n " ' 1 JT V I. h . . ! I t rl If: i r !! I ..it. ; n ;.,,, - a JL Newa .,-v few days ago, . , . fl f,.xt..ii-' 4 France..has. ittaiyefcrTeco;jnized the 'T.cpattie'ofSpdn.V'' - I ':' . A murderer was' lynched In Utah jk ! r.r-PrCTHent- Tyi err"? wi Itt' 3 )t "" wined at the White Houe Thursday.' - ,'i - J.. Tweed is 'to, -I ? iro3ecnted again. Three fresh mdictnients-fiave ,been found ' " ' against him.' ? ' . .". J " II. ,h:.Ve been; -arrested :fc-w ic" a -cf '; . tLeetoorcenientact. V LAAUtf -J -.; A hill in 'Congress to adjust war claims, agsregatfagjfiiearly - fournilllons . . -' , was rejected, yeas 90, nays 118. - t - I t j - - , . - "- ' 'q .j QoL ; jpiloibyhaving be tendered (hefpHol'iQbVuenum'rih tertaink'gjlcaselj" Wectftilly dlcilned i - A . ' the appointment. I tnentalare"rnlatin?rwith of Troubles.in l?openty,i:Arkanss, are reneweu. - ALmims captain has oeen r shot and was t insensible when the train t." Jeft.--Martial, law probable., N- . i'- "i'i ' ' . .T3re peacCcor5iAissiorier,h'aTer3t nncon cS and party, and tjbj. V"ial o( thelodocs accused of muf ihi45Cihiywnd thi removal of the balance of. the ilodocs to distant coast resef vafidht52'. ' "' r The debate on the Poland report next Tuesday is looked forward to with intense riiterestjt.prnn'es to bertheost jaori in jnousdebatejOthe'sessioy. lhe opin ly giinsfna:thatMl4hy-credit Kiobflj. Jer Congressmen will be censured and none . ... President Xforht decided to gir , up his Southern" trip, at Jeast for the. presf ;tati. TJiO;ailIirijwd: hrriSeXIt3fter " general., conversation' on the subject in a Cabinet pieeling. Priday. ' TheJPresidfnt .rthihkl Waniooaiof nifortant ,". iness to , be transacted immediately aflet v vue aujurunn vQngress wouia not JustiflriScoinlngrttiettmeieX , 'A r ..rTie Republicans had a grand celf ' bration at SaragossWonrthe 15th inst..The .city having been practically delivered into thahands of the'ppepnla,' the mdnarchial in embers of the (SitvJsfciernnient tesisned. ... -v v w - - F and their places .were filled by : Republi- cers of artillery resigned anjJ: t urrendered Mwas oispiayea jltoui tue uojreiaor' i denceandat other-places. :H - .-..jln.the Ilmise ssr resolution Sat irpe- Ject uomihittee beappointdd totmrienci'. . tions was defeated, yeas 105, nays. r, 109. t Jl Farnsworth, ; Pgrter, , Stevens ;nd Smitli; voted for the resol n tioii. A rpnl n tinn lerring the esticibnyto the idiciar j ':0ommitteer;with" jnstruellohs tofinquire rantsrtiicf impeaclrment of k'ri .iji&cer 'Of tfie Cfoyernment vas adopted .. ' J y. The following general crjlcr has just been promulgated-from th headaiiarie oflhe army : "TheTth 5 United StOea ni. 4 -lry ,falheceb'' tranerredfVonttlieI) v ments m Kentucky, TennesseeJ, HWsairL- 1 'W and'AlahamATf IW&draii T3AA?yml . Kentucky, or MemphVTWiri&s5,1'r aJcSf.siyBamboats 'and proceed 4y kriver I - ; ; , - ----...j wi.Vk 11U1 Ci.iUilfJfc - political prisoners were released, an offl- - Pf rtment.of the Sonw-to the Depdrthient jfatoiThe' aetacU'Wof . th'eTdri- ! ' 'i ,1"- It itf'cratirvin' tn' Wm lffC - It i'gratirylni; to: leam "inTtl ' ChariottendT$ua;e ,assert positively that' they will conji crX24roadUothis-cit0fcyu tthq nrst oi next January. C V,:;Kece,ivf i temporarily The -AlILr aaiy6mithjindGeo.,V.,-.Strqnti:4; ihaoye.rnmtin'ti2lnil Jodj Iler IQil fQt he plaintiflUThe mqurit TbeWitof;; Tourgee issued t against Trc -'sufcr letikmi was' tnhU name c f tl. f -a- co'.ir.f- -- - , i -i: V . . AKl iRTPf JliTA TTT rTT.-y' jjk r'ft i.j.ot ,'."7 ;:r r- ... -1 1 1?hefpcbp;a:la ilbb'.'F-rSU: lis ' WWekhow'wiU rejoice; to,, hehir f-th?.t the-General a e-viVu-A'A. ,'c.l,:iUo c.tL:L;; .lie'v.cLof n hit5f Jt8Leet Ptcto-s, turnips, ;-,.!The honcraVi? 1 oc'" "Vv 1 to dosomcthir-f i tha rood of the CoAfe. before it c-jourhs.Thir I'lyoid, dctcrmi - l:o:i'f ccit'cjf-Vur f lii-hcctadmir..tic.:. Anlthats cf the brilliaj'st "vo""r T,"''-T -1- In tr)AA&A 6?iV'.'. -it 3; o i - r w:r rt ;tvsXt . owners t .oi5. tlcDTata anrAVi to, it 13 no (' I- ". : :t; .... upon tl:3 I' t'iiin cf tha Ctate Debt, t:.3 A:.:r-:7 DiU, the Ccbool . - - ' . l:- t ...... K ,- ' J ,' i . :. ". C . : ' ' rvrriri fusion. f ' -The bill to IIowcaniuUtlT'elfc6 f tV ''ty cf -ij'i rj ,f i.'j . i re.".,., .i. vJf . Harris end I'r.Lonr col offered which were voted down, and the bill passed -iU'tlu. i"-; wli-lrTjiJitdr'iXL. Party voter - : . v . - Ihe resolution to rerun' Jto. V, F land Neck WK'Co; asied ita sevS ral readings. : " . - - - r--a 4. Ondotion-oftlrTodd. thftr,nilaa wpr V! " nr? f d aflr'th hilt in roT-Ul r"K,Ichi-hwaya passed its several '- ..... ,. . . . ; t -v L-l. 't-irfciV' ViWl'-f ' tf 11 ..thf ..tt -f tinrJ:,tf!1,ktj ordtection f theMtiorrtv nf rei 3TA eat: . The following bill, reported from the committee to whom - the matter had been referredhe'specUl order was put upon tiz " J -rr?di3 A BILL TO BK ETt btll1JLCT CO rrsXTrrTH c it 1"t h H tA rr ,- THt ; . ' T na do enact : -PtA .- - That alUck4 Assem bly of North Cfarcukir11! iivi pumtiuns lurmeu unucr general laws, shall be subject io-anoSecm troll ed hv thn nroriirttia .t on-ont c auf!. tleSdLcliBblHEfralef interest and Repeal ciaper 114 of the Revised Cc$efntitfed Wur;3i4ti-, in said charter to the, t?ouCrirvCjfj?rj withstanding. 1 .-., ... ttlSkBHU lUtMaws andirlS dTf iraWa1 lit Conflict with this ttetsbt, n r l.hik same. are Aereoy repealed. , ; wpi i ' JUr MoreheacL. of .-Guilford: nfTrtiA 4 afiv isiTiehdment providing thaV tioth f ingirri tliid -act'sUnl! beUad- fc6nstrtsed as -xa relieve persons acting : in Gdu ciary , capacity ..from their lLabilitylDlMecklenburg, and Morrisbn atfvd under their bonds. J . -..j t..i -r ' T. ie MZIZ. "ili Ortf d6ITiiHnlfl VWfT6 m -rSvT' this amendment providing that each incorporator ii banks receiving de posits shall be liable in dniiM tK negf measure? of proecUoiif to ex Mt. Norwood mo vd t ; iWrM Tgqttiring annual statements to be made in Jal-of iTch year, of the condition of bank0 - . ,J v i ; Mr. Worth u r Passage of the bill. JTtV xiSsa much what -t was; but he insist to be r Ill If 'lt" r". " i of the people o. - ?U-Jlij. "!rneigh- hr 1 n ilrr.i, in five of Mr- Wnri Mr. . Norwood orprrd .,. -irtlipr amendmentwhich-was rejected; j ; u.r. vorta..Svc.;rjto extend the C11" v P .the ra t q.' ,c f ,'ia teres tf trarr rtions A ;tveen citizens -i involy- U3g.i:ior.ey m-ttcre.-. fate of interest six per centtand.anyi sum err wri :iciv contracts, inot ex ceeding ei--tpcr ,rrt. .He called . Ir. I4c;ccus3iamer.dnientwas rc;c::r '. ru.'st :. ..i jvnvrn Ilr. crth 'a was adopted. ti nfj, . VOt3 c'lC .J 4.- Ao w J - ond reading of thebilLpnd.h faifed k M . it. . k t r .. w P.3 wituoufc a uivisionjr-r' sl - A motion rr;s mads, to .reconsider this vote and pending1 'the" question the Senate adjourned. i. Or HIIPIIESIIN TATI VH31 KIGIIT fiZSSIOl?. . . r m . kwi k-k.i,i j.tiijiii3jrt,t:.... .. i j.. : " . to order at 7:C0, p. m. - . f . f -QJbiu to fc2 entitled un.Rct'Jo'Le tablish th- ' tCjiteshel of pp- - .. ktJ tat-i r.. rto c--r '.''- -t'--. . - , - wi i io i 1 i "... j : , ro- v; 1 3 rrtaill.-'. r.i" Ir" li quors in the town cf f v'"'". r ' rcuci OIi... r kicctors,' 1 1 , wppd'a amendment as it ;wpu!4 ena We'tbe. L:r ' j to r ccHaiitthe'U ,ta beHvied c:. t-hl- l-Vj-t 'i " ' 1 r- t ;..:3 c 'paid cr Mr. Gvi. ! ' t i nouscoi? rPKESi:irTATivE3.; ' The House met Attheisn&I-hoar, Spcikef "CoL:nson"inntheJ chair. ; ' HThf -;ec JJU IMijlTcAf f i supply tli e counties crjlontornery, v.. r'T" V7 ' Wf'''l' iy l:cU3 rtlC717:VTr.5-tkcrp; .f llr'Ercr.n.or7- clef:: -ur moi cd to-ameci. by jainrvtiiat tli& Sd-' .- miJ . . . :-. . . licitQnotiiie bth Judicial District he n'trpci .ToK.rnn-TM'T'tRS3,p . W' l - . A. " 1 WW W i.i cn . i irv , ,ie. ci.' JlLrili&iHirchaso of said book an 1 for any other defalcations.vv? : ior anjr oiner ce;.iicaiions. v s s - thSTbill &sedita,lccwi.U.. lTbill DsediU,lcCwl.lAlid:ithidl JrPjTha't'iO act Mr. Luclrer introdnrod a I for the insane. ; j . , . . . . . yvou relating-.to ienccs ana the r VT crops in - ine counties eigh W jdittaabef , of 8H lU .'th,rl r5idULS- This b.l Irish patatoes 60 t,Oi,o;r ..,, Jik I . iirML iu liunill lll-f.tl J. Ill I Ar?r?5 ,oUi.Wty.x Wilmintph HQfBiiLmiLthejriiertionfauliacrilnriv two suinxlreU ttiousaptl:dlLiia to the i the oualifiMl ntpA aT 4aMl5tft4Tiil cf r, r JIPeVKH,rder beihgth bill. tojWt til Tuesday. . : - ; -T postpone and called .the- veas land V -" 1 :. n their thirdBad: kkkKv... ....jiUikf lUltUVIB,; j i An acl.uv relation -.to t.h vnWii Ah aCth relation to' the. Codel411"8 "trAnsirtioiLl r',Bmgbdrtf;;t)fi Jommissiot ' - lISDaSEeSpilons.: .cu4ii.reiaiion io ,Liie omriev or blic W6rVs- t-J SApiftqlilTSion to the'Unh- ty; p -Ail cilia relation td erStatV6eri jptaerj9wCQ .hOlriexsv; "Cy.Wi-'l (.- " w vihvw. v 4 v s. aaA AjS 'ccI ittirdatiom,tat tanditV f ------ vbvv 'W V V V A W tM W X- ' f VTiThtf Jblll tp alfef 'thntiotjon iii Selatrotf Public ChVrntteiWll- eating, and Messrs. Luckev Jongs, if 8inlV' .laULT dA'A'AULrtin j. ' Mr Scott opperctf tT;i-arr'ei(!ni'ent He1 said that as -a T)?' ibWatW'dhulrl "Tr ':ii.'k-- - - - - r - ;vAiL.Tuji . li I ican he wabounchfooppose it. j ;,Mr. lleaton introduced a bilj to Revised Cpde, relatingr o, jsututef - "- ' - - - - JI1 I 1 Coac:'criv V'i t - J 4 'tTT- u r . : - - . ? The feirt pf Jffdge Polahded1- u -juotntterpt n vesngating -uom m utee was. Dresentk?d4o-4heCTiouse of fieri: resentativesvesterdav.-fttitr ito full m- Li rqia xx. e ew i x cS2 liemdaihij 1 ' Tty Credit Klit.irir tJlltff-iUA-lf h it." text will be founcf mAotd&v'& JtMiI&Zui' Itisla.!Singular,d6ne,vaponeHm6t ihe prottueticAi oflilekAh'd wuiui avii4 u reau witn .ncraaivrmr. To siim AteMreasM ft Ktftfa J i.uuww vuugiiasnieii jiroQ7Lpa i Atnes Oi;fcorrur).tfDractitM a.miv l commend theiriexpQnfixm;thk . .... . " - -- ' ' ,IFV"m, . w . I wouiu ao cieaii loj.a.itiarp enmihaf lawyer4 in'behalf of wes, Scofield; whom it wh itewashias :;tri tin 4 uiii4ii lnee neve reacned nayeoibeer arnveaat hpnestiy. -and- that they havsbeetible'idf, between the ? briber and" the' bribed lureSSKirrt nftt t hPV'" ll!lVA ln tKe-interestof- the! majority, , in they have;; ?ughMo;hAeld':c";hersM demnction. , -. : vt; con itJ lUCrment m thlsrr-nf't.rron- .CPhistcnhaL-Vitiof-t:X!?H-r ulrr' tli ere" i evidcr.'ca lc...!ir -f1 to"1 th3;bo- hef that Credit I!c:.:::.r te'e!;- ii -net thrjonlv l ril V.v iJi' "-iVLhr, tempted the rcLxc-cntaLiv . c-.t f peol 3- frc::vt!i 9-j-th cf - c' tyTh 3J man v.-ho " to- fi icnds in vyongress, -'anonn&Tpwrhiie. offenngJJP lIrsBro'bUs- and'AVn es" Ws,i sleri- n?e to!'o:trir-sd i t :iTiliri"V -ntinUn't x 11,5 cr.; 3 c -ins z-ir.ar 'i wo tcohvie ica.songresiuep ; is c.clifly atid" vmcingly stated; and lhkr3yiirba c:sa.:reemeut. witht the rriort Vn fiir v .ie coul:I ' . J i, , .i. UvJ . ,k V. , I . 1, . t- )Jf , M),..1-'tfc -- " V' ' J ::iC3 Drool-3 "To sold hira- c:! m t':3 Credit (. "omr.'tny 3 ..1 a! " c zi: 'o pro- .pr,."", h. ... i- . .ivnrpd to evade the consequences of hia illcj:.p act only ?crve to render n tne mere eel for bv every con:i Jcrr.tiorf of,;j"H3-1 ine coranmiee cciec me ir&ua ana a .-AM.-- 1 1 A. A. f i 1 Messrs. Brpc'? nniAmes, and .thp farm nnet'3 n wl.ku :tbey insist ur - . , . ... bers only render' tnr,r5 ci.lrcuous 1 " T j . . . " 1 t 1 "leir-ainsmsnaiiure 10 tuscoyer anr lmoronneiv in me conauct m thp" Diner stoct'na i.ie t..rnestness with 4 .which they pled itiilbchilflrj TtSe trnoTfc rrnn'rnMit frnoTfc -rrin'rnMit. Credit IIabxlieCiharea, to, lib ifellaw i uougreosmen m. Decern ber1; l37tvA tnis time tne siqcic .-; was worth mor January aridFeruary:foU.o&Ujt HadTea'cledJ-acrcQrclhiir ib tbe' reiwf t. three apd- four tunes -.its r piir;vaTUe.; When a Ooncrressman bad minevl cfhii. Tl:3C.-:3c: 13 '.licut pallia'.' Atiies sold'hiru thi9 valuable istock4iustifyi-thmeui:ho! held, tha-jctock: at parv tAVhc'p7rpores3mari wfas p'enn11c3''AMe3 Carried'! tlie "stock beiran bv hrfntTodtrction V . . - - . v , - - . K1 1 1 f 4(lni Iflf flk kl I l-k WrtW Am. iran&nortatir-oVef irfe Pahi roaus. ; ine ioi2resnien wno Te? ceived the s Hares dfjCredit Mobilief in in v k to ha-Vieerl eiehtv oeri?r,nt but k the ofii iryar record, pti bl islied-rinHhe. I m. - it- ?-i 1-.-- r .1.1 .t ; liSld", of.PenH-vh Wltn I v , wnuimuj hWUtcaf I lUK OCQliem a Clea.; trainer of over lMhiojtought;tw - enfxthafesL at,Tpar ( Peteb&maSoS,' when;;theiWek- wiiynnirviHiw. uo j urrviiiiii urns-re- reived all the dividends, onlv eiviuir lP tne viioc February rt last - --. ,r j: .T' T' , - ' tvsiiares amonntexl to ten thousand lil fc a I i IS ; -; X i y ley, 'ofPeiinsylvania.tooV. ten shares sharesvhich"rean2etl on thniifisind three : aod seventv-six dot- in one vat. ir iaridc'f Tellev h cucck ior i. j ier"iT ee Hun dred and tv. y-kl4kj After thatKellevri " ivpd ' t' vlanH . "..-:7 wrf " ..... , , , -v ami besides I j .tow . . . j eve iiuirureu aau - oertem 1 1 .1 . . 1 r. - t -. ber," 18B3. v.artieldoi hio, alsi U : . .J- . . m - . .- W 11H 1ITT TPi t 'i TP1 f IT i as tTI PQ Vrt .1 I ccm.ir abU. Avithout . Tcav in for tinii xzn received;, iri .tha nlfa.rjr June-ms-'- biUftca Of three" hunai . . '. . .. . . : , : . . . ; - . . - . v to 4and twenty-nine dollars, "after dedu iirnr tne purchase oney dni tends. -i. CT ffom.thje - cemlf in6iYfrrn&r A'nVJurd th rficrTrtt-mrii iv-rowirfonftt fi ico- hoOfi I rTinMlsll ! gtrninci a 11 Aoni. qti 1. Wro to i.t i cif iltee say injetn,t)ervlt)7 the stocai f if t.hi Crurm MfSiiar oa .ifiQt.i . , - v -kr a w XWBklAa Ukl lIXJUljl 3 III II Ml. M with tho.a&ilrsbe- Kn V. . V oil JA J -h:, u foUowing fodwhiFirst:.becilili3e tnere is noovuiencTnO'' rihrifvtliit eof tWfi? S kec6nd,.b"ecause t?y' '.Wladl' .iJijjp-fcutfc,ora ia&j ine'.itiiYiusnns Jrtiv. .-..oTcV v.. that rthey.Kerei .."bnly". BeckiS.'lc-il- iraatTinnestmentsirarkviitiit it does not -fcee:;i;tl.at -thev-voted for artv mer,iard3;f VVDr&bIa to theCrcdit.MP held the Fit lejetOck- It ttf vt. 1 r1-.-- - f-s.rWr felt "there jvas soviet hing as ; out ef th orc''norv co'Tr'S of business i;i LUlo have : been one 4iundredv an twenty per eehtf irt'in iirst nortf M?e bonder" ' ci.T" :n stocks Scol nontne exl..oru..;a.y -diVkv.c j I .1 were rcc vin" is tc ' ren:' the in V":tiT-:t-ii:1f""sr;ciC"3,, tue atiriwkij to ihj' Lclin tLa an xiety of somercf the purchasers to 1 'i, r-,:, -..k. declares that icniind rio eviucuc' of corrupUrtcr.ticT on th" part cf any of thc-J " nie.abcre." ori nittcs .ir 3 thct if the ,hitew"r''- . .,--1 i . - . 1 Ur- j. divide:: 3 f ' -" "v --f : - O h:' - - i 're "r t - 1 . . i tine . , T - !::3 tho J VI ikiOJSJIJ -:r.-5pclled to -vt.i t. v,k these ' mem 3 in tr.!:i. - tl.k. ; j. w.thr.t thrr .try iiui, k..:..kwkCr.;i7 crei ill l .1 r T w..kiy creiui in c?- 'prtjilnv-"' t ' t? "t. ir--kj .na tki.kt in l.kCr jwrrk...t t.: iid"Xli I . - "V i me assurance tney needed. jjstrnt th?; UIC.. if,. jc 1" ..Ihe . ii , nvM.il. 17 iuug.ui members i.ii-L;c;' JL. 1C7. end bv I otners m j-.phtv r.rl I ebn-Tv 1 . - m rrr?:i,xvciTC'l c: ::iyr Fv l r--.W "'-9 r-o tl T-f end. would ha 'nfoof if .rniiltliLnrl. vi.t iind TeeevreJ "the dividends JinsoTne ficial d iifty AmUf f: d did 1 da-., -th lie- tiieir1 hebribealirr'in vk . j.hm,ji v.uifkikl t,cQ 5,. )iU!)rj ill Jib their rr"rirLiA frnr'! tl ki-)1i..:.l..:.i:i..i . k. .. m . r . k tall made in; the K&'Z-h'bT trath arid tvwO. .. lii'iJ.. ltiC v.4kkC.3 MM t. wk"y moment of ptt-c.!isrecd 1 r.'.l case j within two or thrcj .c-.;3 f.kicr rur- nr.ta'ni.tlieyuonipl't,.! t .ie;J. " 'a- JiipiiV 4i e,, 'guilty,.. J;p-. ',cCjJV7',-"t tiia!ve.cocie:c Jcevsacn c-icr aies siuiiiiy'tpem. :v.3 -"wnciTuT:.cy f.lhtie:;Jknb aAiotint'.nnfrrharflMpr'kir thn riividi. iTearVJJ,lifc: stiiltify1 tr.ctiiselvek'al tp tlker, ) Wfttytt bribery, -an-A-ifiud lh?, ;he of, th I the erivinsr or receiving a rV-rdr! fnr tie railii Oakej1 .A'iies'fliave.? omhhit A? 4fi'? ffence;x:nje;h'e;g sold ik fit a crt'er,, r y,aueo these,t:ar8iMfiafJtr:itbe;'rurr;.c.se ol! inilird:: X them .Urvioldte thrirrcP- procurea hislwie.reuQnsjbilitv gi hiAkln"rL.lli siawtii' tnsf jcaseil TbtfiixcXriefT;v yond Aheir'-'liirikdic-tlcH'kih M S&h W$ hIyrreaoiirng'Taerf pf i.m ... ...... . i r i. " . i 1 ihtttsodsCHtttsoniof tlie UnifeU Strueac they naisV khowthitrtfie bVicetPSfe srdefiikn twini'pekUrlVe'dul removi y uuih umce yii cuuvicuon . o trea-. sotrfibeny'vor otherr bigh erimci ana HiiimeaiiortfMiidh'aUah House of KepresTentatrves rests Ihe K,qJ pQ.werf imp.eiu;broKuM "it t j u i k nerepii no w the;piperty tor VehltttiVes ieau tlcwith1 lif" wbfttriiriey -that' M r. olfa'2? "Ji itn e iJfesrdti Jncom peten pr uurathrul cohin itejjixep. Manufacturers and Jobbers . t and tn iili'v;r.f'tli'wk'la hnnla .TT :. J i ' - . ' V "1. ""'l stanxlne juryof 't'bqlei peoplT tne-iu mtea states;r 3mt --irpmhem il I cbnre !a verdict duTefeh t to-i that remlertnl'byrJuto'-PolaridaildUiis associates. k That. verdict .trOT. al Mm uvauu ui giuibupp4i ..veryf inaj) oftrniltiU implicated; k"tViiulamy!af the w h i te wash mg com m 1 tteens exy, vw if j theseniisnonored hfiidn fiheiulil JbowedJij -shanieJSutthe Jiiiyliof ine natn 5Tii;ojrJejtir escape perchi!3icki?ry,rpjuteas Wk VVMk T'ikkUlk U.lki JIT J 1 UU" wurxAJiiere ieti aar exnii uinnirnnr a seat tp ,211 p-cijjif d by those of the oilenders who have iriibabpily j : w - VWkkk 0- ThejPeorJe v vv '"Mil c.-i.riin in is cja v insist that the'f;ill 'mili f frf hall'be lnfiittcJ tin ho.4e' wlia' rWin lull v altfJiumaiv lifer conviction iyi ,iunil3iufcIU6I Ul IKib SHlISiy llQ rjmrauluty ,ThttfletfmnMtetilOTf 4 theaeiscTrtCricfecfh-corfvicled z V V'. rr .r j jiv 1 - r v, ' : I WpUldllpw lie regarded ns art-'ii en c,e J Aiiej wciei-T vi. ine same Wr' Kil vj ituk cuuugu. f id--, v not f Jaw, whicbehoiiid t beff ?pri;dix -en- iorceu. nrescriDes ine nuniaixmnnt ior TtfrelT:rime3--i- fi rre Trot-erreediriz UCn nmesr the i .iount oft. ..Cir-brljet justice agamstthese faithless public J BerauwivpHe ?.nu au. inai iney nr i bemadetodLjr03'hc':r ill-rcttc' , to y,t on th& f- t- -. ) tl.... ii . r fV-.. -1- .11 k k k C. ' . -1. i till fc- k. w 1 . t 1 Jr ofColfarfawesdiufie towiT m orrfln&n" AlieJ WM.SW r cn 'l.-- v 1 . .. k H . I i ilkv reletting k,vi..ak,, .... 1.. j. oVkii .... ,.X T. J . . .... ..... xieties and ' l u - .-,-k 0ii.ary-- ' Ikfc Ml V 3 naryi--. 2 T0kkicc L7 v. ".:.t tk Lc-...i than"yon -hu.ttLc r..aj.t fruItfulhttTrstt! Ctlun. cf i- - call3 - ere more -absolutely l.ccessary vr.jora .expensive-morei ''pleas- . . . "... ! 1 . 1 " ... . then any other o'-rv-intl e, human sys- t. ... u k-... ii.y,..u4.,jii, wiu uture , vrcnJrrlully adsyti itself to it varioas da- tics, tlin rny pthrr oriu-itj: its legit, imate Cl.s, Which Itfarely rebels tut, for imiKition,-it Will call you to ac c -rttfd its rirl.t'-bfr, the JLfrer,( almost always siil.rs iUi it and usually shares in the rctn'"'titn.f Jrc ' yov item ninor C:nc:icrin:prudfnteaiarjidnnk(rit'i.'Xicii yoa understand -all this-r-yott: i&mack aid Liver ha vt ccu'.'oi I'on. .U an. occph t, and. yoa want rtllcil Then read carefully the lol ' lowr- tnd like a xr'zr s man, seek ? the re- lief yea . eo rartch' lireirJvre.Dtaers, , sitlti t3 yen trc havaformd ffut"i lai.V'.; "r:ci:tir tralr itVoWa, ' " TOUR POOD t - 4 Ln W'ii 94j; a--'ti .V.f-vr IT VUIKX1I tkVIJ oV,, "aS- 8t ;ialisnant 'fever,'': with a' disease;! most Uver. a disordered diirestion: and stittition in ruins. ' My phy sidana permi t n IW uvu kkk3 111 At k ii V ItSlSk 1U' discretion would, be Tatil; Two yearS'ago I met your AntHByspteptitf ''I'ills, and con- fU.'n. in !!,. ! y . " . certificates of Deri to to directions. rlfitl. 'T Vklkkaakk do what'f lIettsb. Aleen j sOnridTv::,-ainl pn- joy Hf. as'n.uch as'- afiv? man liviria'. MFor this, i fr gi teS tn& pleasure to say yon "have ray tliankj, . and to add the t myiiiB regard." I ' f assurance of f- it a i , . Ri f ;IiolciaIe Ketail A eenti; fcb21 VUU SAliLk. . SHU TNplirice" of aW ofter of 'tfie'lfiairi L Court' tr'SL'.'ftir- hf' W -n 'Ttf ir ;nct 12 Mon Tuesday, t.KS Uth March; '1973 at the 'toiirTlIiTuse ddoV' in Chariot . C. 1 Will atll t ItllfUlI allffliiH nit t ia.rmM. ing.debUiie'X.Yprke bankrupt., in cluding sundry. pivii)srrvnte;' ah4 his laierest 19 m$ iaie iinmot rnjler & - Y6rka Vieb 22-lSt j'-T'Assigiiee. STRM'GOODSr . Iaaet , Trimoi to c. Neck vaud .Sash r rets ana Urapes, flowers, r..-1 WifCXIIIkDUIilXSi IIATS.fc -.: v. I ;o6MSr to id eriet. Xaces, vNets Collar, Setts, Hand. .7.IkerchiOUI7Ulo, Ua4ia,k Kos. Balijmore."street, Baltimore MHTu'ese'ffoods afa ciannfhctuTed bv Wor uougii&coc jau uirecuy trom the iKufon- ted rii. hope7 that "with care and prudence t Liiht have. Vfew years of precarious cx- 7fute Gpooi, Xinens. Ebl eamrand Aruertcaii Mann fact orers, em brae- , , lit all tlie latest novelties,-unequalled, in y variety and dieapnessJa any rbirket.i leclii desMttch. r - . - t --' ' viuvik uiicu viLii ukrc ii ri mi i K.nni nnn lHSTfliI;&:co., 'C0r?SIOIIrmCIIAHTS. HJ5 nave eiventrar inenns. and cmtnm. II erknoticevOf. our,Tpurchasebf the txyoroi -Messrs, ruiacic Uo , and unuer old - . KLard, faekerel, . ctrUov, xcas; Lpiccs; iirantJ' reach k n J lllpk, lib tcoui-' ftUtn SATJ2 TKADE."' ' 1 ry, Aitnk.UkiAis iW. i-raayr rest T -Sl31"0 1 !that -they, can V : ?T tlO' :Mt-r,f fTi f- . i ': c - , , "-"'. to r""tiY9 consignments i'ar, .Corn,. " gtore, lb i A"Az'"- t. 'celebrated ' '7' -'. ' ' - - , , . 1 "! (i I ( k-i v ; "; v.--".:- ' 1 o ' - I 3invj.:2t:kefr?ciar.attcntioaoi t the Vara::.- Ccrt:.:atv from the Utrgest tr.i rr-rt rcll ! - f in the State, for- iVo --3:rU.3letoated ! hotjZa i:: votto& I A. i I 1 V;.1. ;?:if country;. V:-.:iyr a fhre of tbe pub- i r iti3iactloo"ia ? r Street. or ':'. . ' V , k I: i Si in. T Jin 1 IJ2 . mo -'1V. it'' -i It ii te4 ;anu Cha .,A yest oesa ? chk 1 1 k f t 3rti ' coin; : ? ofac 4i'- - - nors :aan: t V' ." i tin t..e c jtte: fAt! Jrif ante uie'ji ,Th lSg( ra4e r Inch !ahci ."OWil 1 pei ngli tOTI e " .tie' A n) et L jw O w n nsl has ion ; csfec TVhi ting civrJcno.vr.::1 1 ! tt'- i. v,eu t.4;4 i:r.4,ortant mc:ure t:.o jo r, lortunatc consar.initioa that cv v . L'G .. j ..... . - 1 ' , . . - t . j.l l IP ; i - - - r;ill Ari;:-4orr;:3oj .kve m c - Cl-rer, received y 1 I k- - J J I V il lM

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