Tlte ".Charlotte Observer. ! hrt n oi? Advertising. i . - .- . 4 . I Ohe'Squgre the time;..t.t..:.:.$l 00- a - . 4 m .. . 4 -t-n 1 JV foti days...... ..;... 2 50 3 50 U' IWO .....M 5 00 fix pionths, in advance, 3 00 '" Three Months, , in advance,..;..-.....: 50 One month,,, in advance, ................. &) Tri-Wecklj, one year.;v.iJ.4,;i).... $3X0 Weekly. ! one year, . 2.0Q . three weeks....;....-.;..T..t. 6 50 one month.i-............. 8 00 - - ft Contract Advertisements, taken a proportionately low rates. iA ' Five Scmares estimated at a ' ouaiterol nnin, and ten squares as a half-column. SMImWmWmMmememWBmemeMmBmMm,mBmWMBme '' 9 -js - . V.- r - .-.ifc-.. . - The Ilaad, that llockp - .A .." . - .. . . . ..... . j - j. :i i - l t p 1 1 r i i Office, BiycoV Building, Trade St,. . - I k'MI 1 llll ' ('' ' 'V f-- (I V .MAi J-7 I 4" t '-mwb'" ; Ii ' (rr r JL. M U -Mi- ' We tate'pleasit'rd' ibe wotld-xead JVew fAitmviraff'eiorious t .L, ' i - 11'.! .,. t JM A 1 J f i.i . ' . . 1 the lmiHuitui w w jjuveroiaiiy x eaUbiishment, Has been to make CHar.;? Wesoni$.tfwe$ince, that ourbnsi- VI "l" TTlQflArv Q ''u T7TTTXrTrrTTT"CU----TrifTlTO careful in his Criticisms, -that "Wot lottBiairholssalei Har' and bdti TlIE would cHapge ;Janoary. 1st,' 873fiwte - jA JJOVrll ijO-, v?. V iSJ y JrvV-'jML f kce'a splendor ? of imuphatib'njand QU t - : Alienee Of poetic-diction aho Vlxlm to putrow the alleged andvei; accepted Venlacevknd1t s to be strictlvCASH frt TkAPBS? OPPOSIT Bb, BeOWN & Co sDRT GoODS BtOES. corded; nimaa.Drimiuiot, genius Charlotte,; 9dAhaxiriSiiby.tUfi feiyierpat If you are in arrears dont ask, fori credit, ' t;,. s.?lf;- . ,..' . . ' s 5 - - --: ; ' faejjfa&F111 m tbefrODirankof edto our new and elegant StoreJ been y- - ; ' v!fri- hX .v. . f X . . , Hand 4 hat Rocks the! World? a)bn; ouLrchcrished plan, m Jt eoncJudfid trh thanks;, .and ; ask a continuance: or . if W A.JhUA f : A; 4?.Ult14 UltCi !n,ilrT iutifv theii "eulogies v'Hw to endeavor; .to? atiltfurthereradicate. the IheiHfalrorsherievrngthatby atrictap- u, -.1$ iliUlti'i. Z l; i;'t I - - - ' ; -f ' rWfirffaK erroneous idea, by presenting, this coxnin? plicitiowof the abwe lules,-we will 6e rvw & .lwfA L 7 :,-:? ; i?T" . f"u ri7n 5', nr?i?Aj atiffiLar anS ble selooxjicheapet -than ahoicwho fiTq .f p v TtntTQP 1 fS-'-W songs ofimmensfq$uUr; 'ojfTereWi6 hi1 Country Merchants AU.bill. are duejxnd payable, on the 1W 'M : - ; 4 "s4tliik. if7 -i lltlll' ... itv and there is -no doubt Hhat his will be able fii-fiAd, ixi ouf hqusejvit pnlyr day bffeaclvand every month. ? : iv i Hfn 'tkJ f;'' 50 llV ; 4"iufSrf -i Ji lyric, the onei'giverso, fully' ll he be-tW 'large stbci tdtoecV , . AL1???-' ' r'T'T ,iIUiU f''1 ? iro' -nil i y.f 6al8ubjecVyiutKthe..Air,6eMo iVb : ntTtfVt TinnfT ' rrftrrrtr- - Etageres, What Nots Cradles, Ihe famous cotnpoaerMrr? Ri uL-v&& .-SIOOIITOIlpEOnSS.' t r ilimh WW ; ' ' , Thomas and pub ishedby;Wimam he . - -, ; - ; . ",. -i;7ti Vv-i"' ' AtgQ-,: 'a J : f- 1'- worlds L paam , owe " hve been I iew of the foregoing, Mr,'iBiiitel i '-I It i ) : STOCKS of Tftrldr Furniture,' Dining Boom and Chamber Suito,i all mucb'delighte left on the 27th JanSry, much Sirljer STATEBVfttEt rtiatylajd ii SS jffi mQ&er W)nK by SJ-WalV Jnfnsuai,X,r prthern-arket ad XX iirA- , T. -T - f ,' V " "dMattrcwes.aud lace, eutuleaUouenotctlTasure,.; fnaintwolfaonthsln king 6uf purchases! i' Uwiifnli m ia4nosl I , -')TLfirTATTr HURTitt cm evidently companion - ,piece.(,V bnyirigeVerytbin frohV firtt hatWon'the THK ropneor -of the jbote named , JCfSt i J r - v fcrt0m in thnfc nan'or. nrhpthftr nfdn timore. PlnladdDhia;nr 'Ne York-? hnd f Charlotte and the -public generally to .call I nttuc.bdue.uaoiuui i in fcumi VJrfoKip awraonut faTuWard of Two ' THE HAND THAT ROCKS KS THE WOBU. 4 ; j ; s.Mi ; . oi.'s . "1 It'l T ,i BY BOBS WAXJ.AC1W , jjicssings on ibc iianu. u unuui Icssings or the hand f Woman, ,t ,4anyJ6i1gIIuse!bi:Uip..Udit4 (wJ.tiv.snV.-;! ; q n Ansrels cuard its strengti. and eraco ,ljnrt tAth wWhi.. ifxvttkwit El.if 11 - f ' ' hIuwu . In the palace, cottage, hovel, , . -. ,1 anomatter.wnere.ti1ep14ce1.- :tt? Would that never storms omiled it Rainlnows ever gently cafled ; Tor thelhaud Uiat rocks" the cradle-': Is the liand that rock the world. ' l . vi. ; Mothers-first -iFroiui the Grow on for T .. Btmshine streamed or darkness hurled ; I ,"' tlitvliurifl that iK'vtrv'iliP ,rnft1' .11 Is the baud thai Kcks; the wprld;j trop Are froiu Motlier Fortlverhand that Is the hand that Etcasi'ngs. oi'i the hand c I athers, sons aud And tlie sacrpd song is miiigled v-i 1IT!L1. I'll. - J! i " '1- S-S Air v r vvuii; tiie worsmp in jihc Mingles where no tempest ltambows evermore For the hand that rocks Is tlie hand that ine Yitieiresident JtLODDea oi 54,uuu.i Misfortune never cornea Toor CJoTfax can well testify . .i i r . i :.'.'. - -r -:a. ; inun oi tnw savins. - ternoon. While he and law, Matthews, were ,en resnecuve auiies at me?? plausible; stylishly., dressed. man who. had been mipcf Jut. ('Wrirmtpv! ''TTnlff. Woman, now divine tqw rulssioni J rv "y'A nftmH-.'iii' "l tVr?ui'ti j. 1.;;, :t V "-oj-:'f -": ' i i4 W DrKHrie-s WfeAiderrdP Cancer AhUt M?!!?S:.f??l? nVTbGod ! ' dote which droys And rerVehe AlUrWtrorfues.of the Arcs ' J'l i 1 PPIflLJ?! A j t' -o '2:i? dauxliteia cry ' - J ! I 'lLrlV2 J : i.T,T7 f Pickles; Preserves; &c. at F. SCAURS ---" .. . . , - rocks Ihe world. V 1 . " ""rr.w'T: T7 I i I. " V rinesraracicinwarwr, ;. j . ----, t y . ,.f into Colfax's room, broke .tns.-trunraay .or H ug xiw, " open and helped himself to'the yalU ablest consisting pf.. four thousand I??; 1 'TT; iJ F0OTU - V'111'-' UfUi 'x - ' : , V;,-Ui dollars' worth of bondsnd coupons VHiih sll?f ' fp M'rketl A WORSES and; MULES When (lfaxTrtued me crcn' & ft" fMr r""ifw "r Aiih splendBl brden-AiDAVipSON'S UinA ;,.-i.-,:.;v r, Vjw iwt,. - ffiAl4 - ' Ui. o-i? j-. .iii - !.! '"V years we need only say fsnoTd ,t h:J y . .the present the registeredrname : of tRIStProUtr 'fai'lantirtgl: WPV:Bxi And to such a have-not that plausible ryoiin'Btranzer; al lall kmds V one trial will convince though it was -probably like-;theVfe f li- ' aK Tg,KU3y "V y..; j,1ipftrit,r tj othera so- shirton his backf-changed y .nftnri ' J ' . " 1 ' ln,UJ U.J-,i,H'h 5-U 'ri-,i --VJi I supply and please hand :..a;4 !- ?. 7i r:..V.V;i ;t- t'-SaeH7,UOBS.'n' iu!a u K ft Jftttt t'".-Jt vleariv. astbe.iftitrpti " he is supposed to have takeii the 6n pEACHES,' lbmaWeorrr( xl? l-fi 'r ? .'J i 4 R Fle 11 , i o!clock P, M. train for 7 ZSf(4 w York i1 "T STENHOU yesterday, immediately after hia Jan 10. - saction-was execiUedvHe did -Sot f nirMlROHr-, Iif1iw bwo''T'- Sii fe;:o-ti o.'..- Hi" S leave his future address behifldhimr -' ' ;hsJk'h i"1 Vll'w T E 'l s V Q : ' ftia noEo JB V.?-5oJl . brella which .hejeft oh' theJbedaud - febtJ : :' ",,'VMltij$C -'ttfTOS sttJ ifXpUWIWO!" rapidlv improving ightethb(;ym ;whichhas been identined as' having . i; ,' J 'L' ;V. ' ' , S vA-T-S1 " - ! " .' tJioldntirej or in loti to suit purchasers, : belonged to , him. iThel.thTcf ! wiiii ' v -Irish5 Pctitoesi J.ii !,,, W V''' " W.feasQwable ni PiZftU geiitle manly Jookini maSbouf mWENTY-FlVE' Barrets 'ooa' Eating imnV:, , hmu JPHN-fito; i thirtv-tive. with fcOTf-..tWvtl..T! -;??:.,: PJWWrWWfl-r airs about him. -Rnmtf.nnA VimMft:TlWUULBJJ investigating committeeof ;"lightf :fingerpd gentry in New. -York? wUo presum to Colfax land household coincidence, too. that the bonds and -courvons ,- the emissary aforesaid should -have "-been 4,000, the verv Am aunt which Colfax is - alleeed to have tecfived tor ,; as- a-ddnation -or as, salary in quarterly. instal colored gentlemen at verv m vsterious about Mr. Coifax' has specially requested 'Mourned SatlirdftV : lii-ht1. '"It i wrs kept .till, in the niht by : a "trouble- Bwepson vs. John U. llarvcv;' ct ui; "fda'se of transfer-of notes ana thr.t-hi been twice before theSuprei It was decided for Swepson, another apr - -1 Pay; be: taken. Dil- UM, Scott j Boyd apsaijAfsT-Vin; ; Qraham for. dc":t:-l'nH. .toncthi - Remarkable, not r. criminal v:: c:-:t to the penitentiary, thjs cour, r ?t sentenced to the death penalty ..a;. - V. IIJSKflJ J'.VIU'Jmi j '.Ml I ),. .n..n . l 1-4..J :n I , P?; W! V aryng on a if business here .being .much Jes .thatt :itT f lowej- rate sof freight .than stti pperslr 1ifere,ibrifigshe fectpat'eht that,' W are in J a positinrt tOMiucceisiuny ' fwinpte With the. trade,,., t. ..u: a:,!:, v.f4 i l WeareVleasediQ-8tatetto th'ose "unacrfb . Our Retail Denartmea t is eomnleteJAf itn the mteift Qveitiest , ana in- u(f ,eeofia xe "fcb5-tf ust received; uw, iucjceja,. :iwa, "!n K2n5fS ShklhVfiS? "Wish; rOTATOESL.'' Anotherjotof good I 1 A-Irish'P6tat6'e,t warranted1 sound,, Vo,odj jan; f rr Ww iZW TB B!A. .0 A:l 0,0 1 - - ; 'oriXoS iW ad ft f pieced to state that Mr,X AHBrxhyVcorJ. hection uith the ""ta ; A;?.f.;u: tJi.-' 5 " .:; . ,v,-, r,;.4 . .7 ; :;::l.o IiUl : "'VrVs i j -t . ; , , ; Vr ' cOmpleteTxhes1 of : Dry OobdV Cfrbceries, J Hardware; Clothing Bobtaid'Shoesi ?UOQW '"a KotiSna, and. even Ifjllinerr,, J P3.'f-J? j t T p Willi unpantiieiea -Buccrsr;veperay. fii '-.VAt YA f'" ojviHg oj iuucrie suant, , , rwoman I r., i .,i r AjTdrmi-timiH-hi 'Mi-IiJTrw--.'-eject Spicca-1 -Mtv itf -.V,. -. r For full narUcuiaM ..We?r , ,4,-,,: Prtj&to, ;j ,; Just RcceiTedi -; , - darkens;.?:: ; SSSi ft.rOoliJ?: bh:..t T? S ' 'z '1 . 4 Choice lot., of. Smoked 5 uear Cured are nuriect: .. - i -.-TT.'ff-T.TZn'ZL Tr -17 A.wi"v-'i." tr :r f,rr. Turc Salad Oil. ; M H Rhnnld- Jat : " ' ""V ... the.cradl . . . ? riSKvY?; . 1 t,.-'., ... ; X Tnir .M7!fc'Hf:imAfek k SONS.' ' ; j: ,( - ,n . ,ym- .-- ; " . fv; t f ARGEilX)TfiH0trLDERSCARF8, " ttnglyU M SVOllrBAHZ nov30t,v .KS. QUERY'S, . ffiHJM fl;.i ' J: V; :;;r"!y; 7rV" 1 1 4rHOKd French Brandy forIedli gaged in. theif " rWMWMC'.; W rrhh S'' : r J'jZ ,,. yvi n n . "1 ' t..i V . ' .Capitola fATt I SrVV'ri ':' L r ; - V - wCMltitiil , t.i -EtavmK's ifcailsoon.'? 1 -"f ; : ; i p,twif v .n the waTjxwvuMvw.iiiii n I f . . afe P ... iS - A . . t - f raA&k. iut tcct.V, . though r...;., . (....-Tf.'-.b n e t J . - - " " ' , rt it ii : nan rimir f .; Nfitani I la . h i mak th SIMONTOK HOUSE a 1 first dot ?,, WF:. fu i-pSi?'" I 1. A. 1 KILN, ..,!.; . , " f" 'SCAM. C .-r . v ,ioOio JsvC !3-.vi4.r , -.Ov - -pr,tl; , . ! M Prescription prepared at U boura . ui uib uav nuu niirni. i :. j,ff imoikv t'';? jan 21. - K. M. UlLlmbU by.f rtTSTjreceived a fibl ' fj6f nice WhiteSaur . i- v i J - . i i mTi" ; m' i. m ' tl-fi AENTROSHISORYf; tHe United Harvev' I.-: ,.liarlv!s Universal History .rtrtnr. I, F1.:-A''rn-S' ritin r.nmmtr ' in Eai'eka' Slates (Ruber Comert- - f ; ;? J 'Tnil-. ttjUeired at' " f. ri'UMl MJist4leceived ! PUREF0YS; ; mrvfA finb ilotUdlir kt ian 21) u. ju. i xvxooi. o 4, . t r . Liiea 'A - Xl4J . IW-...,1! "4 "i S I S 4.1 4.4. 44 '1' t- II rLhand Oj-Ur crcry v; : will 'sparir ' neither painn nor mdhey1 tolfu finest Octagon Cases ahd tokets. -.' ir.:i J:'. f ' J ' Hi I i I I i I r.if'i mill' v n inb. 4iiva una . . isi-... ,'., ! .t u National Readers ist, zna ana ora, , ,- - .n-Cbrneli's GeogTaphy,-'. , V- , ; - -'f . t 4. ..ifr Harvev'a Grammars ; r, ; it . w nli I : ci s ,fiL- . ' ; - - I .... , .... i,i. tmriltl I . t .. ii .nil. 1 . TTAX' kP constantly . on hand and, ; lor 1 XX" sale by AV-, , - -1-- lJl - - i I -I .Ti (TVJ.lV'Atsswbirrili V.ilb'Z' .'7, , It.MILLElTIi?50I.r; Jrf' pfitabl t -.4- - . .-m- - -i,. 1- ii in rTTTji ,av- i-cciv-l a.M.fyrrlj f ) thrrs taJ cr?ilt durin3 the r' TT " - , . And Caskets nf all! sizes atfd tttlebf fiaah together with Ofahbgany, - Rosewood, -v jtVM wamnrtiAMMi BTirf . vihaj Vtnftd iimn, ria Munui Mivri AnMimr rn rav - j n:itbenait elaborate $tyle. furnished with heavy Silver Mounr,? t :'- - 4 nv j i-'i , : vi.i CiABX)i : i k t'l iaV f-'-? . -,-&,h ut t'i;f. t-. , tt'-.i"? W , ffT. TT4'; I " " f 1 our ; ' friends and, ' acauaiWiarces Ibr' Employer, Mr. E. Shrier for he past year, ami most respeetfuHy ask. a 'continuance of the same?a we. are; still at theemple of Fashic&. 'Kesnettrullv: ' ? irA. yUUKU.Jr,' t oi . r i :T. f''A.-II- TATE: c J r I - jartS "If RS. A. vW, MILLESis prepared to ac lfi. commodate Boarders with, room : and meals, or With meals only, as the Boarder may desire. ; The building; GraV's, 6i the corner of ;Trade--and'iChaTch-streets,' is a new one uie rooms are;cieaniy;comioiT attended. will NIL- JJ SON TIES and Bows all Colors at TTITE Offer tbe-Tfbll6wirtg- Fertilizers; If Fatapsco Gnano, Chesapeake Guano and Watson & Clarke's. Super-Phosphate, f We haye pleasure in . again, tendering to our jf armep i .uie i but ptso c- To those who have used them so .many thar they re"guar their ; previous vet used them? them that they are -make sure or a in your , orders on exceeas,. uie I m .Hoesheads Bright New Orleans i Sugar. 11,-10 Barrels Cl?oice-??; t" Molasses, Also. 2.Hogsheadsmerara Sugar; I Htorerand for safer at prices to suit the times I V " - Ji.Uli9Ca 44.41 dec 17 n- -u hu ai4ds livery opposite-jthe .City I Wfjf1 T A Cr' ly cf 'r.-v.ivania-Red Tc? with fulj gla tepsi trUauued rhn iri,t . buji JTJST RECEIVETJ iAT yfjilaV'-tii-itiiM.-'v- is. in twit r---1 ti MACARONI ITALIAN, !SAOO,i 1 n fowd bl'E: pepper; - v FRESH SAGE! it 'janSi General Commission Merchant. ; ! : ' ' , " 1 'CHARLOTTE, ViC. ': .'Particular, attention- paid to selling, a kinds of Produce Cotton and Tobacco. ": i 5 hsh bnVc haid for Cotton '' ; f - AH orders from, a ' distanco 3 promptly a tended .toUiR i' '-'- J. Y. BRYCE,: '1"! 'I ' lVrltlng Paper. f EEfcHANTS- nrisiUng Charlotte,. will JjX ivi (Writing . Paper: -arid Envelope very ciieapn ap u .t: uiuvx?) ovide btjebe; , ;vr;J ' 1 . (Latelyof RalefgHi North CaroUna.y r v . r i 1 1. ko; R. "Wall Street. ! NEW .YORKCtTY, ,; j'l, .. ! . m r " .' ,Lr-, ). TXTILL attend promptly to aH profession i,! i al business entrusted 10 him. Refers to the Chief Justice and -Associate Justices and Wthe whole North Carolina Bar. . , Freoaiy-7'-i; .';. -;.; ; H SIXTY Gross Steel Pens, 30 Reams Writ ing Paper, 15 dozen Copy and Writing Books Wholesale and Retail , f f ' fcb2t --.J.sAS :s!" .i 1'? Southern ; aadlaxitic Telegrapli v. : :. : Coiripany2 Stock. j . J " j " l A S Directed by a" resolution . adopted l fx at StockliAVdeH meetinK of said Com pany oiv the 6th jnst., subscnptions will be received "at ttie "oflace of said Company, No. 51. New SU Ne Yof k. br by ihe duly authori2dd agents - of Bald Company for that to Uie Capital, Stock -of said Cmpanyt until; the 3rd day of March -neat, after that po lurtner suDscnpti wiu, oe acivwj i said stock from any one not now a subscri- oer tnereror ai ies man iv ,per cexii, :l$ fesb l?reod 1 1st -March, -,i trPrcsidcnt. fi;;.iceP;ff.Tect IVf TpiVE Half bbla Spiced Pigs Feet just JL in.; the great ncmana ior mem um con tinuev4call(sopnj tuey.are going iasi B. N. SMITH. rpHEE Hnndred Sacks- Extra and Fam X ily Flour in store and for sale by; -. ; - J stenhouse:macaulay & co. f 'Jl-fe 18 V;i-,u;y'-''- " t!- -: ; SELLING f Millinery Trimmijsgs, ahd all our fancy -and,' hair goods at greatly re duced prices to make rooir for rprinT, at : ;ViniS,:.. . ;.f n;. ?MR3. 0.UERY'S. .hM ; Czztf CzZtl Hnnl' 1 1-v K Casks CincJnriati liasnolia Brand Cuar OCuredIIams:" ?urt received; and for sale cheap a " ;'l ' . ; , t-f J STENUOUGE," MACAULAY & CO. rsfcblUvr: "'.v.i ;4't '.U-i ,,, ,.,,! , It .f ji. ...nn. 11 4 Cm,S ,4 TA'm "J , A Czvy of the following selection cf Lci A'ci-tocs oniiana, to rrn .i Tarly r.cre, - $ 11 .i:-r!j- Goodrich, Peach Blows, 1 , :Js7f 1 . " ' 1... W !! I miuin On tbtf par value thereof. ' ' " 33iivtr. w-'t'i (Signed,' imi'irUfrr-.-i-'Htfl J. Jti ! CliEjfSIIA W, ci2:;c. j, 1; aulay 013 , . - . :. - J f y;,rrtr ; n:i - ' A, J.:?. BUTLEE'S-ll ill ffni at Watclies, fCIoclisricicl- ..'. 'k ryv. Diamonds;. Silve? Spectacles;lcru:4 n ,,. ' . 1 Y '1 t Ja . T.0O,:5rJ5IEB.0.iJS TO i t . ! !. ..I't. j'. r- 1' v;h'.r;.i; J. T. BUTLER'S;' opposite: Tiiii: mansion iiousii. 'October 22Ty J j S . . P H I LJLI ES -.II iMnii oiffitl "IlTOUJiD inform' the' publ3o-Hliai"ri is lli . now receiving his. FALLand-WIN-TER STOCK of GOODS for MEN'S mR and invites all - wishing r anything-iii hia line -to .V- vGIVE HDf -'AAHL. f4 ;.; a-) ?1?. .i.TQ 0 all kinds and at prices which, defym- pennon. , ,r His Stock of ' GENTS';'FURNI8HING GOODS is large and nsurras8edi for; beau ty and quality. 1. " 'itAicJ anu uu o t -uie iaicsi. iy ie- ior MEN and BOYS. ? ' i r nn ,1 Ulm HAVING secured the flervtces of a Ncv 1 euttenrf airr prepared togir satlsfacHon i 11 1. T !.l. 41. -i. 4 TSE OF, MECKLEIIBTOG, Authorized Gapltol, $500,000 1 'lAR-ruRjrEit Tatk, President; 1 ' v) ; Tho& W.JDmWY, fCaahier, fJ A-voir " ..H. DEwsT,;.t..Casihierji' . jfivr AT THE BA1IKIXIG HOTISri 02? ' : rnhis:Barik' Chartered5 Under' A"d! of7 'the JL-. General ASemblv and dnlv orcanfxed under Laws of the State of North Carolina-, with ample means is prepared to transact ; .' General. Banking Basiness ; and furnish accommodations to. all its Cas- tomers on Uberal Terms: - f i . - 1 J ' The bank will receive Deposits robjewto. Check, and will Allow Interest According; co Agreement on au veposiis jeit on, uiue, , or issue Crtlncats of Deposit bearing1 terest at the rate of . i .-iViiinii tu 1 Eight per; csnj per Annum . on all sums. lying undrawn over thirty-: days. - . - " Gold and Silver Coin, BumQrCas4 old , Bank Notes Bought and Sold. . . , , -w.v. j : - -THOS.Y.DEVtY: " ' , jan. 1173,. rl , .,--AJIIr5 f h .'.r?di if wixiii'F-iiiiiirG iJLrr IMPROVED and U.7I2.1 rr.6 VZD. ' ' . BAHTIH3 t?i-hing to lav-1 1 i .:ch f "f perty cn rcsouabls tcrr ?.T " ;!1 ,co well to call at our cuce in.'t::8.-Ccurt, Howe; ..i " :: ' -''1-'l,f 1 Frrther ariijnncrta f r.3ccrrr-- -r.Jcsr ec, ted. - GRAHAM & NAijH, . j-p. an sic OSES m 1 fcu an wiiu iavor m wrp men pabj-ujuigv. I invite ah inspectioii of' my goods and

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