i ft f, j ! i ,..... Ir -a ... a . S -c , . ' i i 11 w , ,n ....... i:zw of the Day v He ,of . Representatives in joint kc: ..oil wJre-:;enj?aged V ednesday la - he United States oenaie mm .oi. 4,trejvensairea euijesviij ujLez;a rcisnusiT cizracu iniir-iyi ?JSSS5l,:tt bsrcr.table, but all-wise vymzvrmumBKWsM i .-v-MessiC-CranrermhdrWan and it is' probable that a from carter tta exemplary youth A nttoT iKvoMfTonUizlft col!5ide? not cotmted nfew election : Miss Rothschild was mamea JnXondon, Thursday to Don Eliot Constantine of York, Earl of Hard- KLf . . . i fuHyi organised. The election of oQ-1 cers by the Cortes has taken place. he ftteamsninrrirannia.. wnicn i. sailed for Europe Thursday, took .will be ordered. . - I Kn i " i fs t-prcr4 nfimn-' ;wn? oiVoi. rrnrt:nf th V Jnt - wickjC3MXnuerrytothe liujcexjl Jc Edml rr, ; 1 V. li ;L1 relatives to 4 ,l..LanishiReDubliohabct , jin specie, rif? J!3JlUtah. ; v;; rtW,,Wn UUejiy.oi(Lnsusi.i mswci AeriCul rrf.-itRnt Al j Vinvention m. cranU baiiauet. - It is stated that Don Carlds nrelanncr to .take : advantai3.or aiMi in Srdnbh Uttnita and push his claims for,tne crown: - . One hundred million francs eralicT";:.inst thev movement for divided, regarding the form erne:. alrvJ SrCIlTfi Wltrll ABtUlIM, IDRUtua o Burn i fAi itinv t The infantrv favor a re- nubiicSSVirS .snT:.,rr5fU .Ti Six inches of snow in Philaael- casairetaome eadi:r - ' , . . Dr. Blears, Agent of the Pea Fund, is in Raleisrh. He hai Agent of the Pea- delivcdletTurcs lforc Ttfie TJtlzZ :' . Colfax is making a desperate effort to prove that he never received Pomerof s fasVis tobfe f.ick- far and thoroughly investigated. : The Dr; Chi delivered which its bigh'pbaracter as, sit intjel- j lectual tfeat deservesTat was replete with-.scientific knowledge, mature thougnt, and ripened wisdom. In to-morrow's issue we will present it more fully,tOr our readers. - . jr. ih'l.iei. r ; ,1 It is; thought that the troubles in KSfiUhWPttkl? about Cuban independence. The uream ui we pinui8 oi uu irw i m30t Sparrisli rule. v For years wiey nave xpenaea oiooa ana reas-1 ure in were subscribed at ajneetmg new ait w;vc- m no VdiTeacT will in -fu-V ;Oii .mo' i m lef th&r Jcnce ofDuke DeAumale XoU-- . ,.v ri WtTon:ni. SeafOlc mid !,De HontDencer in his 0p- f Vp,ii?f1m . w XepUDUC in opain. - j&iasses mo w i Kgaii-sv vai ftu.vu vu arv w vuo i ( celebrated for ihV ccess of nhe Administrajioi ziHih ?TSStar troop Spain are newspaper. breathe an angrj,! Irrr torononncedi for imO-rtmwK-'JKa ''MpjfcJ pnia, Marvin ..a auhcriti atidit i very r probable 11 The witnesses Wore Congress h M?; in the Louisiana caCnetaom'e $250 conveniencear fisd hardships hich A'.T fT mi a i. v uirrrt mutters come to thacrinUtah. .House-called to order at 10 o'clock lateness ofthehour at which 1 Th nt!r xtinetlri ftf!rr:riAWrbf Speaker Rcbinson. Pbmip-jmir.blelecture t the j wtPAit;d et;tc iteij to Ldilfh foibid th ezteodtdnotic ImU ornmtiWais'ii.Weeoail sd'l oMcr forto42Ar-et 12 'M.: and for this j hope, -hut: their labor, candidate bi4''e.wich topi' HBrinve been in vaitgsg jUce recently in Galwayi The 'trial he establishment of ,a epub-.rsnhl Vx- 'RA and, Car; he m the mother country may bring ;CTtt4W''iS!fe?d hjure. so long and , bravely struggled. rig; rV.'wOa- ni T.-assnrrr an mo: w. .. . ---. .. .. r la Th oposition , made oy tne4 i 1 .. nW Utixwii .s.i 1 I date. "- -'jtrti-.O vr j,i-.-h! f; meets with jrery generalfavor among!,, w - As -- - ..-.' v Vv .li-wtJLwi -V., .cf II ' ce.n .those. sections,, of. th Itcsrn msr to be clearly desired by a of itheeditors in'I'Korta ': Ciufclirfaithatrtch an association be fr. wcureea oy orutisn marsnaiai ornizei'anithat-itaaearlyda wpectelaotlvbf practi ThAcestiOn.rJowis astothd time dcsPtlsm- -The .citizens, of ana place $f the; convention which I it ilia a- f fc- . arf--T ' . . - Va- L J online purposes v.-; m VAJwouldf suggest.Raleigh as the place, ami6me day during the pre- e.sl0 of tb ture as theffinie for jthe I cbnyention,f:I nalisU tor.ibecome , acquainted; with the 7 ,13. a.terv old savin? ihati there - Jh'ft tw ,.nere; jevcr, hlv havA ernf a. hint m t I il subieet-from soriifr old booV hnt -wa I - ;" Ua , INU VU IU dnnht i rv, A .av, a ?- I ' V : r-F; , Yaf ous,. and was conducted: Trith ia taiawai latncacy of detail , tsd. ec;l oCi h -cucTi herAejyahe rdead ..Th-id. Xte- -zzii an'd IhelivthgTeasf Butlir. - a- XondJy hc-:i;fton.th2 zzA accident a. - 4 - A ' ' , l ' . . W ' i' representatives of- the Deotilel with' int.fathftvi'i r- w - gftft .eholdlinLiWsunc hlasea' i,..l.ir...,r , t. WV. ..... r- :'i.W..,-, -a ;V,r---- . " r W ..W.tVW.;,iV!,(i.VJ.j: i IT J lg ?' ntS1: -older aM yldwakers : just t aa Lfa ? WnsC i .ipPj Pi'uch'ci'we io ibngas.we theharp Yankee, entitled keewithiftthe-bound flf-lb-lwl ci ...aaic-way 01 sieannff ' rrom tnei ;-.:'U ,--i4?-.. j?a-r v!fit-j-a i.'w'rwr.-i ' , nAVi'rUUnt f "V-1 -"-'t-' -.j3 "i people ot Ireland may pe-uttne, . : ' An old p6ei, ' Chafer, we i wrcle-aesagothat (,;.; e;u,r onatfiMte 'Cat of the old fieldesi as men saithc- cins ': if tUcy " '&rT5riHSdWtIn av: ' Cstaaltlanew.eomterei'tovc Atr3 6utofold bookes, in good ftdtbe, 1 7T r"-- r-w.f .vY' to the word"pui.ji . Cometh althis new science thatmenl4i.f I P6t steal their substaeev-as.Unit'e'dt relating stoithcrtate -.Th pah1 .;Wh6fiRt"dbYfec the substance-of strikes out. sectio - CrcMebiller- Sn'fllA V'.l c:ir peor.la. - - " Ai J IT" 105 Ald tin-ta!taxAtion(j oi sprung, from the traitrf f r -QiVer" a.- r '?f.; . , ca to the Lliep aecfrr?en ccunty. :A...lQKl: cjscirlc. . Ha hud ftx- :-l 'hirssriran that Ka I"..-, af-U TJT"' "''J Tt. Hat aL"" 1 -"WJlVi'T"- i; rvtrrvr ' vti J.rrlr-, c' Kentucky, .1.3 ' r Pai.ncd Xo lbat y?"rJ bc;a.r z'.r.iz.l c:::-int dutrict' rr'.iatnon cfllr, Jii tsrr.iy in pl.tco cf Wharton, tt Lou , " Jcl:infiad -residing nc.DdVli !3Ti"2.'4A'l'r?TC for-partici- -ton did not recover. 'r:n" ll-:V:If which fc c.Val Lir.i T.Llb f7anainsome have ftp;rcJ ia the OrcrrvES. He was . .tizxizl . ycctenl.iy 'ct' ;Centre Church. The yc'';'K. rats .r. hare displayed n:u 1 Lc oL'r. du: his sicknccs. .lii..illf.p!.ysic.r.ns and all the U.nd -Hccs of affection, ere Lavished upon him, but in Desth relent! s!y clnirtied hh in, vain. f ,4..xwjrf wiayrT.. t -i-r-t- -vrgr -fniM nrrTT-" - " - - - - - - aaa I i - T ' ... - - ' nrtn pptit m w i aj ri j 11 ma sfis p7Sfe"rn:CJEailroad. . . . e,tr;i ArVnr ,cf Col. WUW!4nMessrC-',--:-.cr1frr irff mourn his untimeJyena.Lpiemmins stating that if it was not ' - r" jL ' -. i naiM&tnr Hie 22nd of FebniHrv , r .frr -th objqct of the resolitt)9 Vopl4brl8 Vis l j "-5cO(3 Jp-nra 1 lllbst'TX. - O Odal f Jflnw ,rr 'i n a general laws a?ains& doiv- i Kx-TOrc j ' IL'Mir tiilY fc ace ma vo .ue me uiicnuuu v "ic are muchly married, wi I V' )et:: ir peaiefarjofJth.irprecc V - J" noovi BiiT would iul tem;lfrpn4 a, strict Unfowrfsf4!ra' thWnfV J T tv - bve-' pnt. an explorir zz zi lio; trT Hy0l4 V tha "Cok vioraao itiver to pertain if that rerapte, wild .region would tJTcrd, then ? ah lasylum if ministration; PS ". This, and the capture of Ckplain rckr andhislittlsbandoflXodocbrftresviil add laurels to the brow of yiyssfisu?" queer tril 'f&B&ftt n Xrelapa few days ago. - It . illustesJBome what the hardships of English1 Kute. - The Rev. Mr. Loftus, ofGalway; w4 indicted fort usng .his, spiritual influence to defeat the Government. and nineteen other nriests are to be tr o ihe &me ;6ffehce. -. . To appreciate fully this act of Br iilsn otyiW0TfiiinV Score f f AncriMSi i T.nM(fim s (p. issted and put upon their trials for - . . . . .. r . V ak am . maw a.. a -a. , . A m T A - 1 . . aW TnT ucT, last year" lo acjtt'rwsa Administration 'Cabdi-- ut 4 -VT. WI?f!.ine; c9untrv, JJ? - r" w " w b.v t0 thejewdUlC ?A VMfeM A MA fA a, a J l s.'com- na- ions,oi ir- . , . ,- ' . 3 Though' ; - - 1 ejrt ofil- ces are fil l Jala. icvesf "aa thiougir '-rliSi making th-wi idtich we The; freiaeivf America can i sa lW n nTTirrPr"rmirif ran. t . : .. . .1 . J a. .. : V denouhc;th'ef kiiaverie of o!lce, T i Octavius Carraway. col with the murder pa colored woman neir L-rs, in Lenoir county in oaaU.i.. a.- : niL. county cn the first day of FebtUaify; hid caa.a.aicoaJ from thotaccit cf wlaicli Lodied ia a fow Al.-yi after I nicipl c!c;ticn nt In-toa-V in- I Wlat A . .a . , a. . . - 1 V " - . i til T I T 1 T ' I covcrnraent to make the abf Ition the - Ct n rS.i Tk-i:V"c?: vev - 1 eie,y wvf y . -i-. - of gov- nenninu uo W,wB;-w are DCTTcrbtsto resist the "Federal f r. J . fVKV 1. r, .V aT . I h am.imm 1 I.m-1 la.Klia:'!! t .v.... ...v.,..- v,-... , a k.j ww K.avMawv.1 . 'i a.aaa, , l . . . . ......J) , '...... f , .. :. a. v ' ... , I .t ; Truri Feb. lc17C wr. c ed to cj 3rj t 12wfe Suspended. .-J On motiou of Mr. Flemm ing, the i-pAolution in-reffard to 4he Western N. C. Raifroad, -offefeiT- by-iimsel Reported yesterday; svfST'trikenr passed4ts third1 Tcfadirt engrt) a nr reiamrnitw itdtort hriPtiv ths i WmvVWif ' " . "llrr-Ndrwoodrt.tvoteuitJ4 Itome- diate p?sage. . ' Mr, trin". withdrew. his oppdsi- Tnr rcsoru ,0.1 passed, fey XJ yeas Mr.' Ayera, the sneral Aeent of the. as i-eque3ted.to.adr .motio'n of Harris, col., the vot6 hVehieHviin Cohfititiitioiial AiUerid- ,'fnenfc rin.regaTd. lor .th oQstt(OB-ot' Judges'' was-mefeaf ed ktccow. fdered, ndf6ii 'm6tid'n ,of Mr. Al- ien. ine consiueraiion-- n nRvirioviou as.pOsip!ofiid:ilru:c::1 c " al iz o clock. -v , :.r Frotrf'theHiis "df Keprftta Ctowley ordered -fc fleViallfteajajid. made .thepeeiaL ordei for Monday at 12 m; . " ..irvil- jetU-'xtfi' - From. th e House a messajro raw . lug a joint uommutee 10 examine . V- . i a - - -1. . . . . . . - -..-i..Tr. The c6YioiirT"thfileC L to QpOW, Apnriifr ment. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVEi?; ch'eucfceedir.T r...'Vt the same Onrn tion o IlftX&aizefthe resb hUign airthoizing 4he Engrossing ClerkttheHoue to employ assis- l A vkarkY-VA Vkaft ? aft n I I VI . 1 A . A b By Mr.:pudger a b,lk tp ncorpor- ace ine c;incinnaii ana Ajrrea oouwis ernimiHYaEbSMty. Referred;' - .By.MrJoyner, a resolution ' ta fwJ4 iourn'on the 24tn inst. u Calendar: Coimian yor, 12 days', and for fsaclr additional inhabitants.' they mav draw pavator 4 four-additional days, i r- . - Mr. Bowman urged the passage of to the ipjuwioubfeif ,S.fe isungsiaie oi anairs. - Mr.ones7ofaUvejr"moveir lay on the table.7 - - The motiptf was adopted Ote j 'of yoTAjays3E r.rr.i ?ic TMI tl , IJy .Mr. dJsdger. a yomfrjespAutKm MtMM jnviting Rev.: Dr. Sears: toT deliveran( address oil Education: in thot illall of nmotionyQf MrovneiQhlreao lution adjpuraiire'on the " 24th jbsL was taken upCT TM .A Pen IWAS nays noheanwwas, on .motion r pi Ilr ?leni minen grossed and set to dress the General Assemblyvpu ,tne exeningtTllo ifii iElri ) ives;'tra,ftsinittinW: thp bitr ni f-ia A.yrwrtioi prevent usuriiwhicbt witakea u pi I thvyste.rn HJ, ; i. 5 Railroad eaj; and its consideration tfone fntoj ,HftrlBrmgewateii4tatidn1ini aiiutcahoui. a . Mr1, lAicky iiioved'-to lay on the tawe.v Aaoptea,"jmeast); nays 4?. wrae . The bill tSlh brtrn'hrat e f Kfe:j Tfite. rJrblii m'qunta,p.e;ft" pa vorably reported upon by llaMc-tefP . T a . 'aft! 1 'ii ' " T : iH W UUU1VIUUU yiaa. aa" ; peV1-??7 brick chimney with a pine tree grow ternal Improemente;gy i'dft trW fet frob? the "'grdtthl, On motion of ?Mrhe-lJ; ai&!afhegr(iw6mah7 wltWra gbatee bill was taken dip and rinade sDecial .urv.f i.A.'.vwWK'.A. nrler tor ..MM. onAnnext examine into the .business or -The r General iAssemblv ahd' 16 ' .noriBit day for adjourQmenMpP The? Party was .jiotdelid MhmiAmAU lasiadcdunts-iK 4 tuionroiuworth iJaaoiina jin-rrrtiiitan m S. - . a..am-a . . .' - . to the public debt was taken up. f(lt; amehdsh'rCdnsmutiaff Amend sectiwrG ef arlicUby strik .- t " a. . . - ing out tne;prsivpilauseherotdowr4jaea!n .injiess tpaa npursa, vq ms lrtneiciaase '. -.,- a . ..' a . I 3lnSH4 niirtiile .5,1irela-fFM : thft jraxpss8 jpf sTh'enate biinarnenoV the 36'ia - of Superintendent, i PfPubhPprkS; west akcnpp arid pr-sspd xtfarstxes,aiii by vote of yeas 98, nays 12. iuJuuw The Senate bill abolishing tneKJdcTcU Commihiohers was next; takeiie: up andpassed its fint readin -; iecsnai put io petier in,ev.;conj dition so as to amend the? Cc:tita- T tion in relation to- cxsrar,,c:i ?:ircm3 a t . . 'I . aB bavAillVaa, ivaaAaa0' t.aa9 -VtT Va C.r WavaiV other personal Dronertv" wn3 tctiea up and passed its f:rt r'-odin's bya vote ot yeas iu3,t.-vo . : , f The Cndtc bill to r.-cil3 tCcr.? stitlitibn to L to t-J-e 11:3 xr.ircl cf LUf. I ! I V a V I i Allaaa . i 'V i lll....- I theUniTcrsitcPITcrlC-roli JfroiS the,licard,- of '."nc-tioa -tJr.nJ .. charged! . rrbhiiTn-'"'T lis-'f.rfitVr-i'lYfJ V1 ii . a LIltTHIiriJ 1 " i.' u r 1. a .si, l-Jlir ! ( 11 pUca it vntllin tlie control of the - --,-,n Iwuy-lny!! t. its first reading by a vote of yeas 94, navs 11 - a -- ' " v , -1 . - The nate bill to ariend tha Con rt:'.:io t'-yfo r.TT.:y7rith-thc c: nsus 3 1 i ?f in; by ? ictjztz 22 ,-ays 10. -.v , The Seriate bill to amend the Con stitution in relation to Federal land other ofSes-holdera Tras itakenjiPP by a vote n- trtitttt ion in relntiotHo-pt:blielirj-ties wasTtaen pvllJiang those inmates of tlieharitable- institu tiottsAth'o; v&m rcperty: 'tPT'l above the homestead pay,-and- in cLJ who d6nbYhUri'Wiuppdrtect &VVxe Qiarge of the btate.j ofDav.idson Mt, MCTTisun was wi-javor .AXiVVtD 1 and-pssset! itrurst readingr CsedlVAl?fitffl.te bill t6 amend the .notnins more tnaa..jus&-jRnpiues to -the r. J jk Jpnc pf Caldwell. -c:3otyp6s- amHdinp,W'-fi .'.K-brnfft-ui . r.j.ucnston.ijgava.nuierpusi rea, AAteaw?3tll!clf faifeitfirrUeadin'bf.Ybteof n .upuu.vie' uiii inc changed his vote to the negative. forithe.purpoSmpted tor. reconsidhf! fW;w i4k a.: ii fi iwi and miVedlo'maker. ibid ?coniidera tibn Of that motion special ordefr fdK to-mofrow atlr a. rn.;;Adopteori ae resolueionauthorizing ltKe 3foV erri'or to Dray ai appeal iti--the . ease df HinryJUlews cd r'ah tern I N; 03R:IandSuiSgto surer to give bond and pay. expenses j Mr,rraige. wished tp makejti tle 4stial.orderfforJ:to-mOrraw. l: tt JftifcO VU Vra v Mr:BdwmaTifTnovedi to'ipostpoite nritiVSatlirtfityt'1'' " TIT t VVAdesboro isbujlding up..;" Hickory Tavern", talks "of a town v ' ' , Ralegh haiSSder "storm.Wm- nesday night. ;?:' ' -v 1 d . s " --.r- f- There is talk-of th 6 Rutherford VindZgbtor moying4b irejnrton. Th hty-on e Mariitg:alien ses issued in J AnstoAcunlyjtluring theunonth tdiiar.t . v J " t JJiggertaiT,, a ISToTtlTCarolina Kir id' teciy9theres? '". A. Durham voimg man; the walk ing was so bad, mHed-bis young lady from church in a wheel barro w. j'iiot Jonathan Harris, of (Jui)ford,,wiiIe hauling hickory:' tlmber'slipped pff th;e- Wjgjmf it j ran over v him , he i is oea 1. iA small coloredi'bpy in Raleigh was Mr.ThostW Haynes, of Rowan v,-a has been raising cloyer.. seed, ' which he can sell easily, for; $3 to tJO per I ;Wmicwas arrested arid'eom- mi t tea to omithneid iau on last wBn u iy evening for forging an, order on Benton IBro.fcs amount oi f54.4U. o r ncnvnd extensive: neos 01 Magnetic I i:tite irpji ore have ueen uiscoveica vituinineorporace limits of HikL vaverhw "Th:2lore mits 01 Jiickt v is; pronounced is -hCX'Vr; J - Bil-i AaUlItICa tWaJU JCII J Arkansas.1 have rf turned, to their old Vl" Uifc VUU1UY Vfclf u .1U1 IL i. Aa rA W -w aCao flTii rt t a aW w ill . ne satisD ea ia layw m 1 uaiaw pa. tn e IpaUoce of their lives. . V .,";.." f 1 A a ..- -m 4 .1 it. . 1,1 izeus ot i-i ewuertj uieiiiuiiai.M.iug tlio-Xtegislature to increase the fea for. J tUe inspection of turpentine ; from ilUU leeUaeep ailwuiiaice- some ttthiCT eudrisf thff rOadTto the' & U UU it tfi U C msr ftmUhfiil. W & lfH Mr.;Uatchelorwuh:an aae..whenlie f 1 aMaT T 1 ata 1- . ' aa . aV at. I ' rise; saya me iuagnQija ijuonuvri nie J I . 7 a t a aV a-arT-,l . I . . a" 1 -a f youngest cnia or jvir.nas ju jpwies wM, so badiyMmecl aSJto" 'cauSerl cdlbredten i i7...Ti 'a Li,-' ai?li ILJ ariz ? Part;PP Hal fiiV V-oiintv made bales xfcottcnn60 barrels: of corn, ii 8tacr3 0l louder ana wousneis 01 peaa Aviira one muio juajr ,;ax- . 1 ' a . - a . n 1. n a. va1 Pi2?2rfP Ttl'T - c ;on the nightToflhefth ; mst. two n e " brJ 15 Ld (Bin TVCZi ttt t o rrtCl-vtCB 4c6uple of muhs from the premises of nf r T Mr. J.W Eubafik, 6f Jones county.-- ThAV' ThyMY tre-discovered,' ana cnecj thim shot do bank btrebin unaided tney?rotn. - r exJ-r T I- i ' : ' ' . J ' V tt. J I The old Confederate privateer.XJ 1 czrrtauhfiA been purchased by -ane ic. 53iT,aAov?rimci4t.-i-v IS -Gcor-3-ElliDt--J3ai3i-rni.d3 fbrtyi tWn,ioi,n artll Vi"TTr!."!.1rrrirr.'h I thousand dolls'by'ZIUdhmarch." KnoQKea aown anq severely inmreq by a'rdriwayhiors'on Wednesday,; ZlzTzorlzl to Ccr ttts. - cultural and Direct Trade Conven tio'n adote a .. -immcrl to Con gress on cheap and uninterrupted trr r;'art ati on Ceiwc :n'f lbs Ilissis sijr i riv r f nd the v ,or.l Atlantic. It ;er nt 1 1! !o e v mostur-; ger V uqa economical stton, 'of the djiui suflSciently provedy by "facts already . before" Congress. It urges Lthat it is ihe only ' coniplcta mears of meeting the wants or s lirstKuas3 water com muhication, byTvoilf.l: high mountains and hard freezes. .-It arid water; lines indispensable for na utjieme io war, a iiuerai appropna- . reheat fl4rcCJ,r ihic i urcci ... ywhici iHfbulcHbel Oithejnost wpf Id, adding national wealth and veicp . .veaunasiaeH.neproeaf herer afft nunTroim:co ich in the past generation wouJdi eages ina$lf mSRlorasient h ave been rejeei veds frC7iUbr Presi-. dent andabjiijettrXipcIii lity in the hands ci Collates oResolhtion were alsd rfltdflptett.'TcfcoRMJifcn'ainr prepanftioa of fcboksiti ngliiHiafid loWates.foraim'migran;ttndjl,buy: np unsettled land along the' lines foi :i eeiticiiiit'oiiiuniigraniSj'ana'tnat the,i;JHhd( " bwMrs.; enurage Vtthe 'inafeentV.WeHnffHKeiV larfdal' ,fpwt .rates and. long .iine;, r whiter the inuiiuujt jucK iii.e.ajmporane9i 101 T.i . . . . ; :.a!i j. t. . ea Capital mid skilled labor from the and assist to deveJop its,."yast re.7 sourcesiT J. n . . lf. . l . 1 fTf A report .was adopted " .in favor of direct ' traded with : Jlnrppe) f y;;jparis of the St4imiing4ibsidiifif a stjEMimshipline. " - '. Personal Intelligence. The exrPrincelljn p'eriaf .of, FrAOce isi khPWli as 6"einleiiiajf Cildt tTount'r de Pierrefonds, at the -Woolwich Mil ttary Acaaeny? v uv " a Two descendants of Genghis-Khan the 'Mongol sovereign and. conqueror of Ihe twelfth' centim. are fiicKte? jAleck" Stephens will have a'clear riln for Conirresa from . the ."Ritrhtb" Georgia . District-on the fSth instant, there being no opposttuui to hunj iMiss King, an Englishwomaria was married to the Mahometan Sheriff of Gtiazan.- atf -Tangier Morocco, on th e WJVeS. :: &&.im.j - ror of Germahy tdTrince Bismarck, wl th th e ercuhcit n bril liapts on th e Black Eaglet terminates with these grateaiif;Kinga:?p:;;';:;: ;,' ;vv: t Presiden t Tri r?fi rinses accent the Eniperor'8 hospitalities. for his stay in Vienna'while attending the Exhibition. 'He liasilifed tfiePatace Leitenbuger,? and Iwlli there t abide with Ihe 'j&Wgfai&yfrtoniyz rflHE SubscribeTSid flier Stock in': the are hereby notified tbatVhiecqhg.will-oe held at the Court Huef. 4 llo'clock to day, for tiic ,-pnrposip of, oiapi-tation, as tle whole -amount or srorK nas tnsen u scHbed. - Prompt attendance is requested. fehl5-Jt a.JCBRi THRESH . Arrivals n300 ibs.onntain J? Cabbage, Fine " Large Torttaiul l?Qta; , "Appleji. ,13U10gtig( . BansSg ia(Verpl, valid Seed -OaW.' ?. ' J i!V fly JT SMIT JH? feb 15 ' . - ' Wfc tl " Fet,IftrSaleI)y ' ? 1 r ieb 14 , sYMoys & co;; aM - al a -ttiFTboxe? Baltimore City Sbap;j;i I V. J , n - MILLER & S0i3( J i :fel?.l3 ensure) tha'"f n.trtiori'i' rC V: a Ajlvis whera to will at alL- than keen " ' route atldrt-riy df:i:u ..ysmre ."t'R mkufflcient for'.nktionkl reouirementa S rfe-U:-.. , I Northern States,1 and extends tf.cbroV ial iiivitfitjh tp;capita)is't'rV led laborers' from 'the Nnrf h' tsk-4rn iv We Wl wnrtKAisi . lo'pert ? f f iarwig td, pv- .Uem; at' 60 cents.: per ; I V a.' l":1 al-. ''Ja-iJ. aala all) wee it. to i reiuraeu'ui kvv viuti Trustees Sale.: .Tinrtnerfd JJ tea ty 'jonn' r . xryce it uav 25tU.day of JpBe lSTQ, aL,wUl ucead to sell,V at public iauctioii, ifo " SK1 Courfe HouseHdopr i thatyof Charlotte, on Satwday; tl 52nd. ansi at 12 p piocfc thatv raluable plantation; ; knoJcn, f as-lie, Jobn AjYonns plantation .Ktuated. near the City ofChariptte, joining tb$ .lands, of. Dr Paniel Asbury and others.. 4Sale poi. tira, - ihw fornier? purchaser notjiiavinja cxinxpliedwivh terms of s ale. -'tebtatdffi uiM j-u: Jrusteet ,..., iHn in..' i m m. ... i ... r-TT cj ff ' biff i 4 S rx Directed -by.crerDiuticnf, adopter: iL at Etocktoldcnt mcc'.Ir cf raid Com payou theCth inst., Eat:;r;-llcrji wilpe received afet the -ofZce cf tcjd- Compeny No..51;Newt.ri:c Ycrk, cr by thedsly adthorized ? agents Jcf- taidoComrsny wr cf 4icJ compaujf. alter ma cived to said ttrilr-Troti ariy one net now suscn-i Ucr therefor at less than 10 per cent prer liiiura.:a thrr Value thertcf U r.'"i ' S-,fi- f-.v-.-i1.- JiIi' Vav.a alA'. i'H! . fc fcblecdt Ut Harcb;:;,. . thattotbeCapitcl Bts nnt-'l the.0rd.av cflizrzh next; no farther r-ic::f-tica v,iU- te r:c v.- n.-1-tiionsTO Y7nCLzCaiLi: DEALS U Si . coiiinGsioir miiciraUrTft Itrp ?Vfrgiven w fn'ends und rastom-'- i rsi A'.A.tv:iii.. aa 'J to anrioaae 4bai- w ard-Prcn and niTt full t?;f4. r' . Tt-Sii. uer , Mplisscs, BarSTrfAfaiir&.Va-.T Soaps, Candles, Candv-Sfarch. Sod. - gs r Cp5e, Tens, Bpicesi Brandy Peach, . ;And- an- frnitLe iuost atari.-, 1?Hz. r"i3t he'-narkt;-to, ; iinrllOIalAIaE ItADae assured, that -they can - ' r;; ALWAYS OBTAIN : j. .. - - ."thviewertjiiaetfai ft? j ' -, ,Jlketv')riBesu!t s ,: H"t-Q&If and fpradesif '"'l U Cotton, .Flout: .Corn, Ac Store th I same and ittaKu Gas's SrTratni WfvAL tired. We.art! Arrihl fn th Wia.hVt toiwhichweinMfP or. andiW-reMble tarni&fs in the State; fur IWe are also Agents for the celebrated -' !f We rrtftiTty asi'sh'abftii4 pub lic patrimageY guaranteeing Satisfaction2 lin goods as well as ,price. - M r, f4 Remember' 4he'. StandTiade ; Street, rexi aoor to MC3iiirray lyavis. . , . ' ' 1 tV- TT TT. TTOTTRTOV' .4 ITyV f V -I ' af ti i-i.uK;4, Granite-KowOppcesita i . C'E N-fPiC'A Ii n O T EX v Hi " , CnARLOTTJVN. C.t j.j.T Manufacturers,- Wholetle and Retail dea?- eis in Manufactured Tobacco,- Smok-; ' inR Tol)acco,'aUftlCigars, ?of. all l : grades. ,lealeTS in the alve goods wilU'. , dcwell to exaniioe onr stock before jmr-' ' chasine;.elseihere: is" we can. ; offer ' greater inducenients. jan 14tfi?rt;; ?h.!hrr tit v-, n V . A: . HI5BET & BEOTHEIL . R15 Daj'y f?cvmg fresh supplies of RO0ERlis; COFECTlONKIUIiS. TOBACCO. Wf, CIGARS, MUSICAL INv8TUUliKKTs;FRUlTS, VRIZE CAi- 'veiuy i(.f (JAjSil, "and select ourgobcis With care, all of which we, will sell at.th lowest price lbr'CASH. ----- - 'We feel very -thankful, to the genroff public fir pask ipatronage,. and.,Ipe ' by strict attention to the. wants of the poplar td still continjixe to iijee tieir approval ' ,Our Stock j is large, and complete. w flatter ourselves that,1 we- will, please all that five us a coll. fLandrethWkirTaiited Garden Seed. iij j: have iyeanrviiiiiAyf -;Ws Iff celebrated Garden SbedSi' u si i '; 05ssv? R. BXJRWELLC - feb 8 lii.'.l.Gi t:tt;n-te3'rt:-';' " . -. J rf, .'.' . 0''nrharaa,'dLuceme. fSoreT'feceiTil to-day. , .'BURWlSaUi & CO. .awa . . ...... ,.. ... .' i, ,,. . ' ' T ' - Twn at 1vf'Tfr.mji lir 4 'RfrinffV JBu dinz bver I'. .TKSavA waxweii soewingaviacmno i a" l ' ' 1 - ' m la, - , a an W - ",1 If feb 11-lw A. B, DAVIDS05, V t tl ,VtJ;r .ti'A f t 'JL'rlli- '"A T"1 ,T' i ' ? a . . . . a. a . . .... .. ILI A W a 1A W 'ra.A f o r a i T1 ,7 cw- tr' , t; real's 1 , a 'i .'j i a i-vLvff J I l:r& ym i!t Mlr v tr 4 a .! V , ! :'. r.nt td 'l i 7l- . ,?fra .u.f b;t.. I a ' U U . . t T.i.r-.a.aa.a . ONLY two nwfirt VTays td sell Jfedcets for the Voe de L'Bau 1 V -feb 11-21-15 "'f f-it?? -TIInYifeJBRO il; it! itl -'ffJiVnf U 7f'-T f.'iH- if. J' vui i' J rj a -I I 1 inns ' . f - I - ' ."'' II r r.a ,11 r . ' r- aa r.Ulf.' ti. f .H tuv i I hue .fiiJ bio? i :'! I f fi- I February 11-Ct W 4Rr aT-'---, f .1 f A ion iiiff :a... ,.i t -