; i - s -I.-. " " t 1 : t f i I i! 1 - DAILY JOHNSTONE JONES, .Suitor. ThuridayrFebttiary 27, 1873.! iNew of the Day. General Gordon's CK$?nUai-S s have been presented in the Senate? ' rV " iiSoaiai in -Th tmxty nixr flay.: ' -Trr" . ; . i.. ThosyGwtyle has. ivimcd Kr. -Fronde : L' A lodge of Ilindoo Free Masons lias - been established in Bombay.' " nil degrees below zero. , , , U Rev. William Quinn has been ftp- pointed Vicar General of the Arch Diocese f .New York. " .. - ' - several wounded. I " ... The' President urges ' Legislation in " " the Louisiana tase, And, pn the FisherjU' S'l. Lord Robert Ly tton, having inherited Li father's title, is obliged to I resign his position as.secxetary tf4atonv4ti':.Yien- It "may 4e interesting, to somevpeople - to know thai our dountry has never had but one btackreyed President--Gcneral ' Harrison.' w . - r i. Mrs. Mattie Reedy Morgan, widow.of; , the celebrated CosXederate - General plphn -1 farga &'itcfcttyH&&ek Sftdge William H. 1 Williamson, of Lebanon Tennessei..'' pi-fcfrL . A spiritual marriage took place last week inTitcrsYinei4'Aflady niedjura, who pratesses to be a spmtual minister, per ibrmed the cerembnf- p 4 ; ' A case of stealing in high life ; is re ported from New York. Ex-Senator. Gra i ham, President of the Walkill, is in . the . 't Tlmoiiumjfldto SO f ?,..T4 tabTf ilecffqcr riotMolc ppice ; in ; QeJjec.pn:Twsday. tfwo frfye kfcljgd and ingress itiehtir fukiary Committee report that they have no juris f dictlorkinhit polfax Amesjand Brooks ; r" connecionr with: the CVcdit': Mobilier, be cause the former was not Vice-President, '.'ofAmenor Brooks njemberrofiihe pre sent C-agress when the questionable trans action' occurred. , lA Xondon-Bpdcialr fiay.- LOnloh, February 24th. .-.An agreement has been made between ihe: Dukee; JkIaqtiensier and Uie adherents of" Queen'' Isabella to place Prinee Alphonzo on the throne of r Spain. The Duke to be regeiit during the -: - minority of Prince Alphonzo, and the lat- tor to Marry the youngest daughter of the r ; ; Pukei Isabella r accepts the programme. v.'v-The two Important, parties therefore will ' act! together in the present Spanish cri- r - v ; The Lenten season .-began yegter ttdrLAjBhWednesday, andvivillV Dn? tinue until Easter Day. This fast of i forty days, : s:, observed jhyr iraany Crjstian Churches' as co.irinienra 't ; tive of the fast.pf tne ayiouV vd: " AN IDLE aUCSTION. cThe subject of theiemovaVf Hol ; en8 disabilities i is again upbefore : the Uegislature. It is!ollyln the General Assembly ,to-(evfip ehjertaiii - irtjibtibu on this mattes ,",wbi it U Tear as the idoon-day s'u that it has no sbkdoar of right .- to relieve Mr. Golden of his'political disabilities.1 eases of ". impeachment -are1 spe -yciftUy, excepted from hescope.pif tlje 'V pardoning power vestci!in the Gov- .ernor, unpeople in: convention as sembled, are the; only :powerw!ilcrn xan 4-em it th e pen al ty imposed up-on'tibfr-decapitated GovernorSv' the HSgh Court of Irapeachreii jind vp4o this the Constitutiorf'musi be Altered; . -tCS-'pJ': '"' WiMMON AND RIGHT JEOnSNES. a The Shenandoah JTerald,oi SchuyJ iciu, . Pennsylvania; has a.; motto - hiclitnkes us "asua little iingtarl ,thisf;ur: Aim ?.fo feaTtfod; -tellthe truth ,fc and ;m ake moneyJ , The caiutor of tliisavqwal is , to be 'admired.: "To niake moneyseems, . to.be the object of,inost sejerybody ; now-a-days,' And, many, .'ho--doubt" . .wish "to fear God- and tMl :i- the trath'jbuiiThfortto do not likely to , make J much monev. -1. As the world; goes noVit-seerris that ;. but the aim -of thVHghte.ous should not to grow ich 1 jii this" world, c :Dut . "lay up treasum" in - heaven. P3rjeffiV.od f.nd telJiog-the-fruth, -.nft, walking upxighjtiy th'edays of their life. l s- '- ' rr- AMNESTY, . i tio- Oni Tuesday the'AnineVtvTiilT Wflk debated in1 th e House,' tne Conserva-' tivci generally favoring:" the " rrteas- up, r.cu tne J republicans opp6sing it: v ptoposecD ani ne'sty uriwise . vv vil V and should it be granted; they are of the tt'irt Ci i liillifiTrnUn ftlr'ece dect :fuli pf .damage to -the 'country. -f-r-.: UQrron; : of Lincoln',! too a leadin-parf-in the discussion"; . Io ; positive indications are yet apparent to the findl dipo3it6n bTthe billt , "wairr-Enough "secret) reason y.cpuaiicans so stoutly tcsis the passage of the "act is because the Conservatives are unwillinj to. pass Tfiidir.1 sneakers areonly intended to frighten weak-kneed .Conserva tives .who secretly ..favor amnesty, but efraid to support- the it seems inai uie principal ., cikuso.wi -ttTETtiesttancy 'fln lllfi pJUl.oLxha Cion- Rep t if after , they ; have afraid to use it.-7 .aTbeBupien CwurteL theCTStii has decided tliat. r;. CSildweU has tne ris:nt to nominate fieTDfrec- tors of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, CaDitoh -. . V- r?:?- - SU.'W ' '. mi , ffliurMrpme Vourtve.abo: set. trca'iamciver-'jjattie ase iniivox. of Spenntenden5l-f i IJF10 lowing is the fulrtext of the opinion of ? the Court,n delivered., by JJudge Re'ade; Consider the case as lfAshlehad -i .Tt ." ri-. --r-.iTa. : : j not resigned.' His term wouTd have1 expired Jamiaiaxril873,lfhis6ncsi cessor Bad-beierileCtBdftiid 1 quah tied. f As-his sUbceVanclt'ef cfet ed'nd-qalifiedy he would, have held bver. Gonstrtuti6i, Xf title .1 JJ-'se". tkjnXJiJJrj.lo January 1," 1873, he (would bavehldi irs filling.l his? 'dwa term and-after tlwittime asi holding over fdr the election "ahdeoualiffcii tion' of -.hiK-Btfttfettbf ,'ffc 'f;: 'Ail. JIKII IIIII rHKl'irEl .ILIIIft LUi' III-" endant, McXVfiTf was put-niiij nm plCSefeS V3(Pimi nce to all intents ancVpur poses, and up tojan naryoST nlleu the vacancy caus ed bAsffiSj7i3ignaii:Qfi, and af- tpr tht time: a holding ove Tor Ihe eieciion ana quai cessor; How lor tleto hold over, hi5successorfsr 1 rjualifled," niav be beyond -the ": rpur- noses of this decision t4Ut,:itiwoiild seem that it will "be onlyuntil , the'i peopte can eVwrtcjiis successor; ftt the next "general .election,': to wit ; Aug. 1874, Article 3, sectiops 1 and?.; It has been suggested, that as .the term4 for w men Jxir item was eieciea;waiioar ears,-- from and -after -January- 1, S73 : andii ttt aefehd4ntr Mr. Men by Mr. Keid s tailur . to qualify ; he is in Mti 'Kddywc'; to; alliijten'tS and ur0jtid,is 6itiJfe tboid; for the wlvoe JfoVjr;; earej Bu W n Constitution js.: express thati.VJ?vMc IverjBhaHifiJioldniy until the?next election, "and the person then cho sen -shall ;rrplathe;fjfflc mainderT8flmi Untfplrrirl term' fixdd in the-firstsection afilhfe Article' t o wi t: Pou r years : - from laira ary i Article 3, -section ;"t8JV .It has .been suggested I that1 the Goverjiftridnsteitd ?fapppinting Mr BattlH atllyVirrMf-, same one to .the ; Senate to . fill , the answer isv4hat; tne .wernor never n om inates tO.the pen ate to fill' va cancies. He does that alone in all tl people; and then he jb'eveig'QiQats o.ine oenate nut nils tne vacancy or ermibyiiiis owrf app.ihtroeril4ni Constitution ajready2qu oteuwe! er to the nurroeroua athnt ltif s iyled lyefendant'sieounsel rwhich wre to the point andxonclusive. Seer alsrf People vs Bledsoe et al. and People va xuqewf qraiiixermv - i nere is no error. Judirnient affirmed " UNA, . i.i t -u Monday, Ftjb. 24. geimt'e 'met 1 atUtf : WJlbJslcl': Lieut? iM rilurru?, rose to r . questions of pvrsunaicpriviiegenanu '.renounced thewriter of a Certain letter' 4n .'the outrages in thev.countvof Alamance. ft nd purporting to bare been written trom tlias Bounty, as false, malicious, and fabricacious, 'atid thoiight? the public should haveihe wi-iter's name. Mr. Morehead.of -Guilford, a bil supplementary and explanatory orall hcis or' incorporation passea at tne nreseut Session of the-GnPiSil A'- sembly; -Providing that nothihjf.Cort tuiueu in any, net passea snail oe con 8truea to empower or nermit anv rai lrostd br o th efcom panV oi ' co rbo- itiuii w iiuiu, ,purqnaso.ror,,fcpnvey any featestatc' excepting soj much as-isnsuaLand-necessarv-to carry-on ubpi uueTirniiu 'jesiiimaie" Dnsmess of such -corporaUonbniThat : nothing in said-acts givingTexcluite privilege as. to location shall Jbe deemedXd'p ply to mountain r."7st to the bridsin of .rivers or crossing peninsulas tor swmpttptsliairany ,sajd acts ne construed 10 relieve . any of sai0 jcQratiop.s.frcrnr 3i;pnger- time than 20 years, or to empower JDr per van any oi inem to traae or tramcin any kind cfrrtNiaIhe bill ulsrt limits the power granted by. any act of this Assembly incorporating f ny bank, loan association or: insurance company, and bills for the relief of puaruiauranu . aaministriitora. I;e ierrea. . . ; .- f - -.Mr. Warintr wrs r-rnmiVrj-.l' r "Kp mg;absent fprv l.Is eat ,c:v account Rules suspcncTcdand tho followin an tinconst;t'tiiln $cz ibt the relief of ) told ;n!s f isab litic j .fl s erirntivemnjority ft pjrs the h"rif the fcSir Uilt illoP4e jh lilihrnns. We can see-no me in - " -r-tcPlr 1 - - aadtiiiUclTjerTiLEijaAte, sidotatha. Goyernp ! i J 1 t Anatttolhefeni-, tiyWthkVc ' 1 ii ca noil Ko i ji is, s 1 1 u-t e vr rr. i j v-- - y i-Tf y. -t - ri r t ig lie may i?e enti3 .i1- -"sVf f 1 , or when and liOT'Vl-f , acs gh.ysca tolie? erectetlvand PftWf tSrtotwy: ?H-i-adt apiiitd.-tiHrinA(tjirm; Ui en K6 nomatet to tKelSeat iftfniess itboM.officerwb VMly'Ei-H of Saturday signed "M referring tb'allejjed, reCent.Ku-.laux" bills passed their several readings.: ' EHl rc-atfng te the PeopVsiAgri cnl ur r Ect?ty comMsed6rtl-3 tot ht" -rV S ( itawbaM arl "e sxh V-ellacnLJder. Sl jl-) Viil alliisi-g any fiveOiiityvCon missioners to declare gtrearns.Iawful fences; u,nder certain circumstances. "Bill to prevent the obstruction - of natural-water-conrses .by the -felling 'o xre9srAo inerspe7cis aiderntinn nf thp hill, intrndftccd by MrrWelclipdeclarirtgwhatportiOn" 6? the deBt ofWfth "Cjalirrfs-valid andto pjhj off tsam"ej. &c j, sva?. opsis - oi w men .was puousnea--iasi . J--V vV vU ,,i thoughttbe matter should com m arid he ah'Xidus consideration; of every raemoer-oi' iil rvpe-ar Assem my wiiose CiierhteslailTUadn shouKibetc OTSTP.rafiWJfS ?2P?5'l -menis unaer wnicn He m? -aareauy n .irnwVTT-i!i; J IrwatakeiupK.rtTlKh committee! re-. ingthegrants of lands, deedsarrf .other conveyances- Passed its sete- rtl!d-3S. W'. qffT .IT. t ' BiU itlnendatoarv w aii at wovidt f r.: - t .i r t-.,u : .'mi r, ?ai A wasCconsfdered. It pr'ovideVr that . Konsft o h ave jm mediate - control of the Insane Asylum. thef lnstUution of the'Peaf, DtVmb AhdBiffjd;arrd of ain'e fchAtTtalieanddb'ar ihstitii rfbna'bMr &ale'Tbe aid" Soatd I trj-have the power: to .appoint sub- take . charge jo thJtrai:instit-jj Bill establishing hospital for the Insane. atfClfarlotteVTabTetrt:; ! a ' 'Bill to' regulate. the":! jnf e" th eec,tiyv of justifies; ofe eaeeL and;; thai of jTawnslvip .ofiSceniVrthat thei sam e.takei place at ih eil sa m e t i m e- wtth thw elmtint members rtf the1- fieffislatnV adnhe pent 6ffici4ls1 el' itsyecon" kdiftftjidjfed'tq' Judiciary. Coin nuttee". 7 'A-V- : i IKinrmcngWtfifdtTi for he service-Wipiocs-isaningfroin Justices of therPeace in' ctvit - causes i itouiReditOTllci Mr. Bro wnrrof itMeKlenlmt?. ore sented a r..mmrTaX:from-certain' cili :i k en;u p Uynaeadieirerab-) read- tf. if otf onrPMfi'BrBWTi ?bT5feck er was taken up niict fiuJed. 16. pass' its first reading, vyeas-iSS, nayy 45.7 fA Of iMr. CarondJyii i .irnr 'ft tinti Co in uifssloners 1 wifsritti: aii d in r shim b0:nays:42;5g s;:w.fyn-a4i-:s -jttF-Diii ttf tt er Bfeomntmon in regard t6iV'aembeTS of the XfidslaturQ J3XX&iiki .Pr.ad failed WfclhMahfWfifa l?TJmilto al te; CoJitbti6n relative to pubncscnooU andipubUc insutoswuejd yto ; pasa ; lfirst reauins-veasjouiiass .Ui.i.rffe ? ? f. iiTRC bill tor r alternthS Cknsrithtioh rektldhe 3hdiciav kfiW tKeiti- diciatifiirlctsf, flailed paitr t EVES IKtf tflessRtOX;' VC'-?' r The jenawaielledijto orde at -.Bill to amend the charter of ' the town of ManfoeV Union countv. . B,iJLto incorporatejEthelE. vferchCrevelanpon r, I 7 BijU to- juQoxporAt)fr,i-the towpsi of Hun ters V Ule,; Meckl enbii rg;cbnty 4 5 Bill to; authorize- thewonim issin-ers'bf- MeekeribUf county 'to.; sell certain stock's heTd'by said eminty : - -BilLto incorporate the trustees of Cleaveland county-;! f-id.pni . .Bill - to incorporat'e thfr'HQfwnf-Of Piheville; Mexskfenbtlg-tOtihty . 5 HOUSE OP-'JlEPKESENTAyiyUS, jflQUi; FESSJON. House met at 7J., . Senate bill 604; bill to bentitle the ch"f"'v land 7 secon bili pti, a .okXo amend fax anl Scot mpany passed . ; . . Ser -i iJJLwnx. ' JTouse'Tfeso- lu'- t oClatiqni.,v. J A Man fcjp : Ciia.yel Aad.liounty; Ta jpunty bled.- r vjur,;iiGunctt jtocijioiw comniiiee It.. ....... .11 J..-'.'!.' ...... ... j on Western iITt C- lURs Co.,?ubm it-J tedtpOrt'frbmf $aid'rconiimittee.4 to theSenateyjffith a propositiotii to print. 1 """ i,.-"- House bilHo prevent the adultera tion'andEaIexTrh,itrrcsfII;,udrIt24. V1 TLVi c:c!ui:on tcr'f -lnt i:;3-piuTer roiroftl.- r.ri?,p- Jit:.cve tjl rear 'jf" n : Adjourned." v " . Xi.ixt' I w- - INATU, llrt lemming, a bill to sccurathe rights orthetitc;&&, in ti2t Vc- sens of JhaYlbtte, ;:niregard toHJgeti-i bWJiirtiOiicrdrn tiitibn in ;rerddh eluiclaf do w. inire2ad4..th'e abofctlrin? o'CotihtV ?i o'clock,' Senator. vMorelrfefuVi of Guilfordm-thehabr;: i ; ' tern N. C. Railroad and to provide for the completion of the same. Be- a it JHairis?Jl rc ' W.tiestion personal privilege amHom plained having been misrepresented by.: ibjsr Reporter of a cotemporary in a state ment made by him -during his re- niVfks'nn the resolution for 1 uie re- eTWJUHorf of 'AaaisijuklifiLKlibil inipos- cv vwo vmi-w .x.yj.w. invidious distinction made by the! Reporters iri eaking.of "lfn j-f " as moye4.s,o afjdo; and pi '"Epjlea, cof'as !?n6Vihg or ah&Yo.; Hf thought it time that sucH distinc: tibns sh6ulXvcease5 fl.They were iiot a nllmg 6f the eliaTipf the Xj Mtterbift he would Jeareitf to the to IportcrshcmseKes: Z" :" .mft bill tomeridthheTeaif r . . VV - mnl twiHeHivexehantibh act it d td lay, bill 0th with ihoC gWJ i r," f "t4lia. . . . .- , - - t w4j . --i w r .i? ! i i "rVriVkinllVrl'tUKv hf5 hiuaCesteadris' on!ce laid -5 off.yi U ; pball ji at. ibe f il isturbed v by rfirassessm en tl nv . vnrp ni vs Lt x. & The hill was .put upon us iniraj .wir wrilTftP! fR "RRP,RESRNiTATlVi X UESDAY, X eD. The Hoiise met" at tlie usual houn the Speaker Ih theTchnir. :) rV l d 'mt$ Bennett;L ffotrinhe 1 ispecial toiiiiiiitt'ee5 anndinted '! t6"conider me case. m xur, mcjsujx, wui , v.y f 1 ' ""'i '1 '.I jf. IT . TiOB THE .TOMJVIItT'EE rOUClJlX win'l Anderson's caSe : -n " The comniJtle,eappdint'ed by" this Kouse': iniW(iatrneathe matter 'jol We letter, written byJ S. Andcrnonr a member oX4JwH0H8e of . Represeb rttive, to' ivy Norwood, senator in ftiis GcnelraAssciably repoiTas f?l tyvtsi - rf "... H- ; ". The, committee : have examined Mt. AndCrsorTfn ihe' premised, and iiis evideneilosth er with r.thflt ' oi o'ther. mem hera,; of : th Hoiise i; ierew t h : ebbsi) rttld for nhefacYion : It will be seen by th e testi monv aiimt?th"Tltj.ir was slchedyM-lcwiabf Turn err at the instance of Mr. Anderson and ie-Wrif tert w-rpossibly 1 averr Mt;lAndersoii mriiiWriy ilexes of Senator Kbi5 he really, dicl not know that the con tract a l reap:y jpradei inl Jftaeren ce o tfve. pubJicLPrinting was protected b. theolpited States.- J ,ppckKiP: in n anxiety to serve mr. Turner in. th is case. Ii e h as exceed ed ' tht boundsrbontli(Ksrietfdnf abd put o it, m i a vMr. JBQ'son, of: Swain, a bill amerf Hartcr , of. the Western DrviuH . UveesiSrirriti'.CarfiP' OriEiotictodf -Mrv lenburffithftffllfiserir fsded the'fedoiutibmiBtWit seninc enfctTtiiA-xio; mem per shall speak Qrja';-vminnt8,l on : the- main questiowand S-fiTe" mriimateSfiin arspiy; foiled tolpasis. JC-1 j 4ciall drderr bei tfgjtllrr ibill' to gjnlnTtfesand afdcsti -; jyiessrs. vy aison anu xaorrisoa.aq-v.-c ited tlie-passage of the bill. - ..4;;; M'essrs., BoWrtfah Trivett. Marie r- andlkyaaOfAlleghanysiioX-eaajhst it ;At half pasttwoypBjpelc the HbrWe .'adjourned w itlj, t irA6te Jbe lhg-takeij The.oueionsaxnes up toffuslttsJwtOn Miidfffei'ianiend- mcnt which reads r Provided : that'f nothing hefeiri i cphtained shall ex loWbrdSiTaijyvrSeraoii sons guiW of deliberate and wilfal 64hr leley,X)r aity deliberaw and ;! wilful misenii&anor, - anything tp th .heroDtrarV iUhstaudWOPr fTKft bill firOvides- that where.-'tbe" &c, in the interest of. creditors ex eept-for fraud brrregularitv A-, ,.T,he bill passed', its aecond rdarding '.V 1 iiimseiKto-jSay ea&tf verSHaWkwafdnositioh. lliMJtt'f irtrt tTrt-1 -. hat'- iknvlTMi.nt . .. . - . . .A. :t ; tudgtoiwltiiiamuchyieriieiic aSimiienlritli the SffiSI ftaibmitti: 5 - Mekf'ruW&4Ut libthirfs 'irnP. contained - shall" eitend, nanlon . . r?--4i.--1 . i . " j indictments nave been found.: 7;.Ajourned.i 0( --ioung men.- .YAnnff mon . inn'fc &tnn) in fmn of houses jof iWbrship or Sunday evet frL; ii ii.;' :. ii. - i ' f houses:of uorsbir ori. Sunday eve-; TUII"i.- X 11K H.IlLllfiriLlf'H JI!lV..l.nfS- f mip I niiigSiTh authoritieMay-the iVme has come for them' tn' abate thin nan - liailarywoiaaucef and you. might get in to troirbl e: War know thprtr-n any Houiicr m'en . whd ofteni do Uhmgs .they are, Jieartijy ashamed of aiterjwara, ;, nevertheless rttberer are very few youn-raen who -do nct strive to maintain a : fairHTepOtation among their fallowmenbtjt cxingro ga'fTriih" front Of church'" doors ofi Sundy(enings jsridio'etfiij :';th'at $?nency tbiltaiera ypun; man s - reputationIf yottbave a oung lady-friend Whom- you, are -de- j omiuyui ceuunuiK'uuuie iruui UlUlJt- i n i . . " - 1 . ttr ih.r'o eh f ar or, injhojrt, accept anythind- rcn thaT-rent's if5elC7".tliRt",' 1:1 -111 v&fUjTM- acc9mpany ner to cnurcn, provi-iona xor uropo;-Crilaad pewjandmtentothe 8ermc3;7ncairithriutn .r.fclsbttirj'tsK- " ' . t -k 1 ln felacnt M;cc:?Qc:cntiy;i!ssertea i .iK'ua'i;.E . .i .-t j met t'.'TthrmiMl ficl-ht from thn -A-young-Boton girt-iautin We t ! '.5 . iKnliKS r4rerti-ftnfcfbr.rr-!v n-s--ri i ' rniA '.-f Mi Q. present Jii""-t"J --V-r i ' i44-. tw ...viHUlU llll r.t .ICSSt .a dozen5 ? has . Been educated m thQf ,t-st. riz'-, :r of V-3rS"-dtnr schooU-inithli coutryWtirc-e: c-S H lo l.hi'n;:;1 r home, but is determined: to became channel f-.l r,, iliL ? .n'N.rV l 1 tha x.r.rM . 1 i-tv"'V t,r: . ?r "--r l:';?mc-3 hou;?. ecrver.3 tin Tr.r.'-Tcnsirr.:.. pnt.pr n. p"hnrk ;c. . fe , o T-1 1"C11VC3 of i. ;r wor1:; . A ; " STATC NEWS. Tt rained, rnowid and hailed; in Rr ler.b. cn iday.- ; , Ik i I liH : A t .ummer died in AUrrhtjnwbfiE: Jay. ; - ; j - f Halifax coufltyh as liogs whikib, huntfoies. . " . -WflmirigtoiiIia4iad 'another fiVd and the local reportcrsjr arqd. ' Mr. Hickman lectures in Hick6f "TaTCrH IhU venuig-Vr- " ' PurinjCtaiiavk3iot a single case Cai2.:a ft HdiSidf: Ukleigh,.haa1 , nMichael Authurof,Craven:c6mity; -It cost' the State $Hto rase the JJl Sl'Uag-oit tlie-canifoIdfi-Wastilntr-f andx.thQ ropesv -j.:? . ; ino-o V Ung jQXfir iomisteps. wh kh ibad beerr piacea in ine miauie oitne .siaert 5 ,CaptvJW"iCdotc: Supenrttehfleniof. thMoiV uasfcow xvaiirou. iitu rcsisntxi iu do: jiipnh ;a,,;.viw .oentc'ringilhe. mercanuie juuainess.i.,,;: i . .nii ? i r i niijiuuiermra.toiiitftf!wjr say: "We learnaHftlfWdiffiedRf'eHiVred . - Mm ii ... V. .t m . m -. ' 'I at 'CoitfredMelififir last HSnfldaV; in aiabed i the vOtheoeeriouslyv:-and she -iaawlying bt.Clwrpdfntr?of death "at ther'of.the one stabedi canicrnrlrand effect WMixiot 'known aVtneWUtiie, but he has ainceibeentifbnnd tttead ' We areht'f'iw-rifeTI'-tltiime 'partleulara W ffitieitfttr,,klvall iifjf ihit tbeajbe; tcue copyi of the orijnnah , lliyliJrAS AS A Shihping . PoRTr-TSom e few years ince.whenBaltim(ro:Wjia1thQrrrcKt cen tral depot or; guano. i trade wi th PerdvianntidWther'gtianb' neldsthe was also thiicase! Jfith the half-dozen ve$lsithatgeiiejallrrh' th e ? fear with sisrtecl! gbeslrorn Liverpool vand tBreinert1 Inffacjt;the yeapjusfcp ta tVfjwe th e line of stcamsh i p to Liverpool art d Bremen -.-was :-establish el, was the of 4etahWgemeht bf th'e: BaTtTi ore- and Ohio Raiirpadjlinf stabfishing- the 1 wgo-IgtprjQi tliesteamanrps crromSfm.etiestartd tn4iuvficvi ooi.nro vine xemunerau v IiO,the4attcr4QttflCrft ,aijrj ien tSji had le:uecM of deveioprog : what m krh ibedon e 'itith Jtbe'propei kind, ofWearbrrsi :The late Albert Scfius ! mbner. than whom 'nb pnexiithe4 com m unttaHR&t q uiekerioll jscoyec whatwouldduce"loinhe' tfirdori!educitv4!ar6nceaW tha adyantageiofitearcbW i between -Baltimore and Europe, arid P!55p?A m angerffet totueBaltini ore anftDju o. Railmail.ConTP5nr ';the ' North, Gcr-,' man-jttYu , ucinwrirjDaiiimore - r i . i i : i t. . v. - -i- i . and lireEhva utAbi5hed. This entjernrise proyea ao ercat success lfat tfWfaoQriiollQel; theiesrf taunsiiing jh tne A.uan. line to- inven- ijo6Vhddw the trade. ha been in Sfm !m:Wm lilies tO liUrOI&refklTftIlVJ inanffil iVS-rf a'.-WfWSMrilMMW,! iCtftuppIy th :nipvjthQ departfcdtaV. aitd Bremen a large amount ot- frighV- Wailinff'8himnTCnt;'::::ThW'1AaVi't.; i tonfa age -W: so great that 4 a . com nfete reyoiaUorthas taken' placcB an, trade. 1 and now instead or vesselA T?1" Baltimore to eekfreight else- where, Atwut dne-thirdtof the' laHe frm a hsW rl11i -4: ; iJJj Jf wuv jto " iuau,.. 'A he very staple thAthiDailefLJ5kli: Hlwth in irtTrern pnrts imow brought here in such abundancethaW !f ,"-P.??1?cnce-to record ihe sailing bencAof a cdtton-loadeid uiiVwAnere ; are at tne pr t timc r rtl- hn.totrc-Jviolnr 1 fr f U--- tN de'jri w , w Jat i t',f -, d r'xb ncrden'hi tha month -V'f tho 1 river to t.ie T.harvc3 tbero wc"' 1 lr oeen appointeu - consul to - oanuago. and' will al-cebt: rk ri:rT . V Hickory Tavern has a-'engar mahu lactoryi and tb&Trtti ays-dbd' cam fmy. m-'Madrsofr; County'- last1 weefc arid the-utidertakerhad a'fob' j t i I i n N e wbern ' Ui ei othextiiidi L. bv :7i f al s ners. inye4agatiMVe5Hw lAfge fleet oTVelstif'fieavyIdm nafteVlar?aiett,.Uf re5 com nefe Jb Vdoith ip 'search. v orcesery aunpugii ur nccoani oi cresfedto rgogreat ntxfent that through freiprfrbirrthe; West v sUfs fieiietii to lead jom e ratWoienf lh cr.rrvinTf.p'Min no-cc-rcity-rf thol-,r-i-t c1- te"-iw IrL': ships 10....-:: Western cr-U Sir :;rri. producer thrt- c-.rr- rbe'.L- s TZ- 11. and cocstvis j icL.:ni l:nt!3. . . THERE will Jbe .a regular communica tion pfExcelsior Ixxlge No. 261. a & A. Jf .Vat 'Masonic' ilall this (TburSkvC veninff-atrTe,elock"3i.'.--i - : t Brethren- in good tandiiig;;frtTnr ifthii.f ULodxes- invited to attend.-J,!-'-- fiTier - ' Uy1 order W, M.; - C W-BRADSIIAW, Befiretary, tent' "TCTTZj . . A.?l&E,$i02. jttfcfibTe room,. gentlemen. - Apply-at once to iWiV PAHAltA WIUUMS, 'fQHARLOTTE .MARBLE WORKS. ii.rACiU.A iTTAySJjKQjreraoTed tut stock of Mxrhu i iM.tojny olcl intend ntut 4he jail, and il eitect Feb- i minis Mo. enlarein? tooas,' fl-ireipectfully rgk" for: the firm & AontintfarJotfiof the liberaaaswMt? h. vstQwedoanie. . The business will be:a. ned On hereafter in all its branches by p I A&S. McXincir.V -.i . "r - VA. v FvA.McNINCH V 'he qTftDE is published Qiiarterry 25 cfsl pys fbf the: year,- which is not half the twtlv.i Those -.who afterwards intl tuoney, lor the .amount of . iJne Dollar or p$re lor fcJeeos may also onler 25 ts. worth extra the price paid for the Guide. Thfes Ft$l1 5 limb 'is beautiful' ei vine 1 . v . L I a. w . . . o ptans lor iiiukiiuj rurai iiomes, uiniitr Table DccoraTioTtsV Window Gardens, j., aTiijfc-oPinfAiiiifion'4nvaluB.le the lover of fluwexs. 150 pases oiv fine tn Bo deceiyer. but -ifr conghs, .coltls, sore tlirjoafnftM. and "; broiicliial difficul- iXISfAqtC TABLETS. tVle'ijijti market, but tne'nTyeritifiQ preparaticm ,of ' Car bolic AwdibrXttrig disease' is then chem cally. combined .wUJIi . otijer ;wcll knywn remeAiesaa'iH thefje tabLets,' ,4p3i all par ties;are icntioied .ain.st' siriff, f ny other. in ilt case oHrri tatin. if 'tli e " ni ucous njenbranetnesejfiri sbouldte freely used, their cTetaisirig';'a Jtiesaifiish-ny ; BernM,Wever iielfct a eotd,it is easily turedfln7 its' Sneirneut, when' ' it becomes chroivc .theatre vis exceedingly , difficult, f use wells uarpohc Tablets as a speciiic. ?rice'T5rfijdir '-John Oi'iiellocc IS Piatt 8t.jle Agent fbr ttte United States. Send JUt Circular. : feb li- of ralnjxiiaetur die gusted with thp odors pf.Pttrarine Oils ftnd hyrlll:fiWi.JbkiaehTnefWa fnvked eil0e'-&'He"Oit' ' i.io JCelloTalloy Spindle OI10 U05 uaU&''6l?HrV' fiiv'-MlS: f ft OI P lAunequaled by ryl known-s rem edy... It wil tejidjeate, ejetripatefahd thbroughVde StroV 'all iamrttiS JsnhstiinfTii' In the pBlbod':aha-wiil'eSFectuafly dispel all predi- jvhihvii iu uijiiuus uvraugenieuj. - "Is therd !want of aclionsin your laver & 3r4een?iiUnless relieved the blood becomes ;ifurure by;dleterionstsecretions, produc- Feidtf, Pusturw, .Cnkei niter, i-impies,-o;c. ilae-yon4 a.DyBpcptic Stoiiich ? Un !esdip:estidti ii WoiiiiitlV aided the system ta debilitated with poverty of-.the Blood, prorlcal teadencyv general Weakness and .inetria. :lJ,i .ii jr"-;?Tt--,- m .' Haye you . weakness of: the , Intestines ? You. are itianset of Cbrbiiic JMarrhoae or Inflaniatioh of the Bowbls: .. ' ."; Haye yojlf weakncss of the" trthrine : or Urinary 0rga(ns? rYotr 5 are exposed to Buffering in! its most aggravated form Arfe yn", dejected, .drtwesy, jdull, sluggish or tlepressetijvdn spirits, W'th headache, coated tongue and' bad tasting ruouth? . ur cereun remeuy ror all or tnese u- g eases; weaknessea andTtTOabletf'-fbr clean- E king and purifying the vitiated blood and i imparting .rigarto all ftbe vital' forces ; for bwlding up rnd restoring ? thei weakened comtUntion USET5 il - H .10 :. I "Whichi istprbn'Ounbed by the'leadiginedi cal authoritica:of London amd Faa!s most powerful tonic and alterative known to tlie ipedicalt.:orld.Il ;This is.;no arid untried discovery lias beeii long, used by the leading- physicians of other .cdun tncs With tvondaful remedial results. ' " ' ' - Don't weaken ana immir th ii?e8tlt (organs-by-eathartieyTirrd physics they giTe I P TOPorary reUef-rlndigestion .flatu- lencvaud.dyvnpnK?.i ,wfth "kind- r rrfl r1fejr'a .lit ! a.- uu.Kn join? Q:KEL;L0d0i", Piatt St:sKew -York' Sole 'Agent for the United --Stiiia.M ..-' jh?;v fPr;c3-.Cn-Dollar per; BotUeJ Send &r v-uiT. . i. ....... t rh fw-4ir con on - ii an u ; luchinon tv, ice a week by' ' received ,jr;Go to TSECSOX'S for Good: JJaJ- vuriv. ao-pstrersnip, TOtftKO fliary;tb,l$73 witU WrSyl Xiflctir with" the view' of tinted nape5 m -Oft ngrayjngs and a uperbXIotoreaTrat anil Clirornd 'Cover. The"rtrtrSt!lftioii-;bf;00T)-JttsV printed in English aid German," '. ".. k " "-.43 vrck, . feb Jw ' . ' fcIldchester. X Y. . "I. ..r 7'..-'T"r'""!iiwii iiilij'"!'! niimw.nip i ,T;.II Ir-ntainCibbaSeJust Eeceiy- Ii.'il.D: f : : "imd 'Butter --.'i -j w WW i . v i If 3" rams. .r '-j " .

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