187 Greenwich ' st- ; b L;lDj 04 ' 1 1 I . . (Ann aa. ... Mi ' JTtomiBAj.Xf WUK?r:EinMT-f.?.- f-j. fcaaiinstibrl losses, ainate?ri itkr. HargesdiiMtiieii tprertptly i UrptiTtatsS3' 'irvSxey tlaiiTjapentJiorfolk.'Vaj-yo") fcrfclrmndledc cad CaA Warded J paxarrpuy m.tcroujaars. u d irrw.j l . J 1 ll I 1 IT w ri ii in I ii w tr m I .1 IMPROYEpandKlIirilOVED. pair v lAttlm&'H oi isJnUii :z - Charlotte, N. C. 3 KO'vrar?'e.'itansier Dy iius i-onte.fp. r-- - 11 "-J p I jan i.lr-Snx - - - 7 1 t' -1.

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