- - .-- : - r - r f ) m -I- , . t ..- . f 1 1 iw I . r ? ' V w.J c. ....... ............... i. u7 . I I .... . f" hi i 3 v9 '-. tliree wcck3......-....... C 50 .' " . ., - , I , .1 , rj . , w !. 1 . . ' . ' . . . J - A " ' ! - ' 1 ..- f . j .. rj - rf . , ' " 1 tt v, r o-.t. f) M:iii;!;V,n,'-)i):Mi Jj-' . .' f?, v-n and ten squares as a half-column. 1 ' I fill thinfc 01 iW.4rTnC;X. .7. I VV J ,1 - . . ,1 9ft -ri va r mm! , j - l r ; r, v i i r . ( :. i - ; . . :;t .:i-;ii, r''ii'lii MU.?'HJS3 4 Contrart AdvaliseivU. tskci-liJrn r.a , ; t- . - ne igiuut- i i i5av?Tro!n rtl y tieed not iDectaa TiiiTors. in in van mm arreara-KK)!i irst uir ciwiili he ntust nef hL?actually Sal the firrancenient'-bettirefeii yell anGavcmor C IwMeof-l tajcen; picc; ana it is to d fcinciir 1 .'-juj "ion 1 WHURE WILL'BE OttltD CTERYTmKXJ KEtT ItlX"' ' ' : f i -infill 1 a -" . r .. & a.. . iji r tti t nmTTTn : " - ... . ... f ' r'1jM AA It 7 t(l 1 K . f 1 1 s 1 1 f Hi D-n ti ! tat JjfM i it r firfches, Clcclis, Jewels nil 1- ctutcemiti re jrtttRXIt of blood 3ttdarthe same time )Vcronps,thrtendenero eanrgriaj-jKe 'yerarro treat au iormsoi uuron- ennnot be tolerated .by ;the ltOTjvbWrd,Wni Shoe Brushes., wicy Deneve ne was as mucn sinncu against ftfi jBiiiliincs. n llcivla a novice ; yritj' report tnere was n bribery to'i le argniJa Senate before ed.. i bu ' r AiuaiAKY juie. Ane Din proviuing .-Teti II MMItlR &S0y&V 12 ' ' rr Vi lit" : Mr.thft-dUtirihHtttvn fihftu- Opnva h!J iwTp.h-) J?- " ,!f TTlFTEH llnnelred' EuShoii Mottnlain afcard canW5 Aim'iivhe House TMSltMoesor iniintinir; lOJ Tibk-Tl -fj PCats, for sale br nlateo; aftd ctitnoitiDtis' aiscasaion. . -yyyft ? y:9 ;j R nig tunc iv err s aitacK naa somewnat -jvyr i VVM' injured nie oui,. ue pounceu upon I in REACHES, Tomatoes, Corn Green Peas. e attorney bf tfr ?kfefti,anrWiiI inics. whom he accomrjanifidio the . j .1 jainly insirfuting ? that Kerr was i - j Uuated by impure m o4ives. Kerr i , , )se, and deliberately jxlgjrrgd i Jl 'Butler'B iace becametiJexrldtjAand .;-.4 ( e reiterated, hw chre.' sli it 4 Kerr deniedbatriccbah VOVUXCJJLY & Ct?7 varta to the committee room fov-1 Jn 21 - - - ? that he went there by course saw 3 committee and foundEartvinl 0 'Ob." f01jMM&t thei evM94ot:iAiibejisertion7, me men can't see an honest thine em .i' dJft JC ; ah en it is before th ,'Yes," retorted' tt K "bn&yotf e a of tKenind rjrthis,he' uuuer Upon his counten-. )ked at ;castic sneer tinon his counten you dare." But Ben seemingly k no fhfobbtrce5, bimj nrrJT it to wbrkaeferid khx ienna ExPosrriON--Xonfon JJr; -The Tgrar&'eTjbT4hafVlehDa i ofition announces .that experi tsi with agricultural , maehinr'd be made on the Leopolsdorf Es- Of A m Mw.n.-.i X. o o vita Axaj ijuiiiteojjjor rtnD fpe titire trial of mowers, reap:-, t rakes th ? M'cf :ul- i for; tl: - j? for steam-plough s,; sor-;r3, . r.n d il be provided for exhibitors o a tl; a Hacaroni- rNE v hundred' lbs., Choice Macarani, . cheap frhii 1 . xrTT.T.Trrt janvs 4 Ct;l.i-,. tLi 2 CiLiL Those jLTisa roiaioes. " - n-, fTlWJ5NTYFlVE TCarrtlsJo6il Ea'onjfj wilf receive the 0trr'larterIies f iiilrlslr Potatoes- Jtrs 'Yeiired at r-1 i.'-'i.1 - - I , ,J-n " - - v,- - , f Ttist' june 29- -Drug Store. Ui ,3i-V. tlilWJli,.i t (Pjitc Salad Oil in rreriad rder." Af 'PAYIDSOlSrs 1 Rmnlorer 'lrE. Bimer farjthe,past Vear,4 -v-- ElYEftY STACLmaHoTsJes ahd iuleS I and.inost resnectfully ask a continuance of ' HVtMl J. too-??) r for'-sale drbioBptoatt hanl cmistantlyi: i ' ! the same as we are still at llMiiTlMt- ;i!JBqABi)nio. f . "Ti ' - pV " 'Awful'":- viaiiora. ll tr.; v i" i f ' f (jroeK, JJ.UiWl5 anoriviUiiaj iorsaiea t,, rr i.,; ...-." v , I, Tenns most iiDerai, u suit cierit wuv kett slaaatiliKL I i, k t f V-vf i I k7ti,w for rmvtrate salaries., .U 1-vnTf- - . . - w r - -1 TITE BAHH llECKLEllBlJliG- ' , . tor January, - xo i o, nowwueu " ITT - z ' , t i . i.Tt T . , . - . r : , rZTAZ Ti'TU, T ,'nf7 Quarterly. il Tiri o.f.lq oldAi auuresa, mj- uvx, vvw"-.- j--vrvrr"? 1 i. , T. T;A;r. and most instructive 4iustraja; na i , f rrrJ'l,.; f'i pave liiioraxyujuc -xl""" !'1 ir cAv , 4i.TfSirM of tfurpatwnawhorprterea eeaS r.TrTTr.Tr vmt and werK 'cred ted With - cents. I oiiuuci - tc - ' - ' ' :;u - yi 1873; f 3, Ian , x?r (.txuJ.u-JLiJU. 09 euflo'j TTJ-TTTOTCIXPO" lot of good x insn x'otatocs warranted souna, eoou forcckmTunjoes.t$l SO-refaJjuheLin rrlKGJ out a Xarge stockof fmr Ilps-jf ViA iervi&r Ladies'. Misswand Chi1 Jren I J. -.Trrr- 2(I5LLIKQ 'MidineW Trimmings, and all , our tancy and hair gooc.3 at greatly re duced prices tarrjoake.roc'n r 'r; - tT-r 1. who w v:r.y " i..to tl. . i')i i"-;.rs!t i .J.'r ''' il-GrOCLllirjXOXFECTIONERIES, TOBACCO; SNUFF, CIGARS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FRUITS, PRIZE CAN- Ve buy ir CAG.r, td select our goods 'ltW.r-.aHof ' -eyVa -lrt.t"?. f " c !vs ' tl t r'uv ,-.-l "utj";:':;''.;:: Lnc -..Vbiwiufii '-'1 :i)0;iJiMV dll L rill .yniLfrA in jiHUa-vhiiTJ 'lo' ohm .wotoo to tiaiiuif iai .?7c. v w :,n- ilx : I; il44uaa a JJZI l ram JatfiUlU?igJir. XV1T" e. . j. I r t i i i n : x !-. i i t : i . . -. ... OPPOSITE T1E M 4NS9HUpii,fiJ?Pr j&ff??:vs.i-LL ip.fi ,w w ;. iT?Ll3nicOTnitfre buWiCtliat'Tiis -" uifSftW.receitins hisFALLand AVTNi jjjd JCKtJf GOODS Tor MEN'S WEAK,.'" . ' . anc theiBoardtr - jr ft . .. . ilW-f?. lift ..' . ( .'": .i-.v n r. '....' Iwid i Sale StaM--ifttth.tr TO Plates1 'oC uilgorgeousiiaral Vm; fnHOICE Odd French Brandy ibr Medi mtatipnTelaliveji JPWeij,l Vfesetef jlj dnai purposes' at-P. SCAUR'S. ' rr M . " 1 -, : ypaDrder!es-bcfores .-j., UarJL.,:..li loV Urcther's Jttiiteriyf J p challenge1 1 com- ; j-js .yjIE .CHEAPEST IJ . Farfscft oartyjcXeeiradpncc Vtf - ,1 , .i trf Sheet anq iTice iasi ior xoo, eui.c;4.u i .trir.t"- i - j -; v: "THipt r TtUOTIllll. ' " " m; OSer 'ttie ifoiloWing Vertiiiiers" , B?51ftn kndl lor&t'rT lPatapsco Guano, Chesapeake fluanq ,S ii? "SWfesS. aid TatsorClarke's SurPhospbate L Ja 22-..;jt 't-f,65 m ' - .V.'e have pleasure iragai tendering to U'tAU-V'trr-': - -crarmera:the.lOTelasaFexuU ''"irnHH iiuuIES.'- zerwf;.!.,. .rtVirr-idcdM -i W - ' 1 'To those who have used them so many nd tni ui v -ro., i 3" yecrs weneed only say.that they f are guar- rl V, - f f ri ;f onstriil. will conrince them mat tney-are i w rr .L i - - . .,,.T. . ' - by ,,t , r fit-. U f;o Votj in .nr quantity, by. V"1" ' i J '.Partar f ttcntio-r-i eeiS'J J'Tl ;J oS-. - Aii"-arbJtrt,.'&w QWiuh d t e,w nif. t .-7 - j ' , xiALcafoiia (iL-tanco promptly, a p rlV ...OVSPf-ILTailCSOTCD."! Jt.dl . r I -t j ...i.. i. ml . ' i r -"- rcry tne:v e ,m i . .-r, v.r. . . . . i . i 7 " .i:. a -.!. ; -"! f '.' i i. -: ;... - A " "i . .'1.1 k.- j .... - jr. -T'-; 1 J pi. e ; - . - ' ' c '.Ire, crin Iota to. siL ptrrchrrirs. r;scriabie rate. Afiy to . . .4 JOHN T. LUnn, 4ll i 1 J... 'Al V .L 1 Si. Si' I invite iaijnspeetietB of my -goods sfuly "A,. . . . . TTTP "nATrrrir. J TTiPTTwrTiTrDnr - . JTuTOSE persons to whom we have ex-: lihdedcrert aufing- th psCsV'. ill oSlastppeal. KEMEMBERm?'' Tr wCashiA r.uV. tUtff Unci j STENUOUSE. . M ACAUIJvTf vy 1 U XlT r ' I 'iui'n'i 1 uni'l ' lXr-. ,r 1 nunder-LawsoftheStataof North X2aro!ir.a; linm Jc - j f . ....... . 1 . hu uujliav vv vwuw w r m wv w . fc . . ( i ancLlvmica r.ccommoaations v,.r,f-l TiL:-tArrrHTi.i-U v ...... mnm TTinif 1 'TN iv Ji ffi-rrt.7rt SrC ?3LTi' R ' S D E U G ,S T P R Jf i 1 1 in v ' -n " - - ". ..... - . -1iid -ct?5!- - : " ,risi5 bail Thk.TrilrecvejDe!xita8ubt " Che.k,'ifjd wilf Allow Intei .Acpqrding - ThkW fn' a tnfr,-fi nn rrif kiiTrfi iw1 ,UK'' 'ft is jiftofpoilicarin ,: , j- .:. v-r- ha r indrawri: over tLirty , V .. af J 1 . I -omt I !t;1..5rfw aiiw.-br. IcHiq o)m , i at. o:I-ellwand Silver Coin, Bullion and, olcL,.'; ,.,'f j ; . r rn rr, U r, J .Tja03JLklLtt7E f ?' 1 "... . ,1 110 ' " 'JV V.1 GiarUte. NVC. V . 1 1 i ite frorA :, c.l w-v, . jan 4, . ' , , jan 21-om 7, 4 ' 'Ji v. I "--' - v , - V'TTTT- U " t, t jr sai.a Dy fcsA f ; ... . .

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